Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1901)
r The Northwestern " • .. jag-."rr; ■ zvmrv. i--r—rrr- •■.: •.'.-.g PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. GKO, R. HKNSOHOTK.K, I Editor* »nd ORO. II. UIBgON, | Publisher* TERMS:—$1.00 PEW FRAU. IF PAID IS ADVA ICE Enter** at tbe Loup City Postofflcc lor trans tuiasion through the mail** a* second •bin* matter. HAVH WE IIEKN BI NCOEO AGAIN Tbe recent decision in the case cl the National Life Insurance Co., vs Loup City township, is calculated to arouse suspicion in the minds of the average taxpayer as to whither there ever was anv merit in our case or whither it was a petite presentment of distorted facts for tlia collection of a fee. Very suddenly after the sale of the bonds in guest, it was announced tlial the B. iV M. railroad company had concluded to take ad vantage of a real or imaginary technicality that existed to defeat the collection of the taxes with which to pay those coupons, or at least the part which was assessed against said company, and by the V representations of Mr. Kelby, a re cognized B. & M. attorney, a d our local attorney Mr. II. M. Mathew, the township board called a meeting of tbe citizens, at. which time the ease as laid down by the aforsaid attorneys, was order- d to be defend- j cd ami the said attorneys were em ployed ut :i stipulated price of J?i.r»0 for each term of court in which they were engaged on the case. At the second presentation of tea case in court the township was defeated and the coupons sued upon went tnjmlg ment. Now hi: are informed by ttie local attorney that the township still has a good defense us the coun ty should have been sued instead of tbs township, as the county officers were the parties who issued the bonds consequently must be tke parties sued. The question arises, what benefit it would bo to us to go into court. If we did get a decision to the etiect that the county aud not ihe township were the proper parties to have been sued, and after we have paid our money to establish the fact, the county is sued and judgment rendered against it, which is bound to be the case, then the supervisors very praperly*levy a tax against the township to pay the bill. We have ^ paid our m*t>ey to establish a tech nical point of law, the attorneys are very glad to have a decision on that particular point and we, poor fools, have footed the bill. The debt is as honest oue, it we have teceived very little benefit from it, and Sherman county should not pav it, and from our point of view we don’t think that any more attorneys ribs should be fattened to find out that we have got to pay it, for that is a forgone conclusion. If our deductions are eroneous our columns are open for correction and at th* disposal ol those who are better informed. Some of the leaders of the Fttsion ist wing of the populist party declare that if harmony cannot be had be tween the populist and democratic party, that Bryan will be forced to gel up, ard support a new reform movement. This little speech is only calculated to pave the way in getting up a new issue to enable Bryan to get upon the stump again and talk to the multitudes whi.e his hired man takes in the gate receipts. Another new issue will make Bryan a millionaire. It has been iatelv proven that Tubal Cain was not the lirsl black smith. The University of Pennsjl vania have found, in their research es near Nmev&h, a full fledged smithy which they claim existed 4,750 years before old Tubal ham mered iron. They also found many day tablets with inscriptions there on which showed that the smithy s name was llamjau._ The pop leaders are rapidly be coming plutocrats. Bryan has at last become one of the wealthiest men in Nebraska. Pettigrew of South Dakota has recently raked in $-25,090 on land deals and several times that amount in deals in \\ all streetduring the recent railway storks l> >om. To woe lute of Minnesota, has gone to New York to join a Texas oil octopus and will no doubt soon be wealthy. They kick on wealth of } other people, but are very glad to p le it up themselves, such is life politics.—Sterling Sun. \V 11K N TO i TIT AITAl.f A Tile following bulletin, issued re cently from the experiment station j of the Kansas Farm 1'epartraent, at Manhattan, will prove of interest to all growers of alfalfa in this part of the state. It reads as follows: Alfalfa stisuld lie cut when not more than one-tenth of tlie plants have come in bloom. Cut at this early stage, the yield of hay for the season will be much greater than if t-hft alfalfa is cut near maturity, and every pound «f hay secured will be worth more for fead. At the Kansas Experiment Station a strip through a Held <d‘ alfalfa was cut wbsu one tenth wa* in bloom, another strip was cut after full bloom had pas sed. The strip cut early was nearly ready to cut the second time when that cut after full bloom was being harvested the iir«L time. The strip cut eatly grew vigorously through the season and made three ciilt'Bgs and a good aftermath. The strip cut after full bloom gave a low yield the lirst cutting and did not grow sutlicientlv to yield a good sec ond cutting. Early cuttings seem to invigorate the plant. The late cutting of the first crop set ms to injure the plant more than at any other time, usd we have found it profitable to cut alfalfa the first time as soon us one-tenth was iu bloom, et. n though the weather was bad and we knew itie crop would spoil in curing. The increased yield from succeeding autfings over that cut late much more than makes up for tho loss of the first crop. Successful clover growers, the first time they try alfalfa, often ruin the stand, so tkut it lias 'O be plowed up, by waitiug to cut until it reach's the stage at which clover is usually cut. The great value of alfalfa is tin large amount of protein it contains, that material in fe.yi that is absolute ly necessary for the formation of blood, lean meat and milk. The higher the protein in alfalfa, the more valuable the crop. The Chemi cal Department of this Station found the effect of cutting alfalfa at differ eut stages, as follows: Protein One tenth in bloom ; - 5 i>er ceni One half in bloom . It.I “ In full bloom.. . Ill" The Colorado Ksperimci.' State n found the effect of cutting alfalfa as follows: Protein Coming in bloom is.5 per cent Half in bloom .14.6 • In full bloom_ . . . 12.9 “ The Utah Experiment Station for live years cut alfalfa at different stages of maturity and fed Hie crop in producing beef. The average pro duction per year per acre was as follows: Hay Heef tons pounds 111 Mrst bloom. 5.35 706 In full bloom.. 4.80 502 Half blooms fallen. 4.55 190 | These experiments made in three status-Kansas, Colorado and Utah - prove that alfalfa cut in the fir*t bloom will give the greatest yield and feeding value. The leaves of alfalfa costaios more than three times as much protein as the steins, a ton of alfalfa leaves containing as much protein as 2800 pounds of br. u, Even care should be taken in fin ing alfaifa to save the hay. — Daw sor. County Pioneer. A surgical operation is not i ec s»ai v to cure piles DaWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve suves all that expense and nertr fail*. Beware of eonntcn* its. Od*>n dahl Bros. T1MF, TABLK. LOUP CITY, N EBB. , Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. .Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, hi id all points and all points East and South. West. TKAlftS LKAVK AS FOLLOWS! GOING KAST No. 52 Passunger. s;05a. m >-o 60 freight.T2.fi0p.wi GOING WEST No. "il Passenger. 1 32 p. m. No. 59 Freight.12: on in. Sleeping, dinner and reclining clmir cht* (seals free) 011 through trams. Tickeia sold and baggage checked to any point In 1 be Umted States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables am) Hckt-is call on or write to It I. Arihut Agent. Or J. FKANGls, Gen'I. Tastenger Agent, Omaha, Neb 'asku. C. 1“. KAILWAY. Nn. s8 leaves daily except Sunday (past engen. s .mi a. ni. No as leaves Monday. Wedlay and Fi Iday, (mixed) 1 0 p 111. No Pavo.s I'tiosdnv, Thursday and SHiurdny, 'uixedl 2 55 p in No s. m i ivia Ully , xeept SnmlHv (mixed la 1 p. n.. N. -5 arrives daily except Sun lay ipsss eii-'cr) 7.35 p in. t Irsl class service and close eouumiuni euMi, west and south W. O. CLIFTON, run a si miwkr orrixti. The Rocky Mountain regions i f Colorado reached best via the Union Pacific provide lavishly for the health of the tourist. Amid those rugged sleeps are to be found some of the j most charming and rustful spots on earth. Fairy lasts nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate that cheers and exhilarates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put in tfleet by the Union Pacific eo ; aide you to reach these favored lo 1 ealiths without unnecessary expeu i ditureof time or money. ONE FARE THE ROUND TRIP plus S’ from Missouri River, in effect June Pih to :10th; .Inly 10th to August :Ust inclusive. The I uion Pacific will also sell tickets on July 1st to nth inclusive, Soptember 1st to loth inclusive, at fl'«. 00 for the round trip from Mis sour 1 River points. Return limit October .'11. 1001. Proportionately low rates troui in terne diate points Full information cliemfullv f%i n'sbcd upon application. I! J. Ci.u roN, Agent. (Jiitiecesumrj of Tmif Mr. W. S. Whedon. Cashier of the First National Bank of W Interact, Iowa, in a recent letter give* some axporienee •vjth a carpenter in his employ, ibnt w ill be i f value t > other mechanics lie says; I bud u carpenter working for me who was oblije.i to stop work for -ever d days on account of bring troubl ed w ith diarrhoea 1 mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and toai Chamberlain's Colic, < holerv and Iliarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He bought 11 bottle <n it from the druggist here and informed me that nos dose cun i him, and In* is agaia at hi- work■" 1-' >1 ssle bv Oiiengahl ti#a seven \«nrslnl5i<l ‘•Will wonders . ver cease?" intpiire j ilit* friends of All*. T. IVhsc, of Lva rencc, Ivan. They knew she had been huh de to leave lu-r bed i:i seven year* .11 aero int of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration tiud general d.bili n : but, "Three bottles of Electric Bit leis enabled ine to vvn k," she write, •‘and in three months I fell like a new person." Women suffering from Head ache, Backache, Nervousness. Sleepless ness, Meloncboly, Faint ins and Dizzy Sptlbuiiil tlml it a priceless blessing. Try it. Sat isf.vatlon is guaranteed. Only 50c. Odendabl Bros. .tuf.jLieii 1v« Stm^k Kaiser H»w to Cure Scours in Ca ve Wm. Abbot, of Tyndall, S. i>.. tpiite an < xteii-i\« stock reiser, lias for a num ber of years used Chamberlain's Colic, < hole!a and Diarrhoea Remedy for scours In calves and says be lias never known it to fail. He give* a teaspoon lul in water :is directed on the bottle for an adult, man after each operation < f l lie bowels route than natural. Usually one dose issullicicht. Forsaleby Oden dahl Bros. A Terrible Ex|il*«|Ou. “Of a gasolene stove burned a lady here frightfully,'' AA iites X E, Palmer, of Klrkwaii. Ia. "The ba*t_ doctor* couldn't In-al the running sore that fol lovu d. but Buekleti's Arnica Salve an tirely cured her." Infallible for cuts, Corns, Sores, Iioiles. Bruises, Skin Dis eases and Files. 25c at Odandahl Bros NOTICE OK SALE. In 1 lie matter of the estate of George W Mizner deceased, Notice is hereby given that in persuaace of an order of Hon. Hoiner M, Sullivan, Judge of the District court of Sherman County Nebraska, made on the 2Tth day of May 1901, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold rtt the South door of the court house in Loup City, siicrniaii County Nebraska, on the 9 li day of July, 1901 at 3 o'clock p, m. of said day at public vendue to t he highest bidder in hand, subject to all liens and , incumbrances (including unpaid taxes! thereon,) existing a; the tune of the deaih , of said deccus si, the following described real eslarc u>.wit Tim South West quar ter ot Sect ion tlilrti' (ii'iln Township Six 11sin ire N.rlli of llange Killeen (15) wvsl •f ikci'.th principal meridian -ltuated in Bkermau county Nebraska Su.i<l sale wiI* lemaln open one hour. Maiiion M Miznku, Administrator of the estate or George W Mizner, deceased Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROVAl BAmwn ROW»ER CO., NEW YORK. Dont Be Fooledi Take tlie gemiise,.orlginal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co.. .Madison, WIs. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no -substi* «Keiir#*.Ttoi.» tute. Ask yuur druggist. GALL AND SEE THE ! i f i FOR LISTED CORN. Fjf ‘‘ 1 AND HAY RAKES HARDWARE and FURNITURE. I am prepared to make hydraulic or casing wells. T- ^Vt. PEED Loup City, Neb. I II!. IlOMt: WOI l> I'llHK An IngPiiloiiM Ti «»«? m«:it liy which DruiikiulH arfi H«ing t'urfld I>uUy in Split* nl IheniitpIfRH, __ No Nuxi n* Doses. No Wnnksnlng of Hi# Nerves \ pleasant amt Positive Cure for ills Liiinsr Habit. It is non generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weak- j nesC A i.-aly tilled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant ; use of intoxicating liquors, requires an anti-' dote capable of neutralising and eradicating this poison arid destroying the craving for in toxicant Sutfetvrs iiisy now mro t ..■ ■ 11-• . ves ut Lome without publicity or loss of time front business by this wonderful "HOME OOl.U (Till.' which has been perfected aftci many ycai of close study urn! trealtuciit of mediate , The taiihful Use according to directions of this won 1. rful discovery la pos itively „ antnsd to curs the most obstinate • case tn •vi ittcr how hard s drinker our re cords d: w. the marvelous Irunxfartmitlon of thousnie • >f Drunkard - into sober in,Pi-trio • and upright wen. WIVESt ERE YOUR HUSBANDS" Pllll DKEN C III YOUR FATHERS" This rem oily is in no sense a nostrum lint is a specific for this disease only, and - so skillfully de vised and prepared that It is thoroughly solu ble an i p easant to tie tain .o at t can he given in a cun of t&a or c dice without the knowledge of Ute pers.,n taking it Thouaanda of Drunkards have eared themselves with this priceless reiuctl. and as many ■lore have hssn cured »ml made temperate men by bavins the "CURE" administered by loving friends ana relatives without thalr knowledge in endec or tea and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not he deluded by apparent and misleading improvement." Drive out the fti .ease at once usd for ail time. The "HOME (.«» .UCTRK is sold at the extreim iy low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of ' voryhady a treatmi :it more eReetual than ethi i s costing S'.M to $50 Full illrscttm ar comiaanylng each paekagi . Special advice by skilled pbysitiians when requested without ex tra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the wot l on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. At! EDWIN H HIDES 4 COMPAR Y. S Tu and ,3'fc: Market Street. Philadelphia, Pa All correspondence strictly couBdential ", ir> V. xiited —Capable, reliable pers.m in every county to represent large company of solit tinnn.-tat reputation. 1036salary per year, pay able weekly; f3 per day absolutely suru and all t \pcn*e«. straight. bona tide, definite sal ary, no commission salary paid earli Satur day and expense money advanced eaeti week HTANDAHII HOUaK Sr I IlKAHHOKM STHEET cull AGO. Sold by T. II KhS.NFK, I oupCify, Neb WANTKIV rut *T won rut siem AND w - men to travel and advertise for oid eel»b fished house ot solid financial standing. Salary ;78ii n year and expenses, all paya ble In cash. Mo canvassing required, t.ive reference and cm lose self addressed stamped enveloped. Address Manager, 355 caxlott lildg., Chicago. j D • what you eai. Its rpjfic .. ; digest *! he food and flick) Nat’,re i >■> -igthening and rueon gfcructlng die exhausted digestive or gans I< ir. t-lie latest discovereddigent* ant and tonic No othei preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieve-' and permanently cures Dyspepsia, JndiyestiMi. Heart bum, Flatulence, hour ■stomach. Nausea, Sick Headache,(JaMralgia,Crampsand all ot her results of lmperfectdigestian. Prepared by E C DeWItt ft Co.. Cbloaa* For sul» by ODKMDAHL DKO x *‘uv»mITm<» From I* ani "Our little daughter hnd an almost fa tal attack of whoopiug cough and bron chitis," writ«S Mrs T, U. i.:. if Artncnk, N. Y. "but. wh<m ail other remidies failed, wo *nved her life \ ith Dr, King's N'i'w Discover) . Our niece who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also list’ll ibis .von 'e: fill mcdlcino and to-dac she is pert 'ctly well ’ Des perate throat and lung ilk. ases \ aid to Di King's New Diacovi rv a• to aoother mediciue mi earth. Infallible fm coughs and cold- f>Oc and si 00 Koch guar antiM'd by O tendalil R o» !‘ital bot tles fr*«. Gnaranteefl $900 Salary v karly. Moo ami Women of good adrtress ut rep resent us, so mo to trsto! appointing agests, oilier* tor local work looking after our Interests. #*bi» salary guaraulood yearly , ovTiaconmii ■ i s and '‘ipenne*. rapid ad vancement. id established bouse ores* iii . rmen or women to seonre plrnsanl permanent positions, liberal lu i i an soil future New bi ll I lent Haas tv rite at once 8TA*10RD PRKHS. ifS (herrb St.. New listen aene. AGENT FOR THE St- Paul Fire & Marine Insurance COMPANY, THE ONLY RELIABLE HAIL INSURANCE COMPANY I 1ST THE STATE and the onl\ one that pays its !< ~ses in all If he does not call on you write him at Loup City, Neb. PROMPT ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. _ ... _ - - - i i ir — — ii i ~ i - - — T~T --- A. P. CULLEY, A. P, CDULflY. President. <)aabl«r. ST BANK Of LOUP CITY. Genera! Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capita! Stock $20,000. COAftfAPONDEmi: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. We are Headquafteps for WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES » w o have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. <),.e charges are reasonable our prices are right. We have added a feed griider te our business and are prepared to do custom work or furnish j ground feed at reasonable rates. WE REPAIR HINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER v