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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1901)
The Northwestern FUBLISHBD EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY WAT. *»KO. K. BKSSGHOTER, ( Kdllorn and UKO. B. GIBSON, ( FuMlahers TRttMS:—fl.00 pkk tear, iip paid in advance ■ a Mr ad al the I.oup City Pontoltlce (or trails naidilon Mroank »hi- mails aa second *,%m matter. COURT 1MSTKUCTS A VKKU1CT Plalallir Wins In Insurance suit Agulatt Laup City Township la the suit of the National Life li surance company of Veraiont against Loup City township, Sherman coun ty lo recover interest on bonds is sued to the Sherman County Irriga tion and Power company. jury in Judge .McPherson's court rendered a verdict in favor of plaintiff upon in structions to do so from the court. The amount of tlie verdict was £1. 441, being the amonat of interest due on the coupons that have ma tured. This ia one af the instances in which the officials of the township ^ were too confiding. The township voted bonds in the aum of £10,0110 ii aid of an irrigation company, and without waiting for the completion •f conatructiwa, the oflcials of the township delivered the bonds to the com puny and they were sold. Then after constructing about two miles of the ditch the company abandon ed the work, which was never com pleted. The bonds, however, had been sold to irnocent purchasers.— Omaha Bee. iho above clipping horn tbe »ea, is self explanatory as far as tbe trial is concerned, but in regard to tbe ditch Doing built but two miles is a mistake. The ditch was fiuished nearly thirteen miles or from Arca dia to Loup City, but was never completed as it was arranged to De, as the agreement was to extend it ‘some twelve miles below Loup City. For all the benefit it has been to the township it might just as well stop ped before it was commenced, as the way it has been manipulated, since its completion there lias been no water in it only when it raiued since the second year after. The railroad company was the party who cauaad the estoppel of the collecting of the taxes to liquidate the present accu '' mulation of iaterest, and now since the suit has gone against us we caa go to work at once and levy a tax aullicient to tuke care of this our crowning piece of follv. It is worse than pacing for the proverbial dead horse, and we immngine the next party or parties who asks for bonds in Loup City township had belter speak for a harp beforehand. Our people have been gulled to the limit of endurance and the ghost of mis placed confidence gtins at us from aeveral corners, and from frequent appearances the stable is not secu rely bolted yet. The ditch is a good one aa far as it was built and iu tie hands »f pr«p«r partita could be made to pay. It would be a graai benefit to the community if in opera tion but is going to wrack and ruin for want of proper handling. The northern hills in South Dako ta in the vicinity of Lead and Dead wood were treated to a heavy June snow storm this year. The South African war is still drawing out its weary and bloody length with little prospects of an early termination. The Boers have taken on renewed activity oflateard are carrying a relentless war into Capo Colony. If such conditions can he maintained by the Boers much longer the British will he com pelled to sue for peace. “The initial letter ‘J’ ” says the Philadelphia Record figured prom inently in the recent great finan cial game in Wall street. In former limes of storm and stress J. Gould and J. Fisk were constantly before tho speculative public Now we »av# J. Tierpoat Morgan, J R. Keene, J. Still as*. J.SchifT, J. U. Muere, r Hill J. w. Gates, J. hoeb, and George J. Gould—to say nothing of ihe numerous jays who bought and ►old on small margins in a feverish market and lost tbeir money in the twinkling of an eye. "—Star* Journal. The situation in Cuba seems to be approaching a vcrj critical poiul wherein *ei ions trouble is liable to ensue. The black population, the j dominant pait of tlie natives, do not i seein to realize the great sacrifice t the U. S. has made foi them, an i in stead of showing a spirit mt thank fulness, appear as arbitrary as they were with Spam. That tha United j Slates must safe guard herself against crnbroglios which these peo ple w#uld bs vary liable to get them salvaa and this •out]try into with , foreign nations there can benoqnes i tion, and the Platte amendment j goes no farther than justice and i right demands. The president asked j congress to lay dovn a plan for him : to work by and the Platt amend ment was the result. Therefore the j demands of congress wiil be lived ' up to to tlic letter. — LETTER KltOM THE NAVY Sau Francisco, June X, 1901. Dear Father, I thought a letter describing our present stopping place might he interesting to the people ul home hence write you a shcrt one. Our main building is about 250 feet long and loO feet wide, the mess hall is some 30x70 and seats about 400 boys at one time. All the offl eers room in this building which are Csptaius, liieulenauts, Chaplain, and officers of the day, which are always lieutenants. The building is two stories, the upper story being the sleeping department. We sleep in hammocks swung on hooks about 7 feet high. At 8:30 the bugle sounds and we line up, march to the b >xes w here our hammocks are kept • ake them out and hang them up and roll in and go to sleep. At six in tlie morning the bugle again sounds which rneaus get up and lush up our hammocks and put them away before we dross After we dress we go to the bathing room which is about forty feet square and contains some sixty spray sprinklers which we stand tit der to bathe. After we bathe we go to breakfast and are allowed twentj minutes to eat. We get fruit three times a week. After breakfast there comes a call for Working quar ters ami we each Lav* a certain place to work. After our work is done we change putting on clean clothes for inspection. After inspection we have drills, different drills on differ ent days, consisting of infantry, small arms, topsail, tire drill bag and hammock, inspection, school, study of guns, signal, wig wagging, salutes, compass, lulling sail, boat rowii g and lead line throwing. There is a canteen in this building and we are allowed to draw, if we are first class #1.50 per month, if seceud class #1.00 if third class 50 cents and if fourth class nothing. We draw sop p and everything we Beed up to t' e amouut we are allowed. The cook ing room is about 30x50 and all the cooking is done there. We also have a tailor shop in which our sew i* iloie, a printing office in which the naval paper is printed, a library for apprentices and landsmen, a b.-g loom in which we keep our clotbis in heavy canvass bags. Our hall is about 60x250 and is lit with elec tricity. There are fiva big guns in this hall, one of recent make and four of the pattern of ’7s. The Is laud is beautiful, is about dull feet above sea level and some lu rnilea from the oeeau. It contains about 1750 acres of land ou which are the barracks, hospital, stables, officers houses, light house, one toiped* warf and two common landing warfa, and an engine house. The Peusaec* la lays at the waif and we do most of our drilling ou her. I will close this long letter and write again — i Yours as ever. ('HAS. E. GlHiON, IJ. S. T. ti. iTusutbia. Thr mutinied ill Korea. Progs iii Korea do not hop or Jump. They walk like well ordered animals, quietly placing one foot after another | until they arrive at the end of their I Journey. It is an amusing sight to one who has always scon ths frog *f Amer i lea Jump.—ItaMimore Sun. At the batUs of Hastings*. U I the weapons bel»g awards and battle n.ves. 500 fell, fatally wounded, out of every 1.000 soldiers. Fully two-thirds of a woman’s trou Ides result from reasoning with liei j heart Instead of hot- head. t'hi<ag< I NtW tlnoeri'iftry I.oii of Tim Mr. W. 8. Whedon, ('ashler of the i First National Bank of \Vluter«*t, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, i hat w ill be < f value to other mechanics Ho says: • I had a carpenter working for uiewhowas oblljed to stop work for several days on account of bring troubl ed with diarrhoea 1 mentioned to him that I Usd b T8 similarly troubled aud that Cbauibsrlalu’s Colic, ( holnv and Diarrhoea Heniedy liad cured me. He bought a bottle of if from the druggist here and inform* I me that or.* dose cured him, and lie is a at his w*rk." For s i|e bt O.unhahl §.--»« Seven Years In Beil “Will wonders ever ceaseY' inquire the friends of Mis. L Prase, of Law* r nee, K ir.. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on ac< o mt of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general deblli t\: bur, “Three bottles of Electric Bit ters enabled me to wa k," she write, “and in three months I felt like a now person." Women sutt'eriug from llead ache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Meloueholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spi lbjivill find it a priceless blessing Try it. 8a: i-Tiotlon is guaranteed Only 50c Odendahl Bros. IT! MAN OUlllSAUV M.KKI'I NO CAB* FOR TUlKhTS. are the most comfortable, commodious means of travel lor large parties interni ng trttUis, lminescekers, and liuntiug parties. These cars run cm th« L’uioii Pacific dally from Nebraska an I Kansas points to California and Oregon points, and «ro fitted up complete with mattresses, curtains, blankets, pillows, etc., requir ing inching to lie furnished by tbe passengers. Uniformed porters in charge of the cars, are required to keep tiicra in good order, and look after the wauls and comforts of all passenger* The cars are new, of modern pattern, and are almost ns convenient and com fortable ns first-class Palace hJeepers. Excursion retes every Tuesday. For full information call on or address II .1 C1.1 Ft on. Agent. Aii Extensive stock Kalsrr 1 Alls Hew to Cure Scours in Calve. Win. Abbot, of Tyndall, S. 1).. quite an extensive stock raiser, has fora num ber of years used Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for scours in calves ami says he has never known it to fail, lie gives a teaspoon tnl in water as dineted on the bottle for an adult tnsn after each operation of the bowels more than natural. Usually one dose is sufficient. Forsulo by Oden dahl Bros. A Terrible I£vpl««|Ou. ‘‘Of a gasolene stove burned a lady here frightfully,” writes X E Palmer, of KirRman. la. “The b“*t doctors couldn’t heal the running sore that fel Inwcd, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve en tirely cured her." Infallible for cmis, Corns, 8ores, Boiles, Bruises, Skia Dis eases and Piles, tine at Odendabl Bros NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter of the estate of Ueorgn W Mizner deceased. Notice Ib hereby given that lx pereuaace ofan order of Hon. llomer hi. Sullivan, Judge of the District court ot Sherman County Nebraska, made on the UTtb day of May UHH, lor the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will lie sold at the South door of the court house In Loup City, Sherman County Nebraska, on the 9th day of July, 1901 at i o'clock p, in. of said day at public veudae to the highest bidder foreash In lmud, subject to all liens and incumbrances (including unpaid taxes : l hereon,) existing at the time of the death of said deceased, Uie following described real estate to. wit: The South West quar ter of Section thirty (flu) in Township Six tM«B (18) Nerlli of Range Fifice* (15) west •fihetith principal meridian situated In Ihartnaa county Nebraska. Said sate w il’ remain open one hour Marion M Mizstit. Administrator of ilm estate or Ueorge \V, deceased. BIENNIAL MEETING, General Svnod Evangelical V O Lutheran Church. Dos Moines. Ia , May 2D-June 10, Mini. For the above meeting Thk union pacific ha* made the Very low Rate of One Fare «> # ami One-third ! on certificate plan, from Denver, j Cheyenne anti all point* cast thereof. H. J. Cliftok, A<j«ot*. RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread wore healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum biking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. CALL £PD SEE THE ! Ill 5II : tllLTI FOR LISTED CORN. F; liim fil ills, i ' j is, AND HAY RAKES. HARDWARE and FURNITURE. I am prepared to make hydraulic or eating wells. T- M- PEED Loup City, Neb. _ Til K HOMK COLO ( (IKK An iiigemo.i* I'i natnia' by which lirtinkargs hi * Being Cured Daily In Spite *f Tlieuis*lv*s, No Noxious Doses No Weakening of til* Nerves. A pleasant anil Positive Cure for the l.iquar llabit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weak ness A body lilled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an anti dote callable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destroying the craving fur in toxicants. Sufferers may now enre thuniseU ves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME OOI.D CUBE” which lias been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to direction, of this wonderful discovery is pos itively .'tinrantcad to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how bard a drinker Our re coni* .how the marvelous transfmoinUon of thousand, of Drunkards into sober. Industrious and upright men. WIVES CORE YOUR HUSBANDS : CHIL DREN CURE YOUU FATHERS :' This rein edy is in n* sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully de vised and prepared that it is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been eurg'd ami made temperate men by having the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coflee or ten, aad believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT IVAIT. Do not tic deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement." Drive out the disease at once aid for all time. The HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing wiikiu reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $.‘.’9 to $50. Full directions ae companying each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without ex tra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept AAA5, EDWIN B. GILES A COMPARY. *d:to and '.’312 Market Street. Philadelphia, Pa. All correspondence striwtly confidential 3 15 Wanted.—Capable, reliable person In every ' county to represent large company of soli< : financial reputation: 10.10 salary pur year, pay : able weekly: 13 per day absolutely sor* and i all ex (lenses, straight, bona tide, definite sal ary no commission salary paid each Satur day and expense money advanced each week STAN DAK D HOUSE. Mi IlkAKBOKN StKIlT CHICAGO. ^Br Sol.) b) T. II EIjSMKIt, I oupCify, Neb WANTED.—TEUITWoKTHY MEN ASI> wo. men to travel and advertise for old estab lished lioase of solid financial standi*# Salary i,T8.t a year and espouses, all pay* ble tn cash. No caevasste* required, (jive reference aud enclose self addressed stamped enveloped. Address Manager, 355 caztou Uldg., cliicd#° K dal Dyspepsia Curt D-(jc*s1 i what you eat. ductti the food Mid #14# Nat*.re it) si'<»g then inf ta<l ret mi j sfcrmctlng „h* exhausted difsilfvd «r |aw Ilia the latest diec«ve!«4 difdrt. , ant aad tonic. JTo other preparatl** I can approach It tn efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently enraa Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hearlbnr*, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nouaaa. Sick Headache,Oaat ralifiii.Crampsand all other results of Irn perfect digest**. Prepared by E C DeWllt d Co.. CbH — For sate nr od*mdaul d*o . i S»t«(l Two Kroni Heath “Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis,” write* Mrs. Tt k llaviland, of Armonk, N Y. “but when all other remidies failed, we saved her life with Dr, King’s New Discovery. Our niece wiio had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this woudeiful medicine ami to-day she is perfectly Well." Des perate throat and lungdisrasts yield to Dr King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. Stic and 91 00 bottles guar anteed by Odendubl li os. Trial bot tles free. Guaranteed $900 Salary yearly. Men and women of good address to rep resent ns, some to travel appointing ageats, oilier* lor local work looking after our Interests. *900 salary guaranteed yearly ; extra commissions and expenses, rapid ad vancement, old established bouse, oread chance for earnest men or women to aecare plcneunt pei man cm positions, liberal la come and future. New brill lent llaes Write at once STAFFORD PRESS, 113 Cherrh St., Hew Haven oeus F. E. BREWER, AGENT FOR THE St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance COMPANY, THE ONLY RELIABLE HAIL INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE STATE ami the only one that pays it3 losses in lull. If he does not call on you write him at Loup City, Neb. PROMPT ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. A. r. GULLET, *. W. GULLIT, FIRST BANK or LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinestTransacUd. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CMKWINMRfl: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha Natlanal Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. •We aye Headquarters fof WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES* FIXTURES We have every appliance for making firatclaaa Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are returnable our prices are right. We hare added a feed grinder to our business and arc prepared to do custom work or furnish ground feed at reasonable rales. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HOltSF POWERS AND GUAAAA TfiE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER I • » *