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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1901)
Uoaal 17®ws. Car! ile la Motta of Hazard township was In the city Monday. Charley Grow cam* over from Mason City the first part of the week. For first c^ss ice leave vour orders with James W. Conger. Mrs. A. E. Charlton and twa daught era. of Ord were visiting frion la here Fit lay. Heavy Draft Stallion will stand at the Round Front Barn duriug the season • f 1601. api2fi—■ o •. J, T. lisle has 'till got those stal i >r.s and jacks which are the finest in the land. Go and see the*. Special low rate on Cabinet I’ho tograpba only $1.00 per doz., at Lechinsky s studio. Mr. and Mrs A. T. Conger will leave for Walnut, Iowa, Monday where they expect to locate for the present. Lcup City was thronged with people Monday, some to attend the meeting of thecouuty duds and others to listen to the Wheeler case. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. Oden dahl Bros. J. W. Wilson, of Nebraska City was a pleasant caller at this office Monday. He made us a visit last winter on his re turn from the Sand Hills He is now going back. Paul Ueisner, ct Hazard towashio made Loup City a friendly visit Mon day. Paul still comes up smiling and aeets his old friends with a hearty hand shake. Quite a little feeling has been worked up in the vicinity of Verdurette oyer the charivari of last week. Better drop it and comeoce again and all be good friends. Leca shake. Imitators have been many. Thought full people have learned that true merit comes only with the genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35c. Ask your druggist, Farmers come to the harness shop whan you want tly nets, dusters, sweat puds, gall pads, axle greece, or repair ing dona on your harness. Don't wait until you spoil them. W. S. Owen, Don't get side-tracked tn business. Dullness sometimes passes for death Men with brains reach the goal. Rocky Mountain Tea puts gray matter into ones head. 35c. Ask your druggist. Mrs. Jesse Coapiand and her brother of Parkersburg, la., children of Jo seph Wheeler, came in Monday even ing after the prolemioary hearing of their father was over, it is presumed to look after the children. Some foolish insinuations te the ef fect that old men Wheeler would be lynched Monday eight were indulged in on the street, but Loup City Is not that kind of a town and it might as well he understood that way. A severe sprain will usually disable the Injured person for three or four weeks. Many cases have occared, how ever, In which a cure has been effected In less than one week by apylying Cham berlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Oden dahl Bras. Mrs. F. M. Henry will sell all her trimmed bats at greatly reduced prices, beginning June 7th and con tinuing ten Jays. Now is the time to get a nice summer hat at almost your own price. Thor. Else, J. D. Eogleman, A. 11. Potter, Henry Louis and A. D. Norl Ing, all of Litebleld were doing busi ness at tbe county seat last Saturday. They report crops looking good in the west part of the county. Mr. Potter made this office a friendly call and left two big 9 to swell our subscription fund. ‘'The Doctors told me my cough was Incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man Norris Silver, Nortb Stratfotd, N. II.—Because you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, dou’t despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and sure. Odendahl Bros. Mr. J. Q. I*rav and three sons of Oak Creek made this office a pleasant call Wednesday Mr. Pray desired to have his boys see the modus operandl of printing a news paper. He informed us that his oldest son, Lyman, had lost a valuable horse by lightning during tbe storm Wednesday morning L?w Haller and Jerry Shrove went to Litchfield Friday to arrange for putting in a water supply at the ceme tery. They will put in a well, a 12 foot wind mill and a tank to hold 200 bbls of water, also 400 ft of pipe to tarry the water to different parts of the cemetery All told the job will cost about 9400.00 The chinch bugs are reported to be doing considerable damage In this part of th“ country at present and farmers *»y the virus for inoculation furnished by tbe Nebraska experiment station In Custer county an organisa tion hat been effected and an agent ap pointed in every school district In tbe county to systematically handle the virus in accordance with tbe directions furnished by the experiment station. The station makes no charges whatever a id w ill furnish you with everything uecessary to successfully fight the pests. J H. Smclser, of Ashton was a county scat visitor Monday. Frank Brewer is in the midst of his strawberry harvest T M Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture D. W. Titus and Aified Flint, of Litchfield was over t« the county seat Monday. Cleaning and Oiling harn*aa done at the harnesa ahop of W. S. Owen. Mrs Neuia Walkei na« Oosverte of Gibbon, oatna up Monday to visit her parents for a few weeks. P. II. Winn and wife of Omaha and relatives of our townsman L. Hansen, visited the latter over Sunday. Miss l.iooy Adamson prest-meu ye senior editor with a beautiful bouquet of roses the other day for which she has our thanks. Geo. McDonald went to Litchdeld, Monday anct took the train for the north west. He expects to stop in Chsrry county for the season. Mr. E. Brewer arrived la the ci’y Wednesday evening for a vialt to his children. Mr. Brewer Is looking well and is as young as he use to be. Farmers when you want a good thing in the harness line always go to the harness shop of—W. S. Owen. G. II. Hotobklns of the SI. Elmo Is looking after Society hall ia the ab sence of W. K Mellor who, we under stand is making an exteadeJ visit lu the east. The Miller l’ony and dog show passed through town Saturday for Arcadia where advertised to show in the evening They showed at Ashton Friday evei evening. Lew Halier is putting down a new well fer E. S. Hey burst at his resident)# and will erect a wind mill for Irrigat ing purposes Jennie—To have a round beautiful neck wiggle your head from side to side every night take Rocky Mountain Tea It's a short cut to a graceful form. 35c. Ask your druggist. Do not forget to look up Lechin sky’s d’splay ad. in this paper. You will find that it is just the thing you haxe been looking for. Mrs C. True and daughters, of Lee's Park, came down last Friday for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. O. Ben schoter. They returned home Tuesday. C. M Smith arrived in the city from Lincoln, Saturday evening. Mr. Smith will take his two daughters, Jennie and Rights, and return to Lincoln to-day, where he will go to house keeping Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth, Va. over 90 years of age suffered for years with a bad sore on his faee. l’hysieians ceuld net help him. DeWitts Witch Hazel Salye cured him permanently.— Odendahl Bros Mr. and Mrs A. M. Beunet and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Odendahl and family attended the Round—Cooley wedding at Aroadia last Wednesday. Miss Ernie Odendahl played the wed ding march. Adam i-ontuseror Sargent, received a telegram last Saturday to the effect that his wife, who is in Aurora, 111., viaiting relatives, v/ai dangerously ill. Mr. Conhlser drove across to Broken Bow, and caught the night train to go to her bed side. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Matthews came down from ibelr home at Westerville, Tuesday and visited there old friends In the city until Friday. The Elder is the same good natured fellow he al ways was and as usual carries a ray of sunshine with him in his rambles. Any oue residing in the west sid« of the county can make any arrange ment necessary for undertaking and embalming with 0. W. Gibsog at Litchfield. All orders will be promptly and satisfactorily attend ed to at reasonable rates. The people of Rockville, will cele brate the Fourth this year In grand style. The Woodmen are erecting a new hall at that place which will Le ready for dedication and everybody are Invited to participate on this occasion All manner of sports will he piovlded aud a geneia) good time is In store. “A few months ago, food which ats for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottlo of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my bieakfastand other meals with a relish and my fowd is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles.’ II. S. Pllt#, Arlington, Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat —Odendabl Bros. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an ac tive, energetic man with a torpid liver *ed you may know tbat his liver is tor pid wheu he does not relish hit food or feels dull and langetd after eating, often bis headsebes and sometimes dizziness A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew his vital ity, improve his digestion anil make him feel like a new map. Price 25 cents Sample free at Odendabl Broe, Steve Gray has sold bis interest and good will in the iiverv business to BT. Snyder who will operate the business at his barn hereafter. Steve is a good llyryman and nn all around good fel low and we are sorry to hear that he contemplates leaving Loup City Carsteu Truelsen has purchased of the Lincoln Land Co. the quarter sec tion of land adjoining his farm and known as the McAlpine town site, the 4e^ot grounds being reserved by the •oniDany This gives Mr, Truelsen one of the finest stoek farms In the valley. He own* a very large tract and this pur chase gives him full sway lo the liver all along the west side of bla farm Mr. Truelsen has not only greatly Improved his farm but has made some wonderful improvements in his herd. Besides building up bis ranch he has a large tract under cultivation and is making it win both in farming and stock raising. Tbe Royal Neighbors gave one of their enjoyable social* at their hall Tuesday evening which was well at tended and hugbly enjoyed. Dancing was the major part of tbe entertain naent and there was non* who (ailed to have the opportunity to trip the light fantastic toe it they liked tbe sport, but it was to much for the preseut avoirdu pois of y* junior editor. At eleven o'clock aa ice cream supper was served after which the approaching storm compelled an early departure. The great success of the entertainment was principally due to the untiring efforts of Neighbors Katie Burrowes and Em ma Modine, who are arJsta it that line, J. M. Eads, Deputy Graud Master of the A. O. U. W. will he in this vicinity from tbe 24th to the 30 Inst, working in the interest of tnat order Mr. Eads come* highly recommended as an able worker and It will be profitable to our people to havo him among us for a week promulgating the principles which that order leaches. He will be present at tbe lodge meeting of tbe 27, and It Is expected that every member who can will attend and get acquainted with him. Each member should, a*far as possible, blaze the way for him be fore be get* here and try aud make his visit a profitable one for qur lodge. Joseph Wheeler, the old man who was arrested a few weeks ago on the charge of incest with hit daughter Clara and who jumped bla bail was located and captured at Parkersberg, Iowa and brought back by Sheriff Snyder on a requisition from the governor last Fri day and safely lodged in jail. He was brought before his honor, Judge Angler for a bearing Monday and plead not guilty, but after several witnesses for the stste bad been examined was bound over in tbe sum of 1,500.00 to appear on the first day of tbe district court. The principal witness in the case was his daughter Clara who testified that her father waa guilty of the crime charged. Several other witnesses were examined and their testimony waa of such Import aaee that they were required to give bwwda tor their appearance t* give ev idence in district court. RIPE CHERRIES! RIPE CHERRIES! All ready for every body at the orchard after the 15. Any amount of Raspber ries or Strawberries.—A few pickers wsnted. Arcadia Fruit Farm. There will be a Fourth of July Cele bration held in Knutzen's Park. Good program and plenty good refreshments and games of different kinds at the place Everybody cordially Invited W. Knutzkn, Eczema, saltrbeum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all sklu tortures are dulekly cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure Odeudahl Bros. The bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with bis heal thy rival. DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers the famous pills for constlpstion will remove the csuse of your trouble.— Odeudahl Bros -- There will be regular Presbyter ian services each Sunday hereafter until further notice as follows: At Loup City in the Peterson hall at 10:30 a m.; at Austiu at 3.30 p. m. and at Rockville at 8.00 o’clock p. m. All are cordially invited. Rev. G. C. Portku, Pastor. ■ CHEAP TRIP TO CHICAGO. Via the Burlington Route. One fare for the round trip plus $2 00. Tickets on sale June 12, 13, 14 and 15. return limit Sept 15. Adi ttonal information about rates, tick ets and train service may be secured from nearest Agent. B & M. J. Francis, G. P. a. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. A Uimd Cough Meillrlnc It speak* well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists ese it in their own families la preference to any other. I have sold Chamberlain's Gough Remedy fer the past live years with complete satisfaction to myself end customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith Van Etten, N. Y. “I have always used in (two *ii family both tor ordinary coughs and colds an.) for the cough fol lowing la grippe, and tin 1 it very elll e tioua.’’ For sale by Odeedahl Bros. Attend tbe Loup City M E. Sunday School picnic at Truelsen's grove to-day an ! have a food tluie. C. A. Austin ami daughter Sadie cams down from Sargent Wednesday to look after some business and visit friend) for a few days Wednesday morning about 1 o'clock this section was visited by a wind and rain storm that for wiod has not bee* equaled I hie **a*#j The rain was pret ty general as far ns heard from, at this place we had 20 hundredths of an inch. Tbe worst part of the storm was south and east of town some five miles, where tbe roof was lifted bedily from the house of George Chapman leaving the wells stand Intact aud deluging tbe In side with water but no one was hurt. The wind mill of A Hayes was blown to pieces and the large corn crib of John Needham was turned over. That section got much more rein than other parts of the county and a little hail fell, but not much damage was done tocropt CLKAK CKKKK NBW3 The Odd Fellows will hold a Jit. tricl meeting at Litchfield on the 12th of July . A good social time aad discussions for the good of tho or der will he the tnaiu feataras of the occasion. The citizens of the west side of the county will meet at the Wes Heapy grove on the Fourth of July where they will appropriately cele brate the occasion. The M. W. A. camp of Ilazaid are arranging for a grand picnic at that place on Wednesday next, June li>. Dell Draper has moved into his new farm hoase, erected a new wind mill and is now prepared to do an extensive farming and stock raising business. Fred Scherit boasts ol having the finest corn field in this couatry. Hii. neighbors a11 say that it is hard to beat. lllCGRDBK. UISL1FK SAVED By Chum brinin'* Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy “I sm sura that Chamberlala's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at one time saved my life,” says A. E. Lafa lett e, of Gregory Landing, Clark county Missouri. “I was in such baJ shape that the doctors said I could aot live. When I was at the lowest ebb, one of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and I took It and got In stant relief. 1 soon got up and around. That was nine years ago and I am still in good health. Since then that medi cine has always been in my bouse and always will be. It is the best on eerth.’ For sale by Odendabl Bros. -♦ ♦ ♦ If you want deeds, mortgages, leases or any legal Instruments drawn at very reasonable rates when at the county seat, call on W, J. Fisher at the No«th wkstkbn office. All kinds of blanks on hand. A Notary Public In office. Leave your orders for ice with 0. Uenschoter. PLANTS.—Both cabbage and tomato, for sale at W. T. Gibsons. -——♦ ♦-- . Didn't Marry For Money The Boston man, who lately married a sickly rich young woman, la happy n#w, for he got Dr. King’s New LI fa PIU®. which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for Jaundice, Bil iousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gen tle but effective. Only 25c at Odendabl Bros, WANTED.—Capable, reliable persons in •vary county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; m; salary per year, payable weekly; JB per day abso lutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona Ode, deOnlte salary, no commisllon; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each Week STANDARD HOUSE J34 Dkahiiorh St., Chicaoo. 1266 TAKEN UP By the undersigned at Loup City Neb raska, on Saturday, May 25, 1‘JOl, one 2 year old bro wn Ally, with small white strip in face, weight about 700 pounds, has white hind feet above ankles. Owner can have same by proving pro perty and paying for tbis notice, coat of keeping tail other necessary ex penses. O Bens*iiotkr, Loup City, Nebr. WANTED,—TUUHTwoitTiir men and wo men to travel and advertise for old es tablished house ot solid financial standing, salary *7ho a year and expenses, all pay ablo in cash. No canvassing required. Give reference and Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 355 ax ton, Itldg, Chicago. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to i.-e requites nourishment, i Food is not uourtshing until it 1* digest ed A disordered stomach connet digest food, it in*Gt have assistance, fcodol Dyspepsia Cure digest* all kinds of foot! without siil from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain Its natural func tions. Its el.merits are exactly the same as the natural digestive Hinds and it simply can't help but do you g md. Odeudahl Bros W. J. FISHB*. GEO. E. 13ENSCHOTER, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Lobp Citt Noktbwestbbb Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE. AT LECHINSKY’8 STUDIO. Loup City, Neb. Copipiencipg Jupe Jst. ]90| UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 15. TWO WEEJCS ONLY. Leschinsky the Photographer will make a price reduc tion on cabinet photographs (the gloss finish only) for two weeks from Tuesday, June 1st, until Saturday, June 15th. PRICE LIST, CABINET SIZE ONLY: Uhc person to be photographed, per d< x $ 1.00. Twc to three persons „ 1 25. Four or more persons „ t> I ,-,0. Guarantee: We guarantee the photographs to be strictly first ( lass and to give satisfaction. Parties wishing duplicates of previous sittings can now get them at the usual rate of 11.00 per d< z. We wd! positively not commence before June 1st to tuke pictures at low rate, or under any circumstances continue after Jure 15, ueithei will this offer be repeated within the next two or three \ears. Come one and all and take advantage of this offer tit the car list date possible. M. LESCHINSKY, Photographer. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loot amr. i i am A. S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - • N LBIIAsK A. OFFICE.-One door west of Odendahl’s Drug Store. W J. FI8HER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Will Defend In Foreclosure Cute also do a General Real Estate Business. OfDce la Nouthwbstbrn Building. Leer cist, . - krb»an«a. A WORTHT SUCCESSOR 'Some!king Sew Under The sun.” All Doctors have tried to cure CSTAKItU by the use of powders, acid gases, Inhalers and drugs In |«sle form. Their iiowders dry up the mucus membranes causing thim to crack open and bleed. The power ful acids used lu the Inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have alli ed to cuie, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who lias lor many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of OAT AltltH, liss at last perfected a treat ment which when lalthfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanent ly cures OATARBII, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, nnd curing all Intla matton. It Is the only remedy known to solence that actually reachos the aftltcted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as “SNUFFELS the GUARANTEED CAT ARRH CURE” and Is sold at the extrcmeiy low price of One Dollar, each package con taining internal and external medicine sufficient for afull months treatment and everything necessary to Its perfect use, •‘SNUFFKL8’’ Is the only perfect CAT ARRH CURE ever made and Is now recog nized as the only safe and positive euro for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflamation quickly and perma nently and Is also wonderfully quick to re lleve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. Ga ta uuh when neglected often leads to Consumption—"Snuffxi.8” will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, bat a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure cataurh in any form or stage if used according to the directions whioh accompany each package. Don’t delay but toad for it at once and write full parlicalars as to your condition, aad yoa will receive special ad vise from the dlsooverer ef this wonderful remedy regarding your case without eost to you beyond the regular price of snuf FXLS” the -aUARANTRKIl CATARRH CIHK.’’ Sent prepaid to any address in the United Slates or Camilla on receipt of one Dollar. Address Dept. A2.8 EDWIN It. GILES * COMPANY, *330 and *332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Danger, disease and death follow ae gleet of th • bowels. t>e D‘U'irt'a Lit tle pearly Iiiaera to regulate ib«u and you ail! add years to your life aud lira to your ytura. Kaay to take, natrar gripe.—Odaiidahi Bros. IT IS ONE THING to cover up a flaw. It is an other to repair it. Any cross road ticker can take a watch or a clock to pieces but it takes a mechanic to put ittogathcr a gain. If you only desire to have your time piece spoiled take it to any old shop where they have a jeweler’s sign out, but if you wish your work done by an expert who guarantees satisfaction or no pay, call at my shop. In selecting jewelry from our perfect stock, you have the comforting assurance that whatever is chosen is in strict harmony with the canons of good taste; and the knowledge that the lowest prices are your privilege here. Store.—North Side K. It. St. G. H. MORGAN, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. LOUP OITY. NEB Don’t Be Fooledi Take the tenulae, original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA I Made only by Madison Medl* | cine Co.. Madison, WIs. It keeps you well. Our trade ■nark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never soltf - In bulk. Accept no subetl* saeaiouTiBim lute. Aik your druggist.