The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 21, 1900, Image 7

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    5 Tied Up f
« When the muscle?. feci drawn and &
J, tied up and the flesh tender, that
0 tension is O
• O
a Soreness s
O and •
• Stiffoess |
• o
0 from cold or over exercise. It •
• lasts but a short time after O
1 St. Jacobs1 |
• o
0 is applied. The cure •
• is prompt and sure. 0
a •
• o
Martin Stickel, who was arrested
and brought to Tacoma, has made a
confession to the effect that he and
B. G. Pierce murdered Cornelius Knapp
and his wife near Castle Rock, Wash..
V- - last week; also that they murdered
) a rancher mimed Shanklin a year ag>.
Grain-O is not a stimulant, like
coffee. It is a tonic and its effects
ate permanent.
A successful substitute for coffee,
because it lias the coffee flavor that
everybody likes.
Lots of coffee substitutes in the
market, but only one food drink—
Ail grocer* ; 15c. and 26c.
*"ap- I
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-SIm'Ie Wrapper Below.
Tory *nall end am cssjr
to taito e3 aaguv.
bkill Lii'j FOR DIZZINESS.
ITTI v FOR biliousness.
I» • ■ I oKnunm .v« n»mni«.,_
28 *CsKs I Sturdy
* - 11 ^^Ai^y.^^gm4^l8k■lJl*,^ 11
SPECIAL Tours to Florida, Key West.
Cuba, Bermuda, Old Mexico
and the Mediterranean and
HALF Hates for the round trip to
many points south on sale first
and third Tuesday etrvh month.
BATES To Hot Springa. Ark., the fa
mous water resort of America,
on sale every day In the year.
Tickets now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south, good returning until
June 1st, 1901. For rates, descriptive mat
ter. pamphlets and all other information,
call at C & St L. R. R. City Ticket
Office, 1415 Farnam at. (Paxton Hotel
Bldg) or write
C, P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
The real worth of VT.
1.. DoiikIii* •3.0(1 mu]
•3.50 Kline* compared
with other inukes Is
•4.00 to 815.00.
Ou. SMIillt K.lRoT.lne
cannot be equalled at
any price. Over 1,000,
000 satisfied wearurH.
We are t ho larrent maker? of meti'u 93
•nd 93-50 Miopm fn the world. We uink©
•nd sell more 93 and 93.50 *hoc» than any
other two manufacturer* tn the U. du
_ The repiitatliin o/ W. L.
DCQT Oouglaa $8. 8) and $3.80 short for nepf
DWI atjla. comfort, and wear it known nrN I
_ _ __ averywhara throughout thr world.
$3.50 SPSKWiKSttSas $3.00
..... «h» •Uo.Urd tin. ^.ty, bK3
SHilr “ **'*•» u»i n>« .win cunc
UIIUm aapact now for their money uHUta
| than they can get eltewhere.
THE KI. A no V more W i.. L>..uglat $1 and $S 59
2°S tr* Srw®0 .‘,“£.2^ ‘Hake 1# beoauM. TMkf
**4 .T* *,our <*••*« ahouid keep
• w« KlT« one dealer exclutiva tala in aach town.
•JJ.5k®vno Intiti on having W. U
If' r?!1?1 n*mt.“d Pn^ •t«nipvd on bottom,
i,/,*”* dtalr.r Will not get than for you. aand direct to
“d4 iVTJ'L, cLTSi
tvsusuz «*3s?aSS
Forethought 1b easy; It's the after
thought that pulls hard.
Your Storekeeper Can Sell Yon
Carter’s Ink or he ran get It for yon. Ask him.
t ry H. Cur loads are s-nf. annually to every
state in the Union. I>o you buy Carter’s f
I-ots of people who are inclined to
do good keep putting it off until to
FITS Permanency Cared. Nv fltf nr t.<4<rnn*n#»i *****
fli>r a&.r'K um» of ;>r. Kline 4 i*fr»t Nerve He*torer.
flfMal f»*r I RKB V2iO'' tiiai bottle end tfrttiM.
im. k. H. Exist, Ltd.* V. . Arch Bt.. 1 hilaUeliuu*.
The czar has 2i,000 wood-police, wno
each cut $45 worth of wood a year.
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
The most uncommon thing in the
world is common sense.
The stomach has to work hard, grinding the
food we crowd into ii. Mnko its work easy toy
chewing lietuiun’s Pepsin t,tun.
Every time a wise man fails it teach
es him something.
Take Laxative Hkom<- (Juikikk Tabi.ets. All
Iruggists refund the money if it, fails to cure,
t. W. Grove's signature is on the box. 2Sc.
it is easier to find fault than it is
to lose it again.
All goods are alike to PUTNAM
FADELESS DYES, as they color all
fiburs at one boiling.
More failures are due to lack of will
than to lack of strength.
The only way to CUF.E diseases of the
skin Is by cleansing the system and puri
fying tha blood: take Garfield Tea, it la
the best blood puriller known.
The lawyer's best friend is the man
who makes his own will.
i se Magnetic Sturt h—It has no equal.
A woman's face is of more import
ance than her frock.
$148 will buy new Upright riano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam
street, Omaha.
Feminine beauty is the rock on
while masculine intelligence is often
C. IT. Crabtree, I)p« Mulnes. Iowa, will on reqtiea
explain all about llie Gladiator (.old-Mtnlu* com
pany; extremely lntureHtlntr; write me.
Wise is he who learns from the ex
perience of others.
What Shall We Have for De««ert?
This question arises in the family
every day. l.<et us answer it today.
Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
bulling! no baking! add boiling water
and set to cool. Flavors:—Letnon,
Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry. At
your grocers. 10 cts.
One authority on botany estimates
that over 50,000 species of plants are
known and classified.
SlOO Reward Sinn.
The readers of this paper will be plenscd to
learr. time there is at least one dreaded dlsea»o
that science has been able to euro in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh
Cure is t lie only positive cure now known to I ho
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease. requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall s Catarrh Cura is taken internally,
uet mg directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up tin- constitution and
assisting liature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in Its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address F. J. CHENEY & OO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists Vic.
Hall 's Family Pills are the best.
Try swallowing saliva when trou
bled! with your stomach.
Wheat-O, the new breakfast food, is
prepared by a scientific process that
removes all indigestible parts of the
wheat, but preserves all the phos
phates In the grain, consequently it is
an ideal food for the building up of
muscle, brawn and brain. It is good
for healthy people and a godsend to
the tired and fagged dyspeptic. Get a
package from your grocer and give it a
tiiaL You will then use no other.
Man wants butl ittle here below,
but the wants of woman are an un
known quantity.
Best for ;he Bowels*
No matter what ails you. headache
to a cancer, you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CASCARJ2TS help nature, cure you
without a gripe or pain, produce easy
natural movements, cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARKTS Candy Cathartic, the
genuine, put up in metal boxes, every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be
ware of imitations.
A man should get up before the
break of day in order to have the whole
day before him.
Try Magnetic Starch—it will last
j longer than any other.
The band of hope-an engagement
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
Wine drowns caro—and it serves
care right for killing the cat.
Neb. HuMlncftA and Short baud College
Itoyd Kids., Omutiu
Most perfectly equipped College In
the west. $2.i;00.00 new banking fur
niture. $3,000.00 worth new type
writers. Send for catalogue. A. C.
Ong, A. M., LL. B.. Pres.
An old bachelor says that marrying
for love Is but a tender delusion.
A vigorous growth an 1 tho original color given te
the hair by PakkitiTj* 11 air Balsam.
Himlchcounb, tho beat cura for corn*. 15cU.
Heaven helps those wrho help them
selves only to what belongs to them.
Mrs. Winslow'* Soothing Syrnp.
"gor children toothing, sulteon the gum,, rednre. la
flsmuisUuu, pslu, cures wlud colic. Hie s botll*
A married man s idea of a good time
is doing the things his wife objects to.
No man knows what It is to he a
I »»w ynu toss the kites on high
And blow the birds about the sky;
And all around I heard you pass.
Like ladles' skirts across the grass—
O wind, a-blowing all dcy long.
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
I saw the different things you did,
Itut always you yourself you hid.
X felt you push, I heard you call,
I could not sec yourself at nil—
O wind, a-biowing all day long.
O wind, that sings so loud a song!
O you that are so 3tronc and cold,
O blower, are you young or old?
Are you a beast of field and tree.
Or just a stronger child than me?
O wind, a-blowing ull day long,
O wind, that slugs so loud a song!
- Robert Louis Stevenson.
An r~~V
BY .1. H. ROSNY.
Translated by Mrs. Moses P Handy.
.'Copyrighted, 1900: Dally Story Pub Co.)
We were strolling along the shore
3f the bellowing sea. The waves were
magnificent. They advanced in cara
vans. crested with foam, singing crys
tal songs, they came with great cries
mil falling upon the rocks left long
rails of snow. Rapid, irritable, angry,
numberless, they assailed the cliffs,
lometimes like a gorgeous garden of
white and green flowers, sometimes
roaring like ferocious troops of bears,
elephants and Hons.
‘•Jxjok,’’ exclaimed Landa, "There
goes Lavalle.”
All turned. In a little phateon, they
saw a man still young by whose- side
was a woman of the Iberian type; one
of those ravishing beauties who arouse
desire, hate and jeaiousy in every
man’s breast.
He's in luck that reiu-.v. mur
mured the banker Langrume when the
phaieon had passed. "By a single
stroke be became owner of 90,000,000
francs, and the prettiest woman to be
found from pole to pole. And I have
worked thirty years to get my beg
garly half dozen millions."
"You are envious,” answered Banda.
“Don't you know that Bavalle owes his
fortune and his wife to a good specu
lation. It all came from an invest
ment of exactly B000 francs."
Fifteen years ago our friend Pierre
I.avalle was a lucky young fellow of
20 years. He was rich, good-looking,
robust in health, and of a nature 10
avail himself of bis advantages. His
father sent him around the world. In
Chile he hvi as a guide a most intel
ligent man of excellent family and
between them a friendship arose. The
guide pretended to have dis overed rich
veins of silver in the mountains, but
he feared to he forestalled and dared
trust no one. At the moment of their
separation Pierrfe offered him a thou
sand francs. Jose Alvarado thanked
him with a dignified air and said:
"In ten years I shall be rich and
you are my partner. *
Then he wrote in the young man’s
i journal this memorandum:
* "In ten years I promise to share my
property with my partner, Pierre lai
valle. Jose Alvarado.
"Santiago, Nov. 20, 1885."
Ten years later Pierre Bavalle was
completely ruined. His father died of
despair after unlucky speculations and
left the son only a heritage of debt.
This very evening the ten years
The poor boy was forced to accept a
clerkship in a government office.
None the less he still went about In
society. As he did not try to borrow
money from anybody, as he talked
well and looked well the best hostesses
asked him to their house.-. One even
ing he attended a hall given by a rich
Argentinian. Don Estevan Zuloaga.
The affair was dazzling. All the riouth
Americans in Paris were there, includ
ing many ravishing beauties. Pierre
admired Spanish beauties with the en
thusiasm of the old romancers. Those
eyes where voluptuousness distilled
their magic, those delicious curves of
the figure, those little feet, light and
trembling, those magnificent mouths
created for kissing aroused in Pierre
an ecstatic drunkenness. Don Esta
van had sought to bring together the
richest human flowers cf the Plata,
Peru, Chile, and Mexico, The scene
nearly turned the head of Pierre
when he entered.
But the grace and beauty of all tha
other women was dimmed in his eyes
when he perceived a young Chilian on
the arm of a young and handsome
Spaniard. With a skin as clear as a
blonde’s out of a wonderful smooth
ness, with eyes that absorbed the light
and emitted it again in dazzling elec
tric rays; with a divine mouth as in
nocent as voluptuous; with graceful
rhythmic walk, and the sweep of her
undulating curves she seemed to pos
sess the quintessence of the charms
and seductions of twenty exquisite
Pierre was overcome with the des
i pair that follow’s too violent admira
, tlon. The love of such a creature
I seemed to him something unattainable,
j a thing to which a man could aspire
only by gentous heroism or some
other great quality. During the en
tire evening each time she passed near
the place where he sat watching her
darn ing or walking, a wave of pas
slonate adoration ami sadness surged
through his being.
He saw her again. He was intro
duced to her and .n time to her
mother. During the winter he loved
her silently and without the least
hope. What right had he to covet such
a iove. hundred men, the elite of
Paris, would have killed themselves
for her. Anil she was fabulously rich.
Ho he loved her as one loves inac
cessible things, the clouds, the stars
or the sun. She welcomed him ns she
did others and her mother seemed to
ko him. What did that signify?
’idre was an impossibility, in debt
i.p to his neck he passed through tin
most humiliating period of his life.
The chief of his bureau warned him
that he must either settle with his
creditors or the bureau w’ould be com
pelled to dispense with his services.
One evening the poor boy sat with
his head is his hands reflecting upon
his situation. The thought of suicide
entered his brain. A tiny tire burned
in his stove; the lamp witli little oil
flickered. He was cold and hungry,
and he felt himself alone and without
a sympathetic friend like an animal
dying in a cave. In the midst o! bis
distress there came a vision of the
Chilian belle and knowing that bis
clothes were no longer presentable.
"I wish that you marry my niece."
that his patent leather boots were
cracked and that no tailor would give
him credit, his desire for death be
came greater as he realized that he
could not again meet his goodess.
Mechanically lie raised himself and
1 went to the box where he kept his
1 souvenirs in the hope that be might
find some jewel that he could sell,
i Some portraits, yellowing letters, locks
of hnir, notes, and leaves and dry
flowers were crushed under his hand.
He encountered the journal of travels
and turned over the pages. The notes
! on Chile awakened his interest. It
i was there that she had been horn.
“I was twenty years old th<n." he
sighed, “How could I have known of
the misery in store for me?”
He read the lines written by Alva
rado: “In ten years I promise to share
iny property with partner Pierre La
He smiled sadly.
"This very evening the ten years ex
pire. if the good Alvarado wishes
. to keep his promise he has not much
time left."
Two knocks were heard on the door.
Pierre said to himself ironically:
! "There he is now."
He opened the door, lie saw before
i him a man of large stature, white hair
] and heard with the mien of a cowboy
; and the coior of cinnamon,
j The visitor addressed him in Span
< ish:
•‘Excuse mp," he said. I am late.
You are Mr. Lavalle?”
•'Yes,” replied Pierre astonished.
“I am Alvarado.”
The young man nearly dropped th«
Alvarado continued:
"I have come to pay my debt.”
‘ Good,” thought Pierre, "it will en
able me to buy some clothes so I can
see her again.”
Alvarado continued: "I have mad?
my fortune, I bring you our account.'
as we are partners. Aside from m.v
personal property which i deduct, we
possess between 90,000,000 and 100,
000,000 francs. The half of these have
been realized and 23,000,000 francs are
: at your disposal.”
! The the lamp fell.
“Good,” continued Alvarado, "you
j are content. It is natural. That en
I courages me to demand something ol
I you. 1 prefer that the money remain
I in my family and my family is coni
! posed of my sister and my niece.”
! Disappointment. Pierre had a vision
1 of his magnificent Chilian and re
| mained silent.
‘T wish that you marry my niece
You know her already. She is named
Anita Pena.”
Pierre threw himself upon the cow
boy and covered his wiiite beau with
kisses, while he sobbed for happi
“And this,” concluded Landa, “Is
what it is to give 1,000 francs to a
Chilean who seeks hi3 fortune.”
"1 wish I could find one like him
to stake,” groaned Eangrume.
A beggar passed and asked alms in
a piteous voice. laingrume turned
away. "Why do not the police arrett
these vagabonds?” he growled.
“It will bring you good luck to give
him money." said Eanda.
The- banker took a franc from bit
“Make him write a memorandum in
your journal,” said Song^res.
Lydia t Pinkiiam’s Vegetable Compand
The Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
_ -- --
| and unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record of i urt:s of female troubles
or such hosts of grateful friends.
Do not be persuaded that any ether medicine is just as good.
Any dealer who asks you to buy something else when you go into
his store purposely to buy Lydia E. Pinkham r Vegetable Compound,
i has no interest in your case. lie is merely Hying to sell you some
thing on which he can make a larger profit He does not care
whether you get well or not, so long as he can make a little morn
money out of your sickness. If he wished you well he would
without hesitation hand you the medicine you ask for, and which ho
knows is the best woman’s medicine in the world,
Eollow the record of this medic ine, and remember that these
thousands of cures of women whose 'etters arc constantly printed
in this paper were not brought about by “ something else,” but by
Lydia £ Pinkham9s Vegetable Compound,
The Great Woman’s Remedy tor Woman’s Ills.
Those women who refuse to accept anyt hing else are rewarded
a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want —-a cure.
Moral — Stick to the medicine that you know is Hest.
When a medicine has been successful in restoring
to health more than a million women, you cannot
well say without trying it, *‘ I do not believe it will
help me.” If you are ill, do not hesitate to get a bot
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound at
once, and write Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass., for
special advice. It is free and helpful.
Magnetic Starch Is the very be3t
laundry starch In the world.
Marriage was Invented lo show that
there were two sides to every ques
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Helen Keller, the famous blind deaf
mute, has been elected vlce-presidnt of
the frshnmn cla^s at Radcliffe college.
•Vell-O, the New I)«swrt,
pleases all the family. Four flavors: —
Lemon, Orange, Raspberry and Straw
berry. At your grocers. 10 ctB. 'Fry
! it today.
If you would know a man as he
really is you must dine with him oc
|g,,!(<■ ou Uit« Kl.euuu.Us«u. >5 *«“•
BACO-CURt' . ,ir. «Ythousand", It wiO euro
Tells ell about Winchester Rifle: Stiatgjms, and Anmoiiltfoa
Send name and address on a postal now. Don't delay d you are interested.
as a rule find it very dif
ficult to get up their linen
in a satisfactory manner,
chiefly owing to the
of inferior starches. By
using flagnetic Starch
you will find it a simple
matter to turn out ns
good work as the best
steam laundries. Your
f rocer sells it. Tryitonee.
t costs only 10c a pack
age. Insist on getting
Requires NO CbOKtNQ;
mam; couAR;*»>curfs| one wundqfthisstariJF