5 Tied Up f « When the muscle?. feci drawn and & J, tied up and the flesh tender, that 0 tension is O • O a Soreness s O and • • Stiffoess | • o 0 from cold or over exercise. It • • lasts but a short time after O 1 St. Jacobs1 | • o 0 is applied. The cure • • is prompt and sure. 0 a • • o a®O®0®C®O®O®0®0®O®O®0®Oe0® Martin Stickel, who was arrested and brought to Tacoma, has made a confession to the effect that he and B. G. Pierce murdered Cornelius Knapp and his wife near Castle Rock, Wash.. V- - last week; also that they murdered ) a rancher mimed Shanklin a year ag>. ■ THE PURE CRAIN COFFEE Grain-O is not a stimulant, like coffee. It is a tonic and its effects ate permanent. A successful substitute for coffee, because it lias the coffee flavor that everybody likes. Lots of coffee substitutes in the market, but only one food drink— Grain-O. Ail grocer* ; 15c. and 26c. *"ap- I Cenuine Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of B See Fac-SIm'Ie Wrapper Below. Tory *nall end am cssjr to taito e3 aaguv. 1^ ADTITDC* HEABACHEs bkill Lii'j FOR DIZZINESS. ITTI v FOR biliousness. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOB SALLOW SKIN. _ FOR THE COMPLEXION I» • ■ I oKnunm .v« n»mni«.,_ 28 *CsKs I Sturdy * - 11 ^^Ai^y.^^gm4^l8k■lJl*,^ 11 CURE SICK HEADACHE. eSSBiaMBEHMLg WINTER TOURIST RATES. SPECIAL Tours to Florida, Key West. Cuba, Bermuda, Old Mexico and the Mediterranean and Orient. HALF Hates for the round trip to many points south on sale first and third Tuesday etrvh month. BATES To Hot Springa. Ark., the fa mous water resort of America, on sale every day In the year. Tickets now on sale to all the winter resorts of the south, good returning until June 1st, 1901. For rates, descriptive mat ter. pamphlets and all other information, call at C & St L. R. R. City Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam at. (Paxton Hotel Bldg) or write HARRY E. nOORES, C, P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. The real worth of VT. 1.. DoiikIii* •3.0(1 mu] •3.50 Kline* compared with other inukes Is •4.00 to 815.00. Ou. SMIillt K.lRoT.lne cannot be equalled at any price. Over 1,000, 000 satisfied wearurH. We are t ho larrent maker? of meti'u 93 •nd 93-50 Miopm fn the world. We uink© •nd sell more 93 and 93.50 *hoc» than any other two manufacturer* tn the U. du _ The repiitatliin o/ W. L. DCQT Oouglaa $8. 8) and $3.80 short for nepf DWI atjla. comfort, and wear it known nrN I _ _ __ averywhara throughout thr world. $3.50 SPSKWiKSttSas $3.00 ..... «h» •Uo.Urd tin. ^.ty, bK3 SHilr “ **'*•» u»i n>« .win cunc UIIUm aapact now for their money uHUta | than they can get eltewhere. THE KI. A no V more W i.. L>..uglat $1 and $S 59 2°S tr* Srw®0 .‘,“£.2^ ‘Hake 1# beoauM. TMkf **4 .T* *,our <*••*« ahouid keep • w« KlT« one dealer exclutiva tala in aach town. •JJ.5k®vno Intiti on having W. U If' r?!1?1 n*mt.“d Pn^ •t«nipvd on bottom, i,/,*”* dtalr.r Will not get than for you. aand direct to “d4 iVTJ'L, cLTSi tvsusuz «*3s?aSS Forethought 1b easy; It's the after thought that pulls hard. Your Storekeeper Can Sell Yon Carter’s Ink or he ran get It for yon. Ask him. t ry H. Cur loads are s-nf. annually to every state in the Union. I>o you buy Carter’s f I-ots of people who are inclined to do good keep putting it off until to morrow. FITS Permanency Cared. Nv fltf nr t.<4r a&.r'K um» of ;>r. Kline 4 i*fr»t Nerve He*torer. flfMal f»*r I RKB V2iO'' tiiai bottle end tfrttiM. im. k. H. Exist, Ltd.* V. . Arch Bt.. 1 hilaUeliuu*. The czar has 2i,000 wood-police, wno each cut $45 worth of wood a year. Your clothes will not crack If you use Magnetic Starch. The most uncommon thing in the world is common sense. The stomach has to work hard, grinding the food we crowd into ii. Mnko its work easy toy chewing lietuiun’s Pepsin t,tun. Every time a wise man fails it teach es him something. TO CURE A COM) IN* ONE DAY. Take Laxative Hkom<- (Juikikk Tabi.ets. All Iruggists refund the money if it, fails to cure, t. W. Grove's signature is on the box. 2Sc. it is easier to find fault than it is to lose it again. All goods are alike to PUTNAM FADELESS DYES, as they color all fiburs at one boiling. More failures are due to lack of will than to lack of strength. The only way to CUF.E diseases of the skin Is by cleansing the system and puri fying tha blood: take Garfield Tea, it la the best blood puriller known. The lawyer's best friend is the man who makes his own will. i se Magnetic Sturt h—It has no equal. A woman's face is of more import ance than her frock. $148 will buy new Upright riano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam street, Omaha. Feminine beauty is the rock on while masculine intelligence is often wrecked. C. IT. Crabtree, I)p« Mulnes. Iowa, will on reqtiea explain all about llie Gladiator (.old-Mtnlu* com pany; extremely lntureHtlntr; write me. Wise is he who learns from the ex perience of others. What Shall We Have for De««ert? This question arises in the family every day. l.5 *«“• DOK'T STM TOBACCO SUODEHLY BACO-CURt' . ,ir. «Ythousand", It wiO euro EUREK^A CHEW.CAtCO. T-» CrO*«Q. DROPSY^." SSSRWS! r:r,SsKrsrr TWcITesTier^ GUN CATALOGUE: FREE Tells ell about Winchester Rifle: Stiatgjms, and Anmoiiltfoa Send name and address on a postal now. Don't delay d you are interested. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. ■ .So WINCHESTER AVENUE .... * NEW HAVE V, CONNT. HOUSEKEEPERS as a rule find it very dif ficult to get up their linen in a satisfactory manner, chiefly owing to the USE of inferior starches. By using flagnetic Starch you will find it a simple matter to turn out ns good work as the best steam laundries. Your f rocer sells it. Tryitonee. t costs only 10c a pack age. Insist on getting | MAGNETIC STARCH Requires NO CbOKtNQ; mam; couAR;*»>curfs| one wundqfthisstariJF STIFF .»« Nicr ■>» WNLN WIUW AS FAR AS A POUNO FIRST BOUGH! NEW |ANDAHAlf Of ANVQTRfR PREPARED FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES ONLY MANUFACTURED ONLY BY MAGNFIK STARCH MANUFACTURING CO. OMAHA. NEB.