Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1900)
Lioaal Dsws. Dr. Romine, the dentist. .70 of an inch of rain foil hero Mon day morning. O. II. Morgan is having an awning put over his store front. Mr. Ed Tobias of Arcadia was in the city on business Tuesday. Harvey D. Crias returned home from the north west last week. Messrs Sparrs and Gray of C’leti Creek were in the city Saturday. A. E. Chase went to Chicago Monday to purchase a fall stack of goods, A. Dickerson nnd O. D. Eaton of I.itchfleld, was in the city Monday. T. M. Hoed keeps repairs for the Mc Cormick. Buckeye and Woods ma ebinery, Save vour feed bv buving •/ * a-' a corn harvester of T. M. Reed. Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les The dedication of the now AJveat Church at thia place was held last Sun day. Mrs, E. Holcomb and Mrs. Chris Jo hansen returned from Ulysses, last Saturday. Most every body and their neighbors went to Grand Island to the Street Fair this week. Wm. Sharp is receiving a visit from friends, we did not learn where from. W. T.Gibson will do the wood work on the new brick residence of I. M. l’olski at Ashton. Ashley Conger will take charge of his fathers cattle ranch south west of town at once, If. Srnelser of Ashton, the Republican nominee for state senator was in towD Monday night. Fritz Johansen had bis pocket picked at Grand Island Tuesday. He lost aboat 140. Samuel Sheppard came over from Ravenna and spent Sunday with Mr*. Sheppard, returning Monday. Mrs. George Miller and daughters of Arcadia, are visiting Mrs. Miller's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Riedel. S. E. Gallaway has been appointed one of the gate keepers at the State Fair and will go to Lincoln tomorrow. John Thompson of Oak Creek, sold «*<!<).oo worth of cattle to C. C. Out house the first part of this week, When you want bargains in the line of Jewrelry don't fail to call on G. II Morgan. He carries the finest line in the Loup Valley. If you want your watch Dut in good repair by the only first class workman in the county call on G. H. Morgan, the Jeweler, Born—To Mr. ami Mrs. James Inks, an y* pound girl, last Saturday morning. Mother and babe are doing well anu Jim Is looking as happy as a clarn The following second hand articles for sale at Gasteyers; One each, cup board, bureau bedstead, range, base burner, and three cane bottom chairs. Mothers endorse it, children like it, old folks use it. We refer to One min ute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure all throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl Bros. G. II. Morgan the Loup City Jeweler docs all kinds of watch, clock and Jew elry repairing In a workman like man ner. When you have something to do In this line, don't fail to cal) on him. J. Phil Jaeger will go to St. Joe the first part of next week to lay in a sup ply of new fall and winter goods. Mrs. Jaeger will accompany him for a scien tific examination of her eyes which has bothered her very much of late. The U I* Vo ran a special train from Loup City to the Grand Island street fair last Wednesday and will run an other one to-morrow, (Saturday). It will leave Loup City at S a aa and return at night, leaving Grand Island at 10:30 p m These specials make it very con venient for our people and many are taking advantage of the accommoda tions thus aflorded A family reunion of the Koss and Hickman families was held at the home of Mr ami Mrs W. II fllckman in this city last week Mrs. Ilb lcntaii* maiden name was Boss, ami (be parties In attendance were the re:atlvea of both brunches of ’his respected family The following are a list of those attending ami their present residence: Mr. and Mrs Wtu. Cowan, Wa*hts, la. Mr. ami Mrs O, H Hus*, {spencer, la Mr, ami Mre. H lllckman. Albumen,la Mr and Mra. f. W Pitot, !»«•» Moines, I* Mr and Mr*. LI Flint, Buffalo I'enter, la Mr ami Mr* A L Boss. I.i iux Wt*. Mr* Olive Wood |.acr< »•, \\ i* Mr* M L Hticrman, < <>ggon. la Mr* H J L<l mondu. Manchester, la Mrs Amy l.eimm. Lake Park, la Mr J It k >*< LI t'ajun. » abfornia. Mr J K ftoa*. Mr Irstl !<•»* Imho,* al Mi** Is ola Flint. Iks* Moinrs la, Mi** t.r*. v Flint B id »lo 1 » M. •• L i •!, Him* larm*#, k < (lot-art I.CHm. Lake Park la Jfmrnte It and Mi d ted Boss, Lsttow. W ,» Boeckner the fashionable tailor. W. II Conger went to Omaha yester day. E. Holcomb put a coat of paint on J. W. Long's bam this week. Jesse Reutfrow arrived borne on the 1 o’clock train ia*t Tuesday. John Hayes will move on the Conger farm south of town shortly. The school board Is having gravel walks put around tbe school grounds. W. R. Mellor has been appointed as one of the managers of the State Fair. W.G, McNulty and family returned home fiom their visit to Kansas, Tues day, Hay Is much more plentiful in this vicinity than was anticipated a few weeks ago A. Boono the eye doctor from Grae ley, was examining optics In the city this week. Lewis Haller took his hydraulic appa ratus to Ashton Monday morning to put down a well. Mr. and Mrs. Will Strsnkmau and Mrs John Fisher are visiting in the vicinity of Lincoln this week. The sale, of Henry Scboenlng last Saturday was well attended and every thing brought a good price. Mr. C. W. Nichols of St. Paul, has charge of the U. P. depot at this place during the absence of Mr. Clifton. Herman Feibig of Oak Creek remeni bt*red the printer last Monday by depos iting a little filthy lucre with this otllce. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that produces Imme diate results. Try it.—Odendabl Bros lJo you neeil a mowing ma chine? If so call on T. M. Reed. T. M. Reed sells cycle grind ers that are 0 K. Call and see them. Mrs. Tray is and daughter Nellie will go to Peril, Neb , next Monday, where Mis* Nellie will attend the State Nor mal. It’s a doctor’s Business to study health, Doctors confidently recommend HAR PER Whisker. —Sold by T. FI ELSNKK, I.oup City, Nebr. I’erfect womanhood depends on per fect health. Nature’s rarest gift of phy sical beauty comes to all who use Rocky Mountain Tea.—Ask your druggist Intestinal infection, appendicitis and all afl'ections of the bowels, liver ami kidneys prevented by taking genuine Rocky Mountain Tea —Ask your drug gist. For burns, Injuries, piles and skin diseases use DeWitt's Witch llazel Salve. It >s the original. Counterfeits may be offorcd. Use only DeWitt's.— Odendabl Bros. The quicker you stop a cough or cold the less danger there will be of fatal lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure Is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. You will like it.— Odendabl Bros. A social dance at Rockville last Fri day night was attended by the follow ing parties from Loup City. Misses Julia and Bessie Rowe, Miss Ida Car-1 penter, Mrs. Anna Bechthold, and Mr. John McDonald. A pleasant time is reported. I have just received quite a line of boots and shoes, and am now able to sell my customers new goods, (nothing old ) and especially in the line of seamless shoes, from the largest and only exclusive seamless factory in the country; every pair guaranteed. Call and see me.—H. Dolling. »e are mtormea that there is half dozen traveling fakirs beading toward Loup City, for the purpose of selling goods directly to the far mers. Our people still remember the way they were taken in a few years ago and will hardly be ready to swallow another hook bated with sugar coated chin music so soon. Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they arc treacherous, l'hat's why ail counterfeits of ItaWitt's Witch lla/.el Salve are dangerous They look like I *e Witt's. hut instead of the healing witch ha/el they all contain ingredients liable to irritate the skin and cause blood pol«ouing For piles, injuries and skin disease* use the original and genuine In-Witt * Witch Hazel J»alv i Odendatd Itros • • • A' IUNhacii CotKNAk. On Wed neadai, Augnei jntb luoo Charles j L A' UeOhach and Annie folemaa, I both of l.itchtb-M, were united m marriage, the i.iarnagc ceremony W aa pet formed by K«*» W K '1st tht w a at the M K par nun age in Loop City at I o'clock p. hi Mr. \t'heabat ii u among the beatiltikcn of Hanlaoa towuship, A few tear* ago he Hftrd tkts coo oty h ik" I capacity of counu treasurer and made au ettb ieal and trusted officer Meetund congratulation* to u.ui and binii‘ and with them ii hh ' ami kappia*a* I AN AW FI' L MISTAKE Las! Sunday afternoon about 4 o’clock 1 one of those deplnrible affair* occured I some 5 miles north of Ashton and 12 I miles east of Loup City, which seem to j be unnecessary yet unavoidable. Miss Josephenc Zeillnski, a young Polish girl about 18 years old, was killed by John Scbroll, a young man about 11*, Mr. Scbroll and a younger brother was driving to a neighbors and nad a shot gun with them, At a certain place in a draw the young man saw the weeds moving ami thought he saw a jack rab bit whereupon he raised Ilia gun and tired. The facta proved that Miss Z"i linski and a younger sister were gather lug plums and when they saw the boys coining they stooped in the weeds to escape being seen, with the above result. The charge strucK the young lady in the head, neck and breast, there belr.g 8 shot In the head, 1 In the neck and M In the breast. One of the shut penetrated ihe temple which caused death almost immediately. The coroner, Dr. Jones, probed some three inches but failed to 1 locate it. The father of tbs girl was at ! once notified and she was taken to a j neighbor* house close by. Mr. Scbroll, j the father of tiac boy and a highly re-1 spected gentleman, came atones to town j and placed the young man in the custo dy of the sheriff pending an Investiga- | tion. Monday morning Dr. Jones ihe coroner, T. S. Nightingale county attor ney and sheriff Snyder, went to Ashton j and summoned the following jurors Messrs E. G. Taylor. John Rapp. Fred Schaupp, L. A. Wilson, Anton Kwiat kowski and Mike Rewolenski who re ! paired to the scene where an inquest1 was held. Alter examining a number of witnesses a verdict was returned that the girl came to her death by a gunshot wound from the hands of John Sehroi', j without anycrimnal Intent. MARRJBD, On August22nd 1900 at 0:30 in. at the residence of the brides parents Mr. I and Mrs. William Stephens, near Rock- j ville, Xebr.. Mr. Charles S. Wilson and Miss Maud ii. Steyens were united in i marriage accompanied by Andrew Wil son as isest man and Miss Kda Stephens as bridesmaid. The ceremony was per-1 formed by Rev. M S. Fouteh, pastor of the M. K. church at Ravenna, in the presence of the families of the contract- j ing parties. The happy couple were made one standing under a beautiful decorated arch in the bay Window, over looking the placid waters of the Mid- j die Loup river. it‘s change of sands ever j reminding us of the veritable realities of life. After the ceremony and con gratulations were extended, we were all i invited to be seateJ around a tabic well ; tilled with all the good tilings usually 1 provided on such occasions. The even ing was spent in social conversation in terspersed with some soul inspiring music, after w hich ‘-Good Xight" was i said and the guests retired to their 1 homes w ishing the happy couple a pleas* i ant journey through life. M.S. F I, Nicoson—Hates—At the home i of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayes, near Austin this comi ty. Mr. ,J. F. Nicoson and Miss Cora N. Hayes were united in marriage, Justice Hunter officiating, on Wed nesday evening Aug. 2t»tb at 8 o’clock. As the strains of the wed- : ding inarch pealed forth, under the 1 skillful manipulation oi Mrs. (1. S. ' Leininger, and the mantle clock an nounced the hour the bride and groom entered, advancing to the op posite side of the room where they took their seat under a beautiful 1 wreath of flowers. The bride wore a handsome cream colored silk trim med in white, and the groom the conventional colors. Mr. Nicoson i has been a teacher in the county i schools for several years and is con sidered one of our ablest and best instructors. Miss Hayes, the fair bride, has grown up in our midst and is also a teacher of ability and an cstecmable young lady. The follow ing is a list of presents und the don ers: John and Tony Travis, glass j set, Mrs. K. J. and Ktta Wilson, glass dish, Alfred Hayes, spoon holder, Mr, and Mrs. W A Hayes, molas ses pitcher, Ida Carpenter, fruit dish, K. and Mable Ilayes, parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Conbiscr table cloth, Mr. and Mrs Hunter plated coffee pot, htbel lientfrow pair towels. , Mrs. Kggers towel, S. J Hayes set of silver spoons. Kdgar Baddow pair ing knife, Ada Ogle pair towels, Mr and Mrs. Vaodegrift tablecloth, nap, , kins and towels, Mrs. Ogle set of. glasses. |i. It Carpenter trav, Philip and Katie IIlie table cloth, Mr. ami 'Ira. C P. Haves towels and oil cloth. Mrs and M. J. Betts pair towels, Mr and Mrs Milt Itentfrow parlor snip. Little lies Itentfrow pin tray, Mr and Mrs Leininger bread plate. Mr ami Mrs Chapman tow. Is and sugar «|M»oo, B.rdiu Needham fancy d**ilf J \\ t trp. i itr fra|| (| -i,, l*eia I opettier match case Mrs I Need him an I Mrs. Plant laid- . loth and napkins, Mr and Mrs Ph- ups.m [ •'em dish, Mr and Mrs K \ Brown ; rn< king < hair . . . tl.e -.srtbing and l.*s <ng properties: «l < I tmt*r sin • ««ugh If. u». |*, ||*i I' eassiit tails and pt. mpt an 1 perms j heal i...*•» have mad* i a gt at lartor is wtili I ter |M>«iple everywhere |«r 1 il l hjr UhtHiikl Hits ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS l.tHMiM HKKVI( IS German services «iu be held at the Bap tist church In I.oupCity on Sunday Sept. 9th 1900. at 2:00 p m and at Ashton, on Sunday Sept. Ititli at aanie hour. We wl*h to announce that the Ladies Aid Society will hold an exchange at the Post Of fice. Saturday sept., 1st 19U0. where you will find good bread, cakes, pies, etc cheap. Also aprons and other manufactured articles for sale. Hy Order of Committee. AT Tit* M K, CHURCH. Service* will be held at the M. E. Church, Loup City, on Sunday Sept. 2nd. Morning 10: !0. preaching subject; The poor Rich man.” Evening at *:0U subject: 'The St. Paul of America Wiggle Cress at 3:00. subject: "A much needed grace to-day." A cordial invi tation extended to all. -—— -- ASHTON BREVITIES A sad accident occured near this place lu9t Sunday. While playing in the weeks u girl by ibe name of Eeiliski was «hot and instantly kill • 1 br John Sahroli a boy who was passing. He saw the weeds move j and supposing there was a rabbit i there shot into them killing tho girl. Dr. Howanl rstsrned from his western trip Saturday. The Modern Woodmen will give a supper in the hall at this place in a short time. Mr. Pocks gave a dance in his new bouse last Saturday night. There war a large attendance. A little hoy of Mr. Novitski had his eye put out last Saturday white playing with an air rifle*. Nice rains fell here Thursday and Sunday nights. They were accom panied by violent winds which douc considerable damage to stacks. Rev. Giles of St. Paul preached in the Presbyterian church here Sun day. J1 >1. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE, NEB, ! MASK A STATE FAIR. Special train for Lincoln via the I Burlington Route leaves Loup City Neb., at (5 a in, Tuesday, Sept. -4th. Round trip only St 75 Including ad mission to the State Fair. ♦ • ♦ PULLMAN ORDINARY (SLEEPING CAR'S FOR TOURISTS ire the most comfortable, commodious neans of travel for large parties. in ending settlers, liomeseakers, hunting tarties. These cars are run on the Union Pac ikic daily from Nebraska points to California and Oregon points, and are itted up complete witn mattresses, cur ains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring rothing to be furnished by the passen gers. LTniformed porters are in charge )f these cars who are required to keep hem in good order, and look after the j vants and comforts of passengers, I'hese cars are new, of modern pattern, ind are nearly as convenient and com 'ortable as first-class palace sleepers. For full information call on or address II. J, Clifton, Agent TAKE NOTICE. We wish to say that on and after ieptember 3rd we will he prepared to lo all kinds of freighting and general Laying. Yours for prompt delivery, J. W, C'onoer. FOUND.—A Pocket book, on the ISth or August. I9"i Owner wi'.l please conic for eard prove property by identification, pay or notice and get the same. Call at this ilitee for information. LOST. A black parasol in the nortli part of , own, last Tuesday, finder will confer a treat favor b/ leaving same at the VORTIIWESTERN office. Mrs L. I) Gardner. , DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the tlrni of Sio axlny *v Chrlcwskl has by mutual consent, dls loheil partnership. und that on and after the late of this notice the business will tie con lucteil hy John t'tielewski ami the said John ' 'helewskt does assume all debt* contracted 'V the tlrni up to the date of sui hdissolution Dated thislstday of August logo • 11 Job* CHki.iswsKi NOTICE KOll I'UISLlCATION Lepartment of the Interior. Laud untie at Lincoln, Neb i J Auk oat is, li«t«. i | Notice is hereby given that the follow j lng-named settler has llle<l notice of her • mention to make Anal proof iti support I >f her claim, and that said proof will tie made before the County Judge of Sher man county, at Loup idly, Nebraska, on •doled trd, HMD, viz sarah C, Banner, j llomstead Entry No. ITitIT lor the East half , •1 the North East fourth, section jo, j rowashlp 13, north of Itange lit west, nth I i m. she names the lollw rig witness to > (rrove her eonilnuous reatdenee u|mhi and i nllli alum of, said land, via E.d. Ytleum, j Ilariv sawyer, Frank ( urry. O. C. Denoie, ill of l.llchlluld, Nebraska. J, W Johnson, Hegrsler. J NUI II E. FuH PI BLlCATIuk DcpafUheni of the Interior Land Dfflea at Lincoln, Neb i logo si la, Wh i j Notice is hereby given that the follow tig Irani* d <* tiler has Hied nolle# of his mention In mahe final proof In *np|<*>rt I »f his claim, and that said pionl will Ihi made l«di*«w J \ Xogiei. county j luilgw of sbermau county, nt L-up tty Nebraska. on •>* tolmr 1st, tin, m bale *g lawn. Iloo** st, a>i E.ntiy Ni I*-.*, for Ike S olo East fomm, swlius >, l I II* bant* * ihe billow log snt low* le prove hr* rsislinteim residua** upon and cnitinatr in of, raid i>r I vis Sits M Net sen, Xhr*fti*Ht Uetneft*- i|, Hr inert Hsluerisen I thin Vls-.g, a of j llr<«>i Nebraska J W J Hktok Hwgiviet | TO THE ROCKIES. Low Kates To Colorado anil Utah Of fered by Ihe Hurllngton Route FOUR RED LETTER OATS On August 7 and 31, and on Septem ber 4 and IS, the Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Deadwood and Hot Springs, for one fare pluss #2. Tickets sold at these remarkable low rates w ill be good to return till October 31. The nearest agent of the Burlington Route will be pleased t") tell you tbe eost of a ticket and to help you plan your trip. Descriptive literature free on application A Mother Tells How Sbe Waved Her Little Daughters Life I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my lit tle daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thaught she would die. 1 tried evcaythlng I could think of, but nothing seemed todoh*rany good. 1 saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and IBarrhoe Remedy was highly rceom meridnil and sent aud gut a bottle. At •ce. Itpr ved to be one of the very best medicinM we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughters life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellant medicine it is. Had 1 known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and mv lit tle daughter much suffering.—Yours truly, Mrs. Gko. F. Burdick, Liberty, R, 1. For sale by Odendalil Bros. 45 cent* to 1901 That big state paper, The Semi-Week ly State Journal, will lie mailed from now until January 1, 1901, for 25 cents. This is the biggest offer of reading mat ter ever made in the west and is done for the sole purpose of introducing it to thousands of new notnes Here's your chanse to get an up to date, relia ble state paper for a mere song. Send in your quarter and you’ll get the paper all through the remainder of this year. Address The State Journal at Lincoln, Neb. During the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome disease the army had to contend with In many instances it became chronic and the old soldier still suffers from it. Mr. David TaylorJofJWind Ridge, Green Co., I’a , is one of these. He uses Chamberlain’s Colic Ceolera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says lie never found anything that Would give him such quick relief. It is for sale by Odendahl Bros WHY Buy a pig-in-tbe-bag sewing machine when at a reasonable price you can buy a “New Home' that you and everybody else knows is the best sewing machine there is?—For sale by T. M . Rkkd It will surprise you to experience the benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Karly Risers.—Odendahl Bros That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Fills. Thousands of sufferers have pioved their match less merit for Sick and Neryous Head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. (July 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Odendahl Bros. Druggists TO CHICAGO. One Fare for the Round Trip via the Burlington Route —The Burlington has offered one fare for the round trip. $18. 15, from Loup City to Chicago, August 24-27, on account of the annua! encamp ment of the Grand Army of the Repub lic. The return limit on these tickets is September 1st subject to extension to September JO. The nearest agent of the Burlington Route will be pleased to giye you additional information, rates, dates, baggage and train service. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Will Defend In Forecloanr* Cum also DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In North westers Building, IOW CITY. • - NKUKAkKA R. J. NIGHTINGALE, il loup orrv. • i vn A. S MAIN. PHYSICIAN & 8UHGEON LOCI* CITY, ■ • NLBKASKA. wrii'l Ons door cut of Chsae'e drug store W. L. MAHCY, l> K.YTiST "ft'ii ►. ,«.s K t st ^iu». 1*1 i i, it mjlaio: (/TV, XA'H J. K. INKS, PAINTPR, I'PjT uj Work Guaranteed' |.»M *4* city * • \ Kit TIMK TA11LK LOUP CITY. NEBB Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, ' Butte, fit. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Fraueisco, anil all points and all points East and South. West. . Tit A INS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS! GOING EAST No 52 Passenger .7 .65 a. in No BO Freight 12.80 p ui GOING WEST No. 61 Passenger.4.16 p. in. No. 5U Freight.12i50a. ui. Sleeping, dinner anil reclining chair car* (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United Stales or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to R. L. Arthur Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, U. P. RAILWAY. No. *6 leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 8:00 a ta No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. ui. No. no leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2 55 p ’tn. No 87 arrive* dally except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p. m. No. V) arrives dally except Sunday ((miss enger) 7.35 p. m First class service and close eonnectlou* east, west and south W. l>. Clifton, Diary Of A Slave To be bound band and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of -lavery. Geo. I). Williams, of Manchester, Mich . says: “My wife has been so helpless for rive years that she ^ could not turn over In bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters slit* is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme re rnedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, run-down people. Cure guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by Odendahl Bros. The favorite whhky of famous men Is HARDER Because of its smooth, exquisite ilavor; because of it's match less purity: because of its mellow age. No wonder it's the favorite. Every droy sterling. HARDER WHISKEY. Sold by—T. H. Ei.snek, Loop City. Neb. — -—• It Helped To Win Hultli i Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from tbe Front to ray that for Scratches Bruises, Cuts, Wounds. Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Buckler,’s Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Skill Eruptions ami Diles. 25cts. a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Odendahl Bros, druggists. The wolf in the fable put on sheeps clothing because it he traveled on his own reputation he couldn't accomplish his purpose. Counterfeiters of Ht Wi Fa Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merit, so they ^ put then, iii boxes and wrappers like DeWitt’s. I.ook out for them Take only DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, it cures piles and ail skin diseases.—Oden dahl Bros. In India, the land of famine, thous ands die because they cannot obtain food. In America, the laud of plenty many suffer and die because they cannot digest the food they eat. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you cat. It In stantly relieves and radically cures all stomacn troubles.—Odendahl Bros. NOTICE. 11 desiring goods sold at public auc tion please call on me 7J miles north of Litchtleld, or address me at that place. I am an experienced auctioneer and will guarantee satisfaction.—Yours respt. I). II. Richardson. FOB SALE OH TRADE. One Minesota Chief threshing outfit' .‘12 inch cylinder and 12 horse power. One Nichols & Shepard threshing out fit, 82 inch cylinder and 12 horse power. One, almost new, 14 horse Aultman A Taylor hors* power. Call ou 01 address,— Harry Schick edantz St. Daul, Nebr. Hurklen’s ArnU t* Sulve Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tlon, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Hums. Hoiles, Mores, Felons, t'leers. Tetter, Malt Rheum, Fever Mores, Chap ped Hands, Mkm Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25e at < idemlahl Hros ♦ • ♦ The complete aervice of “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL’ via I'mon Pacific, enalilea pasaeugera to reach the principal cities between the North Pucltfe Coast ami Missouri Rivet not only in the ahorteat possible apace of tone, but also in the most comfortable an.| enjoyable roanussr. The dining care on this train are stocked with the best llie market affords. AP meals served a la carle. II. 4. fin my Agent. K**v I M N mg ling, pastor i>. the feed ford nireet \lr it»u.|l-t at Com n.'rlai. I aid it «tt«r<l« me much pleasure to r.e. niniend r ‘tiamtierUla's • nils* • holersan.I Diarrhoea, I have used it and know others a ho has# •lone so | have never an ivn It to (all It I* a tore cure sum Uses In time Fv*i sate by Udeudebt Hr>«