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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1900)
, Loup Cp y Northwestern r<'I. XVH LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. MARCH 16, 1900. >TMBElTl8 §^TThe Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT I HE COUNTY HEAT Utii ** "uMMI>™ ’ 7ti.Ur • • m * Lit Mill t To* Br t?#b hue ta runt mg » foot ra a •ui» tbe Africa* linaai'h good j • «»p« • of c'i B.a>L. *u‘. ahead Ladamub baft ea tog ffiuie Cur*: a*J tbe price of aaitaage Ifi Parte i* rr»B«i-ug its lorucl alatsa Tbe Ku ai* *t-i rroesve jaat j imter: * a*. >br bat*** of f sde >»a, a* iwa« a* «» a. B I cotiibuea to t «• at tbe • Rite b u*»r Mr Brjaa attribute# Lit good Efaitu ta Em acltae life. If tbe i .a s bo. i* f ad be might be called tbe aae *itb .be *ru*.»* -.. Her* U*e keataefcj l*ei» *«rata are g’ mt tag aabtat i of tbe Goebel la» and a a:ee»tt .e oa foot ta tbeir oat rata* for It* repeal Ik', at ba* ‘-oariaded to do up, Or» g o* best at J • ill tura but moutB i eat t4l Lb# abore* of tl«4 f *’. oar uf Batata Una apriBf 1W Oreg-a Tbe tv-e*,. UU Journal a*}*' tb*t Mr. b <aau baa rrtjWMf ali j *» ! jg date > rac» to oter aat '.urtf o •f.uel at i attead Mr H at » fnaeral ILm fait — Tbe r iti’4 of tbe T.sbea purrhaaed a H. - *.t«J at tbe at .ft* *- .riac tie *a« a be ba* M a A» a *j "«"*• a*. ftl> amateur pbo t«*jfrapBef and aoa ta* eoOciBded to tlftr Up * "i#M muuic t 1 Ur l»f»OCTaU S ItiUiifiCC that > tberr a .. •># '* e.ier ikpabiicait* f: . i-u* l at rbieb-e a’ tbe U..I --a. e-b*eb..v*. Ju;> -*tb Is tbe eaa* «e predict ati ex. u »»to linear fcr*: i n« after a fe» » ■ ulftMted Tb< I -peaa. kab Capital, atii be rub for oae ae»a bj tbe Re* , P^e Jtb a* JcftOft • old rua a pap j et *t i Boer tbe* a Cttani I ja. aiaMt .e* u»ai for one *«e* it * m V«c aa tbt «•* . «ou»d rot a kaaaa* atil never • top bleed <Bg Tbe average far® »» »« of core io 1* « 1*- *4 aaa . ♦ u cetita per buabel. Laat «ear abra tbe crop aaa 1115. *#b,b*b lob-.* largar. tbe average ^ p- .ft aaa Ml 2 veal* per ttuabel on tbe farm Paring M» K bit ) a proa parity tarn La* !«m a great da m*u4 for IEm reading product of tbe farmer* mad at macb better prices Not a eieg i« faiure ■»» recorded * .**; month •£*, .tf tbe mabutartur er. .f .ura cottoa good* or bats. ▲ There m+m o«l|r fi« fai’arr* among all tba r»rut«trr, bnrk and glass ' maaufa terer* and ia woolen atd leather manufacturer* tber were »a>* *er tb*a ta mat «► bet tear ex « , * be An J all*. '.be demo rata are hot bsMo — • * . . i »?* Kat a* * a bile he eat nd bg a long in the a the or her daf be became int* i ta a itUle aix I ear old t*»i an» oauttttrd to fwwpehhd •j jas’t «* t>* liUB of tbe usual juve nile c a;a 'er Ftcaiif be asked, : are tue an American ora Brian.' T«- r* a a <. *e*V® ‘ -®mg fro® a little ms t ear old that aboutd set to think g lb worshipers of tbe * i«»y sr»U Are tuu an American or a Mr am The |if»'i- t is so *tg edLaat that «■*'•# Mr Mr*aa aboaid pae me r« impor**©-^ hlort tbe fail j Campaign i- «»*er i b'lutintl 1 re! ft ]»!•-«• over] n.v...* tviKillMe* 19 4 sk *.’l**l lb - £f*btafti ntaruie of ttia* i-4»« <j it «u impoasibie fur ik B*.f»«t h». ss •UBlkurm to do mu\ tLrrr oa .*£ to Ue ; rrfrtrt U.I tanfl to tm fM of *4«. t ao i Ik extra nos* mi guU forLondon fe»r<g»-, f 4 Irtab g**»J# *•*« Spaoi»li curreu jra* ataai* Cuban mrretiaots are »o« at tag «beee tkr caa get Ik beat goods at to ot reasonable prices and am maitting pi—plly. A |b M hnen aerrtbaat attribute# tfcu **l < -be tie. able, aud ealigtil taad goaetanreot uf tkt country by ibr ttiaiM ' F ir »; ctiltitij political capers jua* t m that is hard to fathom by t:.e »m *• p *ud. Russia, Germany and Fiance each seem to imagine it at ’.be wi.rlj mas made for them a d if it an not f.»r the fear of ea her new maps would tie ma< • daily. In tbe mean time England is plodding alone sa* ing nothing but ts sawing mood diligently and when tie c fitment finally stops her cir * «i iur ■ eac h ar-und the other and tbe d ust settles, they will observe that Jchn Bud is firmly set* tied in south Africa, is tbe owner of Hr- Transvaal and ha* been retting and recuperating while they have ttr-en wearing themselves out keep ing up a noise. England baa lost less than three thousand men in «*< jtj Africa in killed, those wound e»t will mostly get well and the pris ts * *• will soon lie returned to her and when peace is declared she will have an army mobilized and cquip p J is perfect condition that are veterans. She will have a quarter f a million men with even their Lard tack provided and an expe run: e that make* them nearly invin .,e. leaders more sompetent than \rr\, » and if Russia has pushed her «’ '*»* k* too close tbe Afghan froo tier to suit Mr. Chamberlain he will ® -t aeiv sir ke while be is ready. « I.EAR CHEEK NEWS I:: b*’weather continues warm the 'k-u.c** * at It again. There m ill a small acreage of wheat sown. I A t art is feeding cattle fo- South Ositu a arket Mr. Clark lost a tear ^ ib** *trawr stack process. Tbe •tar*. f'*il no it. llvnry Halier is recor-ring for a •e - ere att ui h * f typhoid poftnoils. Mr - 1* r- tt baa left this part of the country Just w here be has gone D<I I OC **•*in» to know* Harry > *♦ ;ey is i.*ck from North V k'«ta wfa i ha* been on a tour to hunt a *» bom*. II* think* this country .» £ ia l »i. u.ii tor bias and so Iks paid a *rge pri •«* to g*t bis old farm back. Th pops w ill vote n»xt f1 to elect a U jsocrmt ic president. Won’t that be t i -e * n«» are -riling at from $-15 to $4fi per t.-ad. *ok» like this ought to or changed. Auotber democratic ad mi ul-t ration will do it. I*««. Mnwrrv and wife are rejoicing over be arrival cd a new bat»v girl. Kkcuidek. Wm Orr. Newark. O. say a, “We aer er fee *«fe w Itbwut One Minute Cough C .re m the house. It saved my little hoy’s l.fe w Let be bad the pneumonia, vVe tL a it btbe best medicine made” It ur.s coughs and ali lung diseases. Piea-aa: to take, harmless and gives immediate results — Od*udahl Bros. If so, there must be seme ! | trouble with its food. Well ? | babies are p!i»mp; only the J are thin. Arc you sure ' the food is all right ? Chii- ; dren can’t help but grow; i they must grow if their food | iKRirishes them. Perhaps a ; | mistake was made in the \ | past and as a result the di- j gesticn is weakened. If that) is so, don’t give the baby ' a lot of medicine; just use i your every-day common j sense and help nature a I little, and the way to do it is to add half a teaspoon- I l | f 4» ful of ; scon’s i EMULSION to the baby’s food three cr lour times a day. The gain . j will begin the very first day i ? you give it It seems to • j correct the digestion and ' | gets the baby started rigid ' I again. If the baby is nurs ; ing but docs not thrive, then ! the mother should take the j j emulsion. It will have a j good effect both upon the - mother and child. Twenty* Bve years proves this fact : W and (, all j | t SCOTT 4 BOWKE. CherniK*. Krw York. S ■ ■ »■ ■ Ml II Him. . Ml i ■ III li SEE!) WHEAT. 1 have some good Velvet Chaff Seed a h* a< Tor sale A II. Simmons. L«»up City, Ntb. Presidents Kruger and Steyn of t .e Transvaal and Orange Free Stale Republic, have memoralized Eng land to end the war and also request ed the L’nited Stabs to use their good offices to that end. but Salis bury refuses any or* rtures from the Transvaal cr any place else, l i conditioEal laving down of arm* and s general subai.ssion to British dicta tiou a e the only terms England will hear to. The Boer has got the lion thoroughly stirred np and the only thing that will appease bis wrath is to know that the lamb reposes be nealb his bristling c>at. ASHTON ITEMS Rev. Boyd of St. Paal occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church at this place Friday evening. Mr. 8. I). Lamphert and family returned from an extended trip through eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Mr. G. D. Bales of Sterling, who has been acting Agent during Mr. Lampberes absence, left us Monday morning for Elyria, Neb. Ignac Nowicki made a dung trip to St. Paul and back Monday. Mr and Mrs. Henry Howard drove over to Boelus Friday evening and spent Saturday. J. O. Wakenighl of Boelus was seen on our streets Monday. * Henry Reasland of Ravenna was doing business here Tuesday. G W. Marvel and \V. M. Smelser speut Tuesday night with friends at Loup City. The new creamerc reports that everything is going along smoothly, and new customers are daily com»ng in and everything gives promise that it is going to be a gran i sue- | cess. Carl Trafer of Rockville, was in onr city Wednesday. The report just came in that u son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Niels Jensen of I>aunieverke, on March 14, 1900. l. c. c. DO TOC WANT A CALENDAR The biggest—vnd best—calendar ever issued by any American railroad Is now’ being distributed by tbe Burlington Route. It has twelve sheets, one for each month of tbe j ear. On each sheet is a striking illustration of some feature of of the Burlington's servic or of the teri tory reached by its lines—the govern ments fast mail running at full speed; a tourest car on its way to California; engine 1591, tbe largest passenger en gine in tbe world; a library car; a com partment sleeper; the Burlington sta- ! tion at Omaba; a dining car; a monster freight train; Estes Park, Colo; the plunge bath at llot Springs, S. D., Yel lowstone Falls, etc. Tbe drawings f om which the pictures were made are by Louis Braunbold, of Chicago, and cost several hundred dol lars The size of the callendar is 22x28. The dates are in big type which can be read at a distance of 59 feet. For business offices 'h»* Burlington calendar is simply invaluable. Purchased in large quantities, tbe calendars cost tbe Burlington Route 27 cents apiece. With postage, packing etc., they represent an investment of about 35 cents Our price is 25 cents— 10 cents less than cost Write for one; stamps will do. If it is not satisfact ory. send it back and jour money will be promptly refunded. .1 Fisancis, G- neral P ssenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 2 9 7w W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Case*. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Northwestern Building, •OUF CITY, - KKMKAKK A. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEI-AT-LAff, LOUP OITT, i I m A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - • X) BRASKA OFFICE.—One door east of Chase’s l rug store. W. L. MARCY, DEJVl 1ST JFFICE ON EAST SIDE PCC-IC SQEARE LOUP CITY, NEB. start the tear right. By this we menu that if y ou are not already a subscriber to The Nebraska State Journal you should become out* at once The Journal is N ebraska's old reliable. Bein^ published at tbe state capital it print?- tnor.- news of interest to Ketraskans than any other paper in tbe state.- Many of its patrons have been subscribers for over a quarter of a century. The Journal has built up a tmnendious business by its pusb and eneigv ai d the paper standa at the head of the co urnn. Its daily and Sunday issues not only contain all the current news of the world, but are filled with special features. The Semi Weekly Journal, which by many is called “‘the farmers'da’ly,* gives 104 papers a year for 81 00 and is one of tbe greatest bar gains ever offered readers. Tbe year 1600 will be a record breaker with tbe Journal, a«-1869 has been. Join tbe ar my of readers for tbe coming presiden tial campaign. THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA Is in a tourist sleeper, personally con ducted. via the Burlington Route. You dou't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your ear is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper, but it is just ss clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ride in—and nearly $20 00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules: Pintscb gas, high back seats; a uniformed Pull man porter; clean bedding: spacious toilet rooms; tables and a beating range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is warm in winter and cool in ummer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Louis, Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday, arriving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast, including a stop-over of hours at Den ver and 2* hcurs at Salt Lake Ciiy—two of the most interesting cities on the con tinent. For folder giving full information, call at any Burlington Route ticket of fice. or write to—J, Francis,—Gen*l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb ‘1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family w it b wor.derlu results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dy-peptic’s best friend,’ says E. Ilartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure.—Odendahi Bros. Od**ndahl Bros., guarantees every bot tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents- This is tbe best remedy in the world for lagrippe, coughs, voids, croup and whooping coughs and is pleasant and safe to take it prevents any «endonov of a cold to result in pneu monia. Odendahi Broa. 8-1 19 FRANCHISE TO THE NEBRASKA TELE . PHONE COMPANY. (Ordinance No. 57 ) Sec. I That the Nebraska Telephone Com pany be. and are hereby granted right of way for the erection and mainiainance of poles and wires, with all the appurtenances thereto, for the purpose of transacting a general telephone and telegraph business through, upon and over the streets, alleys and public grounds of the village ef Loup City, for the period of twenty (20 > years: Provided: That said com pany shall at all times, when so requested by city authorities, permit their poles and fixtures to be used for the purpose of placing and maintaininc thereon any wires which may be necessary for the use of the police and fire de partments of the village, and further Provided, Such poles and wires shall be erected so as not to interfere with ordinary travel through such streets and alleys, and Provided: When ever it shall be necessary for any person to move along or across any of said streets or alleys, any vehicle or structure of such height or size as to interfere with any poles or wires so erected, the company using and erecting such poles and wires shall, upon receiving twenty-four hours notice thereof, temporarily remove such poles and wires from such place as must necessarily be crossed by such vehi cle or structure. Sxc. 2. Any person who shall interfere with. cut. remove, injure, break or destroy any of the poles, wires, fixtures, instruments or other property of any telegraph or telephone company or association within the corporate limits of this village, shs 11 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred (100i hundred dollars. That this ordinance shall take effect on and after its publication. Approved and passed the 2nd day of March. 1900. and published the 9th day of March. 1900. j J. Phil Jaeger. Chairman Attest. - Board of Trustees. I George H. Gibson. Village Clerk. Ttlislin.PToMEBCDY^™ ! S Jl». KI'IT(I»:-1 Gtainetl a Idii* silk dim with ■ lemon juice; what will restore the rotor? Iam ■ mailing lot* of money selling the Climax link a Washer. Have not made hue than Sin any day 1 ■ worked. Every family want* a I'ish Wi:*ber, and i a t*a> ?.'• quickly when they •** tin* dislou washed ■ and dried perfectly in one minute. 1 aeil a* many ■ washer* as my brother. and he i« an old *aie* ■ imtn. I will Hear #3,t**> tbi* year. Address the [ ■ Climax Mfg. Co.. Columbus. Ohio. Anyone ran I 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE < , Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communion tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive sperml notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. f2 • year: four months, f-1. hold byaU newsdealers MUNN &: Co£6,B"t2J!ew Yorl Branch Offloe. 626 F St„ Washington. D. C YOU SHOULD**-*-**. . ^ ~ REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY GOODS OFSiffe J. PHIL JAEGER, As Cheap as you can Anywhere. WE HAVE THE bought by any one dealer in Sherman county. Several, thousand dollar* worth of fresh winter goods still on hand and must be out by spring time which is not far off. From now* on, January 1, 1900, all winter good* will be sold on a very close margin. Do not be illured by annual sales elsewhere, but come and see our stock I know 1 can please you in quality and prices. I buy goods that will sell I can save you money on everything. Did you ever get left? No, nor you never will if you go to J. Phil Jaeg:ei*’s to buv Pubbef Goods, Boots, Shoes apd Gaps OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE GENERAL MERCHANDISE LINE. ^ ours for a Happy acd prosperous New Year. J. PHIL JAEGER, s“h --- \I~’ ANTED—Honest man or woman to ” travel for largo house; salarv $65 monthly and expenses with increase; position permanent: inclose self-addressed --tamped en velope. MANAGER. 330 Caxton bidg.. Chica go, 111. 7-1-19 VI’ASTED—SEVkRaL BRIGHT AND ” HONEsT, persons to represent us as Managers in this aDd close by counties. Salary ♦<>*> a year and expenses. Straight bona-fide, no more, no less salarv. Position permanent, onr references, any bank in any town, it is mainly office work conduct ed at home. Reference Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope —Thk Domik ios Company. Dept S, Chicago 9 J6 to S I9ii CAPT WILLIAM ASritR CHALER Congressman from New York is the president of The N kw I okk Star, which is giving away FORTY oOLLAR BICYCLE daily as of. r ed by their advertisement in another column Hon. Amos J. Cummings. M. C . Col. Asa Bird Gardner. District Attornev of New York ex Qovernor Hogg, of Texas and Col. Frau Feigel of New York, are among the well known name in their Board ot Directors Facts That_j Ready Every Patriot January 1st and Voter < Ought to K«^j Tht 1900 m AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. H Political Re?istef Containing Full Information Upon All Statistical Facts and Figures* The S Over ! NCW \ 600 I 2™ 5 Congress. Pa8es* A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Elections of 1900. SPECIAL < The South African FEATURES. War; War in the Phil -- ippines; The Interna tional Peace Congress; Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement; The Great Trusts and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects of equally vital1 interest._ A complete History cf each of the Ships in the American Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac lay, Historian U. S. Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL* Postpaid to any address. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Bldg he'd? York. NERYITA PULSES Cures Ixnpotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self I abuse, or excess and mdis jcretion. A nerve tonic and Jblood builder. Brings the rpink glow to pale cheeks and ’ restores the fire of youth, ter mail bpthnt fl Knvpc for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to care or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CUnton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, SUL FOR SALE BY ODENDAHL BEOS., Loup City, Neb NOTICE. We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James Reutfrow and are now readv to continue business at the old stand. We handle a complete line of WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, our price* are right. COLE A McDOXALD, Loup City, Neb. jc 4 A EEAlTiJRJL AHACHISOT * j fSiTATCG SI“;L%C ro^t iLVTS | has been added to the well known Ilospe lEA’fJ IlMl TOWS: $25 CASH, $20 WWTHLY. With Stool and Scarf. I WADE W C4K, WADMTand WAHOGAWY Write For Particulars-_ } everything ,N music 'AINflfi NVNI US HI J0dBdS^L0H IBOOI pHB WHM3K ONisLLaaAav xsaa 11 1 I31SIH11 I 3HJ. Nl 3SI±a3AOV ONV UOJ