The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 28, 1899, Image 5

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^Hrilling lories. |
A Tain oi the Santiago Campaign, WV
Exclusively For This Paper bg
Late Corpora)»th Infantry, t'.s. A,
inUNE, UU I , Ql
RECRUITING business did not
proceed with lightning-like
rapidity at Tampa, for tho
(e principal reason that there
•earned to bo a dearth of applicant* for
admission to the ranks of the regular
A dozen regiments were encamped
here, and not ono of them had its full
quota of men. There were officers in
plenty, but of what use were they
without a command ? Each regiment
took on one or two men a day, but at
that rate it would take a year for some
of the regiments to reach full strength.
Ho it was that a keen rivalry sprung
up between the different regiments in
tho matter of eulistments. Anv mau
that looked like u possible applicant
was besought by dozens of men to join
this or that regiment. If he seemed
at all timid, he was pulled and hauled
and at last carried off bodily by the
biggest man in the crowd of solicitors,
unless some other regiment happened
to be represented by two or three men.
“Hay, Jack (every stranger is ‘Jack’
in tho army), don’t yon want to join
the Ninth, the ‘fighting Ninth?*”
shouts some oue on tho approach of a
“possibility. ”
“Naw, he don’t, of course not,”
bellows another, ’“the ‘bloodyTenth’
i.i his game.”
“The ‘fighting Ninth,’ the ‘hloody
Tenth,’ wouldn’t that jar you V Why
ray, Jack, the ‘scrappy Twelfth’ is
the only outfit around hero. You
never heard of them others, did you?
Of course not,”
And men a cavalryman would open
up ou the merits of the ‘bronco bustin'
Sixth,’ ami others would join in until
the poor applicant often wished the
war was over or had never started, or
that he had had sense enough not to
think of enlisting.
It was during these troublous times
that a squad of recruit-catchera one
day noticed a rather peculiar looking
individual wending his way toward*
“hooks like oue," said Mango Pete
after a critical survey of the approach
ing form.
“Trouble in the family, though,”
common ted another.
“How's that?”
“Pauls at half mast. You never
was anything but u land-lubber.
No oue deigned to smile, oveu.
“Ali-ba,” said Pete, jumping to his
feet, “I know who lie is now. I was
lookin’ fur him.”
“Who is he?” chorused the others
“He, why he’s the Maine Guy.”
And tho Maine Guy he was from
that day, although it wus never known
ubsolutely what part of the country he
was from.
As soon as ho approached within
speaking distauce it was seen that he
was no youngster out for a holiday.
He appeared to be about thirty years
old. His clothes were ill-fitting and
his face unshaven, but the glance of
his eyo showed that ho knew his busi
ness and wanted no interference.
Consequently, be was not hard
pressed to join moro than half a dozen
regiments, and ho went off with
Mango Pete, v ho had been the first
To the officer who enlisted him he
gave the name of 8i Bender, and his
Lome at Jacksonville, Fla. How
over, it was easy to perceive from the
manner of his speech that ho was no
Houtherner. He answered ull ques
tions promptly, said ho never had
been in the army, had no family, etc.,
and was then sent to the awkward
squad for drill.
Tho lirst day in tho awkward squad
he had the drill sergeaut swearing
mad most of the time. But the next
day he had improved to such an ex
tent that lie never made even one mis
take, and no order given seemed to
feaze him for an instant. When
asked the cause of his remarkable im
provement ho said he did not want to
stay in the awkward squad forever
ami had dreamer* out nil the tactics
of the regular army during the night.
The Maine Guy was a good-natured
fellow, and never objected to bis nick
name. In fact, he rather seemed to
like it, nud, to a certain extent, tried
to talk with a down-east nasal twang
in his voice. In this lie was only
partially successful.
vvueu me rcguueut nail «ut*t*iu j
barked ttt Hibouey it wan noticed that
lleuder was noon on teiiue of iu
tiiuncy with Heveral Cuban*. lie
would jabbei at theut iu an unkuowu
tongue aud they wutilil jabber back,
auil, while olhera could u>t under
stand what waa being *aid, they re
allied that the Maiur Ouy knew
Mpauieb, Wbeu aaked about it he
*at<l he had been iu Meiieo a couple
of year* aud picked tip a tiuallariug
lit the iauguage there.
Aa aoou aa hi* llueuey with Hpaniali
became kuowu lleudet waa the luoat 1
■ought mau iu the reginteut. lie waa |
wauled lo bargain with the uativea ou
behalf of on# or another, aud touie
liuiee even the oflioere, who were aup j
l«»*ed to know everything aud a little
more, would eoudeeceud to aak lieu
tier to interpret for them.
t-ouietime*. after eouvereiug with,
the Cuban*, |t«uder would alt down
tu front of hi* peep tent and tali won j
ilreu rieiwt that he had heard. Of
the torrihia veugeauev of the native*.
H»w each on* In the ■-* veiled Cuban
army kept a necklace on *bleb wa«
•trung a tooth flow every Mpaatard
killed by the wearer. The owner of
the I erg eel atrtug held th# aw* and
a Imirattoa of I *i r atrade* and even
tanked with tke vCrm in tkeir eye*
Then there was'tho story of the
red machete, a wonderful weapon car
ried by a Spanish officer. Its owner
was immune to bullets and could be
taken only by capture. Hut though
many times the officer aud machete bad
been seen and many plots bad been
laid to trap him he hail eluded them
all. 'NVheue.ver ho was seen at the
head of a column of Spaniards the
Cubans tied precipitately, for lie was
a terrible tighter and was never known
to have been beaten.
But it was not long that the troops
remained in camp at Siboney. Soon
the march on Santiago was begun and
within a week the American army was
at La Seville, a suburb of the famous
old town. Skirmishes had beeu fre
quent on the march and now the men
were anxious to see lighting, real hot,
brutal and bloody war, Some of them
knew what it mount, most of them
did not, but all were anxious for it.
Mango Pete and the Maine (Sny
hnd pitched tent at Seville as soon us
the inarch wus doue and fifteen miu
utes later were off witli bag uud can
teens to liud good water and some ripe
“Well, Pete, this looks some as
though wo would have a walk-over
going into Santiago, don’t it?” re
marked Bender.
“It sure does,” was the reply.
“Them greasers ain’t no earthly good.
Got big streaks of yellow in ’em, nil
of 'em.”
“Still, Pete, you know they used to
be hot stuff'. I’m thinking that they’d
give 11s a good warm reception even
now, only there are not enough of
them, aud they haven’t food, nor
money, nor much else, except lots of
ammunition, I guess.”
“Of course, if they do make a stand
at all," said Pete slowly, “they’s lia
ble to he quite u death rate uround
here. You see they’ve got. guns that
shoot like sin. Jest as good as ours.
Better, maybe.”
“Yes, hut even at that I think most
of the men would welcome a good hot
Pete spat copiously aud gazed at
nothing for a moment, lie was some
what given to thinking before speak
’‘Unless it should happen to he too
hot,” he remarked at last.
“What do yon mean, Pete,” said
Bender, his voice tenso with emotion
on the instant. “Not defeat, you
wouldn’t dare think it even. Say,
what do mean?”
“Nothin’, nothin’, it was only a re
mark. No need to git excited about
it, .Jest between you an’ me. Only,
you kuow-”
That night, as all save the sentries
lay sleepiug, a bnglo call broke out
on the still air. Jt was the reveille
call, sounded twice in rapid succes
sion. Quickly the call passed from
one regiment to another, beginning
with the ranking command and
following in regular order down
the liue. And as the call sounded the
men jumped to respond until within a
few moments the great camp was
teeming with activity and excitement.
“What meant this midnight start?”
they asked ono and another. And
there was but one response:
Soon the caiup was but a memory
and the army moved forward, toward
the enemy’s works, guided by Cnbans.
As the first faint streaks of gray
light showed on the eastern horizon a
low deep boom-m-m reverberated
along the valley, a cloud of smoko
wreathed a small knoll on the side of
El Pozo, and the battle was on.
An hour later the cannonading was
terrific. The ground shook with the
incessant thunder of big guns. Hmall
bullets whistled through the air like
“I say, Pete, what do you think of
this?” shouted Bender.
“It aiu’t no Fourth o’ July celebra
tion, I’ll tell y’u that,” was the reply.
“Hot stuff, oh?”
“Well, you seem to take it pretty
well for a kid.”
“Bender, oli-h-b, Bender!"
It was the Colonel shouting at the
top of his voice.
“Here, sir!" replied Beuder, run
ning forward along the line.
“I may need you to-day. Give my
compliments to Captain Steele, tell
him that l’vo relieved you from duty
with his command, and then report
here again immediately.”
“Very well, sir.”
lteuder was with the Colonel again
in n few minutes, nml followed hiiu
closely ulI morning. When tho Sun
.luan river wan reached mid the troops
deployed to make ready for the charge,
Heuder ami the Colonel were some
what in advance of the mail.
It was a critical moment. The com
manding officer of the brigade had
beau killed. The two ranking colonels
had been severely wounded, ami were
hors de combat. The command of the
brigade now devolved on the Colonel
of the —th. He felt the t espouaibility,
also the danger and waited until all
was ready.
At the right mom cut the Colonel
jumped to his feet, drew hia aword,
ami raising it ou high, shouted iu
steutorian louse
"Charge ge ge ny rushes. Charge
ge-ge. Trumpeter, blow the charge
It* g» “
And there he fell abot through the
chest and moitally w.fuuded
Itelldcr leaped ft l ward, picked Up
the wouuded otficer, aud in a ahowei
of bullets, carrimt him into protection
of the river bank.
"tjuick, quick," gasped the colonel,
'‘take the e -tumaml to Major Andrew*,
of the th l'sll him I mplead, dea l,
and hurry, hurry/*
Mender waited not a moment, lut
•leaked away down the left dank The
th we* the nett regiment, hnl aa the
Ite# waa deployed tee now ranking
Commander. Major Andrew*, waa
neatly a rati* away. Mwrflly raa the
messenger along the bed of the river,
crueatwg aa wpea epees every now and
then. Thrice he was wounded, but
he <li<l not stop.
Iu u few minutes Major Amlrews
hail the commautl mid learned the
news of the deuth of tiieofficers. When
Bender started to speak to the Major
his voieo faltered at first and ho could
hardly speak. He pulled himself to
gether, however, and delivered his
The Major looked at Bender, criti
cally, for a moment and then said:
“What's your name?”
“Bender, sir.”
"Well, Bender, yon remain with
this command and report to me im
mediately after hostilities cease to
Then Major Andrews led the brigade
in the charge, and for the next twc
horn s carnage reigned supreme.
Bender had taken a rifle and joined
a company of the —tb, advancing aim
fighting with all the vim of u seasoned
warrior. His company was abreast of
one of flic block bouses on Han Juan
Hill. As they rushed np ami charged
the house they were met with a with
ering fire, but they never faltered.
When with.11 twenty paces a company
of Spaniards emerged from behind the
house and the next moment Beudei
was in the midst of a terrific hand tc
hand fight.
Bender heard the swish of a nia
cbete close to bis face and jumping
back found himself facing a burly
Spaniard, who was already making
ready for another swing.
“The red machete!” yelled Bender,
catching sight of the weapon in the
Spaniard’s hand.
Ho managed to parry the first blow
or two, hut was no match for his op
ponent, and a moment later was
stretched out on tho hill, thrust
through the abdomen, cut in the
shoulder nud iu the thigh.
But Bender was not dead. When
ho recovered consciousness a short
time later the hill was in possessiou
of tho Americans and the filing had
ceased temporarily. He called to
one of his comrades and asked that
Major Andrews he sent for.
Iu a few minutes the Major ar
‘‘Yon know me, don t you! said
Bender, weakly.
“Yes,” replied the Major, harshly;
I do. “What do you want?”
“Major, I just wanted to tell you,
seeing that 1 am done for, that I was
not to blame for that Bunk in the
Black Hills. I’m no coward, even if
my shoulder straps were ripped oft
for cowardice iu’faco of the enemy.
“I told you then I’d prove it if I
ever had a chance. And I had the
chance to day. I love the old flag,
Major, and I’d tight for it any time,
but I can’t do it again. Won’t you
take bjick what you said about me,
Major? I am no coward and Kitty
never believed I was,” ' ** »,
At qientiou of Kitty the Major’s
eyes tilled with tears and his lips
trembled witu cinolion.
“Lieutenant,” he said at last, “for
give me if I have wronged you. No,
you can’t bo a coward or you would
not have sought a soldier’s death.”
A glad light beamed in Bender’s
eyes as the Major bent over, clasped
his hand and smoothed his forehead
“And, aud, Kitty,” whispered
Bender faintly. “Is she happy?”
“Yes, Lieutenant; I think no.”
Tears were stronmiug from the
Major’s eyes now. “And you will
soon be with her.”
* * * *
The burial squad was a much be
fogged lot of men when given orders
that night to bury Private liemler
with honors of an officer. Nor could
they understand it all when a rude
head-board was set over the grave and
lettered as follows:
Lieutenant J. C. Bender,
Co. 1,1 Oth Infantry, U. H. A.,
Died in action,
.July 1, 1898,
A gallant soldier.
An tn I'lol'ller.
Homo time ago a newspaper stateil
tiiat Mr. A. .1. Balfonr, M. P., had
been presented by a certain institu
tion in Scotlund with a pair of “silver
mounted cuddies," nud was promptly
made the butt of its witty contempo
raries, who explained that “club”
only could be “silver mounted,” and
that “caddies'’ were men, who at
tended at golf links to uct as gentle
meu'd “gillies” <>r Huukeys. The
newspaper’s blunder, however, was
very * asy to correct, and probably its
contemporaries knew little more about
"caddies" than it did itself. The term
“caddie*," or “eadiee," or “caw dies,”
is akin to “«*4" and 'Va let, and
meaus messengers or unattached male
servants, (’addlea, in fact, were orig
inally a class of men, fouud m every
Scottish town of auy sue, who were
at the beck aud call of everybody who
wauled uu odd job done. Heuee they
were at the beck and call of everybody
who was startiug for a game of golf,
aud out, thanks to the orgauiiatiou
of lah<u, they are employed solely by
the golfer,—Loudon Oeui.
■'Ian« islslsllssi. **
ll was a teller in auewer to llie an
nottueeuient of the of a
young man. and eeul to the girl to
whom he had previously been en
gaged. tor some fWuu she tree not
etaetly pleased at thie attention on
hie part, and line la the letter she sent
to him 11 read; “Pear H«. t | have
received the letter aualataiag the an
niiiincemeut of year engagement to
Mtee Ittsnk. A* I do net know her I
oannut esitif tain tale y«*a, and na 1 do
know yon | cannot toegietalele liar.”
After that she eigaed her name. and
with a feel tag of great pleeauie of a
certain kind eout ol) Ike epistle.—
boa to a Iteeord.
\ War Corre«p<»ntl**nt Win TViitik« llim
to BSi* m <HiHh IMHfifiit Creiittir* From
I lie I I Ituill 1|» I'.v Srnt iin*‘iitali»t»
—TIio Hon* Yrouw'n Ambition*
There in no abler war correspondent
in Month Africa to day than Willin'" 1
Maxwell, of the Loudon Standard, j
Ho wends to his paper a description of'
the Boer as he finds him, which is the
best, and on the whole the most im
partial, character sketch that has
come from an Koglish pen. In the
course of a most interesting letter,
Mr. Maxwell says:
‘•Between the Boer of fiction and of
fact there is no affinity. They differ
as much as the ‘noble redinan' who
scalps his way through the pages of
Fenimore Cooper ditl'ers from his
squalid, degenerate son in the native
reserve. The Boer of fiction is a
chivalrous, though somewhat sleepy,
gentleman in corduroy—a mountain
of beef uud butte, given to solitary
musing, and to tlie shooting of buck
or ‘redcoats,’ whichever happen to
cross his path. Hunter and hermit,
patriot and philosopher, is tho mix
ture out of which he is compounded.
The Boer of fact is a creature of an
other cl iv. He is a dull, lumpish,
lazy animal, with a capacity for igno
rance, superstition and tyranny mi
surpassed by any white race. His
good qualities—for ho has redeeming
characteristics appeal strongly to the
imagination. He clings with the pas
sionate fervor of a (lovenauter to the
simple and sublime faith of the literal
teaching of tho Bible, Love of inde
pendence is deep rooted in his nature.
Tho history ot Month Africa during
two and a half centuries is full of ex
amples of Ins dogged mid iincoiiquer
able'spirit. But he tins in overpower
ing degree the defects of those quali
ties. His piety is apt to degenerate
into superstition uud sanctimonious
Pharisaism. liovo oi independence
lias begot in him hate of everything
that might tend to disturb his rever
ence for the past, and suspicion of tlie
stranger who threatens to “tread him
to death" in the solitude of the veldt.
“The uhsolutu seclusion nud inde
pendence of the pastoral life of the
Boer farmer are accountable for his
ignorauce. His education is limited
to six mouths’ instruction by a tutor,
who visits the farm on the silent veldt
as soon as the children of the family
are grown up. Few of them can read,
and still fewer are able to write. Yet
the Boer will tolerate nothing that
would dispel his ignorance or contra
dict his superstitious. Fie is still con
vinced that the sun moves round the
earth, aud that the earth is n Hat and
Solid substance resting on unseen
“Persistence in tlie ways of bis
fathers is a strong characteristic of
the Boer. Except in the Free Htate,
where a few farmers have outraged
public opinion and flown in the face
of Providence by introducing machin
ery, the method of cultivating the soil
is that of Syria and Palestine. Coni
is still trodden, aud the law is ‘Thou
shalt not muzzle the ox when he
treadeth out the corn.’ But the ox
that presumes to think himself worthy
of his reward is beaten unmercifully.
Thus is tlie letter of (he Law of Moses
observed. There is nothing the Boer
is not capable of doing with a good
“As a family man the Boer's repu
tation would justify him iu becoming
a candidate for the Dunnow Flitch.
Surly aud suspicious iu manner, heavy
nud uncouth in his ways, shy and re
served among strangers, you may win
him to a gruff cordiality, if yon are a
husband and father, and care to listen
to the details of his domestic life.
But although the Boer certainly cher
ishes with deep affection his wife and
children, he treats them according ^o
Oriental rather than Europeun ideas.
The women always stand till (he men
are seated, and ure not served until
the wants of their lords aud masters
are satisfied. I am describing tbe
customs of the farmer who lives ou
the veldt, and has no acquaintance
with Western manners. Such a rnau
is little removed from a Htate of bar
barism, and his surroundings are of
ten as squalid as those of a Kaftir. De
spite this patriarchinl rule, the vrouw
has great influence over her mnu, nud
is credited with having on more than
one occasion screwed his courage up
to the lighting point. Thu Boer vrouw
18 uoi u ncatny, uoiwiinsitimnug tuo
care with which she preservch her
complexion from thoettecta of tlie aim.
Her ambitiou, like that of the tish
wives at Hcheveuiugeu, is to become
as fat aa an ox, though, unlike the
Dutch wife, nIic is uot an example of
acrupulous clUanliuess. The ltoer is
uot hoapitahle. He resents the prea
euce of atraugera, aud, being too laxy
to cultivate more than is necessary
for the uuuieiliate wants of hia family,
he has uothiug to spare for uninvited
"There ia a higher type of floor,
who is comparatively clean in nerauii
ami almost Kuropeau in thought aud
habit. He may be as corrupt aud
sly— *sliru' is the word they use- as
hia detractors make out, yet lie le less
objeeliuaahle than lbs seaii-barbarous
fanatic uu the veldt, Where he is ia
a decided majority he re arrogant aud
evetbeatiug, but ue is easily eosrsd by
the display of physical force. The
B»><pr of the farm aad the veldt, aa
well aa of the border towns, is less
aiueaablelo reason. Ills phenomenal
igaorauee, hietaoaumeal >1 conceit, hia
; aneoiM|nernble hatred of the llniish.
1 make him a tyrant The ttoei la ttrinly
eoavtneed that the llrilteb are a rae«
of auwards. Met all the eloquence of
Ur. ttlndatiae con Id persnad* him
that the color of the Mritteh dag is
not white, or that the t»dependence ef
the Transvaal was nut won by arms at
1-ange Xek aad Uajaha. *
TliroiigSi IIlo IVnlliiK* ll« Is Jto«l Surely
l!rui'lir,l I or Ouotl or Hull.
“Little good can come of being arbi
trary with a child, by makiug him do
as wo wish without first netting at tho
causes of bis willfulness,” is the posi
tion taken by Anna Wikel writing of
“Breaking a Child's Will" in the
Woman’s Home Companion. “A
child’s volitions are transient. Theen
deavor, then, must be to get at his
Heeling volitions and train each one
aright, nti’l he cau be said to have a
governing purpose. Home put im
plicit faith in reasoning with a child.
Well, it shows respect for chibl nnture
and occasionally reaches him; at least
it may have some elFee! in developing
his reasoning powers, and certainly
promise* confidence between parent
and child. If bis reason were already
developed there would be less diffi
culty in training tho will, bill since it
in not we must train the will through
other avenues, and his feelings, his
emotional impulses, form the best of
these. In order to strengthen and
train his will a child must be allowed
to exercise it by choosing for himself
as far as practicable. The paieut or
teacher must advise the child before
the choice is made, or when he is suf
fering as the result of an unwise choice
lie may well rolled on them for not
giving him the benefit of their ex
perience; but after both sides are
made plain the child must be left a
free moral Hgeut, If there is a choice
between a pocket ktnfe and a new pair
of trousers a boy will almost surely
choose tho knife. When he feels
ashamed of his patched knees it will
be a means of culture to bis judgment
through the emotion of shame, and his
next willing may be on the lino of
reason. But it takes more than one
lesson to learn that *we cannot cat our
cuke and have it, too.’ Robertson
says, ‘There are two ways of reaching
truth—by reasoning it out and by feel
ing it out.’ A child must feel Ins way
to truth. A child lives in his feelings,
and through them he is reached for
good or evil.”
Coat* More to Itullil Mow.
The advance ill the cost of building
material)* nml Hie ju ice of labor is due
entirely to the extraordinary demand.
Iu the period of depression supplies
were allowed to reach a very low
jioint. There was no need to carry
largo stocks of lumber and therefore
the sawmills did uot make it, while
the iron mills were idle for lack of
orders. Therefore when a renewal of
activity came the visible supply of
building materials was exhausted in
no time, and the demand from foreign
markets for lumber and steel and iron
was beyoue all experience. The forces
were doubled and the wheels were
never still; but the manufacturers
were unable to supply what was want
ed and the people who wanted it most
forced up the prices. Iron contracts
that were being let at a 5 per cent,
increase soon went up to 25 per cent.
Plumbing supplies are 15 and 18 per
cent, higher than they wero a year
ago. The same is true of all kinds of
hardware and other staples, while on
fancy iron, marble and woodwork
there has been a rise of 40 and 50 per
A building that could Liavo been
ereqted for 8250,000 last year would
cost $350,000 now, but there does not
seem to be auy indication of a let-un.
Every architect in town is busy, every
builder has all the work he can do,
while the real estate exchange reports
unprecedented activity among invest
ors.—Chicago lleoord.
Keep* Mo Itecoril or lt« Tran meltons.
One of the most extraordinary fea
tures of the British Cabinet is the fact
that its transactions arc never record
ed. What is done or said there lives,
jjerbapa, iu the memory ot the men
who nre present, but not a book ia
kept uor a line written as to what is
done. Acts speak for themselves, and
a cabinet is bold responsible by the
people of this couutry for what it does.
The only other poison concerned is
the Queen, and she learns what lias
taken place from the communication
which it is the duly of every Prime
Minister to semi her ns soon as tho
proceedings are closed.
Occasionally a eabiuet council wit
nesses a “scene." The incident,
I however, is never of an exciting char
j .icier. If a minister finds himself out
of touch with the rest of bis colleagues
! and resolves to resigu, lie intimates
iu a quiet way that lie will h ind in his
resignation. It is these littlo differ
ences of opiuiou shown at the secret
meetings of (treat Britain’s Ministers
that would make the jireseneo of n re
porter thereat so valuable to history.
— London Answers.
Ilallroatl (Irani mar.
“What was the uext station?"
“Yon in tail wlmt is the next sta
tion. "
"No. What was is, isn’t it?"
"That doesn't make any difference,
ta is was, hut was is not uecesaarily
"(rook here, what was, is, and what
is. is. 1« was is or is is was."
"Nonsense. Was may he is, but is
is not was. It was was, hut if was wai
ts, then is isn't is or was wasn't was.
II was is, was is was, tan I it? Hut 11
j is is was then—"
"Listen. Is is, was was, and is was
| and was is, therefore is we* is and war
is was, and it was was is, is is is, and
j was wan was and ia is was "
"Shat n|>, will you' Ire none by
| mj station already."—Life.
Tkt Utl|lMl liartUiiH Ur«r*>
The auesslor of alt -mr native out
•luiir graces is the original wild grape
! whteb the Norsemen l-mti I uu the
•horse of Ytaelead. The I'asiurd is
, m»|u*o»«>'I ta ha the wild «c*|m
•hanged through euiltraltoa. t un
! oust) SU -UJ I. the seedlings wl IU«
{ I'eseufd alien turn out while gre|>e«,
* ami e dosen or eo well ha >»n tarts
tier, white, red end dark, originated
; in tku »sy -H^iing*.ld Hepoblweu.
‘Hies* ih> l.oril. O My Hunt. anil Nr'
Kd >'#t All HU llenelitx"—Hook of
I'sulm*. Chapter rill; Verse 2—An In
terest Inj; Talile.
On this Inst day of the year It may he
wi ll tu review ourselves us well as the
i lass, for the sake of Its Influence on the
year to come.
1. Have we been as faithful as we
tu Ik til have been? Note down definitely
the particulars wherein we might do bet
Hr. Alexander Whyte of Kdlnboro, In
an address before the Free Church As
sembly In May, 1X38, spoke earnest words
to ministers that ure equally good coun
sel for teachers:
"Take your text and your doctrines nut.
of Holy Scripture, and then heat and
salt and season your sermons out of
your own souls, and your enchanted peo
ple will go home blessing your name* and
saying Hint they who forsake such
preaeldng forsake the truest salvation
and the truest Joy of their own souls."
Could we have done better If we had
had a teachers' meeting, and what can
we do toward having one of some kind?
Note.—"Rochester Is said to have an
Ignorance club, the principal plank In the
platform of which Is: 'We know nothing,
but seek knowledge.' One reason why
there is not better work done In the aver
a|« HIble school Is because many workers
think they 'know It all.’ If there was a
more general confession of Ignorance and
a seeking for knowledge, u vast Im
provement would he noted In many di
rections, because there never was a tlrno
when so much was done to Instruct all
grades of workers as Is tiow being done.
'W'e seek knowledge.' Let this be our
motto."—The Church Economist.
3. Have we leurned all we could about
the best ways of reviewing, so as to
make our review Hundays the most In
teresting. attractive and helpful of nil
the Hundays of the quarter?
Note.—"Hardly any department of the
toucher's work Is of greater Importance
than that of reviews, yet hardly any has
received less attention In treatises on
Sunday-school teaching, or In actual Sun
day-srhool practice."—If, C. Trumbull.
Helps towurd good revlewH may be found
In Rev. Dr. Heliauftler's "Ways of Work
ing" IW, A Wilde & Co); "The HIble
School" (Randolph); "Review Exercises
In the Hundny Hcliool," by H. C. Trum
bull (8. H Times, Philadelphia).
t Have I been a good pastor to my
Note,—"Cecil used to say that Hntun
did not cure one straw how the ministers
of Christ were employed, If only It was
not at their proper work. Only, the De
ceiver said to Ills emissaries keep them,
to begin with, from preparing for the pul
pit. Rut If their special Hint Is preach
ing, (hen let them preach Sabbath and
Saturday without ceasing. Only, ho
swore, 1 will lay you In chains of dark
ness If you let them visit.”—Dr. Alexander
Fix those dates In the mind, and nsso
i late each one with the cluster of events
which belong to It.
Personal Kevlew.
The events of the half century covered
by our studies uie associated with four
leading persons.
list her. Other persons.— Xerxes, Vushtl,
Human, Mordecai.
Events.—The feast (the invasion of
Greece), Human's plan for destroy
ing the Jews, Mordscai's experiences,
list hers heroism, the deliverance,
Llxra. The return, revival, reforms,
Kara's work us a scribe, the Scriptures.
Kehemluh. Persons. Malachl. Artaxer
xes. Sanballat, Oashmu, Tobiah.
Events.—Goes to Jerusalem; takes
large treasure; rebuilds the w*lls;
Institutes religious services. A great
Illble meeting, reforms, especially of
surlnl life and the Babbath.
Malachl. The last prophet associated
with Nehentlah, preaches reform, helps
ei'.ublish the law.
Itrvlew hj i'larw.
Tlio evHili uml person* i luster around
(wo RtiMt «l(U-s:
1, Hliushun (or ftusai. No(e ull (hit
transartlun* rM'iirdml In (he lessons which
(onk plait- here, ami (heir bearing on dm
course of h!a(ory.
2. Jerusalem. The t hnngt-s dial Inoli
pi.tec In (bis illy Nole all (lie events
studied during (his uuarler shlrh ten
Isred around Jerusalem, and (heir hear
Ini upon (he piogrcs* of (be klnidutn of
Mure lantiM'i Veetletl.
From (he Chicago Tribune: l«a
Salle lhin t you unite* a moat ill*
l resting shoring* In dime*, quarter*
and half-dollar* duwn your way?
Spring Freeh liuab. yes' Hill that
doesai dl*tr**a me half am mueh as tb«
shortage In n |ld and I.D hill*'
A man marrlMi fur lot*, a woman
1 Iuvm fur marrtag*.
Nothing la low good for th* man aha
knows how lu gel |«.
Th# war* brain* a woman has Ih*
less she likei to ha e«|l«d brainy *
th* Aral llm* a girl hUaoa a man
•h* trtaa (a poa* foal Ilk* Ih* aslrssa
•ha one* saw htaa la aoaw play,
i Th* U*d probably mad* Man Aral
haaaaaa ha was afraid li»* waold Hksiai
M adiMag h-rn about maaing Adam.