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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1899)
Passing Through Marshes of Philippines Toward Eayombong. IHE PROGRESS IS VERY SLOW. MacArthur'* Occupy Nix Hour* in Trav ersing Seven untl a Half Mile* to Cle rona—Native* Express Friendship anU Exteml Welcome to Our Soldier* a* They Push Along. MANILA, Nov. 20.—The following dispatches have been received here lrom correspondents of the Associated Press, accompanying the American ad vance northward: GERONA, Nov. 18— General Mac Arthur entered Gerona as already ca bled, this afternoon. The insurgents had fled last Monday, after burning the depot. Nothing eise was destroyed by them. Gerona Is the first town along the Manila Dagupan railway line, where the natives did not run at the approach of the Americans. The padres offered quarters in the church and convent. The town has one good house. Gerona is the seat of heavy English sugar interests. The trip here was a hard one and occupied six hours in covering seven miles and a half. Most of the time was sepnt In fording a quarter of a mile flood, running out of the Rio Tar lac. We have no wagons, and pack mules and native hearers carry all our supplies. The natives here say that Ilayom bona was occupied last Sunday by mounted troops, probably General Young's brigade of General Lawton's division. The people here are of a better class than we have usually found, and they welcomed the Amer icans, as they evidently realize that their agricultural Interests will revive. General MacArthur said this after noon: “We seem to be entering a dif ferent political atmosphere. The peo ple here seem to be less attached to Agulnaldo’s cause than those In many towns we have entered on the railroad line.” The command will move nonnwaru at daybreak tomorrow, toward Bayom bong. Gerona wil be garrisoned with two companies of the Thirty-sixth, Immediately on entering Gerona Sla ven's scouts moved up the track to ward Panique. On the way they en countered an entrenched party of in surgents, whom they drove back, then entering the town and capturing four locomotives and thirteen cars, as al ready cabled. They learned that 500 insurgents had left the town in the course of the afternoon. "PANIQUE, Nov. 20.—General Mac Arthur’s troops arrived from Gerona in the course of the morning. The lailroad beyond this point had been destroyed. The captured railway stock is being repaired to handle supplies. The expedition will go north toward Iiayomboug, probably today. The sig nal corps Is constructing lines with great rapidity. A native courier from Ilayombong reports that the American troops left the town soon after they entered, and that many natives re main, though no insurgents. General MacArthur discovered here Major Joneson, formerly chief sur geon on the staff of the Filipino com mander, General Mascardo. He re sides at Bacolor, and is about to re turn there to resume his practice. Major Joneson says that all respecta ble Filipinos are disgusted with the behavior of the insurgents and are very glad that the Americans have the upper hand. A continuous procession of refugees is entering Panique from the north, indicating the proximity of other American troops, probably off the rail road line. These refugees say that the insurgents have not known which way to turn, with the Americans occupying so many places on the north. FIVE KILLED, MANY INJURED. Wreck on the <)iu;»ha Hoad 1L« mu1ih In Death of Workmen. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Nov. 20.— Word reaches here late this evening of a terrible accident on the Omaha railroad near Humbcddt, twenty miles from Sioux Falls. According to the meager details which have been thus lar received, a party of men were on u hand car about a quarter of a mile out of Humboldt, when they discov ered a work train In charge of Con ductor Higgins hacking down upon them, en route to Montrose. In the work train were a number of flat cars, upon which were a hundred or more workmen, principally Ital ians. The men on the hand car Jumped off. leaving the car on the track. When the rapidly hacking work train struck the obstruction the force of the collision threw four flat cars from the trnck. killing live of the workmen, among them Edward Howard, an American, and Injuring many more. Five more of the injured are expected to die. .luallrc ( liauilirr* Die*. WASHINGTON. l> C.. Nov. 20 — Chief Justice Chambers of Samoa nus resigned. and hla resignation has been accepted for the United Stutea. or-- of the three purlieu to the Merlin treaty, by the president. The resignation, also, will he made to Great Hrttsin slid to Germany. The Inst official set of Mr. Cham bers w»» the submission of s report upon hla administration of the office of chief Justice up tu his departure from Apis % H»h fur l«»M IM(|in«,. WASHINGTON, ft C, Nov M.~ Most master Wright uf Cape Nmiu Alaska Is In the city in tn« interest of postal facilities to s -cowuoutsta so expected rush ti thit dlslrt l n u spttag Hide have been asked for land srrtii* piotrsbiy b> reindeer l»t«* a lt> Mi* hauls and Nome ghoul ten mt'ee the present service being only hy vessel* which touch there Inf re queail} Mr Wright says that 4 two people will winter in the thirty ft*e role* or so of the cueat Hun tahee In the Cep« N <me cuaet end that fully Se.MW will he there in the spring DEFENSE Of LADYSMITH. The Itoerw Makd a Determined Attack on November 9 DURBAN, Natal, Nov. 20.—Tl.e Times of Natal publishes the follow ing: “The enemy made a determined at tack on Thursday, November 9. Ap parently all the Boer forces particlpat td. Their artillery opened at 4 a. nt., pouring in shells thick and fast upon the British positions, although with no great effect. They adopted the unus ual tactics of advancing under cover of their to positions on the ridges and kopjes adjacent to those occupied by the British troops early in the invest ment. “Continuing their advenee the Boers crept up, using every available bit of cover. Our infantry opened with a steady, warm and accurate fire, which beat hack the enemy, notwithstanding the display of tenacity of purpose equal to their desperate stands on previous occasions. The Boer attack was mo-tt elaborate on all sides of the town. “The main attack was made, how ever, between the Free State and New castle railway lines by a column chief ly of Johannesburg volunteers. A bri gade of King's Royal Rifles corps made a splendid defense. The Boers wi re repulsed, but soon rallied and return ed to the fight. Again the British fire, which was very hot, forced them to re tire. They had made a deep trem n iu front of the British lines and while withdrawing from their horses they left this unguarded, whereupon the King’s Rifles, advancing at double quick, occupied the trench. “This smart movement was not seen by the enemy, who soon returned with their horses. Carefully reserving their fire the King’s Rifles allowed the Boers to advance almost to the euge of the trench and then poured volley after volley Into the astounded Boers, who turned and fled from an awful hail of bullets, bolting across the jtpen, whore the artillery of the British pour ed In a terrible and effective shell lire. The enemy lost heavily, fulling about in heaps. “Meanwhile another section of the Boers had brought a mortar Into ac tion, filing heavy shells. Our guns, concentrating upon It, soon silenced this weapon, the enemy's artillery men fleeelng headlong. The Boers then ad vanced In force with a view of repay ing the mortar, but our artillery shelled I and scattered them right and left, l'he ; fighting was all over at 11 o’clock. GRADUALLY GROWING WEAKER. Vice prl*l<lcnt Ifohart NI»ow» Sign* of Apprnarlilug Decay. PATEDSON. N. J., Nov. 20.—Vico ; President Hobart passed the greater part of yesterday at the bedroom win dow, at times reading the newspapers and having Mrs. Hobart reading to i him. Ho took less food than usual. This seems to indicate that his stom ! aeh trouble lias returned. Mr. Ho l bart appeared to be as cheerful as ever ; a«rl took a lively interest in the topics I of the day ns presented in the newspa I pers. There is no perceptible change j in his condition, but his friends are ! now not as hopeful as they have been, j They believe that the vice president is gradually growing weaker. BIRT TO C0NFER_WITH THEM. Wilt Talk With Striking Machinist* and Trouble May End. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 20.—The striking I'nion Pariflc machinists and their employers are drawing near to a settlement of their differences. The machinists now ask for an advance to 33Va cents per hour, being an advance of 1 cent per hour over present prices, and have withdrawn their demand for an increase to 35 cents per hour after January 1. President Burt is expected here to ■ morrow, and the men will have a con ference with him. liner* Concentrate Their Force*. LONDON, Nov. 20—An Orange River dispatch (iated Thursday, November 1 16, says the Boers were then concen i trating their forces outside of Kiin | berley. According to the latest ad vices from Jamestown, there had been no signs of a Basuto rising up to Sat urday last. The Boers have renamed Altwal North. Olieversfontein, in hon or of their commandant. From Lourenzo Marquez comes a re ; port that the three German officers, ; Colonel von Braun, Lieutenant Brute wltz and Lieutenant von Kutize, have i arrived at Pretoria with the intention of Joining General Joubort's staff, j Woody is Much Improved. Iliyuanl Still Improving. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Nov. 20.— The condition of Senator Hayward Is better tonight than It was twenty-four hours ago. The paralysis appears to be yielding to the treatment and the patient Is able to use his limbs fairly well. While the senator Is still In a | precarious condition his physician has ! not given up hope that he may get up ugaln. The distinguished patient j Is receiving the best of care and treat ment and his friends all hope for a fa vorable outcome of the present attack. Unllng tluces I'ool Hoorn 8T. I.OIT8, Nov. 20.— Judge (Mark, of the court of criminal correction, to day. in overruling a motion to squash the Information against a doien book makers. arrested for the violation of the Urreder»' law. decided that the stateute was constitutional This will result In the rloslng up of the down t»wu fHMil rooms. th*> chief of police having given orders to that effect. Jump Is I.estHeV ami HM» rillt'AdO. Nev 30 The It cord to morrow will say Ail kinds of leather and hide* In the I'sIN lit ales and t'auada havs taken a sodden jump In price because of a general scarcity «>| the raw and maim'adored material putting the market aalmoat la a elate ••f panic In Ihe last aitty days th* beat grade of uak bulla, which are need for belting have advanced from 3d lo !A cents per p>>und and the Bret qual ity of unit sole leather, seed In th* Banking of hoots and shoe* has rise a from II cants tu la rente OUTSIDE Mil LINES Major Swiger Discovers the Insurgent Leader is Not Hemmed In. HiS WHEREABOUTS IS KNOWN. American force* Moving on the Chlef tain, Who Is at Poxnrublo, Northeast •f 6an .Jacinto—Prospects of III* Cap ture Not Encouraging. MANILA, Nov. 18.—The latest infor mation as to Agulnaldo’s whereabouts comes from Major Swlgert of the Third cavalry. Major Swlgert reports moving against the rebel general at Pazaru blo. This disposes of all rumors as to Aguinaldo being at Dagupan and hem med In by our forces at Pazarubio Is outside the line drawn hy our troops. New York—Pozorubio, which place the Herald’s special cable Indicates tin* rebel leader now occupies, Is about ten miles from San Jacinto, lying a llttla north of east from that town. It was at San Jacinto that the last hard fighting with the insurgents was reported, in which Major John A. Lo gan was killed while leading a charge. The war department had hopes that Aguinaldo hud been caught between the lines of General Wheaton qn the coast of the gulf of Llngayen, and those of MacArthur near Tarlac. In the meantime Lawton has been pushing up through the Interior, send ing his cavalry under General Young far ahead In the direction of Bayou borg. Two days ago it was reported that Young was but a few miles from the latter point. Major Swlgert is a cavalry officer, and, while not absolutely certain, in army circles at Washington last night, it was believed that he wa3 attached to General Young’s command. It therefore seems most probable that he has swung over westward from the direction of Bayonborg, and con sequently is closing in on Pozorubio from the north. In that event tiio chances of surrounding the rebel lead er are excellent. General MacArthur, with the Thiny sixth Infantry, a battalion of the Fif teenth infantry, a troop of the Fourth cavalry, several Gatlings and a detach ment of the signal corps, lias bec,un ins northward advance from Tarlac, which will lie contlnud to Bayombong, province of New Vizcaya. STOCK SHOW OT ALL NATIONS. Texas Ranchman Outlln-s Plan for an International ICxtiioit DES MOINES, la,, Nov. 18.—Colonel D. O. Lively, secretary of the Farmers’ congress and a resident of Fort \vorth, Tex., was in the city teday on his way to Chicago to arrange for an In ternational stock show, to be held next year In November. Colonel Lively outlined the plan of the proposed show. "What we propose to give is an in ternational fat stock show,” he said. "It would Include only tho fooa ani mals—cattle, hogs and sheep—but it would be the biggest thing of tue kind ever attempted. Wo should aim to make it as representative a show of that kind as the world's fair was in its particular line. The coming week the live stock association, embracing the shorthorn, Hereford and Angui breeders, will meet. The plan is to bo laid before the members and if they approve the arrangements will bo made.” SAYS A PANIC WAS AYIRTED. Uige'H Action in lltiylni; llonds Stopped Game of tlie Sharp*. NEW YORK, Nov. 18.—Russell Saga is quoted today as saying to a news paper interviewer, who ' asked him what he thought of the United States treasury's ofTer to buy $20.00(1,000 of bonds: “I believe Secretary Gage’s action has saved the financial world from a disastrous panic. No one who has been in touch with business enter prises during the last few monthu can ' fail to have realized the stringency of the money market. "The sharps took advantage of the situation. They were making a rich harvest of it. but the government has stopped their game.” SENATOR HAYWARD IS BETTER. Physician Is Kiicouruicecl With tho Pros pects of Itrcotrry. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Nov. 18 - Senator Hayward's condition shown marked improvement during the past twenty-four hours. Dr. Whit ten expresses himself ns being great ly encouraged with the prospect a of hts patient s recovery. The paralys e appear to have been arrested, aa the senator wus able to use his right, am teday and to utter a few Intelligible sentences, the fiist since the beginning of his present Illness. Touigh' Hu [aitlent s pulse Is normal and his geu era! condition la go d. Ini Ittimli Off* ml CHICAGO. III.. Nev. II.—Pew honrta have been ulfi'wil at the euh-treesury In this elty In response tu Heeretary (•sees recent offer of resumption. I to the < lose of bu»liir«s hour* today only IJ.udu had tieen off* red. Taken l« tt remlei lead rilPYKN’NK Wyo. No*. |l~£t. ! Oovernur O, Vin »m C.dia of Coainl* n ut and wlf> Al<>«»» I. Clark, rr >ai i deut of the Nebraaha It-al U<tat* A I I .trail aaaus lattoa id Hasting* N-b . and i I H I'mat and wifa ale • uI IUs* I nna- have arrived la the itty for ura pur (He* id lore* l eiua a nsortaaift on a Hart of land situated twelve r*tl*r muth of che»ean*. and south of the Citloradu tine, in wUtrH ] there are *b*>ul SVr.tNsr s>' -ss. 1 he 1 taort|*#e «a» at van as sesurtiy for s | loan of |**t *e* i made hj the Nehrasaa I tutupaay tn la*!. BlRIrD IN PACO CfMflERY. Remain* of Major Johu A. Logan Laid Away by Late Comrade*. MANILA, Nov. 17.—The remains of Major John A. Logan, killed in action at San Jacinto Saturday, were buried in Paco cemetery this morning. Many persons followed the body to the grave. Chaplain Pierce officiated and the Twentieth Infantry furnished the ca re rt, which was commanded by Major Rodman. The pallbearers were tha captains of the Twentieth infantry. Reports huve been received hero from General Young dated Humlngarr., yesterday. Humlngam is about thirty miles east of San Fabian. General Young is supposed t> have advanced considerably further toward San Fa bian. A correspondent of the Associated Press telegraphs an account of the rap id pace with which General Young cov ered the road with his cavalry. 'I he Macabebe scouts demoralised the in surgents around the low country. A messenger and reinforcements, who were captured, say no town from Sua Jose to San Nicolas expected the arri val of tho Americans until a dRy or two after they actually arrived. Aguinaldo and his government are said to be making desperate efforts to esc ape to Bayombong. The information here is that he is still in the low coun try. Lieutenant Johnson, with troop M, Third cavalry, captured yesterday at San Nicolas twelve barrels containing the wardrobe of Agulnaldo's wife, unno personal effects, tho records of the secretary of war and much commis sary and medical supplies. Sonora Ag uinaldo probably escaped over the di vide, but the secretary of war li thought to be Inside the lines. Thomas W. Hayes, a civilian, nn 1 Calvin S. Davis of the Sixteenth infan try, who were held prisoners by the insurgents, have been rescued. HAYWARD NOT SO WtlL. Partial Purulysl* lln Ne* In and Condi tion* Not Favorable. NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 17—Sena tor Hayward's condition Is not much changed from yesterday. His brother, Major 7. B. Hayward of Davenport, fa., un ited this morning and wus recogniz ed by the senator. Hr. Whitten states that, the pressura Is on the left side of the brain Just over the speech center and extending to the motor center of the right arm and lpg. These members are therefore without feeling or motion. The pa tient's temperature is 100, pulse 07 and respiration 23. It has just been made public hero tbat Senator Hayward suffered a slight attack of a similar nature in Lincoln on the night that he was nominated in the republican caucus lust winter. He was hurried to bed by his friends and bj morning was able to be up. THANK PEOPLE Of CALIFORNIA. Iowa State Kxecutlve Council (irateful for Klndiiun*. DES MOINES, Nov. 17—The state executive council today unanimously adopted resolutions thanking the peo ple of California and especially of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley for hospitality and kindness manifested to ward the soldiers of the Firty-flrst Iowa regiment, General Gage, Adju tant General Seamens and Colonel Groves of the governor’s staff, an i extending personal thanks for their courtcslses to the soldiers and me Iowa party which received them on their return from Manila; and the good women of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley, and especial thanks for the care of the sick while the regiment wa3 in San Francisco. Sorrow Over Senator Hayward. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.—Great sor row is expressed in Washington over the seiious illness of Senator Hayward and in some quarters, especially among the leaders of currency reform, conster nation is shown over the possibilities that may arise should an ad interim senator be appointed from Nebraska. Chairman H. H. Hanna of the Sound Money league iB especially solicltlous, as he had hoped that a currency meas ure would pass congress during the coming session, but with the small ma jority the republicans have in both branches he has almost given up hope that anything but a makeshift in the way of currency legislation will be at tempted. Tliumton and III* Poem. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.—Senator Thurston, who has taken good naturtd ly the newspaper chaffing about his poem, “The White Rose," decidedly ob jects to the unauthorized announce ment that it was wrlten to his fiance*', Miss Furman. He suys it was a yjutn ful effusion, written thirty or .tore years ago and he solemnly affirms that he discarded the poetical role n*oro than a quarter of a century since. HrllrnltNl by CHICAOO, Nov. 17- Or. E. Ib njam In Andrew*, auperlntendent of schools of Chicago, today denied the report from Lincoln, Neb,, that he had been offered the chancellorship of the uni* veraity of Nebraaku. left vacant by the resignation of Oeorge K Mat-Lean Lot aprtng. “I have received no such of fer,'* aaltl Prof, Andrews, "nor Jo I contemplate resigning my position at the head of the Chicago public acb «»ia. I lllylsw lay trluMiih Wire*. WaMIINOTON. Nov 17 Mall gd* vices received at the poatal depart* meat ahow that the Cl 11 pi uo itwurg>n;i have adopted a new method of Inter ference with the military telegraph Him a. This Is done by atla blag a li t topper wire to the line, running It down the pop* or through the folia** «f a tree la the ground, where It is at tached tu a piece of iron driven Into the earth This effectively t ala off • •mwttinlcatton, and la nut easily die covered whew ou t accomplished. Gea. Hughes Occupies Tagbanan and Guimbal. AETTR INSURGENT STRONGHOID Henry Rains Kemter the Itosili Almost Impassible — Rerent Orders From Agulnaldo Found In tlie Trenches— All Forts of the 8ulu Islands Ordered Closed, MAlfc'U.A, Nov. 16.—Oencral Hughes, wth parts of the Nnetrenth and Twenty sxth regments. moved from lltolo Thurs day, November 7, to Otton, si* mlos west, for the purpose of capturing Santa Bar bara, the rebel stronghold, ten mlos west of Iloilo. Heavy rains preceded the move ment and the roads were In places Impas sable. The same night Colonel Carpenter with tho Eighteenth regiment and Battery G of the Sixth artillery, made westward ly from Faro to connect with General Hughes. Colonel Carpenter wsb forced to return to Jaro, on account of the heavy roads and by lack of proper transportation. Company C of tho Twenty-sixth regiment had the only lighting. When only three miles out of Jaro this company charged the rebel trenches and three of the enemy wetre killed. Ono man was wounded. General Hughes November 12 occupied Tagbanan and Oulinbul on tho southern coast, and also Cordova, in the interior. 1 hr enemy did not oppose General Hughes' udvanee. Recent orders from Agulnaldo found in the trenches said: "Ho not oppose the Americans' advance. Burn the villages as they are evacuated. Divide the forces In small bands and liurnss the Americans on every occasion.” Aroneta, the rebel leader of the Island ot l’anay, was raptured at Tagbanan wh'le attempting to pass the lines into Iloilo. Two battalions of the Twenty-sixth will garrison Iloilo and Jaro. A signal visible from Iloilo has been burned by tho rebels. It Is reported that an expedition, evad ing the navy, recently landed arms and ammunition on the Antlqun coast, and thut the rebels threaten opposition with in armed force of 3.000 men. These stories ore not believed. All reports of the Sulu Islands outside of the American ports have been ordered closed to commerce. MRS. LOGAN PROSTRATED. ('arc r«»nnll>It) to I'rcwcrve Life IUtuunc of Her (Irlcf. YOUNGSTOWN, O., Nov. 16.—Only tlie greatest care will enable Mrs. Ma jor John A. Logan to survive her oe reaveinent. She Is using all h'.r strength to bear up under her great loss. The family has been notified that the Sikh will leave Manila tomorrow for San Francisco with her husband's body. Telegrams of condolence have poured Into the desolate home. Among the senders were ex-Presldent Bttuja man Harrison, ex-Secretary of War U. A. Alger, Quesada, Cuban envoy at Washington; Governor Asa S. Bush nell, Ohio; Governor William A. Stone, Pennsylvania; David L. Kingsbury, re corder Loyal Legion, Minnesota, an nouncing resolution of sympathy. It was practically decided today l)/ telephone between the widow and the mother of Major John A. Logan lo bury his body at Youngstown in tho Andrews mausoleum, Ouk Hill ceme tery. _ DEWEY NOT A CANDIDATE. Senator Proctor Hun No Intention of lloomlitff Him. WASHINGTON, D. C„ Nov. 16.—Scn atorator Proctor of Vermont tonight In an interview with a Post reporter, Bald: "It is not true that I am trying to start a Dewey boom for the presidency. It was generally understood that when Admiral Dewey left Manila he was averse to being drawn Into polities, and I am In a position to know that sinco his arrival In this country his antag onism has been confirmed.” “Then you think there is no possi bility of the nomination of Admiral Dewey next year?" "There is absolutely none,” was the reply. “He is out of It, and I am not trying to run him as a candidate.” m’kinlTyubles agliinaldo. Warning Measeg»* Sent to Smirc Protec tion «»f Hpnnlsti. WASHINGTON, Nov. IS.—The president Is making efforts to secure the protection of the Spanish prisoners with the Insur gents in the Philippines. A cattle message has been sent to General Otis and by him forwarded to General MacArthur. with In structions to get It to Agulnaldo, it pos sible. relating to this subject. The presi dent requests the kindly and humane treatment of the »panlsh prisoners, and the message alto contalna an intimation that any of the Insurgents responsible for the Ill-treatment of such prisoners will be held to strict account when they are taken by the United States forces operat ing in the Islands . Hobart More Comfort .ble. PATKRSON. N. J , Nov. I«—Vice President Hobart passed a comfortable day and tonight la resting easily, tie has eaten solid food for some days now. He was very much grieved to learn of the death of Major 1^'gan in battle. They were personal friends, and at Waahlngton major was at luauy of j the social functions given by the Ho | harts, I - KulMfo Ibra a Mardawr HT lX Nov. IS—Anthony Job •ph tnttniflar, a ttr»t mi»«nl In Ih* marine cor pa, who wrrnl on the ttulwr Hr>M>hlrn when tVrvnra'* B**t waa i|«tru)t4 at ttunMni" t«**tay gava himaalf up fur a murler rommittaa in m Id'uu in till I*ttimeter who la SB fnn out, htIUol hi* employar with a blow of hi* Bui. In naif tlafamt*, ha any* hear lag arrant, intimatrar ml aiml In lha navy umlar lha u*iu* of iHiitnayav ami *arv*4 with ilUtiartlon until a ftw 4ay« ago whan 4l*- harg*4 H* ■*<« UunJ to appear MAJOR JOHN A. LOGAN DEAD. Son of Famous “Black Jack'* Shot While Lending Ills Battalion. MANILA, Nov. 15.—The Thirty-third infantry, in one of the sharpest two hour engagements of the war, with an equal force of Insurgents five miles from San Fabian, Saturday, lost one officer (Major John A. Logan, jr.) and six men killed and two officers and twelve men wounded. The Americans captured twenty-nine Filipinos and 100 rifles and found elghty-one Insurgent dead lying in the trenches and rice Helds. Many more Filipinos were doubtless killed or wounded. General Wheaton was informed that the enemy was gathering at San Ja cinto, for the purpose of preventing the Americans from controlling the rail road from Dagupan north, whereby Agulnaldo might retreat, ihe Thirty third. Colonel Howe commanding, and a detachment of the Thirteenth, with a Gatling gun, Howland commanding, were sent to disperse them. The troops encountered the worst road ever found in the island of Luzon. There was a succession of creeks, whose bridges the Americans had to stop and repair, and miry ditches and at certain places men and horses struggled waist deep in quagmires. A hundred soldiers had to drag the Gatling gun purt of the way, the horses being useless. The insurgents opened the fight two miles from San Jacinto, while the lead ing American battalion was passing a clump of houses in the midst of a co coanut grove, knee deep in mud. The Filipino sharpshooters, hidden In trees and houses and In a trench across the road held their fire until the Americans were close to them, when they began firing. Other Filipinos opened fire lrom the thickets rlgnt aud left fur ther away. The insurgent sharpshoot ers picked olt the officers first. Five of the Americans who fell wore shoul der straps or chevrons. Hut the Thir ty-third never wavered. Its crack marksmen knocked the Fil ipinos from the trees like squirrels and the Amelcans rushed the trench, leav ing four dead Insurgents there. The regiment then deployed under fire with Major John A. Logan’s bat talion 111 the center. Major Cronje's on the right side and Major Marsh on the left. The skirmish line, which was a mile long, advanced rapidly, keeping up a constant fire. The Filipinos made an unexpected stand, many of then remaining under cover until the Americans were within twenty feet of them. Major Marsh flanked u small trench full of Insur gents, surprising them and slaughter ing nearly all of tnem before entering the town. The Gatling killed five or the force holding the bridge and swept the country beyond the town, driving about 150 Filipinos Into the hills. Marsh's battalion, entering the town first, captured a big battle flag, which was flying over a convent. The Insurgents are supposed to have retreated toward Dagupan. It was Im possible to pursue them, as the Amer ican troops were exhausted and their supply of ammunition was law. The outposts killed live Filipinos during the night. The body of a i ilipino lieu tenant colonel was found among the killed. The regiment returned to San Fabian, It being Impossible to get sup plies over the roads. BRYAN 6RLETS MARYLAND. Kespond* to Congratulatory Menaga from Democrat*. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 15.—The executive committee of the Maryland Democratic (Bilver) association made public today the following reply to their congratulatory telegram to W. J, Bryan: “I am greatly obliged to you for the congratulations Bent through your ex ecutive committee. The fight in Ne braska was made on national issues and the result is gratifying. The re turns from other states indicate a growing opposition to republican ad ministration. We are much pleased to see that Maryland is again in the democratic column and ready for the contest in 1900. Very truly yours, “W. J. BRYAN " SENATOR HAYWARD VERY ILL. Ill* Condition Critical and Death Only a ftne*tl»n of Time. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. 15.— Senator Hayward's illness, which was at first not looked upon as serious, is now causing his friends the greatest alarm. Dr. Bridges of Omaha was summoned yesterday morning and spent the day at the bedside of the pa tient for whose recovery he entertains no hope. Tonight the physician gave his opinion that Senator Hayward could not recover and that not even a temporary improvement could be looked for and that his death is con sidered to be only a matter of time. - I Mr*. MhIjiIii Die* In farl*. BALTIMORE, Nov. 15.—News was received today of the death in Paris of Mrs. McLain, widow of Robert M. McLain, former governor of Maryland and minister to France during Presi dent Cleveland's administration. Mrs. McLain before her marriage was a Mins Vlquart of Ixiulavllle, and was an aunt of Mrs. James Brown Potter, the actress, whose maiden name was Cora Vlquart. She was about 70 years of Mb ■ lh**r Metsrns la Ike Capital. WASHINGTON. Nov IS.—Admiral and Mr*. Ik wey returned to Washing ton from New York tonight. A navy department ofllcinl met the admiral and Mm. Ilewey and escorted them to the admiral's carriage. In which Use/ were driven to the home on Hho*l" UUmd avenue presented to the ndm.rsl by the American people The arrival of the distinguished «M< pie at the station wna unmarked by any popular demons! rat ion pf I# ( dMfkl riTTSIH MU l*n Nov. IS -Cbnrle* K Stewart mid to be one of the must dangerous forger* and coni •leave tun I la the country, was arrested here to* j day by detectives. II# was held await lug Ibe arrival of an wA< er from elus ion. where. It la assorted, be Is Wanted la «on section with a »i>»i swindling s- heme Siswsrt la said to be a mem ber u< a notorious gang at banco iwer •n that baa besa doing business all ever the country