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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
LioO'^yp- ays . iA,'S^r Business•” _ m-dl ihe world admires "staying power.” On this quality success depends. The Hood is the best friend the heart has. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best friend the blood ever had: cleanses it of everything, gives perfect health and strength. If you know a man to be a liar you can trade horses with him under* standingly. $118 buys new upright piano. Schmol ler & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. Fast week the United Slates patent office Issued 413 patents to inventors or tne unitea niarea, | and of this number 122 " Bold a part or their en tire rights in their var ious patents before the same were issued, This would show that over | 25 per cent of the in ventors were successful In disposing of the whole or a part or their Inventions. Amongst the lurgo concerns who bought these patents were the following: Avery Stamping Co., Cleveland, O. Open Arc Electric Jo., New York Clt.\ Hick & Half man Co., Matcedon, N. Y. Hlusius Table Slide Co., Watertown, WIs. Stirling Co., Chicago, III. Foster Engineering Co., Newark, N. J. Reeves & Co., Columbus, Ind, Bankers Electric Co., Chicago, III. Hoe Printing Press Cft.. New York city. American Graphaphone Co., West Virginia. Electric Signal Co.. West Virginia. i'niversai Loom Co., New York, and many others. For information in re gard to patents address Sues & Co., Registered Patent Lawyers, Bee build ing, Omaha, Neb. The man who is continually harp ing on his virtues has at least one vice. Any one sending us the names and addresses of 25 young people inter ested in commercial education will receive our college weekly, "Head Light," one year free. Address Rohr* bough Bros., Omaha, Neb. A taxpayer says the numerous in vestigating committees make war an expensive luxury. The Western Mercantile Co. of Omaha nre selling the lies’ Hisiil or standard twine He, manila ‘.l^e, delivered at Omaha. Sut isfactioit guaranteed or money refunded. Bend in your orders lief ore it is too late. Large doors swing on very small hinges. Cut ICnten on All Railway* I*. II. l'htlbln Ticket llroker, 1505 Farnam, Omaha. A man who is full of faith is always ; faithful. I>o Tour Feet Ache and Burnt Shake Into your shoes, Allen’s Foot Eh sc, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures | Corns, Bunions, Swollen. Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. The more fickle a woman is the more it seems to hurt her when told of It. The possibility of driving the tramps from railroads is shown conclusively by Josiah Flynt in his article In the June Century. He tells of one great trunk line that has eliminated the evil by organizing a railroad police force which pays Its way in saving property In freight cars from tramp thieves. Ar« You Co in lit % to OiihiIia? Be sure to visit Hardy's, "The 99 Cent Store,” 1519 aud 1521 Douglas street- Toys. Dolls, Fancy Hoods, etc. It Is not the length, but the depth of a life that tells. Ail Excellent Cunibinutlon. The pleasant method and beneficial e(Tecta of the well known remedy, hmtT or Flo*, manufactured by the Caurouxia Fia Nmr Co , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid Uxa live principle* of plant* known to ho nirdninully laxative and presenting them in the form uniat refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It la the <>ne perfect strengthening lava* tlva, eh-ansing the av»tein efTcetnally, diapeliing eohl*. headache* and fevrra gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manetitly. |ia per feci fieeilmu from every object ions Me quality and tub atance, and ita a. ting •>•« Die kidneys, liver an-l bowels. with ill weakening or irritating tiiem, make it the ideal luallta la the process of manufacturing tig* are used, a* tin y are plea-ant to the taste, bat the m.-.h ms! qualttieaof the remedy are obtained from wniw and i>4Iter aromatic plant*, by a incited known to the t'AliUMvia Ini **»»t» I n ouly. In orck r to K. t iu I* neitcial effects and to »n*l uotutn., pbaac remember the fail no me of tl». i . o i».e> printed on the from of ever* p* «age, CALIFORNIA FJG SYRUF CO. nan tram mo can piohviux AT, **w »van n T gei sate tg all i•tee-os* »*•-*** |*. la.itn CHAPTER IV—(Continued.) “Is that all?" Miss Uranscombe's look seemed to say, and her color came aack and the frightened look faded out Jf her eyes, I wondered what she had Ireaded. Another gravely-eaten dinner was warcely over when my summons came. Miss Branscombe started to her feet with a suppressed cry, and passed j swiftly from the room before me. “Oaly Mr. Fort, I was to say." The butler hesitated, looking anxiously at Miss Klmslle. “I beg your pardon, ma’am, but the message was partic ular." "Poor dear child!" murmured Miss Elmslle, rising and looking helplessly it me. "What can I do It—It is too late, I am afraid." "Will you leave It to me?” I said sently. "Perhaps I can persuade Miss Branscombe." "Yes, yes,” she exclaimed, laying her trembling hand on my arm—“you will persuade her." Those hours of anxious watching and enforced confidence had thrown down the barriers of uuconventlonauty, and made us more Intimate than months of ordinary Intercourse would have done. Both the elder and the younger lady turned to me In their loneliness and their sorrow; already I had taken my place as a friend with them. In the corridor outside the sick room Miss Branscombe was standing in the recess of a window wringing her hands and sobbing pitifully. "Mr. Fort," she exclaimed, “they will not let me see him! Tell him that I am here—surely they will not be so cruel as to let him die without a word to me at the last! And I was like his own child. I must—oh, I must see him again before-" Sobs choked her voice. I placed her gently on the window seat. "If you will wait patiently for ten minutes, Miss Branscombe,” I said, "I will come back for you.” "And Charlie, my cousin," she said —"you will not forget?" flattered myself, soften the blow to Miss Branscombe, or at least I might give her an explanation which should mitigate her anger against myself, and account for what I dreaded she would regard as a breach of trust. But Miss Branscombe remained tn | visible. Her cousin reported that she , was quite overcome by her grief, and ! would not as yet hear of consolation. The day, which had been brilliantly fine in the early part, clouded over toward the afternoon, and rain—a gen tle, balmy summer rain—fell softly, but without intermission. The change was more in unison with the spirit of the moment and the hushed silence of the darkened house; and as I sat in the library, busied with some writing for Miss Elmslie, the musical rythm of the raindrops, pattering softly down on the laurel and berherls leaves outside the open window, seemed to me like tears shed for a good man’s loss. Miss Elmslie came in and out with a hushed tread, and gave me Instructions in a subdued voice, sometimes staying to talk of the dead man upstairs—of his virtues and consistent life, his trials and disappointments—and, at last, In natural sequence, of Charlie, the scapegrace, and of Nona, the child of Col. Branscombe’s youngest brother, "Poor Charlie!” she said, shaking her head. "He was always the one bitter drop In Harold Branscombe’s cup. He Idolized the boy such a beau tiful angelic-looking creature—he was so like the sister poor Harold loved and never forgot—and he spared neither trouble nor expense In his edu cation. Charlie was to be the heir, to carry on the old name. And Nona well, he had his hopes and dreams for the dear girl. But Charlie ruined all; he nearly broke poor Harold’s heart, and upset all his plans. Nothing could mend the boy; there seems to be a sort of mad fever In his blood—I don’t know where he gets It. He’s as wild to-day as he was six years ago. Only Nona—In her youth and Inexperience, dear child!—clings to the hope of his ‘MR. FORT,” SHE EXCLAIMED, “THEY WILL NOT LET ME SEE HIM.” "I have not forgotten," I answered ag I left her. It wag soon over. The Colonel had reached a further stage In the dark Journey, and the clergyman who sat by his side guided the hand which afllxed a tremulous signature to the deed 1 had drawn up In the morning. It was the Hector and a young footman who witnessed the signature, and then the Colonel spoke—this time In a whisper. “Now—send her to me. Stand by her —all of you she will—need It." There wore old friends—old servants there, but It was on my arm that Miss I Hranscontbe leaned as she went to that j solemn parting scene l remembered It afterwards. It was a brief and agonla- j ! lug farewell, for the sands of life were almost run out, and then the u«w mla I tress of Korest l,ea was borne Insensi ble from the chamber where all that re mained of the brave old Colonel was only the mortal dust- the Immortal spirit had Wed. cH4i*rm» v The Brat »ia«c of my work waa hr compllahed, and t might hate returned to town at otic*. hut I did U»l I lin gered at Kureet lee through tlu- neat day, There were **ai» to eltU to all the deed mlnarl't *’*Mt»»t» and draw* er«; there were Inter*tew* with »art* otta pe-reonage* and rotnmlcalone for Mica Ktwlte wkirh tilled up my lime end gate me an - * 'tee for po.ip»«m« mi departure The truth a a* that I could not tear away I had a rwnfeaetoa to wet* tu Mice Hrgnet-owh* wfcM'b | could mo hire* upon h«r in the drat hour* of her unrea and uh!ck neeertbeleaa muat •** *oa<l* It act not libel; that the ceeret of t’oi Hi ana tom he a l*at Wilt Would tie k.|*t «*«IU lb# lea it mat* moment for lie retela tton. «ha tier tutor, the yet Inr m tat act upon hi* that r wet tone, Ml* of which a*, to eaehad* hlr ('barte* Hraaaeunaim from tha bouan I mtgt l per h ape, I I ever being better. All the rest of us have long since given him up." “Miss Uranseombe is attached to her cousin?" 1 ventured. “They have been tike brother and sister, you know." Miss Elraeile re plied quietly. "Nona cannot give him up. Hut there is the dinner bell." dha seemed glad to change the conversa tion, I thought. Miss Hranscombe did not appear at the dinner table. The evening was still wet, but close and sultry, Miss Rltnslle and I took tea together In the large drawing room, which looked so empty and desolate now; and, while the gentle old lady babbit d on of the stories of the house. I sat Just behind the lace curtains at the open window, looking out over the lawn toward the encircling belt of shrubbery. It was a dark mnonteaa summer night, and late enough now for the shrub* to »how blackly against the pal* sky-line I had quite lost the thread of Mies I Kliuslte * somewhat monotonous la|g dreaming as I was of malty things, with a pervading sense of vague pain •nd unrest t«w It ■ t stperien*. md due perhaps to the tueUueboiy sceans i m whteh I had Just taken part Suddenly tt *«« m«d to nt« that a I white shadow It tiled across the bottom | ■*f I ho laws Itttiahl (|i< I v j lo«l In Ih# (IdfkitTAi W It fan p * I I Wondered, looking tnt>ally toward I the sped * here the Agur. had due* I I ws. a..t .j. t i,, fN„, [ uf this hind and I at urns u .... k tth an «t> m* In M * Kimstm. I 1 • *M III \hv iMlft (mi HO Utt|t 4U4 | | itUtll mi tv if vmI i> I Kl4f I 1 mukl# mu it| yif| xijt I gras* to the aped where I had seen «tr I fancied I had seen thr white farm j appear aad disappear There «au nothing 1m*i the shader** j j sad the trees and ihs pauer ol the soft I falling raindrops on the green leaves. So my eyes, keen and sure as I bad always considered them, had played me false. I turned back toward the house, taking this time one of two or three narrow winding paths within the wood. My footsteps made no sound on the damp grass-grown ground. All at once the perfume of a cigar was wafted toward me. Then I was not alone in the darkness; somebody else had a fancy for an evening airing—one of the gardeners or workmen, no doubt, on hiB way from some errand at the Hall. But the shrubberies lay in tho front of the house, while tho £ervant»' offices were all, as I knew, at the back. And, besides, my educated senses told me that that cigar was of the finest quality, not likely to be smoked by any but a connoisseur. The rector was a non-smoker, and no other neighbor would, I knew, have tho entree to tho shrubbery. My curiosity was thoroughly roused, and the Instinct of my profession en listed In the discovery of the little mystery. Presently the sound of subdued voices—a man's and a woman’s— reached my ears. Then I had not been fancy-tricked—some assignation of a tender nature had lured the flitting figure hitherward — a maid-servant from the house, no doubt. But the One Havana? Well, that was no affair of mine; I would not at all events play the eavesdropper. It was in carrying out this laudable resolve that I turned Into another path —a shorter cut to the house, as I be lieved, in my slight knowledge of the place. It must however have brought me nearer to the lovers, for now the manly voice was so raised that the subject of what appeared to be an an gry discussion only just missed meet ing my ears, and sobs from the female were distinctly audible. The course of true love was not running smoothly, I concluded, as I retraced my steps At this moment the sobs ceased and a feminine voice took up the response, pleading, remonstrant, and I was con scious of a sudden shock which brought me to a standstill. The sweet, low tones were familiar to me—they were those of Nona Branscombe. Nona Branscombe, my Ideal of Inno cence and womanly purity, my Imper sonation of Una, keeping a clandestine appointment at night—with her un cle’s corpse hardly yet cold, too; hood winking her chaperon with a pretense of illness and overwhelming grief! Oh, the shame and the pity of it! Oh, the shame and the pity! I did not stop to ask myself why the blow should he such a crushing one to me—why a doubt of the innocence and goodness of Nona Branscombe should seem to make the world stand still, and plunge my whole outlook into dark ness; I hurried blindly back to the house, losing myself half a dozen times among the tortuous shrubbery paths and shaking the raindrops from the laden branches In heavy showers as 1 went. I had reached the terrace on which the side door by which I had quitted the house opened, my hand was on the lock, when another applicant for admittance glided out of the shad ows and stood by my side. (To be continued.) DOC IDIOTS. Graphic Description of I he Mongrel* That Throng C'oiiNtantlnople. I never saw so much mud, such un speakable filthy streets and so many dogs as Constantinople can boast, but nowhere have I seen them described in a satisfactory way—so that you knew what to expect, I mean, says the Woman’s Home Companion. In the first place, they hardly look like dogs. They have woolly tails like sheep. Their eyes are dull, sleepy and utterly devoid of expression. Con stantinople dogs have neither masters nor brains. No brains because no mas ters. Perhaps no masters because no brains. Nobody wants to adopt an Idiot. They are. of course, mongrels of the most hopeless type. They are yellowish, with thick, short, woolly coats and much fatter than you ex pect to find them. They walk like a funeral procession. Never have I seen one frisk or even wag his tall. Every body turns out for them. They sleep, from twelve to twenty of them, on a single pile of garbage, and never no tice either men or each other unless a dog which lives In the next street tres passes. Then they eat him up, for they are Jackals as well as dogs, and they are no more epicures than oa trtches. They never show interest In anything. They are blase. I saw sum* mother dog* asleep, with tiny puppies swarming over them like lit tle fat rats, hut the mothers paid no attention to them Children seem to bore th«m quite as sue* ••i-afully as 1* they were women of fashion. Nalwr*-* I all *••*•*> mm Nu. Krom tha Clil> M»i Naa* "N'atura eaenUa* a aundarful and uu*larlou* influrti** o*ar mm Carlala plant* art potaonou* la *o»* folk* and wrdlrtn* 10 utbar* ** "Vr* and »# bu*i<aud I* ala*)* iruuhlvd atlb rbaumntkam a ban tb* *»**» brfla* la tall upon out la**." ft.|>l ktMtlMl. Ob ihat buirtd (Ml **. latwrJ ib* trarful f.niii* woman. bba baa blltad m« I**wtitut (i«4fft Ha* 1 k« **•»«• j..m i mm Pi i» tnN»*d a bll Tba# • ill luoh a*k*M on no bal *“• I lb*#. Ib»u*b*" I'blaa^a Tttb in# t lUnM M* UnalaMt k'r.tai tb» t'bn**« W*« »»’d *•* **«»# gr«*t **atu«a* bat* baaa f*l bu Malt Pin*** -n**a It lahaa «••».** M •arn tbraa M|aara maa'a a da# * Some of the Great Features of the First Greater America Exposition. THE SUPERB ELECTRICAL DISPLAY From .July 1 to November 1 the City of Om»h» Will Welcome Visitors to a Magnificent Exhibition. Slnee the Institution of the first primitive fair for the exchange of wares among ancient tradesmen, It has been grander and more interest ing than its immediate predecessors. Tho Oreater America Exposition will be no exception to this rule. In the variety and novelty of its educational and amusement features it will without question surpass the exposition of 1838. Its exhibits are not only more numer ous, but more novel and instructive than were those of a year ago. Tho amusement concessions, also more nu merous, present many novelties and all are grander in design and propor tions than those of any former exposi tion. The illuminations and pyrotech nlcal displays will lie up m a scale of magnificence heretofore not atempted, and a line of special features and days Is contemplated of almost sensational interest. One of the crowning features of the exposition is the electrical Illumi nation. The display of last year was conceded to be the most effective ever mile race track which ha's been bollt on the north tract and where races will be run at night. This is to be one of the novel features of the exposition. Enough to say that the experience of last year has been utilized to the full, that the dark places liave been touched as with the wand of a wiz ard, and that Electrical Superintend ent Rustln has prepured a fairy scene brilliant and gorgeous beyond compar ison. In the mater of exhibits the First Greater America Colonial Exposition has been most fortunate. When the exposition was first talked of some doubt was expressed as to the possibil ity of securing a sufficient number of attractive exhibits to flu the immense buildings, hut that doubt has been ob scured by the necessity of economizing space In order that all who applied might be accommodated. The United States government building contains a special exhibit. The entire contents of the famous Libby Prison War Mu seum are displayed. It is composed of the relics of the wars of this nation, and is of great historical importance and value. In one part of the building will be shown an immense collection of the relics and trophies of the late war with Spain; the campaign In Cu ba and Porto Rico. Froti the Philip pine Islands will come four car loads of curious and interesting exhibits, relics of Dewey’s famous victory, tro phies of the war in and about Manila, and Interesting objects collected from various parts of the Islands. In addi tion to all this will be the regular gov ernment exhibit of life-saving appara tus, etc., and in a corner of the build ing the fisheries exhibit will be shewn. The display in all the principal buildings gives promise of far surpass ENTRANCE TO FINE ARTS BUILDING. arranged, and that has oeen vastly Im proved upon. The exposition is grand and beautiful by day, but when dark ness spreads its sable wings then a fairy city springs into existence, each outline defined, each tower and min aret clear cut and brilliant with my riad flashing stars of changing shim mering lights. I^ast year 30,000 elec tric lights were used in the illumina tion of the court of honor; this bum mer 5,400 lights flash and gleam from cornice and from arch, from balus trade to lofty spire, from pillared col onnade to guilded dome reared high in uir. The splendid electrical fountain at the western end of the lagoon is a ver itable rainbow’ of changing lights, now clearest green, and then trom sprays and showers of crimson to all the col ors of the rainbow mingled, shifting, ( hanging, a dream of fleeting raeauty. Around the court, gardens of tropical plants bloom by day and blossom yet more brilliant hues by night. Over 3,000 lights clustered and colored to represent the full-bloom flowers, lights the foliage and gives the effect of fairy gardens the like of which has never been equaled or approached. Conceal lng that of the Trans-Mississippi Bhr. position. Manufactures building is tilled with a bewildering display, and there is demand for more space than can be found. In the wav of live ex hibits—that is, machinery in operation — it is probable that this exposition will surpass, in extent ami variety, all previous efforts. Machinery Hall will be filled with this exhibit. Silk weav ing from the beginning with the raw silk to the completion of the cloth; the manufacture of hats, from the raw material to the finished article; in short, a hundred different articles of commerce being made at the same time, and under one roof. In the elec I tricity building will be seen all that is latest and most interesting in elec trical apparatus and appliances; dyna mos. telephone exchanges, exhibitions of lighting, heating aud cooking. In ! brief, scores of interesting and curious i things such us can only t.-e found in a display of this kind, and which must lie seen to lie appreciated The colonial exhibit will consist of many interesting articles of commerce, industry, and manufacture, from our foreign possessions. Implements of ag culture, arms, vehicles, native dreaa •RCTION OK COIXlNAim •h| lights throw Into bold relief eat-h group mnl ftgure of statuary upon the hut Id Inga The Muff Ira* t hna 1,000 wnra lights than last year and the h*rti< tilt oral hotldlng stand# out tu a Idas# of ra dtaal heauly, hundred and etgh Ijr-aum additional are lights u»vt Imt plated aln»ut the abounds at tu» eighty of these around *he new half* n* lu.tua kmm4 h*m T'**»*» Arte , ■III la •u-a4*u.• at ifc* •* HMk and ornament*. product*. plabta und fruit*, are a tew of tha many lute'eat ing thing, now on tha way front Cu lm, Porto lll.u, Hawatlau tatanda, and tha far off Philippine*. A large nunt Iwr of the native* of the** wraral In land* »l the *ea« wilt h* at th* eapoat thm. aad will doubt lea* make one of tha moat Int' teat tug featurwa of Ik* great it hi tot ion 1 • * lh*M* Who 4 » Itltl Meti'O in tha naitonal <fu««tioM of |mi>ertatt«m tha vtltagea of th* aattva talahdara will I* at one* a rev a la i ton and a aourve of tr >rtad Information Whether the #11 h P 'to la capable ,>f aatf guvarnment >* wh-'ther It te tale to h» country B flare ta the aMrtkuml of “tale* *r* >|ueethme h*et an*at*red after a <*(*• fv*t etmly of th* man hluvaalt In th* ttatlv* villa** h* * I »*• M th ht* t> tad h»**- I *a dree* maaaera. earn toam t'*«eta»M*hr* had nllglMi* #i» aar>*«>•* will *••» lea addmt la nar dm traded frota aad th* dally uaewpatn* hr which It* tlrea whea at hut* win ha faithfully adhere.) to