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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1899)
It is noted as a curious fact that the majority of the Japanese students who come to America to study political economy go to Ann Arbor to seek in struction under Professor Adams. This preference is due to the influence of I Count Ono, now chief inspector of the Bank of Japan, who studied at the University of Michigan under Profes sor Adams and who is spreading the professor’s reputation abroad through out the Japanese islands. You can pick out fools by their questions and wise men by their ans wers. It is pretty hard for some men to live ^ up to their opportunities and within W their income at the Barae time.—Kan sas City Star. Do Tnar Foot Arht and Hurnf Shake Into your shoes, Allen’s Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. X. On September 9 next people will date their letters—not all people, but a largo number—9-9-99. How long will it bo before a similar collection of numbers occurs, and how offer will it occur in the twentieth century? asks tbo London Chronicle. The nurse on duty in a certain Lon don hospital was giving the little ones their last meal for the day. All save ors» was patiently waiting their turn to h- served, the one in question being i a little rosy cheeked convalescent, who was calling lustily for her portion. | "Aren't you Just a little Impatient, Dorothy?” inquired the kindly nurse, with Just a little tinge of correction j in her tone. “No, I’m not!” retorted I Dorothy, promptly, "I’m a little sh# 1 patient!’ The victims of the kleptomaniac suf fer most from fits of abstraction . Well Groomed Women. A pretty shirt waist, properly laundered with “Faultless Htarch. ’ makes a woman look sweet and wholesome and adds greatly to her attractiveness. Try it. All grocers, 10c. General Funston has sent to his friend, ex-Senator Ingalls, a handsome Filipino sword, captured at Malolos. Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrap. For children teething, softrni the gums, reduces In SauiuiatloD, allays pa.n, cures wind colic. ilio• hottla "You say she Is a business woman. What business is she interested in?” "Oh, everybody’s.”—Tld-BIts. The New York state aviary located at Sing Sing is said to he the largest in the world, the allbird being the fa vorite species. Ay el's Sarsaparilla is the Medicine of Auld Lana Sune Old friends, old wine, and ihc cld doctor are the trusty kinds. For half a century Ayers has been the Sarsaparilla which the people have bought when they were sick and wanted to be cured. If the best is none too good fer you, you will get Ayers. One bottle of Ayers Sarsaparilla contains the strength of three of the ordinary kind. GREAT BARGAINS Columbia Bicycles for Women Ladles' Coluabla Betal-6iar Chainless. __ MOOt L 01. ' 1800 Price 0130. Reduced to 060.00. LADIES' COLUMBIA CHAIN, MODEL 40. 1808 fries 079 Rsducsd to $42.60. Theae machine* are Col um bias of the highest grade throughout ami hear the Columbia guarantee They are not ahop-woru w heel* carriedoeer from last year, but are of iatW manufacture. <oiti|>are them iwrt for part with other tdetrelea and you will find good reason* for the admitted superiority of Columbia quality. Tim atock of thear models la limited. It ikara Ma* •*.*> la raw* hwaiujr, «nw a* a* tina POPE MFC. CO.v Hartford, Conn. •THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS." BE WISE AND USE L SAPOLIO WHISKERS DYED uckinghanFs Dye. • ti HMt •! Alt tr tail in Mir 4 1%« «I»IC II M TkMDiM i Km Wafer. . Dcycinu&x""'?*:*1 rCnolUIIO qouiu quick WHto U)>l OfMli U NwM «(«M miNntMiitMw, w *%m*suiuv l> *. * »**»»******»»»»«******»»* ********* ***** *********** 1 ; The News Briefly Told, j if * I ****************** ********* **** ** *** ******* ****** *** Saturday. The Berlin newspapers are Jubilat ing over what they term Admiral Kautz’s recall. Owing to the political crisis the cab inets of Austria and Hungary are ex pected to resign. The correspondent of the London Dally Mail says provincial viceroys and governors in China have been or dered to put their forces on a war footing. Attorneys for John D. Rockefeller moved to dismiss the suit of $1,000,000 brought by James Corrigan. The mat ter is under advisement with Judge Stone of Cleveland, O. Brigadier General Asa R. Carey, paymaster general of the army, has been granted leave of absence to and including July 12, on which day he will go on the retired list. Captain Julian Myers, who com manded the confederate ship Hunts ville during the engagements with Farragut, below Mobile, died at Mont Clair, N. J., aged 74 years. Lieutenant J. H. HlneB will leave Washington May 31 to recruit 300 landsmen in the west for the Hart ford. In addition to enlisting lands men the navy is recruiting musicians. George Evans of Belle Fourche, 8. D.. was sentenced to one year at hard labor in the state penitentiary for stealing a steer last winter from the Matadore Cattle company. Evans is a prominent cattleman. There is small probability of the war department re-opening the ques tion of further extending Cuban mort gages. The Cubans insist that the extension already granted is not suf ficient to protect debtors. Guatemala has in a manner sought to intervene between the United States and Hondurah In the Bears case. The Honduras government has resisted the demand to the utmost for an indem nity of $10,000 In behalf of the rela tives of Bears. William J. Bryan spoke to 10,000 people at Danville, 111. He followed bis usual lines of argument, discuss ing the money question at length, con demning the administration’s Philip pine policy and the trusts, and advo cating an income tax. Mnniluv The cruiser New Orleans has left New Orleans for Pensacola. Fla. A combination of foundry supply manufacturers is in process of forma tion. Benjamin Harrison was the central figure at Presdent Loubet's banquet in Paris. The auxiliary cruiser Prairie, with the North Carolina naval reserves, has arrived at Southport, N. C. The transport Logan has arrived at New York from Gibara, Cuba, with the Second immunes aboard. Brown of Chicago university won the one-mile wheel race with Illinois university at Champagne, 111. Secretary Hay has no official com munication from England refusing to grant MrB. Maybrick’s release. Commissioner General Peck of the Paris exposition announces that ex hibitors will have to pay 40 cents per square foot for construction of floor ing, lae exposition assuming the right to make construction. The capital of the North German Lloyd Steamship company ha3 been Increased from 60,000,000 to 80,000,000 ftarts. Rev. W. H. P. Faunee, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church, New York, will accept the presidency of Brown university. Major General Ludlow, at Havana, denies that he is the author of the ordinance describing how workingmen in Cuba shall dress. Secretary Long has appointed a board of rear admirals to consider plans for expediting the work of the different departments. The next annual conventon of the national association of local fire insur ance associations will be held at Buf falo, N. Y., August 9. Oliver M. and James Gilliland, Hillsboro. N. M., cattlemen, are on 1 trial, charged with the murder of 8 year-old Henry Fountain. Sergeant Charles Campbell, an as sistant quartermaster at Fort Sheri dan. Is arrested, charged with issuing “raised receipts to contractors. Near Norwalk. O.. lightning s*rnck a barn in which a party of young peo ple sought shelter irom the siotiu, and lauds Ebert. Jr., was killed and three others knocked unconscious. I -... Tsesclav. The committee Investigating the grounding of the cruiser Italeigh at | ('harlenton. 8. C., report* the accident whs unavoidable. The. Liverpool cor respondent of the l daily Chronicle asserts that dr. lily den. a native Liberian, empowered by the Leldrian executive to deniunu uii 1 American protectorate for l.ltieria and in the event of the I'nited State* re fusing he I* eni|H>wered to approach the Mrttish government on the same subject. A special to the New York Herald from Waahlngton says: Information received here in private ietlsrs from officer* serving in the Philippines slate that the Ktltplno* show no respect to the American d*ad. In one respect an officer who was oa the bring line •ays he was shocked to nee three bod Isa of American soldier* who had been killed In an advance and whhh were brought wtihtn the American line* badly mutilated. , Chief burgeon davl*. al Havana asks ike mayor lo direct a ten days’ quarantine cm all cauls arriving be Cause til Texas fever. Uovsraor Wolcott of klaasacbuaetta vetoed Iks sts-c ailed bpantsh veterans preference bill, •• well as lbs Nil ex • mptlaa traders us Pm* from lbs la auraacs laws governing fraternal ben aft< iarv organiiathm* 1 be veteran* bills exempted teletan* c-f Ibe lair war wlcb bpala f «*m civil set vh* exaailaatlons and gave tb*m a pcrfv eme oa lbs potdh service sp pcualment list, next after Ibe veterans of Iks civil war Wednesday. Franz Jehim Pruhm, a well known violinist, is dead of heart disease at Montreal, aged 68 years. The secretary of the Interior has re- j voked his decision to abandon the mil itary post at Fort Washaskle, Wyo. Studebaker Bros. Manufacturing company of South Bend, Ind., have closed contracts for the construction of automobiles aggregating nearly $1, 000,000. The annual meeting of the National association of local fire insurance agents will hold its fourth annual con vention in Buffalo, N. Y., August 9, according to the information furnish ed hy Vice President Markham of St. Lou l*. Ex-Governor Frederick William Markay Holliday Is dead at his home in Winchester, Va. He was colonel in the Stonewall brigade and ufter his re tirement served In flic confederate con gress until the end of the civil war. He was elected governor of Viiglula in 1877. Word has been received at Hamil ton, Ontario, from the minister of Jus tice that no action will he taken with regard to the importation of aliens, In view of the fact that the international commission last year agreed that the alien law in Canada shall remain in abeyance. Until the United States vio lates this understanding there will be no prosecution in Canada. Prof. Rudolph Virchow delivered an important address before the tuber culosis congress at Berlin, rejecting the theory of hereditary tuber* ulosls. This doctrine, he declared, was con tradicted by all his pathological re searches. He said he had never found tuberculosis in unborn or new horn Infanta, though It might he contracted during the first day's existence. The court of inquiry appointed to in vestigate the recent grounding of the cruiser Raleigh at the entrance of the harbor of Charleston, 8. C., has report ed that, the accident was unavoidable and was due mainly to recent changes in the channel made by the army engi neers In operations for the improve ment of tiie harbor. No further pro ceedings. says the court, should be had against any officer or man attac hed to the Raleigh. 1 liurmliiy Dr. Norman Kerr, the inebriate spe cialist, died in London. Yesterday's statement of the condi tion of the United States treasury showed: Available cash balance. $272, 560,064; gold reserve, $227,874,534. The Jamaica legislature has decided to immediately send a delegation to Washington for the purpose of endeav oring to negotiate a reciprocity treaty. It was officially announced at the war department that the Twentieth Kansas regiment, now in the Philip pines. will be mustered out at the Presidio barracks, San Francisco. A majority of the Justices of the court of appeals of the United States circuit court sitting in Boston, in a decision handed down yesterday, held that non-restdent stockholders are li able for the debts of a corporation. Delegates to the Episcopal conven tion at Chicago indorsed the plan of increasing the endowment fund of the Chicago diocese to $250,000 by means of a ten-year insurance policy method, so that piehog NRLaren may be pro vided with a coadjutor. Senator Hansbrough of North Da kota called upon the president to urge him to visit his s'ate on his western trip, hut the president informed him that his arrangements thus far only contemplated a journey as far as St. Paul to meet the returning volunteers. A special to the Chicago Record from Columbus. O., says that the fif teen republican members of congress from Ohio at an informal conference determined to cast a unanimous vote for David B. Henderson of Iowa for speaker of the next house. The United S'ates government has given notice to Switzerland of the ter mination of articles eight and twelve of the commercial treaty of 1850, and the Swiss federal council has decided to accept the situation. The articles will remain in force until March 23 next. Albert Pack, the well known cap italist and late republican candidate for United States senator, in opposi tion to Senator Burrows, (lied in De troit from the effects of a surgical operation performed for the removal ot gallstones. Mr. Pack was a close friend of Governor Pingree. I rlilay The Milwaukee Brewers' association bus decreased hour* from ten to nine, paying for ten hours. The government I* very short of tnen to look after the artillery at the American roast defenses. Joel |). Tyler ha* tee«it found guilty of misappropriation of fund* of the Safety Fund National hank of Fitch burg Mats. It la officially denied at the depart ment ot state that there have been any exthaipst whatever between the dr* partmrnt and the German government or It* representatives relative to tbr repia emeut of the I'hlladt Iphla by tbs «rulser Newark at Apia. Saun a. Governor 1.1ml ha* received a ratds gram from Major than, stating that the Thirteenth Minnesota regiment la guarding the railroad from t'aliaasn to Guigutnio The raid gram Indl > alee that the regiment Is again li active service I'resident X*ta>a ha* ta# ted a decree removing eastern Nicaragua frtdn the operation of martial las Mev Father iMrtea Housa t at ho lie hi»hop of Wtsiatuiis'er di-trul died today at We a - H»t nete r t*»t» |l f Flth I iiwmihii so H< sere Informed the prssidsM that ke ta sWal tv send tut the *hal setentid. e*pei|>l-on *Vet arranged by the • umtMlaelua the e* nail g', the v t-*trua» in rhatge uf l*re»f A A Ar iou to • * l*hue pirttuM of the t’a- IA< tsei| Among the petal* to h* Vistlsd are the Marshall it'r Friendly Ftp and Gilbert IvUtde The trip Will It mttra sight month* "Tommy,” said a father to his pre cocious five-year-old son and heir, "your mother tells me she gives you pennies to be good. Do you think that is right?” "Of course it is,” replied Tommy; "you certainly don’t want me to grow up and be good for nothing, do you?”—Chicago News. Her Theory—"What makes young Mr. Hught wear his hair so long,” said Maud. "Oh, it isn’t his fault, poor boy,” replied Miss Cayenne. "He has been lionized so much he doesn't feel comfortable without a mane.”—Wash ington Star. Even From Louisiana. Last week a lxnitsiana catalogue reader sent for a suit of clothes to Hayden Bros., The Big Store, Omaha. The growth of the catalogue business is something remarkable and Hayden Bros, are today Its foremost exemplars. They distribute thousands upon thou sands of free catalogues each season and are besides liberal patrons of newspapers. But the chief reason of their success seems to be the confi dence the people have in them. "Hay dens will treat you right,” is a west ern axiom. They are invading the ter ritory of the eastern merchants ami their low prices admit of no competi tion whatever in the Tranii-MIssissippi country. True religion may find Its dining ta ble in the church, but its workshop will be In the world. A I'ultrd HUtn I’sta-nt. A patent has Just been Issued to C. j A. Claflin, of Omaha, for a fish hook. Thin Invention embodied but two things: a fish hook and a piece of rub* , her, but for these the inventor was enubled to obtain, in effect, six patents. A copy of the Claflin patent will be mailed to any address free by Rues & Co., Patent Lawyers, lleo Building, Omaha, Neb. Don't hide in the cellar of complaint and talk as though the sun bad gone out of business. Eicunlon to Detroit via the Wuliaali For the Y. P 8. C. E. Convention July 5th to 10th all lines will sell tickets on July 3rd, 4th and 5th via the Wabash, the short line from Chi cago or St. Louis to Detroit. Side trips to Niagara Falls. Toronto, Mon treal, Mackinac and many other punts at a very low rate via Lake or 'tail have been arranged. Parties contem plating a trip cast should call on or write for rates and folders giving list of side trips, etc., also beautiful souve nir entitled "Lake and Rea." O. N. CLAYTON, Room 302 Karharh Blk., Omaha, Neb. What does it profit a man if he steals the whole world and doeB a Bookiyn sentence? Ilall** Catarrh Core Is a constitutional cure. Price. 75c. A man can lay claim to creatness when his private affairs begin to In terest the public, Pino’s Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in tuy house. —D. U. Albright, Mifflinburg, Pa.. Dec. 11, *05. Putting the bread of life on the church steeple won’t feed those on the ground. # , llon'l Afri'pl n Mui»t ilutr. When you N*fc fop ( *»rarel*. I.prurt* you grt the genuine Ca»mr«‘t« < an iv cathartic! 1> u i acc«i t IrauUulcut lubatltulca. Imitation* or counterfeit*! There is no greater happiness than to remember happiness in misery.— Dante. Turflr Oil. A healing antiaeiulc for mu. burn* and wound* It is asserted that David's tomb on Mount Zion, which is a Mohammedan 1 shrine of the most sacred character, and to which the Entepror William was recently admitted by the sultan’s express order, had never been seen by a Christian since 1187. ■ jii Try Grain-O! ii ii Try Grain-OI ii J ! Ask y«n Grocer In day to show yon J J tt a tee kageof GUA1N O, the new food <> ! ! drink that takes the | lai a >f coffte. J | J J % The • h.ldren may drink it without J [ i> injury as wellaa the adn'.t. All who i i | ; try it, like it. UUAINO has that \ | J | rich seal brown of Mocha or Java. < ' i > but it is m ele from pure grain*, and < > ii the RMstd.'ii'eSe a* •tuaej receives it J[ | J Without d stress. j tlte pries uf coffee, <> i i 13 rents and Jo reuU per {NSckags. < , ;; * j j ' | Tastes like Coffee | Looks like Coffee ii ... .. ■•»t.imiy«*uiUllW* ' 1 N . . | r ■ j * * I* • W « • •«*% Orpins WnW s D* •hill fNMill UitUi fk *‘Rr nembcr, boys,” said the master, "that in the bright lexicon of youth there's no such word as fail,’ ” After a few moments a boy raised his hand. "Well, what Is It, my lad?” asked the master. "I was merely going to sug gest," replied the youngster, "that IT such is the case, it would be advisable to write to the publishers of that lex Icon, and call their attention to the omission."—Tit-Bits. There is a quicksilver mine In Peru 170 fathoms In circumference and 480 feet deep. In this profound abyss are streets, squares, and a chapel where: religious worship is held. A Rare Occurrence. Tiie name of Browning, King & Co., of Omaha, has been before the public In such a favorable light for square and trustworthy business methods for so long that no doubt they will feel gratified to learn they have placed their spring assortment of Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing before the public at Just half price—a 60 per cent discount. This Is out of the usual for them to do, hut the backward spring lias compiled this sacrifice. This Includes about 300 suits, and means a big saving for those who are Inclined to take advantage of a true Bona Fide Bargain. This sale will continue one week. General Lawton Is a native of In diana and some of the papers of that state are mentioning him as the next governor. Jfcappy 77/other s Srat it tide , (irTTta TO MRS. PINSUAM MO. a6,?8j] “Dear Mrs. Pinkuam—I have many, many thanks to give you for what your Vegetable Compound has done for me. After first confinement I was r-ick for nine years with prolapsus of the womb, had pain in left aide, in small of hack, a great deal of headache, palpitation of heart and leucorrhcra. I felt so weak and tired that I could not do my work. I became pregnant again and took your Compound all through, and now have a sweet baby girl. I never before had such on easy time during lalxir, and I feci it wus due to Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. I am now able to do my work and feel better than I have for years. I cannot thank you enough.”— Mus. Ei>. Eu LUtOBO, Devine, Tex. Wonderfully Strengthened. " I have been taking Lydia E. Pinlc hntns Vegetable Compound, lilood Purifier and Liver Pills and feel won derfully strengthened. Before usings your remedies 1 was in a terrible state; felt like fainting every little while. I thought I must surely die. But now, thanks to your remedies, those feel ings are all j»>ne."—Mbs. Euii.ib Bcbxkideb, 1244 Helen Avb., Detboit Mich. W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 23-lb»9 International convention Baptist. Voting People's Unions ol Amelia RICHMOND.VA. JULY 13-16, 1899. ...ONLY.,, One Fare Round Trip ....VIA.... “Big Four.” Ticket, will he on Mir July 11,12 and 1 It. Kctiirning ticket, will be good mull July 1 HIM. with k |,r»vl.o for exteu.lon to Ini, Kicbniond not litter than Augu.t 1A, I situ, upon of ticket with Joint Agent kb Klchuinnil on or before July S8, knd pay ment of fee of SO cent.. For full Information regarding tickets, rates | and route, and time of train., call on agent* "iilg Four ltoule," or sddre. tbe under.lgaed. E. o. McCormick, warren j. lynch. ritMMw Tr.Br «,r. Ini. IlM. rw. A Tkb Kk CINCINNATI, O. $5 to $25—Higher. Bicycles Sent C.O.O. With tjrlvllt'k’r of v \ kinlnation. TYPEWRIT* RS. all makr. MALL'S S»FE>'. mi1* and nrronj hand. * Writ* for partn-uUra. .1 J IIKMIOMT A CO . Hitt Fstrnntn Ml Onialia. Nets WAMTrn • "* *”•r,,,> dAEW < * ■. ad, mi*. »ii* •». • ■<•*•*, ott tU u«, at itUi itarat if th« ifcm u* M»lp, nil ■■*■. at t» a, iM't C*#m*i*n* mu *4 ti««t Aif tv ii. vni <ii..,r-i. •m tu tii* H | ft* t t.ra.11 at t n , I l .< ft lift, kill, l i I r* tnaip.* and I Ift l.kl. I W ill U»llU..«..»lft I ’lUjtl'IKllllillllua pftftpant »*»<l it *•*!• fur at •*>»*)»* nrutinut N**«»*h »«<i »•»»»» w*« m BkdfIVB* il.« r» Sklt.if IA t.!. *.i B Urm. ■ f athcra *4*1 Moth*fa N.. f»# uBift«» *u.'***a |Bl. A * liutal t». tiinwl*. Bh*m*m, A C. nrnninsir.».n«iHHi\ iKrialUil VlaaklBlUB, S.c. MiuccMafullt IKoMtCMt** ClrnniA. I I *XTFH»iftii.*l »*•*•*•*' • *••.*!..« imwu 0’**a«*rt' ** ItwliiaaMia*’ ft*.** ait» Mima Or. Kay's H*nm!«r, f*£«J**** (kHiaUMlUi* tlfff »lldili4<ky !*«»**»*••• l«4 •«* fed , its Al At A It i B I* Iff (d|Af{ tl* i^l.f >• IS* ||| »!«•« p.. a % 4 W#*%« Km !•** « #*js -j w* «»• fdM «t»fi • Mid «#* || I |ldtf» l^dU Iw fdi id* % •to.iik •** A*** * -4* * INU tM M •# M SHOIHANO - M'-hI » «♦•**** 4 <|«* #«« l %%»*!• i«m «i m »mmi **»* him m f Kl fc- 4 MU* W tf*.J >•**• **» » fc*>* *4l IW - !«• |4| M * •***«•*.* t*4 >41 a44«-..a