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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
Tin* very modest (?) demands of I'nrjrt# in the negotiations between tier and iIn* United Sta'cs in regard to the boiindry lint; which seperates tier from our possessions in Alaska, lias nl present laid the conference of tbe Joint High Commission up for repuirs. It leaks out now through English sources just why an agree inrnl wns not reached before an ad journment was had. England thinks i„ was through the uveraciou* incon sistency of Uncle Sam in not con senting to Canada's demands and it would seem us if t.iatis a righteous decision. Canada in her diplomacy in this ntfair hus shown plainly that the whelp is a worthy desoendent of tbe lion and shows the same weak ness for grabbing territory that does not belong to her that has ever char acterized the mother country. It is said she asks that the line be located on the east shore of the Lynn canal, a narrow strip of water extending many miles inland hut on a parallel with the ocean. Upon an arm there of on the east side of the canal lies the city of Juneau This territory was occupied and settled many years ago by Russia and no man ever ques tioned her claim and when the U. P. purchased ail the rights of Russia to that country the territory in contro versy was ceded to us by tbe right of that purchase. Since gold has been discovered in great quanliliis contiguous to tills territory the Cana (iiun customs oflicials in the nortli have forced the line west from its proper location so us to lake in a trail to the Klondike for the purpose of collecting custom dudes that they had no light to, and now they have concluded u sea port must be had and for that purpose they claim ter ritory to the Lynn canal. When the Vauci uver dispute was up years ago the jealousies of south tin slave holders toward the north played into the hands of Great Rri tain and gave them possession of a vast territory that justly was includ ed in our former purchases. Old rnen will siill remember the cry of our people of • fifty four forty or fight,’’ Rui English diplomacy coupled with Bout hern haired of free soil gave to them unreasonable demands. To-day the northern half of the western hemisphere presenis a different face and the old war cry, though modifi ed to suit the presant demands, will echo in both north and south and would be adliear d to if necessary even to the point of ‘'fight.” We claim uought bulour own and Eng land should lime honor enough 10 recognize our lights. Though it is In zt 11 north she must not undertake to steal ii or trouble will eusue, for “Our rights We will maiolaiue.’' ANIITON I.IMAI.X Mr S .1 F»ir amt Miaa Minnie Hlomptiiai drove over from Rock* vlll Thurada) to visit Mn>. W. M. Hun iet-r. Mi (Jeo. M, Kiuiiih xIiIj>[m <i two emu of cattle umI one ear of lings to Soi .|.Omaha Tuesdat. lie accoiu punted the shipment in person. •). I1. Tut lor Man a shipper of a ear of h<>g* Thuradai. F W. Seliuiipp left for Omaha on Thurada) afternoon, w.iere he intend* to retnaiu for some time. ,1. W. Marvel returned from atrip to Omaha nit I hurada) afternoon. Mia* Kva Ta) lor left Thurada) morning for St l‘ait|, a here the lit tend to *|>ei»d several da)a visiting aim mg friend*. "elder Stott returned Thurada) aftenoMHi from South Omaha. Mr. and Mia \V M SMelaar drove o»,r |t R«akvilla Saturdat itiNiag and apent Sundatf ailk r*l ante l*i S. Howard ami Holt Saw am k drove over to llmkolla Suadat Mr, August Simatreun ami Mtaa Mimno iii<u,|Mi>i dr*ve over to KmktMle Sutdat afiefteam, Rw«M kahi‘1 tana tutting in nor C •utmwMHt Sundat , Malta an interaaliug prat lua n««« of t>**a taall au plated on Ilia dia Mtond hare 'atutdat tftriNua, hut we failed to hear what the score was, It was reported that the wind storm of Saturday evening did some slight damage to the new Catholic church, out nothing serious. Miss Amanda Miller left Moodaj m irning for Council Bluffs, la. We note that Dr. Howard has put in quite an extensive line of patent medicines IS ASHTON GOING TO CKCE BU ATK TilK FOURTH? If so bt someone make a move and gel the hall rolling. Mrs, K. G. Taj lor and Mrs. K. M. Ilenry drove to Loup City Decora tion day. C. F, Beushousen drove over to Ravenna Saturday, and hack. Burners are in the air that three more new houses are to he built in our hustling little city in the near future. Glad to hear it, and may the good work never cease. Long continue PROSPERITY I! The cornerstone of our large new Catholic church is to lie laid on Wed nesday, June 14, 1899. Ceremonies befitting the occasion wiil also he held on the same date. The day will doubtless he one of the greatest in the history of our town. Don’t forget the date! I. C. li. We received the following verses to ate for publication last week. They were written In memory of Mrs. M, S. Linn whose death was reported in our Ashton locals of last week: Dear I.issa. thy labors art) ended, anil calm ly to rest, We layed thee where sorrow will never mo lest; Cut down from among us like earth's ripened grain. In yon home of gladness thou’st garner'd again. We'll ntlss thee, our friend, and fondly we'll speak. Thy goodness and kindness, with tear moist ened cheek And when we shall gather, who sadly re main, Thy mem ry shall bloom in Us freshness again Then rest thee, beloved one. from toll and from care; At home with the master. In mansions so fair; Thy soul is gathered away from life's pain. We know we shall meet the. dear friend again. A Lovint; Friend. Ct.KAK CHEEK ITEMS We are having the rainy season at presant. Nine inches of rain in May, how is that for dry Nebraska. A large acreage o* corn is being plant' ad. Mrs. John Nutcher sr., is dead, she re sided in California at the time of her death but whs formerly a resident of this county. John Terry, one of the Terry boys of Pleasant Valley died last week. His death was <|iilte sudden and unexpected. Herbert Baker and wife are n joice Ing over the birth of a baby at their house. T >m Hose has a brother visiting wteh him. He hails from Newcastle. Rkcobdkk A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, 8. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs: cough set in and tlnaiiy terminat ed in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying 1 cou'd Ilfo but a short time 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined il I could not stay witli my friends on earth. I would meet my at • sent ones above My husband Was ad vised to get Dr. kiuga New Discovery tor Consumption, Coughs anil Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all eight boltUs. It has cured me, aud thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottles free a* Odemlai 1 Itro's Drug Store Regular sue fthe. and gl IKI, Guaranteed or price refunded CATTLE AND IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. I lie Ord State Hank will sell improv ed fatms ou time. Also cattle on same term* Or«l, Nebraska Complete lino tif new Uihl Up* to-tlato Carpet Samples, at T. M Heed's l.litut. St M l* ft til Df |4« Hm TIME T A lll.fc I.OUI* <1 I’Y, MKBU. Lincoln, Omaha, <'hicugo, St. Joseph, Khiishs (,'ity. St. Louis, unli all points East ami South. Denver. Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland, San FrancUco, and all point* West, 'MCA I NH LKAVK AS IdiXOWDi GOING FAST No M Passenger.7:fl3a, m No. 00 I-rel«lit. .’ 00 pm GOING WEST No. .M Passenger. .Lift p. m. No. ft!) Fi eight.. .111.'it)it. in. Sleeping, dinner end reclining chair i urH (seats fri <i) on through muni. Ticket* sold and baggage checked to any point In the United State* or Canada. for information, map*, tlmu table* and tickets call on or write to A. F. Wert* Agent. OrJ.FKANOls, Uen’l. Passenger Agent, OinnliB, Nebraska, U. 1*. UAII.WAY. Sii. K leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 7:30 a. in. No. Hs leave* Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 4:0ft p. m. No. (Ml leave* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 8:30 p. in No 87 arrl *ce» dally except Sumluy (mixed) 11 :4a a in. No. <6 arrives dally except Sunday (pass eager) 7.06 p. in. Flr*t da** Rcrvlee and close connection* east, west and south. tv. 1). Clifton, Agent. Through Tourist Sleeper* To The Northwest. The Burlington Route ha* established a twlce-a-week tourist car line from Kansas *'itv to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. Oars leave Kansas City, i.lncolo and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day, arrivlug at Seattle following Fri day and Sunday. They are upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnish ing are clean ami of good quality. The heating, ventilating and toilet arrange ment* are all that can be desired and each cur i* in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, »hose solo duty Is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacuna or Seattle is only $5,00. To intermediary points, it is propor tionately low. Montana ami the l'uget Sound coun try are now enjoying a period of unex ampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to the Northwest is rapidly at taining large proportions. This now tourist-car line lias been established with a view of caring for the Burling ton’s share of it in the best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can lie had on application to uny Bur lington Route ticket agent or by ad ressing—J. Francis, G. P. Agt <)mn ha, Neb. _ Active hoLicTtobu wanted every where for "The Story of the Philippines” by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as Official Historian to the War De partment. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco, on the Paeille with General Merritt, In the hospital at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila. In the insurgent camps with Agulnal do. on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at the Tall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Hrimful of original pic tures taken by government photographer on the spot. I .urge book Low prices. Dig prof tl*. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free, Ad dress, F. T. Barber, Sec y., Star Iusuruuee Bldg,. Chicago. 111. % A FREE PATTERN (Tour own election) »o ertry nob- ! scriber. Onir 5o cents a year. MS CALLS MAGAZINE' A LADIES’ MAGAZINE. eem ; beautiful colored plttM ; latest ! A »e . | faanittni; drMMmaltinie n imomiet ; fancy 1 work , household hints . fiction, etc. Sub' scribe to day, arud ir for latest copy Lady agents wanted, !»end for terms. StTliRb, Reliable, Simple, Ujvttv ; ! date, Economical and Absolutely ; Perfect*Eit11ug Paper Pattern*. MS CALL/TT Patterns^ < No. Sea m* Allowance Pnlterne.) Only 10 arid If eta adi now bt(ber < Ask i ' • nearly ovary city ! town, or by mail from \ ThB McCALL CO., \ IIS 146 W«»t 14th SI.. N«« »0flr ] ;f«W*.«MWWWft».W,VW¥W,¥Wb t It I'I roils \t kS IKU It * • P.IIV liy Mural tlaHtea*l. diiuuntsloitml i»> u»« traiui i.i a» ‘*tHv»al IlLioriatt i«* Um* \\*i part mu at Tbe !mt>k wat arilleo la . « I 1 i la lit** K'*ayr la 1H« Aitk runti irom tii Maatia la ih« lituifitrai I'uuups tolih ,S i|i* oti ta* •!» t it *»f ih« Olyuipia altb »ta*i U«« r«j*f <>f iaUU* at lb* fall of II H*u<«*a •* f*<r »p«>au Itr.tufui of ortyikal tan *> lain o hf tuitM itl |»hi*ui*, r alMte'i Iba* tUH t.afya llutili lam |tri#*i Ilia 1U r tridlll paid i‘rs=*ti| gives iraabf kl »4f haiit* HmIM direst F | mrbff key » Pit* HkU till lad l>l i ■ fi b.‘* Vl. Maori* I. I a IV mat Soria a. a 1A M*s*r*f Id •I • *aa»< *eMsl «f*u It*. DON’T FORGET HUT KEEP IN MIND THAT T.M. REED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU WITH FARM MACHINERY, BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, HARDWARE, WINDMILLS, PUMPS AND PIPES. Our line of garden and field seeds is fresh and complete. If you need a disc harrow, sulky plow, cultivator, fanning mill, feed grinder, washing machine, sewing machine, harness, mower, binder, repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods binders and mowers, a threshing machine or steam engine call and see me and I will try to please you both quality of goods and prices. I also have a full line of furniture and invite you to come and get prices. Very truly, T. M. REED. STORK AND HEADQUARTERS AT RACKET STORK ON SOUTH SIDE R. R. STREET. IMPLE MENT STOKE EAST HIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. OUR POLITICS have not changed but our ratio now is \I lbs. (iraipdatfd $uga® To® $1.00 We have also a number of other good bargains to offer you, SUCH AS A good seeded raisin at 10 cents per pound package. ("leaned and stemless currents at 10 cents per pound package. Wetmores prepared Jellies and Icings at 10 cents per package. Fruit Puddine, a splendid desert at 10 cents per package. On Time, Magic, or Yeast Foam, 3 packages for 10 cents Wheat Manna or shredded wheat Biscuit, 2 packages for 25 cents Pillsbury’s “Vitos” and Grape Nuts, 2 packages for 26 cent. “Snowflake best flour in the state per sack 90 We also have the best assortment of laees, embroideries, and summer dress goods in town which we are sidling at honor able prices that at once appeal to the intelligent trade. THAT EVERY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS CASH PURCHASE YOU MAKE OF US ENTITLES YOU TO A CHANCE ON OUR PHONOGRAPH. SOME ONE WILL WIN IT. WHY NOT YOU? Yours Respectfully CHAS. GASTEYER. W J. FISHE72, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Gum. also DO A General Real Estate Business. Offlce in Nohtuwemtbhn RuUdlng, I.OOP CITY, - • NCUBAIKA R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT, I I A. S' MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I.OL 1* Cl 1'V, NKUHA.sKA iit'Mrl. -line duar rul of Chess's ■Irutf .lore LIVERITA TMC UP.TO.OATC LITTLE LIVER PILL CUMLS llliousnoss, Constipation, Dyspepsia, tick-Hoad - acho » .1 Livsr Complaint. { £l«Uv N LIVERITA ll UM!1 100 PILLS ?S CTS UMfSS. LS luM *»* »!| >•* >#«)«!» I M • *» l>» *.*11 IMMt C*. ISASSS fUM *ALM MV ODKNHAIIL MHOS., l.tMip Olljf, N«W. Nature's Danger Signals. Do your eyes blur at times? Do they hurt after reading? Are there frequent lieadaehes? Are the muscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and erows feet? They are NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS. Only when sight i* gone is the terrible danger realised It ' otuit so little to help the the eyes If done in time 1 onn gie# them early help, loder I hste to refer the work to oeculists. 1 examine the «vm in the most intelligent and careful manner and without charge If glasse* are n«v*led 1 can supply the »*orreet lense* modnted in any iiiaitner desired. I. SSilKiTAHD Jeweler and Opuctau l