The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 19, 1899, Image 8

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    Uoaal I7«ws
Get on'o the new awning inpront t»l
tills office.
* C VV Thornton went to F»r»«*ll, yes
terday fronting.
Mrs G. II. Gibson his been on the
sick ii*t this week.
T. s. Nightingale went to North I .on |»
yesterday on legal business.
Mr. Charley Johnson I* considerable
under the weather ar present.
T. II. E'sner made a trip to Grand
Island Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
Notice the Decoration day none um-e*
merit In our announcement column Mils
For millet seed call before
it is all gone, T. M. Heed.
Headquarters—For new
stock, Field and Garden seeds
at Watkinson’s.
Mrs Noviekl, of Ashton, whs brought
before the insanity board Wenesday for
commitment to the asylum.
A bouncing H pound baby boy came
to gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs.
K L. Christianson ln»f Sunday.
Hring your Photographs and
get them framed at Wntkin
Harvey 1>. Crlss experienced tfie fun
ny sensation of being made a Woodman
Tuesday night.
Complete line of new and up
to-date Carpet Samples, at T.
M Heed’s
Mr. A Sutton mid non Itoan, left to
day for (.'herry county where they <x
pect to locate a ranch.
Mrs, J. M. Cowper left for Dead wood
S. D. Monday, where she expect* to
make her future home.
Mr. C. M. Cbriitner, deputy Head
Consul of the Woodmen, passed through
the city Wednesday after organizing a
camp at Sargent.
Pilgerhas a large assort
ment of summer Dross Goods
at half price.
Mr. Angler informs us that he ha«
written to Mr. Mick* In regard to so ar
ranging his plan* that five class rooms
can be obtained instead of four us first
Mrs. A. P. Werts received a telegram
last Sunday apprising her of the death
of h"l father in tin* south eastern part
of the state Mr*. Werts left Monday
morning to be present at the funeral.
Goto Pilger’s and get his
selling out prices before you
buy your goods.
Mr. 1 S. Sheppard our local optician,
ha* procured one of 1 *r. Culbersons
prlsoprometers, the most sclent I tic In
strument in use for the testing of the
eyes, and is now prepared to compete
with any one in this line.
Upon the question of the Wheeler
* drool house plans as has been discussed
and gossiped for several days, we want
to say, that at present we do not propose
to say th it tin* alleged connection of Mr.
Mellor with them Is correct, and there
fore wish it understood that we do not
propose to do him an injustice If we
know it.
Mr. E. Brewer arrived from Munele,
Indiana, last Friday evening Me called
at this office Monday and reported that
he had a very pleanaut trip and visit in
the east. Mr. Hrewer is looking well
and inform* u s that he will probably
spend a part of tire summer here and
then go to Lincoln, Where lie will visit
with his daughter, Airs. Briggs,
Arthur inks ts now occupying the
position a* helper Ir. tlie 1’, I*, depot al
this place. Art is a good steady boj
and we predict that he w ill soon be abb
to send and receive mesa ages with ,,dis
patch.” Having known Arthur foi
years we can w ith pleasure reecotnuieni
him to Ins employers as an honest and
tiudworthy young man.
The flour from the Loup t’itv Itollci
Mills is giving the best of satisfactnu
and the proprietor inform* us that lie n
selling four times the amount of Hour
now that he has done here-to-lure, Wi
understand that the water power i» uii
der absolute coiitrol and I* tuilldent t<
keep the mill in operation day and night
Mr llotchkln hi* *hip|ie<| a car load i I
Hour to Atlanta, (la, nu» to Chicago
and one to < en raM ity. snd lis* an or
der for two car load* to go to Lincoln
Malty old soldiers now feel the • Heed
of the Lard service they endured during
the war, Mr (•►•« 0. Anderson, of H*m*
vllie. York county, I'eima w ho saw II <
hardest kind of service at the front, h
now fr •|un*tl> troubled with ibeuota
11-in I bad a - * ere attack lately to
•ays, "sit I procured a tortile of t ham
herlalw'a i'aitt It aim It did »•» mwtl
good that I would like to know sin
yon would charge me f»r oned |vn ten
lies.” Mr Anderson wanted It b >tl» fill
III u*tt ties' and to supply It to hl<
fitend* and w "gMnis. a* eyeiy fsonli
•bouM Itsv* a bottle of It la thelt home
not only for ike uni at I on hut bsis buk
sprain* swelling*, rail, bruise* and
boro*, f«r w bleb l» I* mntotaled fur
•ale hr O hm lah' U> »
He *tm* ami take time Monday after
four o’c ock to atop to the Peterson hull
hii.! indicate whither you want a four or
a six room school building.
If you were ch< oslng awifu you would
not be lik< |y to take up with the first
woman that came alone. The same
rule will apply when choosing plans
for tt school building
A girl's -complexion” tray bo stamp
ed or. b<-r lovers heart, but moat of the
"completion" cornea ofl' unless put there
by Itoeky Mountain Tea Powder’s
are a bad thin g A f k y our druggist.
.1 A Angler and O. If. (Jlbson went
to Orai d Island this morning to con
sult, Arnold (' Koenig, civil engineer
and arc hltect regarding plans for a new
school house
The rarest combination of good things
ever put togatber is Rocky Mountain
I’ea. It cures pimples, indigestion, con
Istlpallon, rheumatism and sick head
ache. Ask your druggist.
A few bird cages cheap at
Baby sleeps and grows while mamma
rests if Rocky Mountain Tea is given,
it's the greatest baby medicine ever of
fered loving mothers. cents. Ask
your druggist.
The citizen* of tills School district
have plainly told the board three times
that they want a six room school build
ing, and jet a part of the hoard say
they will not work to that end unless
they are again Instructed so to do next
Monday. L’uless we mistake the senti
ment of the people they will receive
their instructions.
Finn* f*>r a new six room school build
inie have been drawn by VV. .J, Fisher
mull r ilir direction of O. II. Gibson.
They are on exhibition at this office
ami will be mi Knitted to Mr, Arnold
Koenig, architect of Grand Island. We
think ihey urn very good plana and
something near what our city demand*.
Come In and see them. If the architect
thinks wel, of them and the people like
tln-m we shall adyoca:e (hat kind of a
plan, but If it can be Improved upon
ami come within the limit of our mean*
ho much the better. We have taken
particular pair!* to tlraw them to show
up the fact that a six room building can
be built for 910,000. or less. Our plan
I* estimated to cost about the same a*
the Wheeler plan, between eight and
nine tliouHand dollars. We say, come
in and s e them.
The people of this city was horror
stricken last evening to hear the piteous
cries of .John Hayes whose wife was
killed by his «ide about 7 o’clock by a
terlfle stroke of lightening. They were
driving home in a lumber wagon from
the hay lot, sitting In fronton the seat,
t* eir little boy and girl in the back end
of ibe wagon. When near the II. & M.
trai-k and about a half mile from home,
tii-’ lightening mi in k them, killing Mrs.
Hayes instantly ami knocking Mr. Hayes
out ovei the front of the wagon. The
horses were also instantly killed, falling
In th’-ir tracks and agutind each other.
Mr. Hayes was badly dazed, but soon
recovered to And Ills wife dead
and her clothing on fire. He tore the
burning garments from her and took
Iter in Ids arms and carried her almost
home when Ids cries brought assistance.
The children were uninjured but nat
urally very frightened,
Mr. Ignac Nowicki found it neces
sary to take his wife away fur treat
| inent. They left Tuesday morning
for Grand Island.
Mr. Ktnile T. Heushausen return
ed home Monday evening after near
ly a years absence as a member of
Co. II 'Ird Keg. Neb. Vol., and he
seems to be pleased to get back again
after a sojourn on Cuban soil. His
many friends gave a public reeep
tiou and banquet at the opera house
on the same evening of his arrival.
It was largely attended and all re
port having had a * Roaring Good
K. ft. Taylor made u flying trip to
Loup City and back by rati Tuesday
Quite a ruin and hail storm visited
us on Monday night. Hail stones
as large as walnuts are reported, and
some sav liens eggs, and it was for
tunale Indeed, that no wind a,-com
pnnied the *b rtn or a large amount
of damage might have been douc
We saw one of our old townsmen,
Mi. John Waaielewski, now< f*b*utli
Omaha, on our streets Wednesday
shaking hands witu old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. I* J, Taylor were
| up ami spent Sunday among friends
i and r< latives.
Mi»ae« Laura and Grace licrmdio,
ter of I,) uk City were the guests of
j Vi«-> K'lith Henry Saturday and Huh
I hull Mt luml |.ii iuc |nt*4i i| nit
’UHM.tbh Im* S tturiUt. i n n if Un>
•1‘nilii‘f Hit* Urn*nicitiiijj, flu- nmiiji
*«•*■ tn«-i| hi Mjny ibvntelvM lb*
»crv lu*#t tti«>v t*ii iti11„
Mr »«»*! Mr* 8 J Fair
nf lt«« ill** Mi** Knijai
K<i*'lin f I ri t'albtiin, N* It -ui i
• il tit'l’lil h i* I* n tif |l |kt«|, ItW*,
'jani Hi*- i. »>» nf Mr *n>l 'li* |l
i 'I
•Jult* a «; ii»j| <>f •'••|H iii««t* Iii-.;<»n
wink I'm - i ** iu f 1*111)1 imi (k* 14*•
I’t'H-ill. i liMli li
flu' \*M«iM • l» til* Vlll t !u<« U»*
i i* *r* * >rii oh tm feint ihr W*
i In-in i|uit« a |*i**at • mi t* Im iii)j |>t*i
! |I»M* I IN b‘*a *1 **f lH*> IM * aaliiA
1 I V, I
Services will lie held in the M. E. church
Sunday May 21, 1SW9, 10:30 a. in. preaching:
Subject: When House (Heading does not Pay
Preaching at H o'clock pj m : Subject: Sonic
Important reason (or a school house.
A cordial invitation extended to all.
Pentecost Services i Pflngst Uottcs dienste)
will be held on next Sunday, May 21, in this
city at 10:M1 a m. In the Baptist church, and at
Ashton, at 2,30 p. m. A collection will he held
for the lK-ncflt of the Nebraska district of our
German Evangelical Synod.—Germans Come.
ADO. Jknrkich, Pastor
The Christian Endeavor Society, will give a
Mother Goose'' reception, at Waiklnson s
hull. Saturday evening. May 20, iswti. All of
the Gooee family will be present Come and
enjoy the reunion, ice cream and cuke will
be served.
The History class of the Unity Club, under
the instructions of Mrs. C. K. Johnson, Is pro
Egypt being the subject. The ton minute lex
son on Parllmsntary and Usages Is also
very Instructive.
Those Interested In this work are cordially
Invited to meet with us, May 27, lew.
The German Varien Society has accepted
the Invitation of the G. A. R a. and will join
them in the march from the ball on Decora
tion Day, at 10:00 a. m The society will
inarch with their new banner which is ex
pected to arrive In due time, All members
of the Vureln are requested to turn out.
The nebraska State Sunday School Conven
tion will be held in Uoldrldge, June 13-15, 1 -M
Every Sunday School In the staU' is entitled
to one delegate for each member or fraction
thereof. In adltlon to these, the Pastor Is
a delegate ex-ofllcio, and an alternate should
lie elected In case of inability to attend.
Entertainment will be provided for all dele
gate* presenting proper credential*.
Reduced rates of one and one-third fare on
the certificate plan have been granted by all
the railraads la the state.
An excellent program is in preparation.
School* should elect delegates at once. For
copy of program and blank credentials, ad
dress E J, VVn.ATMAN, Secretary.
York, Nebraska.
To the officers and members of Shllo Pont
No VU Dept,, of Neb. G, A. B. You and each
of you are hereby directed to report at the Post
room. Sunday May US, tsvw, at 10.bO a. m sharp,
for the purpose of marching in a body to the
M. K. church to attend divine services.
Also to report at same place May 30, at 10:00
a. m. to assist in observing Decoration day
Exercises will be conducted by Ladles of U, A
K. Dated Headquarters May 17, I SOW
Com. Adj.
The Ladies of the O. A. K. having completed
arrangements for Decoration day invite and
desire that all other civic societies, and citizens
join with them. The school children are espe
cially Invited. The prosesslon will form at 10:
30. a. m. Infront of WalUioson's Hull, march
east to south east corner of square, thence
north to M. K. church where they will be ad
dressed by our able townsman Judge a. Wall.
Wr think and feel that every citizen young and
old should have deep interest in these services.
If any in the past may have become Indifferent
the late struggle should imbue them with a
spirit of Loyalty for our fallen brave heroes.
We trust that all will come out on the 3bth
and show to the w orld we honor and revere
our noble defenders. And in memory of their
sacrifice scatter flowers over their graves.
Committee L. of O. A. K.
The circus has come and
gone but we still have one or
two of those Bedroom suits left
at Watkinson’s.
whooping Cough.
1 had a little boy who was neatly dead
from an attack of whooping cough. My
neighbors recommended Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy. 1 did not think that
any medicine would help him, but after
giving him a few doses of that remedy
I noticed an improvement, ahd one bot
tle cured him entirely. It is the best
cough medicine 1 ever had in the house.
.1 i/ Moore. South Burgettstown, Pit
For sale by Odendahl liro’s
Fresh Garden and Field
seeds in bulk at T M Heed's
lilt. Oaiiv’i Condition I’owdehs, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Toole, Mood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine and the best in tt»e to put a horse
] m prime condition. Price 2-1 cents per
I package. For sale by Odendahl Bro's.
Mig line of straw hats at
Filger’s at your own price.
lU t KI.KW AKMt A tS.tLVK.
I lie best salve in the world for t tils
Bruises sores l nets Halt Hheum Fever
1 Hole. Tetter <^lta|»|H*d Hands t 'Inltdalns
< 'urtis slid all Skill KroptIona and pos
itively cures (’lies or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give peifevt satl.fno
tiott or money refunded. I’rtce .’A cents
i n r bo*. Fur sale by Odendahl hot.
Arbuektw oolToo tOc, Mo
Laughlin s XXXX l* bars
Silver l,tnf Soap 2<r»f at Fillers.
I lt*V» ln-Kt a » r from rbim.ii}
' >ll*r|ta«>« HH •m«'0 iii«* «nr m>.i u
>*«»il at! klmli til u.a Itviu** f*<r li ^i U»t
I I gt I Bit* M iii'mIi lliil h**U*i*u 4 mi
>» •. n 4 j in «•„! Dial |« l'k%N|(M>l«th'i
■ i * u*!v ta •ml litiiili'H** Hr in i|
I* K OMIMUM IlMN Mill*, 1.4 f or
• il» ki il Uu-Util Hni'i
l li« rl« it in in r ihiil % la II \ H l‘ Kli
tr»- ««*» II I# *U|>l*tM«'ly ilrlh leui 1 fca
fiml N>i| i *(|t*k*l I* II \lll‘f.|t |«>.
*«•» h iiril • *i» - h - * Kr||i< liitii
11«» IrMtlli «hi*k > *r II.»! >. hftiar
u'* I'ltir, |i"i'iiil ruil •!!» m I In mug
■r I hi III I.I.-H* h la *H •'» |
A Thousand Tongue*.
Could not express the rapture of An
nie E Springer, of 1125 Howard it.,
Philadelphia, Pa., when she found tint
Dr. King'* New Discovery for Consump
tion had completely cured her of a hack
ing cough that for many years had made
life a burden. AH other rem«dles and
doctors could give tier no help, but she
says of this Koval Cure—**lt soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
Universe.” So will every one who tries
I)r. King's New Discovery for any trou
ble of thp Throat, Chest or Dungs. Price
50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at
Odendahl Bro's Drug Store; every bot
tle guaranteed.
Iloliheil the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr,
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
I wuh in a most dredful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually In hack
ind sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by slay. Three physi
clans had given me up. Fortunately, a
friend advised trying Electric Bitters:’
and to my great Joy and surprise, the
first bottle made a decided Improve
ment. 1 continued their use for three
weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know
they saved my life, and robbed the grave
of another victim.” No one should fall
to try them. Only 50 cts., guaranteed,
at Od-ndahl Bro’s Drug Store,
Cheap Tickets to California
Th® lowest rates of tha year are those
which the Burlington Route will make
late In June and early in July, for the
annual meeting ol the National Educa
tional Association, at Los Angeles. Lib
eral return limits and stop-over privil
The coolest route to .he coast Is
through Denver and Salt Lake City. Go
that way and for a day and a id a night
you ride through tne Wonderland of the
World- past, canons, mountains, rivers,
waterfalls and landscapes gay with
Information and California literature
on request. J, Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Your attention Is directed to the ex
ceptionally low rates In effect this com
ing season to nearly every prominent
poiut In the East.
Never before ha» such an excellent
opportunity been afforded fora summer
Vaeati m Tour, or tor visiting friends In
the East. We mention below a few of
the places to which greatly reduced rates
have been made. The UNION PACIFIC
Is the line that will give you the best
service to any of thesepoints,
Columbus, Ohio, June 0 9 R ite—One
Fare, plus 82.00, for the Round Trip.
Ht. Paul, Minn., June 9 13 Rate One
Fare and One-Third fur the Round Trip,
on certificate Plan
Buffalo, N. Y., June 11 15. Rate—fine
Fare, plus 82 00, for the Round Trip.
Chicago, III,, June 14-15. Rate—One
Fare and One-Third for the Round Trip,
on Certificate Plan •
Milwaukee. Wis., June 11 15. Rate—
One Fare and One Third for the Round
Trip, on Certificate plan
St.Louis, Mo., June20-23. Rate—One
Fare, plus #2,00, for the Round Trip
Detroit, Mich., July 5-10. Rate—One
Fare, plus#2.00, for the Round Trip.
Richmond, Va„ July 13-10. Rate—One
Fare, plus #2.00. for the Round Trip.
Indianapolis, lnd., July ‘20-23. Kate—
One Fare, plus 82.00, for the Round Trip.
For lull information as to dates of
sale and limits, on tickets, time of trains
etc., call on—W. 1). Clifton, Agent,
Tetter, Salt-Hhsuin ami Eczema
't he intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Hkin Ointment. Many very bad e «es
have been permanently cured by it- It
Is equally ellicient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped bauds, chilblains. frost bites
and rhroilj sore eyes. *25:ts. per box.
For sale by Odeodabl Bro s.
We have for atilt* Home im
proved Sherman county farms,
Liberal Terms, Easy Pay
ment* < orretpontlenee solic
J. S. Thompson, & 80s,
Iaiteon, III,
iMttltlOf !'••• lit Hk« HMlItin I il»*( lit
( ktMkailam't 1‘aiH Itai'u
Mjr m>i» mat ulttiiird with rlieum»il*in
abit'li fniiiMt ta.l lii« ilglti limli until lie
*a» Miiiiil* lu »illi Alter uiliig nne
iik) a half li Ml)** <>l t b*itih*r Utn* 1‘aln
j ll.ilut If a a* aide lit lie iImiuI *4 *111 I
*ii it <■: 1 * r*« >i(Min* • 1 •! li In |*(*m 1
i Miffeilitg front tb*iiMI«ll*l«t. JmiH bNI
I liMt, I r»r,| 1 I'll W V* lul
•ale b 1 Oventlatil Urn'*
*. lire »n A* n4 )i r:itm
am r*V iiiim w«bb «*m mi,
1b* MrtUlt CutWMT. ««•*•* IMaa.ll». C*|
It takes all sorts of people to make a world, and that
portion which we have to deal with must cloth themselves
in garment** to unit their work.
There whs a time, we are told, when a
fig-leaf or an apron of leaven was the
tiling. Different now j time has worked
great wonders. The man of this day
and generation mimt lie clothed from
head to foot In accordance with the
dictates of fashion and the limit of his
Putting yout money into a Savings ^
Hank is next bent to putting it into our Spring
Suits that awaits your intelligent selection.
You draw Interest on the former, you
draw satisfaction an 1 comfort from what
you buy here, because it is always TIIE
BEST for the money expended, and that
Is why our clo'lifoc department Is look
cd upon as the KESI'ONSIBLE I’l.A* K
Our finely tailored Men's Suits at
85, 87.50. 88 and 80 are easily
north one half more. Vou pay it,
too, outside of this store
you a Top Coat that a tailor would keep you waiting five
days and charge you fifteen dollars for, and it wouldn’t he
too much. Wouldn’t be any better, though, nor fit any
better, and they are right up to the minute it style. Re
quick, .lust a few left.
Dry Coed:, Grom, Clothing, Shoe:, Etc.
Strictly C ash and One Pric** to A IK
Calls Attended Night or Day
O. II. Gibson, Funeral Director.
W. J. riMIIKR,
Atlorujf ftiul N'uUrjr Public.
Publ labor Lul l' i’irt Nomimwmdhi
Fisher &, Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated