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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
FOR BARGAINS IN SPRING COODs T APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS,” and they also also bring the need of a reliable umbrella. You can get the right kind here, rain proof, fast color, with parigon ribs, warranted to withstand the blows of any wind except a cyclone; steel rod, tight roll, all this umbrella excel lence at a moderate price. You can really afford to have an umbrella “at each end of the line” if you buy here. We have them from 50 cents up. A New Suit or Dress Worn over a Pair of Shabby Shoes is a combination that should be shuned by all people who desire to be well dressed. W e advise all Sherman county men and women to avoid it by corning here this week and allowing us to fit them from our complete stock of elegant spring foot wear. We promise to fit both your feet and your pocket book. You should not fail to call if you need shoes. TREAT YOUR FEET RIGHT BY BUYING A SUPPLY of new spring hoisery for them here. Ours is not only easy to buy, but easy to wear, and a comfort to your feet, because every pair is perfectly knit from excellent' yarn, and free from seams, lumps or irritating wrinkles. This is the right kind of h'oisery, and the only kind any one should wear, for it costs no more here than inferior hoisery does in many stores. They run as low in price as two pairfor26 cts. There’s hardly any apparel in which women take more interest than millinery, and there is nothing we are better able to please them with. Our millinery department has been thronged all the week with enthus iastic customers who have told 11s our millinery offerings are certainly the best in town. We tell this not in a spirit boastfulness but as a statement of facts which will interest all women whohav’ntyet bought their spring hat Respectfully Yours, Clearance Sale. In order to reduce my stock I will sell for Thirty Days at Prices That cannot be duplicated any where. Sale limited to stock on hand AND FOP CASH ONLY A $7.50 Rocker will go for $5.00 A 2.50 Mattress will go for 2.00 A 2 50 Bedstead will go for 2 00 A 15 00 Bedroom suit for 11 25 A 50 Lamp for 20 Picture frames at half price ANI) SO ON ALL THROUGH THE LINE. COME QUICKLY AND RUY AT PRICES YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN GET A CHANCE AT Hardware. Stoves and Tinware GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, FIELD SEEDS ALFALFA, MILLET ETC. A complete line all through and bought before the rise in the market. Yours for business, E2. H. WATKINSON, Loup City, Neb. wm» iiu • IIIwhJ tl*s^ bv.4fitful I’l _ , ..». l» t«* * «*»•*•>* III u .4 *!*.»!» •» *<• 4 _I* •* , .*11 !• .* tUo litiKW Ht'» ' 4 t> U».M« !».- Uka .11 mIUi 4 t|<l ftM * •* tUU l» I N,iaUr #. C3. kt >»»rl »f J >U >» SB*. XmTN y-'^ t w>i«turr»«M , r . •■■» ;• *. . * Lfc* w Y,H* #4* ***• fW* * M 4**14,11** :,si s i* ii?** •** •»*r“ ■ 44lna, .i* I.KWAl. NUTirr >utauf NiMiakt i > i • TU stat* of M»br t'auat) el MarwM t T« I'ukituwH niHi *<>• mtdtit ufMi «( tk* lulhttw AwilM IHlHteU itIMt* It Meant Ittaittol Me. 7 u7 NAarateo >«>u*lr and iHaM »l Nehttoah* l»ail, N 't* ■ fourth In ibt M Tuea»*l|> M Maa*a M tart Ymv tn bank) autiM that I ttt fceaa laito W wm ttutol (haiwl al told Mead IHatrtat Itat llwra la |> wyes e«U u|wa t*a «Ui«a 4iaiito4 ml (MaM amt M t*e ift to »•>< AMD a* Iliadi«t>if I .Hall paused ta *111 to »aii« <a (to* toutaaat fra* I. tod bf to* a* I** na |a daae»i*-w« fat touch llitft abdat tof head thto Mat da) •■< Hank im lattito l.ituui ttoatacat al * -ait Itoliul M» I afearataa wwtl. Mato I.KUAL, NOTH'* 1IM 0* Nahraaka ; • *. Tha Hlaia ul Nct>f t 'miMI at IkirMt t Ti» Uikwu KW (mMni «( IM < llualu* illuiw Ul Huma in*w*« Na T ut mum iauii aa<i %trntm <4 Nakn»*ka u» Ul. MU Ik tni 411MM ul Aartlua * Tauaafct* l« IU»«» M aaat Vwi karat.* aatifeM Mat uMupiaiai k*. ■«* ku M M ftu«J Diumi III MmI **••*>» IH*«rWi tfcal ikara la M »««a Mil u^u ‘ka akuaa 4a*«rlt<a4 a»4 It Ika Man U a»* «Ua4 u» HflMlmaty | .kail yaiU tm ■II ika «a» !• tka araaaai »r«>i4ad t>> laa a* Ik* iaa« H kaaaafwaa laa Hath _ U4««a aa4«t m, kaM Ikia Mai Marvh i«m . . lM*aj.Ba 1.1 • bat. I ftaadiHr u» m *.i iH.tiwi y« • Ml al itaaU in *raaar •*»*aa» <'await Nab». ACTIVE SOl.ICITOKS WANTKIt EVERY "■where for "Tin Story of the l’htllppiue* ' by Murat Halstead, commissioned liy the Gov ernment as (Hltclnl Historian to the V\ar in part merit. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco, on the I’aclfle with General Merritt, In the hospital at Honolulu. In Hong Kotin, in the Aiuarlcan trenches at Manila, in the Insurgent camps with Anuinal do, on the deck of the Olympia with In ' ey, and In the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of orlglnul pic tures taken by government photographer, on the spot. Large Hook. How prices. Hip prof its. Weight paid. Credit given. limp all traahy unofPclal war hooks, Outfit free. Ad dress, V T. Burlier, Seo-y., Star insurance Bldg., Chicago. 111. THERE IS ONLY ONE OVBBLAND ROUTE DIRECT UNK TO AEI. POINTS IX Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming Utah, Pacilic Coast and Puget Sound. Puluce Sleeping c«r* Ordinary sleeping Cur*. liultett Smoking and Library Cars, free Reclining Chair Cur-. Mining Cur*. MeuU a 1« Curt*. Kor timetable*, folder*, illo* Intel k• pamphlet*, duoriptlve of the territory (ravened, call on W. I> i i.ipto*. Agent. A FREE PATTERN \ !jrour uwa MlvctioMi (o rtrif tab* K Oaljr S' cent* • y«ar. MAGAZINEW A LADIES' MUMZINE. A . W« .1 l I « »«4 UtMt - *4 *4 i Iws ■» **»% i*»b. b* * it->, It »i >‘v< » UIU4I 4*4 A *«#!> I**#!**! ft ttltuy 1*4 n • MS CALLi fluff ERNS^ * • %•* «k#HI *-«M N* a«Mi) # <*# ( «Mf «m| «# tel - .kit M 1111! ftWCALC CO., • II t « i •««• *» » *« . *.« Kit H*M« IUUUIIM NOTICE FOR PIJB Mi AT ION. Land Office, Lincoln, Nebraska / April 10th, 1890. j Notice Id hereby given that the follow ' lug named settler haa filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Sherman County, Ut Loup, Nebraeka, on May s«0, 18W», viz: Martha E. Engle, wlddow and one of the heirs of Oeorge Engle, deceased Homestead Entry No. 18,117, for the eaat half North east quarter Section *f, Town ship 10, Range 16 West. He name* the following witnesses to prove hia continuous rceldenco upon and cultivation of said land, via; llans lleek, of Litchfield, Nebr. Richard Baker, of “ *• Jerry shelller of •• •* John Wuhlor, of Loup " J W. Johnson, Register. NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION. Land office at Lincoln, Neb. i March 27th, line, f Notice in hereby given that the follow ing.named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hie claim, and that said proof will he made before the county Judge of Sherman county at Loup Oily, Nebraska, on May nth, I MW, vl* Lawrence Kossa, Homestead Kntry, No. lfcm, for the Kast half of North west quarter and lot* 1 and a of section 110, township 10 north range 13 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Mike Lewandowskl, of Ashton, Nebr. Thomas Stancsk, of Ashton, Nebr. John tj. Pray, of Loup, Nebr. John Jens, of Loup, Nebr. J W. Johnson, Heglster. i.kuai. notiok. In District Court of Sherman County audHtaluof Nebraska Clara K. Nute, Plaintiff. vs. g. H John Nute, Defendant. Hlale of Nebraska . V state of Nebraska. Sherman county 1 to John Nute, non-resident defendantt You are hereby notified that oa the 27tb : day of March Clara B- Nut* Sled a . |s-titlon against you In the district court i <>f kherinan rouuly, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whloh are to obtain a divorce ’ from yon oa the groauda, that yow have for over two \ vara last past been an hab I Dual drundard. and funner that being |of sufficient ability to provide suitable nialalsnanie for said plaintiff fur three ycers last past have grossly, wantonly, and cruelly refused, and neglected so to do You are required to answer said pen ti*m on, or before Monday the *th day of May law*. CUlt K Hitt, Plaintiff Uy t a N ion r iso ai l. her attorney Alleel Jolts Mmuttl, •call t lark of the District court • Ml «• I !»* grratlv mlu« i*<l rtir ||»>> b* *11 l«*Ur hjf I hr IN ION l‘A< It'll' lo iVifurui* |>»luo Tbruutfh Twwroo Mt<|irr«, t| iU W#f (loir than atijr i<«hrr m»*» N( Ik’kiM nd lull liiforuial.o* > »ll tt l» I'Unofl, NOTH K H» will »Uu>l ilt« Nulliuu Hill Mi Hit rm.iitijj at I be uaru <•! H I Hujtlrr. lu (<uu|« I'lijr H T NNIMhH, X. H I lKiMI-aoM. ParlDlp Complexion, A uiMjonty of the ills afflicting peo pie to-day tan be treated to kidney trouble It pervaded alt classes of so tiety, in all climate*, regardless of age sex or condition. The nallow, color-lens looking people you often uni t are afflicted with “kid ney com pie mi," Their kidneys are turning to a i irsnip color, ho is their complexion, I in-y may suffer from in digestion, bloating, sleeplessness, uric acid, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, ca tarrh of the bladder, or irregular heart. You may depend upon it, the cause is weak, unhealthy kidneys. VY'omcm as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer’s Mwamp-Koot. the great kidney liver and bladder reimdy will build up and strengthen weak and unhealthy kid neys, purify the diseased, kidnoy-pois oned blood, clear the complexion and soon help the sufferer to better health. I he mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon realized. It stands the highest (or its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, such as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, rheumatism and Bright's Di sease, which is the worst form of kid ney trouble. At druggists fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sam ple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling ail about it. Address Dr. Kil mer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Wheu writing please mention this paper. KA1LKOAD 1’ALAVEH. The uew Palace Sleeping Cars, built specially for the UNION PACIFIC,and recently put lu service on their fatuous fast trains to Colorado, Utah, Califor nia and Oregun points, are the floeat ever turned out Throughout the Interior the draplnga, wood work and decorations arc lu the most artistic style, and the couvenlen* ce* vastly superior to anything ever seen before. These cars are attached to the Union Pacific fast trains, which make Quicker time to all Western points thau trains of any other lines. Tickets, and reservations can be ob tained by calling ou or addressing W. I>. Curro*, Agent, "A word to the wise la suftkiunt" and a word from the wise »hould >>• suffi cient. bur you ask. "ho are the wise? Those who know, rue oft repealed ex perience of trustworthy pereone may be takeu for knowledge Mr. tV. M. Ter ry says Chamberlain's Cough Keiuedy gives heller satisfaction than any other iu the market lie ha* been lu the drug business at Kl-toti. Ky , for twelve years, has sold hundreds of bottle# of this re* mods and nearly all oilier cough medi cines manufactured, which show# ran clusiveltr that • liamlwrialii's is the w it satisfactory to tb« p-ople, and is the b»»l. Fur Ml* by Odeudahl Itio'a Uamukn —N»w bulk juht ill at, Watkillboua