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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1899)
1 THAT T. M. REED HAS MOKE THAN EVER A COM I* LET E STOCK OE WIND MILLS, FEMES, El EES, MACHINE OILS, GARDEN AND FIELD SEED. I AM ALSO EIIEEARED TO DO 'ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF WIND MILL OR EUME WORK. He*- TO MY PATRONS. £# BEiL* When in want of anything in my line don’t fail to call and learn my prices. No other county seat in Western Nebraska can boast of a more complete stock than I now have on hand. If you want a sulky plow, Disc Harrow, Seeder, Cultivator, Feed Grinder, Marb Wire, Hog Fencing, Cribbing, Harness, Machine Oils, Sewing Machines, Washing Ma chines, Windmills, Stock Tanks, Feed Cookers, Tank Heaters, hand and power corn shellers in fact everything from a Threshing Maehing and Steam Engine down to a hay fork. With best compliments of the season I am. Yours very truly, T M- REED* REFORMERS ROAR. V Till: WOBI.U IIEKALD DEMANHs THE HKSltlNATION OF THE “MON EY sa vino ai mum [From the World-Herald | ‘•When the charges against Stale Auditor Cornell were made public the World-Herald said that these charges should be thoroughly inves tigated At the same time the World Herald asked for a suspen sion of popular judgment until the auditor had the opprtouoity to de fend himself and explain away the serious allegatiods made against him. “Auditor Cornell has had that opportunity. He had an opportunity before the state commission appoint ed by the governor, and he again hud an opportunity before the legislative committee. »>n both these occasions Mr Cornell showed that lie was ut terly powerless to explain these charges, and woolly unable* to defend himself in sm a a way as to com mend Ills did ease to : itelligent men ‘•It lias developed that examiners appoiu'' I i> ,t* stai i'«u were “ eng ml in ‘holding up ii.-urauce companies n c'hargi exorbitant fees ioi pi'■leii'led ex iruui.ilions. Mr. Cornell's own tesiiiuony -hows that the uadi lor was fully c igui/aul of these « xorhitaui charges, and when ever he was appealed to by the in surance companies his invariable was: ‘* I*ay the charges if satisfact ory.” In other words, Auditor Cor nell seemed willing that his examin ers should hold up insurance com panics provi led the insurance com panies would cheerfully submit to the “hold up “The evidence shows that O W. Palm, whom the auditor app tinted to lie one of Ids examiners, is a con scienceless scamp, and tin letters lie wrote to Mr. Cornell should have prompted uu intelligent and honora ble auditor to immediately demand Palin's resignation. It has been con tended that these so called ‘hold up" charges against the insurance com panies were the same as those charg ed by the auditors examiners for several years past, and the same us charged by insurance departments of other states I'he people of Nelirai ka elected Mr. Cornell to tin* audit or*» otliee believing that he would abolish these bad pradi < , and Mr Cornell now simply add- insult to injury by setting up a* a defense that what lie has permitted Ids ex suit tiers to do was done by the ex aminers under us pr< let* nor, •'It has been auowu Mis* Mr, Cor nell designated a*in»ora .«■« cximiu era ill n who were d, iWi j regular salaries fr 'in me * *»*> a-* county ireasUi , >x. unit i lit tit lens, of Ilia action 'It Cornell pen's to the ih 11st on t*| ihe mi tin t out, • here the two lepuo'i, *u j , lge» uu the lieneh held th *t although a Ntan Was ti i a log pat I«t • .. the ,tu *- .1 auprein ' isttiri f"Um,issi it, r h> •«, *l» » euitil l to tli is pa, u in, Ui stale f 1 > r»l * 1 1 1 il-tp»: in n M C 1 « t" f 1 1 ' ,1 it * ,, i», i L* th. .« > . I J.," hi* >t ... , ,i*| , I hal> > p ( 1 I eu It i , 1 pit •h* < m i» a . 1.11. "H* t'- lw. i. • fs» Ok- | I . il f U) adequate defense to the charges made against him is a serious disap pointment to the people who sup ported >lr Cornell for election and re election to the office of state au ditor. He has violated that confi dence, and the least lie can do at ttiis time is to promptly resign the trust he lias so shamefully abused. “Nothing so far has developed to warrant a crimnal prosecution a gainst Mr. Cornell, and it is probable that nothing of that character will be developed. Hut the disclosures already inch* show on the part of the auditor such a wanton disregard for the responsibilities of his office, such a humiliating submission to the hold up methods of ut least one ex aminer, sueli a thorough indifference to public interests and to official con eienee that the World-Herald, speak lug in behalf of the people, who can not be accii8e<l^f prejudice against Mr. Cornell is justified in calling up on the auditor lo semi his resigna tion to the governor. • The people of Nebiuska will have no patience with men who abuse public confidence aud betray public trust. There has been too much of that in the state already, and Mr. Cornell will find that in the light of recent revelations lie will not be up held by auy mail having at heart the interests of the state. If Mr. Cor ned does not resign the legislature will be entirely justified in bringing against him impeachment proceed ings. An impeachment trial is very expensive to the stat -, and Mr. Cor nell will at once improve an oppor tunity for himself aud serve the tax payers of Nebraska if he will tender his resignation aud make way for a man who will introduce genuine re form in the auditor’s office. — Omaha World Herald. ASII TON LO0AI.S Hans F. Hebnke is reported as being quite sick. Mr. C. 11. Thode accompanied by his daughter, Miss Annie, bid fare well to these parts Saturday and took the liurliugton Route for Denver, Colorado, where he will re side in the future. Mr. Thode is one ot our old residents, and it is our wish that prosperity may attend him iu his uew home. John (Joe moved onto the farm known as the Otto place on Tuesday. Due of Si. Paul* fair damsels was Uie guest of Miss Taylor. Sun day . Prof. R. K. Arthaud spent Sun day in Si. Paul. Joliu Johnson has sold his farm to Fred llanseu ami is intending to move onto a place near Rudiis tleorge Kggers came down from I. up City Wednesday Mrs A J. Reams of Roup City, w >• lo re Tbumdry calling on old friends. Mrs It W «*V|ti »<i till I Him \| v | i tie WI Doll, came down I non l."Up City and Spent Sunday with Unit patents, Mr, and Mr* T D \\ Don, Mr H. Suit l*t>r returned Kr id * * evening from a time so D visit through southwestern Wisconsin Mr and Mi« IJ daiyei, left Saturday in >ruing for Chlvago, where they will sp* id two sr. its lata % v g goods for their sitting lode Miss Kniui i Wiiti'U came mu from Au» in tit I sptni huiolav si home. Mil* M i t \ ii t lie o *| f ^y HOC to M .. , •* * t**4f di n { tit* lifti (Vi t f.Mi U I. r i\ N|ir«til« I.iKo Wildfire. You can’t keep a good thing down. News of it travels fast. When things are “the best” they become “the best selling." Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O, writes "Elec tric Bitters are the best Belling bitters I have ever handled in my 30 years expe rience.’’ You know why ? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid neys, bowels, blood and nerves. Elec tric Bitters tones up the stomache, re gulates liver, kidney and bowles, puri ties the blood, strenghtens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system, i’nts new life ami vigor Into any weak, sickly, run d iwii man or woman. Only 50 cts. .Sold by Odendahl liro's Druggists, guaranteed. CLIIIUUNO KATIN l’ay Up FarmJiurnal and get a Big Bargain. Five Years. By special airangement made v.itli the publishers of the FARM JOURNAL we are enabled to offer a 5-years sub scription to that paper, and one years subscription to the Nouriiwkstekn for 9U50. The same oiler is made to eyery old subscriber who will pay all arrear ages and 0110 year in advance, as well as to new sudscribois. In order to get the FARM JOURNAL at this low price it will he necessary to waik right up to the captai n’s ollico, for we have only a limited number of 5-year subscriptions to dispose of. The FARM JOURNAL is on a solid found itlon and perfectly trustworthy. We w ill also furnish the Kansas City Weekly Journal, one of the BEST weekly papers in tlie west, and the Nobtiiwkstebn for 91.20. This is the same paper we clubbed with last year that gave such general satisfaction. Also the Semi-Weekly State Journal and the Nouthwestkkn for 81 SO W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office in Northwestern Building, LODI* CITY, - - NKHRArtKA A. S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - - NLBKASKA OFFICE. -One door i ast of Chase's drug store R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY, i i m MANY HOURS QUICKER via i i «" i in m iik i *• wr. Than by •«> »Ow‘« »* tm i OvlMiti i.iMirst, 'Wl'i *h< yn.1,1 I »•, Mali InO p«,|tri.\*|». ' Trum MisKiiuri Hivur. t M* : * * *, i ■ * i o ♦ *,, >« i .«• ». » - f-» ^ «f im iMHtatt -, '*«♦ H M Mil *, *»il I’LL LET YOU ll ME and you will say that my good* are FIRSTCLASS AND PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. I HU Wllti ■Ui»|| |>r<tills mill l»\ Wtillill* tn\ *imm|s at f|,is.' il*wr«*s Mini k«*(tlng a nio« lint- to from t-aa aun-lt itl*as*< yu I havt. * lar*«*r sin k Ui.iusirr Iwfun- itl HARDWAKK AND TINWARK, AND ALSO A NICK LIN K OF ITHM ITHK rtl’CH As M«hI rooai suits, Plata* t iiaifi, I'owmnui tfcaira, H'wksra, Kauusnia taMus. < tiltltoarUa. Wartlru'ws IVnlsr Utah* I'i. iurs* ut-lur* » «r||i„ favt anilhla* i»«i want. My price* will keep you giic**ittg how I can sell an cheap. Call and you will )H> cm timed N our* for tuirgaiu* PACKE-T STORE W A NT Kl> —SK V TUL'HTWUKTHT POM. nous in Hub mate to lu.iintae our business In tin ir own mi'l nearby counties. It la iimlnly ortlce Murk conducted at home. Sal iirv si rttiKlil Non vcuritint expense#—<1e lliilie, bomitlde. no more, no less salary Monthly f .'i, Uctcrence* hiu'lo.u self-ad - i dressed envelope If•• rrt K Hess, 1’res. I Dept M I’liii'axo, ill N-lIM* TIMK la NONIT. When you are traveling, due cousltl • ration should lie given to the amount of lion* -|» ot in making your journey. • UK l NIuN I’AVlrlC is the But I im ami makes the KasTKst 1'imk by many Nan lo .Salt l.ake City, i'oitlaiui ami I'tlii'oilim points lor 11me tsi>l<», foliiers, illustrated hook*. |> uun|i|eta descriptive of the ter Itort traversed. nail on-- W. (’lit ton, Agent W 4NTM> 'I.VMIAl. lKL»t WiiKrilT, l><-rt<>n« lii tlil> *init* in tintiiagi* uur bui **•*• - ■» in I Ilf I r ti* ii uni 11 arb> ><>uiiil«* I Ii nuliil) i*1U. *- a ink rtiailut'iacl «t It. tin u , <Uiiigbt #tfuu • year am) 1 *|“ 1 *■ *i« ttitt • t> .n .d.l*, nu mutt, mi l... •■iin Mimlbl) #7J Ki-fvr < ••*' l i in ' •< If *il,iit'*»«*»| »iaiu|>a«l riiwtopi II r 1.1ft K ll«aa. I’raal it < bn V • ► I ’M* « urm mvuy *• * I ik« “f‘*l>alKi“ 1 '* ■ tli n-i.. aw| „» Ifc* i inl - -* • i« *■• ■ M. - .« i.. tk" w»r pa. i1** - *« • ••■* ••ttioM m «tau "•“‘pill. »..a Ik* KcUki attl • **•* a '* ««■»» la III. k>. 4»ll*l a! MaaukUa. M . n « «d InwlM ai * • ' I • -i iatt>in auk Aaaiaal ii*-* -tu %,!** - % i %'h- u ii)| |iita| 1 • ' «-• ■ • •* k* lab *4 Manila It. .**•*„ «l» nil .! «.< attain*) ala* *’ • * **♦ ' Hi.-.ial nlhWiain. • «• ‘ ’t* i i - • |uu«> Ilia ytaF 1 * * • > . i -*J Un i. M ail ■ ... *. . id. 1*1 Ilia il * v* * * *“ • »•> • »>»# i*«n»aa*a , b »# i k-aaai.. lu