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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1899)
Uoa si Dsws. Wilber Waive ha* been on »),*> ^ »i |< list the past " ' i k, John Travis In* jusl received i 1 rge invoice of new goods. Henry Ransink, from the we.-t side was at the hub Monday. Litchfield and vicinity is experienc ing a siege of the measles Just no v, several fatalities have oeeured. Last Monday was u lively day In I lie city as It was the first day In two week that was mild enough to truvcl. O. Rentcboter was the only dnym m that ventured out last Saturday morn ing. It Is never too cold for ‘ Lan." K. G Paige of Rockville To - nship while in the city last Monday deposited two dollars in our general fund. The Sherman County Teachers A *> elation will be postponed two weeks and to the 25 inst. at two o'clock, p. m Last Saturday ami Sunday mornings were the coldest In nineteen years, the thermometer registering 8ft and -to, below. I) C. Doe, took his departure from tin* city last week, just where to we are not cognizant of, but are informed that he has located in Iowa Our corraspondeuts will please t ike notice tnat they are hereby requested not to write on both sides of their papei as It la very Inconvenient for the com positor. Mr. and .Mr* David Doner of Valley county were Loup City visitors ihm da), Mrs. Doner was the guest of Mrs. G. II. Gibson while in the city. A. Boone, the Optitian representing the Chicago Optical Co , will be at tin drug slot e of \V T Chase, on tbe 22 and 23 inst, to attend to any business • bis line. There is nothing mysterious in the wonderful cure* effected by Dr. Saw yer’* Wlid Cherry and Tar. Y u get the beneflt of an eminent phv sleitu - prescription for all throat and lung dl. erase*. For sale by Odenduhl Bro’s. W. II. Aldcn, of Aurora, am) general agent for the Fidelity Mutual Fire In surance Co„ of Omaha, was a ple num caller Wednc.-day, JL wrote quite a number of policies here. Bert. Charlton, formed y of the Stat e Bank of Arcadia, arrived in tin- city Wednesday evening and will act ;n cashier of the Ord State Bank, lit comes from Tacoma, Washing ton —V'allcv County Time t. Do not neglect to get a few bushels. j the Golden Grant Wheat in order it get a variety that t« better suited to1 our soil and climate than any kit,., ever grown here, it Is absolutely pure Enquire at First Bunk Dr. Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake (Mils give purity of body ami vigor oi thought by perfectly regulating the bowels and cure billiou-ne-s, inactive liver and caustipation. For sale In Odenduhl Bro's The primary school children wer# made merry last Tuesday by being permitted to give Valentines by post ing them in a large box on the teacher’s desk, and to receive them by general distribution. Dr. J. \\ Jones had his km e dldo rated last luesduy, while hauling a load of hay from his farm west of town. When he drove on a sidling place in the road the wagon upset and he sustained his injuries in the fall. w. H. Bunch, of Grand Island, and organizer of the Improved Ord ri f H> ■ Alan lodge, arrived in the city Ja-i Wednesday, He will probably mnu here for a week during which time h< will try to perfect an organization her.', i P*. S. IfuiltT, of Arcadia ami agent I for the Aic(’oriniek Alunufucturlng I O. is in the city setting up sample m , | chinery at the implement atore of r AI Keed. We understand that Mr Fuller will be at Loup City u part > : the season and at Arcndla the oth r part. .lohn Chlpps.'of Oak Creek township was a pleasant caller at those headhunt ters last 'Vednasday, lie reports that the two year old sou of Mr*. Sh rley ,,f his neighborhood was poisoned by drinking a bottle of carbolic acid | >... child only lived about five „ilnutc after taking It A dispatch from Montgomery, ,\i barna, says that Lit week the therm..m etor registered tlie lowest that It h i* for many years, 5 below zero, and th . twucolored people froze to death, I L surprising to kuow h >a ,1, (,| 1‘tilpp*. Loup City’s • ohm d g«n! ■ a stood It to re with I he mercury hi low. A e senior ••Hint li nk t ,i , i Areadia last lloodav and t! , town alive with teams and p» i»|« an, the merchants hat lug a good trade. |‘n larwtet* In that vicinity report tb • the sti't k *1 ■ '.hi lie voi I , b * marhably well. One raid wi»ic ti. were MM* head of Southern nit unci, |. ed cattle re pom d IK- !*>•# *•? Hght !• wertice* Wtl be bell . it, \| ) . c lurch Uuudar heat Feti II as I i- » Worn lug |o ,» pre, 'blag, Sat) < i’rmhissi Aid ami smith* ru ii .i Mweletv t l|etho*)t*ts heip Iks . ms I** Iwrs* their Hi*siu»a* ** law wtruing • d * thus will he devoted tu ih* aid of i!» r A A A K I ikalrlt t Id r- . IsctiuN h ihilivd A k> id) m. vital fur all. Mrs Ae • 'i-» IP'eht linbl hu* been qntli If k Ibis veil . Tin' C rtii i m « f ihis community hav< deeid'd 11 build an Evangelistic Cburct in Emip City tlie Coming summer. Tile county judge, David Kay reports having preformed the marrigo eeretnonj bat united Claus Ifitrring to Mi*s Arna Mpps, both of Hhorman county. llermltt Sparling and Montgomery Stroud both of Oik ' reck are among hO'ii wh<> have ms we red to our "loud • H" ad. Each left u« a big silver cart wheel Tuesday. Cordon Snyder, son of Chan. Snyder ot VirdurettH and who ti ts been attend ing bool at Eoup City is now very -ick with meailes. Ho I. laying with till grand parents, Mr. and Mrs M. ill j tier. Col. Young, the accommodating janitor ot.our city schorls, says that h<‘ was told by one of tin* primary schol ar* Iasi Friday m Tiling (nut tbev were going to hay • a jci.-t ufllce at tliel school and lor h in to be there us he would likely get more letter* than any body. We r* •eeive l a postal card from E. J. Delaney a few day* ago directing the addre.-s of hi* paper changed from Hot Springs, Arkansas to Sliver City, New Mexico, where he lias recently gone, Mr Delaney also staled that he is Improv ing in he .1th and tends bis best regaid* to old friend*. Jens Andersen, sou <»f Peter Ander -<n living near Rockville, died last Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock, of infor mation of the bowels, IP-was a young man not yet H years of age, of a quiet uo ssuming disposition und greatly liked by bis many friends. Ho was at tacked by that terrible malady on Sun day morning last arid suffered untold agony until Tuesday evening when death relieved him. Adam Schuupp hud a very severe at tack of stotnaeli (rouble affecting the heart ln*t Monday. The stomach Dou ble was brought on la t Saturday by • ating u frozen apple. On Monday he did not eat much until evening when, being hungry, he partook of a very hearty supper. AtIn the morning lie a f- • iii much worse and came up town aft r some medicine, IJo grew wot • and at I o’clock Tues day ornlng a doctor was summoned who, b\ .-Ldllful treuMnent brought him out all right. »/♦ •* ih -him!# If a v «■ Kidnoy Troitbl# umt Uon’l Know Ir. I In re is a disease prevailing in Ibis eountry in««t dangerous because so de ceptive. Many sudden death* are cons mi kv it. heart disease, pneumonia, le nt f u ure or apoplexy are often the r> -ult of kldnev dUeu-e. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance tho kid ni y poi-ou In III" blood is liable to nt* tuck Ilie vital organs, or the kidneys thcm-clvi * nt - ik down and waste away ceil by c Then the richness of the blood the album an—hoiks out and the -nfl'crer bus Uright’s Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Kidney trouble can be di :< cted although it be slow and de eptive. First, by analysis of the urine; second, by the simple test of set ting the urine aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, when a cloudy or brick dust settling indicates it. It was for just such trouble that in ids infinite power and goodness tu** Ureal I’i y-ictan causedSwam ltoot to grow for the lienellt. of suffering mankind, leav ing it for Iii.* servant, Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist to di-i • vt « .’ and nink" it known to the ■ oi !, F- •■tKli ci'nl elllcacy in prompt* i i ; r Iw must distressing c.asses is nl> marvelous. You may have a sain* < <r •• of Dr. Kiltn is Swamp-Root il." gre kidney, liv<>r and bladder re i d i mil free. Address Dr. Kil mer & 1:. Uuighiun iti, N V. When riling mention this paper. Druggists lu fifty cent or dollar size. ♦ • ♦ Ulk.ll r , !. (>. Hunter, died Ht tin* retd* ilt'iu'i’of hi* I'tiele, tin, W. Hunter, in ilii* city mi lied Tue»*l»y morning ,-u - in, iifu i * brief hut very painful Ill it*' • Mr Ifuiti«*r had it eaherroim growth !ii s. end aouui three tnoulha Mg ' vifited OitialiN, aid had It * • o*u He iv ii - to lot toed at that litoe bat he v * mid not I *v« till spring, but * er ti." operation tlo* Itnelor thought ii it. „!i' I' I'ltri ii ^viin'i* that Utile he U»» he. u to Omaha, had the name *»Sni»t n |**rfoniud three time*, the •avt time Ming on the Hit mat ||e home antf# ring very tuoeh and * a »ti* I «m ttie lo Hud rtpidlv grew . r. \t g ». to. ttie l'.'th he »|Hike for .i • he Mr n eon hi- *j ‘ • i 1 ■ h hour* before he ) • ! 1. • « . . lot I*** heat <'l e ara and t > • •' • ■ •• • ’ ht hi* t eel* and h ‘I Mi* lieu IV Hauler. Nu v ■ * .« *| n *t ltv*I the* th night 1 t* el in to* i u f iti or •ntooib i *i I.1- *t h at* ftl ( ain. Ht* *ttpi.|. I g »* a* li. • i **• Ml t <be gltlii Kk|>*|, d- i*ii it • ‘* f*il biio II **a* laid to re t It" f #* t ' i Mr llii.l'r |h I.wi* e . ea , * ■ v * 11 o a Hi Medio*. t ' , 0 II * . b *tli i | !*»•»• * lit hi i. ... 1 nit. a*. I in at • l »» I - It. * ten • ♦ ! He i Mr * . ‘ VI'* J a ll 'M.r, • I 1 * ...ght b . m ' b f .• bti 1* lii-l i tie o it » of I.' W Ihititi f, atifl baa 1 of mm*- m * ** .ib*f b'liii* with ter »« a 1t, I | V to * • I i i|4in> t* i «d hf It - v h f Vai hwv* *. Itvva *•• .•• it •*« i ea if i tv *-I I* a* a v* ivfvna.l ta li lull fb** * - |ii ■ ■ II I | h the b fI* il l i* o I t*• -a. *i t vu |oi *•- i , i r mett *r 4-* tt*a**#r*#**■! the .i * * ,l ... V l U *11*1 It , I PRICES UKE T'HnT OF WHEAT WAT DOWNS COOK STOVES and HEATERS PICTURE FRAMES AND FRAMING Come. See and Bay to Your Own Satisfaction. LOUP CITY HARDWARE AND FURNITURE STORE. E. II. \YrATKINSON, Proprietor Hnin*»«*kera Bxeuralon (tales are now In « fleet via the ism < piciric TO WKaTtllN IKIM •* I (ill cl |lf» Ihplfcle !l 11 1 |l MI»I for bu ini .s nr pleasur- should . ’t In formation regarding these greatly re* dueed rates. Advertising matter and full information can be obtained by calling on or addressing \V. I> <*1-1** ton, Agent - ♦ • ♦ NOTICE OK EVl’RAY l .ikeii up on my fartr six iniles north east of Loup Cily Neb one pig. weight about 150 pound. Owner can have same hi | roving property and paying for ibis notion and the keeping. i’KTKIt K. KkUMiO.N. — .—— ■ Stamp Si/.o Photo’s only Cents for Photo’s. Give them a trial they are <>. K. at l.eschinsky’s Photo Gallery. FARMS FOR HALE. We have for sale on v<'iy liberal lerma some choice farina in Sherman County. Long time will be given, on reasonable terms, if a cash payment is made. Cor* roe pondence solicited, J. S. Thompson & Son's, Lacon, 111, ASHTON LOCALS. W. C. Dimaer made u Hying busl nc&s trip to St. Paul und back on the Hthinst. The Polish Society shipped a ear of bog» from here on Wednesday of last week. They n port a pleasing sale thereof. If it is not too late allow me to extend to F. W. Scbsupp our con gratulations on the arrival of a big boy at his home on Sunday, Feb. *'». Shake, Fred. II. Sinelser lett Monday, for a three weeks visit t > Wisconsin. Prof. Anthony £. Henricbsen, completed his engagement at this place, und had he been favored with good weather he would have tilled the opera house every night. IIis entertainments were first, class, and took well with the Ashto niton. Gosh! But wns it do! c Did last week. It is reported thirty-two below zero on Saturday morning, II Ktinze held a pip ilio Auction here on Monday aftern oou, and re ports very pleasing rest Ute. Captain! John furnished the wn ,«t work. The Ashton High sc oool entertain ment has been change j again, back to the original date of Fcbr. 22nd, and we understand th ey have hired the opera house for t! le occasion. Fred Beherus ofKt ckville, was in! town Tuesday. Sheriff Patton of the llub, was here on Tuesday aft ernoon interview-! iug some old friend s. James Bowers < »f St. Paul, was seen tramping our streets Wednes day. The Danish Society shipped a eat of bogs from this station Wednesday. C. F. Bushounen lias been compell ed to change the date of his cuter- i tainment from the L7, to the _'l, on account, of the cold weather, I. C. U CLKAH CRECK NKWi The weather iian moderated *B<1 people are able to get shout with some c< mfort. •John Knave's children have- an utlaek of the m ended. •John Murray baa sold lux fa fni '<*• Ned Harper. The M. W, A. hitehfleld will initial* n few new mcmhiii s'. H eir nest meeting. Mated Ttiun x-i left for Ho* wv4 last Saluda). lU'VHIH h. 1 h* l.f|l<lilur(. I lie »M«lnn of the legislature «| | he1 | "in* of Ho* m* *t exciting held 'nr year* j The contest fur ratted Siit*s •enaior 1 wiki la* a Warm one. Natl m*l •mow n* '•now to tntrrewi oar yitUs t>» th*a at alii j Out* »u»c** the fresl civil arm Kt*i) •n»a who thiel. * lor himself n. *' wasis tils tn y» and girl* to do ihe ijiixi x|i<>ul if have such a t>*' vr *» The !*• nu if .,1 y '•*<*■ donrhal tt III* family ! iso gieu |» i »*i of great western y*|>r11, p*i > wh**d il •Hr *'ai* n|)it%l, |« more In 1 • * *• * lx wll It Ho* gtt tl mss*•*> n| the |...i s m i this t|aest|t>n* of the |*t*nr ihvii an *»f it a •alettiiixowries II la I he tn-M g < a* ‘ e eXl'Ottml uf arilsni Ihoxgh* at* t ealr ’* |i'tr It* la'lllllr* for ftiriil blog t»g| * U iv* new* stoii.- **s xl| other I I (mo t ' * S t * • ll* gfi tttli) . • J |.-« «t . ! ' * i« *' • | tat tabs M s-the* ymr* l-.tti g the O ^it'titoM yut* . !*, iM ml I to* J * **t a* | XI# s m in * n t nit ■***»* »ii4i *i*i atw t*s it. <i t«e , To Hit) 1'ublU'. We nn* nltborizeci to guarantee every buttle of Chamberlain'* Cough liemedy to be as represented und if not satisfact ory after two-third* of tin*content* have been used, will refund Ihe money to the purchaser Ttiere is no better incditdnc made for la grippe, (old* and whooping cough. Price, 25 and 50c per bottle. Try it For sale by Odendabl Bro's. m> ii ■■■■ ♦ • •* —-— IILCKI.KSSd Alltlll A SALVK. The best salve in tin* world for Cut* Briuse* Mores Fleets Suit Hbeimi Fever Sore* Tetter Chapped ibuids Chilblain* j Corns and all Skin Eruption* and pos itively cure* Piles, or no pay required, ; It is guaranteed to : ive perfect *ntlsfac-1 tlon or money refunded. Price 25 cent* per box. For sale by Odendabl Bros j «■ • - Tetter, Sttlt-Ulieniu im l V.vtnmm The Intense itching and Mini ti ng inci dent to these diseases, i* instantly allay ed by applying Cbaniberlaiti's Eve and Skin Ointment. Many very bud «■ <■. have been permanently cure d by it- Jt U equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for -ore nipples chapped bands, chilblain . fro*t bites and chronic sore eyes. 25ct*. per box. For sale bv Od( ndalii Bi o UBIDCJK NOTICE. Sealed bid* with plans and sp< rltlcalion* will he received ut the o Veo of the County Clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska, at l-< up City. In said county on or before noon of the Nth day of March. 1*99 for the building of all the brldg , that may he required to bo construcud by said county during the term of one year from the letting of the contract for the construction of said bridges: such bid* to be by the lineal foot and contro l to bo let for the building of such bridge - e.s may be required at it * podded sum per lim al foot; plans, sperlfiMtlon* and bids to tie made on wood bridges, on low water bridges and on high water bridges. Plans for low water bridges to be prepared to suit quick and heavy current-, to tie P't to SI feet long, and the high water bridge*, to be span* 2! to 4u feet long with suitable approaches; all bridges to be set on good long oak piling and span timbers to bo full length of span. Bids also to be tiled for replacing spans In Loup river bridges ir. said county tliut tuny require replacing during the term of one year. The County board reserve* the right to re ject any or all bids; Dated at Loup City. Nebraska January 20 1*99 Jons Hmsnm.i,, County Clerk. NOTIC] Ol ESTIMA1K OF IXPESII k. The following estimate of expenses was prepared by the county board, adopted and by the board declared the estimate of exp* nw:s for Sherman county for the year 1KW; Ou roails. # i.uOOQO fin .. 4.000IB On book* blanks and stationery, BO0OO (in furnltur* aud incidentals suiW) On expenses of election. I UOUQO Oil county repair*... Tuuoo On uOicos. rents and salaries . 5,*>ktuii On court including Attorney*. 3.0WJ00 on bounty on wild animals. Avion OB Agricultural Fair As; elation On Illegal Taxes WOO On County 1‘rloling 4**100 < in Insanity ease* r*«*i»i On railroad b’ nd Interest I On O A It V. K K. Bond Sltikii , fund t (>*100 • >!■ Itofundlug Bond Interest SJiWOll ; On Funding and refund n bund In* >'*> '*• ' i in Bridge bond refunding bond sink ing fuud Ml (*i I .On *rtdi* bond tioiid lot ■;(**>**' t" Total. ..... .... I ' 1 iagain JUMM MtMsHPU.. County Clerk. <>i i. k mu ft ni l v i i»»N l.and DRrt, Mnetdn, N*i>r**k»f January lit ii, t *.» • * Mnlit e l* ienwby gt»e« that Hie follow l«*m« -Wilier has II * I nut me of hi* , yen ion i'l eutfca Huai prooi In *upp rt I I', .claim, and tha mi-4 ptwtf will 'rt* » *d* . |..»a »l*w tkrttntf Ju Igauf aMrtuan I i iiawty. *t I 'HIIV l«*'t>4M. ■>" April t, 1 “*, ' » .(i ti*vi* * ttrfor, ll‘ i*t> t*d Fully, » . i# ., H>r H»e N Hi r »t ..narlur. ».» *'• t|o« i< |a*Mkly d north of Itangw d •r«* IF* .nme* IF* |u l«»i»4 w|ln***c* to pro** hw ewnttun ns i* id •« «»**•* „„j , am*** *'* •*« »•* ! loud. 4W«w t *^,.n..*, .****>! It uinxr. i red gewiwaa. . . , jJ ( of t>*.|4t, g. *.*<•** 4 W J. «*«•*, w ,v. -# in lafiMIHr and low i*d** * i. . , mil , *** **• * ltw« It. Hl«. F«a •'A _ 4 || t » < - U » » - if? ... .. i .. . _■ , a < -i •' ■ . s * Ha I •, h fc*» - i't i ftlit y J F Mlk * fl*r# \ 1% ■>/uiti»kv,» kMwrta i• niter* ». Hon .ti>*eti 1 r lltMiiltF **. r 1 •f A. CULLKY A. P. CULLEY, President Cnahlv. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY,T General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 ('okhehI'Ondents: Seaboard National Hank, N**w Y «• i k t ity, N. Y , t)m*<11a National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska MASTER'S SALE. Docket T.( No. lid. in the circuit court of the United Stales for the district of Nebraska: The Dundee Mori gage and ) Trust Investment company, '• Limited, Complainant. 7 vs. ) t i co. W. Sutton, ct. al. def-/ i ndants.—Iu chancery, 7 Foreclosure of Mortgage Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance and in virtue of a decree en tered in the above cause on Hie lath day of November, I-9S, I, L.8. DUNDY, .ir , Master In Chancery of the circuit court of the United Slates for the District of Nebraska, will, on the Fourteenth day of February, l-.O, at the hour of twelve o’clock noon of said day at front door of the Sher man ( oinitj court House building iu Loup city ahermancounty, state and Dis tricted Nebraska, sell at public auction for cash I he loll owis» described property, to , wit: Allot section twenty one (dl)of Town ship fifteen (15) north of range fourteen (H) weat of the sixth Principal Meridian, ex cept right ol wav for Irrigation ditch sur ; veyod and platted on said lands, ait In Sherman county, Nebraska. F-. s, donut, Jr., Master in chancery. Cook » Gossktt, sollcltois for Complain ant. notice for publication. Land Olllce ut Lincoln, Nebr. i January, 5th, lslD. I Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make (Inal proof in support of his claim, und that said proof will be made before Judson C. Porter, U. 8. com missioner, at Litchfield, Nebr., on Monday, March .'0, l - i, viz: Thus M. Burke, H. E_ No. 1S4I5, for the Northwest quarter. Sect ion 1, Township H, Range 18 west. lb* names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Edward N. Harper, Adelbert J. Wilson, James K. Gray, of Litchfield, Nebraska and Marshall Picket, of Hazard, Neb raaka. J. W. Johnson, Register. Mill in run rumuMAiiua. Lund ortlce, Linooln Nebr. i l ubruary, 2nd, IWAt. t Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named -eltier bus tiled notice of his m lentlon to make llnal proof in support of Ins claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Judge ai Loup City, Nebraska, on Tuesday, April 1, l-'.ii, vi/.: Wm. Quinn, ,ir.. Homestead No. lXilJ, for • he south east quarter, section 21, Township IS, llttiige U. He names the following witnesses to prove hts couUri nous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vU John O’Neill, Charles Cochrane, Michael hnies, Jacob Wolf, all of tiavenna. Nebraska. J W, Johnson, Iteglster. JKWKLKV HkTIkr ACTION i.l'AUAN TKKIMIU MON IT KKrUNDKU Jewelry of our manufacture wanauted I togire the wearer satisfaction or money refunded We iituuufactum a complete line in Hot ted t . 14 I'Iau , *,i,|d i i od, Itobl I rout and solid tiobt Vo >«.. -is ini' ol jewelry of our man u I sc l it M> Is tor sale by I a. kheptasrd, of j , wuiTty, s< b Catl st bis store sud »»• uwlne Mt» I nc I’ll »• low and »•«»!• ltd , lu-s AID rig, danttfwelttrtiig Jewelers, tOW 4 t IT V, |oW A |H « oil'll ntUltkit I'rrw trkH*. are ju-i v bat a b»r*« n> e»t# wb*u In bail t«. i 11 mi tv, t bio| purlrter and yrrio ill v* lie, »i- |,o' foil Hut Ul*d l, 4.,, Hi# tint tu use t » put S bets* pi r , o il.Sluli 1*111** mil, pry (,, . . fsf sale by thin tUM tiro's, • • I# >4 A >• x, J it I Mir |il« *«f «. *i i* %* III* l UNilH t „di t <|( |tf *4Ujf*t • | UMM l u< p t i%- U I Ik#. 4 TIMJ TAIU.K f» Lincoln, Denver. Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, Mt. Joseph, Suit Lake City. Kansu* City, Portland, Nt. Louis, IS hi Francisco, anil all points and ail point* Eustiand .South. Went. THAI NS I.FAVIS As FOLLOWS! GOING KAST No. Mt I’Mienuer. 7:55 a. hi No ia> Freight..a.00 p. in. GOING WfcsT No. 51 Passenger .. .4.10 p.m. No. ft# I might.IliSoa. in. sleeping, dinner arid reclining chair cars (Meals tree) on through trains. Ticket* sold and ingg-igo checked t> any point in the United States or Canada For Information, map*, time tntilu* and tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts Agent. Or J. Fit A NO is, Oeil’i. I'H-senger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. V. It Ail, W A V N',,. Ml leaves daily except Sunday (pass* engi'f). 1 ::id a. in. No s. leave* Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) Mi p. m. No. 'm leaves Tuesday, Thm*lay and Saturday, (mixed) It:,'*) p. in No s', arrives daily except Sunday (mixed) 11:45 a. in. No. Cl arrives dally except Sunday (pass, eager) 7.05 p. m. First class service ami close connection* east, west and souiii W. 1>. CLIFTON, Agent NON-U US ID ENT NOTICE. In District Court of County, Nebraska. wright I,. KUldcr, Plaintiff. \ vs. / I William J. Dauby. Ella c. ( I Danby. Ins wife, John I,. > Karwi'U, Martha u. Parwell, l his wife, J Al. Sharon, «i al., 1 Defendants. / To William j. Danby. Ella C. Danby, Ills wife, John E, Ear well, Martha C. far. well, his wife, J. M. Sbaren, non resident defeiident: You will take notice that on the 5th day of January. 189s, Wright L. Kidder, plaintiff herein liled his Petition In the district court of Sherman county, Nebraska, against said defend ants the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defend ants, William J. Danby, Ella (\ Danby, bis wife, to Carlls 0. llurr or order, upon tlio South half ot the South west ipiurter of Section six (ti). Township sixteen, (It), Range thirteen 03) west, in Sherman coun ty, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain pr.uulsory note, dated May'll, IMW, for the sum of Three II mdred Dollars 001.01) due anil payable June 1st, I‘■9.1, with mteri st at eight per relit |s<r it ti ill in, said interval payable In five coupon totes of same date for Twenty-four dollars igjinn) each, one due June 1st, l-’l, one due June 1st, ua« duo June 1st, l-'l, one j due June 1st, 1 . due one June 1st l«M6, Each ot said notes au>| coupons lo bear j ten per cctil, per siiiium utter due Dial : there lunrtgny the sum ol P i e tin lied amt Twelve Dol.ars mid pIve cents iDU.lYti tor WIII. la sum with Interest from this dale: Plaint Iff prays lor s decln that defend ant tie I*,)n1 re. I to |Kip the sauie or that sal t premises may tie sold Id satisfy Hie amount tonml due «aid mortgage and notes only sold, s-signed and delivered to ‘ paliititf Aon ale t > united toanewci »*d p, l« I mu on .,r to lore the la day ol I etSMsttr • I mln > tilts dh day ot Jaeuel >, M9»». « aioiit i. Kttdisn, piatetiit It) tiao, w. Ill a I It, Ills till Attest just ,l| tsmi 11, I unity clef g. t l.s )<-'•« tale's tango Ham- * in h|. age If u% n Hr •» , the popular w.ofti .wide - ti softh V sap* Ur se|l a gtv.I -1* •»! . t u i i "dh 14* i, >' ‘l 11 ■ < I l|i .Ol. II. W< ■ • * * « f •» l**Pf 1C .nil*, .ape. Ia|!l »HI«'4 * i' r« n for per* ill* *1.4 »'■ *1 111 Ilf p Ni, 1