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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
Lioaal Daws. Tbnf wort' 15,795 G. A. B. »ii«>n :n il last year , See tin1 new ad »»f * 'll i« Gunteter’* i - this D. I>. Grow went to the Expo*Eint. 1h«i Monday. Ernie Gdenduhl i* nick «lth neuralgia Iu the face. Jimmie Conger and wife wont, to the exposition last Monday. Jacob Freldman, of Harrison to n ship waa ht tin* hub Saturday. I,. A. William* went to Pilfer. Stan ton county, last Tuesday to work Don't fail to see Dr. Green at St El mo. One week’s treatment FltKK. Mr. Jaqucs, of tb« Omaha Elevator company was In town over Sunday. Mr*. E A. Smith of Ilockvlll, I - r« j ported very ilck. Dr. Goff of Litchfield I* attending her. A thorough bred Poland China boar, two and a half year* old for sale En quire of A. T. Conger. Tine N OUT 11W E8T K11N office turneil out a set of Invitation card* Mil* we« k for a wedding In high life. Mr. and Mrs, W. If Morris I* enjoy ing tho sight* at tne exposition this week, having left here lust Monday. Mrs. Thos. Ink*' mother and sister who has been vlstlng here for the past month returned to their home* last Tuesday. Mr*. M McBride and Mrs. Herbert Baker of Clear Creek called at this of fice Wednesday at <1 purchased, one of our Book of Uactr. Ed. Sutton, Stewart W are and frank Smith were Introduced to the Hoyal Wllllan goal ut Woodmen headquar ter I lait Wednesday night. A full fledged socialist state tick* t has been hatched but we suppose that that element will be induced to fuze with the pops on election day Mrs. Holtz, who resided In Loup City for a number of years but has been living with her daughter ut line)us, for the past two years, is visiting her many friends in the city this week. You will live to tell the tale bow you was entirely cured of constipation, dys pepsia. billiousness and liver troubles by taking i)r. .Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Hills. For the second time (his month we have ordered nti extra quire of paper. The reason for this is that we have add ed over thirty names to our subscript ion list since the 1st of the month. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Hunter returned from Omaha last Friday where they had been attending tiie exposition Mr. Hunter also attended Grand Lodge I. O. O. F ns a delegate from tills lodge. Dr. Sawyer’8 Arnica and Witch Hazel Halve natuially stands in such esteem with the public in the curing of diseases, eczema, piles, burns, scalds, cuts or flesh wounds, that argument to prove its worth seem quite unnecessary. John Shrove and family returned home last Saturday after a four months visit to relatives and friend* in Illinois. They drove over 1,500 in Hey In their trip and report a very plessknt time They spent a few days on tho Omaha Exposition giouuds on their return That Hnht 1" tlio Intermediate de partment of our schools lu*t Friday should mark the end of such doings We believe we have a good corps of teachers andjan intelligent and business like board and therefore have full con fidence In the h nulling of our schools and believe such things will not be tol erated. William Keuntz, went to the Of nd Island soldiers home lust Thursday where he expects to make his home In the future. Mr Keuntz has been a res ident of Sherman county lor a number of years and It is pleasing to know that since circumstances have made It ne cessary there Is a pleasant home for him lit his old days. Mrs Mary Cowles, who has been visit lug her brother .1. L. Hopper for tin past ten days left for her home at Ta coma, last Monday. Mrs. Cowles lived among us a number of years both be fore ar.d after marriage and her many friends were pleased to meet o«r again Mia. Kdmouson who also is here \i-ii lug her toother, Mr. Hopper, will re malu in the city for a time, and visit her numerous old time friends. t he K of |*. I.odge deserve bin, t> credit for the way they have rejuvio<>t ed tin-oners house. They have e\ lu led it front an old ham to a vvrttahh palace tushie and made it a thing <«| beau') 1'he new curtain is a b- autv and the wmgs us oo a par wtiti t* There ia no doubt but that It it i the lluist ojo-ia house north west (•land island and when their new |> ,, la iu place will ‘m* fully «,|uip|Mi.| * m, the beat id tnei . W hen v*i have a hot t -Id l»r It , •lion would leisooaiiml« haud , risi Cough H» m«djr because it l« pie*,an' and safe to take. I*», Kviwrlnu r «ii,i,] paosMomriii! it because It never lads effect a apssdy and lerudnn t cine In He a son vaou.’d rir- lesieud It hs-vat , I* p(b pared im ss u tin- pr >,c»| • net# mu ml ore’s p aa m relieving hi tig a. up* ring tb*" riib'i - storing the •)stew to a wa'utal healthy KHtillUus I r sale by 0,1" GRAND REPUBLICAN RALLY. Tho Hon. £ A. Tucker, will speak at Loup City on the evening of NOV EM HER 2nd. 181)8 The state committee in introducing Mr '1 ucker to us says: Wo are informed lhat Mr Tucker is a new man in your locality but we desire to give you our personal assur ance that he is one of the most eloquent and logical talkers in the state J. E Hay Lou. Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public In structions will speak on the evening of NOVEMBER -»rd at Hazard, and at Litchfield,on the evening of NOV EM LEE 4th- Of Mr Saylor the com mittee says: Wc have no bet ter speaker in the stale. All are invited to turn out and hear the issues discussed from a Republican standpoint. Mrs I lick in nn went to Misuari, y« * urdny. Geo. Miller from Arcadia. was Jo town yesterday. Miss Kat.o Moone id nine I from Om aha, Wednesday evcuing. Two more wedding* U r dm near fu ture, ur«* reported 11.i-* week, G u ■» again W.T. Gibson has b' <*n tin i li«* nick lint a part of this week a* a it ultof too tntlL'h exposition. film's Gasteyer. oitr popular merchant went to Omaha. 1 <-l Mnudai to take in the lust days of the exposition, Mr, <’*•*.do Ilenifrow'a family arrived from Missouri, this week. Tln-y intend making Loui <‘i'y th-ir future home we understand. Mr. and Mrs 11, Se< U returned home la-1 i to day evening from their ylalt to their children in the dif ferent parts of tic west. Tiie B, & M. train was verv nearly crowded last Monday morning whim tl left, tin station the cheap rate to I lie* Exposition e itches tin m all. Mr. T A Taylor jr returned home Wednesday from Omaha, where he has been with his regineuf. Ilia regiment lias been mustered out and the boys an free once more. The populists in tb'.i community have procured the aei vices of a man with u phonograph to attend tln-ir meetings. They say It produces a better argument than i he pop orators. llev. A. Jemirich of Lincoln, Nebi., German tninlsti r will preach at Loup City hunday Nov.,*! 18M in Walklnsoim hall at 10:00 a. in. and at Ashton, In the afternoon of same day nuuu.i} wi'i., ou, isai. M. E. Church Loup City. Morning preaching It'.ilU, subject: ‘'Christianity on the witnessstand.” Evening preach ing 7 :30, subject: A Nation self eondem «d. A hearty invilHtioii for ail. Ulil fashions in dress may be revived, but no old fashioned medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keineily, For sale by Oden dalil Bro’s, Druggists. Ben Wall, who run a black-mith simp at this place some ten years ago and who removed from here to ltayard Neb. has been here a j art of this week visit ing Ids brother, Judge Wall, mil attend ing to busInr-- mutt' rs if tlie way that the people are (put ting the Times-Independent and are subscribing for this paper I* any eri terlon to go by a* to the change in the political situation >iierman countv will go republican by a large majority. Tlie I*rIngle Comedy Company fin ished a weeks engagement at the opera bouse D't Hatorday evening with tin laughable Comedy Mam< 1 in Haste " There nn» a laugh for every body, ami evvtgbody laughed («• flndr hearts eon tent, fills C one I the In -' Companies tin |h« rated and a t,..,; a aim m, *hu» going tteopil if this I oiotlfutilty 1 Ue (iermstl \ at I in rated th ti Ism sniitvci -i Indulging I a tilne. ( i having won ( Ouialta Kspodl »t| tU»l»* '*,1 |,f •o, lelf Uvittg 1 ti !• socle.1 » ,t ! A of U • •>, . and Mta to*i rcii. . d jfi the *i k *bnr» pi . '-a ( * d « *»•** tb« l I ■ |>« lied i . i I h*4B >> lw* bug' Twi liPm Kruitlni rirel*. I response »o r. i*:nl from ttic su|»**r itit* i’i’JM t nmix r of Sherman enuntv fi’.ulii i* m< f i.t the school biilMIng to ■rent )/. n 1*00 *v J{ 'to tie Circle, •feet w r- cxi i'il to order h» r a<• n\- ■ k snd (i s. i,eudii«i r Wti* elcctei1 |ir sbbrif, (Hid I,. I! ' M II hi I ejected iii'i.ri Tit- association decided to hold tie* n;‘ i flnjji on the second Ssttlil' H)' of etieli iriotirll St ( 0 I'. Ill Next meet Ini'to f> lie d on I lie twelfth of S'ovi tuber After the friitimetlon of nil bn ine- . the follow Ine (iroj/r im w «• rendered; t^ualillcat Ions nl the l< to iler; A I’riif Slend Primary Heading: fletten.l tll'i lt'-IOfi, Heleet K fidifif.', I>> Ml-* Converse, ll'tii lit. of He,idle,; • Ini" Work; by Mix* Hood, Adjourned (31 I An <3ftI KIi MTV*. lit* .i.itheri* ton cold fo; eotufeit bill emu litthkitlff lei- commenced never fhe-lcss. Threshltifj I ah ill done In this part of iIn- county for Hi's season Will lire.|>«T titol Ife ;;re here visit ing friends and relative* Rudr homt is in Kttnsits, Mr mid Mrs John Me->d h.iVi a ne.i VisHoi entile til Ill'll eese to rfnV. <1 U t boy of -tumUid weight 'I 1 e l'. |5 peop e nr.* holding a series ol Utei tl its Ht III** school honse in ills irict -Vo. 25, linn lied bend of uni tie have been to ii nr by the fanners ir> this lo cality. JtKCOUliKU POP l.i% >1 KMT. Our name* wen.* i*ip not Iona ago, lint now the name In Oho, Ati11 will lie ilml. until wc cease To feed the Mind on axle-gr«c*e. It form like thin look* mtleh like hate To the hard working farmer*. Whi'U leaders go outside the Mule To patronize Phil Armour. We dourly love* the man thut toll - Until we get his vote, Hut when we yet a slnrh on spoil*, lie Is not worth u groat. The laborer mutt pay hi* rent. Ily working hard and lute. While Holcomb doe* not pay n eelil. lint atenla It from the -lute. There I* notion* now for u* to do Hut harp about the soldier*. Hoping that so we may pull through. And still be Orrii B iloi/Dt as A TIIOliaAM) TONOt Ka < “it'll not express the rapture of Aiit.a K. springer, 11 ‘do Howard it., Philadelphia, Pa.. when she found lhai Ur. Klag's New l)f*eovery for Con sumption hud completely eared her of i h ifk'iijr e ayh that for many year* have made life u burden All other remedies anil d e or* could give her no help, hnl -lie say* of I hi* Uoyal Cure, ’ it i on removed the | .in io my cheat Hid I can now sleep soundly, something I can a areelv remember doing before I !• e) like -ouuding its praises through out I he universe." So will < very one who trie* i>r, King'* New Discovery for any trouble of 'he Throat, Cheat or Lung* Triri* 5do and $1 .(Hi Trial bottle* free at Odeudiih! Bros, Drug Store i very bottle guaranteed. A H i ON LOCAL. NEW*. Mr. ami Mr* W, Marvel returned Thursday evening from a -liort visit to ilie Omaha Exposition. J. F, Beushausen, and Mr. and Mrs tugiut Beuabauaeo returned Friday evening after a week* visit at the Oma ha Exposition. T. X . Bennett and IF. J. Ilillebrant of St. l*aul were pleasant callers Friday. Mr. Stanislaus Goe vra« quite serious ly hurt here Saturday night during a little mlsnnderntandiog. But is re porfed as being up and around Mr. and Mr*. W. M. Stnelser drove to Rockville and spent Stindiiy. Mrs Win. Jeffery, i* suffering from quite a seven1 fall Saturday evening. The latest report la that »lie is improv ing. It. F .Johnson. F. Ilaushausen and F N Setianpp rode the festive and friskv A.O F W. goat Saturday eve ning After the Initiation the ladies pro vided an elegant supper in honor of the ■lew candidates and all report having on Joyed theiuselv ■ to the fulle-t extent E U, l*uvlor ami E*rl Kendall of St | P ml spent Sunday here. Mr. tisnrence Smith vid *!*t -f Edith of Loop City, were here visit, ng friend I Sunday * yen 1 ****.» * * ft l oo.rr .ou to in«iil|o|i I n ioi left I. ., Monday mor„l„g for I Omaha and the lApo-ltuiii | W l| lh I - of Volk -pent Sundae ||U hi of irrdn I' a. Mi at .north, of l, tup fin st-ltm Tuesday, ii, ,ft\ •hipped tWo eat h I l*i tl I httewskl *eoI a* ' d fit-•%.* ffed Il is id* t •iiloo at (i W lc» ft* lo r«lf|f il j 1. t, I | III Jut, I,, o. Tl (.1 III ire hm ’ • -i to* Ne’.f I I' J* g M I>• * you «nt i thorough ImalneM **«J lloill t ill f Do you hiiI I< ir- nil Mlmrtlmnil Sill] ft. pc w riling ? Ho v<*u wm t lo *D yourself for t< Hi lling ? It •<> hifi i d tin- St l*au flii• liit’M anil Normal Co lege, W'rir«* 1 ir particular* Io **■ Paul, f.’i ii’.ll F, Creen of San FranoUco, i i i i‘i>»fuf Sprclalfnt in Cfiruiilc ill* • • m: ii* ill st, Kliuo Hotel for two .',iio b gli ning Mom lay Oct. 24 Hhe ti a'» DenfueM, KheitmutUm, Kidney o . I,iv*'i trouble, di»e iM'M of women mi I'hililreo, < on-iiiiiptloii in Its earlv iii*! ,‘:oic |y oi t'oiiMiltatfori inf i-M m eke treMiii • lit free. 'I In re llitetora In ranml litinii, Kiotn benjamin Franklin. *' Wbeii you are rick, what you like i»i i i« io be chosen for a medicine in (li t place; vbat experience telle you I* Iji -I in b" choecn ill the second plane; alia' c a-oii (l.e., Theory) sa>e i« bent to le chosen in the hint place Hut If ion < it i/"t Dr. hiclliiitiioii. In- Kxper o in i ■ !, | I)r. JiciiM'ii to tio|.| h conaiij. o Mm Ogioher, tliey will give you lie i".i (i• f• l»i tliilcnn be taken.** Ml\A KCOliUllV. No nim ou'sidc of ilit' present i >wd of -h 111 reformer* nt fie stale h um w uhi ever think *»f mien a tinny an withholding tin- pay of the vol nit'-er soldiers ami then parading tin lyyregain sum iih “saved on ac eouul i f tin* present tnnnagt incut of '')<■ '- 11 * a-national guard.” And Unit in exactly what the oleo people have done. It is notorious tha* they let the .Nebraska \ >lunieen» leave the atate without their pay. Some of the hoy h left i/iiieoln on a journey to Ciiieka muuga, and to Manila, without us hiu ii ii8 a fifty-eent piece iu theii pocket*. The mutter was presented personally to Governor Holcomb be fore the departure of the boys by theii friends aud their purents, but the pay was not forthcoming. Many -f the men were not paid for five months af’ei tin* state turned the troups over to the government, The delay in meeting the bills con nectul with the mobilization of the Nebraska national guard last April lo hs exceedingly suspicious in the light of the circular i-cued by the popocritin campaign committee in which the following entry appears: ‘•By -u^i % iu maintenance of the Nebraska national guard for two years, ?:S5,O00.’’ If anything in the world is mean er tlinn starving the children in the home for the friendless and feeding u itclpii s and the blind on butter ine, it mu t be boi ling tun k the pay f the volunteer soldiers and parad ing the treasury balance ns a “sav ing'' effected by the men who were guilty of this piece of juggling and cruelty.—State Journal. KOIIIIKD Till-: O It A VK A t.rtliug incident. of which Mr. John Oliver of I-iiladclphla, whs the subject, is narrated by iiim as follows -1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken t i ('tie coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite—gradually grow ing weaker day i>y day. Three pbyti eaii' hud given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters; and to my great Joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided Improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks arid urn now a well man I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim," \o one should fail to try them. Only fit) eta., guaranteed, at Odenduhl Bros, drug store. Lost. On or about October 2nd a young spotted bull dog, pretty good size. Any one returning same to owner or furidsliitig informal Inn as to its whereabouts will be liberally re warded. W. T. Imiapku, Owner. Loup City, Neb. FUK SALK. Jail head of cow* and heifers for sale on twelve months time to responsitdc parties. Well bred stock In good flesh. Fan l>e »eei; at my farm two miles south *-n»t of I,oup Oily. K U He rron V. |!\, sill u now* WANTI l> I VI.UN * *»iit*n (ur Tt»e Ntor.v **f ll** * M'lUl ililUlFfltl, . nUilltKniullt tl t«v low lh»t • i tii'iii isMU titl ftiI«kl«>rii*(fl l*» Hit? War ,‘.*r ... 1st TtJ<* »k HfllH'O If. aru.v inl i|«4d.l hNflW Kflklii I*. •• tilt llir l*M«4l|U* v% illl M ft 111 III I III’ |nrw|>ltfti si II In.lulu, • r, I; "isjr" K*»ny in III* »\fti« triih hi'o »t '( .(•iU In lln lnwui -* tri »f*ni|-w with ii Um •' - is *»f !)«• wills IIfufi • t (ii ti«u M ur vt i »lU* it ilt« full t*f MuinU 11- ii tfM r fnr it^ IlfiUlful i.f AftflUfll f»U** i.urt"* tHlit ii I'll f^uitifAh tll nit if** - *»*i (aw if "A !.*'» iifitta lit* |»r*»f ‘ I r |«tUl * *r»lll ifltih Mrr'j. nil v t v. ii) wwr u*>k-* tfulfil free A*l* *s I 1 Iftwl Isrr, t } hlflf lAhilfitu v lltsW I« I'tett lit < • teu|i U Itstil ( Ati I lilltltt It Willi AM* Alii) \ M* 4ff H k* I I t’ft II;» WjMfjiytff All ♦Itth l» t*« tiling nil mV I In* Itt * ii mU rI**i** i * H *m«4 ii *l*% t|'i ‘Ut * I ullAi'A || II % I * i'f *liltf \ i<ni l it «*ut t*f, |i » 1 It •flllM I .Mi * f Ii M mU h* r i<it ((it tht« ti*m S»* n4? |t«iM , |#t V if »4l« III >slt| HTi** »*l|l In ^ h it • < »** ft t t Ik tw> WMll H liituli, Vt*r 1 4! •» Ii- f « f JVI REED Dealer in -A FULL LINK OF Washing Machines, Sewing Machinet* and Implements and Hardware. •Wipdjnills, Pupips and Pipes Singer Sewing Machines for $25.00. STEEL RANGES AT BED ROCK PRICES. - -—I ' If you need anything in my lino call and see me and you will be convinced that all we have for sale is offered at very low figures. Don’t tail to call and see our BRAN NEW .ST0( K OF BUGGIES. EAST SIDE Stp'AKE. LOUP CITY, - - NEB., There is no patent-right on selling Tue field iM open to any or- who wishes to to eater so if you wcud tour wav toward* the (Jity of Loup and ouon inside the gu'es head directly fur t vstr’gmrsrr** ■ • - . F PH TERSON’S store which is recently opened with a full as sortment ot General Merchandise. My goods are all uew and fresh from the Factory. MM Price Paid for Produce. Terms:—cash or produce only. O. F. PETERSON, Loci* City, - • Nkhkaska. WaNTKtm-lKVKMAI. Tm MT WUHTIlir I'KU HullII III ttiU Hlnli- to tumutiii' oqr blielneea I In tlielr own ami nearby countlrn it U | mainly inline work i-oiidurteii al home. i ary HiraiKht |iho a year and •• a|MnmM—tlr I Unite, hunaHtle, ho mure, no iuu *ulai>. Miaitltly tti'fereune*. Km >■ i . I ■Ireaeetl nieiu|Mi<t euve|o|ie Herbert I. , 1 IImm, rre«< , |l«|it M I'hlea^o, || MACK INK OIL AT \VATKI\.sn\ s KKW A!ll>. H»r J -llara will lie | »t«| for | r<i if of (lie font I lint any one |< u>iuf nlt* water for Irrigating pur|w«i II tlkNhrit, Water I' mu.. ACCNT8 Vf ANTIr.D •» rfcr* m tie ihIJi t?:;i:a run ftV air mt unn. fMC MMtiMCtMM'kHr.Ueear C«r tu rtirm Wk l*»JkSi, >lZ.Vlht Ki«riii«M, Inaure your property in Tlio Ptu-nix I riktir«n(‘« r'unipany, Khi Mgliiiilii*, Wlml storm* I'rflon* - inti Torii*i|<t#», W. j mil mi Ak«*ii Ml i K| KW AMMIOA 'I ln« brit mIv* iii iiu* worltl lor Outi Miiu»* » Hoi** I'lffiK *»|i Hlii'tun Koyer " * t • Ti 11•!•**• I lltii'U i‘liilbUlua nul -all ^It in hruptlona ttrul pn«< Id)' 1$ ini « I’m* » or no |i«> ***t|tilrt*tl( It I* i.n trtir.pftl i<i (Itf |m*iIffi <ai|>|«i<. lt*n ',r Ill' ll' ) If(iiliijf<| I'rlft ti ffUU ■it i It x Kor anio by Ot|*0<i«hl lima. MAt'llINK nil. AT WATKIXSON’g i t I. '« o( ti •• |>Kas r nM*f H i)i« w hi b ‘ w«v<(i #Vi 141 Ml liiui. »**i» «i«i>i)|ag. it" iniu try M I tlftimm li »<«*<■• ■ini "|M|||.«te " hi !$•••«, II