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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
The Northwestern FUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. I1EO. r. IlENSrHOTEH, ( Editor* and liICO. n. GIBSON, I Publisher* TBKMH:—*1.00 PER TEAR. IP PAID IE ADVANCE Entered at the I-oup City Poxtofflee for tranx mission through the mails as second class matter. Official Paper Sherman County KKPUI1LICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. It has been ordered that the Republi can county convention In and for {Sher man county will be held at Loup City, on August 22nd, 1898 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of electing delegate* to the Congressional and Senatorial conventions; also plac ing In nomination a candidate for coun ty attorney and one member of the house of representative. And for such other business as may properly cotne before the convention. The vote In said convention will be based on that cast for Hon. Wm Gaslin In 1897. One delegate will he allowed for each 10 republican votes and one for each major fraction of ten, and one delegate at large. Represen tation as follows: Ashton,.4 Bristol,.8 Clay,.8 Kim.2 Harrison,.6 Hazard.4 Logan,.4 LoupCUy.13 Oak Creek.2 Rockville.2 Bcott.2 Washington.4 Webster.4 Total.83 It Is recornmunded that the primary elections be bold In the various pre cincts on August 20th, 1898. W. J. Fisiiek, Aakon Wall, Secy. Pro tem. Chairman. Read the premium list on another page. The Bherman county Agricultur al society are making preparations for the holding of a good fair. “Speak gently it is better far.’’ And if you can’t, go edit a pop paper and hear yourself howl. The Republican Congressional convention, for the sixth Congress ionnl district will he held at Broken Bow, on the 24, day of August, Speak kindly of a man when he is living, it does him good and makes you looks pleasant; any galoot can say a kind word for a man after he is dead. Did you ever get vexed? Well if you didn't you never belonged to the prohibition party and had your lead ers quit you cold for a pop nomina tion and thus “sell their birth right for a mess of potage. The query is, is Poynter, the pop nominee for governor, county attor ney Long and the editor of the Times still in good standing in the piohibi tion party. The poppy peculiarities of phat the devil is it, on Bail Roal, St., de voted so much space to the North western last week that Tibbies letter was crowded out. It is pbunny about that patent medicine agent that blew into the phest homo over the street. He sized up the place and then came over to the orphanage and paid us a decent price in cash. He said the Times man wanted f“0. worth of worm medicine for the work but he did’nt dare sell it only to dealers. The free silver republicans have got so scarce that there is only a very few left, and those are kept in museums for future geueratious to see after the race becomes extinct. There is room left in the case for a pop or two, who are fast following their half brother. They will be known as the Kunsas-Nebraska twin mummies when they get a little dryer. On .lime 30, last the end of the fiscal year for Uncle Sam, the excess of exports over imports was $1151, 000,000 or nearly ten dollars per head for each tuan woman and child in the country. Or if taken before the last democratic administration give us the set back would of been suf ficient within 17,000,uuo to of li ■juidated our national deb1, und us It is would pay (wo thirds (he pres ent amount. If that is not prosper ity what is it. A uet gam of )uat that much wealth for our couuiry in one year, and that drawn fioui other countries. Of course that is tough od the other fellow but the republi can party looks after our own coun try first and the o her fellow after wards Paring the democratic ad ministration everything wss differ cut. The pop platform declared that we were “on the brink of tiers I flnsnolsl slid political ruin,' ami it Itegaii to loos a little that way. Hut Presto i Usage, the country is pots l*rou», and the wealth of the world l i io being dumped at our doors, the laborer lias wo rk, (he hungry are fed. Our wealth increasing at the same rale for ten years would pile up a per capita that even a pop editor would be astonished at. But there is but one way to make a populist leader happy and that is to give him an office, in his own estimation he is a little above the common held and should be a ruler. It matters not how successful an administration is, if it is not pop it is wrong. According to their speakers no policy is right but theirs, and theirs is a second i growth of democratic dclcriums that would run the country into dpht faster than the Wilson bill did. A genuine pop stump speaker is likoi a Maltese Jack, lie is noted for the distance you can hear him bray and the rapidity with which he kicks. You couldn't make him smile if you tick eted his nose with a straw, he always cairies u semi cemetery look about him. But say ofllce to him and his ears will wiggle like a jack rabbits when ho hears the hounds, and a smite will encircle his head from ear to ear The religious demonstration made on board the battleships at Santiago, in connection with the victory over the Spanish having given rise to some invidious comparisons be tween the commanders, one of these the captain of the “Iowa,” has felt called upon to exhonorate himself I I w If l cm: *. II .I' 'll nil It |>|h'W 1*11 l I J4< K of piety. He gives the following reason for not summoning bis crew to a r< ligious service of prayer and praise at the conclusion of Hie san gunary engagement which destroyed the Spanish fleet: “I found my ship surrounded by boats carrying dead and wounded prisoners and others of the crew of the ‘Vizcaya’ to the number of 250. To leave these men to suffer for want of food and clothing while I called my men aft to offer prayer was not ray idea of either Christian ity or religion. I preferred to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, ami succor the sick, and I am sfnmg ly of the opinion that God has not put a black mark against me on account of it.” Beyond question the captain of the “Iowa” is fully qualified relig iously to command his ship.—Arner idan Senlinal. KErllll. ICA sVlATrilKSI. “We the republicans of Nebraska, in convention assembled, congratu late the people of the state upon the fulfilment of the pledges made at the national republican convention at St. Louis. Our industries have reviv ed, our finances have been maintain ed, our national credit is restored and every dollar issued by the gov ernment is on a par with gold. • Our laborers are employed, our manufactur ing establishments have resumed operation, our rniuait arabeing worked to their full capaci ty,the messes of the imople are prosperoue ami are consuming once more to the extent of their needa the product! of the farm and the factory. We reafllrm unswerving allegiance to the principles enunciated in the republican nation al platform of IHIMJ. We are In favor of the mafntainance of the present gold standard and unalterably opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of ailver. •f v iuiui iuo |ia.vuioin uui nuiuicia aim sailors in the same money as is paid tho bond holders. “We congratulate the action upon the suc cessful issue of the war with Spain prosecuted under the directions of William McKinley, commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, with the loyal support of brave volunteers on both land and sea. “We emphasize our hearty approval of the wise foreign policy of President McKinley and also of the terms demanded of Spam as the conditions of restored peace. “We pledge, if restored to control of the state government, an honest and economical administration of public affairs and the intro duction of strict business methods into all state institutions. • We pledge the a bolltion of unnecessary or sinecure state offices. “We pledge u comprehensive revision of the revenue laws of the state with a view to u more equitable distribution of the tax burdens * We pledge legislation for state control uud regulation of public coiporalions in the Inter ®*t of all the people. We pledge the necessary steps toward a revlslou of the state constitution. We call attention to tho sham reform of the allied fusion parties who have secured victory at the poles u inter false pretenses and whose pledges are proved by experience to be unreliu fde and utterly worthless “We Invite the co-operation ami wupport of not only all who believe u» republican princi ple* hut also of ail who wish U tter govern ment lo the end that X« brawka tnav bo no lot» gtr discredited by tieing classed among the slates in subjection lo populism A further r« solution stint greeting* to all *»d* dier* and sailors and expressed the hope (hut all would wot>u return h<»tuc Th® declaration for the g<dd standard and •gainst the free wnd unlimited coinage of sll* ver were loudly sht wrctl Mil l I.XHIHIT Lincoln, Neb. Ju'y 10, To Nebrawka Selim»1 iVopic Mam linM* t.\|H<ririu,'.| iluf). nil> in liK'atniii liit* Nebraska Mu.-ntimi at at ih» Tran. Mi*at.*i|.|ii Kv(.i>,i«t..ii In n. *' tin* i inultr I’lii* • |» t., la* fouttl in the gilltll uf Ibe uiaiiufat'lurei* Imllil 1114. tkiHie visit <<ur eltiui • Ilona I bi'«i|.|iiartet« in the Nebraska. builtliUK ami fail lu Hu* I I lie J not knowing that it is put u> in a nothcr building. The exhibit occupies some fifteen thousand square feet of floor space, and com prices all grades of school S OME persons say [• it is natural »or IS •; them to lose flesh [• • during summer. >S *! But losing flesh is losing IS •j ground. Can you afford ;• • ' to approach another win- IS *! ter in this weakened con- IS • i dition? SI Coughs and colds,weak IS Sj throats and lungs, come |£ •j quickest to those who are ;• SI thin in flesh, to those eas- IS SI ily chilled, to thone who IS f; have poor circulation and ;• • < feeble digestion. I; SGOtt'S j j Emulsion j 5 of cod Inxr oil with hypo- ► S Si phosphitts docs just as IS 1; much good in summer as ;• •] in winter. It makes flesh *• SI in August as well as April. IS Si You certainly need a-» [f • ] strong nerves in July as in *• Si January. And your weak •' throat and lungs should |* be he aled and ttrengt .■ I * cned without delay. IS % it I * •««!»*, to J ft > f Uiiiiiiiiiiixiiiil work from tlie kindergarten up through the State Univer sity and is pronounced by lead ing educators of other state as one of the Quest educational exhibit they have ever seeu. The New England Journal of Education, published at Boston and Chicago, in its issue of July 14 makes the following com ment: Tin* educational exhibit of Nebraska at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha is one of the best, if imt literally the best, ever made in the United States.” Ureal credit is due to the thousands of educatoia and pupils of the Nebraska schools who so faith fully co operated with us in making the exhibit a success \\ hile We all are proud that Neb ruaku has the lowest percent of ii| i'cratn we feci that this i xluhil is light iii ktepiug with the high stand ing our state has attained The wuik is neatly arranged and tastefully iteenaited Visitor* Can Qnd seats where they can test ami exam inc the work Vou can Stand up for Nebraska peiloip* in u„ iH*i»er wa\ than by taking yourfteunU with y«*u tns«e this exhibit wldch no doubt is as tine an ediicatiolixl exhibit as was ini put up by any state II , It Jlieksoil f*«p» N«bf*»he Educational Exhibit. J. Phil Jaeger Wants you to examine Ills new in voice of Ready to Wear Goods. come= INTO OIK DEPARTMENT STORE KOKK-<~ CRACK-A-JACK BARGAINS IN AND SHOES Our stock of men's and boy’s suits arc comepiete in every particular and we can suit you both in quality and price. Give us a call and be convinced that our prices are away down and the quality of our goods is away up. All fresh seasonable goods. We have just re ceived them and want to sell them out in time to make room for a fall stock so will sell on the least possible margin. We have the finest line of shoes ever brought to this city. Our large invoice just received enables us to fit everybody and suit every body us to style, quality of goods and prices. We make a specialty of our shoe department and invite all to come in and look over our assortment. Full line of ladie’s and gent’s furnishing goods and a big stock of general mer chandise. Suer Fabrics if My Kill. Remember that “Old Glory” still waives in the breeze and that we are paying the highest market price for your produce and give you prompt service and courteous treat ment. Your Respectfully, j. PfiiL cJAeeei^ SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Ijonp City, b IVeb. Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper in $H MAN COUNTY. w. J. FISHER, GEO. E. RENSCIIOTER, Attorney anti Notary Public. Publisher Loup City NoBTHWE8TKiU# Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE, Lips, Lips. We wish to call the attention of our many customers to the fact that \v;e have added to our stock an elegant line of Lamps, also a fine assortment of GLASS WARE, fancy cups and saucers and plates. W e assure all that the prices are way down. It is a pleasure to come in and look the goods over and to posess them is a pnveiage. Thanking you for past favors I am Yours Truly, I, S. SHSPPflRD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb. Fffnmfflfflli t,**k B M ' "I >’ » 1 I V. N KBit Lincoln, Denver. Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City. Portland, St. I/O tils, San Francisco, nidi all points and all points Kast and South, \Ve“» TKAIN* I.KAVK AS » .LOWS. UOINU EAST No m Timen*er ... 7 .ft.>a. m No isj Freight ... o,,, i„ UOINU WEST No. 7*1 Ta**enger _ 1.15 p. in. No. Ml freight 111,Mia. in. Sleeping, dinner amt reclining chair cars 'seal* freei on through train* Ticket* wild ai . haggagn chocked to any isnnt In the V lilted sia'c* or Canada. for Inloruatton, map*, time tallies and Ilckela call on or write to A. f. Wert* Agent. Or J. tit VNfla, Uctt‘1. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, U. T. HA It. WAY. No. *« leave* daily except Sunday o.u** eiigun. 7 i») a, ui No as leave. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, i mixed, .* UA p, No UI leave* Tuesday, Tlluiaday am* Saturday, imlxedi f:;xi». m No V7 arrive* daily except Sunday mlxed> II XI a lo No 4 arrives dally except Sunday pas* ell. el > 7 5 p m • list e!a»s service ami close conned loll* vast, ue*i amt south w I) rtlrtul, Agent. • -••up « tty Market Hepurl Trie** |sxtd lor r«fl» a ^ W b««t ibftU il**n • i ^ i «*a bb4 bfiltta | ^ j %t Irw4«i« t |*#r |«*ud«| t * K||i| »*« ***** GREAT OFFER. We are now prepared to offer to onr readers the North WK8TKRN, the Semi Weekly State Journal, and the Kansas Oily Weekly Journal, all for the small sum of ^1,90. This is one of the best offers out. The twice a week Nebraska State Journal is one of the best news papers published in tne state, and eon tains all the capital news: The Kansas •-’Ity Weekly is ore of the best week lev's In Kansas. The Northwkktkkn Is the olHeial paper of Sherman County and contains twice as much home print as any other paper published In the county. You should not delay In taking advantage of this great otter In suhseiibing for these three paper* you seeurc the three leading Journals ot lie wo: Id TIIKIMKKCI I,INK. In Iteuver, suit l.akc City, halt Fran •'i*eu and 1‘ortlaud, l» via the I'ulou I'neilie The service of the Union l‘a elllu to all piimlple western points I* unexcelled by any liter line and con sists of I’ulluiuu I’aUee Sleepers, I'ull man I'ourUt Sleepers i hair Car*, l*iu mg, Meat* a la car’, I or Inn*- |»*d* s and foil tnlnriiialinn mII mi *v 11 lining. Agent lloli'l l>tl |o get the latest edition of Hand Mi V ilk ■ go o War Map If you w |>| I,, is- poets d oil the exact *tHil that the Itp4i ti I, ale le.tivllig Adai**tbtc doses ot Aioeneau ‘'jingoism '* Oall lA *’* Isis ,1 Ibis little*