The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 29, 1898, Image 6

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Racial, Commercial, Political and Social Con
ditions of the Inhabitants of
Those Islands.
Tbo Philippine group were discover- j
ed by an expedition under Magellan in j
1521, the islands, on the occasion of a
taler expedition under Vlllabo*. were
named Philippine In honor of the then j
Prince of the Asturias, afterwards !
Philip II. Manila was founded In 1571, j
and slnre that date baa b~on held by i
the Spaniards, except for a brief In
terval between 170? and 17*14, when It
was occupied by the British.
Situation, Topogrualijr.
Tho Islands cf the ITinippIne r.rehl- j
pnlago ato described by Sir John Bow- ;
ring as "Innumerable." Oth^r author
ities variously estimate them at from |
<00 to 1,200 in number. The eleven J
moist fmporlant, embracing tonic 9" per |
tent of tbo total area (computed at |
1M.350 stpiare miles), ubd the great j
mass of the population are Lpzon. Min
danao, Nrgros. f'anay, Mipdoro, Cebu,
Samar, ls-yfo, Palawan, Boj >1 and Ma.t
bale. I.ylug between Borneo and For
mosa, the archipelago extends some 30)
leagues frem north to south, and ISO
from east to west, and KpXit* HVj do- |
grees of latitude and 9 degrees of loa- j
gltude. Luma and Mindanao together |
exreed all the other, Islands combine I.
Manila, the capital, situated on the
west coast of Luzon Is In latitude ll
degrees 38 minutes north and longitude
12U degrees 07 minutes en3t. Its posi
tion, "as a ccntinl point between Ja- j
pan, China. Annam. the Knglish aud i
Dutch ports of tiie Malayau avcblpolag >
and Australia,” is, observes Jagor. "ex
tremely favorable to the development
of a world-wide trade." Some 7,00)
miles distant from San Francisco, it
is but 600 miles from HocgUong. while
from the northern cxlremity of Luzon i
to tho south cepe of Form'tsa is little j
nw.rn Ihon
The Town of Miinlla. S
The Bite of Manila wai selected chic?."
ly on account of its fine harbor or bay,
circular in fori#, and “papablir Af hold
ing nil the navies of the world.” Into
thia debouches the river Pasig, which,
with a breadth of abdut. 35® feet, flows
through* thef city, dividing ft tnto Ma
nila proper or bid Manila, and new
Manila Or Blnoado. The former, o -
ettpyiug tbp Jett or couthein bank of
the river, la t lie foe trees or citadel. It
contains, besides the principal for'lfi
cuilons. the palace and the cathedral,
and is surrounded, by old walla, baa
tioned dad moated, ami dating back
in part to the Sixteenth century. These
walls have been cracked by earth
quakes, and could easily be breached
by modern artillery. Jagor describes
the old town ax "a hot, dried-up place,
lull of monasteries, ronvants, barracks
and government buildings.” “It still
preserves,” says a later writer, "ail the
austere appearance of a city of the
reign of Philip II." Upon the walls
however, and beneath them, have been I
at ranged pleasant promenades, where
the aristocracy stroll and drive and
ride In the cool of the evening The
district of Ulnondo, on the right bank
of tho river, la <he place of business,
the real commercial capital; and here
aro tho shops and warehouses and the
movement of modern life. Here, also,
and in the pleasant suburban villages
or puebloa behind the city, live the
foreigners and the wealthier claw. Be
hind the city stretches a fiat region
rich ir trepical vegetation, through
which Rows for some twenty miles the
river Pasig which forma the outlet of
a g; eat fresh-water lake called the La
guna; the country around being known
ns the l.agucn proginc*. Uevood this
legion the tiled rise* towards the ir
regular mountain chain or sierra which
runs parallel with the coast, and.
which, ahoiuiditiB Ut Stand and plctur
t-suue scenery, is the home of Lhe wild
*r native tribes. From this rang* as
cends Mayon, an active volcano of con
ical form, about eight thousand feet In
elevation, a conapl nous landmark from
the sea. This height, wiili that of B.v
rtajao (tl.r.00 fjell, and San Cristobal
<7.375 fcetl. are hut Utile exceeded by
Halcou In Mindoro (3.868 fern Next
In population to Manila is the town of
Cavite, nt the n.mlbtrn point of the
liay. eight miles distant, where were
the Bi'.tnkah naval and quarantine sta
tion and arsenal, and tl: > defences *o
clevtnly turned by Admiral Dewey In
tho dawn of that eventful Brat of May.
Other ports In the Philippines which
have been Cptned to general trade are
Kual In l.uson, Iloilo In the Island of
Fanny. and Ztmboangh In Minda
nao Rual has probably the best
harlair. lot liollo la the mors Im
portatiI point Ita province bing thu
inoet advanced after that of Manila
The pma fabrics made here a re the
most esteemed Capla, or t'apla. also
tn Fausy. is another considerable town
Tvrtoban. the chief town of the latand
of la<yte. has su enellsnl barber aad
|l the emporium of Made between Man
lla and lb* ialanla of Iwyt* sad >'»
mar Another trade tisiiua la iJahu.
the principal Iowa of 'h* Island of A*
tm From Manila lo Ihulo It It 38
hi.ora by steam and I* hunt« further la
C«Ui Other point* in proeim-ae or dm
trlcta of Albay. Mu.a an North and
yitm'h ChMariBeU. Ha'ant**. I'agaan
JM. aad tn tha Fa*avan Valley irth I t
tuhactoi might readily »<• d«»eb*p-d
Into tmpotUol renin* '» a trowing
Tha «o»eee«eeo* The *
Tha head cf the gayermu- »l < f the
fhiuppiaee la g a«»a»a-» “» * a# alh
(Jeaiervl. a dtgaUary «l»h half a r*a* »i
title*, appointed fretn Madrid, the .
Incumbent frequently changed with the ;
changes of ministry. These change! j
have been molt prejurilcal to the In
terest* of th?; some of the Gov- j
ernors have been provisional only, and !
the uncertainty cf their tenure has very j
materially impaired their efficiency. I
Each province ho* a looser governor of |
It* own; each reblo a gobernadorel!' \
or captain, u specIcs of alcalde who I*
commonly a mestizo or native Indian, j
ih" Governor General commands the
army, hut the fleet remains subject to j
the MlnIVry cf Marine st Madrid, sn I i
is under the orders of the commandant ;
of the ration. Ihe church is governed :
by a Metropolitan ATChblshop at Man- 1
ila, with bishops for the most populous j
{(•evinces. The local ecclesiastical au
thority la mostly In the hands of the
religious corporations of Augustine,
Dominican and Erandeiyn monks and
friars, who.;* member* are legion.
r-Vme cf the fraternities and of tin.* Indi
vidual monlu have become piost opu
lent; their landed possessions Immense,
their revenues enormous] the monas
teries and convents almost palatial,
their equipages even costly und clab
orate. That thry have been the chief
civilizers cf the Indiana, that they have
repeatedly Intervened with good offlue*
between the native* and their civil op
pressors, Is undeniable. At the same
time the records of the church In the
Philippines abound with evidences of j
hostile and protracted controversle* '
wiih the authorities of the stale, and j
of bitter contention* betv/eea the or- j
der« thcmoelve*.
There ara two season* at Manila,
the wet and the dry, or the reasons cf
'he southwest and northeast monsoons.
■Broadly gpoakiBig, tha w«l, or rainy
itsatsa, iiiihergd la b/ .the south went
monsoon, I* from June t® November;
I he dry season, when tha northeast
monsoon prevails, la from November
to June.
Ip tho wet season the country Is In
undated. the roads becoma Impaisahlc,
img bridges disappear, t The annual
'■alpfall at Manila Is variously raport
ed at from 75 to 91 laches, The hot
test months are April ahd May.; the
droughtl ere then long continued, and
accidents from fites are to be guarded
against; It le then that the mosquitoes
;j,y " -;-- —.—----j---■j:
i— — ■■■ Mini■ I lil i n 11^1—»~rnn~ft
October SO. 1875, bided 250 persona and
destroyed 3.800 houses. One of 1S82 la
also memorable; and that of Septem
ber 29. 1890. demolished the seawall
that protected the inner harbor. The
hurricanes at these times often sweep
away crops and destroy plantations.
The roadstead, with a violent south
west wind i.a unsafe, and galling vessels
tako refuge in the port cf Cavlto.
Karlti quakes.
Cf the earthquakes dir John Eowrlng '
writes that "the destructive ravages
ar.d changes produced by them are no
where more remarkable than in the
Philippines. • • • They have pro
duced great change* In the geography
of the Islands. • • • They have ov
erturned mountains, filled up valleys,
desolated extensive pl.dns, ami opened
passage.) from the sea Into the interior
ami from the lake* Into the eea. He
mentions as especially "calamitous"
tro earthquakes of 1790, 1324 anJ 1533. 1
In the more recent instance cf Junn,
18o3, the old town of Manila was ren
dered a marn of lulns” and many per
son* were burled alive. Four hundred
nre reported to have bc^n killed and
two thousand Injured, and the loss cf
property Is estimated at eight million
dollars. This earthquake was also very
destructive at Cavi’e. The many vol
canoes, come of which have been named
showing a* they do, elgns cf constant
uctlvlty In the throwing up cf clouds ]
cf smoke with frequent flame, are a
perpetual menace. Subject to such vi
cissitudes and portents, the climate of .
Manila Is, tor the tropics, a not un
healthy one. It may be noted on the
east toasts or tno isianus me orner oi
the seanons, as above given, is tu
The Philippine* possets a very fertile
coll, though their capacities have been
but Imperfectly developed. In many
localities the soil must be quite or
nearly virgin. Where cultivated the
products arp sugar, hemp, tobacco, rice,
coffee, cacao, gttin.i, arrowroot, Indigo,
cotton, hides, pepper, cochineal, gutta
percha, sesame betel root, arccamit. co
coanut, roeoanut oll.plnacloth, tortoise,
shell, blrds’*r.cs(s and trepang; also
bamboos and rattans, with logwood,
ebony and other hardwood timber, 'fhe
material known rs ‘ Manila hemp” is
not produced from the plant of hemp
with which we are familiar (Cannabis
catlva), tut frcni the fiber cf a specie*
of banana (Musa textllls). The rice of
the Islands Is (he staple food cf the na
tives. The cultivation cf sugar Is Jeo
pardised by the terrible plague of lo
on's, to which this crop la subject;
these insects arrive in “swatms of rali
lions." The manufacture of cigars,
etc., was for a long period the monop
oly of the government, and extensive
cigar factories were established in
Manila and Cavite, but the monopoly
Induced a unlver'scl contraband traflic,
and was discontinued In 1882. The en
tire trade cf the Islands with other
countries in the year 1831 (the last
-——— — - " J
extraction baa not been extensively
prosecuted. Mines exist of lead, cop
per, Iron and sulphur. The Island of
Cebu contains considerable beds of
coal, which, though not of the first
quality, Is preferable to that of Austra
lia _
The population of all Ihe Islands Is
probably between seven and eight mil
lions. but the estimated are necessarily
somewhat conjectural In view of the
difficulty In computing the Inhabitants
of the remoter localities. Of this to
tal not over 10,000 are Spaniards. In a
few days hence the American popula
tion will number 25,000 men. The pop
ulatlon of Manila In 1890 la stated by
Wakefield at 220,000. Including 10,000
pure Celestials," 48,000 "Chinese mes
tizos” (offspring of a Chinese father
and an Indian mother), 4,300 "pure
Spaniard-! and about the same number
of Spanish mestizos of whom he Bays
"not more than 250 settlers are of
Kuropean origin apart, from Spaniards,
and the remaining 147,000 or there
abouts, are all natives of the Philip
pines.” Of Cavite (Old and New Ca
vite) the population Is said to be up
wards of (iO.OOO; of Iloilo some 30,000;
of Cebu, 40,000. Cf the constituents of
the population In general, the Chlneue
ami Chinese mestizos are the most val
liable. The Chinese, many of whom
have acquired wealth, are the retail
snopkeepers, and the greater part, of
the local trade is in their hands. Their
arrival In the Islands I* said to have
anticipated even the coming of Ma
gellan. The mestizos "furnish the edu
cated and professional clai'S,” hold most,
cf the minor offices and with Indians
compose the army. The Indian cf
Manila Is an Indolent creature, given
up to gambling ar.d cock fighting. The
Spaniards taught him gambling as we
taught, our Indians the taste of whisky.
Of the forms of gambling, cock-fight
ing Is the mo/t popu!ar--ls. Indeed,
almost universal throughout the Is
lands. The Philippine Indian, It Is
said, Is as niueh attached to his gallo
"ag Is a Kcdculn Arab to his horse.”
An early Spanish writer characterizes
the Indians as "perpetual Idlers, who
go from icckplt to cockpit, those uni
versifies of every vice.” Investing In
lottery tickets sold on the streets Is
also much favored, and the government
adds materially to Its revenues by tak
ing advantage of these practices In
exacting license fecg for the mainten
ance of places of freming.
Tlia Insurrection of ISIIO.
The characteristics and present at
titude of the Indians of the Philippines
are Illustrated by the Insurrection
which was Inlriated In August, 189'i,
and has since continued. There had
been previous similar rltlngt, notably
one In 1872, hut none where the Insur
gents were so numerous or formidable.
The moving causes of this outbreak are
to be found In the oppressive taxes, ex
cises, license fees, and other burdens
■ » • .. "■
(tttawn by a Spain >h Arllal Now al Manila in tfca Hrrvko of lh« l'a'.la4 Matra-I
*o<1 nbiia ar'a ara m>»i trouUlaaora*
lb* rootnal nxmlbo ara ami
Pabrtigry, *n*n lha fraahnaaa ta grata
(ul ai algb' I ha araraga t,-ai|M)«alMia
t of Iba )raa» la about » 4»gta»*a I ha
yarlatU of iba -hangar of Iba moo
m ci, In Mar lo Jon* ami la Aay
j 'ambar to lb lobar, ara mukU by Iba
Hnatbml bioa* an4 lb ta-laralorra*
• 'yrtonaa. tr|th-«>a* an<l bnrrlranaa
• ban alall 'b* >-*a«i A lj|»h<*on oa
ibrlraM* It. IMA. grora turn* manly
•aaaala anbora. an I Jll g>*«l 4aa»a*«
tg iba cttl A lyyb—>n or bar-1.ana 04
filly r*pui(*4i mm vat ih* M- j
in* m* total# IhforU, |H,I4*.**4;
iMgur*i. IT? Th# i#t#ivi#* of
ih# *k>*i»t»h •o«#ratn#iii fr>« ih# l#
Ian*!# la I»#S a#ta »«uit*»'*‘4 at ••>«*
'hit*•#<* aa4 a h» f iaill>«aa; th# »»
IMillliiiM at bo lull* I*#4 Il##l4#a
tha prtMio. t# »Wi»« «p*. m*4, ih# yt#l4
la *b*ta4*t«t if frill#, ainu •piatan
#oi*ty #Mr It a* *h* oraaa*. *.»m*«*
malign fin****)*. r-nw*bpl*.
#t**a. (oata. ta*t*»l»4 a* I **hl«f*4 «*f
aita*r*l#. gul l ha* M*» f*na4 ia »atall
gitaatH ** la 4l»*r» Uiiiuh hot It*
Ikuptord by lb* ««<»*ri»m*a! ami «n
luryttl by •tiiiitlunata u»b la'* rm.ta*
ahl*h. U«ald >4 rh* «ri«*r.*i* att.l car**
•uaabl* pa. ua.att wuirt >. *44 kb* cur
I** «.f hril day*' labor Im ptMl* par
p««*« abb b c*#ry yuan »m ■••n»p*ll*4
•aanally >« faraUb Tb* *rt*<*n«-» u#
kb* t*i*« a a# kU'ikk'*1) by kb* U4ti
rt«i«* ban* ku abb h kb» nan*** a* *
, >t«yp*tl<M< lit *>iSt«m in raW« ta«>a*y.
and r*p«» laity by kb* cwab*',*iu»a« ■>(
|tt»p*rty abb b a.r* y**urk*d ka ab*r*
kb* 4d*« HalawJ a#r* ao>
fba ad'burkky to *««•*> ai* p.*.«l a
great power !n tho hands cf unscrupu
lous officials. who used It corruptly
against the more prosperous for tho
purpose of extorting money. These
grievances becnmo so general tbnt a
secret Revolutionary Society or Leagua
was formed, which by August, 1&9G.
rose to tho proportions cf an nrmy of
50,000 men, Cavite being tho renter of
the revolt. The original rebels v/ero
joined by deserters from the army,
vagabond) and escaped criminals. In
the course of their conflicts with the
forces of the government, which was
Instructed from Madrid to show no
mercy, a spirit cf atrocious Inhumanity
was developed on both sides, and a sav
age destruction of life endued. The
killing of prisoners captured or sur
rendered. smothering of captives In
dungeons, burning alive, mutilation
and daembowellng were practiced by
both, without any retard to the usages
of civilized warfare. The Spaniards, to
extort confessions, resorted to the
tbumbecrew and revived the tortures of
the Inquisition. Their proceedings
were claimed to ho Justified by the plea
of retaliation, hut r.o law or exigency
could Justify retaliation pushed to a
point so malignant and brutal. And
Its fr.tal Impolicy Is shown by the fact
that the Insurrection has not been sup
pressed, Lut Is suspended only.
KaKjkju uunb u t wuauuii
II* CiMV* Hoth 111* lls-irl ami III*
Money In III* Murk.
Wesley, during bis life, gave to ths
poor $21)0,000, although always on a
meager salary, says the Boston Trans
cript. Wesley started In England an
organisation similar to the associated
charities of today, and also Inaugu
rated an enterprise for loaning poor
people small sums of money, whereby
they could be tided over business dif
ficulties, and there la on record a case
whete he leaned a cobbler $20 to en
large his business, and he liv. d to see
the cobbler doing a business of $150,000
a year. He believed the scheme a good
one for helping cot only financially,
but In helping manhood. A picture of
Wesley might be made os a student
leaving Lincoln <ol!ege with a baslt"t
of provisions In one hand ar.d a Bible
In the other. Wesley was the first to
start medical dispensarlfH In Kngiauid
ar.d, In a letter to Wllberforce, Implor
ed him to do all ho could to stop slav
ery In the British empire, while, on th »
other hand, Whitfield was a slavehold
er, Just before his death, bequeathed
hi3 slaves to Lady Huntington.
llakloK Money.
“la v.or time,” said a man of ma'.u ’e
years, “there aie always unusual
chances that are token advantage of by
men of foresight to make money. This
reminds me of what Josh Hillings ..aid.
that 'tf our foresight was at good as
our hindsight we'd all he rich,' or
words to that effort. At the outbreak
of the civil war In this country there
were long-headed men who stored
away manufactured totton goods,
bleached and unbleached eottons,
sheetings, and so on. As the war went
on, what with the curtailment of pro
duction and the blockade of Southern
ports, the price of cottcn soared sky
ward and manufactured cotton goods
Increased in value correspondingly.
Most men peddled out their holdings
as the price rose, but tome held on and
got for their goods six cr eight cr ten
times what they tad paid for them.
There has been no such money as that
made In this war yet, Rod 1 don't sup
pose there's likely to le, but It would
bo easy to pick out things that have
risen In val'* and that a man might
easily havo made a fortune on If he'd
known what wa3 going to happen.
Suppose he'd have bought ail the bunt
ing there was, for Instance, or taken a
fall out of sulphur, cr put away a few
hundred case* of Spanish olives. He’d
have found money In all these things
and In varloua ethers. But then a man
can find money In time of peace, too, If
he knew 3 how to look.”
Every prrton who coughs should no:
alarm himself with the idea (hat he is
in a bad way. Exp rience has con
vinced u:t of a fact that th.pre are two
distinct kinds of coughs—cne proceed
ing from an affection of the lungs and
air-tubes, as In a cold, the ether pro
ceeding from effervesrenca In the stom
ach. The lungs cough is a symptom
whli h all know to require attention,
lesi B'rlous roaaoqtMuc?s ensu". The
stomach cough is a much more slmoe
matter, unJ may tuslly he got quit of.
It is caused by the food and drink
which are put Into the stomach effer
vescing. and producing an Irritation.
A know ledge of this fu< • ought to lea I
lcroons to affected to ponder a little
,n tin. nature of their allmtnt ar.d the
tone of their digestive powers.
N'epuWu'i T»hl« Mii»n»ri.
It I* said that the table ra inner t of
Napoleon Boaaparta were very bad.
and that Its »>« *o fast an eater that
ha hul Invaiiably finished hla dinner
before those who dlued with bint bad
got baif through. In fact, those who
had the h cor of dlntua with the - in
peror were wont to remain afrr b‘s
• lajaaty'a dognrwro. I'pcn ' »• occa
sion Eugene d« lievoharneta. the step
son of N#po>on. roue frort the tjhle
Immedletely af*er the emyeto ' Hot
you bavru't bad time to ftilth »-w»r
dinner." said Napoleon "far''## eje.
sire," said the prince "I have piodt
<h| by experience. I dined l«"' l« I j
eater ”
d« letesetslea reuse
At the tilth of • Japnaeee le v •
tree I* |tented wbuh must remain
tnlosubed until Ibe martuge dty nf
tbe •bill When ibe nuptial b< «r »r
ri«et. tb* tree la rut d >wn. and a bill
! f.,i tablnetntnker trnntPtiwe i|» wo «l
Into furniture wbleh l« »«e#idered < y
1 tbe yttong oup'e aa tbe nni tien’lfwl
| of all ornam*nU of 'be boos*.
Weak Stomach
Bensitivs to every little indiscretion In
eating, even to exposure lo draughts and
to over-persplration — Mate condition la
pleasantly, positively and permanently
overcome by the magic tonlo touch of
Ilood’a Barsaparilla, which literally
“makes weak stomachs strong.” It also
creates an appetite—makes you feel real
hungry, end drlvea away all symptoms of
dyspepsia. Be sure to get
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine. '.All druggists.
MOOd'S Pills cunt all Liver Ills. 23 cents.
Teacher (examining Juvenile ciasa
in geceraphy)—What can you tell us
about the Arctic ocean? Little Hen
ry—Nawthln’. This ain't no iecturs
platform.—Chicago Daily News.
makes the skin soft, white uml heuithy.
Bold everywhere.
He—It amounts to positive geniua
to be stupid on some occasions. Bhe
—But don't you think It can be carried
too far?—Life.
Don I Tobacco Cplt smona Tour Ulo Away.
To quit tobacco cially and forever, be miaf
s' llc, full of life, m rva. and vigor, take .•fo-ao
Hac. the wondi r-w rk'T. that makesweak tnea
..irons. All drugKlUa. *0c or«l. Cure guiirsn
tecil Booklet and sample floe. Andros*
Sterling Uemcdr Co . f.'hlceauor New York.
Mon who know the same things are
not long the bent company for each
other. __
II;,to You a Hon. Ilrolher,
Hn«ban<l or kovor In tbs Army or Nnwl
Mull him to-day « X*- pmkugu of Allen *
Koot-Kase. »i |xiwd«r for the leet. All who
march, walk or stand need it. It cure-*
aclilng tired, sore. swollen, sweating feet,
and makes hot. tight or now shoo* easy.
Keet can't blister, get More or ( ullou*
where Allen's Koot-kase is used. 11)00
testimonials. All druggist* and shoe
•tores Mill It, 8.V. Hauipe sent HUSK.
Atldro/.» Allen H. Ulmsteil, l.u Itoy, M. Y.
Coni U dearer In South Africa than ^
In any other part of the world; It la
cheapest In China.
Bentley & Olmsted, wholesale boot
and shoo dealers of Des Moines, re
cently received a request from the
United Slates army officials at Chicago
for 50,1)00 pairs of shops. The gam- Arm
recently furnished 5,000 pairs of shoes
to the army, and they were so satis
factory that the request was made for
u bid on the larger order, which Is in
all probability the largest order ever
bid on by an Iowa firm.
A cynic doesn't want other people
to be happy, because they know
be is a failure.
To Curt t.onsnpaiio..
Take < ascsrct* I'undy f'aibartl,!. 10p er 2V.
If C. C. C. fall wore, druggist* refund money.
If a man’s too poor to lend bl»
frlent!» money he will retain them
If men had the gift of second sight
there would be fewer cases of love at
first sight.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist cna in av 7 ling the worthless
imitations manufactured l other par
ties. The high standing oi the Cali
fornia Fio Syrup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. 11 is
far in advauco of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of *
tbo Company— '
ua.n rimiciM'*. raL
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