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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1898)
DESIGNED TO BIGHT. WHAT A REAL BATTLESLIP IS LIKE. An Officer of >• Monitor In Rc*j*on*il>lr for a New Ifeftiffii That May Be of (treat Value in l lie Navy Not a Thing of Beauty. The accompanying sketch was made by a naval officer who has had some experience on the larger monitors. It represents In a general way his con ception of the ideal battleship. All ships are compromises, and this de sign departs materially from the well- I known and approved monitor type in having a superstructure forward. This feature enables the ship to maintain | DESIGNED TO EIGHT, h :r speed In & head sea, which I; who! ly impracticable with the ordinary monitor, although a »oa abeam has but little effect on the speed of tills pe culiar craft. For about two-thirds of Its length the design presents a free board of only thirty Inches, which may bo considered the monitor standard. The freeboard at the bow is ten feet. The twelve-inch gun:-, are well located for sea work, being eighteen feet above the water line. The turrets ore housed In barbette*. The height of each betic above the deck is twelve and one- • TUB COU ilMA, Till-: l-WMTBST VC rfSKl. IN TUB l NI IB!I S t ATB* SAY Y half feet A lei llug tenure i* tin* ion Ulng lower, Which la a tower III f*»< t u» well 44 to uatue It ha* a height of twenty »e. wn unJ one half feel above the water Hue. la iweolv-iva fee’ In tlUluvtei, ouil twenty in hn thick Thera 14 not hi tig ettuak tu tt now ah >tt w mi w ,4 xav \t. tu x III «'4l.i k l'Oltfc*' l if tin I «• • •tally Kej.1 m • Waning • l'u«a>k4 f««ll I ^i,„ ,, 4 lower t i* m » * «k m ar ftet » mantling officers say they would rather take their chances on an open bridge than to occupy one of the alleged "con ning towers.” Tho smoke pipe passes up through the centrr of th" tower and receives protection from it. The smokepipo Is utilized as a mart, and carries tho usual fighting top and signal yard. The top of the smoke pipe is 100 feet above the water line, and as the fighting top is fifteen feet below the smoke outlet, tho men at the lop guns ought not to suffer any discomfort from smoke. The bar bettes and conning tower rest on the main deck, which is two inches thick. The side armor Is continuous and has a mean thickness of twenty inches, twen ty-four inches amidships, tapering to sixteen inches at the ends. The depth of side armor is six and one half feet. Tho thickness of armor on turrets, bar bettes, and conning tower is twenty inches. The length of the vessel on water lino is 300 feet; beam, seventy feet; draught forward and aft, twenty and one-half foot; displacement, about 8, C0O tons; twin screw; indicated horse power, r. 000; speed, about thirteen and one-half knots per hour; coal capacity, 000 tons; main battery, four twelve inch and six four-inch guns; secondary battery, six six-pounder rapid-firing guns and two thirty-seven mm. Ilotch ki-s revolving cannon. The sketch represents the ship clear ed for action, tin boats at other times being stored on the superstructure. The presence of a superstructure amidships add.-, much to the comfort of a moni tor's crew and does not Increase her size us a target, as bridges and other gear would in' timber the spare between the turrets and give the enemy as good a mark as does a superstructure. This point is illustrated by a comparison of the Mlnantonomah and the Amphitrlte, tho former having no superstructure. The model of this design Is necessarily very full otherwlae the enurmuna ar- j mor welghva could not be borne The aU< n>'« of elght-liuh meant a *arnfl>e of ufl-nilte power, but there U * correaponttlng gam In armor pro* leiltou mil in general ataiptudiy The »tnp ran be >-•> turn an tied by one mm and handled by a amall rrew The de sign-r believe* this *tup, altbm.ah > staling not o*>-r ieu- third* a* mm h a* the Indiana and twdng mmh rhewpef to maintain, would be mare than a mateh fm the pride «rf the lloosler s at*. I ... I H* | IIleO I... tills*.. Atteht '« h*» been tllrttlxl tv Ih nitrehwnt tmamthip* that nre rlaaae-t * guaiHaiy tiuieeia in the naty. an wbbh ttsiild M fined wi In a »ho»; {•me ail ha to e«t»* nr..** rgerlltety at •:i umierie 4« -iraye?* or a* agnail> ttanap*. ta f »i the handling >f troop fh* gigitgtde *te»m*htpa that I Oil Id be ittlllaed by the gosethment no lid «*»» •tirwte g big Sent, and evpeil* belt*** that It would ypiit f grew'. any v he in * he **eni of *a- with ant -.*nnt*f y iientner* d the A *‘*tt i| line, tV St. Louis, the St. Paul, the New York anil the Paris, are the largest | ships of the number, and besides these j there are the steamships of the New ! York ami Cuba Steamship company, and the Mallory. Morgan, Red D and Panama lines. All of these vessels could be fitted oat and prepared for duty in a very short lime. They would be supplied with Buna of the Drlggs ! Scbroeder and Hotchkiss pattern, which are designed to throw a large number of small projectiles with great rapidity. Naval officers do not be lieve that all the available merchant steamships would be called upon to do duly as commerce destroyers. The/ believe that half a dozen of the fastest .11:DOR ADVOCATE MARIX. j (He Carried the Report of the Maine Inquiry to Washington.) ■ ones would be more than enough to wipe Spain's small commerce from the seas in a comparatively short time. The navy yard at Brooklyn could ar commodate ten large steamships at one time if it were necessary to fit them out at short notice. llorrorH of War. “War,” said the old colonel, ns be stirred his toddy, "is too terrible to 1 contemplate. It should not bo lightly •pokrti of *ir. It u t ,t»rluu», *ad affair. I have two grave* in Virginia - to* In Tmti* !..<■<■ and three In ken tu« kjr. and but fur war the nu n Who fill them would to- living yet"' Your ■on*. volultel ?' aaked the llatmer, I it ah awed lull" The colonel tueeml off hi> toddy neat, and at run ug bta gray beard raid "No. etr; m> *obatllut*». the brave uo u who fought, hi- I and rim o Hitmtsi |\ * H-- ng* l« I'll Hut Ui|i the IM . k**e>t bf t a - to dam I i t fur toe! Tb*a the lutvaer *!■ »h .1 a»d t • rvtd that ehivkr * a* Itotl n f-oa| * a l< !; war «f-yre lie **r These two words emphasize a neces sity and indicate a remedy. Sr itl no—the season when the blood is most impure as a result of the win ter's closer con (linemen t, higher liv ing, ulowcr action of the kidneys and liv-tr; when humors of all kinds, boils, pimples and eruptions are most liable to appear; when the weak, languid condition of the whole bodily structure demands and wel comes help. Mmucin*,—that to which the millions turn at this season Hood's Sarsapa rilla. The original and only prep aration especially adapted to the present needs of the human family; t hat w hieli makes the hlood pure and clean, as show n by its thousands of wonderful cures of dreadful blood diseases; creates an appetite arid cures dyspepsia, as shown by its “magic touch” in all stomach trou bles; steadies and stiengt liens the nerves, as proved by people for merly nervous, now calm and self possessed, thanks to Only those who have been relieved of great buffering can fully appreciate the gratitude with which the testi monials overflow written in • favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. .lust read this: “C. I. Hood & Co., Howell, Mam •‘(leutloiiK n ' lly fli t experience with Hood's Kanwparilla wax whe n 1 u eil it an a tonic and spring medicine. Hdidrnoxo much good my faith iu its merits became very strong. About two years later I had a running ire on my foot. Itdoveloped into erysipelas and affected the eutir# limb. At that time I was \ Very Much Run Down, ns I had been troubled with dyspepsia. Tlie drain on my system was so severe ami my stomach was so weak I became a ready victim of malaria. I feared I could never regain ray health. My stomach rebelled at the simplest food, and the medicines prescribed for me gave but little relief. 1 vent for a bottle of Hood's (sarsaparilla, and I had taken this medicine but three days when I began to improve. Continu ing with it, 1 am now hotter and strong r than I over expected to he. It has purified my blood anil given good circulation. 1 have had no return of my old troubles s(n e.” Mrs. W. Kane, Media, 1'is. Hood's I-'area par Ilia is Tho Medicine For You Because of what it lias done for others) because you ought 1 his spring to take that which will do you the moat good. _Amorim's < iron test Mivlioino. boon u so it Piiros when ail others fail. I5c* Karo to pot Hoods. Fond .Mother -Wonderful liow Ideas have changed since our grandparents days. Scarcely any one now believes In Infant damnation. nacholor Brother — Cmph! Tour husband doesn’t talk that way.”—Brooklyn Life. GAINED 22 POUND3 IN 3 WEEK3. From the Ily-Stander, ibn mb, lit. Alderman Louis W. Camp, of our city, has quite r.-toni-diod his fi icud» of lute. by n remnrkablegain In weight. Hehasgaincd 'i'i pounds in live wed: . Tim e of his friends who do not know tho foots t,e his sickness will read with interest tho fol lowing: •I was broken down n healthund ut’r.riy miserable.'' said Mr. t'amp to our reporter. " I was unable to work much of tho tlin. and •■<> badly attii ted with u form of stoma, li trouble that life was a veritable uightma' e. •1 tried various remedies. I.nt during tho six tn inths of my sickness l obtained no relief. I had always been a robust.benllhy man and sickness boro heavily upon me “About two years ago I mi . advised to try Dr. Williams' Pinbrillsfor Dale People. 1 purchased ono l«.x and received no much txmeftt that l u-.o I five more and wan entirely cured / gained twenty-two imiuiuU in Hi-r wee lot. Since I stopped taking tho pills I have scarcely had an ache or pom. Interviewing the Alderman. ' I)r. Williams' Pink Pills restored me to health and i most heartily recommend them.'' L. W. Camp on oath says tliut the fore going statement is true. W. W. Mki.oaN, Salary Puhttr. Following is the physician’s certificate I as to Mr. Camp’s present cotillion 1 am a regularly lio n-od physician of Macomb. McDonough County, 111. 1 have [ very recently examined Mr, 1, W.Camp a to bis general physical condition, ami dud the same to Is) ull that could be de.-dred.ap petite and digestion good, sleeps well, and lias all the evidences of being in u good physical condition. Sam'i, Rt.ssEld., M. D. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 80th day of September. 1-97. VV. VV. All:l.oan. Notary Public. A wife never hates to as); her hus band for money any worse titan lie bates to have her. ItfMUty 1.4 lllooif Dw*p Cli'.'in imuins ■«• *»*• .111 *.!»In Nohpmitv without it ' av'iiieis. * fttiiiy « itlmnu; , I'll IS V« lit hlouii . t mi k« • i>- M ' ••:*»*• h> III* • iWZ til* 11n- l.t/y livi*r tml drift ini; ;iil impti tit *• • - front t»• < !m> l% 11 .in to J.ty t«* lunu^.i : )il!'• |;It-s. I oil*. Iiloli'lic* l» i !:• t'K. ill* l I it vt h '-S<iy Itiliotis roinplt'vion uytVftiutf 11■ i % lusiitty ft r t*n -* i*t •• Ail lirujulstB, salii'it jrii:ir;ini« i,.l. i '• To find hi* place an 1 fill it u >-ur ceart for u man. Chc'i rnut'i fkilimn Iv the i.l.t*1 ♦ » 'm i? »■ « if * ro'fl n ickei tlian ai.yi i.tiiif t-lMt It »i* m!--v4>* r* l.*tji*». Tr» u C’ultivat" a spirit of Rrntltnie for daily merries. A airl's love affair ri '•> t it'it'ed when site has too netny rings fa her flow. * <►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ : Try Grain-0! : : Pry Grain ()! i J J A*k y,,u x*«t t ■ «L»y •** ’ w you 4 a]>u . ,■ >*f * ll.v l \ i». :it<4 »<• ,v r Ktd # < t drink tit i*. taU'**» 11. • i! k ' *•'.' « i0 ** . Y ]| Tb*«hd'lri*n i / «l i Jr <► injury m w«*ll a* t • »! i‘\ VI wh«» # ! ! tty it, hu It. CIU.VIN ‘I l it that x J | !. h i ml It .W1 of }\ • lift "T Jau, ♦ i » I* it i ; . lu l * i ... ;* »r* (jr,udv «'! l X < ( lb * * t • mu ft » r >•* .ft * t T T <>i « J | Hol l by ... i j;r«* r *, J i Twlrti Uke Cufi 'vJ J 4 Look* Uk« buffo* Z I *uv*‘ • 4U ktHO Z • Au-.,.- wu. 4 J •4f44#444444444444444H4 4 IT COSTS NOTHINC . luftoUUM | V* . lb i *#*.«! M lib II #iiW« r# <•&»*! |Mr ft ft*.#** oHt it Ibt* * H II Ml « ta l mi l I % lb, lit* I* «i * ft* »Wt Or. Kay's Lmrk Balm . . -j£L. KmT’. **:? ThWftW’ilp W«f. Forgive your enemies and conquer your aversions. Slur Tobacco is tuo I. brand of the world, because it is the best. Never argue on religion: our preacher is paid to au it foi v >u Colorado liohl l Colorado Is the banner gold-produc ing stale in tip* Fnion. Production ir. 1S97 over $20,000,000. This v.-ar prom b. .s tc exceed $20,000,000. New strikes arc being made every day No'hlug lik" since tlie days of 19. Would you know all about these things? Then send twenty-five cents for a .dx months' trial subscription to the ' MININC WORM)," an eight-page Illustrated weekly paper. Hcgulat subscription, $1.00 a year. The news test mining newspaper In the world Address "World," P. O. Box 1611, Den ver, Colorado. Life seems but a dreary ex-pants n the boy who has to wear his da l . made-over trousers. _ A«l( for Ail#nvr Foot M.tdf*. A powder to shake into your shoes. It Cures Corns and Bunions. Chilblains, j Swollen, Nervous, Damp, Sweating, I Smarting and Callous feet. At all ; Druggists and Shoe Stores, 2."><\ Sam ple FRICK. Address Allen S. Olmsted, ! LeRoy, N. Y. Yon can get Into some secret socie ties only hy degrees. Ftlncatc Your is<»u<-l* With Caiotreti. Cttixly Cathartic cure constipation f >rr*v«*r 10c, Ste. If C. C. C. fall, UrugKi-ts refutd money. ! Realize worrying Is an enemy which ! destroys your happiness. Curly-haired dogs have some excuse for snarling. NEVER CRIP NOR GRIPE. There ore lots of cotharticc, some liquid, lomo pill-iorm, some good, some bad, but you v/i’.l never use any of them ofier you'have tried v CINDY QITHIRTiC Candy Tablets C? Purely vegctible, r.\ nice to eat, so smooth and ea *y in their effect, so reliable, never failing to cause a perfectly normal operation, that they are guaranteed to Cure Constipation, A booklet and sample free for the asking, or you can buy a box for roc, 25c, 50c, at your drug store. Satisfaction guaranteed. Co Tho Sterling Remedy Co Chicago. Montreal. HewYork. un rn BAP • » md • 11 anti ed I > cure To RU IU OR’J icc* llai*it bf all druggist* »»rfy 1 a. lUo M>4*rniGS puts ANY AERMOTOItB EXCHANGED B FOR A ROLLERB BEARlNC.'>rt>*' B nln,, ,ver-f<..n(j, ovtlUttui,, powtt' .i .-j .l.m, UP-TO-DATE ’OG ■ 8 FT. FOR SC:it i.rlli, is It. B a bicycle, au'i lira m-i"'- like 31 i d rollers ‘to A rmofi.r i .n whin all "'her n m ■itefll v/indrulil bazhMM. ^B ** HC OL D A8 THE B 30DESI WHEEL. B •1 mu»r I but not wbeel^Bj MB ol-i <m« Iheo to »m ■ i'ry *• mo. tn Aerniotor. write for s>tor y FCR 30 DAYS MORE YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS. Rheumatism, La Grippe. In Better Health Than far the mw Past Fifty Years. Swanson Rheumatic Cura Co., Chicago. Dear Sirs- It is just about one year ago when I first ooiwuouccd u*:ug your “.'DROPS'* for Nervous, Catarrh In the, head and llroncbiti*. 1 was so bad that I c uid rot eat at all, In bed or anywhere else: my Nerve* w rs all in a quiver, and my Liver and K nlney k w* re a!l out of order; in fact. 1 was so hud that I ha 1 to raise up at bed from five to twc.v >• times In one night to gi t my breath and to keep from choking, but to-day I a mi heartier and in better health than I have been for the past iifty years. Oth- is are using it h> r • v. h w rulorfnl results and .still nn'recalling fjr It. V -urs tru y. GLORCiK VLAtiLR. Portland. Ind . I Vb. 17 1398. IT !S THE BEST RHEUMATIC MEDICINE ON EARTH. Mvnnsoii ; • .m,m r < lire « 1 ‘ u**». - I p** ..1 the chT.i:! r gJ:? i-n which ! neni t- i,. i *:. . t um-.r ^ t»K*»r • .»nd • • haven’, fell ho well f«»r ten ye-srs. ! ■ • r ikiud<e; ,.■< but tiav © n<*\ er found any t lilng t hat.has ilom* f**r iuo ulut DKOI*'*" «>• tr - . • .• • > t my in*. '% uia t > me ;r• <m Mi-tr .i ,tu>l In* hritut-t It vr <■ «*•«• I'ti v. f■ r lie thinks thero is n«» medieine on i ..rill like ••.“» l»KOl’>.” !!•* l.< leitii-' t r ! .e i-mi ik ••nly uwd . tor wivk » a ! ft hu> *t■ *»i»* *.v ■ !• !•< t• >r In.n Ih*. ea'ildn’t It*rut's* tit* hur»e* \% ub'iut aI.iIu,; du\v u a a-.:ii »«-r of .; »ie*. utul :t has I , the pain in hi* Mini'* MLS tiK<>. 11. IIDWH.I., MialTnr I. Yermuut. Fob. IS, U’fld. **'. prop ,r enrpM Phenmallstii.S« lath’.i.Netiralgia«I>.VHpepsla. Haekarhe. Asthma. I?ay f ever. 4 atarrh. >h * pleasne**. N ervou*u Nerv mi« and N«*urali:ie II e-tdas i»e* La» a cite, I out lie >die tleari \V eaku**M». 4 roup,.swelling. I.atxrippe, Alalaii. . Creeping N iiiaihnt**#. m THIRTY DAYS LONGER 1.7. SSmJME ZZZZZ'i 'ZZ ZZX Z \itVH v .V •!•>, , r. 1 tuiffle- . ; I >*• * *! »'.t '"M: •• N. r »old by ill U*: ,Ut». u.lljT UjT U» JU*4 our iu' \> i-ntH wanted m new errliory. Writs* in lo-dav. MYA iSoN fill! I tl.YTHi ( LKh l u., iOMU.i bmrborri niK'ACO. UiL r .. vjur responsibility has been cstjbiisnca by «.i years ot m 4 fair dealing. In buying a 3 Hartford - Vedette I You know your bicycle is dll that is claimed lor it. j» POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford. Conn. a O* »*•* In* trva. «ny j umk.4 •» ky imu ft* »+t ■ <*SH0 FOR I BISYCK a' -J