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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
VOL. XIV. H NEBRi KA NUMBER 60 Thk NoKn;vv i.sri i:n ; «r ^UBLlSlIEi) EVERY FRIDAY AT Till- COUNTY SKAT. I •— - i «.i. m A... • iiVO I,. f|l 14' lfOTF II. t I !|l.*ri HIM* iil.n. If \ l*ut»ll*h#r*» TKl'.MK *1 Ml I'Kil YKAH IK I'AII* IN AI>V A V • Kill*"- I hi tin* Lf> ip I’lty I* I'.iiiiT for Iran' riiimion through Ui» rnafln un wori'l rtttM iniitu r Official Paper Sherman County | Every pop paper in 'lie state; jumped -tradle of tint i,■ ■ - me court* DC- k with a scnlpm • knife in - ,ch band when Moore v liberated l>\ a decision banded down by the rep ublican part of that body, and not eoneurred in by Jugde Hullivun the populist member. We felt ourselves that Moore was receiving what lie did not deserve, after be had eon fes -d to keeping the money that belonged to the state, and they (the pop papers) asked, how long it would be until the arch tbief Bartley, would be -it free by the republican supreme court. They reckoned without their host, toast Friday their own, the apple of their eye, Judge Sullivan, the I. in* acid ate pop witli a halo, declares and makes known, that Hartley was wrongly prosecuted and should have h new trod We believe that the re publican* <Jid wion^ In actlirijf Mooru free und aaid mo, and now nwuft the «eboea from p< pdoiit, ut tbe nation of their infallible. 1, (M!i I News I mm /tiliton T VV. Sehaupp went to Omaha lust Wwines day afternoon on bu dm ‘‘Jimmy” Bower* wa seen on our street* Wednesday, C c Miles made a flying trl p to LIn* oIn on tin- If)lb. returning W<dh***du • .citing, If. SmoUor made Loup City and back by rail Tuesday Mr H. «L lilllebrandt, of St. Paul, was *©en in town Thursday, also Mr, Jam© Lang, of FarwHI the nun day W. M Smej o r trained' It to Loup City on the lf»th returning Wcdiie-’lftjr afternoon. Mr. W. C, Newman returned to Ashton from On u ou 1 i : von, Arhton 1* all right, we-e« that our Lumber Co 1 ho Iv1 - is >• ill t a ht /<; • • *l. Whereby their f ntiic I « i l.»; prote-led fr J Ihtf we.itht < Also < i\*W- rttbi« activity win noticed about the Fggor* building Satur day i "rn\m ami upon !n , drv found H.Smei ger a (*o, opening up a fine new line of harness. Tie new firm i- 1 •« m • </* d uy <1 t; M..* > on* of our rm'f ;/.'t ;<• tow/, .men. Protracted services are being held, thin week a» the Pre»byt«rlun church, b Ilev, Snowden While the attendance bus been light, the Inter ©si . erieouni,.'dug. More bike*! The latest are four of our la/ile*. Mr A N and J. K. Conklin. MrrK c Taylor ami Mr*. Fred Wlckman Wa expect to bear of Home record •, being broken. Oeo. Marlow began work at the harness whop of !i >m*i•*«'!• A ro. last Monday morning T N Bennett of St. Paul was In town Mon day VV. M Smelser made another trip to Loup City Tueaduy reiurlng W< dm *,day morning 1. C. U. Clmrel) >ollee*. Sunday March 27th 1K»K Services at the M K. Church, preaching “What to wear this summer 10;.’W. Kvcniag aubjecti “My enemy and hi desire’’ 7 ,.'to. The collection in the Sunday wchool will be * for Missionary work * mua and in Ip iis Services ut the Bapt ist church, next Sunday Subject in the morning will be Th* right of ownership. In tin evenir Tm-triple ( ou Tbe H, V- P. C will git* tin. ir monthly Cou Thursday in* March 31 v. at *, <i duck A very inter* ting program ha . be* u prepaied. the Hp* I'lul features of which will be a rouveraa tluu between MiHsiuuur;. amt ileathen Chinese Women Tea will be served. < mui*. Advertised 1.tiler 3.1st. Ttie following is a lui of letters remaining in the post utlice. at Loup City, uncalled for for the mouth ending March .’Uh DU*. J It Heard. Herbert lily. Juba W liooii An linker Marlon Uowerw. VV. A (leghorn Nu tl Drury. K S. Drake. Itormuu Krilag, Wi Gray. Mi-- Alin* Gray. Mrs Thomas Joi Molt Clouse Johnson Geo Johnson fa..I Ja* .iwtkl, Katiran T *> Kingsbury. Louis Kai/.enatvln James Murtnugh George Km itua VV H Kay. ami Mis* Laura Kauner Wlo uending for the above letter* plra*« -ft* adveriiaed Mrs L. i: WuWiMtH I* M fit# iiret In sh, naan t aunty. Iltst Ho V tstt Im*1 of having the first gradual lug class (row u»«- * mmuoti #buoii in the nutofy of after utau • onniy ft.* cim*in«mt ni * *’ « ■ » w*«v h» I «t Ik* * lu*»4 U — ul » « v* inn.. Match l» l«ns The It*-ms# Was p.v*k d nun lho*e lUU f eevt'4 in education nbotnitinL pa* tkcli iv-j v(M vt» to im . rv vv.,n$ tvfv ifDtnnd I iPtovs i t|MMU»Ul»n#*#oit.s «t4« d«Ki UMdius * j The talk.W.-.a* are tk ***** «f um u-*#j I kb--* v- 4s k * a*i v, H' t'v'l Mikiusia k L* *iU L*« i-Mi g: - ** *1 ‘ *ft*t *# t* < it Mftu. to# ♦* I* r# -4 f. ; • V. j 4,,. • I ** * V ' k ih*iea«i 4# fa, • 4 * ■■ *§ I desire to attest to Da' merit of t.'liamberhitn s (,'ongli H'lindy tc one <• f III'* ifio*| valuable an I 1 i!; ■ > i.i pi* paia. loll* <ol I lie III KI it, |i bloke an Xcri'il ingly dangerous cn .gb for me In 24 lonra, and in gratitude therefor. I dc lire to Inform you that I "III novel be iv 11 bout It and you stumbi fr< I pioud of die high rata m In w I., < ■ 11 your lb me He* ale held by people In gencril. Il l« lie one remedy am ; . ■ u ... Sucre-* to it 0 If I'-wucy. Ivltlor llcmoeral, Albion, led lor - ile by Ddcud dil Bio'* We are animus to do a little good in bla world and can fltii of no pleas lid or beric* 1 ay to do it Ibtth y re I’omeiiding Om- Mlun'i ( ' ugh Cure a* i preventative of pm iinio»la, consump tion and other mtIou- lung troubles that follow negleeti I cold-, hold by Od'-n lalil llro's. Iton't annoy <"h<*r« by your coughing »nd rick your life by neglecting a cold One Miou'c f.'nugli <'ui> cure* coughs add*, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles, Mr-, Stark, I'luti-anl Ridg\ <» , say*, tl'tcr two doctors gave up uiv boy to lie, I saved him fi«tm croup by mdng line Minute I on. ll (.'lire Jl Is lie piickesf. and must certain remedy fur rough-, colds and :il throat and lung trouble* Odcml: til 111 os. IIOW TO UNO OI.’T. Kill a bottle or common gla - with urine and let it stand i uty four hour*, it »edlm> nt or settling indie item anon tl' iiltby condition ol ilie kidneys. Whe 'nine stains linen it i evidence of kid , iiey trouble 'i o iipcnt b-ire (o' uiniulcor lei in II ' back s also con- ! vincing prool lliii itn* k In<■ ye ami1 lilnddt r lire out of or-l -r. w HAT To l< i 'I'i err I* cotillon in lU<- kliOWl Ml : ufn-n • xpres-ed, lli i |>i Kilmer' Swamp-Bool, lit" great kidney remedy j rulllili- eyiij m Ii hi relieving pain In: Hie Imi'k, kldio-y- : m-r, I adder ami every pul: ill It. urinary ; i«»agti. II ; rorrei |* inability t<> on .all ami Icshl in;: palfl III pa- in ' it, or hall rffrets follo'-Ing u*e of ll-pioi, w Hi" or le er, miff overtoil). * the iilipb'nsuur mei*s ity ul being ei.iuf.i I ■ i mi yet up main III.,e» during Hie flight to urlnaie, 'J he | mid and the «x'i•uorduuiry effect of. Swamp Knot I* soon ren zed ItMaml- ; lie highest fur it-- wonderful e.ij re* of. Hie most dialre>-»liiy n e . ft you need it li edlcliic yon should liavo ti. • best Sohl by druggr-c p tee llfty cent* ami 'me dollar You luay have a sample bottle anti phamphlet both ent free it-/ mall, on receipt of three l-vo cent it imp* to cover coat of pontage on the I bottle. Mention the Mokthwk*TKUN J iml send vour addri. to In . Klim r A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro pi le or of llii- paper gun the gen of this oil . i. A thrill of terror i- experienced when a brassy cough of croup sound* through lie- house a: night, Bill Ihe terror so-n change* to relief after One Minnie Cough Cure has been administered, b.ife and tmrrnlHss for children. Sold by Odembihl Hro" . IIkin* Notice. I will run a herd on my ran"" lb ret* and one half mile* south west of lamp City, for llm >' asou I I JS. comm uc-| ing May 1-t. Hates >1 o pi i ad, I' < i. ty of good w ..ler, sa: <' i week u l best ul cue given t<, tuck Those v i.-h j mg to e..v> tbeir can >• n mi e <• dur ing season, w ill plea . t me know , s .... .1. • - to. . . I ' — ■ r . Your* i■ in [ II. It. YrRNKH I .imp I’|ty Nr KOJt * A I ,K. Two bundled to ml i>l j,i 4 *'i'' ut I'nWi, nil III I a In 11 1 H'H|{lib|v,| bull*. Tbtdo i-utt t* rnn In* - ■ 1*1 oil Lilli*', to £00*1 rr»polo*ibi« in*'ii * liia Murk can br ai‘*‘ii ut l.oup i'ii) t i ih*' t'Jih of M iirli I alto have ••'tins ifn *1 btill> tor mlr t'brnp. A. M Tlo.s For Mii k -Tw#l?t» brad •»f milch mw* nml ritlv*'*, 'bn* o-nr old il*«r<, •ini thirteen brad til bnlrn mol »frrra, t my farm »ix mill * northr«*l of Loup i'll! I l> OaMtUOR. Fob d4l*k— A U'***4 hour* and baru With six 1*4*. ci!*|'i n of. ■Vl l Mi ' \Md, Ohio r. I.t *i \ i * ndu mo fra elm It. on • *•>* vt* of 1,0 I I |l, (I MW l l»l* ■>».' ... ltd. m*o 4 jhm f 1 % Mm $«»4j 1 15111 arc A CAR LOAD OF FURNITURE. A hi.00 t.»d .'i ! for h 1.75 A rent kite!) i ' Ii'. i foi tOct*. A ii 60 O *k do : !.i1 I". Inr 1.50. I f'Oi: laid" f i ! I V‘,'1 2.00 A i.sO ui.dtic., for •>.',0. A ii.oo lu ll ii11ri■ f r l.5o. A f>i i itiful lioi k.i; -i' jiiul writing ]■ fin iij.oo wmiii i 2.30, .; / ir i' I.ii fi win I 1 00 up. I i Mow,'iii'li, Wlji'O ml New {Jome. A No H, took ftloto for 11.60. ',l! iftorwog ni 1 s at i!ir low sat prii't-H. l- 'ii \> ■ ■ : 'I Lump g' in.; ■*, all kinds md print*. Ourtleri sued* in imIk law stock iiiwt in. A Ann IiimJ room suit for 11.75 Worth 14.Off. Mh'i'I Hour pot-- f< ) raising soed lii'^s, . I 5 per do/, ii. A .' iic) for i. lit.i: line of Pianos Biiil organs. About April 1st w shall have it tin ■ of sampli k [u ■■• ■ ui iug a stock of ikiuO,oOO.OO of carpets, eheDille and lari'curtaiiiH, ru.M tablecloths, CO. Otr I'm II.< fJOOD.' m .i !lit lJIU<'KS <••.11 ■ : 1 .1- t:s ami >iTl n i«« the pi n i be BRICK STORE, K II. \V VTKtN.'IIN I’m,.. ai t ie South Went Corner of (tie htjuure, I.mI V HTVt * S’HillAbK A »< ft'- ■ It to ihaltr* I* 1 - i. At li' u« ttsw, any < :•» ; I 1 - ; ml* i>( |M l ‘ St lit »1 ■( t.t m )tkU* |uf It* ' FREE I,T *& I. I • , :.*ul |>mi »t>aw . I hi« |: i .’«<!*• .t. : • « „> 1) . it ,s(/ . 1 * .. . . . . ..... . Hi _ ___ _ jj l ! '0 : i fnim.Hli a '.thing \ u v nl in ; iie win of ^ Farm Machinery 1 Call early ami make your selection - To ) to r.M REEDS* I i|,.- i neait winl ug in tl»«' Him of '/4 ; ui ,■ iw Mil Plows, Harrows 1 'liij \\|» I \t Hi Si HV or \UI* KInor. >0 te i l.irilnur . M ft fljj I - ^ i i i *4# t W \M».* 5 Vo( |t> KUH HAMOAIX*. t M HKlUi. & fiix'fri. «» •. --n -nl, ‘fO:»*vrn'"i mi i; _