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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1898)
AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. Wc arc omening In the coart* our right to tho exclusive use of the word ' ('ASTORIA, and •'PITCHER SC ASTORIA.' as our Trade Mark. I, br. Samuel Pitcher, of llyannis. Mnssuchu nett*, was the originator of ‘PITCHER'S CAS TOKI A," the same that ha* borne and doe* now bear tho fuc-sirnile signature of ('HAS. II. FLETCHER on every wrapper This It the original "PITCHER S CASTORIA" which has bccT used in the home* of the mother* of America for over thirty year*. Look carefully nt the wrapper and f?ce that It 1* the kind you bnvc always bought." and has the signature of CHAS H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. So one hu* authority from me to use my name except. Tho Centaur Company of which Chat li Fletcher in President March 8, wj7. sami; ll pitcher, m. d. Most meh fall In love about a doz?n times when they are boys, thro* limes ■while they aro at college, and after that as often aa they get the chance.— New York Pro vs. — For some time the Malt I morn and Ohio Southwestern Hallway company haa been experimenting with crude oil for kindling Urea In locomotive*, In place of toting cord wood, and the re* milts obtained have been ao satisfac tory that It will hereafter bn used on the whole line. During the month of Knvomiinp 1 U07 ri t thn wmirm n v’m The city of Florence will on May :3 commemorate the four hundredth birthday of Hans Holbein. The Port ugese also will celebrate in May. with magnificent fetes, the fourth centen ary of Vasco da Gama's discovery of : the cape route to India, which oc | cur red In 1498. exactly six years after . the discovery of the new world. On June 29 there will be festivities In Ancona In honor of Le ipardl, one of the greatst poets Italy has’produced, who was born there in 1798, and on August the centenary of Jule* Miche let, the historian, will ho celebrated by the municipal council of Paris with appropriate meeting* and ban quets. Custom* Cun*** Hrcldcd, Thu general appraisers of goods passing through IhuCustotn House have made*e\erul deelMloiin lately whirl;, uni II passed upon hy . the Herret ary of the Treasury. will hold got mi ! Hut while there Is stability In I hut quarter, no system fulling In strength rati Imj properly sustained without, the aid of Hosteller * Momueh Him rv a genial toiilr mill remedy for malurlu, rheiimntlsni. dyspepsia, eon nil* put Ion and hillousii*. mm. If an up-to-date girl Is prensed to toll a man she love** him who lets him keep right on pressing. Creweeut Hotel, l.ureku ‘spring*. Ark. Open* March 1st In heart of Ogark Mountain*. rdimate mild mid bracing, weiiery wild and beautiful (Tnequaled ■shops, which ure located at Washing ton, Ind., and Chllllcothe, Ohio, 1,220 fire* were started with crude oil at a cost of $17.32, or 1.41 cents per fire. To have started the same number of flreb with wood the eost would have Jieen $306.00, or 24.90 rent* per fire. This represents a saving of $288.68, and Is very satisfactory. A lluioUonin tlcitil raprr f'uHer Slid Hook Murk Combined. Kent free of postage under sealed (ov en* on receipt, of ten cents In silver or stamps. The latest, best and most servtceahle adjunct, to cverv library and office. Address Ceo. It Heafford. 410 Old Colony Hulldlng, Chicago, 111. (l*« r ' •nn't look for v bankrupt at a < bar ► HOUp-bouBC. That’s where? his vic tims congregate. Ilciiuty In IIlood Deep. Clean k>l«x»«l inrun* .1 clean xkln. No beauty wii limit it. ('linear* tn. Cundy < 'uthurtfc *•!• ami your blood and keeps It by ••lining ill) the \:t/y liver and driving all ‘inpurlib** m»m tlm body. lb-gin fo-day to hanu4fi pbnpn* IioIIh, bloU'lic*, blncUlicu'W. and that Hl< kly billon* complexion by inking Cahmirels, l4Mtily for fen rent*. Ail <lt ugglf*tf», »atl«fa'’ tlon guaranteed, PV. tt.V\ flOc. Why are borrowed fekatea co easily , l/roken? Why don’t they have buffet cars on I a train of disasters? Htar Tobacco in tun 1. ..ding brand of the world, becauiu.* it is the best. Why Is the sole of a sled called a runner when it merely slides? I'lso’s 4'ure for Consumption has saved fne large doctor hill. -f" 1, linker, 4*224 lit fjent H<|.. I'lli adelpliia. I'a Ho* 4, 14.15 ---■ Why does a gun always fail to do good execution v/hen it bangs fire? III• ■ I M i IIII1 UIIU'M, 15-V'lll 'Hill I II lli‘ . Hi rough sleeper*, vln Frisco Line. Aildre** Manager (Tec,cent, Kurcka Spring*, or (leo, T. Nieholson, (i. I’ A., Frisco Line, Kf. Louis, Mo. In the United States and Unnuda there ure 96(1,094 Odd Fellows and 827 395 Free Masons. Laplanders are swift, and graceful skaters. They often skate 150 miles a day. Mother <irny'n Sweat ('owner* lor Children Successfully used by Mother Oray, nurse in the Child run'* Homo In New York, Cure Feverishness. Had Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Dowels ami Destroy Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. Thru timer fail, At all druggists, Tic. Sample FULL. Ad. Allen S. Olmsted. Lelioy, N. Y. The parchments of the best banjos is made of wolfskin. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take! u-ran/* Candy Cal hurtle. )Ucor2'io. IfC.c.C, fall toetirr druggists refund money. Two ounces of unmelted butter are as large as an egg of medium size. From llnhy In the High Clmlr to grandma In the rocker Graln-0 Is good for the whole family. It Is the long-desired substitute for coffee. Nev er upsets the nerves or injures the di gestion. Made from pure grains it is a food In itself. Has the taste and ap pearance of the best coffee at 14 the price. It Is a genuine and scientific ar ticle and is come to stay. It makes for health and strength. Ask your grocer for Oratn-O. fine cupful of wet or dry materia! Is a half a pint. | Houghs I *• (hat kill ar« not distinguished by any mark or sign from gj coughs that fail to bo fatal. Any cough neglected, may sap £2 M the strength and undermine tho health until recovery is gj impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. £2 B9 Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral ('ures Coughs. gjj •• “Mylittlo (laughter wan taken with a distressing cough, gfij which for three yearn defied all tho remedies I tried. At gj § length on the urgent recommendation of a friend, I began to gj give her Iir. Ayek's ChEBBY PECTORAL. After using ona gj bottle I found to my grea. that she wan improving. JgJI ’ Three bottles completely cured her."—-.1. A. CRAY, Trav. pS •• Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co., St. Louis, lie. gj| h Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral g m Is put up in half she bottles iS m at half price • • GO cents M -A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE*~ FUL OF SHAME.” CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I If you are interested ami wish to • A mi clt t> t t!.. t.. i.l 1 u A a <-* the Yukon Valley, when to go T X roul how to get there, w rite (or a X ▼ LW. riptivc I older rtr.ij Map ol Y ▼ Ali ka. It will he %<nt free up. n y A .[ip tea'.ioti to t*. A. tlRAUY, F A X . ir urn Manager t H. ft Q, It R., X X ilUaia lies r. I I.I. go, Z ► I uu air consupairu. Wo tell you what IO Case a rets will do. You buy a doltar'a THIS worth two jot aAiaanp m boxea, two months SQUARE ? treatment, and il ■ they don't do what — we xay they will You Sot Your Dollar lack. SLca*wta CURE CONSTIPATION. Th# moit mof.twwus Uultw, la itifi la t«t,M iinlls tfl KtiOA, MW £ftp*» •fltKttvt, Ial4 A Ail" »M • *4 «•«»<« A*t M U4 o«k*«|. M MOW t«A IM* • • I* fetf* *V !•* *1 M-* 4ooa fwM>W4 U TM ftStotOAf H**o4t fi fini|i ImY^I ROTOSiS*. / .i ..1 DROPSY I im V *• »un <»u> L FEROCIOUS WILD DOGS. Hrroutlng m IVnt V.oni; Hip llnrilpp of Arlxoita mul Npw Mfilco, From the Cincinnati Enquirer: Hol brook, Arlz., Special. John Bargeman, Under Sheriff of Navajo county, ha returned to Holbrook from an extend ed trip through the mouutainH along the border of Arizona and New Mexico bringing a tale that wild dogs are creating havoc In that region among cattle and sheep. The dogs have been known for only three years, first mak ing their appearance In a small band in American Valley, In western New Mexico, They have increased wonder : fully, and are now found over a broad stretch of country, despite the efforts of the cattlemen to exterminate them. | The dogs average about 100 pounds' ; weight. They have the head and shoul | ders of a bulldog, but the build of a timber wolf and wolfish characteris tic*. In color they arc ashy gray, with long black hairs Interspersed. Like coyotes, they are little afraid of rna.t, and will follow horsemen for mil's through the timber, not hesitating to attack footmen. They occasionally visit ranches, and many Instances arc known where domestic dogs have Join ed the bands. The dogs secure their food by killing sheep und calves, and even full-grown cattle arc known to have been pulled down by them. Colls are their especial game. Thomas Al ger, a resident of Nutrloso, Is responsi ble for the statement that animals hit ten by the wild dogs, If not killed by them on the spot, die within a few da <s with all the symptoms of strychnine poisoning. He cites an Instance when he was able to verify the local Impres sion to that effect. Ills house dog w.m set upon by several wild dogs, Alg r drove them away, and the dug appear ed little the worse for his battle. Vet the animal died In two days with all the signs of strychnine poisoning. The tinnier dogs are continually getting fiercer and bolder, and the residents <if eastern Apache county are organizing 1 to hunt them down. three hours of courtship Kittualn ICsperience or » Connecticut Couple Alii* » Quick IlceUlim. Chicago is reputed to be a city of quickly married people, but few of them eau hope to outrival John Kn gel of Poquonoek and Catherine Barck ley of Olastonbury, Conn., who were j married on New Year's eve after a j courtship of three hours. It is the fifth marriage of the bride, and the bridegroom, who was married once be fore, is the father of nineteen chil dren. Three of the previous huslianus of Mrs. Kngel are dead and she obtain ed a divorce front the fourth. She has no 'hfldren. Kngel Is 59 years old. while his wife Is 55. The couple met by accident on Friday evening, when Kngel, who Is a shoemaker, closed up his shop and went to make a call on the village harbor. Mrs. Barekley, who had resumed the name of her third husband after her divorce. Is aunt of the barber and was a guest at his house. Kngel anil Mrs. Barekley were mutually attracted, and after a short conversation he suggested that they should get married. Mrs. Barekley was willing, and they started at once for the residence of the local minister. He was not at home, but that did not dishearten the couple. They boarded an electric car and after a ride of four hours reached the home of Rev. K. 0. Tree, pastor of the Congregational church at Windsor, who at once per formed the ceremony which made them man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Engel dispensed with the fonnaltles of a honeymoon and after their marriage went at once to Mr. Engel’s home.— Chicago Chronicle. Thalr Author. The publication of a little posthu mous volume of poems entitled "Vox Humana,” the late John Mills, ought to set at rest the question of the au iiiuiniii|r , ««. i' am, uuc Ul lUC Ulr thors—of the simple epitaph: *'His work well done, His race well run. His crown well won. Here let him rest.” which was placed over the coffin of President Garfield and over that of the Duke of Clarence. Mr. Mills. U seems, wrote the lines in 1878 as an epitaph for his brother, and, never I having published them, was much ax ! tonlsbed to find them mentioned In the uccoitutx of Garfield's funeral. On Inquiry it was found that the American copy, which differed sllithtly from Mr Mills' poem, hail been translated from a Katin version, which was, In Ps turn, a translation from an Kngllsh London Chronicle. CURIOUS PACTS. Next to our grape wine It Is believed | that Japanese sake, ur rice wine, Is the | oldest alcoholic beverage known to j man, Its use lit Japan dating tan k ovei 2.000 years. The completion uf Commonwealth •venue extrusion makes • cun* I ; llnuous avenue ISO feet wide from the 1 I'm Idle Garde ii> to the Charles river la Newton, II II miles. France has set up about three bun j died monuments tu more ur less dD ! ttugoisbed Frenchmen during the last twenty Ate years, and there ars auw It? committee# collet ling money lu« more A IllMutt# prepsralttMl of etesl, mad* la the snm* manner ns ih# so t sited mineral w«ui by passing sn air Matt . through molun stool. Is coming into I oso fur t leaning polishing ate,, Instead uf sandpaper Wales m Ih* richest part uf (treat j ttmain in mineral wealth Fog lead . produce* anauatl) shunt |ta in sash 1 at»# dtoiiaud a Halts* leas than IIS hut I ha product at A sia* amount* to I avsr |ia par sera, A VIGOROUS BATTLE. f'rum the. Xnr F.rrt, (Sreennhurg, Md. The following is n straightforward staio limit of finds l»y a veteran of the late war. No eomiade w ill tired further proof than their friend'* own woids, as here given. Sipiire John Castor. of Newrpoint. Ind.,ia the nnnntor. and an honest, ro<p#del niti /•n ho is too. He said ‘*1 have been troubled with rhe umatism in all my joints, eversiuee I went to Hu* war It was brought on by iny ©xpomre there. It earne on mo graifuoirv and kept getting worse until I was unable to d<> any work. I trie I sete al phvrieians, but they did me no good They • aid my trouble was rheumatism result ng iu di-« ase of the In art and that there was no eure for i* Nevertheless I had lived an I fought the dbease for thirty > ears nidlil not intend to die, *tui| lv b« e fn-e they said 11 j ti iiih uj n««ui iu i iiiii. I must. mi 1 limited up Mime remedies for myself, nnd finally happened on Dr. YVil liatiiH* Pink Fill* for Pale People. I a*k« 1 some of my neighbors about the medicine, for it hud I een lined by several p< r*oiiM In the community, and they rooommen fed it very highly. I procured a box. The pill* help <1 in** right away. on.I I continued faking them. I eommein ed taking them la-1 fall, oml lini*he I taking the sixth hox n few month* ago. 1 am not bothered with the rbounmtixm now,- the me Heine him i tired me. I can mo*t certainly recommend Dr. YY'llliom*' Pink Pill* for Pale People.” These pill* are not only good for rheu matism, but ore valuable for nuy dmeae that or M'*m from Impoverished, or bad blood. 'I bey do not act on the bowel*. If you would know what your friends *ny of you when absent listen to what said of others In your presence. C'an»<llun l.oan Companies (Jetting Money on Mortgages 'Thai Hail Been Written HIT. Probably In the history of the con tinent there never was such a title of prosperity enjoyed by any country as the Dominion of Canada Is being fa vored with. Tnat portion of Canada known as Western Canada Is attract ing thousands of people, who are seek ing homes on the arable lands of that new but rapidly developing country. Possessed of exceptionally good rail road jixIvOfjfei .I,,! best school sys tem In the world, churches In every small settlement, while In the towns and titles all denominations are rep resented, and with markets In close proximity to the grain fields, most of the requirements for a comfortable ex istence are met. The development that is now taking place In the min ing districts gives ail Impulse to agri culture, and gootl prices, with good crops, bring about a state of affairs that the crowded districts of more populous centers are taking advan tage of. The Associated Press dis patches a few days since had the fol iowing telegram: Toronto, Feb. 4.—(8peclal.)—Loan companies that made advances on Manitoba property years ago report that the returns from the west during the past three months have exceeded expectations. One company has taken from Manitoba over $20,000 interest, and discharged mortgages, many of which had been written off a year ago. Directors of leading lean companies are taking a greater Interest In busi ness of their Institutions, and are In quiring into many properties on which advances have been made. The climate in the western provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, Assinibola and Saskatchewan is excellent, there be ing no healthier anywhere. The Can adian government is now offering spe #•1:41 infhifpnifntH for t.lip pneouraee ment of settlers, and they have their agents at work throughout the United States for the purpose of giving in formation and distributing literature Among those going to Canada are many ex-Canadians, who have failed to make as good a living as they ex pected in the United States. Me is far from home that has none lo go to. No-To-H»c for Fitly tint*. Guaranteed tobacco Imbll cure, make* weak men ftlroug, blond pur** Ail druggist-*. Thackeray and the late Dean Lid dell were hoys together at ihe famous Charterhouse school, and they sit next to each other In the form ihe boys of which were culled the "Km r 111." No one was prom tied till* form who could not repeal from mem ory the Kclogues and the (ieurgle*. This feat was accomplished by Lid del. hut not by Thackeray. In giving these reminiscences some years ago at the speech day of the Oxt >r*l hoys' high stbool, Ur. Liddell add*d that Thackeray accused him later of hav ing been the Uohhlti who wrote hi* Latin verses for him. an Impeachment the ileau would not own, though Ik* admitted that totlld no have written them him*-If With ref* retire to the * c1’ arils which fm m*-*t the subject of a r* - ttc turnover, A I*" write* that an old woman of eighty, who I* still Inins •ay« that w. ’ti she was a girl of stg let ti a pane of gluts wav taken toil of A window in ihe ptifsh t hurt h and applied t*s her chest as a cute for ague, THU Is the non« tn'erewting tv If lllustrgtas so neatly the <d-*s-*al twatim umila siui.l bus rttsniu -— pane cure* pain — l.**t**l**n Utuiw. «# hi t fu- PATIUbm -bftMhN>fcft44>*§ taftlnr i|m ft Mp4 a-««i4>» ft ft. If • f»«*l CM* HM*4|tCl ftb«l| Nl* »•» |MM« fw ft • « MM+ftft* iftttvt I to » ialnii rftftW^wil la* HftK | bft-4# MmIMMNH by yiM*' M *** i* *t- n i*lt -.ft **>« • 4. !»<«». -t ft tit siy«*i in# » *SK» ift ftM ***■!» Im i».ib*.»'■*»- itv py )ftt■ -4w % » *n»*|nWb- » W> ftnA* 'i • bftf* m—n mi-* * * » «i< f ftf» »•* |c.f |*b» 1 »*». wb-elk **• 9**(fftui iu t *»•*** My yy-t My##«kfty U* ft* *44 • *»%*»*** lit Vtll*1 l«t#vift«yi ft# - %ft «|I ft 4 J AlttVl bi-w ft % *" If a girl I* pretty ami unable to mar • be is a ma(< nisws bew-d) Editor: "I cannot e nsider yottr runt rl lull ion; you have no reputa tion.” Poet: "Ah?” Editor: "Yes, go and impose on two or three lets’r ed itors, and then I'll talk with you.”— | Detroit Journal. Don't think that because love Is j blind that your neighbors are troubled j w‘th optical lllluslons. “ Worm It* Weight In Oold.” “I nin nn old Indy (1/ your* old. I have ' been troubled for ”u yenr* with constipa tion, Indigestion mid sleepless night*, but store Inking Dr. Kny'* Itenovntor I inn sleep like a child and nm not troubled in tlio least with the above name I disease*. Your Dr. Kay's Renovator is worth ils weghtin gold.” Hlgned Mr*. I> A McCoy, 711 Ho Bi'tn Ht.. Omaha lie. Knv's llano valor nnd also |)r. Kny'* l.uiig llnlin linve noe pinl If you have any disease write us and give your yinptom* mid our pliysi clan will sen I Iree advice rind a valuable •i* page book with Mi recipes and giving | symplcins nnd vnrloll* method- of trent ! niont of nearly nil dlscnse*. Will also send a free sample of Dr. Kay 's Renovator or | Dr Kay's Dung lialin. Addre s Dr. It, J. Kny Medical Co., (Western Office j Omaha, Nets Don't lodge by Appearances. The girl with u sailor hat probably never taw a rowboat. Don't Tobacco Spit and Sap's* sour Lit* Away. To quit tchuero easily nnd forever, lot mng aeilc, fall of life, nerve nnd vigor, take No-To Itflc, the wonder-worker,taut makes weak men strong. All druggists, W>e. or SI furegunrun teeil. Hook hr and sample free. Address Sterling Uemotly t'o,. f.'looagoor New Vurk, Don't Dust a woman's tears. Tt’s ONE ENJOYS Both tho method and results whet Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared onl y from the most licaltliyaud agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for ule iu »u cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. 8AM fHAMCMCO, CAL. aiumviiu, At. new yohk, M.r. 1 |#HrtALLT^I if Vegetable Sicilian I HAIR RENEWER ■ U*e it before your hair gels thin I ■ | and gray. Use it now, to pre- ml U vent baldness; to remove m 2. dandruff and post- > I CLOVER SEED :i : I -it t K1 t n row i i of t lover 4. ’in Am*rl<*. MW a< n «. « nirllrns* Mixture last 4 > a lifetime. >l« aU ». *«>» n In April w|ll tflve a4[ > runsittu nop In -Inly. I'li'i" «IJrl «'Ji«'*p. Main 49 > moth catalogur ant! II pkur*. fir**’ and drain*, (9 I fretjf/.r 10c posiai-eai.d this notlet Cat uloguw&t', ( ► uom A HAIMU 10., uirsar. Mis. »*.«•. ( > mvwtwwtwwtwl riPPRA Gardin & Flower HB with worJd-wido 1 3 H-. Wt_liM SLM ri.MMjration. CatnJoK * * * ^ ^ frrr IAMESJ. H. CRECORY & SON, Marblehead,Mats. .. ■ 1 "■ » N. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 9.-1898. Kiteii Answerin'! Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper. Why don't sailors use eat boat-, dur ing a squall? Bmoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for Beta, Why can't ono tan the bids of a ilog with bark? Hflnrat* Your hnwiil* filth Cancarfla. Candy Cathartic* cure constipation forever. I0c,25c. If C.C.C. fail. drungisU refund money. I tier nature to weep wnen ttne wants her way. It Keeps flic left Win in and It'S Anil la the only cure for Chilblains. Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allens Fool-Base, u powder to be shak n Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo Stores, 25e. Sample s tit FltlCB Address, Allen S. Olmsted. Bi Koy.N.Y. Don’t think because a horse Is scratched before the race that he !s afflicted with a cutaneous disease.— Chicago Dally News. I'ulnit Olllcii lli*|»ort. On the 5th day of Feb ruary, Honorable C. II. Duel I, of Rochester, N. Y., entered upon his du ties hs commissioner of patents. The new com missioner will find an able assistant In Acting Commissioner A. P, (5r<o ley, hut there will prob ably he no Important changes at least for the present. Amongst the peculiar patents Issued last week Is one for a speed wagon1, the box of which Is shaped like a cigar, front and rear, by means of which the operator hopes ( to make better time. Another pent- , liar device Is a stoeklng to the bottom of which l» secured a flexible slipper. Sues ft. Co„ Omaha, have just, issued a new inventors hand hook, Including some 100 Illustrations which may he obtained free upon application. In ventors desiring information as to the I law and practice of patents should ad dress Sues ft Co., registered patent lawyers. Bee BAIIdlng, Omaha, Neb. If men are always juuged by their company it is pretty tough on some i men w..o are alone. (,'of'a C'oiiirli IIiiMana Is (hr oldrgt ari l liett It will I/hhk op • ro’d fj'il-kei than anythin* It In alwayn reliable. Try it. If a man tries to teach a pretty girl to ride a wheel he has a good, steady Job. TO CUBIC A tUtU IS ONK HAT. Take Laxative Hrouio Quinine Tublcts. All Druggists refund the money lilt fulls to cure, ittc The child wiii laugh and cry; the youth will primp and sigh; the man will twist and lie, and all will groan and die. . ... ■ III I»lll I'»w—W—.«»—»HHH— W —I III— W—» WtW "III IIM A D I I Kl IH I Bunch all the worst pains in I 1 IIM A bUnivili a lump like this: f ! RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, j I NEURALCIA, LUMBACO. | | use ST*. JACOBS OIL '’separatelV'surely, quickly. J M i wtni«-»m—»iii"«»h«—wi—mwi—m—ww ■ m ■■ m—»m—»«««— GUARANTEED TO CURE lung nnd tlirun11 rouble*. Bend tor proof of it It decs uot tfltken or dUngice with tiu; stomach. Bufc /or all ugc*. Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm. Write u*, giving nil symptom* plainly ami our Physician will give Fit kk AhVlt L, »• • page book or ^ hold by DruggiM* t*r rent by mall, ret tpe* nntl a I 1C I K SA-MrU). " P»»ic, I© t cut* ami ii.1 cent*. Addrr.s Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., iW«tern Offic* Omaha, Neb. imnraPBri immu yfahk am ^n—ppasriwui inilepentlcncehiua* *ureii If you taki up your home iu Western •'auailu, t lie In mi of plenty. illu»tr*tetl puiiipliletii, ific'iof expert euee of farmer* who liuve Ik-i-oiiii wealthy In growing wheat, report* ol ih-lvifutev etc . umt full Information a* to retlin-eil railway rale*, can l>« hail on application to l>e|iaiiiiient Interior, Ottawa, * anaila, or to \V V licuuett,! X. Y. 1.1 fa liulUliujf, Omaha, X«li, Ayerti for i atia-llun tiovernimut. UN. McCREW U »P* ulit SPECIALIST PMITtOiSUSI! i MEN ONLY i leer*, it*mwant. I • > « «,, » i ■> ■.*..« >♦ ' a »•"*«* »n OMAHA, Hit. Colorado for Consumptives. **THrr* U in> iH'llcr j.lmv mi >*arili for .uffrrrr. from inilitmttar) irotifilo linn ih> KutWru |»lktl.-t.rt of (Hr Um'Wy Moiiulaiu* U.UM ItMiwtf*In ^ril. di r ■ Mt/tuim* I worn. n.o.l woUtitt* ml tmtiiM* th*.! llo* itlMi Hurt. i*l I * * «« Mt h«4 lt| 1 t tmo'lt. U.H.I.I I'w.<>*v l \ fnmt _ ihoth*. '.h IttlAMV .1 |t . . o or* *•< ’RfISNT Ml® . * .... i ... . h, . t iii.'M • *•.>.« ». th» rtj It.MlII. M««4I«4 I OtIOl t •«•.*«« t *■ opium nrvi w V* IVm ...