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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
Loup VOL. XIV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBR KA. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1808 NUMBER 60 The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. UEO. K. 11KN SC HOT KM, ( Kdltor* iin.l UKO. II UII1SOH, t Fnl»ll»lmri TKBMH:—Sl.on pkh ykait ir PAin iwadvakc i Entered ut the Loup City Contofllec for truns mission through the matin an necoml t lu»s matter. Official Taper Sherman County The Treasury statement from Washingbon D. C. for the past month shows a very healthy condition ol Government finance, and proves that (the Dir.gley tariff will do all that has been ever claimed for it. At the present time there is $ 170,000,000 in the gold reserve, and the time seems to be about ripe for the cala mity howlers to again point to the dangers of a large surplus as they did eight years ago, and by which we have not been troubled since the success of the democrats in 1802. The treasury report for the month past shows as follows. Receipts from customs $14,430,715 a gain of $3, I ivpA n A/i .. tl,/. oamn noflfwl I >( ^ fcuvj vvv v » i ’ ■ ■ last year, and the increase of inter nal receipt* over last year is $564,000. The excess of expenditures over re ceipts for the first year of the present administration exelusivo of PaaifU K, It. payments, will be about $-'4 000,000 as compared with a deficit of #47,000,000 for the first year oi the last administration. From the present outlook it is believed the surplus for inarch will aggregalt about $5,000,000. Thus it is seer that the Republicans as ever make good their promise of better tiinei and an assurance of Dot issuin': bonds for the running expenseofthi Government. President McKinley seems to hi persuing the same wise course it dealing with Spain, that has be.:; the policy of our Government aim i the deeiaraiioii of independence, am one which even his political enemim can but applaud. It has always beer the sentiments of the United Statei to resort to war only when all othci OFF/' /.f n no.winfiil nntn in hull fnilmil and the honor of our country wa; trampled upon to such an extent tha forbearance bad ceased to bea virtue * The revolting of the colonies froa the gauliug yoke of the mother count \ ry, was resorted to only after th< tyranieal George the III. had heap ed indignities upon them that wer* unbearable to liberty loving people In I8i2. Great Britain again under took to make life not worth living u |l the people who bad once defeatet her. The news papers of Englant boasted that “for several years tha country bad been trying to kick tin United Stated into a war but oouh not” and like all insults this one hat to come to an end, and when it did f Great Britain was at the feet of Bro ther Johnathan. Agaiu we seem to bi brought face to fane with another m eoleut nation that has an idea thu * thrashing Unsle Sam will only be i * breakfast job. In this McKinley ha persued the same wive policy of show ing to the world that this grea nation will not engage in mortal com bat uidess there ia no other reaorl but to quote the President# uwi wonts to Gen. Powell tU other dat is proof enough iha' bis palioU/e i well uign sxbiiidstl, In* said '‘lb* he was oatv waiting f'*r a aoutpl. i reiHitl of tin' 1141 al leittfd of loqtler* and should it report that our aalh't |«ad met their death through Spain I treaclien, be was prepared to act i rU'"i aud in a iushli<4l whleh W *u* aril the approval of ever) lo|al A I'luits. I lie I'li sideltV b his cool , aim ilib' .-rat us, I* plot ing Uintstlf ll*o tight i**4*i IU |i, »t pi »ve, the IM4U I r the • gsuvt, and wUeii tb* time ,-*.««*. j It ever ilur*, the A atari' *u p* p> * Wlit «,t It *1 II ' « ' ‘P,'*»i*l ».l aut*. i*ut 14« msi r* reared l.o litlh aud H- >“*• , >« »u , Wi!: . . ilt-otet It u> tt It* ts dead stud U> jt**tg«aut aa*#r»» ttaalf, tl hi* wotth a* a *»a** ♦%*» *hfc*» in ,.*!,** is a lima a til Mr pun tt* o •• vuiue which is witheld by many citi- j zensof Nebr. today for the reason only, that their prejudice is allowed ' to run awav with their brain. Mr. Geo. Lee of the west side, and one of the most prosperous farmers in the county, made us a very pleasant cull Wednesday, and demonstrated to tis that Nebr. is the only one of its kind in existance. Mr. Lee sni<l that “he had just turned off a tew of the surplus hogs he raised the past year, and had received the snug sum of $376.00 for them, he also said that two years ago be bought a heifer calf tor twelve dollais and that today that calf and iqcreas was worth $05 besides the eow had paid for her keep ing otherwise, also that he had raised two ear loads of Wheaton his farm last season, which is worth $700.00 and that he defies any country to beat it” Mr. Lee has been a calamity howler ever since the devil and the democratic party struck us but Me Kmley prosperity lias been unoven at him in such large chunks that lie wore a 7x1* smile with as much grace as if he had cant the whole cloctrol vote for McKinley. He is beginning to see as many more are, that pros perity and republican rule always get acre about the same time. Mrs. Lee has gone east on an extended visit among friends. Call again Bro. Lee. llUKUNC I ON lion E. Through tourist -looping cars, in charge of special excursion managers and accompanied by uniformed Pull man porters, leave Kaunas City, every Thursday morning for Portland, Ore. They run over the Burlington Koute to Denver, D. &. It. O, By. (Scenic Line to Ogden. Oregon Short Lino, and O. It. &. N. Co. to destination A lay-over of tea hours is made at Salt Lake City, giving passengers an opportunity to be come acquainted with one of ttie most beautiful and interesting Cities in the world. Travele: s destined to Portland or any other Pa ifle Northwest point should join these -eekly excursions. There is no cheaper or more eomlorta 1>I« w iy <o make Hie trip. The eaishnye ail the conveniences of palace sleeping ca's,lacking only thi ir elaborate finish. Seen d class tickets are accepted Berth 1 rate, Kansas City to Portland. 85,00. J. V/* V IVO' V 3 OIHI toil lltl ’.’1 illUVIVK; » j at nearest Burlington Route ticket office or write to J. Francis, G. 1’. A.’ Omaha, Neb. To give our subscriber* an opportunity to test their famous seeds, Messrs. May & Co, the well known seed growers of tit. Paul, Minnesota, whose order of one 1 million Packets of Seeds tested over 9U per cent pure (Government Report) will , mail seventeen trial Packets of choice varieties of Flower seeds to any of our readers sending to them only ten cents in silver or stamps. This is their Giant Collection, ami consists of one Packet each, Asters, Mignonette, Antirrhinum, Pinks, Poppies, Alyssutn, Zinnias, Ni cella, Godotia, Pansy, Calendula, Petu nias, Sweet Williams, Portul&ua, Sweet ! Peas, Caltlopsis, and *tandytufe. On each 1 packet will be printed full cultural in structions. They will also send to any Gardener or Farmer one Package of their Extra Early Tree Tomato on rece ipt of six cents in stamps. Their baud ; | somely illustrated < 'atslogue will be ■ mailed free on application, to any one who intends to purchase Seeds Plants or , Bulbs tills spring lie sure and mention our paper when writing \luy A. (Jo. We are anxious to do a little good in tli s world and can think of no picas I ant or better way to do it than t*v re comeudlng Oor Miuitta Cough < 'ure ss a preventative of pneumonia, eonsump . ! lion auri other serlou' lung trouble* that follow neglected colds. Isltl by Oden dalti Ur i s. • A Ilian st mid* I O I'li.nuv of being elect - * e d to the iiiiynr-hlp e! a si tv utiles# be t enjoy* llo* * outtil****'*e III t i -team of tn» lo* ghhlM lieu W llumfibrrv i» (In* * popular tnayoi of »«*.*»♦.*«. Oho, and ! under *1*u* of Jan, 17, isml, ha write* a* follow I In* is lo e. rlif) to our afi * previa ion »f f.’Minl-rl **•»*• ' »di i Bi'ioed* Vi* fasatli> aid nrlgnlioi* 1 U. » 'i U * *4* &%* * t'tlhnt r«d.**U t.». -Ml v J 11KO**. k> ‘ lit *» Uii V > i * I > <M* i. *J : I* * II > ».*'• |*»a> Hm u»« ji «t|| . I 1 dfvv f | s% t,# kl H IUi» UU Hit lie I .*• to ** l«<**n . u I. One II***"1' * ' *. H V ***** • * " ’ *, “ Wi, * , *.^a • N«4 *♦***.<»«*, IlOW TO KIND OI.'T. Kill a bottle or common glass with urine anil let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an tin healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stain* linen it It evidence of kid ney trouble Two frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back. Is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder re out of order. WI1AT TO I>0 Tteri i comfort in the knowledge so often .-xpi imiI, thit Dr. Kilmer's Kwamp-ltoot, tin- great kidney remedy ItiHiris every wish in relieving pain ill (lie hack, iilneys, liver, bladder and every par' or the urinary passage. It correct* inability to urinate and braid ing pain in passing it, or had effect* following Use of liquor, wine or brer, and overcome* that unpleasant necess ity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing eases. If you need a medicine you Should have the best Hold bv druggists, price fifty cents anil one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pbamphlet both sent free by mail, on receipt of three two cent striaps to cover cost of postage oil the boltle. Mention the MOKTUWKSTKUM and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.. The pro prie or of this paper guarantee the gen uineness of tills oiler. REPORT OF THE CONDITION —OF— NISI tom Ul LUUP buy. ( HARTER NO. 260. AT Loire 11V, IN THE STATE OF NUB* U\SKA, AT TIIE CLOSE 01 BUSINESS. i'EBBUAUY 20th, 18U8. UUbOUKCEb. Loan* and discounts. £$,220.08 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 610.16 Hanking house furniture and fixture* 2,810.67 Other Heal Estate . 2,761.11 Current expense* and taxes paid. 707.37 Due from National, State and Private banka and bankers.... 16,015.08 Cash..6,018. P) Total. .. :iTSHT! 1/1 ABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. . . $2*1,000.00 Undivided proiit*. 1,607.66 Individual deposits subject to check., 26,826.86 Demand cert idea tea of deposit i Total.riffSSTH State of Nebraska, > County of Sherman, f J, A. P. CuUcy, Cashier of the above trained bank.* do olmnly swear that the above state ment is triu? to the best of my knowledge and belief, A P. COLLEY, Cashier. ATTEST. L>. c. D -Tir.x:v :; r., A. P., Director. Sutj.sei ibed un i sworn to before mo this 3, day of March 180k. VV. It. Mellou. JsKALj Notary Public. My Commission expires Jan. 3rd 1002. G J: X E K A L A SSO11T M EX T. OF XUKSFKY STOCK of REST varieties for Nebraska, Largest assortment of small frnlta in the stale. Millions of SMHWberrle* and Raspberries. I’lnnls at wholesale unci retail. uur plums usve tieon lrrigmou wnuu needing it. Uierefere very iluifty and deeprooted. Have double value over those stunted and starved by drouth, liuv Hie best nsur home, preveutlnK lias by delay and savin* extra freight or ex press Horn eastern points. Write for pricelist to NORTH 1SKND NURSEKV, North Uend, Dodge Co., Neb. YVE no longer supply our seeds to dealers ta ” sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either i8t>6 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “ Everything for the harden ” for 1818 rnrr provided they apply by leder I'KCC and give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 ccnta to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of lOcenta (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like th.s Manual has ev er been see.i hure or abroad { it Isa book of iW) pages, contains 180 engravings ol seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored platen 1 son, finally, OUR ‘ SOUVENIR * SEED COLLECTION will also tv t v. about charge to all appli cants srikli; 13 tts. fur tl’.i. Manual w ho will stats where they saw this advertisement, t.iuii i>.z >,.• . /»i Win u««in Mu 4MuMm. fv.ivr. Sali ltheuM »iul la *■>«». li t ( ,,:;b s^fAvi:; * THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR .!. PHIL JAEGER WHO W ILL ADVER TISE HIS NEWr SPRING STOCK HERE IN SOON. WATCH FOR THE AN NOUNCEMENT OF NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. • ? - ' %*■'.. I am again prepared to furnish anything you want in the way of I Farm Machinery 8 || Call early and make your selection || “* h.-iul \1 kl-HDS’ I nlieit .... •>»•• <! hii>U«IUK btu lllit* «>f Jisi ildiws, Sisiiers, Mi) Plows, Harrows, j ,*) , |V .• i. \\H *1 v*‘||l StiilV Of \U KINDS, gyj I , u . ti • "I”* Harness 'Vacuus. Im^ies, llardware,9| || r Win Nall*, Hantv«* Oil*. Waahtuit 'I* uH J>**, Wrt*««n • '"< '••»<*«•« **••«**• ■ i MX \XI»M K IK YiU’lts till! HAHUAlNrt, T M. HERD || I . .. . ... . ms^El