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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1897)
For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City,Neb Lioaal Daws. Note Uasteyer'a display of fancy dreaa patterns to-day. Skatea! Tbe KUpper Klub are the bast. At Watklnson’s. Qeo. Hotcbkia, tbe miller, made a business trip to Hazard Wednesday. Oae Minute Cough Cure cures quick- | ly. That's what yon want.—Odendaht Bros For Bala—A thoroughbred Jersey j bull calf,9 mnoths old; also four good ( calves same age. Alfkkd Anpkhso*. ^ Sllyer tablo ware and Clocks for , Xmas presents, at Watkinson'a , Mr. Shull, of Washington township i msde this office a friendly call last Wednesday. J. C. Flecthsr and W. P. K»ed are new subscribers to this psper, having 1 added tbetr names to our list this week. A trial subscription to the Semi-Week- ( ly Stste Journsl from now until Jana- ( ary 1. IN9H only coets twenty-five cents Yob esn ssnd stsmps, , The Cbleago Dye Works hsve tnsn 1 la tbs alty who sre prspsrcd to do sll ’ coloring end oleanlng of clothes. They t will stsy only a fsw days. Odeudahl Bros, srs arranging a large display of goods especially for the Holliday trade. Watch for their large , ad in this paper next weak i The following are the subjects for 1 services at the M. K. Church next Bun- 1 day, Dec. 6. Morale?.—UnltarUnlsm, ( Its strength and weakness Evening. , An old time, politician. i It I, Tc.etnri of llarrlson township Ims secured s suitable room In town arid will keep hatch mid attend the i Loup City Midi school, commencing next Monday morning The Ladies Aid Society of the M. K. church will hold n Fair and Bu/.ar on Friday, December 10th. Walt mid see what the ladles have to sell before you buy your Xmas presents. , The Leap City Photograph Gallery < is making Portraits second to none in style end finish, nutil Xmas he will give reduced prices. Don’t miss this change sad aeoare lk beaatiful , Xmas presents. iiert Cbsse will soon move hi* stock of good from the Simpson building , where he It now located to the reorn i one door north. We understand that | Mr. Simpson has anuounc* bis intention to return to Loup City. W. T. Cbsse received s tine Isp robe snd single harness from Frank Simp son who mad* th* selection for hist Slid shipped them from th* east last week. Doc. was cutting a dash with his top buggy and frisky sag last Tues day which, of course, was out In the i new dress. We learn Mist Mrs. Dr. Hendrickson, , having sold her practice and good will : to Dr. Main, to take effect January 1st, will, after that date look for a location where abe cun eontiuo her business almost entirely to tbs office as her health will not permit of ex posure by riding. J.T. Male stored about lfJO bushels of barley in tba Landers store building. He moved it last week to the elevator and found the amount to be nearly a hundred bushels short. It was evident that thieves bad gained entrance to the back door and at different time* carried it away. Dr. A. 8. Main, who has recently lo cated here made tbit office a friendly call last Wednesday morning, lie wish es us to announce to the public that he will be at the St. Klrno hotel until Jan. 1st, 1888 wheu he will open an office Ill the roams now occupied by Mrs. L>r. Hendrickson. A kusking bee was planned to husk out and crib James Beruett’s aorn for him, he having been down sick for three week* past with lung fever. The scheme has not as yet materialized, ow ing to the recent cold weather, hut we understand it will go through as soon as it moderates. The A O. U. W. Lodge of this city will give an entertainment to their mem bers, luenbers families ami invited friends, in the opera bouse on Monday evening, December ttth, 1*U7. A splen did program has been arranged. I'll" entertainment will be followed by a j dance aud supper. Some pails of the program will be especially iiitereststlog aud highly Instructive. All itienilteia are urged to be present and bring tneir families and friends. "This conntry lieat*'em all l«r rais ing bog*,'' remarked J. U. Pleiuber Iasi week a* be was geaiheriug up an arm ful of bundles containing purchases made at Uasteyer'a store. Usui he. * I tMiught sis small harrows about on* year ago and from that start now hat* a heard of over siaty " t'oatiuelug he aeld, “I fattoeed the harrows ami towfc I he in to I ho slock yards ana traded thorn foe treel sow• * •now lie* on the ground to a depth of eight ionise*, and np to the hour of going to pro** it l* »MII sauwiog a* hard a* ever ‘the iratus started os the tv regular run* this wonting, hot a* too mi* I* sow dnfilag It o|l| take the aid of * Mwe plow to htlag Ikro back from loport# we *wtuu*ie that there ta at had a thitd of th* com »tup fa the held, and busking not move** wilt hedetny ed on eeeeunl of ih* *t*stm DIED Jenevleve Tracy, wife of Eugene E rracy died at her home Tuesday noraiog, November 30, 1897, at eight I’clocT. Ago 30 years. 1 month and 21 lays Mrs. Tracy has beea siek for several nonth past. She was a kind hearted ady and much beloved by all who knew ter. No expense or medical treatment eas spared to recover ber lost bealtb. kbout six weeks ago she waa taken o Benedict, Nebraska, for treatment mt it did ber no good. She was brought tome and after two weeks more of itiflering died, leaving a husband and me little girl nearly three years old to nourn her loss. She was a devote ibristlau lady, having united with the •Trst Presbyterian church at Benedict, *>b. In 1892. She moved to Sherman louiily with her parents in 1883 and ras married Oct. 20, I Him. The funeral services took place at he residence, Thursday, Rev. Matthews • (Relating. The day for the funeral vas very cold aad stormy but a good ittondarice Is reported. The remains rere entered In the Evergreen cernetary I’be bereaved ones have the profound ympatby of all who know them rtnanrlal Iteport of M. E. Church, l.oup City, for Month of Kuvember, 1807, Rev. Matthews, our new M. K. minis er has adopted a new plan of Issuing Monthly Itlmlzed statements showing Ini receipts and expenditures. The oMowIng Is the statement for Nov '97: RECEIPTS. 'u*li fur Presiding Elder. $ 7 00 .'out. claim. . 4 lft ncldciitul* . . 907 nsiiraaee... . HSH iepHlr committee . is 17 'I pw nr Hi League . d 00 Ihurch Calcadars . 3 Ift 'astors salery... . 3V HO Total. taxon EXPEND ITCHES, ’residing Elder .... .t 7 00 Atull paper. 3 30 fuel, coal, lights.. .. flUfi ssursnee. . 6 60 .umber (for burn).. . 151) )omfer. Claimants . 4 00 Ihurch Calenders. 3 16 'actor's Salary. 3ft w Total. * 20 Balance..... . Si Mi Paid Pastor -Oct,. 9SO.S6; Nov., Mft.'.’O.Dell iency SIVftft. How to Prevaat I'naamuula At tbit time of the year a cold It very lull]r aoatraeled, tad If left to ruu iti lours* without the aid of some reliable lough medicine U liable to result in bat dread disease pnsumorili. W* mow of no better remedy to cure a lough or cold than Chrmberlain’s vOugh Uemedy. We bava used it ixtensively and it has always given en Ire satisfaction Olagab, Ind. Ter, ,'blef. This is me only remedy that Is mown to be u certain preventative of meanionla. Among many thousands *bo have used it for colds and la grippe *<■ have never yet learned of • tingle '.ate having resulted in paeumonla. 'ersons baying weak lungs or have -eason to fear an attack of pneumonia, ihould keep tbe remedy at band. The it and 50 cent sizes for sale by Oden lab! Bros. larlliigtou Houle Volirorulw (excursions Leave Omaha 4:30 p. m., Lincoln 0:10 ). in. and Hastings 8:00 p. in , every I'htirsday in eJean, modern, not crowd id tourist sleepers. No transfers; car* -un through to Bun Francisco and Log \ ngeles over tbe .Scenic Koute—through Denver and Halt Lake City. Cara are ■arpetei!, upholstered in rattan; lave spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains, bedding, towels, loap, etc. Uniformed porters and ex perienced conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of ail bother of baggage, pointing out objects i>f interest and in many other wavs uvapiuyi vm iiiwi«v «u<' w* vi iu>i<< klip a delightful experience. Second class tickets arc houered. Berths $5. For folder giving full information, .•all at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Fraud*, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb' One Dollar to 1HIM». For one dollar bill The Semi-Weekly State Journal will he sent from now un til Januurv 1, isi«. A good long time to get two big papers every week with all the news of the whole worl I; all th* state news and in fact more news and general resiling matter than you get in any other state paper. The Journal is spending money and effort in writ ng up the interests of Nebraska and setting our state's advantages before the people of the w hole country. Nebraska's pros perity will tiring thousand* of farm buyer* to our Slate You should read The Journal w hich is not an Omaha paper or a Lincoln paper, hut a stale paper In its truest sense "What "ill •e tor the best interests of Nebrasksn* " i» the Ai»l question asked by the The Journal wlieu called upon to Kvery X lira*kali should do In* best t keep The Mate Journe) before llit people and that best mean* by sendiuc in One liollsr winch will pay lor tin paper to tannery, MM After *•■• read it send it In tour friends in I to east and let them »c* what great thing we aie doing III Nebraska. fiend li vour dollar to I he Mate Juuitial, Lin coin. Nth The sooner you send, Ho tuore papeia you will get for your 11.011 e». " Mr* Mark Pleasant Midge, o taps after taro doctor* gate up iuy boy u •lie, I used hnu fioui etoup In usli.a Go# Minute tough t'ure ' It t* tin quickest and utosl certain remedy loi cough* cold* and all throat and In ay tree hi e* (Mendahl Brus After hearing some friends cuntin i ally praising ( hsnMr ils i * aiir i hoi era and Idarrls**** Meuiedr * arti* f *, i of Anaheim i.'kl purchased a buttle oi If fur bis own use and is nut* a* enthu* lasfte ever it* wonderful work at any ewe can be. I be H and No cent vise P»r »al* by tMeedehl Vie* l‘ro«t»*«Ity come* quietest to tbi maa wh*»*e ilres lain good « udillua Is, W 1ST* Lillie katit R ieii *># Uwi*e little pill* for i e*.«tipa>io« btiltm** a-s indigestion and ail tiewtSii an* liver tmobiv« IMenifahi Inn Frank Otlewski met with quite ai accident last Tuesday evening wbict might have cost him hi* life, but forts he escaped with only a bruised arm and a thorough shaking up, lie had Just drove up the drive way of the U, P. elevator with a load of wheat and wit about to dump when the team com meaced to back up. Frank was sitting on the seat and the horses became un mensgsble. They bscktd outside ami off the drive-wsy st the highest plsce, and wagon, wheat, team and all went down a distance of seven feet. Mi Otlewski was thrown violently on the frozen ground sad the team was so en tangled that it was necessary to cut the harness and saw off the wagon toagur to free them. Frank was thought to be seriously injured at first, lie was taken to the St. Elmo hotel and Or Main summoned, hut fortunately the Injuries were as shove stated. The North wr-tern credits an ex change with saying that it declines to notice a newspaper that steals its para grapns and adds that the Litchfield Monitor should observe this quotation and note Its meaning The Monitor was (Irmly astride Its Job before the friendly advlso of the Northwestern whs tendered. In the first issue of the Monitor under its present management appeared an entire srtlc'e from ••Cham pion' of the previous week, swiped rloan and reproduced word for word. (tVhen delicately admonished for ihe I steal the Monitor cut. us from its list and this olltue has not seen a Monitor since Arid hope# it never will—-Ar cadia < humploti Don't be parsunded Into buying In menu without reputation or merit j Chamberlain'* Pain It Uni costs m> n . j ami its merits have been proven b a test of many years. Much letters a- ' In* following, from . <1 liagley. Ilueneme, Cal,, are eonstantly being received: ‘•The best remedy for pain I have ev r used Is i 'bn m beri a in's Pain Halm, in I 1 say so after baying used It, In my family for several years.” It ernes rheum ili-m. lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by Oderidahi Urns, Mr C. M, Dixon, a well known merchant of pleasant Midge, Fulton Co. Pa., bus a little girl who is frequently threatened v;lth croup, but when 11.» Hrsi symptoms sppear, his wife give her Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy, which always affords prompt relief The ‘Ji and M) cent sizes for sale by Odendahl ifi vtlivi r, The Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake CRv, Minn., want a responsible man In this vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees and nursery stock. Good pay. Steady work. Write them today. Dr. II Jinphery*1 Veterinary Manual on the treatment ol horses, cattle, sheep, bogs, dogs and poultry, mailed free upon request. Address the llumpherys' Company, New York Miss Allle Hughs, Norfolk, Va., was friVqtfully burned on the face and neek. Pain was Instantly relieved by DeWItt's Witeh Hazel Salve, which healed the Injury withoat leaving a scar. It is toe fsmlous pile remedy — Odendahl Bros. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching ami smarting ind dent to eczema, tetter, salt -rheum, ana other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Kye ami Hkin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. it is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sire nipples; clumped hands, chil blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 2b cents per box. Try Dr. Cady’s Condition TV,- ib-rs, they arejust what a horse needs wh • I condi tion. Tonic, blood puriliei ■ tijgs. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble Two frequent Jesire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con vincing proof that the kidney* and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO UO. Tt ere is comfort in the kuowl-wlge *o often expressed, that Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ot the urinary passage. It corrects inability to urinate and icabl ing pain in passing it, or had effects following use of liquor, wine or leer, and overcomes that unpleasant 11y of t>elug compelled to get up u . i times during the night to urinal- > | mild Hliil the extraordinary i ll ,,-t Swamp-Root I- soon realized It -t-.n , ito- highest for its wonderful e :r- * | I Hie most dLtir-«lng e --e. if you i >,] a ii edieiue you should have It- |.« »< Sold t), druggut* |C loe lift 1 cent* mil <>ne dollar V<m m -y have a I l> y ill ill \| ell I .i-ll llle S uni || V, - 1 - l,N I |tr « i r of Mu-1 >| • t • t< • i<. . I Ultimo *» of llin i tl. r. Mr* M.\r> ll.r l, ll»n - ,,114 r >, . Mr railii 1* *wrtli utillln .in . 1 I l*ol li»*r» r.| I * . til 1 Hr.i > . |l«t of frit* M.i.t.l* t ....ti itn ’ |; .•uro* ...1.411. »'« ‘t« mr.l *11 ft., a. , . t l«»4 n.iuiii. 1 iM.u l.til Urn |l i* v*.* |m .- it.'It « . old m»l J,|.t ,i< •**j l»> il.l f || |{ ion .'.‘.I..... 1 .. ••Ilf tu .0 lt«« M hul» < 01.41. I ||tr || curt* »■«. 411. «i>la>, ( tuu. kir • pftruMMu • '* 40.1 *H !<•*«•.I •till lot.4 llwtll.lo ll t* |<I«4«4WI Iw Ukr, >«fv 1.. ttw mol tin* !•• >•!• l>.l«n.Ulu Hr. i. J A tt. of AMNfNlIf u »*■ ful Ibrtif «•« * «.«•■! «.*i> lorturv'l uj 1-A.t. «>.. f>»« lb* t»f* «f .at*in* If. *<* >ttt«t( bjr w.u.4 ft .IA .lit M n.b IU**» «*•<*• Mm* f«iHi. w* nw^fiwj 1 «4l«* fo. |>n. « <t..| •»lu O.lao Ml Dim Mi» M II l»*«l Mw*I4«'I4 III , .uf !*« t‘4*»i ... » f-. • - .... • . .•■<■»" •* ■>'* tti.ol « <| •■.'•j u» »>..( lUWLt, Um f .ilt t M>om« lb* UtklutH HUM ftiil* lut *1 b »» ll.*»> l*..ot.W. IMrft.Ubl M Go to Gasteyer’s for Shoes, Hats and Caps, , ■ i m m sale 1 o .2 Is the order of the day at |p o' In ©fias. GASTeyei^’S ig5 rg gg in order to lesson the labors of invoicing. pi S' « § I FROM DEC. 1st., 1897 TO JAN. 1st., 1898 || *7^ we will sell a large portion of our immense ^ o m SHOE STOCK AT ABSOLUTE COST. gg 3s jr>j Come early while there is choice. gg *"* SLi 1 b/ijj 2 ' P I OTHER BARGAINS: f| g j5> ♦ 10 yards Scent calico for only • - * .40 j ^ O 10 yards 0. ... .50 y , 10 yards 7 “ ‘ “ “ - • .00 ggj ^ ^ 10 vards 12i dress goods “ “ 1.00 ^k £ - Z0B3 a 10 yards 17 “ “ “ “ - - - - 1.50 j^g W ^ 10 yards 19 *♦ “ “ “ • 1.00 ggj £D 10 yards 25.. - • - 2.25 • ||| jj^ ■,) 1<> v.;i*ds 30 *• '* “ - - * • 2.00 KB £r d . H O 0 i-a Our line of comforts and blankets is h sening per- c| (■••ptibly. but we still have a good assortment andean fit ty/^ ^ you out at a lower price than any one else, £2. -STAPLES.-x <g 17 lbs. Granulated sugar, 1 “ McLaughlins X X X X coffee • Go to Gasterer’s for Groceries. I -. .—1 .1,_ ' 1 ■ HHH n CITY. N KB Si. Lincoln, Denver. Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Hutu*. Ht. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City. Portland, Ht. Louis, San Francisco, anil all point* ami all point* East and South. West THAI NS LEAVE AH FOLLOW*) GOING EAST No. :>-i passenger.7.30a. hi No 1- might..4 (M p. in. GOING WEST No. M Passenger.4.15 p. m. No. &o Freight.., Sleeping dinner and reclining chair can (•rate free) oil through trains. Tickets •old and baggage checked to uuy point in the United Slates or Canada. For information, maps, time tables un»: tickets ca l on or write to A. F. Wert) Agent. Or J. FitANOI*. GenM. Passengei Agent. Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAILWAY No. *« leaveh daily except Sunday (pas* eugon. 7 .to u m No SS leaves Monday, Wednesday ant Friday, (nuxed) p. m. No *e leaves Tuesday, Thursday ant Saturday, mixed) 2:30 p. m. No s; art iv* •» dully except Sunday (mixed 11 :45 u m No s5arr.v< ■> daily except Sunday (puss ei»j.'e: 7".' Fi d ela rvIce and cluac eonuectiom east, west south W. l>. Ulii row, Agent S i( Hi VO!) AwilV I To no: 10 m tld'iii groHi i -i num . Ill «t III* of till' | 111 i« I'ttUMI i ,\i i*\ ililri Imrii I "i | h i i | hi • .It lio Sat I n o lit . .i' ll l \v.. v i) 'i ii. io* vm u <t\" «ll\Ttt> »*<«!' ‘t'» t |*i*«»!».».;i |• i?■* mSMitu tommon «ty|«> mill tintmil i ; rodmvd ; i»v until n»r»*tuuu ! l»7 «i I ho l.i tup * "it v Ar Studio. 4** *4 |* * lt)( u«p «I r ***•«# (Mid |**f j * TU * • 4 . m im«i j 4 ! I «4l to kt*M 4 * I A| |*fc44#i4 * 1 >««» *Wi * •« Mr. Sumitrr him Ot'ulU mid \uriiMt, (fraud lilnud L>. C DOE. AjP. < ULLEY, V|c«*-Pre»ident. Caahier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY., General Banking Business Transacted. . Capital Stock, $50 .000. Loan* on Improved farma at NINE par oant. Boat Company and bam tern to ba had in the want. OokKaaroNDBNTfl:—Chemical National Bank. New York City, N. Y.i Omaha nvtlan»l IUu■ Unuh. N.brwk. THE UNION PACIFIC Pu-se* through the hi st cities ami towns of Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, and is the best route to Denver, Cbeyt line. Salt Lake City. San Fran 1 eiseo. Portland ami all Puget Sound points. The advantages gained by trav eling vl i tbn I'nioii Pseitlu are t^uiek Tiine,l'nei|Uuled service. MAI.NIUCKST E'.'l Ifmi NT, I)(>f III K 11 It A W 1N < t Kou.m. Pi I I MAN I’Al.At I. Sl.Kkl'KItM, Pi i.uma.n Dim No cau«. Fltt I III ' I.ISIM. CllAllt * 'AIts. Pi I.MAN t "I I. 1ST S|.| For Time fame, pamphlets descrlpt i vc ol i lo- i'i i ii 1 , v i -i.i|, i ales of t in*, s • ■ pii c ir n>•, iinuioilalioiis, or ■ in other Intm iiiathni, apply to . D. 1 oil rii.n Agent, r|' INKS, • .. nr EXP HESS anp i UENEKAL DLLiVEKY LINE, j •Ml m h« tit t rt'Uhi tmln« tkt ID 'I' > MUiiHN .am;. IAWVKU. 0«it i (Hurt! u« Hi Mtiit Biiiius % HiHttf I'aUHi-, j»h*r «nn t>•**>»»iuf lit » i Hiu $• ♦ »* ViUfU tlf MMf MVtfc uh t mi. . • ^y M-iitH iUturu»sy*ttt-UHHi. IMI Ml MY »M Itl.lC. ■ ill iMrunl m 1 mu1 I* HI |H« V UI.M.MU, Ml. VI I till. HI »IJ .14 *«*■'* *1 » •*.»« “1 *• * HI, • . I •««•«* | I THE NEW WAY. I TT/OMEN used ® to think " fo- I male d:::rr ises " H could o n I y be B treated stft< r "lo- H cal examlna- H tlons" ty ohy . p clans. Dt ad of tj such : merit M kept Ihi ids ! I I modest imm LI elleni at . ih< ,r aufferli , heln troducucn ef hi S wine of Cardul has now d moii- jgj strated (hat nine-tenths of ell the B cases ef menstrual di; rs . J not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure 1 | taken In the privacy of a woman's I own home insures quick relief and ■ speedy cure. Women need act hesitate now. Wtno of Cardul re quires no humiliating examine ‘tuns for its adoption. Ti cures any disease that comae under the head ef ' female (roubles"—-dU rdarei menses, falling of the womb. ' whites," change of hfe It makes women beautiful by making utem * weU. If keeps them yea** by btaping them healthy. |: QO al til# «kv| at-hit, faa 4fcfc* in mam «Mg|#M mmm I «•-“# »» t-yfuk* L*f U4M D*t*^ “*44*,^ T V# C ' * * U. f « C*. CfcgNfc* VtBt W, t. A<MMf*>i. ^ “I w»* t > >*• i»f C *'4*1 MUsmii* || f »*f H 4 *N(ri ll««tl||bl yMf*f |Ugit M *44*41(1 |TMMaiM.‘* ^ hvaly'l llic ,\g\t iIfv,tki.isf I'imhI tlmt nw 'cin ml.