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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1897)
KTh E N O RT11 w E ST K R N ■g*' 7UBLIS11GD EVERY FRIDAY Pat the county skat. OKO. K. llEUBClIOThlR, Editor and Publisher. * TLkMS $1 60 per Year. If Paid in Advance p lateral at tba loop City Poatofflca for traae mission through tba malls aa saoaod alaaa u.attar. While driving up the valley a short distance last Wednesday we were quite Impressed with the sight of the freight train on the B. & M. line as she went at a rapid rate steaming up the valley ... to the northwest. Perhaps the sight | was more impressive because we re ^rfallcd the fact that we, with many other Bpioneer settlers, spent so many years in Hrthls beautiful valley without a railroad. KAnd then our mind wandered back to ■ more recent daw, when our citizens held ■ the great brabece in honor of the P adventin to our vt lley.of the iron horse. It was the largest crowd that ever lias £ gathered, before or since, at the county ‘ seat. Attorney-General Smythe seems J to haven hard time of it getting the the Bartiey-Moore eases into court, lie has tried it several times and in variably has had to back up and ‘•unhitch for dinner" and take a long enough nooning to enable bis private secretary to amend the papers, which, after several trials are still wrong. The last heard of the case, Smythe had “unhitched" again. If he ever gets into court we predict that he will do about as well as our loeal county attorney and deputy did in the Nichols case, which, after an expenditure of sev eral thousand dollars of the people's money, dismissed the case for want of evidence to convict. But such is the extravigance of popdom. Oue of the smoothest political combinations that has ever been worked was successfully put through in Burt county during the recent campaign. A young lady was nom oated by the populists for county superintendent, her opponant was a male of eligible matrimonial qualifi cations. Three days before elect ion the populist candidate withdrew from the race, thus insuring the election of the republican, and less than a week later cards were issued an nouuoing the marriage of the late rivals. All of which goes to prove woman’s eternal ability to take care s i i4 • . i_ a: i.i »i: i: Ul IICISCIl, 111 IUC UV.1'1 Ul puuiivo «> well as elsewhere.-—St. l’uul llepub licun. It’s all over, and its all right, and its lots of fun to see the free silvei repopulorcntic papers twitting the republicans for criticising their Ohio brethren for staying at home be cause of the rain, and in the next column reading the riot act to the corn-field pops of Dakota because they thought more of their corn, which they can sel’ for gold, than they did of their fusion for oflieu candi dates who were trying to force tin free silver gag down their throats ai they did last fall. Hut the corn field pops picked corn just the same, and it's worth just twice us much to day tu republican South Dakota a< it was one year ago tu populisi South Dakota. -Hartington Herald. ill K 1 JtlON PA< IH< Pump* through thu I" *l < i( a- and lowi of N ehrsska. I 'oturado, Wyanui g mu l tuti, met t» ttu* lient route in Di-iivi r t'lwyiHni', suit l.ak<- t'liy. >mi Fish i'i'i‘0. l'"rl land »ud nit Puget s,,uii point*. The sdvanlagengained by Irsr ellng vis (tie t nun Pscillc sir (juii TluM,l'n*>|Uut*d ■erv ie«. tUi'kllllkM Ki/I.’II‘UBM. till! III k I’M kW IX'. K’tiiM Pi i.i.kiaM Pal s' a>, I'l I.I.W kN iMNIMli I IK*, tail Kill MXINlt I M.klM < Skk, I'lLUkk I’ul'kiti SUIl'Ilm, tor t'liiiv l in e, iiiniI'hiet• ilv’ilil'l tv* ul Ike cult irv tf»kcr«ed lsl»* ** lire. *l**piMg ear set -miti-- tali,mi*, i* soy other la Im nr sit »*o, apply lu W ll. I oik Ion Agent N'trii i in utti ksikr |n nnialn el l kill'I p. Hr** tn.1, p« In wewnlf ruin, nimiMn imuIi, kit MJjNI !>■ kl.« rt*-t>l..i (*»•«•, L>Mlnw -I'. tsItHlf4 t ttlti • %!*v| It# III* * »!*-.>1 l 1%* fUftt % I * 4* Jto ftlttttf* It iKsmJ til ||« I to I - “ • *4* t# **4*4* ** * II t* ’<* I ’ |*<*4 lift* **« 4* •*#»*! |*«.t «# »*v |4 to In ******t \ |ft , \ 4 tow 1*4* *■#»■ (• IJ»4t toft*tot -4 Mikf y v r H «* t4 t v lilts* to* 9 ft****** MtNkJt 4* |*4* 4*v • l*« ft' <4 = '*«* ’4 U* ft* f-" ' *► 4 I ft# V*| I tor t IS * *4 »*«*** ISMl to*14* t lit* I 9 I II I 4k**toftototol toto* to 4MM9* 1 *#* totottototot# tototto-’f I* *44 4 #*#tot|49 1ft kltoMPtoto tot $ feto4* 4 to* I | to* *.•%* totoey' s# lit* i-«Hi*tt Kvi44 4 toft |r«*toto 4 4%9, lit<4 ftif «t*| tof iPttoto*#. ft ft* -i*i ft**4 *4* to tl« titoltolf Notice STRAYED AWAY From my farm near Ashton, Nebraska, FIVE HEAD of 2 year old steers, coming H. My cattle nave three different styles of brands, viz: One a mule shoo with toe i up, on left side, near Idp; another is a long square, ahqut If by 4} inches in size, located somewhere on side, pos sible near hip: the third Is a long crooked mark similar to a letter S al though it is not a letter S. It runs lengthwise the steer and is 12 or 14 inches long These brands are all on left side. Some of these estrays may have two brands on and some ol them only one. They were all dehorned about two weeks ago. When last seen they were near -T. A. Aitiger’s farm. 0 miles east of Loup City on Saturday, Nov. tlth, 1NI/7. Finder will be liberally paid for re turn of cattle or for furnishing any in formation as to their whereabouts. GKO. M. Khi:ns, Owner. Ashton, Neb. "W anted.* AGENTS; In every district on tlic continent to take orders for high grade Canadian-grown Nursery Stock laud Seeds. I, argert and most complete assortment in the tiade. Fast selllrfg I specialties: supberb samples furnished tree; correspondence in any language. These positions are money makers, and territory should be secured at once for tlie season by all bustiers looking for u good thing. Oor salary or commission offers will interest anyone not earning $1,000 Ml per year. Get In communica tion with our nearest oliice An opportunity to represent a well cstabli-tied,house. Ability more import ant than experience. Li kk iiKOTHKits company, Inernatiul Nurseries, Chicago, III; Montreal. Que. Rochest' r, <.1 . A • Croup Oulckly Cur«ul Mountain Ark. Ourehildn-n were suffering with croup when we reeeiveil a bottle of Chamberlin's < ough Remedy. It afforded almost instant, re lief. K. A. Tiioknton Thi« celebrat ed remedy is for ■‘ale by Odendahl Bros. Dr. Sumner Davis Grand Island Speciailst in diseases, of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Examination for glasses. You ought to get the Semi-Weekly State Journal during the campaign. Do ings of all pin tles fully reported. Lin coln is the political cenye of the State ami the Journal gives this class of no,vs ahead of other state papers. 'Twenty live cents vill pay for this splendid paper from now unt I January 1, lSUS. Those who believe croulc diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. I*. K Grisham, of Gaats Mills, La. has to say on the subject, viz: "I haye been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea eve) since the war and have tried all kinds of medicine for it. ' At last 1 founds medicine that, effected a cure and that was Chamberlin's Colic, (.’hoi era and Diarrhoea Remedy.’’ This Med icine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and dirrboea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Odendahl Bros. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, says that when he Inis a spell of indiges tion, and feels bad and sluggish, he fakes two of DeWitt's Little Karlv Uijuea of nifrlit uml h(r L (ill T iffllt t Ilf* next morniiiK' Mauy thousands of others do the game thin)?. Uo you? Odenilahl Bros. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Dr. Sumner Davis Grand Is land. llurllugton Houle California Kxourftfton* Leave* Omaha 4:35 {>. m., Lincoln 0:10 p. in. and Hasting* 8:50 p. in , every Thursday in clean, modern, not crowd ed tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route— through Denver aud Salt Lake Oily. Lars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan: have spring seats and back* anil are provided with curtain*, bedding, tov.els, sonp, etc. Uniformed porters ami ex perienced conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of ail bother of baggage, pointing out object* j of interest ami hi many »»ther wav* {helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience, second olas | III cl* are It noed . IllTtll" I For folder giving .nil inuiriimtl*»n, j call at h< hi* *t Ruiltngtoii Route ticker i f»tt)ee, or write to .t Fiahcl*. General i |*a--eiigrr Agent. Omaha, Sole J t!, Kerry, line of the beat known citUeti* of Spencer. Vo., test!Ill's ill it j he i uii'd |iln»*e!f of the wor-t kind « ' pile** t‘ v using a few bo\e» »>f |lcwltt‘» Witch II i\rI Salve lie hoi t*cr|» 11 »»u: ‘Se* l with pile* fhr ustr thlrtv j \e.*r* and had ti*c«t many kind* of so called cure*; but t**Wii|f* a a* the one that did the work aud Im will vniff j this vtatement If any «>u* wt*hM to j write him OilnesfittiI It**** ! lufh'k ur r Ai t t m>ih t it u ti l A*«k. tMihmta heiato < ***t '• viftmsef J|lu«Uc U*i« US '*=*V »*f V**4 r«'S, i*M 1 *1 A al*A *ft * ■ •'**n *’ *r 1 j . I, fiiii'l by * ♦ fiainUi*^ l>* 1 i. Moi s i %#* ' isiao* =* * ■ *•* a * a* • ■ hi ***** A few weeks ago tins editor was tak en with a very severe cold and caused him to be in the most miserable condi tion. It was undoubtedly a hail case of la grippe, recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertise ment of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and tin- many good reccommendations included therein we concluded to make a lirst trial of the medicine. To gay that it was satisfactory in Us results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acml like magic and t he result was a speedv and permanent cure. We have no hesitency in recceuimending this ex cellent Caugh Remedy to anyone alllict ed witli a cough or cold in any form. The Banner oi Liberty, Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Odendahl Bros, You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develope into the pncuinoniaor consumption. Instant re lief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure.—Odendahl Bros. Distlgurtnent for lire by burns or scalds may be avoided by using DcWitt's Witch Hazel Halve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles.—Odendahl Bros. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. In District Court Sherman county, Neb raska. Katlie M ('Masters, vs. Edgar II. M< Musters. Edgar McMastcis, Defendant, will lake notice that on file 14th day of Oct ober, IsSj/, Rattle MMasters, Plaintiff here in filed her petition m the district court of Sherman County, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are 10 ootuiu a decree ox iiivom- iroxn saio. Edgar McMustcra, the husband of salrl Hattie McMnstei*, for willful abandomenl for iiioie lhan two yeais without just cause. You are required to anew er said petition on or before the <>th day of December, 1897. Dated, October 1 ith., 1897. Kattik McMastku, Plaintiff. Attest Gko. W. Hcktek. Attorney ; Loi is It kin, Clerk District Court. NOTICE TO NON-RESIEDENT DEFEND- j ANTS. In district court of SN-rm: n county. Neb- j raska. Walter South, Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin II. Drake et. al.. Defendant-. The defendants. Benjamin II. Drake, May Drake. Hexekiah S. Drake. Mary Drake The Central Doan and Trust Company. A. D. Cam bell. Assignee of the Central Doan ami Trust Company and Dos Mojnes National Bank Trustee will take notice that on the 1st day of November. 1897. Walter South, plaintiff herein tiled his petition in the District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska against said defendants impleaded with Charles D. Drake Edna .1. Drake. The Keystone Dumber Com pany Albert B. Outhouse, Henry Miller. John Miller, and - Miller, his wife first name unknown, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the said Benjamin H. Drake and May Drake to the said Central Loan and Trust Company and by the said Central Doan and Trust Company assigeed to plaintiff, upon the South West quarter of Section (lib Thirteen, in Township lit) Fourteen* north of Range (15), Fifteen, west of 8t h p. ni. situate in Sherman county Nebraska, to secure the payment of a prom isory note in the sum of $1,000.00 due and pay able on March 1st, 1899 and in 20days after de fault to pay the interest thereon and six inter est, notes due and payable September 1st. 1390. March 1st. 1897, September 1st, 1897. March 1st 1898 September 1st. 1*98. March 1st. 1*99 for $30.00 each. That there is now due the plain till on said notes and mortgage the sum of ($1130.48) Eleven Hundred and Thirty-nine Dollars and Forty-eight cents, with interest on $30.(JO from September 1st. 1*98. and on $30.00 from March 1st. 1897. and on $1030.00 from Sept ember 1st. 1*97 and on $19.2* from October 28th 1897. at ten per cent per annum, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said prem ises may be sold to saslsly the amount found due. Y'ou are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of December. 1*97. Dated this lirst day of November, 1*97. Waltbr 8outh. Plaintiff, by K. J. Niohtjni.alb. his attorney NOTICE TO NON RESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. In District Court of Sherman county, Neb raska. The Vermont Savings Bank. Plaintiff v*. Margaret! Gaydecki, et. al. Defendants. The defendants Murgarett Gaydecki, Andrew Gaydecki. The Central Doan and Trust • omimny. A D Campbell Assignee of the Cen tral lioau and l‘rust Company Des Moines National Bank Trustee, and The J I Case Threshing Machine Company will take notice that on the 28th da\ of October. 1807 The Vei - i ineut Savings Bank plaintiff herein hied its pi11ition in the district court of Sbeunun couh • 1 r.'* .*'//r,uv,, hi S£A **T'b l tl,. I..... ami xtul tnW.. .1 tatat dur au..l I ! !:\l*' r*J' x«j*ss2P*js * *> • . .I ■ ..a, ■* I ' 'StflK** It) Iht'f* U (4tii »»U‘* ifer lf I } * i( h# * '»4 «♦! N US* *:;i» kiuvi>i‘«l u« «Mft <«t M,*v *•■ I*/, u«4 ti* 'l*» f it |#W« .4 -■ it it jrt t'» hi |»f * (Mitft 'i 1 t * •» . »Bi jt!..4ilfMil? UTH> « &>» 44 ,»4 . .•»»# ..,*1 »l*!. » t»*A j,(U>.s tft) S»r-jik'Ji Vi| |4* |tt| «u, *jr| t V-*! t1** tli< •' * l>« | i<rf> . is'V! lit ■■ •••lifiMi t.fSW’ '■• •». 4 <t -itvitjjftffff' i* . t**v ?. v^t it)- r J |«* i, i« frit «M Im f <« ■ ||m ,t%-h ■ • l> iiV,' tiitti"- Wft *)-i- «** t i f itl % '*9 **.» % I ft* • IrtAKo j Off tft I life: H) *M*»)*-i v • I Sijftfi* 4. I I.» ; * it -*u •) >4 : « 4 •■•» % **Mfc { |v It* -fc'-4 fli-i t*fc- S V - • U*< ••* ,,,* '. », t|K< tiff? H »» ffw it •, pHf* i* •• • . fi • • H **.'■*- . •: t*i# if»*> t|| »- *4 i» ‘ If • » t'.HKpi Mihfchi •*« :«j| t *iV,9. :»**.«?*** ft)* * ♦*£ ^ ** !•* ?i »4**« »jMNrt>‘ - •i' • ' ■ ' : *> v* ‘- ; - ••• 4* m *'•' ••'• ft i M ft*4,» • v? $>•«*» '*'■•'••» iW-) t.«. •*** -ttoi* ;: ti iii | IW* --ftlft4|j' >:»<' ' i *• * tU tot- «( ‘-ij(* * %*.* - , litw ito fMt vtoftf ttf •; i • •= ' t - ^ ** )->%■% * ft* A J ■■■'%.*#*** * ft ’’l»‘ -!*** '» tt§- , « - • *ft(» it ■' fit* 5V' fit lt# i THE FALL OF 1897 is at hand, and with bountiful crops and better prices. “Old Hard Times” will have to go. Now that the election is about settled, the next thing to attract your attention is ourline of winter goods: WE KONW THAT WE CAN SUIT YOUR POCKET BELOW ARE A FEW LINES WE HANDLE: MEN'S FESTERS FINE AND FINE DRESS OVERCOATS DECT COATS, PANTS, OVERALLS, SWEATERS, WORK SHIRTS, FINE SHIRTS, AND NECKWEAR. LADIES & CHILDREN’S CAFES, CLOAKS, JACKETS AND REEFERS, HOODS, FASCINATORS, DO AS, MUFFS, MITTENS AND GLOVES, BLANKETS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, CARPETS, CHINESE MATTING, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTH. Put us on your lint for a call when buying shoes. We can save you some money. A. E. Chase. LOUP CITY. - - - - NEBRASKA --Bit is mm Liars figure low and promise everything. You get not what they promise, but what you pay for; Nothipg piope apd pothipg less. We give you what we promise, something more. Call and see our splendid line of Tufted lounges at prices that was never heard of before. They are not stuffed with wind either nor yet stove pipe 1 HON liEUSTKADS AT OMAHA PRICES. It. bttVMi4 IX witsli boiler* ««*» railedt look at our heavy returned or eo|»|>er w**h taiilers ami *« t >* nnelhing for tour money. Ib-lft granite ware, the be*t made. fall it,4 •«> u» before tinting and »e will give you one hundred eent* worth »»f goods f*tr a <t II tr If von m «| any (into on the Mlbjeet rail and in*|ieet our nev lino of lamp*, from l«*» rent* up Don’t forget the Brick Hardware Store. E. H- WATKINSOH