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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1897)
iOf the candidates for the British army who fail to pass the tests four out of five are rejected because of de fective vision. The “eyesight” test consists of being able to count cor rectly with both eyes, as well as each eye separately, a number of small black dots exhibited on a card left feet from the candidate. Try «r»ln-o. Ask your grocer today to show you • package of GRAIN-O. the new food drink that takes the place of cofTee. The children may drink It without injury as well as the adult. All who try It like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It Is made from pu" grains, and the most delicate stomaft receives It without distress. 14 the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 rents per package. Hold by all grocers. Tastes like cof fee. Looks like coffee. Mr. Younglove—"What do you do when your baby gets sick at night?” Mr. Ooldpop—"I generally lie still and wait to see If my wife Isn't going to get up and attend to It.” (educate Your IloweU With t'niM'iiriiti. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C- C. C. full. UrtiKlflMlK refund money. A (food guide will not be rejected because he is bow legged. Star Tobacco in the leading brand of tbe world, because it is tbe best. People who are all tongue have^no »urs. Great Distress A Combination of Troubles Causes Much Suffering. BIRD ISLAND, MINN. — “I was trou bled with my stomach. Nearly everything I ate would sour and I would belch it up. At times my stomach gave me great dis tress. My back was lamo on account of kidney difficulty. 1 bought si* bottlea of Hood’sSarsaparilla; when I bad taken four bottles I was cured.” Nokman Hickok. x Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’S Pills &re Uip favorite cathartic. 20c. P HALL'S.M fT Vegetable Sicilian | (HAIR RENEWER jT It doesn't cost much, yet it M Ij adds wonderfully to the I I looks. It is youth for a few fl | cents. No gray £>#1 ^^^^iair^Nodandru^j^^| SAVE PROFITS. BUY DIRECT, ‘Our J,eader”Ra7.or, postpaid $1 00. "True Vermonter” 3 Blade Knife, 00c. Oui goodsare hand forged and warrant CHAMPLAIN CUTLERY CO. Burlington,Vt. CURES RHEUMATISM. ETC. ] I J A R«r*nt Dlarovcry That I* Working Wonder*. ^ Tlic most prevailing afflictions that for a century have been engaging the most scientific skill of the medical world are rheumatism, neuralgia, ca- i tarrh, asthma, la grippe and their kin j dred ailments. The country is full of stifferers from these complaints. Al though the most learned experts of the medical profession have labored for a | century to produce a curative, until quite recently no positive results were effected. To the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 1G7-69 Dearborn street, Chi cago, belongs the credit for having produced the new remedy. It Is being extensively advertised under the trade mark of "Five Drops.” The trade mark is self-expiantory. Five drops make a dose. The effect is mag ical. In days gone by other alleged 1 cures have been marketed with the promise to take efTect In thirty days or more. Five Drops begins to cure at once. Immediate relief is felt. In order to more effectively advertise its ' merits the company will for the next thirty days send out 100,000 of their I sample bottles of this positive ' cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail pre paid. I.arge bottle, 300 doses. »1 (for thirty days 3 bottles $2.50.) Those suf fering should take Immediate advant age of this generous offer and write them to-day. In a recently patented horseshot the calks are removed and are held In place by a sliding block set in a recess in the shoe, with a screw to press the block tightly against the calk and clamp it in position. When you visit Omaha you should call at C. N Raymond Co.'s jewelry store, corner Fifteenth aud Douglas streets, and ex amine their jewelry and art goods for wedding, birthday and Christmas presents, also stoel engraved wedding stationery, in ■ vitations ami visiting cards. It is the only j first class, up-to-date jewelry, art and cut j glass store west of Chicago ami St. Louis. ! Kngraving and printing 100 visiting cards i 11.60 by mail. Holdbacks for harnesses are now made of a curved cross-bar, with roar ! wardly projecting ends, which fit In ! pockets on both sides of the thills, thus doing away with a portion of the | harness. Holiday Kscurslons. On Deeemher7and 21 the Hig Four Houle and Chesapeake aud Ohio Hy. will sell cx | cursiou tickets from points northwest, both | one way and round trip, at greatly reduced rates to points in Virginia. North and South j Carolina aud other southern states. Hound trip tickets will he good twenty-one days returning. Write for particulars and pamphlet descriptive of cliiriBte and Vir ginia farm lauds. U. L. Trutt, North | western Passenger Agent, 234 Clark Ht ; Chicago. Always give your wife her own way; it will save her the trouble of taking it. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Toor I,Ilk Awty. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic. full of life, nerve und vigor, take No-To Bac, tbe wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Hope and happiness are so clumsy that when one dies the other commits suicide. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OK THE WORD "CASTORIA” AND “PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of 3yannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now //tf* s' nn cvcr,J bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought /Tr // V/7 on the and has the signature of S'&cc/UAA wrap per -Vo one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. jt March 8, 18971 —^0**. p. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even lie does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. ™r tflUUM COMPANY. IT Mu UNA V ITNirT nrw» SIOO To Any Man. \ WILL PAY #100 FOR ANY CASE 2 Of WnikHMa III Men They Treat auil j Fall in C ara. Au t Hu alt it Coti»|>um |>ln**» for tb«» Ural tl»« I'uMif a \ltoi« 41. Tk»%t ukm I lb«* t*ur* u'taut Vitality.Narvou* muiIHviuuI \Uakuvo, amt U*t»ioraiion of I f,. | . 1 • <• ill I HM v ... :i »•> MitfUttUl Irruili »e;u«*ljf. lolitattt* Uo 1 I •-I9m*l* tMtlvt in it* run* All r *l*r». a who ar* tit fforiu* froit • «riikii,'M that ^ I4t#l»t - Ibetr ill*, is niii| that ihduIaI a »4 j»b> »••<»* « altering i**‘ m uf lo la»«t Man 1 l**wi » T-i • 14 v* rtt* to th* s l\ f I*. Mi.1* I * V I. 1 t *»VU' »NV, On,ail*. Nth ai*4 th*v will 4 -ei»4 vuu mi iitth I'HKi.’, a taluat*’* |«|> lie 4H‘I |m lth*jilUM#» I «tf the r Ifiift VI t* i* t. Ih» IlHltf I bon* I •*> I* of HMMi a In* I«U> »• »■: all h**|»e of a 2 • «*fe 4i« i«tb| rt'lwrei Im II *oi to a |mn k few*! t*. *«4 it**n 4* «> I inti it wm l« I » 3 • * ■ ■ * all who j J v«f*r t go to there Ho if they * » ) Hou ii*>t Or |i*if«tlfe I i at* t.ii in* h**fiyi am ri*» » a#*, I r** na*t*|4* hi V CV |» U4* Th*y bat* |j al mol §aa * •**• |o » **♦#% • a*« lb#4 *r*ai tf ••(..«* I ion j Hr of llao t-hafim »**a* U 4 |«m «*4 in * a Utah i • ■ * * li.- it*** *» *••«. a *» * I •iaitei VI i' a I ha a l«*h% SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. I »|'*| . »■ knl.»h ! vl .I i 2*wr I HU' i*> ,m t*. M- I ..ft II. .*1 TO fkb: •■;•■/» ».. vm JKUr3* M wt.w».Ulw< t». ■.^mrttv.waw. «M»«‘»i *» 125 00 1 MOUTH1 4*. M. » 4*11 itlMiMii* •***»•“* ••**» EXECUTION OF LOUIS. _ Ni JNHAPPY KING WENT TO DEATH BRAVELY. tj, - In Is Prepared Himself for the Ale, hut b< Finally Submitted to (lie last Indite tilty of Binding III. Hands—There i at Was No "Vive le Roll** w y N tlie Century there w is a graphic ar- yi tide on "The Last rj «t)ays of Louis XVI. p and Marie-Antoi- d, nette.” The au- n thor, Miss Anna L. tl Hlcknell. says: ai It was a dark, it misty. January ti morning. The n jH presence of the two tf oldlers precluded the possililllty of at onversation; the priest therefore l; landed his breviary to the King, and d minted out appropriate psalms, which oi he King read devoutly and with per- tl ect calmness, to the evident astonish- A nent of the gendarmes. The shops ir vere shut along the way, and crowds II >f armed citizens stood on the pave- A nent as the coach, preceded and fol owed by cavalry and artillery, went w ilowly through the streets, where all ct he windows were closed. Lines of ei roops stood on each side, while drums fi teat solemnly, us If for a military fun- tl sral. o A a t lio onn/.li rnuoAil nli.ncr I tin Until- »Y 3vards near the forte St. Denis, a few w voting men rushed forward, waving e jwords and crying loudly: "Come, all tl who would save the King!” There ti was no response, and they were obllg- V ed to (lee for their own lives. They a were pursued, and several were ar- h rested, with fatal consequences. The n King, absorbed In prayer and rellg- a lous meditation, had not even percelv- d ed the vain uttempt to effect his dellv- h erance. I The coach had at last reached the I Hue Royale and the Place de la Revo- r lotion, where the crowd was Immense, p The scaffold stood a little to the left h of the Place, where the Obelisk now I stands, but nearer the Champs-Kly- ti sees, toward which the guillotine was d turned. A mass of troops formed a y square around the fatal spot. The s coach stopped at a distance of a few paces. The King, feeling that the mo tion had ceased, looked up from his prayer-book, saying quietly: “We have £ reached the place, I think.” One of the executioner's assistants opened the door. The King earnestly commended the priest who accompan ied him to the care of the gendarmes, and then stepped from the coach. Three men surrounded him and tried to take off his coat. He calmly pushed them back and removed It himself, opening his shirt-collar and preparing his neck for the ax. The executioners, who seemed at first disconcerted and almost awed, then again came around him, holding a rope. The King drew back quickly, ex claiming: "What do you want, to do?” “To tie your hands.” The King exclaimed indignantly: “Tie my hands! No, I will not submit to this. Do your duty, but do not at tempt to tie me; you shall not do it!” The executioners persisted, and spoke loudly. The King looked to ward the Abbe Edgeworth, who at once saw the impossibility of resistance, and said gently: “Sire, this last in sult will only provide a fresh point of resemblance between Your Majesty and the God who will be your recom pense.” The King looked up to heaven. “As suredly His example alone could in duce me to submit to such an indig nity.” Then holding out his hands: ■ “Do as you please; I will drink the cup to the dregs.” His hands were tied, and with the assistance of his confessor he ascend ed the steps of the scaffold, which were very steep. When he reached the top he broke away from the Abbe, walked firmly across the scaffold, si lenced the drums by a glance of au thority, and then in a voice so loud that it was audible on the opposite i side of the Place de la Revolution, he i uttered these words: “1 die Innocent of all the crimes im- i puled to me. 1 forgive those who have i caused my death, and ! pray God that 1 the blood you are alrout to shed may 1 never fall on France." There was u shudder that ran through the crowd like a great wave, but at the word of command the drums beat a prolonged roll, and the voice could no longer be heard. The King, seeing that all further address to the crowd would be fruitless, turned to the guillotine and calmly took his place on the fatal plank, to which he was fast ened. The apparatus turned over, and the ax fell. It was then a quarter |suit ten o'clock a. in. of the 21st of January. 1793. The executioner held up the severed head, turning ss he did so to the four sides of the Place. The King of France was dead. "la* rol est mortr Hut ini one dared to rrjr the tradi tional response. "Vlv» le rol'" "U roll*' The heir to the ot»> e glo rlotis title wsa now a poor little child weeping bitterly In n prison by the side i of his widowed moi her. V# *fMn Im I Flue marbles of various color* have j Men found in several district* uf New ; Mtk Wales \ pure white la equal , In the sectm l ak»*e t'arrsra another •panic* ta black with white si rewhs j »ed gold markings There are gear* and hrowns of various tints, and in the , vtrinity of Uatehnow are immense de I posits of green serpentine welt worthy of silent ton Fee* tame steees. tn popularity pterions stonss now rwah the psnrt area the ml) i—and, lad the dtsmowd third PASSINO OF TOMBSTONE. » Other Roaihwrttrrn Camp lied Such » Meteoric History. There never was another camp in e southwest like that at Tombstone 1879 and 1880. Indeed, there have en very few similar conditions in the arid. For over seven^ months the lily output of precious metals a var ied about $50,000, says the New V'ork all and Express. Over a dozen men rnt there penniless and came away orth over $500,000 In less than a tar, and six or seven men struck It rh and sold out for $1,000,000 each, illy half the population walked hun eds of miles to get there. No rall ad ran through southern Arizona In ose days, and the awful Colorado id Mojave deserts had to be crossed wagons or on foot by the multl de of fortune seekers from Callfor a. Desert sandstorms were encoun red, and for days travelers to T<unb one endured a temperature of over 0 degrees In the shade. Many a man ed on the hot, sandy plains. Miners t their wuy to the new camp from le east and south tolled across the rlzona alkali plains through Int ense cactus areas, and risked tliclr ves In the then hostile land of the pache Indians. When Tombstone was reached there ere new privations and more physl d distress for the greater number, ipeelally for those who had hastened um offices, stores, clerkships anil itdr pastor's study. Over one-third ! the men In camp had very little oney. or none at all, and knew no ay of earning It except by the hard it kind of manual labor, to which ley were unused. It cost $1 a night 1 sleep In a dirty, rough, pine bunk, faler sold at 20 cents a gallon, a nail dish of beans at 50 cents, a tal iw candle at t wo hits (25 cental, com lon overalls at $5 each, smoked hams 1 $12 each, and cowhide IkmiIs were Isposed of as fast as they could he allied to camp across the desert from os Angeles and Yuma for $35 a pair, a 1881 all the Tombstone mines that aid well were In the hands of u few croons and the population of the place iyl gone down from 10,000 to 6,000. a 1883 the mines, with two exceptions, egan to peter out and the population rmini'rt In 3.000. Since then It has one down slowly to less than 1,000 j\\ Is. Klondike. The Cleveland Plain Dealer prints n Interesting talk of Prof. Henry W. Illtott about Alaska and the Klondike ountry. We extract what he has to ay concerning its salubrlousness on he one hand and Its "vilest pest” on ho other: "Alaska Is a healthy ountry. with no malaria or mountain ever. A curious fact Is that any one minted with neuralgia or rheumatism s completely cured of It In that cll nate. The clear, dry atmosphere and he rapid changes of the body's tissues loubtless account for this. One's ap letlte Is tremendous there. A per onal Incident will show you what an Uaskan appetite Is like. I was one if six men, who having had a good ireakfast, sat down at noon to a din ler of roast gooBC. Six large geese, lone of which weighed less than eight lounds, had been roasted and stuffed, ,nd were served with coffee, bread, mtter and pickles. At the close of he meal every hone was picked clean, md not a vestige of goose remained. Ve all ate a hearty supper that even ng. The talk that there is plenty of ;ame to he had there is entirely mu eading. A camp of two hundred men vould clean out all the game in a tract wenty miles square, in a few weeks, food, plenty of It, Is the one great ne esslty, and a man to succeed must be veil fed. The vilest pests of Alaska ire the mosauitoes. I have battled vlth these annoying insects In New lersey anti Central America, but they annot compare with the Alaska spe ies for venom and numbers. In May he tundra becomes a great flat swale, ull of lK>g-holes, slimy decayed peat, nnuinerable lakes, shallow, stagnant, ind from all places swarm mosquitoes >f malignant type. Every precaution s taken to guard against them. Net Ing Is tied over the head and mltteni ire worn on the hands. Ointments arc ubbed on I he flesh, and attempts arc nude to smoke out the Insects. Horse< ind cattle, and even dogs, die from heir biles. Not until November do hey vanish. Tri'M mid M«n* A Mingle tree, according to a com lUtatiou in Knowledge, Is able, hrough its leaves, to purify the air rotu the carbonic acid arising from he respiration of a considerable num ier of men. perhaps a dozen or even score. The volume of carbonic add xhaled by a human being in the ourse of twenty-four hours is put at .bout 100 gallons; hut by Itouasln ault’s estimate, a single square yard •f leaf surface, counting both the up ier and under sides of the leaves, can. nder favorable circumstances, decora sise at least a gallon of carbonic acid u a day. One hundred square yards f leaf-surface then would suffice to pep the air pure for one man, but be leaves of a tree of moderate site ireaent a »urt«e ■ of many hundred quure yards. "tSeaUee at Somi." The bouse of the iterttn eiettrlrUn, Mr. Mtriweits. is known In Germany as be ‘ wonder of IV me r." The dining ■<>hi kitchen and s 'liar are s issn inl y a miniature dwlik railway, which, y y reap ins a button, conveys ait idea Imunt laaianisaeously from um part me SI to the other A wewevh Waiefcmaw U«ar« blights are now mN to lilumia le at night I be ground* of the Jersey late prison to prevent I be eecaps of rtauwars It In reported to have bps* tecum tn preventing the ewajm of ! It^nrttrhtnc >*ot* |,*prr. Tin Even the most negligent of rorre-, spondents would find Inspiration In some of the new boxes of note paper. I. The boxes are in the form of little vn< desks, although made of card board, <■'«> nnd are divided Into four or five com parttnenta. The cover Is fastened to ™ the nox and cannot very easily be lost ~ or mislaid. There are five different ba, sires of paper and envelopes. The larg- v[() est letter sheets are square, the enve- e)l. lops long and narrow. The smallest rui note sheets nre scarcely larger than •!<> correspondence cards. In one rornor of bai the box Is a spare for stlrks of sealing In wax and a taper. Truly these conven- ov' lent, orderly nnd complete eseretolres fl* must have been devised for the had " correspondent who snatches at any ex ruse—lark of time, place, paper or 0 what not—for not meeting her cpIs o-j larg obligations. - lie J. E. Cialbraltb, who has been ap- loi pointed trulllc manager of the Cleve- j ng land Terminal and Valley Railroad ; n Company, with headquarters at Cleve- “,l land, will also he the general agent of the H. nnd O. at that point. These . two positions were formerly held by U Hush Urockenbrough, who Is now gen- i eral freight agent of the II. and O. lines west of the Ohio river, with headquar- | wt ters at Pittsburg. ( ot __ Is Fifty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Jar rett liaynes, who were the pioneers ! of Paducah. Ky., and each of whom ; is more than ninety year of afe, plant- ‘ esl a walnut In the yard, from which On sprung a tree. It grew to be a large Kb trpe, and a year or two ago was cut j down nnd sawed Into lumber. The I ill i in nun «*»- ' .. ’ .. and Ih being Hawed to make the eof II hh of the eccentric couple when they die. _ to Di'tfnHfl Cannot **• t urea hy local application* as they cannot ' reach the diseased porllon of theear. a There Ih only one way to cure dcafoiwa, til end that l» hy constitutional remedies, l'cufrii x* I* caused hy an Inllamed con II* Item of the mucous lining of *h« hu« luchlun Tithe. When thin tube I* in- m Haloed you have a rumbling sound or lin p.-rfeet hearing, and when It la enllr ly closed. IleafnrH* Is ihe result, and un Its* the Inllammallon can he taken out t( a tel this tithe restored to It* normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever, nine eases cut of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is bottling hut an Ititlamed . condition of the mucous surface*. We will give one llundicd Hollar* tor arty case of Deafness (caused hy catarrh) > that cannot he cured hy Halle Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. If V J CHUNKY At CO., Toledo O. Bold by Druggist*. 70c. llall’a Family Fill* are the beat. - ■— Hi In the hook, ‘Txtve Affairs of Home Famous Men,” the story Is recalled of w Dr. Johnson anti the widow whom ho made his wife. He believed lit the _ exchange of prematrlmonial conlld ence In regard to disagreeable mat- J J ters, so he told her plainly that he <, was of a humble extraction, that ho j ► had no money, Hnd that one of his , uncles had been hanged. The sensible « woman responded cleverly that she J had no more money than he, anil that, , though none of her relatives had been < hanged, she had several who ought to j be! < -- < Misery l>y the Wholesale, < Is what chronic Inactivity of the liver gives < rise to. Bile gets Into the tilood ami Imparts « a yellow tint, the longue fouls and so docs ; the breath, nick head-nciic*. nalii beneath < the right, rilis and shoulder blade are felt, Hip < n.wi.L Is.,con*! I nil led and I lie Hlonilteh < disordered. The proven remedy for this eat- ’ ulogiie of evils Is Hostel U-r’s Stomach bitter*, a medicine long and professionally rceom mended, and sovereign also for chills and * fever, nervousness and rheumatism. J "la your son making any headway J In college?” ' "Any headway? I ahould say he was. | j You ought to see him bucking the < center." j It runty Is Itlood Deep. \ Clean blood menus a clean skin. No < beauty without it. < Warotsd ‘andy 4 'atlmr J tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by 4 stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im i purities from the body, begin to day to 4 (ianisb pimple*, boils, blotches.blackheads, 4 and that sickly billon* co plexion by taking < Casenrets, beauty for ton cents. All drug < gistK, satisfaction guarantetjd, 10c,50c. The world that the bird flies over is not the same that the snail crawls on. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ForchlMM'ii teething,*<»ft«n* th«gum-'.rsdiiiu-H Inflam mation,allay* pain,cures wind coll*. 26 cant* a bottl*. | No gooil cornea of Illuming other* for our misfortunes. FITS Psrmsnsntlyt'nred. Mo DU or rt«rv»»unri# a*»ft«i _ lirnt day h u.->*i of Hr. Kliun * .Nsrv« liuitturar >«*nd tor KHF.K V-i.OO trial bolt)** and trmtnwv Hit. It II. Kline, Ltd.HU Arch St.. I'hilatiolphm, l'u. A grain of prudence is worth a I pound of craft. t TO CI)KK A COI.II IN ONK HAT. J Take? Laxative bromo Qulnlnn Tablet*. All i Druggists refund the money if it fails to euro. Zdc t It costs more to revenge wrongs than to mi ll'er t hem. J I never used so quick a cure os I'iso's < ur© V for Consumption J. H. I aimer, box 1171, - beatt !©, Wash., Nov. *4ft, ltittft. | 11 ' r‘ > Lcurtiing mulics a flKin lit company 3 for himself. No-To-lUr for ITIftr t«ll. i Huanintced toha. ro liaidt cure mukc* weak . no ii fttrong, blood pure. t' All ilruik'UU. y Wise* inch muke more opport uni tics \ j than they hud I llarllngton Honte—California f.i» ear* Ions. Cheap. Qnlrk, Comfortable, ravr Omaha 4:35 p. m., Lincoln 8:10 p. m. Hastings k:30 p. m. every Thursday ii» in. modern, not crowded tourist sleepers, transfers; cars run right through to San nrlsco and Isis Angeles over the Scenic lie through Henvcr and Salt Lake »"tty. s are carpeted; upholstered In rattan; e spring seats and hacks and are pro ud with curtains, bedding, towels, soap. Tnlformed porters and experienced es slon conductors accompany each excur i, relieving passengers of all bother about gage, pointing out objects of Interest and many other ways helping to make the numl trip a delightful experience. Second ss tickets are honored. Ilrrlhs |5. or folder giving full Information, call at irest Burlington lion to ticket office, or tetoj. Francis,General Passenger Agent, i a ha. Neb. \t Ludlow, In Germany, 129 father* vc been fined 1 mark upleco for ai ring their children under 10 years of a to dance at the harvest festival of village near by. The village pastor looted to the dancing, and reported a case to the police. It wan dlscov •d, however, that hi* children hart need, too, and ho wan fined with the it , Hie new model Remington Typo ller enjoy* a larger sule than any icr typewriter ever had, because it the beat. Bend for catalogue. 1710 mam *troet, Omaha, Neb, to In In* loiflr. >1r*. Wlrkwlrc—"Did you read ab- tit it man who found ff>0,000 while dlg ig worms to go fishing with?" Mr. Wlckwlre "Yes, dear." "Well, 1 was Just thinking what tybe you have missed by always hlng with flics.” Iwtrliomitliiin f'lidiii'tf Cm < i f lliirl i.if ii, Vt.. makers of tint "True Ver* inter” Itazors unit Knives whose nil rtisement appears in this paper, are '•(liable eoneern anil will gladly send rir catalogue free ou application. Never make a mistake. Is the biggest stake any man can make.. fee's I amli IImWmih he n|.|,',t it nl I 1 It w ill l„,a I, „|i . rr/it qulekrr .n anyllilii. It J. alw»>» r, llaMv. Trjr It. Knvy shoots at others anil wounds The I f. To fore tonalIpatlnn forever. r»ke rasrsrets <'unity ('uthurtlr. I Or. nr I.V.. c. C full to cure. druKsIsts refund ntauey. Not to heur conscience Is the way to cnee it. uoke Hleilge Cigarettes, 20 for Rets. Modesty is a guard to virtue. < ► • > There is a i: < ► Class of People :: <> Who arc injured by the use J ; of coffee. Recently there • > has been placed in all the J [ grocery stores a now pre- < | puration called tJRAIN O,, » made of pure grains, that J J takes the place of coffee. < J The most delicate stomach < > receives it without distress, J | and but few can tell it from j ; coffee. It docs not cost over ,, >4 as much. Children may J * drink it with great benefit. < ► 15 cents and 25 cents per!, package. Try it. Ask for J | (JRAIN-O. O TryGraln=0! \\ * > CURE YOURSELF! , #l!«i llt«r f'*r mmutiiral nlb< h trRt d, li ll.Miiiiiu' ion*, | irritation* or , ulcciuh'wm of in ti < uUH ni< inl-r:u, t». I’lhiiilriM*. uiid inti antrin ftTHItVANS Chi UICAlCO. C'-ut nr piilronnua. Mold My lirni-rliU. 1 or writ in plain nrupper, l*y fifirt f*, prepaid, for tl no. ur Iw.ttii**, f?.7A. Circular ttfcut on raj'UibL SOUTHERN iomeseekers’Guide Kverjr lionu'i-r* ker aliould htldretui fiiliur J. f KICKY, A. ii. V. A.. MmiriiPhter, low*} W. A. I l.I.nNh, A. a. I*. A., Loulsviii*. Ky.# or H. u. AT<TI, l». I* A., Cincinnati. O , for a fr«*r «’«py -( i« I M.INOIN 4'FNTItlL KAII.KOAIi'M OUTII kliN ||4>MK*t IlllltV (lUint. lH A I PA Keif atltlliiK. |Ml. ramMiMtlon Ik tun K Ij II I P> ^ N«» I !>.><*«* WL*i*fht» H. •UktNI I ™ ” Hr*t and nferapual. Mend fur iirii'vt Yl-l-kS SC ALL WORKS, BUFFALO, N Y. OCieilT Diin on »'* enitr* i'1 vuAOhfi. ft of IllsIVIT1 I rAIU ituoitiitf >>r W»l| at>d iMlinir • t Ilia. Writ* f>r MinitltMt ami Tt»«» Vmy Uuiii» llnollng 4«iiai|»»uy. 4 mumIuii, N.J. MIIHCHM in I WHISKY HABITS IKHIB H MI i t li.u k t HKN. UR. * «. W ■ BwBVB HotkltH. KsWHaP d* . MIH O O, ltd, ✓ . N U OMAHA NO 40. 1 H97. flint writing to lulvi rtiarn, kindly uit'iiliim till* |Kt)rr Tho mlaory of It loawful. USE 8T. JACOBS OILl * SCIATICA You'll fool It lo worth Its woiKht In gold. ' a CATHARTIC Uica)u£VO CURE CONSTIPATION ** *» psuouarn ^