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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
Thk Northwkstkrn »:r r - • ZSSJ-:- T=a Published every Friday at thk county skat. OKO. K. Ilimm'IIOlT.R. Kelt tor and f ublUher. CHMS SI 50 per Tier. II Paid in Advene* liltwl *1 the 1 stnp City J’oetnfflee for true nleetuo tbroufb lbs inalla »• J alM* uietUr. ■ We mi1 in receipt, of » copy of the Tacoma I>ail\ Leader winch give an exhaustive account of the Klondike gold field* of Alaska. Another marked evidence of re aming prosperity is evidenced in 5» letter from u Chicago wholesale firm to one of our leading merchants and which state* that tbev wen Ixihind with their ordi is for good* ■ i A ■fnot supply tin1 good* fad enough w to keep them in stock. Kusionists art: still proelaming P (bat prosperity in not here, and yet F there are almost t wo jobs to every ^rtiiuii, The railroad companies are RPtimly advertising for more hands. Wit They are eostantly heliilld with slup | hum its because .hey cannot gel hands enough to handle '.he freights and fc their present forces are compelled to I work almost day and night in con 1 sequence. it you want a band to do a jot) of work here you must speak a week ahead, still Bryan rn mill Bryanites arc hoarsely shouting [ “there is no evidence of returning Thompson of tlio Monitor was ■ over to die county seat lust week He came in to sen us and after an hours conversation, which was seem ” ingl> pleasant, tie straddled his b\ kc, •'RL rode hone 18 miles distance mid HR. in the next issue of his paper culled us a “liar.'' Now tin* question »r rises, why did'nt Thompson call m a “liar" to our face. There was n > reason why he should,lit if he felt that way His msigtbllant size, Ins ^ young and iioyish appearance, and yK Jm the fact that he does'nt know any HR better would have aave him. He could B have poared his vile epithets into oar ears directly and in return got l only smiles and sympathy for Ins B demented allle.tioris. riien with his boasting nature be could have gone home and told his readers of his i„I.J .i r_I ... I# l» ... . I.. lu led iinlmoilt' f Our content porn tics are very much worried because there is a possible chance of our semiring the post olllue. Perhaps we might sooth llieir jealous disp >siiion b\ inform ing them ill'll there is also a possible , chance of us not getting it. The) are making alt • irtl of suggestions for in to withdraw in fsvor of Mrs Kearns. In anewr we will saj that their •mgg.nrii ms in the matte. H are wholly ii'iueeessary ms we Ii el K ofteu eXpn ssed a willingness bill f before mid uf'ir tleeii.ui, and p i tieularl.v b 'f. re me nominations to MP^fe withdraw from tit' rice in av r or HK^^B Mrs Kearns if it! .liter candidates ■ in the t'i dd w m l I • • a-- saute Then ■ are, however - o • il »s,.ei in s for ■ the posr l u. W i o. i...t » • gtvi'il\ JSdufter the p • »' • tll«e t.s tlie-e *le '.I -ilu. v lj i •. i .11 in agli.e In' it all tin* panii'« i•-m.mi i tin* t ot jjfeitlaEif I w '• .. r.u- i win we * lion Id *. withdraw I' ii . j. .line .1 s .n t ^^k|iol .1 »e • ». ■ tile p..»|t|Oi>, . . I w l.« il. n1, o« ' tint! Himr e*.nlemp*». . a .11 . % * *I ■ sill.<11 jet we do led wist, to •' do ■ It. II..' * •« "f . ... le l*-efvll>o tl. |l til l|e s U. . o ' 1' SI. t * * 11. [ . «I •' : "t"";'"" W JB lUlist Wtt*. fe tat d t .f e witty wjm fill ii 4 ^tktlilH^ iklfiThlHIt »»bt ISTot ice STRAYED AWAY From inv farm near Ashton. Nebraska, FIVE HEAD nf 3 year nltl steers, coining 3. My cattle Have three different styles of brands, viz: One a mule shoe with toe up. on left side, near iii|i; another Is a long squaVe. about. 3 hy 4f inches in size, located somewhere on side, pos sible near hip: Hie third Is a long crooked mark similar to a leltei N al though it Is not a letter S It runs lengthwise the steer and Is 13 or 14 inches long These brand* are nil on left side. Mime of these esirays may have two brands on and some of them only one They were all dehorned hlimit two weeks ago Winn last seen they were near .1- A. Alngcr’s farm, tl mile* cast of l.nup City on Saturday, Nov Oth, 1*1*7. Kinder will lie liberally paid for re turn or cattle or for furnishing any In formation as to lie If whereabouts. (ii-.o M. Kbits*, Owner. Ashton, Neli W l» AOKNTS: In every dlstiict on the continent to take order* for high mill isccds. Lm-gei t and moat complete assortment in the trade. l-’ust selling special!le.«. suplv-rh samples till'llie|i«r<I tree; correspondancc in miv language. I iie.o positions are monev makers, and territory should I e secured at once for the season by alt hustlers looking for a good thing. Our salary or commission offers will Interest anyone not earning *1.000 ('0 per year. Oct III communien t Ion w ith our nearest ullice An opportunity to represent a wcll estaUllshed|hou»c. Ability more Import ant thill, experience. 1,1 kV. BKOTlIkK.s (,'OJtl'ANV, IneriiHtlal Xnrscries, Chicago, 111, Montreal. One. It,.chest r, X Y. Croup IJiilrkly 4 tir«ul Mui N'i’Ain (I i#».n. Ark Our children wen* ftuflVrlnir wirl» croup when we received u hotrh* of (’hmiiherlinV ( oujch Kernedv. I* afforded jtlmopf luMnnl ip lief. V A. Tiioiimun Thl* rdphrat* p<| remedy 1* for mjiIp by Odenduhl Urna. Dr. .Sumner Davis Gruntl Island Specialist in diseases, of Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat. Examination for glasses. You ought to get the Semi-Weekly State Journal during the campaign. Do ings of all parties fully reported I,In coin Is the political ccnlie of the State ami lhe Journal gives t his class of ne ws ahead of otiicr state papers Twenty live cents vill pay for this -plcndid papei from uo-v uni I Januiry I. IMS. Those who believe clonic diarrhoea to he Incurable should read wliat Mr 1*. B Grisham, of i.ams Mills, La. has to say on the subject, viz "I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea evei since the war and have tried all kinds of medicine for it. At last I found a medicine that effected a cure and that was Chamberlin's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy." This Med icine can always he depended upon for colic, cholera uiorhus. dysentery and dlrrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure, 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Odenduhl Bros. J. M. Thirawond, of Grosbcck,Texas, says that when he has a spellof indiges tion. untl feel* bad anil sluggish, he takes two of DeWittV Little Karly Kisers at night, and he Is all right the next morning. Many thousand* of others do the same thing. Do you ? Odenduhl Bros. klirn Loir Vos,. nn,l Thnmt I)r. Sumner Davis Grand Is land. Ilurltngtou Houte California PxcursloiiH Leave Oiiih1 a 4:!W p hi., Lincoln (1:10 j>. in and Hatting? H:50 p. in, * verv I’iiurmlay in clean, modern, not crowd* | cd touriPt alee per*’ . No transfer-, ears j run through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over I lie Scei; ic Route—t hrough I Denver and Salt Lik»* < itv Lars are carpeted: u holster* d in raffa; have spring-» atH and Hacks and hi* I provide*! with curtains, bedding, to cl*, so p, etc. Unit* lined porter* and * x p< r en* **d conr)u tor* accompany • aeH excursion, relieving passengers of ail I bother of baggage, pointing out. « hjeen ot inter* -I and in many other *'a - Helping *o make tin* ov i land Dip a delightful experience Second cl*is« ! tickci.s are li *nered. H**tlli» U*>. For folder giving till Information, I call nt in d'* *l Rut lingtoii Route to kot *»iUt?e, «»r writ** t*» .1 Fra* et*. D**nera; f•}»--**ng»*r Agent. Omaha N»d* ,f. I*. Retry, nn»« «»f * he to**! kn»*wti !citUeua of S|M‘ncer. Vo., UMiifle* that | he cui»«I hlui-elf of the worst kind «»l | idles t \ using a few Hov- *d I** will'* j Witch ll iMl H aUc lie had b<«i j troubled with plies f *f over ililrlv [ ve<r' and had toed it* *nv *md» »•? *** ! called cuies; Rut D«-Will s ««* the too that did <he woik and lie will verifv j Hi** ilvi* me nt i{ auV one w|«h* • I* I wrlle hint Ot‘»«* *1*1*1 Moa | v*ru t or mi i t mi*Pii cli vt iM vdtilt To %oi Van %• »»he«rt*‘ 4 = > *»» t ha* h- vm**.unmiI [ «i*»n*l Iwi* *0 *h*V «i ? ****.,,I, «.t>I •!»>!♦ and M* no Uii- « *i I Iks «<*»*»*• V * *»V Ot sH* iH*a V> t* i !<«#%> »a ii‘# ah *i »* *»t *H'lso*#!, dvw *' * j. irf^'na h* t * r*» Wf*o* *« * * ow a t h*i* im I llw I t fee «u* a# r-A t V |h l*(kH 0**1* 4 *«•*.■ I , ***«* * * ■ I wot *« I **»' I gTvoi-, m-m ws* e tc * i* i ***««-*> j i mm l Is* Mt mna* J»m mi ► ** ’ ** ** •***■" •**•» * * : (i >s| *■ t p*s *» si g-**» • frw It** V i >-*4^ *♦ . i • <H|t i )a felM,*ti** * a *' t (**■-*•<** * l Hot #flN tllMt **# m»V*HWl|Wii ****‘‘ *** »* ■ II* 41 ih'lll I'OSlU* »"1 **• « M p *il| It W K WMldi. V*»«m «■ A few weeks ago the editor whs Ink- : en with a very severe cold and caused I j him to lie in the most miserable condi f tlon. It was undoubtedly a bail ease of i hi grippe, recognizing it as dangerous j lie took 'intnediate steps to bring about, cure. Krom the advertise-i ! men' , | Chaiiiticrliiln's l ough Itemedy land lie in my good rceeoiiilllendalton* llnclii'h'l iberelti we eoneliided to make j a tlr-l lii ,I of the medicine. To say I that, ii w ,< satisfactory i i Its results, I* polling it. very mildly, indeed. It | lie ed like in igtc iiurl the result was a Ispnilt anil permanent cure. We have [ no lieslteuo in reeeemmendlng tlii« < x eellent (faugh Itemedy to anyone allliet eil with a cough or cold In any form. I'lie Haulier o Liberty, Iiibertvtowa, Maryland. The gfi mid Tib cent sizes for sale bv Odendahl llios, You can't afford to ri*k your Ilf" by allowing a cold to develop!) into tin' piii'iiuioiibi or eon sum pt Ion. 1 ns taut re lief and a certain cure arc afforded by I tine Minute Cough Cure. Odendahl j llros. ! : OisHgiiruieut for Itie by burn* or I ! -culd“ may lie nvobled by using I>e\VIll's i W Itch Hazel Salve, Hie great, remedy | ,.1 .....i i.' l,l.. i„ ,.i ... ,i ! skin trouble?. Oi1 linn* NOTH I. TO NON-UfcHlDKNT I.dual* MeMimteiH, Defendant, will! . take notice that on the 11th day of Oct.' 1 obor, l*'.>7, Battle McMaaters, Plaintiff lie re. j | in filed her petition hi the dlutrlet court of | * Hliernntri County, Nelunka, tiffa'iiftt said; j defendant, t lie object arid prayer of which j .ire to obtain a decree of divorce from said ) Kdtpir MeMiutcrs, the husband of said I ’ Battle .McMastcis, for willful aliatidoitieni | for moie limn two years without JiiMt cause Voii are required to answer Maid petition on or before the Mil day of December, I-07, ; Dated, October I H b„ I Mb Battik McMahtkh, I’ln I nil If. j ahchi (iro. w. id ntkh, Attorney I Doits it kin', clerk District Court. , NOTH'K TO NON-KKttl DDK N'T DKI DND A NTH. In district court of Sherman county. Neb-, raska. Walter Mouth, Plaintiff, vs, Meujiimfn ID Drake cl, ul. Defendant The defendant* Benjamin II Drake May Drake llc/ektah S, Uralo Mary Drake. The Central Doan and Tru-t Company, A. D. Cam , bell. Assignee of the Central Doan and Trust • Company and De* Moines National Bank] Truster will take notice that on the 1*1 day! of November 181*7. Walter South plaintiff herein hied his p* Ui Ion in the Dlstriei Court of Sherman emiDfy. Nehru Uu aimtbwi 1 :ui de.foti(>4blH impleaded with Cfiarle . D. Drake* Kdnu .I Drake Tin Keystone Dumber Com pany Albert B Outhouse. Henry MiHer, John Miller, and — M11 Ur. his wifi* first nurne unknown the* object ami prayer of which an* to foreclose a certain moi ti/us'c executed by the said Benjamin II Drake and May Drake t<> the sai*i * ’eutraJ Doan and Trust Company and by the said Central Doan and Trust Company assigned to plaintiff upon file South West quarter of Section 41H» Thirteen, in Township -Hi Fourteen, north of Kum/e US), Fifteen, west of oth p. m. situutc in Sherman county Nebraska. to secure the payment of a prom Uorynoie in the sum of $1.000.00due and pay able* on March 1st. IMtfkand in'JOdays after de fault to pay the interest thereon and six Inter cst notes due and payable September 1st. ihoo. March ist. lHOT. Seplcmher 1st i*lH. March l~t ISO* September Ist. IHW*. March 1st. I MOO for $30.00 each. That tin re i* now duo the plain tiff on said notes and tnor'arajrc the sum of 1 $1130. |H) Klovcn Hundred and Thirty-nine Dollars and Forty eitfht cents, with interest on $30 00 from September 1st. IHUfl. and on $30.txt from March 1st, IH07, and on $1030.00 from Sept ember Ist, 1*0, and on $10.3* from October 3*th 1*07. at ten per cent per annum, for which sum plaintiff plays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said prem I sc* may be sold t o sasisiy the amount found due. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before tne 13th day ot December. 1807. Dated this first day of November, 1*07. VVAi.rtJt bOL'TH. Plaintiff, by ID J. NKiiiTiNi.alb, hU attorney NOTICK TO NON• It KSIDKNT DKFKND* A NTH. In District Court of Sherman county, Neb raska. The Vermont Savin*?* Bank. Plaintiff vs. Margaret! » .aydocki, el. ah. iieienuuut*. The defetuftiuis Mnrpurett Uuydet kt. I Andrew <i.»yderkt. Thetfeiitral Loan and Trust , Company, A L Campbell Assignee of the Cen* ! tr»l Conn uud Trust Company, Dos Moines* Nutionul Bank Truster, and The .1 1 Cum* Tlireshlhtf Muehiae Company will lake notice I lull on the sfhth dav <>i October, Hu* Ver mont Suvinps Bunk plaintiff herein filed its petition in the district court of Sherman coun ts .Venrr-ka. against aid defendant* implead with Atnott Kwlntkowaki. Kwiutkow Ui his wife first name unknown. Nti»■Intel Mn haiski uud \ letoria Miehulaki. the objeel uud prayer of which are u» foreclose a certain UtoriKU^e i wanted by the said Maruni’cl t ! tiuyoocki and Andrew (lay dock i to i he aunt i « utnvJ Lonu ami Tfust < Uipumv upon the i Mamin Weal n'lurter of Nc.uot* ilJfi Twelve, iu ! Township in Fifteen north of Hunne D In sh^rman count> Ni iraskti to secure the paMinm of a certain promisor.* uote for the I pr nrlpal miiu of jkkJu.Kl and sewn Interest uoi< - n»r the sum of « ach. dated March i Thnl l«!, *uid prim Inal sum of F«nu» brlnif urn and pa ab»e on May 1st h*ft*and in Uvea -j J v i!a> * alter default l** pa* nh> ilitert Si duo i ti*ei« nit and »*id ikU i«m not* * brine dut- uud i l*ivubte i»l» May 1st uf rilt u venr afti r date of J ! *.»id principal hole That said Moles a lei j f in *ritftn.u- w*‘i« ou May thh. v-hi ami as* I viytiHi it» |daititi0 uud there l» now due there | i ou the mini of fWJia with interest 0*i j 194Km.HU fr uit Mat Ct. ijsm. .»«,! un t v al j tram dvi 'in) ,<»*h p'ki **«. ten per » enij I |.m f atiU .mi f»«# whi 'h *utu pialwt;4 pray* for i f U de *»*• Hot' tkh'ftillilih be o -jUtieU u» pay j j Um «*mu* oi *1 •* Mtiii pit - • tv 'a «atil to <vat 11sty tkt aMaauui found dvn ■*« vt»itl | V«m u«Y ic»iutr««i to iMjC-o** - <wkl pet mo* »a 1 lor b*bo* itu «dhday **f Ikttm «i imv ( lotted ihI-» JPth »*«J| d *ntt»m r. l*Ti T i \t*H a i v* it *s. ■ *. it dih i'Uiacti »** if J v* H1IC vi « in littiMw. M UM, *«*Tu*t; It UMaiiM |U44itfttf % » | |. «l 14 * * -I and Mwi v I i •* *k« l * il IKlfcMl * , |,e . t! ■) H|Wit *tiU|* h taa-- »-*| the ’dk* ■mo.* ul Ip d l**»- If •s if u *■••■*• pr**Ml : ¥■* *-■> ? in -«& >• ►*! *V-- n fiuauHp , ki..u»* ip |*V-J, * ;*f t *4nfl| * h sMK.'t* MNM ' a--ei*yft Hftn **cv»& yd F» *H»»# ! t m •* •>’► MwoM'iM »**•'• • <■ «t wHa-' II ***«••• » pk«... > .vt I i ii.^kk i l- « a,p. '■ .. c. :* * I i-l j * ilMrl **• c s»- * * I ; ■* -. > W«- ‘ Wt '»**-' *|t *>->•-*-* V*'. ft *M kc«.l tjiwfrii*#».<[Dj-aftiw1* II i *«m| MpiHkftft 'Ita* iV{*kv : • *«m ^wiMiMkhiWa'd isi i4pr •*.** da»w w* *U » e%k -t » IM» 4* *a .. vK s « **» «♦ J OMM» «M V * *MU* »*({§ Aio-nMp-t* In# j « THE FALL OF 1897 is at hand, and with bountiful crops and better prices. “Old Hard Times" will have to go. Now that the election is about settled, the next thing to attract your attention is ourlinc of winter goods: WE KOXW THAT WE CAN SUIT YOUR POCKET BELOW ARE A FEW LINES WE HANDLE: M K.VS KKSTKRS FINK AND FINK DRKSS OVKIK'OATH DI’CT COATS, RANTS, OVKRAKKS, SVVKATKRS, WORK SHIRTS, FINK SHIRTS, AND XKCKWKAR. LADIES & CHILDREN'S. CAPES, CLOAKS, JACKETS AND REEFERS, hoods, FASCINATORS, HO AS, MIFFS, MITTENS AND GLOVES, j BLANKETS, HOSIERY, HNDERWEA R, CARPETS, CHINESE MATTING, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTH. Put us on your list for a call when buying shoes. We can. save you some money. A. E. Chase. LOUP CITY. - - - - NEBRASKA Liara figure low and promise everything.. You get not what they promise, but what you pay for; Nothipg piope apd pothipg less. We give you what we promise, something more. Call and see our splendid line ol Tufted lounges at prices that was never heard of before. They are not stuffed with wind either nor yet stove pipe. r,t>'UOAKJ)S :*-•><» up. \* ^ JJKDSTFADS AT OMAHA PRICES I&4 mg |\ wash Isdlera >»o willed i l«««k at our heavy retinue.I or copper wash iHtilur* and rl, of King for your money. Ihlft granite ware, the l»e*t made t'all iiiAp g t before baling and we will give you one hundred eeuta worth of goods for a dollar R y •« need any light on the siihjeet call and our nev line of lamps, from 1'* tent* Ha Don tV)|-get the Bfick Hardware Store. 11 E. H- W/VTKjNSOH.