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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1897)
The Northwestern 7UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. OKO K. IIKianCMOl'I.H. Editor and Publisher. W TERMS $1 60 »tr Tsar. II Paid In Advancs liUrtd at tha Is<up City I’oatofllea for (raa* -<“<«■ uroaib tha luallv M m uc4 alaaa rnattar. ELECTION NOTE Tha returns from Sherman county are nil in hut with tho exeetpion of Loup City township the vote is much Lt lighter than ii wns lawt year, ujljr' The returns of the county show tint Sullivan linn a iiiajoritjfdptr Wg Post in the county of :i2l m-nWtlier words SiiIIivuii gels 754 ami 1’otl P 4BB. The Inteat returns fr<*m 'll*1 5 I state indicate a majority for the ' fusionisis of from 8,000 to 12,000 y nearly it bulf less than that of Inst year. |[' The county ticket was carried hy V tue pops hy majorities from 00 to" HL 405 Mrs. Ktarns for Superini',nde0t WM‘ i.i at..,. ....lil.. « I. Ilopper for clerk a rlo.-e -caotid. 15,, li candidates cat.:, ,1 ilicir own township h) u lingo niuj i v and Mr-. Kearns even cm I 1 i oppoi • nets I mine township which • vc a ii .<• iii.-ri insjofi’y f< r trie r* ■' of the tl On 1 iv j uhiicnii wiper visor has In •!! e 1 out ' f I ill >vrel ii ! till the republican* ere talking of beading the state ticket with him nest fill'. This siicct-i- ful candidate in Lewi Kcdtthold "I L -"t> I'it.' township and his very nuiuu seems to he an eye sore to fusion. Two years ago he loomed up against one of , ur best business mi n mid came out on top; lust Tuesday lfe made the race against ones of his ••rother farmers and heat Ins former record, doubling his majority mid u< ming out wiih ope i davh {lit !u th* l« id on the homo stretch, fcurely Mr. Meet - timid should cither lie placed at the head of the ticket or he pitted against J. M. Snyder in his race for the scrota; next full. John Minsliull for clerk on the populist ticket received 'I'L less votes in Ouk tlrcek and Astiton town ships tliuii Mr. Madura but John's ’ homo preuinots eumt* to his rescue and piled him up nice little majori ties which lauded him safely with votes to spare. Sherman county gives II. M. Sal 1 iviiu lot district judge :i08 majority and it is safe to say that lie is elect ed by a very handsome majority, but up to the hour of going to press returns of the other couutles have not beeu reported. Both Buffalo and Valley counties have elected Hie entire rtpublieau county tieko:. Republican gains tire reported in some of the populist strong hold* of the state, and also that the populist iiuxe made slight gains in some of the republican strong holds, fn other populist states the re publicans have madi large gain* Returns from South Dakota show that ' in of eight i in it judge* Ho republican* elected six. (thin aid ill" other republican state* are safe and Mam Hanna reduced li e ixaj rly of HImUmii • IfU*H tl**t t*f lift it* # H.I *»t*l i/ | f, lldii • uiao'iu lining anil Mia ahull * out* hit, a*4 the ml) on inputs!)) I» mi ihu yua aa*t*4u*«d tt ally tWusih iil», Fheaw utuguuiMp* kb) It lu I* M* li III) •) ittlsil lu aah fur it) pui i dle* *u<l ar« at atumaib u ■> bo-bug atiwl alius consultation* and furnishing food for pop leaders and pop papers and their half dozen republican pulls for the purpose of working op nrrjudiee in the republican party against us. They have been known lo do wire pulling at pop conven tions and work and vote for pop vundBales. They train with the pops and it is believed they iuveri ably vote the pop ticket. It was ijiiile evident that both of the long uitieles published in the Times Independent und Monitor re garding Mrs. Kearns' candidacy were panned by the same person. The fact that both were written on the same line of thought from start to finish makes it pluin that it nun been necessary for u more alder pen pusher than either Brown or Thompson to turn up n pltumblc story to coiinti met rotnc of the sub stantial arguments made in that lady'a favor. If Brown und Thom pson were nl.iie to do their own will ing the editorials would doubtless I .Jijive in >re weight and the two paper wojild not b - so much of a same ness. All n candidate bus to do in Slier man count) lo be denied is to scrap :t ,rd eiioii^b in ; he convention to I i i are a non: ] .in' ion on the pop lick ,_ _ in 'ilt'iiiory it i,ir !« Ituiill'iow. j S', w i y . i ;i ; iwi.vujp nn-* Ln,,lrt vViuti© no vn bi'ittiv a;wave. in the deep and I lent grave. SJi'.' kn«/w . n<if»i i' .r ,h<to *he l» HlOdpiog in that client. !oii I; pot. Where around here giava* weeping! forg'd her not. Darling LouuHa. tiiou wort lovely, Gentle, k*ud a mi tamer bro»■/,<:■ Pie ana m a* tin; air of evening Ah It float* among the true*. Thou will no more join our number. We no morn thy vob « will hear; Hut It I* God who hath bereft u*. lie will all our nohow* *haie. Oh, that mound In the reiwdary That Nhort ami narrow bed; No gru-fcH In growing on It, No marble at lln head. You may go ami *tand beanie It. You may kneel and kin* the hoc! ; You will know no balm for narrow In the cold and ailent clod. Papa weep not, mamma grieve not. Try to Atnootl) your trouble* ore Darling Louella I* now aleeplng, On the happy, golden *hore. Ill* hard to give up one. Whom ho many of u* love: Hut God baa taken Little Louella. There to live with him above, Mas. Milton Kkntkkow .- - ■ ■ CAHD OF THANKS. We desire to tender our sincerethanks to the man* friends who mo kiudly as sisted us during the sickness and death of our little child. Mu. and Mu*. Ja8. Rentfkow. NOTICE. I have about 150 flue Imperial Pekin ducks for sale ut 50 cent each. These are the best ducks for laying of any kind as they lay both fall and spring. ! You will do well to see me if you want to buy. N. IlAN KL. Burlington ttout® California Kieumlon* Leave Oniii' a 4:155 p. in., Lincoln 0:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:50 p. m, every Thursday in elean, modern, not crowd ed tourist sleepers. No transfers; ears i uii through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route—i hrough Denver and Sait Like <it\ < ar« are carpeted. u bolstered in rattan; have spring scuts and buck* and are provided with curtain**, lied ding, lovejs, ! >.i* p, etc. I’nifotmed porters and ex pel .diced condu u»r* accompany each excursion, relieving pa-senseis of all bother of baggage, pointing out object* i of interest and in many other » j he ping (o make tip* uwiiait l ti p • a delightful experience Second class j tickets are b*»neied. B**t!h» #5. ! f or folder giving nil inloiuinti >u. 1 call at limn*! pol ling Mm It.eiie ticket otlh « , or v\ i ;*• to ,1 1 Mi'i i*, te iu Ui ! Passenger v/• n 0»l dis. Net* ,1. V, lien v, tm* i t tits !»»•! kn<*v\| ! iMiji i,* 4*f f*p n r Mo., (Htiitm |h*t tie t Itfvd hi . - df of the Wttpil kind »». " plh . t 4 h * feu mi*.v' * of Or * up H uh It x I *-v<\ He had t*«-i • tree hied v< • l j ■ * iof «»uh ihlttfr , 5,»d cnm i I • t 1H Itt * wt$* ihe one Ml It i.Mo D . ».» t id ||4 win veilfv x Ml *i 4.* r.x - •• iH.« idle* to \i -UV, '• ' I t » Vi'IH IT! if HI - g-f'4« At* j 4'iv®a taat *>> * uist at i m -. as"” m "4 * : lais -** •!** wf ] \ . M**■->! hHr •tlv-4 lit tlu *♦«!*•* it ill. ... * : * I " MV. * 0*<% %*', : , ,1* *„ 4 ■ * m . • . *■* f, P «iat ; .41 **4 * * i:.% t’vte.i*.>♦ * l«*. L> It |, I fro 4 1*4 U* - - , ** * *1 Ml ttH mu (Mis* ' i ■* ’♦* Sfisp-?* i j»f« Ni ukosi 4 s* fcfto «wms ■. » Ad I** h**M| ha* *®MS baa* ■ mi 4 1(4 |i'c» pfii Niwitl f.*» * »’W Ml1 J wmti-v i*t k* i tMv*■■ *4 *•*%»**«, , l«®*w lashotS'le 1 4" 4** vwm-I AfMtl »** j •*> p«»i t»> >*mI, tbs vat**** i #hi •* l *u# I |S^#n V 4 It# 4***® t j fmm$ gAi SMNphi *..*• »»-* MM****' ilk--Hf, •«♦»* »*»• • * # •* »N ♦«**#*. ig# its u»mw<4 <i*m #4 iH' a# iHHoi iii IliNM * I |A# SMO 1*4«wg tw Ik® 4 iH**• 4* l • *•*••.* .B 1 tin. f.Xls 4,% »'# ft .XxMx^. It . ViB, • «. Ixti.4 » ... v •« i ft. * II t I wj » M Wm«* lltiftMi A lew weeks »gn the editor wn* tak en with a very severeeoli! and eau-ed him to he in the most miserable condi tion It was undoubtedly a bad ease of )u grippe, recognizing It as dangerous he took 'oimeillate steps to bring about aepeid, cure. Kroin the advert I se men1 > f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and tin 00017 good reeeommendalions Inelndod i herein we concluded to make' a Hr-1 111- I of the medlellir. To say that it was satisfactory in It icmiIis, l» putting it very mildly, Indeed, It ac'ed like magic am] the result was a spudt ai d permanent eurc. Wtr have no hesltuncy in recceininenrllng thl*< x eellent Caugh Remedy to anyone allllet eil w ith a cough or cold In any form. I'he Hauner o Liberty, Llbortytowa, Maryland. The 25 ami SO cent sizes for sale by Oilendalll Rros, You can’t afford to rl»k your life by allowing a cold to dcvclopc into I be pneumonia or cninminptlon. Instant re lief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute t'ougli Cure. Odendalil . l>iHlKiirim,nt fni liiu I»v burn* or Moalil* iiiuy lio uvoiiliM l,y m inj; I inVV Ht'» Witch lla/.el Halve, i|i<’ (fri iit remedy for pile, arid for all kind* of hoivh and .‘-kill trouble , Oilemlitbl (iron. NOT I I) TO NON-IIKHIOKNT. lalKttl- M Mdntuni, OelelolUTiL, will litki! uol'< <*. lliai. on tin* )|th flay of Oct ohrr, iv#7, hiiMlc Mu Mauler*. Plaint Ilf here iii filed her petlttoft in the dixtrlci go* ft of Kfiennun County, Nebi ski, against mi t<) defendant, llie object and prayer of whtih ate to obtain a decree of dlvorcu frou )euid Edgar McMustcj*, tin* husband of.said iittttic McManicn., for willful tibuudomeni 1 or moici limn two yours without juxi CHUMO. You nro required toanswer s&UI petition on or I*Worn tlx* iii li flay of Jo cernbei*, lkk7. Dated, October i itlj , b/.n'. Jv a i i lls M< Mam i Kit, Plaintiff. Attest W. ill stick, Attorney L<n tu IlKlff, Clerk District ( ourt, NOTICE TO NON HEHIEDKM DEFEND A NTH. In district court of S e n urn cotiuty. Nete rusha, Walter South, Plaintiff, vs, Benjamin II. Drake et. al. Defendant* The defendants Henjamln 1(. Drake. Mu.v Dr: k", If«• /« klah S. Drake. Mary Drake. 'J he i ’• ntral Doan and Trust t 'uinpany, A D. • v/1 hell, A Ignce of the Central Dean and * Company and Du* Moines National Hunk Trustee will take notice that on the i*t day nf November JHU7. Walter .South, plaintlh herein filed his petition in the District Court of Hherman county, Nebraska against said defendants impleaded with Charles L. Drake Ed mi 3 Drake The Key*time kumimr Com iiauy Albert D. Outhouse. Henry Miller. John Miller, and - Miller his wife first name unknown, the object and prayer of which are t o forced*••*€« a certain mortgage executed by the said Hcnjuruln H Drake and May Drake to the said < 'entrul Doan aud Trust Company and by the said Central Doan aud Trust Company assigned to plaint I IT, upon the South West quarter of Section tiki Thirteen, in Township till Fourteen, north of Hunge * I A», Fifteen, west of f)th p. m. aituute in Sherman county Nebraska, to secure the payment of u prom isory bom in the sum of duo and pay able on March 1st. 1H00 and in JOduys after <f« fault to pay the interest thereon and six Inter est notes dm- and pu.vable Huptt triber 1st. 1806, March 1st. 1X07, September 1st. lxtff. March 1st 1808 September 1st. Js0H March 1st. 1X00 for 9803n> each. That there la now duo the plain tiff on said notes and mortgage the sum of (91130.4M) Eleven Hundred and Thirty-aloe Dollars and Forty eight cent*, with Interest on 930.00 from September 1st. 1x06. aud on *30.00 from March 1st. 1H07, and on *1030.00 from Sc pt cmlier 1st. 1X07 and on $40,2* from October mh i*07, at ten |>er cent per amutm. for which sum plaintiff plays for a decree thut defendants tie required to pay the same or that said prem ises may be sold to susisly the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of December. 1X07. Dated this first day of November, 1x07. Wai.tkii Hot th Plaintiff, by K. J. NioifTiKt.ALtc. his attorney NOTICE TO NON KESI DENT DEFEND ANTS. In District Court of Sherman county, Neb raska. The Vermont Havings hank, Plaintiff. va. Margurett Uaydeckl, et. al-. Defendant*. The defendants Marguretl Uuy«l« rki, Andrew Uaydeckl. The Central i«oan and Trust Company, A 1* ( ompbell Assignee of the t en trul Doan aud Trust < ompauv. Dos Moines National Hank Trust* • . uou The «l l < a i •I* VI ‘ ' 4 ',11111II 11 I- ..ill I .. that on th© t^th day oj October, 1*97 Pirn Vet* iiKMit Savin*h ltank plum tut herein tiled its {Militia!* in the district court of Sherman conn tv Nei»rt *K.e a*oinsi suid tfufcudautn implead ed with Aiit'>« KwiitiKowski. .” Kw»aU;-ort. *ki. his wife, first name unknown, Manuel MUhaiski nmi Victoria MUhaUki. the object amt prayer of which arc to lurecloso u cevutii tuoi*t«a*n t'XiK'utiHl t»v the eaid Marpartit ♦ •ayuecKi UUd ,\twh u Ouytioeki to Uu- miii< i Vnirui Jama ana Tru»t 4'duptMwy upon tu« ' outh Wv*t n’mr* r *»f Section TwlU\. ,n ro.n.hip (Id Fifteen iiCMth if Uat> i ii liiti-uio i'Uuo Nebra .ui, to >*e«n»iv bin ; iivumm of a cer tain prehiiftory bote tor in* | |ifisfmi aiiiit of and «v> h interest j not#* for the vim of iMjkh each, dated Maud nd l*vd said principal sum of pirn n.i *»«sa ! ; . : is | ivaf»;« on Mai 's. lk*»ahd In t.i n if -, - ay - air*i deffcu*li u* pay any interest *lu* 1 u.otv on ate; sari Uihirsi note* bt;u* t|ur t i >!> al*a* <*ti Ma> l«t of w,ii a r:»r alter *ti,tc a? •aid p-snci|**| iioltS-i '»’■ dti aid UOl* - ; rH . v - ."ia> vc-n, - sft • <. k* ai*-» . | Mi* « tf Mia* w*. i (Uf*da* > s*«* r*» add r-at i ''■]> ■■ « ah* ittt c' .*• *-a v **<•■>■ wivi. t -■ ' o-. ib.1 ««* t--• |4ir,4« Jfttii,. *jia> m| tk?l**ijwf ioi \ chi! hr wA-Vihi** M>vhs i iaiatifl t»v H 4 INf* atis*, six tt* <tu i• a • ^ III ShM'kwr : i, i raj 1 **.;•,«*, - i -,4.4 1-lyaM - < * *,*; -a thwSiH fcl Hr ’• •' h • 1 «■■'•*•» t or d* tfc* »*■- t it v.. «< ■•* >/ -''4 = . i | M *< id «4 ^6* * n±,. -4 4N '&«> *< > «Hr4 * 4V«> *** V *-i awstatC '.44U. Ufrite* |»v« 1#*. ■ fek .ft# ; aft**®- 4 • -•**• *■•;* 4fc»'.4a •. *ha W*wd ; eft* w<*» .'.ttUftOi *na| MM 4h# ftha «.f Mbi IV’ »«£? d tt* a * i .• ft * «p, >V 1 mhCV S» S. «<•« %«> 4u»»i» .. It, THE FALL OF 1897 is at hand, and with bountiful crops and better prices. “Old Hard Times” will have to go. Now that the election is about settled, the next thing toattract your attention is our line of winter goods: WE KONW THAT WE CAN SUIT YOUR POCKET BELOW ARE A FEW LINES WE HANDLE: MEN’S I’ESTERS FINE AND FINE DRESS OVERCOATS DUCT COATS, I'A NTS, OVERALLS, SWEATERS, WORK SHIRTS, FINE SHIRTS, AND NECKWEAR. LADIES A CHILDREN'S. CAFES, CLOAKS, JACKETS AND REEFERS, HOODS, FASCINATORS, MOAS, .MIFFS, MITTENS AND GLOVES, j BLANKETS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, CARPETS, CHINESE MATTING, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTH. Put us on your list for a call when buying shoes. We can save you some money. A. E. Chase. LOUP CITY. - - - - NEBRASKA CALL ON T. M. REED FORA Wagons, Buggies. Disk Harrows, 8ulkie or Gang Plow or anything in this line. Prices all right. 1 also carry a complete stock of Harness anil Harness fixtnres, Mm anil Sewii MacMnns, Oils, el and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, • • LOUP CITY, NEBR.A8KA. ANTED Agent Boih Men and Wo.r.on If von arc wj| lug to work, wo can l{lvi> V'ti cm ploy mcnt with t*OOl> BAY. anti yon can work all or part of tin* linn', uni at home or travclloif. Bli»- work i. lijjlit uml easy. Write at once for term*, etc., to 111K Hawks i iokuv (,'UMII.VNt Mil wnik-'c, Wi*. rr INKS, 1 • i'kuv* -n EXPRESS *si* GENERAL DELIVERY LINK ot*JiU» prvNupll) b ! jLu. jjkna Buutu | k ■»»##* »»*« •*!»»* WM mmi, m m i M£tu biihir UN.r <I|S • aKHKAMU. ^ * fll nfM14-rtI*, \\ jJI b ■ i |j| | nffl towUft* t ,1*. w L v t MJK \l HR 11 M rt Rt'ttlWNH iw>ail| fMattlll* lia r mil I * MM MIA I ~ ■