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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1897)
■ T H E N O RT H W E ST ER N PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ' AT TIIE COUNTY SEAT, m QBO. K BVimoilOTKR, Editor and Publisher. TEKMS $1 SO per Ytar. it Paid in Advance KT Se=: - —-- .—~~ =s ■at«r*l at tba Loop City Pnstnflies for uu»» Blaatun tbroupb tba walla aa ia:unA aiaaa mattar, J- XV. Jbousoo written another in , . terewting letter under the head of Bp'Two Kinds of Reform,” which we ^pill give space next week. la The Ohio Republicans meet Tues day in State Convention and re . Dominated Governor Hushnell and placed a full state ticket in 14c field. — f X treaty to annex Hawaii to the United States is nearly at the point of consumation. The treaty has al ready received the signature of the B ‘president aud is now a waling the B confirmation of the senate. .Democrats aud populists are be ing more aud more convinced Hit the tariff is an issue. They told this lust fall but were er too blind to see it or else they it mi. nt (A Ui.rliul.y tluif U/Ot'i. •fHisted with both diseases. We have received this week a .sample copy of the Washington No )s Letter. A newsy and instructive ptper published at the National Capital The News is accompanied With a handsome supplement con taining tha photo of Nebraska’s much Esteemed senator John M. Thurston. UrThe village board has ordered the Street eommissionei of the village to notify ail parties having defect ive sidewalks to repair the sumc at tSMlce. There are many places in town where sidewalks are in a had condition and this move on the part of our city aldermen will meet with k the approval of the citizens. A great many have eommensed ir rigating their gardens again. The late rains, however, has placed everything in a thriving condition •fld irrigation is not exactly neces «»ry but it seems that there are those who like to see the water run. A ttbcrul use of water around trees and •mall fruits will do much good though, and it is gratifying to see these advantages utali/.ed in that direction. A tornado which passed over the oeetral and southern portion of Logan county last Friday afternoon destroyed thousands of dollars worth of property and completely demol j inucu llir IUIUK IIOV ou « t/wt u farm of the slate inslution for the feebh mimled. Twenty-six persons **. ' iOOhing refuge were huiied in the debris Hour of the refugees, boy pupils from Chicago. Were taken out dead. Five others were severely t x W >'jggou esnuot legislate value into Og cried the average gold hug I Hut some of these same i are already lagistil| M ft that sugar and lea are now {j to cost more because there i hoi si of the law doing sou. e h them under the tantf Idil i de r d iswuasson < ove item we clip from the ual aud is a fair sample of ^411# 41 |n lH’|i*|jg nulu ill y JO lb* for a dollar, ami lag advertised at flow K Codec is sold i package* nai should imluige in sue I pwMI ft* ft- ftftfft^ft Mm I ft In llnimikii III ill# nn mlnnli «'f lb# N IJp jj^SpIp Vdt t ** * * * i - n * > * - Be ji»* fllB^ 1 ■ Ho •* | |i ft UlM Is • «|* * With Kef«renc* to the (loom The lust issue of the Loup Citv Northwestern was a boom edition, ably edited and mechanically neat.— Arcadia Champion.. The Loup Citv Northwestern continued a very credisble write-up of Sherman county last week L'>up City people must be getting » move on them—Valley County Time*. The Loup Citv Northwestern i» sued a special edition last week con taining an able prospectus of Sher man county’s advantages and re sources. Its enterprise merits com mendation.—St.Caul Republican The effort made by the publisher of the Loup City Northwestern last week in setting forth the ad vantages of Sherman county was a commendable undertaking. A good map of the county accompanied the prospectus. Seward Reporter. The Hpworlb convention held at Kearney last week was a very suc cessful affair and was largely attend ed. The Kearney Sun says: ‘ The closing day of the League meeting was full of interest as indeed was the eDlire meeting, and when the hour of adjournment, came it was with reluc tance that delegates septrated. The program for Sunday was an espec ially strong one and every meeting was greeted with a large audience. The opera house was engaged for the convention sermons by Chan cellor McDowlI, of Denver, and even that building was tilled to standing room only. Those who attended beard one of the ablest sermons ever preached in the oity. At the busi ness meeting Saturday afternoon the following officers were elected for the soming year: S. A. D. Henline, president; Miss Mamie Horner, Lex ington, first vise president; Mr. A. G. Hoffman, Arnold; second viae president; Mrs. B. K. Daves, Co/ad, third vice-president; Mrs. McMulleu, Burwell, fourth vice-president! Mr. Walter Ware. Loup City, correspond ing secretary; Miss Kate Majors, Kearney, secretary; H. Lomax, Broken Bow, tr.usurer; Mrs. Koff man, Gothenburg, superintendent junior league work. The fifth an nual meeting will be held at Loup City, next year. The Methodist people of this eily can well congratu late themselves for the success that crowned their efforts to entertain the convention. Phinx Mosher has spoken. He says that he lost over $400,000 gam bling in stocks and graio, If he has spoken truly the Linooln people who lost by the Capital National failure have the satisfaction of Knowng wuere ineir money weui. The statements were made on the witness stand and in cross-exami nation. The statement of the losses is made with particularity and names of the firms delt with are given. Wednesday and Thursday the hank wrecker was before n notary in the Auditorium annex in Chicago answering <|tie»liuu« put by Lincoln lawyers Morn exact information about the failure of tbe Capital National bank aud about the Mosher system of bookksnplng was forth couiiug than tins been draw n out at auy other of the numerous trials growing out of the future. State Journal _,_ , A public Olfleer who professes to ignore public opinion* not fit for hi* position nor in ant oilier in which th> pu die is interested. Noth lag ism<>re genersllv acknowledged than the fact that the people ruin in , this country. The publte'a h«* ness 1* their business sud they have the light to ihvkh how it shall Ire done •ad thee wilt ■ e.-mo that igti ( If a public < tIU nt wants to ltd out . h»w they will iitKhs it let him go on ignoring popular opinion there in no better guttle f»>i an <>ft is| than thn general opinion uf the jwopte. ! Vn»k Tone* The \ % i* i t 'omits Time* >» mss t lug good ill promise* to p‘d*t «b s systi ami in’otvsting paper COME AND Celebrate at LO UP CITY MONDAY, JULY FIFTH. THE EAGLE SCREAMS when it sees the emblem of floating in the breaze as it may be teen if you visit Loup City on the date above men tioned. Come one eoine every body. See large posters for full program. When the spring time comes,“gentle Annie,” like all other sensible persons, will cleanse the liver and renovate the system with DeWitt's Little Early Kisers, famous little pills for the liver and stomach all the year round,—Oden dahl Bros. The Tourist Sleeper is an* ‘up-to-date’ car. Maximum comfort at minimum cost, is the principal upon which these car* are built and operated. They run daily from Council Bluffs and Omaha to Ogden San Francisco and Portland. Pullman porters with every ear* For further particulars call on or address Wm . L>. Clifton, Agent. FREE BICYCLE*. The State Journal Is offering a first class bicycle free to any person who Hill U|i » uun ut iw auu ■critter* for the Seinl-Weekly Journal at $1.(10 each. The bicycle* are covered bv a* strong a guarantee as any $100.00 wheel and are first class In every re tpeot. Any young man or wo man can iu* «ar« a blende. If you tin I v . in not lie rt i a hbera! carb C tumlssion "ill be allow oil you for each *uh*<rH|>tlon you do git. You can get all your friend* and neighbor* to take the Mem I M eekly State Journal at $1.00 a fear. Address State Journal, Lincoln, Sob. SuUfS ul k*l< I **«l*r I twllsl M«irl*t|s. Notice i« hereto given that by virtue of a chattel nuirlgaje dated on the iMh day of l» .ember, I*lM, amt duly Hied in the »tH. *of the county clerk of bhttr mau count*, Nebraska on the I*thday uf I in en,b*r, l*i»t amt ckevuted by Mar i|u«fie tiayih'skl and Andre* tiaydeakt to secure the )•*) men! »f the sum of ■ ild lit uji.n a nick there t* m»w due the sum m $.itj e< with tnleresi at 10 yet cewl front date, l»c fault hat tug been niede in the on intent o' t> 4 *uw •ml no ■« or utlhi i i,„ • .t ,i» *i taw having h#*u tu at It otsd to recover said dr id or . i n*» them,; Ibervtoie I w, I **di IK .jarttf tkuvlN 4#»* itbed flue tf ti « • ,•* **j -r»i**r one It ho e* W, i« |«*«i a«*l all Heh og'ege tk*t*tu at piddle *n«|,tiu *,« the «*itllh we»i . «*»t*t •<; *«» *i u I* t**»w*h p t-Y range 11 one half nuns west nf m.haw yip* •idiHg in *hits» r»Mtf, on the fd its* **f July l'tr? at It « she k • m of •aid da I »,!,•>! don* », tntif .* t • *** lutMOMt,, M at man * w Mi Mettfk*4 age«. It fHid N ANl» r t.l l> miw IN Alik tl f k KMlf To California Comfortably. Kvery Thursday afternoon. a Tour ist sleeping car from Salt Lake <Mty, San Franslsco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln bv the Iturllilgton Route It i» carpeted upholstered In rattan; has spiing seats and hack* and Is provided with curtains, bedding.towels mop, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman poller accompany It tl rough to the Pacific coast. ’Vliile neither so expensively finished no ■ so tine to look at as a palace sleep er, it is Ju*t as good to t itle in. Second class tickets are accepted for passage and the price of a birth, wide enough and l.ig enough for two, la only $5. For folder giving full particulars, call at newest Burlington ticket olllee fir write to J. Francis, O P. A.. Bur lington Route, Omaha., Neb. Nofl~l": OK WALK l.’NUKR I'HATTKI. MORTGAGE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a r nttel mortgage dated on the ‘Kith Hay ol A igual, ISW1, ami duly filed in I lie nfllee of II I- county clerk ol Shirumil county, N> I iiSka, on 1 het*sih day of August, IHW;, and i ecu led hy August lllomquiat to lliu Mi i‘ rnilck Harvesting Machine company nr I ulcago, Illinois, (a corporation duly or i nixed under the laws of tlm state of lilt i> dt), to secure the payment of tlm sum or f '.1. and upon w hich there Is now duo tin ■ oil of Ifi. Default having linen inudn In li n puyrneiil of said su-n and no suit oi i■iier proceeding of law having been In u lluted to recover said debt or any pan d,creof, therefore 1 will sell the proport s therein ilcaoribed, vl».; Dm, iron gray hors, ) veins old, named Jim; one white mare -, I us old, named Nell; one yearling hidfer, ■ dor red), welgnt icw n 'mu mi1 harveetlng machine, alx-tix.i i rh;lil hand apron elevator, aunic a» pur ;■ C-'il -cuhoii Iit'.ni, at public auction tD r 1 flit or the lawolTtcc of T. • Nightingale in iln- viiluge of I.oii|i oily. xhcrinati inly. Nebiu .hu, on tint Mil day ol June i- it,at 10o'clock a rn. Dun d April 17, I8D7. hi,'I (HIM Hit llAKVKXTINO AUCIIlttgOO. Bv K. W. lllatx, their agent. Tim above mile wax adjourned to July nil. inr,. rji INKS, 1 • mop. OK EXPRESS and GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Ex promt or freight orders promptly attended to fjV S. NIGIITIV3ALE, LAWYER. Dies a General Law and Collection Bnsiness A Notary Public, Stenographer and Typewriter In Office. ONE DOOR NORTH OK KIK8T BANK. LOOP CRT. * * IIBKAIU. Viy J. FISHER, AitnpnEU-at-Lew, AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINES Office In NobthwMT«rh on.t ding LOUP CITY, • • t BKA8KA —ALL WOMEN ^INE-TENTHS Of all the pain andricknesalrom which woman j suffer la caused by weakness or derangement In the organa of menstruation. 1 Nearly always _ I when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman la very seldom rick. Wit* rt Is nature's provision tor the regu lation of the rntniirasl function. It cures all '* female troubles." It ta equally effective tor the gut In hog teens, the young wife eiih do* mastic and muter..ut cures, and the woman approaching the petted known a* ihe “ Change at Li!*." They^eM nwd it. They ere ell time table. LOUP CITY. NEBB. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph. Salt Lake City. Kansas City. Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, anti all points and all points East and South West TKAINrt LEAVE AN FOLLOW* No M Accm,, dally except Sunday for all points .1:13 am No. 58. Accm. dally, eioept Sunday for Arcadia. 6:60 pm sleeping, dinner and reclining clialr cur* (aeal* free) on through train*. Ticket* wold and baggage checked to any point In the United Slate.* or Canada For Information, main, time tallies stud ticket* call on or write to A F. Wert* Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’I. I'a*«enger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. F. KAILWAY. Beginning Sunday, November 17th. tralnB will grrlve and depart at this) station es follows: I Leaves Leaves Monday, ).r() Tuesday, | on | Wednesday,^*?; Thursday. £ Friday, )* n‘ Saturday ) “ Arrive* at Loup City daily «. 18 p. in. | daily. close connection at Grand Inland for | all points Ea*l and West. W. D Clifton, Agent Loup City Market Baporl Price* paid for: Corn. ..... • •*:! Wheat •** Oats. IK Hog* . *-*>• (jow* and heller* .<.<*> ® •••*> Feeder*. Butter, per pound.10 Eggs, par do*. « Pkiisonal. The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will And instant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles,— Odpndahl Bros. LESS THAN HALF BATES TO BAN FBANCIBCO. Via the Burlington Boute. June 29 to July U, account national convention Christian endeavorers Spe cial trains Through tourist and palace sleepels. Stopover* allowed at and west of Denver. Beturu via Portland, Yellowstone Park and Black Hills If desired. Endeavorers and their friends who take the Burlington route are guaranteed a quick, cool, comfortable journey, fine secenery (by daylight) and first class equipment. Berths reserved and descriptive literature furnished on request. See nearest Burlington agent or write to J. Francis, general passen ger agent Burlington route, Omaha. Two Good Thing*. ‘ Seventy-seven-’for grip and cold*; No. 10 for dyspepsia. For sale by all druggists. Twenty-five cents. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worm*. No. 3 " Infanta’ Disease* No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 “ Cough* No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 0 “ Houdaohe. No. 10 “ Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 “ Delayed Period* No. 12 “ Leuchorrsa. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Disease* No. 18 “ Rheumatism. No. 10 “ Malarl* No. 10 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. , No. 24 “ General Dsblllty. No. 20 “ Sea-Sioknes* No. £7 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases No. 32 “ Heart Dlssas* No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Grip. Dn. HturmniTs' IIouxopathio Mancai. or Diseases Free. Hmall bottle* nt pleasant pellets, lit the vest pocket. bold by driififlpiU, or Hint propeld upon receipt of price, » cent*, eieept Non. SB, um S arn mail.' fI 00 ulae only. Humphreys' Medi cine Company. Ill William St., New York. HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT.” FRIGE, 60 OTS. Sold by I>r uf gisib, or ssul pet -paid on rsca&pi of prise. Utlll'IlliMf M'ftKU.LO.t 111 A lilVUMwIb, S1W1UUI No ONE DIES No one die* el Pul monary disease, the result of cold, who take* “77”ln time. For Bale by til drug gists. 25 cent*. Tim Sixteenth Annual Session of the Crete Chautauqua Assembly will be held June 80th to July 8th 1407. A vari ed program of Instruction and enter tainment has been prepared, and the beautiful grounds on the Big Blue river afford unrivaled facilities for pleasure, rest and recreation. Programs may be had by addressing. (JKO, W. Baluwin, Bee. Crete, Neb. We want one good man, (having horse), a* permanent superintendent for Sherman county, to attend to our bsa inegM, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of recom mendation as to honesty, integrity, and ability. State occupation. Address P. O. Box 1082, Pblla , Pa. Wanted-An Idea &rltTtJ<?HNr WKUdEBuijRN i CO wants* HAIL! HAIL! THE ST- PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, F. E. BREWER. Agent. This company has been engaged iu the Hail business for the past thirteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for losses by Hail the sum of $34 1,910.47. This large sum ot money has been paid without a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of the claimant!. The Hail policy issued is the fairest and most aquitable svsr issued by any insurance cornpauy. it carefally protects the interest of the insured and provides a just method for arriving at the amount of tbo loss in case the crop should be injured by hail. This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in tba United * Stales engaged iu the Hail business. It hss ample assets to cover all lia bddies, as you will see by the statement herewith. It pays its losses promptly and honestly. We solicit your business tor the year l£t>7. l atu also agent for the Home Fire Insurance Company ot Uiss ha, Nebraska. |i. c holt d* F. CULLIY, Vice AfcliUta FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. Seneral Banking Business Transacted Capital Stack. W M