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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1897)
v x1" I V \ * ** ^ v ' ,4 a , Loup City Northwestern. V()L. XIV. LOUP city, SHERMAN CPU NT V. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY % 1887._NUMBER 17 The Northwestern •»UB1.JSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. UKO. 10. IIKHSUMIOTKR, Editor and Publisher. TEKMS |l 50 ft Yssr, If Paid In Advanct ■stars.1 at tbs I-onp City Poatoflles for trsa» aslsakui tbroagb tbs in sill SI ssonail olsis msttsr. The Ohio democrats convention is on, liuving assembled Wednesday. There are even twenty candidates for the nomination of governor. We have received the iniitid num ber of the Midland Union a monthly published in the interest of irrigation. It in published at Gothenburg Ne braska and contained some very line || photographic views of the formers und merchants irrigating canal of Lexington Nebraska. Hartley the defaulting ex-state treasurer has been tried in the dis trict court of Douglas county and convicted of ernbzzling $lr>0,U<)0 for which he was sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary ut hard lahoi and lined a sum double the amount , iinbe/.zled. JiewaH sentenced by a republican court and prosecuted by a republican prosecuting attorney. The sentence is also concurred in by the republican press of the state. No deceiving opinion lias been writ ten. Hartley lias mapped out his own route und must follow it. He has administered his own medicine and must take the consequences. "1 ..— July 18th 14th and 15th is the date % set for the convention of the Nation al Republican League to be held at Detroit Michigan. Every arrange ment is being made by the organiza i tiou to have a harmonious meeting. The National Republican League is now ten years old and, aided by the State League organizations has been ^ one of the greatest instulions ever in augurated by the party in helping to achieve the grand victory won last fall At this meeting a place will be •elected to hold the National Repub lican convention in 1900. Detroit, A Bultimore, Dallas, Hail Fransisco, Omaha, Fargo and lndinapolis are §4prominently advocated as suitable places for tbegreat conclave. Senator C John M. Thurston and Charles K. Smith have accepted invitations to address the League convention. The Negruska state League is in good working order and all subordi nate clubs should be active in assist ing to carry on the good work. □Every republican can help by taking an interest in their local organization and assist in furnishing iiuformution that will be effective aud valuable. | It may be observed by a perusal Of the Times- Independent that the populist judges on the uisiriot court beui'lies. and especially for Shcriuan ^ county, arc making more orders for HUipritr sale notice than any other republican judge we ever had. It Will also be remembered that these Mine fellows *lump|M*d the district •nd pledged themselves to stand by th# people m this matter of protect »•* their home*. There has been ■Or< orders of abends sales under the populists administration than has ever been under the republican Wplg .bp m ibis district, almost two Ur one All the organ*of mugwump ■hr*'ci .cm tl« «i«n now that a popu list judge cannot help It. Why lid lit they tell the people so Wlo the campaign wa* on they |j h*e» It then a* well as thee know MJI’KKVIIKIKH l-KOCKKIMNOS. State of Nebraska, i f Sherman County. ( ' I.oup City Nebraska, June I I, 1 Ht»7. He It remembered that at an ail joining session of the county hoard of supervis ors of said county, held pursuant to ad jurnment of March ft. 1897. on this 14th day of June. 1M!I7, at the court home in I.oup City, lu said county and state, the full board being present the following among other proceeds was had and done, towlt: Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion approved as read. After reducing the number of cattle from 5 to II as assessed to Frank Albin In 1893 and the eleik being ordered to make changes on assessor’s books, the board proceeded to consider the bid filed by W. T. Hibson, for the erection of a wagon bridge across Oak Creek, on sec tion one, town 14, range ill on county line, no other bids for the construction of Huid bridge having been Hied. The plana and specifications and bid of sai.l \V'. T.Hibson were aeceptfed and con traded and bond ordered drawn pro vided Howard county agrees to pay ball the expense of building said bridge. The chairman having heretofore ap proved the olllcial bonds of James W in. Howin, ua road overseer. Hist. 25 and Win. Oornett overseer road Hist. 24 said bonds were then examined by the county board and on motion approved and the action of the chairman in approving said bonds was ratified and continued The following olllcial bands were ex amineil by tlje county board and ap proved and approval endorsed thereon by the Chairman, to-wit: Sidney C llol lister, road overseer Dist. 22, <«eo. B. Work, treasuser of Scott township anil K, V, Furglson, constable of Harrison township. Bond ot James W, Johnson as over seer of roads lu Hist. J, was not ap proved anil order referred to said John son to supply proper certificate show ing tin: appointment by tha town hoard of said Johnson to the said office. A Communication from the clerk of Howard county, asking the co-operation of Sherman county, in the constution of a bridge on county line on the west line of M. Cofl'a's farm (S. W. 1 j >5 15 12) was read, and the board having duly considered said con munication it was on motion resol veil thatShsrmau county do not co-operate in the construction of said bridge for the reason that the construction is not properly a charge on Sherman county, but said bridge should he constructed by Howard county in co-operation with Ashton township. The petition signed by 0. W. Fletcher et, al,, asking for a bridge across Rock Creek was allowed and supervisor Hun ker instructed to build a low water bridge across said creek. ISoard adjourned to June ill, 181*7 Attest,Louis Rein, County «Ilcrk June 15,10, and 17. were passed in con sidering matters of equalization. June 18 181)7 Full Board in Session. The board found that the average price per head of the whole county, of horses, cattle and mules as complied by the board from the return of the assess ors of the townships in the county to He as follows, for the year 181)7: lloises, $4 -50 per head Cattle, li.oll " *• Mules, 4.00 “ “ State ot Nebraska j ^ Sherman County}3' Loup i ity, June U* 181)7 lie It remembered that the county board of supervisors of said county was I _ . _ .1— III ,U.. I.. lUtk* .4* M o'clock A. M of taidilay at the court house iu I.oup City, sitting at the board of equalisation of assessment* pursuant to adjournment of Juno 17, lsti7. run ent J I', l.eineuger < 'balrtiia* and all the members of said board. This duy was takan up In the equalisation of personal and land tax. and the total assessed value of the a»*cssatdc property of the county a* equalised w as found to l>e *» IW **'■ 7.2 tin motion ths following levies weiu made for lottii f or touniy genet at fundmills county road ‘, mill re tiiodlug luMtd interest i tin J % mill*, old refunding bond interest I mill lo dge ia*nd Inlereet mills. U, and K V, H If ttutid interest J mills t otal id milts. < »n mollMl it Is ordered that a isllliirsl Siuouot Wo lev ad to pav the |u>lgement» o( the K.t Austin manuf ixturlng voiu pany again*t Kim township, and the county fieri. U lusliueUd tu nor ue*e« «ary s*.*o put11 loo* the lav e* m«4e for \Va*b ugtou \t sntttr, l.uwp t tty Ashton H> - .vil!*. v, uii and Hit slot tuwoshtp werw mrde tu , nohow* with the v*rt>gvat»* ef the town | ships levies Hied by *ald tuWwshlp * tti . tkowunly s hi X the levy hirUast res * j I Kim. • lay tfsrytusn, ao*l ttasaid , i yo-> ttsisi pa were not no* fix use I w.ih the < .ertiu alee of the tetlna it taut by said | tsseeahip hut were ardsnul me hit the i count! tsuwtd or*verttttvwtehaving been • 4hs*t h* tdey and Kim tuwonh.p, ami . Its# fVMXiy h»a<>1 having devl.te»| tu *«ep the aggeigete »! the county and ; twuMhsp h v tea within the aom ui t * I m> !« |rt't lul l •« f||««||4|tt |b* •!! I »g | Creek. Hazard, Harrison, Logan having filed with the county clerk certilh ite» of township Icvn - showing tnwn-lilp levies, which added to the county levy, exclusive of county hoard interest levy, would make-the aggrlgatc levy more than mills The following levies were ordered made for village levies conforming with the certificates tiled with the conn ty clerk Loup < lit), general fund 10 mills, water bond s'reei •.), judgement 1* mills, water bond t!3 mills, total flit mills Kockville. general fund H mills, total it mills. On motion the county clerk Is In* strutted to levy upon the taxable prop erty ot Ashton, Litchfield, and Hazard the amounts thlt may l)« Instilled to by the proper village olllcers. On motion the county clerk Is in itructed to levy upon the taxable prop erty of the school desirieti In Sherman Bounty, having bonded liidehtncss, a mount iiilllcinnt to pay Interest on laid bonded Indebtedness and create sink ing fund for the payment of said bonded debt, the clerk to make the necessary computation*, and the clerk is further Instructed to levy upon the taxable property ol the school diatriets ot Mher iiian county the amount certified to him by the school olllcers of the verioux ichool destriot* In the manner provided by law. The board adjourned us u board of eipiallzutlon since die. Attest, Louis Kkin, County Clerk. COME AND Celebrate at LOUP CITY MONDAY, JULY FIFTH. Ti t r* r n it rmn I ifM when it sees the emblem of floating in the breaate as it may be aoen if you visit Loup City 01 the date above men tiomni < ’onto one eotue every* body, fitn* lar^e poater* for full program. W Itt'w Ik* llm* »tltM** ' It- « Ail t»Ui* t ** .*U*I# tAIIWM a ill • !*■ ut»# tt*« n**r i«i| t*Mt»l* Ik# m Mb iK.ttitl, | tltk* i: t»lk Flstllr pill* N II* ll»M t Ok# toi «N**H 1, ft#' ItHtfitl 'l»i*r t» «M‘ W|* l« il*u #A> M ». ..<« At WtlttoWttlH m>.i t« ik >k>wu *11*1 lhn« . »*• . I ■ 1 I '.#» t»i* If**## 4 ’'HtiJrt it a** a. ». i **«m Atiu A Ok | llink'i U>4 At«*i l*' !<«»». »Wt» **« • » • «* Ikllkf |< tttl* uUt* .All .«« Ml vllt »•« , W* It t’M* »*•* A4<*mi To California Comfortably. j Kvory Thursday afternoon, a Tour ist sleeping cur from Salt Lake City, Man Franslsco and I,os Angeles leaves Out alia ami Lincoln l>y the Burlington Route It is carpeted upholstered in rstlan; has spring scats and hacks and Is provided with curtains, bedding,towel* soop, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and » uniformed Pullman porter accompany ii through to the Pacific coast. Wjiile neither so expensively linished uor%o line to look at as a palace sleep er. It, Is Just as gooil to ride in. Second class ticket* are accepted for passage u,,d the price of a birth, wide enough and l,lg enough for two, is only #•"> Fur folder giving full particular*, call uf nearest, Burlington ticket olllce or write to J, Francis, <». P. A.. Bur lington Houte, Omaha., Neb. NoTI« K OK fSAl.K. K.VOKK CHATTKI. MOW’I’IJAlrK. No I ten Is hereby given that hy v Irlue of a chattel mortgage dmsd on the Seth day of Aiignst. IHtsl, and duly filed in theolttcoor ti l) county clerk ol Hlu rnmii county, Nr l tska. on tliesstli day <>f Vogtist, I me'., and executed hy August HloinquUt to Hu- Mi ( riuick llarvcsilug Machine DOrnfNiny ol i ( hlriigo. Illinois, hi corporation duly oi If 1111 /1"I under tuc law h or inn mug m in n dm, to »eour* the payment of llm mi in of i t mid a poll which ihere I* now due tin m ill of nii.Sl. Default having been made In I • payment of Haul kii'm mid no milt 01 0 nor proceeding of low having hiirin In n itilted to recover wild ilelit or any pari 1 aroof, therefore I will veil the properl therein deaerlbed, Tl*: Duo Iron gray horm II calx old, named Jim; one while mare u i irn old, mimed Nell; one yearling helfei , i 0 dor red), weight kIhiui lino pound*; mi" V i.'orinlik harvesting machine, elk-fool r d, rigid hand apron elevator, eaine aa pur 1 1 ,nh I I'lknn lhuh, at puhllc auction In | front or llie lawofflci' of T. S Nightingale ( in the village of l.onp (;ity, Sherman county, Nebraska, on tl>n Mil day ol Jam 1 It- tl, at lu o'clock a in, limed Aid'll IT, ts!*7 MCI 'oil uii'ii If a Rv rht (;>< i M ii iiimc Do. iiv F. W Jllut/., their agent, l rln- above wide wan adjourned to July i Hlli.liV,, I I I rp INKS. * • PROP. * IK EXPRESS and j GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. i V11 Kxprew* or Freight order* promptly • ul lauded to ! I rp S. NIGHTINGALE, 1 • I LAWYER. ; Does a General Law and Collection Baslness | A Notary Public, Stenographer and 1 Typewriter In OBIce. ONK lioou NORTH OF FIRST RANK. LOUP CITY. • - HBBBJJULA. ■yy j. fisher, Attnrneu-at-Law. AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINE* i Offlco In No«TitwlST«RNh m ding I 1.01 P CITV, - - I HKASKA -=«== .. Win»i baa demonetrated ten thoneand t time* that it u elmuet Infallible FOR WOMAN’t PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. irtaguUtltlaa ami drrangemeata. It haa tha loading: rented? tur thla rta.a i f tioaidaa it aaarta a wuuderfuliy beating, etreiigthan in* anil ewAhing induemo upon tha manatruai urgaue. it cure* ' whilea'' and tailing uf tha wuinb. H atnpa fli- iiiing and >«Ua««a aup- , 1 taaaad and palatal ■*•*«*>• atiM r»* t gauge at L*i • it u tha beat nu 4liaa Made. it i« h.i -a.iai liana* p*e*nn**p. and h»:pe tu hi lag ah* idle a I at,* it- neae tema me pant*, tt taeuiuieiae. auaaea* >♦>*», Mieagtm. ua (ha w i i * ape tarn, Thie gieat na«b n n<Me4 t« all aMi«ln4 »»•**■ V *» »i4 .*• »v*e*an »•.*«/ an .the* mieete • ith aniiaut tv1 f aitkin lint * w Me »t * atd ',i »ai* niiata It at pee be*i*e at peat nee* atewa. 'i~££r.J :%'££52ffi awe the l h»<«w T e‘, fteea •a* I. * MRIV Caaaetaa * * . ten Mi ad* »aeg ton *• teee el wat Wt !>«*»« *i Dm •<** aag H eetlia** >«tadhaf timk tablk LOCI' CITY, NKHK Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helens, Chicago, Ifutte, Ht. Joseph, Halt Lake City. | Kansas City. Cortland, Ht, T.oui*. Han Kraneiaco, anil all points and all point* Kaat anil Houth. West. TRAINS I.BAVK AN KOLLllffDi So r.4, Aorm., dally cxeept Sunday for all point* 1115 amj So. M. Acrm. dally, except Holiday for Arearti*. f,:r,0pm Sleeping, dinner and reclining c hair ear* hi,uI* free, on through train* Ticket* ■old and baggage checked to any point In die United Slate* or Uaiutda. For Inforiiiation, uutiw, time lalile* and I'-ket* call on or write to A. F. Wert* Agent, or .1. FK ASCII*, Uan'I. l’*H*ehg«r Agent, Omaha, Nebriuika, U. I*. IIAII.WAY Beginning Biinday. N'ovenilier 17fIt. ruin* will arrive and depart at thl*| nation aa follow*: i Leaves Leave* Monclay. 1 .... Tuesday, i *,.....' Wednesday, ^7' Thursday. Friday, ) a',u Halurday S K “* < Arrive* at Loup City dally 0.i6p,m. laily. Clows connection at Grand Island for | ill point* Last nod Wiast. W. I) Cl.lFTOS, Agent !.<>(■ |> t IIy Market K«|>»rl l’rtces paid for lorn * IK IV neat . ■<* lata i* logs ..... . H.MO lows and hellers <.<*) ® t.fiO renders ......... ;l So lutter, f>er pound W Cgg*. per dos r< l’KHSONAL. I'he gentleman who an loyed the congregation last Sunday by ontinually coughing will lltid instant elief by uslngOne Minute Cough Cure, \ speedy and harmless remedy for hroat and lung troubles,—Odendahl Jros. ,ESS THAN HALF KATES TO SAN FRANCISCO. Via the Burlington Route. June ii‘.l to July li, account national onveutlon Christian endeavorers Spe dal trains. Through tourist and palace leepels. Stopovers allowed at and vest of Denver, Return via Portland, ifcllowstouc Park and Black Hills If leslred Endeavorers and their friends vho take the Burlington route are [uaranteed a quick, cool, comfortable ourney, fine secenery (by daylight) and Irst class equipment. Berths reserved did descriptive literature furnished on equest. See nearest Burlington agent »r write to J. Francis, general passen ;eragent Burlington route, Omaha Two (Joofl Thing*. “Seveiity-flcven*’ for grip and colds; Ho. 10 for tlyspepsia. For sale by all fruggists. Twenty-dve cents. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 “ Worms. No. 3 " Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No, 7 “ Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 0 “ Headaoho. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 1 3 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. 13 *' Rheumatism. No. 10 “ Malaria. No. 10 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 20 “ Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 “ Heart Disease. No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Grip. Dn. IlimrnHiT*’ Homkoimtski Mahuai. ar Diseasm Fsr.e. Hnmll bottle# of plnnunnt pallet#. Ill the reet pocket. Hold hy drnsslAl#, or (cut iir«p*id upon receipt of price, 0 cent#, e*<!«pt ,Vo* »t, ana SI ire Hindi' II on elw only, Humphrey!' Medl nine Company, 111 Wllll/un Hi.. New York. HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." PorWrti-E Eternal orfntpmiL lilliwl otRImiHwi FlufiiUlu Aimi; Ifrhlnc or JtM'fflrtg of U*» KnoMUli. Tno relief 1* imm* l.he cure * erUUu. FHIGE, 60 OTS. TBIAL SIZE, 86 OT1. §o!4 If Ertlffkw, or ««n» poet pe)4 < it reelpi *f prfc*. UL11PUUK1»' A*U.<0.. Ill A Ut«lUMM..IkW tuns No ONE DIES No one .He* •! Pul monary disease, the result of cold, who takes “7rin time. For sale by all drug Ifists. 20 rents. The Sixteenth Annual Session of the Uiete Chautauqua Assembly will bo Held June 30th to July llthlW. A vari sd program of Instractlon and enter talnment has been prepared, and the iieaiitlfnl grounds on the lilg Blue river afford unrtyaled facilities for pleasure, rest and recreation. Programs may he had by addressing. Ufco. W Bauiwik, Hec. Crete, Neb. We want on* good man (having Horse;, as permanent auparintendent for Sherman coaaty, to attend to our bns iness, on salary. Must send along with sppllcation, strong letters of recom mendation as to honesty, Integrity, and iblllty. State occupation. Address P. U. Box 1382, Phils , Pa. Wanted-An Idea 2S5B8 AW beys. WMbtnctort. D. C..tor thatr $l#M) priNM And list of two LuiidfKl UiVMitlont wauM* HAIL! HAIL! THE ST- PAUL EIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. F. E. BREWER. Agent. This company lias been engaged iu the Hail business for the past thirteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for tosses by Hail th# sum of 934t7. This large sum of money has bean paid without u single law suit, aud to the satisfactien of the claimanta. The Hail policy issued is the fairest aud most equitable ever issued by any insurance company. It carefully proteuta the interest of the insured and provides a just method tor arriving at the amount of tho loss in caac the crop should be injured by bait. This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Uompauy in tha United States engaged in the Hail business It has ample assets to cover all lia biUtios, as you will see by the statement herewith. It pays its tosses promptly aud honestly. We solicit your business (or the year I*u7. I am also agent for the Home Fire Insurance ('etupaay of Oiua* ha, Nebraska r—- . .---lajLU'a t», H !H)K, A. I*. CUUjnf, Via* Onto*. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transact*. Capital Stack, ISO .Qtt,