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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
Loup City Northwestern. VOL. XIV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COCXTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL H‘>. 1H«»7._NUMBER 7 The Northwestern °UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. OICO. hi. UERSCIIOTKB. Editor and Publisher. TEKIHS $1 50 per Year. II Paid in Advance lataral at tba Loup City l’ostofllc* for traaa aiUalou through tha malls as saoond slass matter. During the campaign the populist leaders were lerninst tlie ammend ments, and by an extra effort they succeeded in defeating them. Those same crackopops went wild shouting fraud during the six weeks spent l>y the legislature in recounting the bal lots at an expense to the tax payers of $75.00 per hour. And all this in the hope of seating two populist Judges. They lacked 30,000 votes of carrying the propositions to start with, but ir. the recount they gained some 15,000 and the gain was prin cipally in the populist strong holds t/1 the State. In the vote of Sherman county they made a gain of 240 votes, or in other words, if they honestly gained that amount, they proved that the thirteen election boards, who were composed princi pally of populists, and the coun ty canvassing board which was composed of County Clerk Rein and Editor Brown, (po{)») and IYV. R. Melloi, (rep.) were guilty of fraud in the counting of the ballots and making un-lawful returns of the result of the election. Now readers do you suppose for a minute that the two populist on the canvassing board, one with a reform eye watch ing the ballots and the other with the same kind of an optic turned on the republican member of thatbourd, was guilty of sueb fraud or do you beleive that the legislature tampered with the ballots? One or the other Of these'circumstances must necess arily prevail. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE FARMERS OF Kherinuu »uil Adjoining Counties. While the Farmers Union Insur ance Company has established an otlice at Lincoln, the company will also continue an office in Grand Is land which will be In charge of Sec retary YViese. General manager Brownfield will divide his time be tween the two offices. This will af ford all the conveniences and advant ages heretofore enjoyed by the members and patrons of this popu lar old company, and all old mem bers, who left the eompauy in 1892 and insured in other companies, no matter what company they may have insured in, can now be re instated to --r —j j *—j o . oxk dollar and a small assessment for six mouths in advance, this car ries a member lor six months before another assessment is matte. Farm ers do not be bulldosed by agents of old line companies iuto deserting the Union and insuring in their com panics aud paying double the rate ueoessary live years in advance. Ulevcn years of liberal adjustments and prompt puyuieut of every loss sustained by fire, lightning eyclone aud tornado, has proven beyond a doubt that the old Union Insurance company famishes the safest aud most reliable insurance sud at oxk MAl.r TIIK COST or OLl> LINK COW PA NIK*. When au agent of nn old lm« company seek* to destroy your confidence in, or keep you out of the I'ulou, and by false statements ami misrepresentation* or the guise of1 frteu Whip advise* you to uisure in l«i* company, just rememlter tie get* fioiu one fourth to nearly oue thud of the whole aii otiul charged for hi* |Mille|. Puppose <1 pulley With hi* I'u t coat* you forty <toltar* for securing your patronage and writing yout application and all this the t >ito* r must pay with wight cent emu or ottmi imslwii equally as cheap I tVhy shoubl not thetr pr^ulucts cor respond la price with yours. Ihw pvttplw need tn*ur«u<« more In hard hums than they do in good, hut th* re ts no new*! |« paying double what it is worth l*M|i the I n*on a esrd «>r call at thetr «**»• in tirsnd Island ami j>dn the Union amt sname the lw*i and safest i«*«tMv* lne*i»ts*e * at iwt * A dollar Mini is a dvtlai earned 1 M '» Agent llaisrd Meh i Many cases of ‘'Grippe" have lately been cureiTby One Minute Gough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapt ed to the cure of this disease. It acts quickly thus preventing serious compli cations and had effect in which this disease often leaves the patient.—Oden dahl Bros. They ure so thst the most sensitive person can take them, they ure so effect ive that the most obstinate oases of con stipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills.—Odendahl Bros. A social supper will be given in honor of the G. A. R. Pest and all old soldiers and families in Watkinson's bail on April 24, 1897. The G. A. R. people and members of the Circle and all old sold iers with their families are cordially in vited to attend. Those who can are requested to bring a basket of good things, and have a good time. Mrs. C. IlAl.CK, President. WALL PAPER. They that ure dim of sight see truth only by halves, Home purchasers sen only price, they arc blind to quality. Koine sec only beauty, they are blind to price. Either Is bud economy But It is not, bu<l economy to buy wall paper at the prices we quote them. Look over our samples bufore you go to house cleaning, And something that suits you and (lnd our price. You will be sur prised if you take quality Into accouat. W. T Chase, Loup City Nebr The Union Pacific System has inau gurated a thorough colonist sleeping car service between Council Bluff* and Portland. This car leaves Co Bluff's on our train No 3 dally at 8 15 p in and passengers go through whltout change Berths in this car cart be secured by request at this office. In addition to the above,we also run a through colonist car < daily to San Francisco and a perma nently conducted colonist car weekly every Friday to San Francisco and Eos Angelos. Full information can he ob tained by writing or calling on Frank W Cline, Agent. -.— . < Comfort To California. Every Tuesday evening, a tourist ! sleeping car for Salt. Eake City, San j Francisco and Eos ^Angles leaves ‘ Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington [ Route. j It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan: has spring seats and backs and is pro- ' yided with curtains, bedding, towels, 1 soap ets. An experienced excursion 3onductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pacific coast' While neither as expensively finished nor as tine to look at as a sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets are honored and the price of a nerth, wide enough and big enough for two, Is very reasonable, For further information see I A F Wekts, B & M Agent, I Minutes seem like hours when life is i it stake, Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. 3ne Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief and Insures recovery. The only harmless remedy that produces iirnnc liate results. Odendahl Bros. Constipation in its worst form, I>is pepsin, sick headache, bllliousness and derangement of the liver are readily •tired by DeWirt* Early Kisers. Those little Kills never gripe. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Odendahl Bros. I.adivs ready made underwear foi mle cheap at Gaateyers. Gastyer has Just received as tine a <took of dry goods as Sherman eo unty contain*. | All the different formsol skin trouble* i from chapped band- to eczema and in- i iloient ulxer* can 'w teadily cored by lie Witt* \Y itch llazel Halve, the great , pile cute < iilcndahl Bros. \ weed 11. the garden can tie easily destroyed when It flr*i starts, t'on lumptioH cau hu nipped In the hud by line Minute Cough * ure. lldeiolabl 11 row A tnrpbl liver means a tied comp lexion. tied breath, lndtge*i|»n and fre* pient headache *. T u avoid iiiili com [ P nuns lake |H*\k lit * early Misers, ihej Isui-MM little pH • U-Nnlslil Mu tori ile. \ thofugh bred I •igiidi ! ahiie •'tsliioe aelght IVr* |. in>l> age I year* Will oil re*.*«»n*hle. or a ill i ir «'le l*r cattle nr nAlmi Jottk Via III. Hueiu*. Jf*b« fa tNaiki, * M. ag i and in! low* •< d im»Mi ih« l nlMo )*«> ig« In iiwasciiM silk Ik* 1 A V W M» >•! hi* tit* i**t *er *t*e and < be fattest ' lime Cad os write la me I* • lime card* r*|e* *te, I w i iixfe, A**«U NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT• DEFEND ANTS. In the District Court of Sherman conn ! ty, Nebraska. Tlie Cheshire Provident Institution a corporation organized under the laws of New Hampshire, Plaintiff, vs. Paul Seubaek. John L. Karwoll, and Martha C. Kurwell, defendants. John Jj. Parwell and Martha 0. Parwell defendants will take notice that on the 17lh day of DecKmber, isisi the Cheshire Provident Insulutlon, plaintiff herein tiled Its petition In the District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska the object anil prayernf which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Paul Koabeck to Carlos <\ Ilurr assigned sold and delivered to the plalnaltf upon the following des erlced real estate, to-wit: The north east quarter of section thirty-three i;O), In township sixteen (16), north or range six teen (10) west of the sixth (ft) principal murliliun, the same being in Sherman enmity Nebraska, to scenic the payment of one pro-nlsoiv note dated the nth day of October, issii for the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars (VOO 00), with Interest al ien per emit from January 1st, 1BW, tor which sum plainttlf prays for a decree that defendants Ini required to pay the same or that Said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found dae. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the I'.ilh day of April, 1HW7 Tim oiiKsimtK rnoviPHM-r In si itutioK, Plaintiff, lly OollU a IlxttVKT, Its attorneys NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEPEND ANTS. In the District court of Sherman coun ty, Nebraska. TheCIht-shlre Provident Institution t corporation organized under the awe of New Hamah ire, Plaintiff, vs. Katie Carruth, John E. Parwell and Martha i . Parwell, Defendants. John L, Parweil and Manilla O. Kurwell lefemlaqts will take notloe Unit on the 17 lay of December islui tin- Cheshire Prov. ilent Institution Plaintiff herein (lied its letllion In the District court of Sherman -.ounty, Nelii-n ka, l he object and prayer of ixucnted i>y Katie cumuli to (uilos d. burr isslgiied sold mill delivered to the plnlntl d' jpon tlie following described real omuls ,n-wlt; The went half of the ninth went limi ter of swijon Thirty-four 1nod thus mihi hair of t he muth east quarter ol suction I’hlrfcy-i hree (Ah, Township Sixteen (ltt,\ fin III of Itango sixteen (IB;, west ot the llxlh 01) Principal M arid Ian, I lie Halim hu ng In Hliorii.ini countv, Nelnasltu, in securt lie payment of one promlsory note dated lie ill h day of October, i**« for tlio sum h Three Hundred Hollar* i*.mh.h0) with merest at ten per cent from January Irst IH9J, tor wtneti sum plalnlltr prays ora docroo that defendants he required o pay the same, or that said premises nay he sold to sausfy the amount found lue. Von are required to answer said petition in or before Lite I 'll dm of April, I .(t. 'I'm. ijiiksiikiuk Tipivipiint Is- I mil linos, l'iaintiir, j tty (join. A llAuvxv, U» attorneys. | NOTICE FOR LltfUOK LICENSE, Notice is hereby given that on tlio 2th day of April 1897 Manislaw islv/enski in* tiled bis applicati >n and •etltioii with the Hoard of Trustees of ho Village of Ashton, Sherman Couuty j <ebr., praying that a he j-k■ o him to sell malt, sprifuous and vinous ; ,hjuor* in tlio Village of Ashton Sher iiaii county Nebraska, beginning the 4th layof May 1897 and terminating on the rd. day of May 1898. Any objections, protestor lemon trances to said application must be fil d on or before tlie 4tls. day of May 1897. Dated this lilth. day of April 1897. S. J. IH.DMBR, Villago Clerk. — —— --- i jt' PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is lierohy given that C, J. idciidahl and W. O, Odendahl, partners loing business at Loup City as druggists indor the firm name and Style of Oden lahl Brothers, have tiled their petition ml application for a permit to soil iquors for medical, mechanical, and hemical purposes in the village of .oupCity for tbt ensuing year, to-wit; roin May 4th 1897 to May 4th, 1898. Ail persons objecting thereto will lie same on or before the next tegular Meeting of the hoard of Trustees of aid village. Dated this 15th day of April, 1897. M. II Mead, Village Clerk. NOTICE FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that Jelin Mtman did on the 29 day of March 1897 lied with the village clerk of Loup Jity, Nebraska, in the County of Sher nun.iu said .State. Ids petition and ipplicatlon for a license to sell malt, piritiou* and vinous liquors in said tillage for the fiscal year of 1897 Ue [irming on the first Tuesday of May 897 and tirtnluating on the first Tuos lay of Mav 1898. Such application icing the p it it ton of more than 90 of he resident freeholders of said village if Loup Citv. and dated this 22nd. day •f March 1897 M. 11. Mead, Village Clerk ■Soothing for hum*, scald*, chapped land* and tip* Healing for cuts and on *. Instant! relief for plica, atop* mlu at once, These are the virtue* of (eWltis Which Haael Salve. Oden laid llrn*. Wanted An Idea »i.,|art »<«ir M**« lit** |, »j I rlu* > it »«*>»il* ttiu# Jons ivmji'i hi t its a ««i , r.i»«i *n>* ; !•!«. It C .It IlHpli *! **I I'll** utlwt i„ i ini ,4 i*v* i kcfsikia w«*tt*4. Awarded highest honor** World's Fair. DR. BAKING POWDIR MOST H KH CT MAD8. A MM Craps Cvoim of 1 ate ISmeIn Im, #v * 4 t* *if **1*1 b.W'i.'*b^ 40 VCAKSTHBITANDARD rr INKS, • prop, ok EXPRESS an>> GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kxpre** or freight order* promptly attended to rp s» NIGHTINGALE, LAWYER. Does a General Lav M Collection Bnsiness A Notary Pablle, Stenographer and Typewriter In Office. ,, NK. It OH KOltTH Ol FIRST HANK. (A)Cr CITY, . • NEB KAMA. yy .1. FISH I K. flttnrnnywMt-Law/, AND NOTKY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Office in NottTiiwK»TRi(H ii t ding .Oi l- rriT, - . NtllllASKA uu u n uui i luu iju un uui 1 iuui Strawberry Plants AND A Li/KINDS 1 have a fresh stock on hand If you need anything in the 'ruit line come and inspect my stock before buying. 80LK BY F F. Brewer, LOUP CITY, t I n F. II WATKINSON. GASOLINE mm 1101 MB WOOD >. ltp*« »»4 '• _ _ _ _ _ _ »••.!» *•• • niliiflA ti i. ouidk, m» 1 IIIIUUv rUMro Lssajafes Of minium. ... J.» W* « FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO '»I08 Farnam St. Omaha. Maw. ST. MARY’S INSTITUTE. tlUNiV, II.MbUM. no huuiuttM. v?wmUm4 July. Wh M tuMtuctaO by tbu 5 bool Stature at Matre LMm, ««>4 p*t»viJ 4 tuury ru»>t*lta cnaAMlretwylkyulval, MuMkiimI aa4 aarel TM aytauai ti uOacrttea taaxw trey imM aa4 iwuatal hiatk d wl •*! MkMwa auNabta Km yaua< taOtua. Fa» tuta * AOtHtn SVBMNb M. M*<7 * tartduta, Qutaty, 10. Hals—a tins assortment Forty-nine cento liny* a good fedora Any kind at corresponding figures. A. E. CitAStc. Do you need a wagon, buggy, disk harrow, seeder, plow or harrow If so, you should see T.M. Reed All the ncckv/ear In the house, con sisting of over 500 pieces, below cost until April 1. A. K. ('llask A good copper bottom wash boiler for 81 cents at Watkinson's Don't forget the brick hardware store for prices on hardware, tinware and furniture. Dr. Sumner Dayls, the Oculist and Turist at Oraad Island will be absent Srom his office until admit Ma* 15. Mr. Lcschinsky our photographer Is still making his tlrst class photographs at 7ft, cents per do>. Don't miss to get a do* taken. Chlcors, Pa., “Herald" Richard Veil el reports Oue Minute Cough Cure the greatest success of medical science, lie told us that It cured his whole family of terlbln cougliH hiiiI colds, after all others . 4. *.4.1 ( 4 4 4 4 . i 4 4.1 I... .1 S I .. m I .. ■ ms . " * • • V a ■ - ■ w I'M , Vencel said, It a**i«ted hi* children through a very bad aiege of mea*el* One Minute rough Cure make* ex pee oration very ea*y and rapid Odea dahl Hro*. Lout. A dear little child, who made home happy l>y it* untile* And to think it might have been aaved liad the parent* only kept In the hou»e One Mi nute Cough Cure the infallible remedy for croup We want one good man (having hone), u* permanent muperiritondem for Hherrnau county, to attend to our hu* I new, on salary. Mu*t *end along with application, (trong letter* of recom mendation a* to honcaty, integrity, und ability. State occupation. Addrcaa p. O. Box 1883, I *li I la., Pa. HUMPHREYS* No, 1 Curas Favor. No. 2 " Worm 8. No. 3 " Infanta* oases. No. 4 ** Dlarrhs No. 7 “ Cough l No. 8 Cures Neural; No. 9 “ Heada»il No. lO “ Dyspejs. No. 11 “ Delay* if jriods. No. 12 “ Leucho a. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. IB “ Rheumatism. No. 10 “ Malaria. No. 19 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No, 24 “ General Debility. No. 20 “ Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases No. 32 “ Heart Disease. No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Grip. Dii. llriMPHBETH' Homeopathic Maitoai. or Dimkahem Fiiee. Small bottle* of plo&xant pellet*. fit the re«t pocket. Hold by druifirleU, or lent prt>(*ld upon rc.dpt of price, » e«nti. except No*. an and IB urn made $101 MM’ only, lliirriplimya* Medi cine Company, Ill William fit., .New York. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." for Pile*—External or Internal, Wind or WMdtBQI Eletnla In Ano; ItehlnKor Jlleedlria of the Kectom. The relief la Immediate—the euro certain. J-HIOE, ao OTS. TMAk!n™,M2Ih •old hf Ifrnggioto, or Mat poot^ofd on r«c«lpt of priem. UtftJ'HIUtVd’MJtU.tO., Ill* lit WIIMmi §4., VBW YOB Nt ON K DIBS No one dio* Of Pul monary diaeaao, the roault of cold, who taken “77” In time. For aalo byall drug glut*. 25 cent*. The Golden QPPOHTDKITT -of the reason AT PILG6IRS’ LOUP CITY, * - NE& RARE * BARGAINS * IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes and everything kept in a first class store. All goods sold for cash only 18 lbs Granulated sugar for $1.00 - 22 “ New Orleans “ “ 1.00 Kerosene oil, per gal. - - - .12 All package Coffee - - .15 Eight bar any kind of soap .25 Threo cans corn or tomatoes - .25 Arcadia linkers’ Fancy flour .95 “ Cream Patont “ 1.05 Corn meal - - - - .15 Choice prunes, 20 lbs for • 1.00 Extra clioice prunes, 13 lbs 1.00 liest oat meal, 8 lbs for - .25 Four lbs choice raisins for .25 Apples per peck ... .25 Hipest Price Pam for Boiler ami E«ns. Don t fail to come and get bargains in every line. T L P|LGER, |NEW YORK STORE Loup City, i N^bi