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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1896)
^ s.. ^ ™ ' ■ j ^ -M Loup City : rn’”TT"" ■ _ . - - _ * *.< * rYj »• i*t V()L XIV. LOUP (MTV, S11KKMAN (OI NTY. NKHltASKA, KHIDAY,! - - ' Thk Nor i hwkstt.rn ■*U Hl.I.SH Kt) KVEKY KRIDAY ai I II !•. COUNTY HhlAT. U li.• > 10. llliNNCIIo l'l .H, • Editor and PublUhor. TEI.M > SI 60 per Year II Paid <n Advinc* Kut»r« i at Ilia l,nu|> ('It? Po»lr>flu'» for »>»»*■ ailaaluu Uiruufh tk« malla »■ *u.d •laaa metnr, ■JEMBmUb C ‘ .X£SB \ cull for republican comity con ventlon to tiomir.alc delegates to the State convention should he made soon. If the crop season holds out as it Inis sturted in (uud it looks that way now) I lie next Nebraska State fair will be a hummer. The republican National conven tion will be held at St. Louis, June 1 iltli, and the republican Stale con vention at Lincoln, July 1st. ^ The irrigating ditches ought to serve a good purpose this year jn taking care of the surplus water. They say it is a poor rule that will not work both wins, and so it is with the ditches. Secretary Piper has made a good officer and should he renominated He has made a splendid record and perhaps of all the stale officers Is most deserving of a second term lie will no doubt be re nominated by acclimation. The crop of candidates from Douglaa county this season is about as thrifty as the grain crop over the state. They must have sprouted with the first planting and may get blighted before the season is over. Some of them seems to have been nipped a little by tbe frosts alrsady. The weather reporter for the Neb raska Farmer is n little off his base • in reporting tbe condition of Sher man county. He says. “It is too windy and hot for small grain." Tbe fact is it has been cool and wet, juat the condition that will make the small gran stool out and grow rapidlv. Samples of small grain have been brought iu that will meusure eighteen inches in length. Corn is neurlv all planted anil a great deal of it is up. The ease of tin* #112,000 bonds which the pop Supervisors of Val iev county pronounced illegal and refused lo pay the, interest of #0,000 on, has been decided b.v Judge Shims of the United States federal court in favor of the purchaser who brought suit to recover said interest. Valley county voted and issued said bonds, and add them uud used the proceeds to pay otl'hei ftidebied uess. Since the pop administra tion they have tried hurd to repudi ate tile debt but Judge Shims reads a bit of law to litem that may be of yhonetlt in future life. The follow ing is an extract front bis decision. *• I'lte ipn-stiott of the validity of #12,000 in houtls voted by Valley comity iu |k7m, wa» involved in u ease submitted to the court some time ago, anti decided this morn ing, The bond* were voted to pay oil accrued littlehtcdltca* of the county Vbout ten years after tUcv hail ittHMi a>|d the euuuiy lefused to pa* the interest capon*. and suit Was brought Tt.e e>>llUly set up a* a defense that Ilia tun.da st'ls til* gaily voted, Chat tin* aio->unt was greatly In ate**#* of the limit plate.t by thwlaw* of do s'ate, an>l that two pree n .* in the county bail not h«SI allowed lo v> te on iha It nd propositi ii | tie court be-bt that b *** lusanat purchaser bad a right to dep* ml upon the repo* t of It * b and of canvasser* a* to the legs'. Ilf of the eici’ll. a, and kps tb* r* po»t of 'b** n| «si'si»g l*»»t«t lot law timi < f the Hess J .dgmewt was tb net ire g»*eU to lb* pi*.mi#, against tb* e*an ty * This office received a pleasant call ; last Tuesday evening from 1). W . | Reed andd, T. Hogan, of Omaha, j who are now traveling over the state in the interest of John M. Thurston, the United States Senator from Nebraska, and who are evi dently fixing up political fences for some of the most prominent candi dates for state offices. These gen tlemen have nothing but good j words for our western candidates, j Jack McCall for governor, and In-1 formed us that he will get a good following from the Omaha delega tion. They ulso tiling that if Mickeljobn receives the nomination lie will make a good race, and if elected an excellent officer. Doug ins county, in tbeir opinion, will tie divided on many of the candi dates on the state ticket, and in fact all but Churchill, who seeks reuomination for the office of at torney general. Douglas county seems to have a candidate for nearly every office on the ticket, but it seems that Churchill will bo the only one from that county who can cum a solid delegation to the state convention. Messrs Keen and Hogan arc active members of the Nebraska Republican Club and seem very anxious to get up the strongest possible ticket in the field and one that every loyal repub lican cun support, and that will meet with general approval by the pco lilt* A terrible cyclone swept through the northeastern part of Kansas and southeastern Nebraska last Sunday which did great damage and resulted in the loss of many lives and i jury to many people. Many who escape instant death are maimed for life the storm covered a large scope of country and several small towns through which it passed were com pletely demolished. The storm crossed the Nebraska line cast of Preston, and passed through Preston and Full City. At both these places considerable damage was done. In the country districts the distruction of property was equally great. A specal from Falls City says that four persons were killed und a number of houses dashed into kindling wood. Judge Dundy's fine forest which he had preserved since the settlement of ttie country was laid low. The Hintons park one mile south of the city was completely destroyed. All the buildings in the para was reduc ed to kindling wood and two-thirds of the trees were torn up by the roots. Farm houses and barns in its path were blown down and people were compelled to flee for their live*. If oguft Win* Tim Cam* The following opinion handed down hv Chief Justice Post in the ease of the First National bank vs. John Hogue will he ot' special in terest to our readers. It will he remembered that the hank sued Mr Hogue for a large sum ot inniiev and the case was tried iu the district court ot Slict man county, August ‘Jlilh, isu^, by Judge Holcomb, ami a judgement obtained against Mr Hogue iu the sum of Ill.Sdtial. Mr Hogue appealed from tIt* district court aud the ease ws>s taken to the Su preme court wbetv it was i«versed. The following is the opinion ten dered. Ilogue v* C.tjiital National Itsnk Krror from Whatman County It* - versed opinion by t'hief Justice I'osl. Where 4 CorpoMItln hss had a de facto ealslsnee lor • e»*n*bteraMo 'lute, (ts eotiMirste character canted be e*d lateratlt >»**«l cd bt icrttsu * m 'Mi t • mg wnb ft m such capacity. •* »* Nt lift***#* Mi i t|H ril»'t fnlil, I** vhl* r I# N | | i|, rjb'f* iMirnf If»l*U» M)t id nun! «*f lb# (i||m« M* *t» tvh» lit# «niuM>t% i***b liil Ildilf^Mull i ftv«*Mil* il tl* J rt lUtlW f *tft**li f til* lUNHil l |r> Mm % iIlii* It mnn •« t rhi^'dl #il ft« ***> lit Mi * !***<♦« t*» «b4 rlghlsnf tettaa ih*|e undo n*d rs< j Ittcitl Ik* |»**!|ftmi*t*ft tHtivtl iiift in I P#|aiMt **f *il4 kv^lloi i \ % • I • IH|I. lit I *i«, 1*11 Why McKinley is so strong with the people Is neatly told by the Beatrice times. Here it is. “Mc Kinley is both (he man and the platform, one and the same, indi visible, concrete, and in the abstract; j that is what makes him strong. You remember before the whirlwind of IH02 the Democracy preached that high tariff was the cause of every ill or want or disaster that happened to mankind in the United Stales, and .McKinley was the apostle there of and demanded a change, a change with a thousand tongues and pens, '('lie change was made and the crash came. Now the farrncrthaf held his wheat fora low tariff policy, and t-2 per bushel, and the workman that flew the track lie cause hi» dinner pail was to cost fi cents more under the McKinley faritr law, are both for McKinley and turilf; for the one lias sold his wheat at less than a dollar a bushel, and the other liar, no grub to put in u nickel pail even." A lady asked us whether eti quette require* one to knock nt the door of an editor's sanctum before entering. We hasten to reply. If you are coming to pay your sub scription or bring in a nice juicy item of news, don't atop to knock but just walk right in as if you owned the place. If, on the other ; hand, you are out on a collection j tour, you should make ttie fact known through the window, and then knock at the door until the editor opens it. You muv sink down from exhaustion before lie does so, but you will be adheritg to the printing office etiquette and that ia bound to please the average editor.—Seward Blade. Seldom doe* it happen that na ture pour* out such an abundance of moisture upon our portion of the earth, and nt the same time distri hutiug it so equally over all locali ties, as has been the case with our April rainfall for l89h. From first to last it was a pleasant succession of sunshine and soft winds that have set all Nebraskans to remen lacing of ye olden time when the corn stalk grew into niplings, and the potatoes elbowed one another out of the ground.—Nebraska Farmer. Suits aggregating a million dol lars are now pending against rail roads entering Sioux City on the ground of overcharges on freights! from that point east. t £ Kloperw 4'mtight at Shell On Tuesday of last seek giving his name ns (ivory Spicer arrived in Shelton a» piinietl by u woman whom It resented ns hi* wife. The tr_ remained in this vacinlly a few dsfyif when tile men securetl work us a farm laborer on the place of Henry Wehlien, taking bis supposed wife there with him. Nothing unusual was thought of them until Tuesday of this week when John Spicer, of Keon, Iowa, arrived here find caused their mrcst, claiming that they had eloped together, leaving him with u four year old child ou Ids hands. He had in his poisessiou a letter from tie county attorney tit Leon, Iowa, stuting that a serious crime hud been committed and instruct fug they lie held until u requisition could be set 11rid to take them back to to wa. Constable Be oily went out to Webben's place aud arrested the pair and brought thorn to town and notified the county uttorney at Leon by telegraph that ho had them tri charge. He received a reply in struct ing him to hold them until the sheriff arrived with Urn requisition. --Shelton Clipper. I'r if King appeared at the rink Ihm Monday night, for about thirty ffllnu'oH, and then <li*appcarc‘l in n blaze of glory. The most cntbusl anti«• applause marked Id* appear anee. Him magic lantern perform ance, famous Kcnun-ky jig and slight. hand performance were all left in the dark after about twenty miini'e* bad elapsed and he had to flee for his life, the ticket seller having previously lied with the funds, amounting to about thirteen dollars. The performance will not be repeated.- Kearney Sun. Backward. turn backward, O, lime. If you will, CMy'- v McKinley or give, us til* bill; Kindle the tires In the furnace again, KurnUh more work to our luborlng ineq; We aru so weary of Cleveland and Hoke, Weary of sninkn-starks emitting no smoke Weary of spindles that nobody spins What ure our sins, mister, what are our sins? Backward, roll backward, O’ scroll of the fates. Show ns why Cleveland once carried the slates; Bring us the men who In drover believed, Tell us just how they were caught and de ceived. What. In the nature of popular wrong. What have we done to be punished so long? Mways the same when democracy wins What ure our sins, mister, what are our sin? Ever so often fresh converts are made, Voters who howl for free whisky and trade; Don't give a darn for the future expense. Howl without reason und vote without sense. 1'hutwas the cause only four years ago. Cleveland elected and four years of woe. Those who were for him are crying "enough isn't It tough, mister, isn't it tough? Bixby lu stun Journal rnjgqir :*'■?^fr - i^'v-',-. ’ ^«nawaWB5 ~~"~ ? FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE HUGO The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM oml local newspaper in *Oi ulll. b m ^ess Transacted # % ^ p**’. <■ tj Capital Stock, $500,000. Loana on Improved far me at IV INK per oeot. Bant Company tad ban tan# to ba bad In the vaat. OoBuaroMnKim:—Chemical National Bank, Nov York City, N. Y.| Onckl %tlon*l H*vm. umaha. Nah»«*ka VV. J. FIS11EH, GEO, E. BENHCIIOTER, Attorney and Notary I'nbllc. Publliher I.wp ClTT Nuhthwmtbbw FISHER & RENSCHOTER, REAM. ESTATE AGEJYTS. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale. - R.TISTIO HOMES. 225 DesIgns^AII for lOo. The ImrffMt collection of daiffB* over |Miblt«lied In nny architectural boon In the world. Ao church du*i/u*—20 interior* u.Ubi... COLONIAL HOMES . . I It dMl(H. 1CU., or both book, for Urt*. v ,o ** edition.) of “ArtUtle .ml (olonl.l Hornet. HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Architect, ^W.IowrighVaidV*’ ST. 10UIS, MO. noctor Henderson 102 ft 104 W. 9th $tM KIPAS CITY, HO. The Old Reliable Doctor, A Regular Cradu te in Medicine, OldeU in Age a ndlung fit Located, j OVER VI YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by the State to treat CHROMIC, NERVOUS a*g SPECIAL DISEASES. Cure* guaranteed or money refunded. All mnltctnoe furulxhed ready for u*e. No mercury or lnjurloua medtetace uaed. No detention from work, i'utient* at a dUtauee treated by mall and exprexx. Medielm r Rent everywhere, fre« from gaze or Break age. Charge* low. Over flu.OUO «u«o* cured. Age and experience are important. Read little book, then Mtalu yourcaao. Bend for opinion auu tonne. Couaultutlon f reo and confiden tial,peraonaUy or by letter Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debility, (Sperm,il^r Area and Empeteney) eau»ed by youthfut follleRand exccaaea, producing nerroua noa*, Iokmom, pimples audniotch«*s on tbn foes, rushes of blood to the b«a<f, pain* In thebssk, ooufuHinlidt'ttrtiuui forget fuliuias, bashful ih?sh, tvto society, In«aof sexual power, lows of muuluMid, he., curt*a for lean stop ail in*'U. losses, rt *tors lost sexual power, rw* storo nervsand brsin pnwer.enliirifft and strength* n w* uk parts and mske you fit tor in arrises. Kirnhi I i c inattcrriuie uiscusn, in no crj I'll'Ho) It* form*audstage*cured fur ilfu. Wood Poisoning, Skill TllMJaacs, Ulcers, Swelltugs, Seres, Oonurrtiou and Gleet, and alt form* of Private Lllitoaau* positively cured or money refunded. Un,vb fur both uiie*. K) pages, 27 pie IJtMMV turc*. true to Ilfu. with full mu crlpllon of ttlsivo disease*, Win eflet and ivl< d la plain a rapperforde In*. Head tillsIHUo Inin* iindansivi ruaction I t II 0*4* |" luiuiiDuu/ eu«vu wiih- m «. II 1WIUI V nut CUUMliO. fntrtm. bou V yiA of Mound. No pain, no uiimun. I'm I to ut can ti*o tho treatment »t boras. ■ Rheumatism ft“££U,’oIi£,k| A : ('UNCI HN. Ttio KTratoMt dlueovary Ini r <> i inodlotne (>no iloms glvne re-■ lo 11 a l> w dom.M remove fotor and MM III j .Inti* urtirelneluwdeK. He ml «Ukt»l m »uui|> lor tlroular. |MIMf I Free Museum of Anatomy ' IB Bn»leUi*nilHk-ur* >ui ■ i , . i n «i.,» l uj Imlrut i.ifii!' J •* t*•>•»*. akltM I willfu'fmil fur ahum J l»«J I M->M • ">>’ Aaa OO tkiest \kk mmiiDoima y UUl FOR TK ITIOMEST WILT • Thi* la a I alal altar. ... . i j.aii ihama _ y1* • taia prlaa la la* atotoar Tap, | iraduoa iham. (Ilplic •prlnpa. | ,»|Uu< prlaala Piaaa Oady, 970.00. * uphaiatara* la UU( A.| . • «*•*• •* ] ola'h,ar laalhar I If prefarrad. Thraa ar fawr tap. flihar aiaa ar aarraw Wa wawid ataa turaiato Oaraia* a piaaa af l»iaaa toady If daalrad, S' ... FRIOONIA NMVFUIIMIM "ft, S' TQUMO.TOW W.OHIO