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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1896)
Loup City VOL. XIV ' LOUP CITY, Nil HUMAN ___—^————— Thk Nor i hwestkrn %■. Si:- ~ '’UUMHHBD ItVKKY Hi AY *T I II |<. COl 1 NT) hh.vr, uico. »<;. iinNHClin l i at. Editor and Fubllshar. TEhldS SI 80 ptt Tear II P. Id n Advance C. . ... - .rts- . -=t T Eut. r» I at the l-ott* C’ltT h et'ilhr* for lr*»a ■iieeuni Mrosfb the mall* ai •» i.4> elaae (natter. A farm Journal any*: Tha farm art of the Hailed Slats* should or ganize for |roliii(-*l action, the on jeet haiug to rtcovsr tlia political influence they have loti h\ reason of the populist erazu. The ilallia* of laet evening eon iniiii'ij dispatches from all over the elate haying that heavy raina have been falling and at Lincoln and Panama, Nebr., considerable darn age wt» done I>y a twisting tornado. Congressman Mirkeljohn has re turned home and will eoon ha activa ^ ly In the Held looking after Ida chaneea for nomination for gover nor. Some of th# other candidate* who imrnaginad they had a ainsb on that lirrnorable position might not find it so easy sledding wheu once lie gels down to business. We are apt to consider others more fortunaiu than ourselves sml making money faster, lint if wu could exchange piece* with them wo should not hno it so often. Thu miller or the grocer muv have a seeming profit of t'> or per day, hut the fact is ho must lur out largely for help, for ojl, for delivery j teams, for extrus thnt lire always giving out in every Imsiues* and for faster iban m farming, Isu t it far better to do Inn, husiuess and have lets anxiety, even though we make less money. Judge Wall lie* been taking a few trips in different parts of this congressional district looking after the political fences with a view to securing thv nomination. He made a visit to Ord last week in company with Ida brother John of Arcadia and the following is what the Ord Quiz says regaidlng tlic same: “John and Aaron Wall were in the city Tuesday a few hour* look ing after the congressional fences of the Judge. There are e good many republicans who are favorable to him. hdward, Miller tue fourteen-year old soil of Henry Miller, who lives three miles south weal of Kails City on thu Nemaha river, w*» instantly killed Sslurdat last hy the seel denial diaebaige of a Winehester iiflu. A younger brother was at home with hi”., and el situs that Kdward waa handling two shotgun* aud the rifle, and ut tbs lime had Ilia uimith over the end ot Mih rills whieli waa in aouie unaeetiuiitable way iliavharged, tearing ill tbs ii|*l»«-r part of hi* mouth aud his K nose •t ItHHatu'aut Wet. V little over u tear ago It. I'lyuii died, leaving a widow and faitiilt imi iu the bwat of eireumst*ue« a Mr. Kltuu waa a men her id' the >1 'V, A Ipdge «d lids I'late. lull, like niliui*, during Ibe hard lime* he hail been unahle to b< ep up hi* tinea, and at the time of hi* death lt>' waa not entitled to ant ht» bet* use td the tame. Howe tet, . alter hta tleath the Iih iI iod .e too,, the matter up, and after >rt«>rl iteMph* of hard work, am giante.l |M!imi*autH fi»m the heati tut,»til to wake a < ad up*ot the luml | slgit of the dais itt behalf of the widow, ftm lodge* of the lists tt»p tehd D'dtlv, wioi H «fng the hsi I I tine*, aw I tire b • e < lodge It** r*o*feed fit ltd* enough to pat ofl |i*S wol k •■f debt*, Iwtl'it« ptttt-g Mrs , Kit wit 11 '*# 4 * 4m • 4*b M{|h tKit O ed a diot I i M vt .o el th*t am w>*< t lei I tt I hi* mak>e a lu«*t of | *1 * 4*4 4** ttiiivl) iHttuk! k W *t|*4t«4 i m«* #4il, v4i«k the atsls bthk of tree.| a donated lit d*dt|. i|»g flows tdote att w* whb-b Ms, Kit wn h e* mu at let! at (Is *Wuk pitot to h'« dt 4 b km l« hgt li t wa ikts »|« ak* Wt If for fraternal aocltiiiee, among which toe M. W, X. ia in the front rank. Tli* committee'of ihe local lodge having the tn liter in charge wat M. L Friea, K. f. Fuller and K. I'. Sclml/.e —Arcadia Champion. M.'KOil»ty unit III* K»rin«ir». riio principal Mugwump organ of the country dirceta altention to what it call* “the very curious fad that the mod genuine enthuainam for McKinley ie to be found among tbn farmer*, and u/it, a* one would have el panted, among tha artivao* and manufacturer*" tbn only or plauatiou of which it goaa on to any, with a charlatic anecr, "I* that tha farming mind ia peculiarly • uacept • llilc to the McKinley logic.” It i* true that McKiulov a strength I* greater in tbu agricultural atatca, hut there ia nothing “eurioua1’ about it. The farmer* were per suaded to tnnr againat protection in Iwith glowing promise* of ae enlarged demand and increaaed price* for their product*, and lh#y have found out by aad experience that they could not have made a worve rniatak*. A democrat tariff policy hn* been tried, and the re hu11 ia diminiahad proeperity. In 1.1i t lui.iirlrur ii.-ut t'dir,.ii/ii mir. ; --- - - - w r-> kats, they huve been abut out of many to which tboy already bud access, aud they are aot getting us rollcli (or their "ropa «» they for mally received They see where the trouble lies, “The forming mind" grasps tlx.' fact that a return to the old system will be an ad vantage, ond that the foremost champion of protection is the logical candidate for that purpose. It ia easy to account in this wav for the McKinley enthusiasm in Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Kan sas, Nebraska and other groat agri cultural state*. The Farmera have changed their minds about MeKin leviam, under tbs practical discipline of hard timet anti the costly fail ure of democratic tariff legislation They have been fooled once, but they can not be fooled again. It. is not a theory, but a condition, that, is causing them to rally to the sup port of the distinguished Ohioan whose statesmanship they hastily condemned in 1 Him. They look upon him as standing for that which is necessary to the revival of their prosperity aad the promotion of their welfare, lli* popularity witb them signifies that they tire tired ami sick of a policy that prevents them from doing a profitable btisi ■iti** iii'il obtaining a lair return for their labor. Their common ssnae f tellsihem Unit termini* can never , be ui in Id to pay without a tariff *■> adjusted ua lo protect home mar kets aoaiust i'oreigu iuvaaiou nod increase exports of surplus prodecta to other countries. They propose to undo llie s'upsndoua blunder for which they have paid solUarivi and that is why they insist that Melvin ler shall be tin- next president (I lobe Democrat ilfiilfu III £ioirrn \rlrrit»Uit The following paper upou alfalfa ml lure ter *a>tern Nehraab* was prepaied by Mr. William Kraal of Johnson county to tm l*ii| before the I ill pro tad Sot Itr* ed« r>‘ s*».« isd..« in this city In Feb rusty Owing to iirliuro Mr. I rial wa* tlliav oldst/V wI m,|)I Hi- senila shuts hit pa| rr. and a* II » til at lit lunch that It timely upon the Important a it Jo l ot glowing nltall * »• pts it piste at ole a, V aiy m in> ol oul in tin Will )>• gl-d of an opportunity to ti>||i>w the w> t Is ol nl ill Sit who van tjsuk to ths pi Uni lt-uu the I i-ialldfUUt of «»|e-»lwvt*'a ** .in i|U *tU»n bet a hat •Util* U tfc* la ( tlui III <ii nu b# || *4*1 f»*f I i»ar «•%**, ilv«t *}i % 4 4 i Ur til 4 !#«♦* %* 4 l«M| 4 lit I III' |«4|> U) $#«•! 44'fM **| lifer Hi* trfv 1*4* 4 I gl*M Mil- |-««4 *t | £«| ti|« Hk|v || t««9|4» <441 ft Ml* •***? 4 4 s MttafUs | § » !*• f t ^ ||a f i|i |r. bill |**-es ft it}* | U«s I f|t 144 t.« ^ki | | •* |4» U»4 ft tvt % Iks§ |»M M» 444 I % Mills 4tft4 f b”f4 4 *1 »**» I 4*«# • f 4 *l4i (l#f I mini fttrf | *t »**U, f*«tttt4f i 4t | « l| I fv | Vfclftlftl*.. I il V UI flfc«t |M' I * i<4% ft <*4 * ; M*»»« ||4»* i». tilHtli I M #4 tv la a) *11*14* 41 III 4»y *» « V*V l«» III |»V( t4y il «■ I * *44 ft I* a <b<l % It 41 !*• •*. Il4 hIM*< I * 11 II •*♦ *p**4 11“|4 !• |«)i«*4i U t -444 Imp «is I m t which at that rate make* wl* ton* 0 the acre, When a weed crop la taken t can In- cut Imt thn e time* In one u,, Lid fair my beat Held, then four ye r» :>ld, wm cut mi the 20th of Mav nnd made fully two ton* per acre. Till* Held la the mm* one from which I got $51! worth of weed per neia the year before 1 will not d wall on the value of alfalfa either n* paetlire or luty, all agricultural paper* huve given the facta a* to that lime and time again flog* ran he rained and cattle can (»• fattened exclualvely on alfalfa Moat every farmer would like to j awn a Held of alfalfa and It ia only a. '(ueatloii of time when every acre of in v ' farm will be wowu to it. A good many i farmera have a-mti It year after year and ! ifter lowing It aevrrul tjtuet gave It up a* a loat Job J am fully aatlafled that alfalfa -an lie ralaed In in owl any tectlon If band* |n<| right V on will all agree with me i that the la-d eeaaoti wa* non of the aevor i«t we have bad In twenty year* on pawl jra* and meadow*. My orchard grata, 'uy blue grii** and Koine of the native jraw*burned out and atlll I raUed the beat Held of alfalfa I ever did rala*. * perfect ■land and good beaPhy plant#. A love ] ■ poke of a four year old Held, Till* Held wnw fir'd aown weveti yeaty ago, one-third rf It win nwn Iii tfic fall under fall v/heat ind Ijm other two-third* of the Held waa town under oat*. Tim ne»t aumrner I ind only a thin, iiiiuveii aland, but I wow *d again, and trying to nave what I had towed it by timid and harrowed wlfh n oinmon harrow Weed# were ihe priori D#l crop that maaoii d'he year afn r I uad# up my mind to taka lee - --- - nd cut Hug fur it' d and no! knowing how to mu'll" the "< <1 crop I left it big portion of lit need scattered nil over th* field It (rew and m.idc u Mg st ud and him l * rn t success ever since. My other field* nil lave been, with but little variation, a ’epHltlon of niy first experience, that I ', j t look three* to get a full Maud, and I ill of till* w,ik owlng''i the fai t that i r!"d to nils" nlfiilfn under small grain, md when I towed it alone I let (I • weeda eke It, thinking the weeda were needed or protection While protc tjon la prob ildy the proper thing for tide country It I Dot the thing for alfalfa. Much hue >eefi said In regard f>> drilling (he seed ilid much lorn been tail about subsidi ng 1 don’t want "liher for alfalfa for he following reasons ■ If you drill you mt toe need In all the sumo depth or icarly no and fit" seed will all come up lie name time and If a heavy rain cornea own It might destroy tho young plant rblclt la very tender when It flrat cornea p. I know of numerous fields being lost a that way, Hubaoiling makes the round to loose, the young plant will do alter In ground that la well packed, be idea the ground will kettle down if aub oiled and ex pone the tun root which may auae the plant to die die following Win er, and why ahull we subsoil for alfalfa rbleh goes beyand the depth of th" sub rdling In leu* tliuu two months Itoota nur mouths old will average sixteen Inch * or more They will go down eighteen j t wwniy inches the first summer and not ••a than twelve Inches each year after mt. It la no trouble to get a aland of Ifalfa mi hard pan or all sit spots such a are found on side bills and low plscoa. want it undesleod that uiv experiments ritli alfalfa are all made In Nemaha and ohuson ciimb-s, the result* may be still I etler In other J)»tt» of the elite. Two yen* ii(i> I allowed alfalfa ft. the Mt*ti< fair, hut I waa not In it, Mr. Ollnaiead, .U' l Ig alfalfa malt'flteavi r f'lty, b’or ua* >u«it>. hent my growt i an tiad that ibere waa no comparison, J,ater Mr. Oitnateod pild ine a vlalt and I took him OUt to my III fall a where ha made the »*• praailnti that he never *'iw a belter or even ua good n field of alfalfa on uplmid I loiva now live tlulda of dllTcrent Hgea r.otilninlog in all nearly two hundred acre* and a good aland all over, “If I sow more alfalfa I aball prowled In the following manual My prefantice would lie a rb-an etalk Hold, wall pialur ud down, lake a corn plow and cultivate ua early in spring ns can he don# con venUnily, Then whin ill danger of frost la over, will aiy lint week in April sow broudcnat on this rough ground about twenty pounds of seed per a< re take u disk and go over the ground cr< ■* ways, after that harrow one way and then lh« other Harrow at ofien a* you like,the , more the better, until tho ground la thoroughly parked. ] don't think much of rolling, It makca our land to looae and line, Of coiirsa could w« foretell the weather we might roll, If we knew a rain would follow before tb» nead com** up Now my object iu rowing on rough ground la to have the seed In at dllTcrent depths in or ler to have it not all come up the same time; it will begin to coma up If weather la favorable In three or four day*, while the <1aapeat may not coma up for two we</Jta' or more owing to bow warm the soil I*. VVe *#■ the same thing nearly every year with our corn A heavy - rii'i mi/"' i' i ‘ * iuj; m i i"' »*»7 *i»*«,i'»7 ed orie.fhird of tins 1 sown a few "lays lief ore, or nearly all thst w*s up at that 11 in lio1 »i 'll enough on tun ii [i after wards to ; iv<‘in* a full stand, o,i forty acres I sown tli t iv ly there |« scan t*|y a spice six In-ties «-ij• re wlthon' one or more pon ' s To my knowledge alfalfa sown li t d i i t-'J eliOVe U'Ver lots failed to inal i H d si toil, but still It might not live through the summer unless the we/ are kept d mu hy muwlng them rep' K’dly la'foii* they get hsrd or high enough to shade the alfalfa I racomand mowing ii three or four times the first Annum r, leaving the weeds for mulching. Light pasturing might not hurt, hat of course stock should he kept off while the ground Is wet. After the first season sl f al I a might he used for pusture or meadow. ’* Mat. ICr ist adds: '• I wa* expected to read a paper on ‘Alfalfa Without IrrIga llnn’ In for« the breeders’ meeting at Lio mln, but owing to a spell of la grippe v as not able to do so. Hy numerous let ters which I received since I am soiry to tee that I disappointed i|Ull« s few and I see no better way to bring tbit subject before people who feel interested In the welfare of Nebraska than by sending my paper to The Nebraska farmer for pub ication. 1 am satisfied alfalfa and sugar beets are the salvation of Nebraska mid lie two would mako it tile best state In he union if It is not already such.’'— Nebraska Farmer. The author of the above article visited bis county last month and In a private eiter to Aaron Wall, lie says on this sub ject, “In my judgment your county, up end Us well an bottom, la fully as well iilsptoii to ntlalta as any I l ave s-gu in the state.” ■or' and advertise in The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM .ml local uuwspupor in im CPUNTY. t I). C. DOE, A. P. CULI.EY, Vice-President. Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $500,000. Ixjans on Improved farm* at NINE par oant. Boat Company and boat tarn to be had ka the wart. OoaaaaroiiiiKimi:— Chemical National Bank, New York Oty, R. Yd Owckl rtwtionaJ Omaha Naburta W. J. FISHER, GEO. E. BENHOIlOTEIi, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Iamjp Cirr North wkhtkkn FISHER A BEN8CHOTER, REAE ESTATE AOEJVTS. LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale. IStl Cos*S *o more than idiier package soda—never s"ol)s 111 pd (lour—univcraally, ikiiuwkdic.d purest In the world. Made only bj CHURCH k CO., New York. Sold by grocer* eycrywhere. WrlU- fur Arm unit Umnim r limit. ,f vuluu.i' i U I pan .Vi;;;. ARTI0TIO HOMES. 225 Designa-AII for IOc. The collection or deetgne ever publl.h«d In eny ercldlecturel book In tlia world, an church del -»i»— 20 Interior, u,ub'f.-. COLONIAL HOMES . . M de.l.u. Met.., or both book, tot Uetl. Any one .nine to build, nr crer Intending to bi fid, •liiiiiIdTuend !■ r then < !«!« limited edition.) of • • A rtl.tlc end ( olonlel Home..'' HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Architect, kw‘inw?ightJBiiJ.a’ ST. LOUIS, MO. Doctor Henderson 102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, HO. The Old Reliable Doctor. A Rrplar Cradu .to in Medicine, Oldett in Age and longest Located, OVER 27 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by tho Stuto to trout CHRONIC. NIRV0U8 and HflOIAL DISIA8E8. Cures guaranteed or money refunded. All medicines furnished ready for us«, No mercury or Injurious medicines used. No detention from work. l'allents at a dlslauce treated by mall mill express. Medicines sent everywhere, free from gaze or break age, Charges low. Over 30,1X10 cuaoa cured. Ageuud exnerteueoare Important, Head little book, then state your ease, fiend for opinion ana tonus. Consultation f reo and conddential, personally or byletter Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debility, (Sfirrmaturrlhr, and caused by youthful follies ami excesses, producing nervous ness, losses, plmplossmllilolelieson the face, rushes of blood to the head, pains In the hack, eoufuseitideusaud forgetfulness, bnaUfu'uexs, u rslon to society, loaaofacxuat power, loan Of manhood, &e., cured for life. I cun stop all bight losses, restore lost sexual power, re store uervH and brain power enlarge and strength n weak parts aud make you fl‘ tor marriage. ^vnni ■ i & un'iruiw • i *-V P****'f»* tt* forma and ataiio* cured for life. Blood Pulaontuy, ftlitn 1 iKoam «, U terra, Swetltafa, (tore*. ('• norrtnea amt Gleet, amt alt forma uf Private Dioeaaua ImmI lively cured «>r money refunded W, w ,L for l»>lit ». *. «, ml MC**. 87 ple lure*, true to life, w I ih roll d» * crtplleuof above dtaoMMra, the eflee and dod Inplaln wiatitMTfi vdo m»man" Head UilatllUo boo* a«5aa»wer ijueat.jua. T rli'TII rm* I' nwuuvniu v u *« v* wiih-b *■ *• I iClUlC out raunllc, eutttn*. Iwu J *-■ i or Hound. No p-iln, no naptwurv. l*a ■ tout ran u n th» tmuuent HI boat*. » Rheumatism ft25^,L3Kj!?k| A I'ttKl.TKK, Ti.n tnv.Unl dUcovary In I t tlaof wudtoina Ona dam firm I,, t dutoui moor* Inter and pain III ; .ii < a * uru In »tow day*. ItldlUMMlI ••t > * iih *i .10(1 (or t lroulaa. I f ree Museum of ti. .< mv iS life like ttUftU-ItttMl 1 * t% ti II. M * k • i of IliSlrUv ii# n#4 wiM / «lll/#f/lN| /w# Mlvx Kill f •*. «M>f f«'» Ann OO THE IEST RiOlHfil \nn ~’ rnKSTLooxiMl y l) U « FOR THE STIOHfiiST BUILT | | Th»« to • mm* ,w j dial • <*». to- »•••♦• " . k ■ ••II ih«m a<l Wit P j thn(iiiml«tn T«i». | I troituo* lh*nt, KM title luilngt, 2 fgul-r •'togtl Pu7l Hll), ] >70.00. * in I • I am * 4 *1,%* *r WNOLtmiy mAWAoJC "J****"** . L im THr** •' i fcd'“ ,4R- l*INl •>«• •* MIWW I .ovf lV i»a«fe. W« muM ala* lumito Ctotnlng j iNMy In plaaa •» Plan# iMgy If «to»lHM>. j / »-4- - FKOMHI NIMFUTNirct. I yr ^ i-kidmu..louwcmoiim, umo J