The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 27, 1896, Image 7

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    rifv»lir»l •( !•»• Th#»^r.
Mr. Cleveland made hie tlret appear
ance at the theater tbia winter the
other night, and the way In which the
audience stared at him la sufficient
proof of the hunger in Waahlngton for
a eight at the chief executive, and the
very email gratification which the pres
ident gives to thl* popular desire. Of
course, the president le always Wash
ington's chief exhibit No, it was not
surprising that when he came to the
theater every opera glass was leveled
at him, and some Inquisitive persons
promenaded the alles past the presiden
tial box in order to have a good look.
The president looked especially well.
Sitting Just under a cluster of electric
lights, hi* every feature waa thrown
out prominently. Nome one said he
was a regular living picture. —Wash
ington Npecial to Nt. I/OillS Republic.
The Unklndest Cal nt All,
A« shakspeare says, le fo poke fun or din-er
at people alio are nervous, under the Iralf
hi-ilnf llisi Ihelr comifialut la Imaginary or
so alternation. II Is nelihsr, but a serious
reality Imperfect dlgeallon Slid assimila
tion of the food I* a very common cause of
neMoneness, especially Hist distressing
for m of it which no riio sfs f f s< -1 f In want of
slo p Hostetler a stomach Hitlers speedily
remedies nervousness, ns It also does mala
ria!. khliicy. Mlllons and rbenmalb- all
inenls. The weak gain vigor »|rt-s<llly
through ft- tine.
Omul Advlee.
"There," he snld, as ho blotted the
irlter and put It In an envelope: "I
don't suppose I will gut any thanka for
that, hut there’s some good advice In
it. anyway."
"VV ho are you sending advice in'/"
"The government at Washington."
"And what'* the advice?"
"To get a few groundhog* for the
weather bureau." Chicago Pott,
Nrgesas'iCsmpbrir Ire with Ulyrsrlsr.
Tn* original arat only genuine, r ures i h*u|>*<l If anils
eeS race.Coldsores,b . 0,0. t lark <:«.Jr llsv*ri,<;r
A Nfliowt lltty'n < ofii|i(f»Mlfiii.
Here Isa novel composition from »
progressive school boy:
"One day I was in the country I saw
a cow and I hit her with u rock a dog
bk' me a aow chased me I fell out of a
wggou and a bee stung me and the old
gobbler Hopped me and I went down to
the branch anti I fell in and wet iny
There's a whole novel for you In six
lines! Atlanta Constitution,
II the Hairy Is Cutting Teem.
bnn and as* Mislaid and wall triad rsmarly, Mas.
raiuv'i Soowtuki MISur far ClUklrsri lasUilag
Twn Mayings Krotn Cork.
A < ork town councillor la credited
with having thus spoken: "1 her# can
he no doubt of the virulence of tills ep
idemic, for 1 know of people lying dead
from it who never died before.”
The same gentleman thus chivalrous
ly defended a colleague: “I strongly
protest against this attack on my ab
sent friend. for surely It's not right to
hang a man behind his back.”—Spec
A Twy Important (juaatlon with Perm
•rs Hd Others Just Now.
Probably there Is nothing that inter
ests the land owner more at this time
•f the year than fencing. They are de
sirous of securing the very best article
they can for the purpose they desire to
use It for and at the cheapest price
going. While this Is good business,
price should not take the place of
quality. In building a smooth wire
fence you do not build It for temporary
use but expect It to lost you for years
and to get this kind of an article It
requires a certain amount of good ma
terial to make It.
The lie Kalb Pence Co., of lie Kalb,
III., has tbe largest and most com
plete line of smooth wire fencing of any
plant In the country. We desire par
ticularly to call your attention to tbelr
goods and write them for a catalogue
which they will mall you free.
No line of goods has grown so rapidly
In demand or given such general satis
faction as tbe fencing manufactured by
this company. Tbelr steel web picket
fence for lawn and yard purpnae*. tbelr
cabled field and hog fence for farm use,
their cabled poultry, garden and rabbit
fence for Its use, arc all they claim for
You will hardly do yourself justice If
you do not thoroughly Inveatlgate their
line# before placing your order.
Tbe devil la the only gainer when a lov
t» whipped to make him go to church.
Ilarktdldlng login* when | ralae leave*
the heart.
Gladness Comes
With* hotter untkralamllng of llie
t riuial.-ul nature of the uiunj ph) *
leal lib, whkh vanUli before prioa-r rf
fort* gentle effort* - plrn*unl olforU
rightly nlrochul There b eottitorl in
the knowledge, that ao many forma of
ktohnra* are not doe to an) mutual ill*
eww, hut aim|ily hi a rowel lira ted ooiwll*
llmuf Ibutlrw, which the pleaaaut
family IhmIw, Myrupof ftgn prompt
ly remove*. Th*l b why it 1* the only
remedy with million*of femllk* ntolb
everywhere eatermed an highly by ell
who value food health. It* b-neHt-bl
effort* are See to the ho t, that It b the
on* remedy whkh promote* Internal
-* without debilitating the
organ* on whkh It net*. It b therefore
all Important, In order to get it* ww
Antal effeetn, to note when yon pwr
* ohm*, that yon have the genuine art!
ok. whkh b manufactured by the fall
for ub fig Myrup Co only and e»»ld by
nil reputable drnggbt*
If m the enjoyment of good henlth.
ami the eyatem U regular, laaativeaor
other remetlba are then not hieikd If
aMklaol with any aotiial ill**me. one
may ha aumwenikd Wr the need ahtlltul
phyabtena, hut if In need of a laaative.
• me klroold have lie heal, ami »* Uh the
well Informed everywhere. Nyrup of
Ktg*»tood* higher* ami b moot largely
mm and give* Huai general •atbfaethm
/■WWW. 1
Thera was <i lilacIj holiday In the an
etont Hty «f Avignon; anil oho of lu
erenta was u grand competitive dla
piny, the guild of worker* In gold and
•liver contending fur the honorable
place of goldsmith to the pope; for
then the |o|«*s lived lu Avignon, and
tho palace tluit today la a coloaaal
ruin, with doyllght whining Into lu
oubliette*. wna then In lu glory.
About tier only and face In Avignon
that day be kali god to little Item* He
gtilti, a goldnmllh'a appruntlee. The
goldsmith, old Mathleti, laid gone to
Mu* palace, taking with him to exhibit
In proof of hi* aklll a aplondld silver
Malt cellar, wrought most cunningly
with a dance of Provencal Knights
and ladle*. Hut the soli ••■•liar was not
a proof of Mathleu'e skill, l**cau»«
I Ik* fancy that designed and the skill
that wrought It were little Kent* He
filin’*. And that wa* why Item* was
Maidenly th*d«*>rwa,v darkened and
there entered a little elderly gentleman
a physician wlo sometime* patron*
|/,ed tho slop Item* knew and liked
tin* old fellow,
"What!” exclaimed lie* newcomer,
"What!" r.*<lMli»«-d the *«»r»»*r,
” WrriilnK,*
of the gold uimI xllvcr work bad begun,
"weeping, ehV Oil the popc'x Iruiugu
ratlon ilay, ton? II,v Hi. Anne, that's
not un It xhoiild lx*. What In the mut
At ttiMl Itene rowed by four of bis
maator, could not lx- jx-rxiiuded to tin
ixiNorn hlmxelf; but after a great dial
of coaxing mul diplomacy on the port
of the old physician, lie linnlly, amid a
torrent of tonrx, blurted out tbo whole
atory. The vlxltnr, who bail ae<-n Item*
work, believed him on tin* xpot; and
very wrotli with old MathU'U he aj>
peareti to lx* xtamp-lng up and down
tho ll<xir and uttering many terrible
Mounding French wordx, which It wax
perhejin Juat ax well for Bern* that be
did not undei-xtand.
In the mldet of one of hi* furtoua
promciuidoN, however, he xinjawxl ab
ruptly, tapped hie forehead with IiIn
gold mounted Ntuff, and exclaimed: "A
naif, cellar? Why Unit mimt lx* tin* one
you Uulaht'd on (>indlemn» day?"
•'The xarne," axaenied Tlc*n<*.
"The Name, eh?" cried the old gentle
man, “And don’t you remember any
thing connecting roe with that -mb
"oil, yex," the Ixiy replied. "You
came In no I wax at work, and I uxked
you for a plea aunt device or m- tt*» to
engrave <>n the rim.”
"And 1 gave you one, did 1 rod?"
"Yo*, xlr-« Fpenca motto, 1 have It
yet.” Item* groped In it drawer of tin
work table and flabed forth a piece of
parchment ujxni which wax wrliien In
a fair baud the following conflict In
old French doggerel:
jyi rim« i *a • vi in
,1'hI meaelri**, un propi*** goiii."
wtjl.Tl tucaua, roughly:
"I tuke the biller wiib the aweel."
You as®, my lorda, iny twite |m neat.’’
"By St. Anne," wild the physician,
“thoae arc the llnea. And you en
graved them on ilie nh.Ii cellar?"
"Yiai, air. I thought them appropri
ate, when you trniiHluicd them Into
..Id geutleiuiiu twirled IiIm gold
headed KtaIT Joyotialy. "Oome with
tne to the |ia|miI palace,” lie Maid eager
ly. "I.oek the door, aim matte Imate.
I will In< uuHwerahle to .Matliicu "
ileus liealt.ited, but he knew the phy
ah Ian was ait exeelleut eiiMloiner and
hud niueli lutleeiue with IiIm inuater:
ao. In the end, the door wiim locked amt
the Imi,v and IiIm aged guardian mci
forth together towards tin- pitlme of
the |mi|icn, w here alroady the Judgment
Tkr i ..infir111ton
In the great hall <>f audience the nc.v
|hi|m< wit on a raised throne surround
ed by Ida caidlnnU Before him were
grouped live and forty futnoUM artlata
In gold ami Mllver, I tearing In their
arma the parin-ulnr work on which
they rented their hope* of muc, ih Ip
the conical.
An array of dlatluguiahed people
ailed the hall Indeed, it waa dilttv nil
to aulu entrance uuleaa one were n
great l-ad nr lady, or amuc eo< ImUalle
of known |Mi«liion llmce, |t aeemed
aurprlalug that n little gray haired
man. clad (Imply In black and carry
lug a Mllver topped atalf, should matt
awe to ihraatl hla way with aaa«
through the gorgeous multitude I end
Ing by the hand u dim lad In the Jerh
In uf an apprentice, the elderlv man In
i|u. »ilon had only to w htaper hla name
to the iwan at arma Indore a way waa
matte for him Am he paMaed acurea of
vo|i eg Whispered "I her* gne® the
lira p >pe'( phi ah tan Make room fer
hla lloilneae I holt e the phtMhtan
I it wraa our frteud «f the wmrh«hnp
hurried i,award holding Itenc a hand,
until they mm«| close 11 the |»ai*al
[ throne and inuaedtait ly behind the
' line of waillaf gutd»mtihe
Una ny one the coutratagta imphls®
• ore lOMfe. i.d hr the |«.|we a*td nr
j dliotle Aftei nt trlt an irmr ■ die
i'iimIoii i lie <-li<iitiImtIiiIn annnuix.d 1
(i n i Id ll hroiithlo*li *ilell<'«, that Ii in 1
Holltn** wb* dlvIdiMl In hla mind n«
in the relative merit* of two of tin
I toll lit I f ii I Mpot'lnion*. There two e,id
ly oaldlntnineil all the other*, mnl an i
oilier ||IM|HV'Iloti Wolllil I*1 lleeen*ll I'V
lie fore till- flj'Ml pri/.e eoillil In* award
oil, The two 11ii k> itrlInlm weie h;iIiI
the elianilierlaiu, Planter lungl llam -
inilla of Maple*, with III* golden whip,
milt Muater Jenn Mntlileii of A vlgtioti,
with III* Mill! eellar of Hiller,
The Hull t ellur l liliaen
I ttiee more I In* eonelave exatilllietl ,
the golden whip mid llie Nllver nil it eel- I
i Inr. All HUlllinted dl*eil»*loii aeeiueit ]
lo ugllale them, riiially the |m|*> ‘
Meettieil decided, mid whl*|teri*i| hoiiio
word* In the ear of the ilimiihorliiln.
Itene ii I iiioHi Mtoppod liren tiling, *o
greill Wli* III* exeltellieul. lln tile latter
funi'lliinary * topped forwnnl to mi
lion line the t*e*tl||
' III* Ifoliln **,” -aid the chamber
lulu, ”lm* t'hoMen In favor of the article
w lib'll, while perhnitN hoi *■» ei.Mily a
uiMlerlul, I* ipilte a* heaullfnl a* ll*
rival, and of far more practical value,
lie give* the prixo, logoi her Willi the
l*mi of papal Jeweler mill goliUniliIi,
to Maxtor .lean Maihlcii, milker of llie
ningnlileenl *alt eellar,"
A murmur uf approlmllon ran ,
ihrough the hall, for all liked to tee a
man of I’rovetiee <hn*en, old Mnihliui
l*iwed low, and wnt In tint very net of
beginning an elaborate *p(*eo|i of
thank*, when u little hlaek rohed man
darleil out of llie erowd followed h,v a
l*,y, and. hendlug III* knee before the
throne, exclaimed:
"tour llollne**! I era ve a word on
lid* Miilije, t,”
"Mpciik, Itoetor Valerio*," *alil the
j*ipe, Moiiiewhat *urprl*ed hy the In
ferriipilmi "Yntt alwny* have our
'll,,.., lit. I hii.lo* V'o l..el .,o
In gooil, rniinil Jail In (for the mini
spoke l,ntint denounced old Mtithleu
ms a thief mid h limn of lies, lie re
counted the whole history of the still
cellar, at the same time lending for- i
ward the utterly-fllinshed Kent*, at \
whom Mathleu darted a scowl of mn- i
, llgnmif hotted.
When tie had finished. Mathleu had
his say. "The physhlan." he ex I
claimed, in whining tones, "laid slut- I
lily I'Pen Imposed npoii hy this rascal |
hoy, who Imposed upon everyone, Tit”
hoy’s story was false IP-, himself,
mid none oilier, had fashioned tjte salt
cellar. Indeed. Itovv could it he expect- !
<d tlial a child of fourteen could make
iteii a trophy V”
rids reasoning had Its effect u|sm '
the pope, his cardinals and the and)
i nee Murmurs arose, mid all looked j
doubtfully at f)r, Valerius. Hut the ;
old physician was not to be brow beat- -
en. Stepping forward, so us to face !
Mathleu, lie said. In u voice of Hum- '
‘‘Miscreant, 1 demand that yon an
swer certain questions which I mu :
nltout to put to you. Old you, intus- j
slated, make that, salt cellar’;"
"I did," answered the false Mathleu. j
‘‘Then repeal, aloud the motto which \
;oti engraved around the rim."
A cold sweat hurst forth upon Mu- ;
thleii's face. The motto! lie hud 1
wholly forgotten It, indeed, he hail paid j
hut little attention to ll at any lime. j
"I forget the motto." lie stammered, j
Doctor Valerius smiled “Is It likely. !
your Holiness,” lie remarked, "tliat a
man would forget the motto In- en
graved on hi* chief trophy’/" Then,
addressing fteqe, he asked him to re
peat the motto. Without a moment's
hesitation the lad spoke the words;
"Jo prendre I* aeerhe avee In doux;
J'al, ntesslres, tin propre gout."
“It Is even so," quoth the pope,
| glancing at the graven lines on the all 1
Again Doctor Valerius turned upon
the now trembling Mathleu. ‘’Master
Coldsmlth," lie said, "since ytat put
those lines there, you can at least tell
it* wluit they mean?”
Mathleu saw that lie was confound
ed, for, In truth, like most I'rovcneaux
of those times (und even of to-day) lie
knew little of French. Clearly tin*
gaum was up for him; so. after u futile t
look around for some avenue of eseap--,
\\ IIKHK .Mill \ HI 1.1. MIT III* X UIK.
»l,ir> of I In* Origin "I Mrral llrlf
ttlii'i ( kiin| \li'kniiiiii>
".lii'm Mull." i lie mythiml |M‘raouiiK<’
-11PIX'Ml•< 1 lit repie-rnt the KiicIIhIi pro
pie, iiikI now ilgiirfng largely In our
iilliorhil wriling mill In enrliHin*, wan
die Invent Ion • f Hr. Arhiiihiioi in line
of hlM nallilcal MketebcH rol filling the
tlnke of Marlborough. In the opinion
of lir Johnson. Arlitltlmot wiik "the
it cm t iiinn among Me* I'lulni'iit writer*
In lyiM'i'n Anne'M lime." lie iir.'W John
Mull a* the typical KiigllNlimaii a
Mtout, rial fa rial olil fanner, far loo eor
pnli'iil for lairnfoi't, I'holiTh', hut withal
an houi'Ml anil well iiicaulng fellow.
Me .• lot Inal him in Ifiiihfi’ hnaa'lif* anil
lop-lioolM, pm a at oil i on km cinlgel in
IiIn Iih rial ami a hull dog hi hi* lie'Im
ami net him up for all time to *orve a*
the I'CproMeli III live Kufrllahlllllll. Ilf
may have been not mo hail a carl mlire
III the (lay* of Ijllccll A lllie. Mill lo
i lay i i'1'l It III ly there Ik Ulllell lone III
I.cmIIi Hlepheii'M ri'llia'k lliat "he com
ph'lely Ill'll » the Kii^MmIiuiiiii of real
life." The atornge Kngliiliiunii ■ f |M|k(
Ik phyMlcally iio mi. liter certainly Ilian
pl'ohiihly not ho .| oil an III" average
Aiiierieaii. ami the mIoiii i inlgel ami
I lii• hull <log are no longer apt HyinbolH
of the luoileru MrltlKher'K illKp,«lt|oli
lie haa I oil I I he eXci'KKlvc pugnacity III
IiIn forcfailieim, anil, a* we have lately
Keen, Im. above all, llllXlollM In keep I lie
peace wllli It Im I’ni'le Hniimel Haiti
more Him.
riiooMKN mmimi i now nr i.iiii.m
I'lrM *u n I Wn>' of Mcli'clliig ii Wife
1‘rnc I let'll III NiiiiIi'k
Iii the t.'liureli of Santa Marla An
nnuisluiu ai XapleH girln uHMenihle once
II year for the pill'p Me of helilg elioacii
Ill miirrillgc. 'Mi me liny cm our isiuy.
liefore II* tillin' kneel* u silent row of
thirty girl* dressed In bhiek uml with
fiilded tin nils. They ..rphuns of
ilie nelghliorlng foundling u*yluui. mid
mice it year those who have renehed
the age of eighteen have a Him me of
being ehoseii in nuiiTlage by any lion
e*t mail whose charaeter I* good.
At the door leading to the suerb-ity
stand* a gray bailed priest, iliat of the
head of the foundling institution. Ity
and by a young man approaches him
ami hand* him a packet of paper*,
ksu- I'.w Th chini heiutarf hefurfff
These the priest reads carefully, and,
being muiIstb'il. lend* the luinlldule to
ward the row of girl*. The niuu walks
slowly along the row at lust he slop*;
Ids choice 1* made, and he stretches
ollt hi* hand The girl rises, pill* out
her limid Into that of the Hlruiigcr by
way of consent, and b getlmr they dis
appear Into the sacristy. The tee hav
ing been broken, others follow, and
till* goes oil wiltII the sillier, are ex
huiisied. or all the girls have In.
chosen. Kleliiuond War.
To Uiiki- limiil Cl over IIh>
l will describe how I made No. 1
clover hay. If the weather ts favora
ble. I begin cutting as soon as In full
bloom ami before the bends begin to
turn brown, I never begin to mow un
til after the dew is off, as It will dry
off sooner stuiidfug up than after It
Is down. I generally mow down what
I think I mil rake and cook the same
day. I begin to rake up the clover be
fore the leaves begin to crumble, Into
small wlnrows, and after an hour or
two I go to cocking It nil. putting It
Into small cocks, which will be cured
out nicely, and ready to liaitl Into the
burn (lie following afternoon, if oa
examination I Hud It loo green and
heavy to haul In. I get at It alsmt Jo
or 11 o'clock, and turn the cocks l«»t
lout side up, always turning them to
ward the north, and not unite Hat
down, and It will he ready to lilt til to
the burn right after dinner.
I cut down two or three acres late
enough in the afternoon so that it
won’t wilt much—for If the clover gets
partly cured (lie dew will cause it to
turn brown. Some farmer* will mow
all day. mid let il lie on the ground
imiil the next day, Is'fore raking up.
In that way they lose the biggest part
of the leave*, which is the best part of
the buy; and the dew will eause the
hay to turn lirawn. which generally
1 wz
U« ttUUUll IlKkUlllHU Ul.u M4THIMV M 4 THIK* 4«l» 4 40 '*»
M 41.
to threw Mtmwlf (imeirat* I •-(>*« tto
pu(ie. tektoml all. aiul bridal |MI»
uttaly fur pur 4-> a
Tto awl »l tto Mile 4h»hmi »aa
ptotalag em>u*ti lib* ItuWtoto. *to
im>|w, a Iter ml bit tie* re* ami mail*
Itettf m-autii Me twirl yu|il>litllb lit
•trail Ml tlu* tliaataxil U*ihlni Hut,
aa tto lum k twttmly, ami l*y way *4
|iuutaltm«*ut fur tto latter, to ***tM
luamlml lit*- »bl jrtrlM tu take bh
furmei amnvutkt* aa yafttaf I# tto
thriving little atop altmtU'4 a mm** tto
wlmtltaaa *4 Ito etteet nt tto three
Klara kail tw*la> If )*»« *t«H k»la
tma ami turn tow a ttot tuetni Mile
atieel yew wtU Mart tto Mrulbil ab»t*
I'MiatMpMa la*|ttirer
Injun* || for fomlm* |«ir|**u* I
halt aomvllnw* |<ui haj mm Urn ham
au gram ami hraij 11*1 I aaa altuoal
•naiu ll ««ultl •|adl; tail ti alwaja
> >>uu* nut aha ami groan w halt I nnaMi
lit f *•»■*! II I auwM mlh« hair aartf
ml i hutif b*). ruratl oni in tin- «wa
• Minna an) gratu limn •<* M»«* tana
ml, mm Iiumu iI i>r»a n uihml I*)
• lib grata
*••«*«• nauyla Ibiab •!»*> mu*i nao*
iuinta) b«> m fa«ul limit bora**, miug
arrabl ilutar bat «• III >auaa ibam In
nata Iba b**«n*. Ml | bata taaan fvati
nig otatar bat i« b>*ra»* for Iba ban!
Ilitri) )%*I* tail bata taatar bail an>
• Mug Ilw manor tMib miua U
Hurt! ta lutarmal »f AgrbtaHur#
Marketable. I‘n*«lhle.
N'e«v York Weekly Housekeeper —
"Wain any old newspapers'.’”
•Iiinl man "So. Newspaper* ain’t
made o' rugs any more. Wade <>' wood
"Housekeeper ’ Isn't wood pulp no
•Junk man -’’Hue** not; but dump
'em on If they happen to be made o’
maple wood maybe I can sell 'em at a
maple syrup factory.”
• too Reward. SIOO.
The reader* of this paper will be
pleased in learn that ’.here la at least
one dr. aded disease that science has
been side to cure In ul. Its stage*, and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
the only positive .;ur" now known to
the molten! fraternity. Catsrrh being
a constitutional disease requires a con
stitutional treat.Vent Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and giving the
p itlent strength by building up the con
stitution and asalstlng nature !n doing
Its work. The proprietors have so much
faith In Its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that It falls to cure Hend for list of
testimonials. Ad ’res*
F. J CHENEY H CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold by druggists; 7Sc.
Hall's Family KU*. Zfic.
The man who Is not religious at. home
olleii tries bard to he so considered In
I'vfri mnlhrr sbnulil Hlnujri hwvr at hand
s I. • II of I nrker's o n <■ T, Mill Nu'hPig «l s so
s'si I for calri. aeskne* . colds, sod slcc. lessncss.
Treasures laid up in heaven always en
rich somel .sly on earth.
Sow Is the llsse In .-are your Corns
ntlti tile ‘co- »rns Ittskcst ouo tperfect tv gives
comfort to iho 1 et. Ask jour dr.ogtst for it. thv.
'i'bo life s|*«ke lowdest when the tongue
is dumb. ______
I shall recommend Fisa's Cure for Con
sumption far and wide .Mrs Mulligan
I’lumstead, Kent, England, Nov. H, IHBft.
The love that never speak* until It does it
on n gravestone, keeps still too loug.
FITS - A tl Kits sto|i|s*.t free to |)r. h line's dress
Nerve Keslorer. No Kllsaft. r the tlrsi iisi sure,
MartHoiiscurcs. Tr,-,.l c-iiinl S'tt coil 1<- fi »■. t»
k IS rases, henj topr. Kiliie.tktl Al i i, PL., dill*-, Pa.
When the devil Is clout to strike to kill,
he puts on his Htinday ( oat.
I’rfclou* .Metals.
The great mining camps of Cripple • reek,
Colo , aud Men tir, Utah, as well as those
of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, are liest
reached via the IJkiox Faciric.
'I he fast time and through car service on
“The Overland Itoute" are features appre
ciated by all. For Inlormatiun regarding
the at ove camps address your nearest
agent, or K. I,. UIMAX,
Uen’l l'os*. & Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
If good seed is put into good ground some
of It will l« sure to grow.
Fob hei.ieviso Tuhoat Diseases. Contois
a mi Hoarseness, use “brown’* bronchial
Troches/' Hold only in boxes. Avoid Im
Every man makes unwritten laws that
others have to keep.
billiard table, second-hand, for sale
rheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akin,
Ml H. nth Ht., Omaha, Neb.
! < i
i i
i )
i \
i i
i ►
< \
i_ >
take the
law in your own hands, ladir*.
when you ask for
• c-V\' 81^'
Biiin Velveteen skjrt Binding
! and don’t ^ct it. Sentence such a
I store to the loss of jptur trade ami
; jfive it to merchants who are will*
■ nifj to sell what you demand
Look for *• S. H. & M.,” on the Label.
and take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you we
Send for aamplea. ahowlnf labala and matona •
to tha S. H . It M. Co P 0 Poa 699, New York C, y
f 2 oz. for 5 Cent*. f
t CHEROOTS 3 for 6 Cents. f
y Give a Good, Mellow. Healthy, f
A Pleasant Htnoke. Try Tliera. f
A LVOV * CO. TOMCCfl WKW, Ifcrhas. 1C. f
WE HAVE NO agents.
1 WW W0 ■■'l.ut nil dlrpt t t(> tl)' <'(•!
rttnivrsi wholACHLlA |»r|r* y,
afiip M.ywh'i9i ti,r t*»n n
atlon »*l*. Kv<*rj
11t in/ w»r r*nfM. lOOptyh •
« f IatHi***, 90 atylva •
llsrsraa, 41 AtylfW Kl/lnr H»d
die*. Wrltf* for '»
I THE black,orblue,Ua BRUISE
:SP*TS Um ST. JACOBS OIL the soreness disappear. J