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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1895)
W. R. Mellor, Resident Agent for B. & M. Lands, Wild, Improved and Irrigated Lands for sale. _# ! Lioaal Daws. A Boone, Tint Jeweler. i’llger ha» time line Cabbage I lav den Broa. Dry Good#, Omaha. lioota and allot’# at Hrnrv Doll Inge. See'I*. I.. I’ilger'a new adil In Mil* Dane. I’llger hat a choice lot of apples for •ale cheep. I'llger he* •ome choice Onion*. Ited and Yellow. I’llger ha* aome Kxccllent Home made Hauer Kraut. (leo. Bradley of I.ltchtleld waa In l.onp City on Thuraday la*t. Cold rimmed glaaae* 99JH) per pair at tV*ikiu»o: '» before the holiday*. June* Drake, of Clear creek, wa» do ing bu«lnea* In town laat Thuraday. W II. Conger ha* moved hla olllce in the old Bickford olllce on It. B etreet. Wm. Jeffery, of.Aahton wa# in the city la*t Monday and made lie a pleaaanl vlelt. if. M. Mathew our fellow town»m»n I* (offering from an uttact of rbeuma tlam. If. W, I'ltua, of I.ltcbfield wa* doing bu*lne*« at the county *eat la*t Thura day. Line your Hlg Hleevea with Cbamoi»e Flberlne.04 Indira wide, fur »ale at I’llger’*. Jaa. Keotfrow won tne c-mtcit rom meneed aganltt the A, J. Snider timber cl dm I UK* I IJHIIIlirM IIIC V/HMH/WCV ami his goods are all Clean, Fresh find Cheap. Pllger la Mole Agent for the Celebrat ed Mt Patil Flour Every sack war ranted. The Mastodon Minstrels was the cause of Mr. Wert* upper lip being hairless. W. P. Heed left Monday morning to spend the holidays at his old home at Ooodland, Ind, Pllger has some New Mweet Cider. The only Pure Cider ever brought to Mherman County Mee A. Boone's new add on this p»gn, and then go and see hi* new assortmen t 1 of Jewelry Just received We acknowledge the receipt of a flue Christmas turkey sent us by Mrs. Mary Knowles, of Flm township James Johansen Is running the light dray wagon for O. Benschoter during the latter* absence to Fall* City Mr*. Carey, mother of Mrs Lou McGrath, arrived .Saturday eve. from York. Neb. to *|»end Christmas J. C. Wilton, of Plymouth, Nebr., arrived last Saturday evening to attend the funeral of bis father It J. Wilson. F. B. Fisher now occouples the build ing fo’merly occupied by C. J Bult. as a shop for the repairing of pumps etc, Cbas Conhiser and wife took Christ, mi* dinner with Mr* Conhiser* mother Mrs. Kettenmayer of Webster township Aitbe O’Bryan has quit the employ of F. M. Keynolds and contemplate* go ing to Grand Island after New Years. O. F Brlgg*. formerly of (his city hut now of Aurora, arrived on the B. A M. Tuesday night to spend Christmas In our midst. nr. j n u iiryan mi* rctimiuisnoa bis run from St. Paul to Loup City to Joe Mori is for a week on account of hi* being sick. Mr. Frank Poiter who came up from St Paul to spend Christmas with friends and relatives returned to St Paul yesterday morning. Mrs. Martin Comer, of Grand Island came up on tbe U P Tuesday eve to spend holidays with her lelatlve* and friend* in tbl* city. Kiwhard Cattle arrived from Lincoln ou tbe II. lit M to spead holiday* with bis mother Mr*. K. J. Nightingale and friend* in (hi* city Count AMli Gkih Cold* and Grip are one and the same thii g. Ur Hum phrey*’ Specific *•77" cure* them both For sale by all druggist* • ine night last week while M. I* ford wa* standing <>u the corner of (he old M iSsassoil house a gentle hreese from the northwest eatue along anu took oil' hi* ’<eaullful mustache and 'eM a ter rtable gap hi lit* face MaHMIVO At the home u' tbe bride* brother Mr Geo. porter to Miss Ida Mamiiert, It**v. Miller oittclaltug The NiimimwMima join* tbelr many , fr end* In wlsblug tbeiii a happy and prosperous v <yage uni tbe»ea ul Hit. The Mastodon Mnstivls at the opera li»u»e la*t Saturday drew •|tilte a large crowd ami ih« program wa* wall rea d red, w hich consisted of songs, g ig* Ity the cud men ami two touila after piece* entitled ' Plus I nbappy l‘at|" and I'he Itlack ttflgands" |‘hi pto ceed« tuiouMled to fill M, l li« inneral svrvoeo ol It I, Wilson wa* held In the IMptlst chinch last Sunday iiintur Its* auspices u| tbe G, V M Mr W iIson was an obi wtl sen o| tbl* county and wa* esteemed by all wIni knew blm. He leases a wlfw and scleral children to mourn hi* bs<* Tin* beteased ones lilt* the sy Utpa'bl of tbe eultrw community WHAT!! 34 II*of Sugar for 91 (HI a* Qa*toyer'», Mr* W T. Oib*on I* again able to be •bout. Pure Maple Syrup and Buckwheat Ilnur at Ga*teyer». Dr ,». I, Goff,of Litchfield wa» In eurclty la*t Tu«*day Giateyer »ell» etrictly Pure New York Apple Cider DO et« per gal Win.Cook »tart* for Denver In about two week*, lie goe* to look afler work, Mr. Rowen Sutton came up from Ht. Paul to *peod holiday* with relative*. G»*teyer ni'll* Queen*ware and Fancy f/'hlna at remarkable low price* for ca*li The AdveotlKt* had » very IHtle ClirGtma* doing* la»t Sunday even ing. Did you get one of thone fancy china cup* with I lb of Japan tea at Ga«tet er'»f Dick O'Bryan I* learning to (tick type In thl* office during the holiday* Dick *ay* he like* to play the "devil.'' If. A Cline of Albion Nebr, I* »pend* lug the holiday* with hi* brother F. W, Cline the genial nation agent of the C P, K A Draper, of Kim t«wri»hlp wa» doing bu*ine»* at the county aeat l*»t Monday and made thl* office a pleasant •all. Little Eddie' Brown, of the Time* Independent got n tin *vln*tle on the Chriottna9 tree Eddie can now blow III* whittle, W. E. Van Dorn, an old citizen of tbi* village came In Tne*d*y evening to*pend ChriHtma* with Ida daughter Mr*. T M Heed, The many friend* of Mr, and Mr*. 1'. G. Miller nreaented them with a fine wt of silvan knives mill forks for a 'hristma* present The K. P's. of this city will give a Ma*<jner*i!e hall on New Yearn night. ,'ome one and all anil enjoy yourself, Id mi salon BO cents. You oan buy nice smoked ham at lohn Kggers Meat Market at 10 cents >er pound, the tlncst In the market. Mired Ham 12) cents. A surprise party was given at the ’esldeoco of Mrs J.T, Hale, In honor if her sister, Mis* Lola Bower, An ex ■ellent time Is reported, O. f,. Drake recleved a hansome gold vatcli w ith the initials <f, D. engrav id on from Jo0 Church the gen* al cook of the St. Elmo. M /anulcwicx has added three lots to lis residence property in the north part »f town, having purchased same from he Lincoln land company. Mr*. John P. Fink, formerly of thi* dace, but now of Kenton. Ohio Is here o spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.0,0. Anderson. Clarence Littlefield, editor of the Litchfield Monitor made this ofllce a pleasant call last Thursday. He re ports everything normal In Litchfield. The editor of the NoRTitWKSTEUX slid his brother O. Bensehotor started Monday noon for Falls City Where they Ifo to spend Christmas with their parents, Daniel Nettletan a seventh day min ister of Oolden Springs Neb. came to the city Tuesday evening and will hold a series of meeting* here in the Opera louse building. The Christinas trees at both the Methodist and Baptist churches were largely attended. The presents were quite numerous and aorne of them pretty coatly. All had a good time *nd appeared well *utl*fled with the waning* entertainment. We are *1111 in need of ea*b from a few of our delinquent Huhterlher* and the beat way for them to make unhappy I* to step Into our utllce and pay up part of their aceout if they can't pay it all. The Ex Committee ha* obtained rate of one fare for the round trip to the Hiute Teacher* Association with lower hotel rate* than ever and the lowest K' H rate*ever given in the state. All teacher* are Invited to attend. Said meeting to be held at Nebraska City Nel.r. A* we went past \Valkln*,m* had ware store on Christina* day we heard a inuat unearthly mil*# and being auxiou* to learn w bat the troulda was, we poked •>ur lieail inside of the door, the flr*t thing (bat met our view wa* a lot of kid* standing just Inside of the door, m little fartlivr along we iww the liaud boys Id owing aw at a* though they were tr) log to Mow the top of their head* of, still being auxiou* to team the cans* of the rumpus we took a birds et# view of the ti*« k pail of the stole ttieie Wu <p|e,| |toe Mat. V •landing along side ol a lining ladt, and Mi, I,,,|,,ii in* face one of the 100*1 plea*apt *0ti|e, 1 It,t i.oiM >m imagined I hen we enquired the cause sif ihe troolde ami sortie on* •hunted lu our lr|t ear, |im* Man y i* mart • .| Che •'alemcot smiud d so much like a lie to oa that we did out rush u|> to him ami congratulate him and rsiutml him •< I'm free ad settling w# gat# hi ■■ sod a l«w ot the other test* However If this should prove to tar Hue we ettetol to (tsse tmr congtaiulatton* and and *. sh llm a buig and happ) life on hfea sea I.\ MI.MOKIIM At a •pedal meeting of Shiloh Post No. Jit, Dept, of Net. G A. It., called for the purpose of taking action on the dentil of Roger J. Wilson, our late comrade In arm*, the following pream ble nml resolutions were unanimously j adopted. Witt ttKah: It has pleased the Grand Commander of it- all to muster out of our rank* our beloved comrade Roger ; .1 Wilson therefore i»e it 'Chat In the death of Comrade Roger ,1 Wilson our It nored member of this post, our organization has lost one of Its most faithful > ud devoted member* arid one who V as | ever ready to perform a kind cl.I It the Interest of those who needed bis assistance. As a member of the Gram1 Army of the Republic he wa« devoted, and true to it* Interest, Asa comrade j and citizen he was ever ratable and trust worthy, therefore be It f Rk.hoi.vki> Mini, we egeeud to Ills widow and children our sincere sym pntliv■iudliclr loss which Is also ours, and assure them that the metrinrv of their loved one will in* ever cherished by hi* comrades of Mm Grand Armv of the Republic. Rksi.vkd that a copy of these reso lution* be suitably engrossed and pre sented to the widow of Comrade Wilson and that they be spread upon the rec ords of Mlilloh Post W II CONogK. i Jamkn Bkntkicow,[Coiiiiii. Wai.tjck Moon. ) Pilger has the only Pure Ruck wheat Flour In Mhcrman County Raised the seed himself and had it ground Into Buckwheat flour. * Now I* ii good time to swear off from ! being Ignorant of the happening* with In the county. Come around ami put your name on our subscription list. J. C. Tate, Htafe lecturer for the j United Workman will tie In Ashton on f Monday. Jan 20th. 1800, In the early ' evening to give a lecture and Install i olllcers. The lecture will bn free and all are inylted to come and hear a treat. We will co' reel the mistake made in our last, weeks Issue In regard to the election of olllcers of the ladles of the G. A. It. Circle We omitted the name of Mr*. Froehllch as Conductress and! Mr*. Bechthold as delegate to Dept. Emam potent. __ i The dance on Christmas night given ’ by James .Johansen, was a very grand j affair. There was a very large crowd In attendance and every one enjoyed themselves ’until two o'clock. Good order was maintained throughout the evening Kvervone went home feeling It was good for them to have been there. One of the main feature* of the evening was a prize wait/, for a hand some vase to be given to the best lady waltzer. there wa*about 12or 10 couple competed tor the prlz*, ar.d It wus won by Mr. James Johansen a id Mrs A Boone. HollUajr Hate* via the Burlington Koute, Dee. 24, 28, Jl and Jan. 1st. between station* not more than 200 miles apart. Return limit Jan. 2, 1890. Take advantage of this low-rate opportunity and spend Christmas with the old folk*. They are counting on you. The Christinas turkey and the Christmas pudding are ! all ready. Kat them where they should j he eaten—At Home with your own people—among your own friend*. Tickets and full information at the B. & M. depot. I or Mother' ■ Christmas Home thing that will plea* e her. make supper getting easier. One of those meklc plated teapots at Watkinson’a. Profanity .Prevented. One thing will do it. thut is a sharp razor. Warranted razors at Watkln •oil's. PUR SALK. Tills oltlee has a complete 2ft |siuml foul lit Nonparll type for sale cheap, the face of w hich is shown In this notice. Reason for selling Is Hut we have Just Invested In a large font of Nonparll of a different manu facture. The font ts complete with a large annmnl of figures i|iputs amt spaces. It ta first olaaa in evsry particular amt cau he bought for aliuost half I he price of a new tout of I he same else, chile** Ugo, I llgast Hot an. Publisher, loll tut MoUTIIWKSYSMM Awarded Highest Honors, World's Fair. oa BAKING POWDER MOST PfKPECT MADH A |'ai« l l< i t, t I t l‘ w i * A** •* a-.» a soy •«•** 11 iSinet, 40 Yt AMft TMt sIaMUKO DON’T DO IT ^ lft JA. Dl*Pu*® I Inti | woman when ? 1111| lithe xaya our lOnoiln are the Only Onex lo Huy, H( eauae alie known what ahe In IxlkiUK nlionl, Ai|/ue with her [when ahe | Our I'rleea are Monev-Sa vkr» Him tiilkx like a xenalhln woman who know- what’ii what. Jl I T\ SU WWHW yourself forgo ing to some oth er store instead of Ours. You know that yon enri offer no jg reason (hut esn lie sufficient * ™ for passing flic store where the Hkst find ('lirAFKST go together. Kxpect your wife to meet you pleasantly if you've gone to some other store tlnifi Ours, when she expressly told you to go nowhere else. Don't do these things if you expect to live long and keep \our huir on. ^ VVK WANT ALL I'KOl’LK TO DROP IN AND HKH OUR NKW STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Qaeensvare, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Formsliii Goods, Notions* Etc* IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! We havegot the Strongest Lino We have Ever Offered in this Market, All at Extra Low Prices. > OOP BAIT |S BARGAINS T. L. PILGER, Now York Store. Loup City, Nebraska _____ _— .....-.. m Those who tire Indebted to me for t wine or otherwise call and not tie at once s* I need the money due me. T. M. Heed. Notice I* hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debt* and pur chases made by M. I\ Ford. I). FoitD. Agf. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. For Farm* wagon*, carriage*, buggle* and road wagon*. We are headquart er*. w. p. Rued. A choise half section of highly cul tivated land for sale. Price 82400.00. For further particular* call on or ad dress. FiMIKK & BEN'*! IIOTEK, at Loup Oltv. Huy a nice Parlor Lamp for an Xmas present for your wife for sale at Watklnson's. Xms* ami the Small Hoy Often you wonder what to get him for X mas, let us suggest one of those nice pocket knives or pair of skates, for sale at Watkinsou'*. GIVING AWAY A PIANO. The Oaily State Journal gives every subscriber -ending 81 on subscription a guess In a piano contest. The person guessing the correct or nearest l" the correct number of vole* that w ill be east for supreme judge this fall will get tills sl.Mi piano free. The contest closes October dl Hend fora free sam ple copy of 'I'he Journal with Ibis oiler i The Journal 1» cheap ill price now. .’a* j cents per mouth without Sunday, or ti.i cents w ith Sunday. Address Stale j Journal. Lincoln, Neb, ti.i.«tiart minx nisi ami.u. "IS* llxrlsSil l imited," « Sei* fratu Cklissu lu saw ifsHtlsu. The fastest train In the world. <11* talice cuostdeicil, will run Via Ihe I'm Inti I’acinc system. t'«iiimeiiclng No* Iftli the l IDOH Paciltc will run a ihrooah *rcii dailt trout i'otitic 11 Hill Its to *iau Franelsest and Lo* \ugcli's, m iki >g the ! tio of I 'HiI ill *!*»> list it | ■ tlllllv ll%«* •lllllUl*** IhU trull! Mill MlM«l!!, * I** n III ******. | |1> |l. Ilk IM || kll% i 1*411 H I k |. II* Ullti klijr, «M«I | «•* \»I4»*Iva II) !•! I! Ul. IN* Mllhi s|nj , nthiug i ItltHltf tl hllttiiikit |»«» tl»U* hu«!<li|f V (HI Ilf H Irf ,»•*'»» 41!»I | I 'll If! H «|| ) Mill M i! 4!i I I INI I* « H* »Uft* 4Hl| 4»* f»«| lit feVtft | Ill# 111 * I )<|tt*) Hmui* I; I I,OH A \ . 11*11 I 4 Mi i h 4I I .iulkf, t Miiilu Nr•» -If you will go to A BOONE’S .Jewelry Store you will see what saw. It was the finest assortment of Holiday Goods in town. And they are fresh from the factories of New York Just had finished unpacking and arranging them for the trade. There were JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS ANl — a complete line of— STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES Kor GREAT BARGAINS In Holiday presents cull on A. HOONE, LOOP CITY. I 1 MU He Irani * i<*> We will pay this Sinounl for each and •very ease of • ATAHUll thst Kttcky Mountain Catarrh Cure I ni in to cure. It t» to In it|»|illi«| <Urm*t|y to 111* |»«rU, ti l)t t t| il Irk t y i » i itrf I hum tu lieulty at I ion iMu* mouth* iitittliimtit (*nly oi l m*l UitllMf fur <V rut*t• itftlvrr or atauuM,1 mucky mountain mi* to t *M*|ii)i . I*t?nv«ir» Col Y«t ’LL WANT TUI*. The HeuthWeekly htete .lournel wilt he »eui to suy etltlrese from now ontll feuuery I, |su?, lor one dolter, ‘I‘lti« Will give you thst great twice a-week p..p«<r every I’ueoley end t-rdey ,01 duiiuc the fallceiupeigii. end through the coming greet pieuhnutlel cum feign. .Istiuery, I'ttf, t» a losg wav* .■Il end you will In* getting e greet l t of t«.td!ng metier fur veur duller the Jouinet I* elwey* eh<ed uf I hi IMtee e week end U t> ellv ttutlli tw ic* e» touch It n the leitu** • deity It* uieikst ir|Hi*li ere complete end you g« I them tw ice I week || .» u le.l w tlh choice fetully reedlcg m eddttlon lo ell it.* dele end nePnoel letegiephic kno Print* llliMlreted 'tone* hv th wurhl'* greet**! euthuo the vim *end e iMtot the more | «|«u «.«• wilt get for vuut money. A.|di« * \r hi Ac*, s wiete Joumel Lincoln Net* TIM K TAHLK. 1 BURl.INOTON A MISSOURI UIVK.K It. R. EAST. WEST. 1:45 1’ M. Leave* 0:50 1'. M A. F. WK.RTS.Agt ^ U. I*. RAILWAY. Beginning Sunday. November 17th. trains will arrive ami depart at this station a* follows: Leaves Leaves Monday. i . Tuesday, i Wednesday. Thursday. [ *■■ Friday, )#',H amnia y | H‘1,1 Arrives at Loup City dally 7.>5p.rn. (dose connection at Orund Island for all points Ku*t and West F. W. Clink, Agent ^ YY J.FI8HKR, Attnrneu-at-Law, W'lil and improved lands for sale. And money to loan on real eslule. LOUP CITY, . • lIBKilli. j fi II. GIBSON, DEALER IN furniture. ■ CARPETS, UNDERTAKERS 0001)8 West Side Public Hipmre. Lour City. • *, • Neb. () BEN8CH0TER, a prop, ok EXPRESS and GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. t All Espres* or freight orders promptly ittleiided to \y L MARLY, ■»DENTIST» j orr ICE -lu Read and Marey Block, East aide Public sonata, Loup Oily, Noli. JAOUBS 4 SCHAUPP~ Graii Dealers »»N HAII. STATIONS VwiulU, M« Aljiiiu*, IdMi|»('itvt Slmti|i|i Hilling ami A*},u„,’ ’ M \IN (>F» H E A I UU P rj ry * AH it mu. b mini |« M. AlpHio or St liaupp Siding u<Uta M(, |(t, t .. .. ni,„l «i lump tH|y ,.r ^,Uu,M * 111 e ami lam.tic »l,«i ' (ilirs l« it lhiw« staUtms l*g|j ah,| j See o* Mm* selling ela*«h«r* ■ ▼ *