The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 22, 1895, Image 5

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T»k»a trnm I'rlwn at Ntght an<l Shot
, li| lli* Olara mt Torches III* tlr»»*
Hearing to lb* I.imI III* I.Ml Act on
r that awful night
'defy description.
The castle Of Vin
cennes was beset
with guards when
finally, St about an
hour before mid
night, the various
members of the
court assembled
Their looks were
dark and troubled as i,.ny wondered
who the mysterious culprit might la-.
None knew but llulln Ihe president, the
judge advocate, and flu vary the dea
lined executioner, In a neighboring
room was the duke, pah* and exhausted
by hla long journey, munching a a lend r
meal, which he shared with his dog,
and explaining to his Jailer his doleful
thoughts at the prospect of a long im
prisonment, It would he ameliorated If
only he could gratify Ills passion for
hunting, and surely they two, as
prisoner and keeper, might range the
forest In company, But at last he fell
asleep from Sheer fatigue.
The Jailer, Hard, a picked man who
hud kept guard over Arena and his
fellows (who, It will he recalled, had
been executed on unproved charges of
conspiracy to assassinate Bonaparte),
was a sometime fiery Jacobin, Me could
not well encourage the expectations of
i,l* new prisoner, dreary ss they were,
^r he had that, rooming supervised the
digging of a grave In the castle moat.
At midnight the duke was awakened
and confronted with the Judge-advo
r ate, Real was unaccountably absent,
and the Interrogatory so carefully pro
' pared by the chief magistrate was not
at hand. To the rude questions form
ulated by llulln, with the aid of a
memorandum from Murat, the prisoner,
la spite of repeated bints from the rnem
tars of the court-martial as to the con
sequences, would only reply that he
had a pension from England, and had
applied to her ministers for military
service; that he hoped to tight for his
<aus* with troop* raised In Germany
from among the disaffected and tb<
emigrants; that be had already fought
ugulust France, lint he stoutly denied
any relations with Itumourlez or
I’lchegru and all knowledge of the plot
to assassinate the First Consul.
He was then called to the hai In the
dimly lighted sitting-room where the
commission sat. To the papers con
taining question* and answer* be was
| Ironically permitted to affix a demand
for an audience with the First Consul.
"My name, my station, my mode of
thought, and the horror of toy situa
tion,” he said, "Inspire me with hope
that he will not refuse my request,”
y The Revolutionary tribunal followed Its
r Instincts; It* members, knowing well
the familiar statutes under which such
bodies had acted since the days of the
Convention, but not having at. band the
word* or forms of a verdict a* pre
scribed by the pitiless laws concerning
those wdio bad borne arms ugalnst
France, left In the record a blank to be
filled out. later, and pronounced their
Judgement that the "regular sentence”
be executed at once. They were actual
ly engaged In composing a petition for
clemency to the First Consul when
Havary entered the room and Informed
himself of what had been done and
what, they were then doing, Snatching
the pen from Hulln's hand, he ex
claimed, "The rest Is my affair,” and
ICU lO( l mini.
It wan now two In Hie morning of
the 21st. ‘ Follow me." said the tacl
turn Hard, "and summon ail your
courage." A few pares through the
moat, a turn of a corner, and the flare
of torches displayed a flic of troops not
far from an open grave. Ah the ad
jutant began to read the sentence, flu
victim faltered for a moment and ex
claimed. “Oh Clod! what have I done?"
But In an Instant he regained the mas
tery of himself, Calmly dipping a lock
of his hair, and drawing a ring from
his linger, he waked that they might be
sent to the Princess Charlotte, A vol
ley and in un instant he was dead.
l.lttlr Mitel lot I * I it r •• OrtMtlM.
Mltle Martha Flynn of Chicago, 7
years old. Is probably the youngest de
tcctlve on record. Tbe other day she
saw a colored boy snatch a lady's pock
I et book. No policeman was In sight,
but little Martha followed the boy and
saw hltn mount a span of woodcu l«
(bras at a merry-go-round. Then she
scampered to tbe ueurest police station
und excitedly told her ator) An ottt
ter accompanied her to the merry-go
round, where she pointed out the yonug
thief, who had speut |U cents of tbe fb
t outwitted In the atolen pocket lunik, and
Mtld he had Intended to spend the en
lire ou lhe aebras and thus bresk
the recurd. Mllto Martha was given u j
k bag of candy, and Invited to call agulu ;
when she hud a liol tip.
mnti« straws* M»l'i«g t xeli.
Calling iu Corea inuat be a very dim .
cull pet lot malice, If, aa a l-uudoii jour- j
ual has recently stated, the ordinary
visiting iaids there are a foot atiuaie j
same Journal goes ou to way that
inn aavagrs of liahomey announce their ,
Malta to each other by a wooden board
or the branch of a tree artistically
curved This la seat on lu advume
and the visitor, on taking leave, pock- j
eta bla card which probably servea him
for many year* The native* of Minna- ■
tra also have a Melting raid, consisting
of h piece of wood about a foal long ami
dece,'uicd with a bundle et straw and a
Qu#rr of Fflfilfl
All editor* are aalonlahed i« til
poor Kngllah written by many of their
would-be contributor*, who** apellloa
and penmnnMbfp Indicate 'bat they
have had a fair degree of education
I'Kually (hi* atupldlty In the nae and
choice of worda aeenia to arlae from •
lack In the aenae of humor. Kven e
unfveraliy rourae, na every one knowa
cannot make up for thla eaaeiitlal
diiallty, which la abaolutely ncceaaary
to literary aucceaa. A writer need not
he humoroua; hut he mu at have a
(juleh perception of what la rldlculoua,
In order to avoid making hlmaelf ao
Tliua, only a peraon deficient In thla
vital reaped could have written of her
heroine that ahe had "deep, dark
hair"; that ahe had "that rarenea* of
exploration which baffle* the tiiox'
learned to uiideratand"; that "Maud
had grown weary of Ing In the
porch"; that, Iter lip* were "wreathed
In a amllc that, atrangcly reminded me
of nn angel"; and that "her altang*
nature enchained my fancy." Alao.
only «uch a one, or a peraon phenum
enally Ignorant, could conclude a atan
a.t of poetry, aa did one young woman,
with the line:
May gladncaa and joy be your doom.
Thla Individual may have been re
lated to him who chanted:
"Oh, put me In no gepulchrc,
Or dim vault, ead and gloomy;
Hut, let my narrow bed be lain
Within aorne meadow roomy."
When even native Americana make
*UCb havoc with their language, It 1*
not alngular that foreigner* have *e
... o «.«!<■
tors, who consider themselves compe
tent to express In Koglsh the Htera
lure of their own lands, sometimes
prove themselves amusingly unequal
to the task. This was the case with
the courageous gentleman who sent
to an editor a story containing the fol
lowing passages;
"Hi said with an air of most de
spising disdain,"
"Ilia whole attire gave him a most
distinguished and gentlemanly appear
"'Oh!' bursted Marguerite, terri
"To solicit In the name of the (Jer
maine Republic, the annexation of Ills
native city to France,"
"He wore velvet trouser, all spotted
with Irik,"
"He was beginning to resume him
"It seemed as though his heart would
hound from Its envelope,"
"Him gave him by look a most ele
gant thank."
"The rain, pushed by the wind, heat
ed bis, handsome face,"
'III* rimyuuo's IIIik|m»iII»I Knlogi/*!*
Till* I'm'f if I Member,
Home one has fallen In love with a
mouth, and hi* rnouth Is full of prals-'
and song. To him some mouths look
like peaches and cream, some like a
hole chopped In a brick wall to admit a
door or window. The mouth 1* a hot
bed of toothaches and a baby's crown
ing glory. It Is patriotism's fountain
bead, and the tool chest for pie. With
out It the politician would he a wan
Merer on the face of the earth, and the
cornet 1st would go down to an
un honored grave. It I* the
grocer's friend, the orator’s pride
and the dentist's hope, Rosa
lind wished all her friends were
one mouth so that she might kiss It,
Much more than a mustache depends
upon the mouth. New Orleans Pita
¥ ”" - '
lt<K»ritl<«a „f pense,
Thin la a story about a man over In
Alexandria, who has a great deal of
money, to which he Is deeply attached,
lie Is, In tact, ho attached to It that he
hates to be separated from a dollar of It.
He has a silk hut, too, a well-preserved
silk hat of great age and undoubted re
spectability. He Is fond of his hat,
and he'd like to wear It every day, but
silk hats, you know, are expensive, so
he has been wearing his for these many
years Just on Sunday. On week days
lie wears a shocking hud hat, which
does not concern this story. The last
time the storks visited the Alexandria
man's house they were generous. They
brought twins, a boy and a girl. The
father was sitting In the parlor when
somebody entered to bring the news.
"Well, you're a father now," said the
••Hoy or girl?" asked the Alexandria
"Both; twins."
"(treat Scott I" cried the father
springing to his feet, "(Jive me my
silk hut. I might ns well wear It every
day now. What's the use trying to he
economical, anyway?
XVhat I* an 1:1111100?
I .(union Graphic: What Is an edi
tion? Ikies it consist of 1,000 volumes
or of Son or fifty or live? Tim word Is
not a technical term like "groas" or
"dosen" or any like expression hear
ing a ttxrd numerical Hlgiillteanee, and
there Is, of course, no reason why It
ahuuld not mean any thing from tlm
lowest lu llm highest of these numbers,
according to the taste and faiiry ur It
may be the tactics, of die particular
publisher who employs It. Only now
that ihsi enterprising person
shows himself »o anxious to keep the
public regularly Informed as to the
sales of Hie works Issuing from hit
home li might be as Well to 1 nine to
some understanding on this point We
know what Is meant wb< n we rend
that Miss Abena Haring* 10 w novel
Is "In tin twentieth ihunsand, where*
ns I bat statement that It Is "in Its
fort) nrth edition" conveys lo us situ1
ply uo information nl all.
Hood celery salad Is contingent upon
Its i|Utxlil> »l the oil used. Avoid tbs
kind used in lubrh at* machinery,
r tin# U I IE«I If* Oaf r*
f Um lr*»# liwtrn. |f (* |
The tinea beginning
i "'Twa* whlapered In heaven, T
muttered In bell, ^
And echo caught faintly tb* ttoo ml
It fell."
attributed to I/ord Byron, but re
! by Catherine Kanaltawe, have the l«
| "h" for their mot d’enlgme, **>»
Hp*< tator. Hawthorne gave one of j
| heat-known work* the name of
; Hear let l/etter," and on< of Cha
l.atnb'a Ineffectual dramaa la ia Aje
I "Mr. If,," It* not very entertaining | ,1 ^
turning on the concealment of jf f
' hero * teal name, which In the *n< .
j found to be Hogafleah, Bead<-rt > T
I Hlckena will remember "Mr. K.'a »u f j
i while the rlotatii Convent Harden H ^
| ter, familiarly known' a* the "O
j t iota, live chiefly In the page* of "
I jected Addreaae*," When member* ^
I the aame profeaalon apeak of Indlv l( ^
i uiil* by profeaalonally abbrevla l() f
! tit lea. It la generally a atgn that
Hpeakera ar* "talking abop," Ar
men, for inatanee, atrew their conv V4,f
aation and document* with ao mu
vowel* and conaonant* that they ,
to be making uae of a apeclal <lpbrU|)
unlntelllglhle to outaldera, There ^
nothing derogatory to a member of p;^
llameat or a uueen'a eounael In bet (|(|
rpok*n of aa "M I'," or "C|, It l<,)(
familiar abbreviation la which all t j
member* of parliament and all l ^
i|tiee«'a counaelora abate, and wrltt ^
document* are naturally /« addre*** ^
1 hut aome of the ahhrevlntlotia tta<d ,
;of»v*r*fttlofi h«v#» » iJjwUlHlfy < *
<iulal*rlag about them. A* a nation »)|(,
seem to have a faculty for < sells* < y'
superfluous word* and phrase* and f
making u*e of contraction*, and 01
lilies of honor present a person! ^
source of difficulty to 11»«* foreigner,
must puzzle a frenchman utiac<|ualnti |.
with our social dial luctlon* to dbaovi
the meaning of "Hart," or "Kt," i||)(
"Ks*|.," or to unravel the Intricacies i ^
"K. C, 8. I," or "M. K, II,," though e,^
; the part of a Hnton such Ignorait' ())
1 would mean Ignorance of the usages i
I woclety. On the other hand, Initial* rn»>
1 t,e used In a derogatory sense, If v, ^
' hear In private conservation a man n.(
| ferred to as "old J,‘ we may he sure |((
: is hardly Intended as a compllmen ,
: while the hourgeolse who (-alls he
| husband "Mr. -I," at one*' conveys t 'j
j her hearers a sense of easy and vulga
j familiarity. In our complex elvlllzs |
! tlon symbol* have come to be look* (
upon as Integral portions «f i he systeti
of decoratlong and awards, (
A Women Holes « Hrake l*e»i«, ,|
On the arrival of a Burllngtoi i
freight train at lluntly, Mont,, recent |,
ly. the trainmen discovered a youni (
i and handsome woman and a boy rldlru
upon one of Ihe brake beams In ap ,
proved tramp fashion. The womat |
gave her name as Mrs. Peterson, atgx,
said her husband, a barber, bad de
j sorted her and a baby several month*
ago at Billings. Besides herself and
I baby, she had a mother and a little
brother to support. A few days ago
I she spent her last money to purchase
tickets for her mother and baby to
1 Hherldnn, Wy„ where they have
friends, and one night she look the lit
I tie brother climbed on the brake beam
1 of an outgoing freight, and had been
i riding nearly all night, when dlscov
; cred. The trainmen gave them a place
! in the caboose the remainder of their
| journey.
j Relationships are very confusing to
! (be Juvenile mini, but there are not
; many children so delightfully at sea as
j the small girl of the following story:
Hhe appeared with n small brother at
a public school, and gave In their names
as “Ralph and Edith Johnson,"
“Brother and sister, 1 suppose," said
the teacher,
"Oh no, ma'am," said the little girl,
‘ we're twins!"
The British Isles comprise 1.000
separate Islands und Islets, without
counting the Jutting* rocks or Isolated
It has been estimated that electric
rail wavs have alrendy displaced In the
United States no less than 276,000
The pear crop In Georgia this year Is
the largest on record. It l» estimated
by those In a position to know and to
Judge correctly that It will exceed 300,
000 barrels.
The “life tree" of Jamaica l* harder
to kill than any other species of woody
growth known to almrleitlturlsls It
continues to grow and thrive* for
months after being uprooted und ex
posed to the sun.
It ts a singular colncldeiu'e that In
South Dakota a week or so ngo It was
necessary to dose the schools on uc
! count of the Intense best, and two day*
j later they were closed again because of
. the excessive cold.
In the country districts, both In Eng
! land and Germany, there Is an Idea that |
1 if the kike* swarm upon a rotten tree j
there will be n death In the family own I
| tug or living on the property before ike !
expiration of a twelve' mouth
In the early days of t'hrlstlanlly
many styles of dutlug were lu vorde,
and eras were established with the *h |
nuurlallun, the birth, the Irabsttguik j
nun the ascension and miter event* In j
the history uf t'hrlst as starting point*
In many n ilkm* It h*» bees hellevw
! that au Individual bitten liy a dog mly i
i cure himself by placing three of tie j
1 dog's hairs oti the wound ‘I tie ideal#
1 i-xpresMul tu the English provetb I to
hair of the dug la good lor the kite h
A# a division of time, the week his j
i keen used in the cast from I'utneinorbl j
! ages. It doc* not seem to be a nstUell
division uf lime, though swentl p>i
mis of animal economy, such as the ■■
riibsrton of egg*, loN'Hp ui l O lb
>r Mlifar* «f la**i« Ilian llr»r,|
i*4 V<|Mir»4 law 1*al« Math
on ilia K4|* ul Mural l|n*c
fp N III* PrlnirM Met*
ternb-h war mi In
explicable mixture
of Innate high
breeding and ac
quired laate* of
lower degree,
Wlieu a be appeared
In ao*lety, at b<r
very firat entrance
I here could la- no
in lain he; from I lead
io foot *ln waa ihe
born lady the "grande dame,"
« bad an extraordinary ln<-llnn
rr wait*log on (lie edge* of moral
lire*, and peeping into them wliu
id convletion mat hei fool could
alip, Tlmre are atorlea of her ln<
ill adventon-a; bid abe **.,ip«d
died, and bad no other motive in
ik them than mrloaliy foollab,
d curb»alty oa lo people and mat
lib b ebould never have been even
oil' d In ber pre** lire, Mbe acted
a degree of rarhneaa and folly
would have ruined »non women,
10 on*- ever really attacked ber
Kloo; all allowed that, according
expreaaion of a lady of the court,
tad never eronae*I the Itubbon,"
Wllbalanding all ber follba, lb*
I’m* Meliernb-b waa far from belli*
on the contrary, abe had roii*ld*i
vli and great abarpnera of r*par
Aa abe did not care for anythin*
aid, her retort* were often very
■ and amuafng, but too free to i>«
repealed. Him delighted in King
l«. 1*U ¥ A A . AAA A A.. A A -A i A. i. ..ilu . . A A A l*ll„al,ll
*r*, Haughty u» she was, site In
in l»*r dinner-tahlc a singer oi
>< at celebrity at that time, whort
k e|s<- would have dared to receive
ten took lessons from h<-r, so as u
tier songs with duly pointed <m
*, writes Anna L, Mieknell in tin
1 nilselllef done hy the exsmpl 1 l,I
'rlneeis Metternh h Is Indeserlb'
Mhe threw down the harrh'
> hlth-rto had separated respect
women from those who w<-i<• not
»d the way to a lllorty of speed
Itterty of action which were on
n before, Mhe was tnueh attache*
' husband, and, In essentials, wa;
d wife; others less favorably sit
may not have escaped as she dh
th" natural cotiKcuuerices of look
to i lowly over the frontier of th'
'able Land It Is not unllkelj
he excessive pride of,the Princcai
rnlclt may have led her to (mag
ittt In Parts she might do anythin;
art compromising her dignity, I V
did, she was Intimate with a lad;
It hough received everywhere It
vo society, did not seem to Is
t^tly tor erjual In rank to h<
'hr friend. To a remark on tie
* she carelessly answered: "oh
It very well here; of course I couh
n-her In Vienna,"
l reported to have made a mot<
If lent speech while on a visit a
(■ine The short, looped*ui
S/'ere just la-ginning to he worn
thirOM had not yet adopted them
so Process Mctternlcb had l/<—
inter (» do so, against the opinlot
oftdh n When the (impress lef
i! n one of the ladlta In v/altln;
so the Princess, "Would you elv
the advice to your Bmpt ;tr,?”
to," replied the prince**; "hit
th» Is unite different the Bm
prtzabclh I* a real Bnpress."
i no positive information its ti
thiute reliability of tills report
htit not unlike the style of th
Pr Mcimrnlch, and v.aa current
ly led,
•other occasion ut Compcigtif
In rese.nce of the Umpresa, on <
rely which had brought nun
•lit Into the circle, the Primes
M'ch, hy way of diversion, tool
dcl/.ed one of the ladies In wait
in,ped her up lrt school-hoy fash
loilald her Hut on her hack, pro*
tnibe floor, This wa* told to m
byte-witness of tlifl scene, with!
»Im every one present, and tic
nupe cause the victim chosen ah
Cot do M t was particular!;
luiiUulet, and unoffending.
l(< nil) »f ■■ W>|>r
tween ■ lean mint • Pal H«»
They mud* a liet. The lit man
thought It* had all the worn! of Ilf*, j
whll* th» thin man held lliaf ll*nh *•*
a Mooting.
"Juat In th* ordinary affaire of every J
day Ilf*," began the fat man.
''Thai'* what I’m referring U>," l»"t In
he thin man. "(Jo home with in* tbi»
afternoon and I'll demon at rate It for i
rupper and the'-er ticket*."
Ho they atarted together from on* of j
• he big oltl<* building*, and, a* they
w*re leaving the office a man In • biff
| burry mitered.
The thin man waa able to dodfa him. j
, but he fouled the fat man, of eotirae,
"There you nr*," aald the fat mah »*
I noon a* he bad move red hi* breath, j
' T5ver> bllu<l ford run* Into bp ,"
j "That'a nothing," returned Ih* tbln
mail, aa In atepped on the t-ievator and
waa promptly erowdad Into the corner
j by a ZMt-ponnd woman.
"W*'r< even," be raid, aa they reached
j the atre*t,
"Not quite," returned th* fat man, a*
i he wiped Hi* peraplratlon from blr far*
'You're comparatively cool, while I'm ;
| melting away,"
"Hut you'll have a rhinc* to b* com
| fortahle when we reach the < ar."
"No more than you,"
"Wall and a**."
They eu h look oil* of th* neat'* de
algned in hold two peraon* ler.* than !
medium air." and for a block were on j
, equal term* Then a lug innn go: on
There wer» four or five other people
j whom he could alt bealtle, hut be alnglcd J
out thla thin man and noon Imd him
wedg'd Hi ao lightly that h* could
hardly breathe, A few block* further
on lh< wtat ahead waa vacated and th«
thin man moved to It, Two minuter
i .. t ..... ......... .ullk trli'Z f'W Iff l
on and again lie was singled out. Mn<*
gave him mich an Indignant look U
liiijw he could not make all Ihe room
necessary fot the sleeves that he g<>( up
and moved io the aide of a man of m*
(Hum size. The man got off at the next
coiner and a fat woman took hla place.
Again the thin man was crowdod
agaltiKi ihe aide of the seal and hla far*
showed the agony he was In.
"Mill that was an exceptional case,"
protested the fat man when the two fend
left the I or.
On the contrary, It’s a tegular
thing," replied the thin man. "You can
see It any day If you watch out. The
tbfn mail never got* a seal to himself,
He's always selected aa a scat compan
ion and crowded and crushed until his
hone* ache. I'll have that supper with
you to*inorrow night."
And tie did, Kx.
II« Was lleniliirteil.
Home men who are extremely t n*
eiousof their opinions will acknowledge
themselves In Ihe wrong frankly
enough when they are convinced of the
fact. In illustration of this, a Justice
of the l ulled mates Supreme court
lately told a story.
There was once, he said, a young
Irishman, an officer In the Kancer*, who
’ bad nerved with Wellington In fin pen
insula war. After his return fce was
asked at a dinner party hy his neigh
. hot , a burly young English ofllc'-r, If he
i would have some of the anchovies.
"Indeed, I will, " said the fencer,
•i "I have seen them growing in Hpaln."
"Growing!" exclaimed the Kngllsb
• :r :u), In Incredulous surprise,
; "Yex, growing." rejoined the Irisb
, man sharply, ' "I’ve seen whole hushes
i of them, mid picked them, too."
i "You are crazy, man," r.ilil the Kn
gllshrriaii. "Anehovlea don't grow on
1 hushes; they swim In the sea,"
The Irishman ln*l»ted that they grew
on bushes. The controversy waxed hot,
t and the lie was exchanged. In lho*e
day* it duel was the Inevitable result Of
such u scene. Next morning the prlu
i clpals were placed face to face on the
; (1, |i|, with pistols In their bauds. The
• irishman'* second whl*per*u to him;
"Bhoot low, my hoy. und see him cut
up capers."
At that wold the Irishman called out,
i "Hold! I am wrong! It wax capers,
not anchovies, that I saw growing in
i Hpalu!" _ _ _
It Ik well, perhaps, to become u ert to
’ disappointment In early life,
"Have you named your hairy brother
* yet, Adams?"
i "Yeth tlilr. They've calk d him
Gootgy, after Uncle George, and I don't
* like It u hit. I wanted him named
Adaniih ufter me," Harper * Young
Uffnt uf William l»<iuna to *l*p tl.Vnon toward* » nrw V M, C* A.
H i ut Kvanotott, jnoiiili i fii*i,iWii mm ral«< >l in m*Hil**i'* of h«p u*«i«l.>
ini nrouaad imuli • iiiIimii*»iii in Utai rliy. A iuuvu»*in* ikmihiIiini will
In lltipil hI oar* ami II'** wnib of imImiii* tin* inninn ln> ln*iin I'll* **•»•
ii tin',nil hw<* ii lol 'Mil* wn» fninliumil two >••«»« u*o mill |ml Into Hip
I nf John II l.lailaion u* triiMli** H HI*I t.'J -no ,111 u on lirrlntlwo
mi 14 to* l Hoi u »tr*m, Ho* lot IM lug iioinoliipp aip William Hu>iI, John
If iron, John ii ISwpti mol r li f‘unjnttn Tin* itlmia i«i Hip i.ioiiomhj
ho show 4 (roolaftc of I li! fowl on On tuition mvpiiup oii*I m tl»nih of Jio
|w|i tnilhliiia will h* |iip.* I in li U with l»u < ioh.i imnniitM* mnl tilnl
11lift Hip ftl .il Horn of Hip ffWhl ***«‘H»M will l*« Minna fill III* m i mnl ft out
v. i in, ii out m fall lauma, in IniHit* an mnllnn * room oaiiNft »«*•» Ho ilm
|hom will Ii o l.lllloliol ,|,»(II Ull ill room*, MHItlfop .lint m|imi ion iiIm fnr
> 11*. n mnl a *> 1111111*101*1 mnl n.iitiini lmn In Hi* r**#r aaaUtt# iIipip will
|o ,iiiipiimn fl*#T fppt. im mIIoh I loo lit* Hnoiti* limn »tor«'M amt
i . »|M.lPil In |m| ih* o|4Pi<til;'a p*|p in** a af lh* liuililln* whllr n»PHih*r
mna t *) .' lol wily. >i|»Ho«» " Ml d*fi*> naanUllon i .|wn**'«.
.. ■■ .. »
U«IA#« ?/il "Ww I M* That* ITbwl *WW*
> i/lf to th* NamW| tM Th*f Mtf
r,.ii,.» h,i»fc'—i iMiahi till
7h* Uni t *1 mtfara.
ttr HooveronYi
fitrt* from th* rota
•hi(Iff, ghltill th*
rwaaon tor plot iok
thin Iwwaon on flit*
ant*. "(M M Th*
tendon Hun A oy
ftt-noof Upton I* *u
<l»U¥Ot tl'K t* **W>*
th* oh**rr»iUf* at
Ih* 4th Hunday to
Hnn*mit*r a* '7*ut
ptranm Vnnday' throughout th*
world i ' booh l»al»h prophmlmt from
Ih* 1**1 yiuru of Ittluh, II e, 71A. till
about th* i Hi** of Ih* r*Htn of tt*x*
blah H r CM. mot* than »l%tf y*»*»
’till* prophtey tony tm » gwnwral on*,
a* pun ot Hi* tn(ro<1 notion I* pt»ll**d
by Jralab in hi* booh of proph**,!** It
tr>f*r* la th* *ln« of Judah and ih*tr
p'i»i*hr/i*fif, in ord*t to warn tha p*/rpu
ngalMi io* a*ng*t» (award whirl* tbwy
war* willfully haatwnln* Today* l#*#*o
Itxiiid** Iralah till 23,
11, Wo* unto lboot Ihat rl»* up ratty
in th* mottling, that thay may fallow
atron* drink, Inal /outlnn* until nlgm,
lilt win* Infiamw th*mf
12, And Id* harp and th* th/I, lb*
tahrwf and pip*. and wtnw, am In thwlr
foaal* iml ilmy r*gard not lb* won
of th* l/ord, n*ith*r oonaidwr tha ojmra
tion of hi* hand*
13, 7 n*r, for* my p*opl* at* gnu* If*
to pHrlty, baranaa thwy bar# no
kr>,,». i, ,l*w and th*lr honor*:,'» to o
utp famished, awl their wwlfltud* dried
up with ttilrat.
It Therefore hell hath enlarged her
self, and opened her mouth without
tnpa*.it* and their glory, and their
multitude and their pomp, and he th -
rejolcefb, ahall descend Into It,
16, And ih* mean mao ahall he
brought down and the mighty mao
aha!) la- humbled, and the eyee of the
lofty ahall fa- humbled;
16. Hut the l/ord of hoafe ahall h* **
alte/Hn judgment, and (lod that la holy
ahall b* sanctified In rlghteouaoeaa,
17. Theft ahall the lamb# feed after
their manner, and the waate place* of
the fat onea ahall atrangera eat,
' 1*. Wo* unto them that, draw inquiry
with eorda of ranlty, and sin a* If w*/e
with a <art rope;
IV. That any. l-ef him malm *jt**d,
' and haateo hie work, that we may ***
| If: and let ih* counsel of the Holy fme
of Israel draw r.,gh and com*, the w*
I may know if?
20, Woe • nto Uutti that call evil good,
I and good evil; that put darkn*** for
light, and light for darkn***: that put,
titter for ew**t, and aweet for Idtlwf?
21, Woe unto them that are win* in
their own eye*, and prudent In their
own eight?
| 22 Woe onto them that ar* mighty
! to drink win*, and r/i*o of strength to
ming!* strong drink:
23. Which justify the wicked for re
v,nrJ, and take away the righteous***
of th* righteous from him?
{explanatory; V*. 12-16, kg only
i are the common multitude <irt*d up
! with thirst, but their honorable men
i ore famished, it bring-, ail to temporal
| and spiritual poverty and famine, 16,
i The mean man shall he brought down
far tower than he otherwise would be,
and the mighty man, rejoicing in the
pride of hla atrengih, ahall be bumbled
I,Ike death, intemperance love* a shin
ing mark. 21. Wise In their own eye*
Wine make* people self-confidant. The
•Win* Pro** In Vineyard.)
drunkard i* often the law perron lo
know how much ho 5* under the power
of liquor. Me think* he t« **fe when
all hi* friend* know he I* on the brink
of a precipice, 22. Mighty lo drink nine
The hahtt grow* by Indulgence, They
ran do great ihlng* In drinking The/
are heme* of the wine cup. flu; the
cup I* mightier than they, fi
lead* lo the perversion of Jngtlce, V,
23. Which Justify the wicked for re
ward. Who for the **ke of vote*, or
money, or Influence, give wrong Judg
menl* In court, help the wicked to *•*
cape Juallie, make bad law* Take
away the rlgkleOn*ne*a, etc, IVprlve
men of their Jtmt light* for lire *ake of
' bribe*.
I he tiatlMUl trreeee.
Mi* Itlnk* My I.n«imud did hot III*1
I I bat tea you *ent u* la*t
j (Irocor <politely) Mid you like if
i mad*me?"
, Mr* Hluk* Ye* I liked If
lltover Ho clerk! Jamc*' Mend Mr*
Itlnk* another pound of the same le«
»he bad lari. Anything el*e. madam* '
lam nu t.iNMD' I'Hii oaoeit V.
j Tb* fu«t thing a child I* letni la \ i
Uniilaiid U to nay hi* prayer* when be
| gnw* (u bed, the neat thing i*. lo eku’
the dour after him when !•# *'* « on*
i It itwu'l require mulch gentn* to And
fault with the kiooka in a dog • tall,
1 but In *lr*lght«» tin in out doe*
Nr d to A i leaf mn*liien< a. for solid
1minfiHi. tame an old shu,
'I ne in it ii who never change* hi* opik
i Min f*n l going to kho mulch, and lit)
< in# who i lie a gee II loo often, la going
I lo kno 'a*r