DEATH OF ENGHIEN. ONE OF THE BLACKEST BLOTS IN CAREER OF NAPOLEON. ______ T»k»a trnm I'rlwn at Ntght an »l the oil used. Avoid tbs kind used in lubrh at* machinery, THE VALUE OE INITIAL*. k \ r tin# U I IE«I If* Oaf r* f Um lr*»# liwtrn. |f (* | The tinea beginning i "'Twa* whlapered In heaven, T muttered In bell, ^ And echo caught faintly tb* ttoo ml It fell." attributed to I/ord Byron, but re ! by Catherine Kanaltawe, have the l« | "h" for their mot d’enlgme, **>» Hp*< tator. Hawthorne gave one of j | heat-known work* the name of ; Hear let l/etter," and on< of Cha l.atnb'a Ineffectual dramaa la ia Aje I "Mr. If,," It* not very entertaining | ,1 ^ turning on the concealment of jf f ' hero * teal name, which In the *n< . j found to be Hogafleah, Bead<-rt > T I Hlckena will remember "Mr. K.'a »u f j i while the rlotatii Convent Harden H ^ | ter, familiarly known' a* the "O j t iota, live chiefly In the page* of " I jected Addreaae*," When member* ^ I the aame profeaalon apeak of Indlv l( ^ i uiil* by profeaalonally abbrevla l() f ! tit lea. It la generally a atgn that Hpeakera ar* "talking abop," Ar men, for inatanee, atrew their conv V4,f aation and document* with ao mu vowel* and conaonant* that they , to be making uae of a apeclal 1 t,e used In a derogatory sense, If v, ^ ' hear In private conservation a man n.( | ferred to as "old J,‘ we may he sure |(( : is hardly Intended as a compllmen , : while the hourgeolse who (-alls he | husband "Mr. -I," at one*' conveys t 'j j her hearers a sense of easy and vulga j familiarity. In our complex elvlllzs | ! tlon symbol* have come to be look* ( upon as Integral portions «f i he systeti of decoratlong and awards, ( I A Women Holes « Hrake l*e»i«, ,| On the arrival of a Burllngtoi i freight train at lluntly, Mont,, recent |, ly. the trainmen discovered a youni ( i and handsome woman and a boy rldlru upon one of Ihe brake beams In ap , proved tramp fashion. The womat | gave her name as Mrs. Peterson, atgx, said her husband, a barber, bad de j sorted her and a baby several month* ago at Billings. Besides herself and I baby, she had a mother and a little brother to support. A few days ago I she spent her last money to purchase tickets for her mother and baby to 1 Hherldnn, Wy„ where they have friends, and one night she look the lit I tie brother climbed on the brake beam 1 of an outgoing freight, and had been i riding nearly all night, when dlscov ; cred. The trainmen gave them a place ! in the caboose the remainder of their | journey. I hiiii j Relationships are very confusing to ! (be Juvenile mini, but there are not ; many children so delightfully at sea as j the small girl of the following story: Hhe appeared with n small brother at a public school, and gave In their names as “Ralph and Edith Johnson," “Brother and sister, 1 suppose," said the teacher, "Oh no, ma'am," said the little girl, ‘ we're twins!" NKWbY TRIFLES, The British Isles comprise 1.000 separate Islands und Islets, without counting the Jutting* rocks or Isolated pinnacles. It has been estimated that electric rail wavs have alrendy displaced In the United States no less than 276,000 horses. The pear crop In Georgia this year Is the largest on record. It l» estimated by those In a position to know and to Judge correctly that It will exceed 300, 000 barrels. The “life tree" of Jamaica l* harder to kill than any other species of woody growth known to almrleitlturlsls It continues to grow and thrive* for months after being uprooted und ex posed to the sun. It ts a singular colncldeiu'e that In South Dakota a week or so ngo It was necessary to dose the schools on uc ! count of the Intense best, and two day* j later they were closed again because of . the excessive cold. In the country districts, both In Eng ! land and Germany, there Is an Idea that | 1 if the kike* swarm upon a rotten tree j there will be n death In the family own I | tug or living on the property before ike ! expiration of a twelve' mouth In the early days of t'hrlstlanlly many styles of dutlug were lu vorde, and eras were established with the *h | nuurlallun, the birth, the Irabsttguik j nun the ascension and miter event* In j the history uf t'hrlst as starting point* In many n ilkm* It h*» bees hellevw ! that au Individual bitten liy a dog mly i i cure himself by placing three of tie j 1 dog's hairs oti the wound ‘I tie ideal# 1 i-xpresMul tu the English provetb I to hair of the dug la good lor the kite h A# a division of time, the week his j i keen used in the cast from I'utneinorbl j ! ages. It doc* not seem to be a nstUell division uf lime, though swentl p>i mis of animal economy, such as the ■■ riibsrton of egg*, loN'Hp ui l O lb seeks, rlLFI'L I’KINCKSS. 20IMCU TMK MANNKHS OK TMR MUDIC HAI tS. >r Mlifar* «f la**i« Ilian llr»r,| i*4 V<|Mir»4 law 1*al« Math on ilia K4|* ul Mural l|n*c I, fp N III* PrlnirM Met* ternb-h war mi In explicable mixture of Innate high breeding and ac quired laate* of lower degree, Wlieu a be appeared In ao*lety, at b« repealed. Him delighted in King l«. 1*U ¥ A A . AAA A A.. A A -A i A. i. ..ilu . . A A A l*ll„al,ll *r*, Haughty u» she was, site In in l»*r dinner-tahlc a singer oi >< at celebrity at that time, whort k e|s<- would have dared to receive ten took lessons from h<-r, so as u tier songs with duly pointed hlth-rto had separated respect women from those who w<-i<• not »d the way to a lllorty of speed Itterty of action which were on n before, Mhe was tnueh attache* ' husband, and, In essentials, wa; d wife; others less favorably sit may not have escaped as she dh th" natural cotiKcuuerices of look to i lowly over the frontier of th' 'able Land It Is not unllkelj he excessive pride of,the Princcai rnlclt may have led her to (mag ittt In Parts she might do anythin; art compromising her dignity, I V did, she was Intimate with a lad; It hough received everywhere It vo society, did not seem to Is t^tly tor erjual In rank to h< 'hr friend. To a remark on tie * she carelessly answered: "oh It very well here; of course I couh n-her In Vienna," l reported to have made a mot< If lent speech while on a visit a (■ine The short, looped*ui S/'ere just la-ginning to he worn thirOM had not yet adopted them so Process Mctternlcb had l/<— inter (» do so, against the opinlot oftdh n When the (impress lef i! n one of the ladlta In v/altln; so the Princess, "Would you elv the advice to your Bmpt ;tr,?” to," replied the prince**; "hit th» Is unite different the Bm prtzabclh I* a real Bnpress." i no positive information its ti thiute reliability of tills report htit not unlike the style of th Pr Mcimrnlch, and v.aa current ly led, •other occasion ut Compcigtif In rese.nce of the Umpresa, on < rely which had brought nun •lit Into the circle, the Primes M'ch, hy way of diversion, tool dcl/.ed one of the ladies In wait in,ped her up lrt school-hoy fash loilald her Hut on her hack, pro* tnibe floor, This wa* told to m byte-witness of tlifl scene, with! »Im every one present, and tic nupe cause the victim chosen ah Cot do M t was particular!; luiiUulet, and unoffending. EA r MEN HAVE THE BE9T OE IT ( l(< nil) »f ■■ W>|>r tween ■ lean mint • Pal H«» They mud* a liet. The lit man thought It* had all the worn! of Ilf*, j whll* th» thin man held lliaf ll*nh *•* a Mooting. "Juat In th* ordinary affaire of every J day Ilf*," began the fat man. ''Thai'* what I’m referring U>," l»"t In he thin man. "(Jo home with in* tbi» afternoon and I'll demon at rate It for i rupper and the'-er ticket*." Ho they atarted together from on* of j • he big oltl<* building*, and, a* they w*re leaving the office a man In • biff | burry mitered. The thin man waa able to dodfa him. j , but he fouled the fat man, of eotirae, "There you nr*," aald the fat mah »* I noon a* he bad move red hi* breath, j ' T5ver> bllu( up and moved io the aide of a man of m* (Hum size. The man got off at the next coiner and a fat woman took hla place. Again the thin man was crowdod agaltiKi ihe aide of the seal and hla far* showed the agony he was In. "Mill that was an exceptional case," protested the fat man when the two fend left the I or. On the contrary, It’s a tegular thing," replied the thin man. "You can see It any day If you watch out. The tbfn mail never got* a seal to himself, He's always selected aa a scat compan ion and crowded and crushed until his hone* ache. I'll have that supper with you to*inorrow night." And tie did, Kx. II« Was lleniliirteil. Home men who are extremely t n* eiousof their opinions will acknowledge themselves In Ihe wrong frankly enough when they are convinced of the fact. In illustration of this, a Justice of the l ulled mates Supreme court lately told a story. There was once, he said, a young Irishman, an officer In the Kancer*, who ’ bad nerved with Wellington In fin pen insula war. After his return fce was asked at a dinner party hy his neigh . hot , a burly young English ofllc'-r, If he i would have some of the anchovies. "Indeed, I will, " said the fencer, •i "I have seen them growing in Hpaln." "Growing!" exclaimed the Kngllsb • :r :u), In Incredulous surprise, ; "Yex, growing." rejoined the Irisb , man sharply, ' "I’ve seen whole hushes i of them, mid picked them, too." i "You are crazy, man," r.ilil the Kn gllshrriaii. "Anehovlea don't grow on 1 hushes; they swim In the sea," The Irishman ln*l»ted that they grew on bushes. The controversy waxed hot, t and the lie was exchanged. In lho*e day* it duel was the Inevitable result Of such u scene. Next morning the prlu i clpals were placed face to face on the ; (1, |i|, with pistols In their bauds. The • irishman'* second whl*per*u to him; "Bhoot low, my hoy. und see him cut up capers." At that wold the Irishman called out, i "Hold! I am wrong! It wax capers, not anchovies, that I saw growing in i Hpalu!" _ _ _ NlKhtfit, It Ik well, perhaps, to become u ert to ’ disappointment In early life, "Have you named your hairy brother * yet, Adams?" i "Yeth tlilr. They've calk d him Gootgy, after Uncle George, and I don't * like It u hit. I wanted him named Adaniih ufter me," Harper * Young People. 1 mg" I Uffnt uf William l»l in m*Hil**i'* of h«p u*«i«l.> ini nrouaad imuli • iiiIimii*»iii in Utai rliy. A iuuvu»*in* ikmihiIiini will In lltipil hI oar* ami II'** wnib of imImiii* tin* inninn ln> ln*iin I'll* **•»• ii tin',nil hw<* ii lol 'Mil* wn» fninliumil two >••«»« u*o mill |ml Into Hip I nf John II l.lailaion u* triiMli** H HI*I t.'J -no ,111 u on lirrlntlwo mi 14 to* l Hoi u »tr*m, Ho* lot IM lug iioinoliipp aip William Hu>iI, John If iron, John ii ISwpti mol r li f‘unjnttn Tin* itlmia i«i Hip i.ioiiomhj ho show 4 (roolaftc of I li! fowl on On tuition mvpiiup oii*I m tl»nih of Jio |w|i tnilhliiia will h* |iip.* I in li U with l»u < ioh.i imnniitM* mnl tilnl 11lift Hip ftl .il Horn of Hip ffWhl ***«‘H»M will l*« Minna fill III* m i mnl ft out v. i in, ii out m fall lauma, in IniHit* an mnllnn * room oaiiNft »«*•» Ho ilm |hom will Ii o l.lllloliol ,|,»(II Ull ill room*, MHItlfop .lint m|imi ion iiIm fnr > 11*. n mnl a *> 1111111*101*1 mnl n.iitiini lmn In Hi* r**#r aaaUtt# iIipip will |o ,iiiipiimn fl*#T fppt. im mIIoh I loo lit* Hnoiti* limn »tor«'M amt i . »|M.lPil In |m| ih* o|4Pii|»Ho«» " Ml d*fi*> naanUllon i .|wn**'«. .. ■■ .. » r»K SI NhAY HCHOOU U»#(JU VIII HUMOAY, HOY, U+ iff 7 CMPHRANCH U«IA#« ?/il "Ww I M* That* ITbwl *WW* > i/lf to th* NamW| tM Th*f Mtf r,.ii,.» h,i»fc'—i iMiahi till 7h* Uni t *1 mtfara. ttr HooveronYi fitrt* from th* rota •hi(Iff, ghltill th* rwaaon tor plot iok thin Iwwaon on flit* ant*. "(M M Th* tendon Hun A oy ftt-noof Upton I* *u * th* oh**rr»iUf* at Ih* 4th Hunday to Hnn*mit*r a* '7*ut ptranm Vnnday' throughout th* world i ' booh l»al»h prophmlmt from Ih* 1**1 yiuru of Ittluh, II e, 71A. till about th* i Hi** of Ih* r*Htn of tt*x* blah H r CM. mot* than »l%tf y*»*» ’till* prophtey tony tm » gwnwral on*, a* pun ot Hi* tn(ro<1 notion I* pt»ll**d by Jralab in hi* booh of proph**,!** It tr>f*r* la th* *ln« of Judah and ih*tr p'i»i*hr/i*fif, in ord*t to warn tha p*/rpu ngalMi io* a*ng*t» (award whirl* tbwy war* willfully haatwnln* Today* l#*#*o Itxiiid** Iralah till 23, 11, Wo* unto lboot Ihat rl»* up ratty in th* mottling, that thay may fallow atron* drink, Inal /outlnn* until nlgm, lilt win* Infiamw th*mf 12, And Id* harp and th* th/I, lb* tahrwf and pip*. and wtnw, am In thwlr foaal* iml ilmy r*gard not lb* won of th* l/ord, n*ith*r oonaidwr tha ojmra tion of hi* hand* 13, 7 n*r, for* my p*opl* at* gnu* If* to pHrlty, baranaa thwy bar# no kr>,,». i, ,l*w and th*lr honor*:,'» to o utp famished, awl their wwlfltud* dried up with ttilrat. It Therefore hell hath enlarged her self, and opened her mouth without tnpa*.it* and their glory, and their multitude and their pomp, and he th - rejolcefb, ahall descend Into It, 16, And ih* mean mao ahall he brought down and the mighty mao aha!) la- humbled, and the eyee of the lofty ahall fa- humbled; 16. Hut the l/ord of hoafe ahall h* ** alte/Hn judgment, and (lod that la holy ahall b* sanctified In rlghteouaoeaa, 17. Theft ahall the lamb# feed after their manner, and the waate place* of the fat onea ahall atrangera eat, ' 1*. Wo* unto them that, draw inquiry with eorda of ranlty, and sin a* If w*/e with a