The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 25, 1895, Image 2

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0M>. ■ hrukiiotm, tmtu* a r»m
Tnr. potato crop ef \Anno\n county ia
considerably below tba ueerage.
tut death rate at tba atale peuitea
Mary baa largely Inereaead the paet
Tun aoap fakir . ontmoee hie eoca
tires ia Hmbrmmkm and ia doing a good
Intel ae ••
Tar. flret day » dallrery of beet* ta
tba Norfolk sugar factory emoun led to
eialy-eeean imm
A i.eirr arrired ia W liber the rrtber
day with her three children, all ai*b
with typoid Inter,
Tug large dry good* b*r»/*e of SI H
Falconer, Omaha, aSaead laet week
f/iabllltl«e are «l ln.u**i
’Fuggg are now saecaty-flre atudect*
enrolled at the State Institute for the
Hilad at Hnbrmnkm > Ity,
TM« beet barren*, I* now la propreas
In Oodfe roomy, and I* iurnhMug
plenty of ttork to men and team*
Who r cleaning a rarolrer, f'homae
Mefeun of Johnson county ttmn meet
dentally *bot. it I* thought fatally
Tnr pmopim of Spencer think tbatr are
In the artesian water belt, and are
going to teat the matter by kinking a
deep wall.
la the district court af Jefferson
county James White was sentenced to
the penitentiary f'rr eighteen months
for larceny af a tricycle.
Jolla Ooot/gg, who plearled guilty to
breaking into a bouse at Fremont on
Septemiier t Jaal, wassenlenred to two
years in tire penitentiary.
tern,tin yiniHi.t, the man who killed
hlmaelf at Swede burg was a member
of the Ancient Order of I nited Work
men and had fff,Mki Insurance on his
(tirn.k. ih M a Kuril.. section tormina
of the Klkborn at swedel/urg, < orn
milted anlt-ide by shooting bimaelf in
the head It wa* caused by domestic
Aron ble
T»ir, city authorities «f Kearney bar#
decided to treat charivari panic***
diaturber* of lb* peace, and aucb of
fender* will hereafter be arre*led and
duly punlabed,
Tur, 2-year-old daughter of Mr and
Mr*. Kd Hell of Veat*. .1 obnaon county,
met a very tragic death Hb# got bold
of aoine m*t«lie*, setting her dreaa on
Hr* and burning to death.
Wu.niao'a livery burn at West Point
burned, together with three horse*, a
hotel 'bu* and a bearae. Alderman*
barn, juat across tb# alley from Hie liv
ery barn, alao burned down.
Ho* Itonrnt W, Ki it* a a awl wife of
Nemaha county will have been married
fifty year* on the 2tftb of the prcaenl
month and they have decided to cele
brate the event by a reception to their
A* Indian, while returning from on*
of the trailing store* on the reserva
tion near Iterator, in an into*tested
condition fell from the wagon with her
babe, and the chlld'aakull wiacrushed.
The lltti# one died after several hour*
A nmitfiarrio* was issued from the
I over nor'* office upon the governor of
antlalana for the return to thla state
of Jerome (Walter, who 1* charged in
liougla* county with embe/./.lenient of
the city fund* while deputy city treas
urer of (imaha.
(ist ah Hkowk, a man ahtrut fit year#
old, who ba* lte*n In jail at I re moot
since July awaiting trial on a charge of
criminal aaauult on a little girl »*s
permitted to enter a pica of a**aultand
oattery. and was sentenced to thirty
day* In tb* county jail.
Thkhk are two bunehe* of antelope
hut tar from ( hadron and some of the
local aportamen have been after them
They went out laat week with a pack
of hound* and aueeeetled in running
down and capturing on# antelope, two
and nlue iackrabbita
AM old lady named tor non, whore
•idea In the northern pari of Johneon
county. has been keepingWOP In money
tied up In a stocking and bid In the
oren of an old nnuaed etore. Mhelsn t
keeping It there any more Home one
unlawfully removed the wad.
Tile hardware a tore of A. IVe**, Hid
nay, wa# broken men and Imir revolv
er* stolen Hherlff Daugherty appre
hended tha thief, who proved to be
-lame* llobert*. aged IP, employed at
the Pacific hotel In that city. The
atolen property wa* recovered.
Wun.r. out hunting ipiall with a party
of friend* In the timber and thick
itruah that line* the nuraerou* stream*
around < hadron, iieorge Wllllarna wa*
accidentally ahot In the face and arm*
by on* of tha j»*rty, Fortunately Vt ill
lama wa* at long range, and the ahot
I* llel* did not pierce the lleoh very
deep and no vary aer.ou* result* are
a nth-1 pa ted.
Thu Nebraek* Association of Princi
pal* and Kuperlntendeui* of Public
Mchools, In neaalou In Idttcolu, elected
oNtuer*a* follow* President, Hupenn
undent J, F. Maylor of Ulrcltl drat
vice preaideftt, Ale* Hleplien* of Hut*
ton; aecond vie# president A II. Water*
iioua* of iliand lelauk; recordiug sec
retary. Mia* (lark of Freiuoatl cor re
fiMinding secretary and lr«u»ur*r, Mia*
lien* Hamilton of (ui.aha
FI. A Jnusao* and wife of llrady Isl
and passed through North Plalle ami
halted for a rest at the railroad bridge
eaat of town They strolled out on the
bridge a dlkiancu and upon limning
around discovered a train miming in
such close prnaliulty a* to Oink* It lot
posalbl* to retrace their *icji* Mr*
.lohnaoii liecaine very touch frightened
at the imelimii they were IM ami
)uui|iad from the inidg* sustaining se
vere tajurtea
Jiiarcu Uni* of (111*111* iielievea ia
irrigation, 1 nun a potato patch si
treated he eslracted a single tuber
that weighed twenty si* mime* In
oilier words he dug a potato (bat
weighed leu ounce* more (hen a pound
Fliumi F. II*(two a lie* been com mi*
slimed puntmlstr*** *i Miwiretleld
tmvvusuM Momoun ha* gieuied u.
Albert Allendurf of iiuiahs a free full
and uneuuditluiisi i-mib.i, lllendurf
wa* cowvhite«l in (lie district court of
|h,ogle* eouutr of an essauit with In
tent to commit great bieldy harm com*
Mtitled by airth-ng lliliimu • ulleu a
fellow ew|d"t * in (he I a lull Pacific
eblips, with a bar of Ktm
•rllM • Wawadnar IHap-i1*
f hm joint <//»»• m!•»>"* »(ipm»t«4 l»
ha hail *t Nnbraau* and Horn tb liabout
to A* iUrn tiiln to *o«m land in diaputn
i#1bon Umi at a la* baa wad* lU raporl
I ba awn wm« ia </a«ip*«»l of ‘ J
ktuf’h VA A. Vty and J W M*aru<n
In onnaif of Mmtnamka and AmJraw K.
Lea, K < Krtcaon ami K If Va* Ant
warp in iwbaif of I'about '! b« a/»
fWMMoon l/a aUd lb* boundary am to
< an Ur of tkm maim nhannal of Mm
MiMurl rim Imiwmw i point 1a tba
tutor of mam abannn of tbn rim
AtrmiXty north trf tbn w»-1 Ham of Idaon
eoanty, bnbraaba, and a point in* ba
annlnr r/f tbn nbannnl dlrm-tly aontb of
tbaaaat lia# of May eounly. *outb />»
bota t bn #ff»"* <d tbia io atn/ii la to
pirn tbn inland <n tbn Miaaourf rlrnr,
wbkah ba* torn in diaputn to ibwlk lb
Tbn r a port in- udn* a wnomwnmla
tlr/n plrinp to Anbraaba lion Ifowrn*
ia'and, eon tarn in? 2 vro a^rra, ami (fIr
ina to Aonlb I tab ota at tbn month of
biona tirnr ton aroali otrip of land that
baa hnnn prnriowaly ««**id*r#d a part
of Itakola • ouniy
o*a»d i,i.ii|« i n. *r r.
Tbn prand lodpn r/f tb# Odd fallow*
in Jfnbraaba mat in It* thirty-airlilh
annual ana*Ion In Ornaba ia»t wanb.
witn nrnry prand "fll' - r -« bia atailon,
and about ipm dnUpatn* pri-annt, rnpra
umtinp nrnry »u'-ordinal# loop* in tna
atatn '/rand mar* tary </*p* mad# bl»
annual rnport wbi/ n abow* a «#t paIn
of four lod?n* in tb* atatn f//r tbnynar,
and a n*l pain of tbirly-tbr#* »w*uibnr*
for tbn a* in* pariod- 1 bia ana in* ainail,
but Wlian tna drontb and ouainna* dr
praanion am conaidnmd it i* rmwnil tnat
tbn ordar did wnll to bold't* own 'I bn
rnport ahowa that *l'/,72", JO waa pant
out for rnllnf: tn* to'al *•**<* of *nir
ordlnatn Jodpna am *;i*i,627.r<5, and a
butane* ia In tlm trnaaury of tbn prand
todp* at tnia lima of to.fa'. I•'< In ad
dition Ur tii* rniinf »*irorU-d a'aorn lb*
grand lodge paid out to aid
needy lodge* and member* in the
drou'li itricken portion* of the ataUr
)a*t year,
ImorMliit lrrl|alki« « »*e
<<ermg di*pstch The injunction
ra*« of Mi'elenahan agalnet tin- Winter
t ree* t anal company wa* heard and
will tie decided by Judge Neville after
argument* in the form of brief* hav*
been euhmitted The «IM liear* oputi
the legality of the a**e**mnit of ehare*
of capital ftt/a-k in an irrigation com
pany for mainieuanc* purpone* and the
ijueetion a* to whether the com panic*
are entitled to aell delinquent *be-k
upon merely advertlemg the *ame, or
whether Judgment mu*t be taken and
proceeding* had in that way. It i* re
garded a* a teat eaee by ail the com
panie* in thi* *eeti<-n, rno*t of them
taring oigunized under the mutual or
co-operative plan and i* watched with
a great deal of interval,
a.Mlirr • *•* I V at l.iemln
Lincoln dhtpatcb; Judge hhira* in
the federal court tbl* morning rendered
orally hi* d- eiaion in the motion to re,
mand to the elate court* Hie caae
brought aga)n«t«, W , Moeher and the j
directora of the < apital National bank
2depo»ltor*, lie rrverruled the mo
>n Theae cane* were ffr*t i/rought
in the diatriet court to recover from the
director* lo**e* alleged to have been
auatained by plaimlffa becaue# of fal*e
•tatement* of the* condition
mad* by officer* and directora At the
iiinianc* of defendant# they were ri
moved to the federal court. Attorney* 1
for plaintiff* had moved to hav# them
remanded on the tneory that thev pre
muted no federal if Mention* Judge
Miira* hold* that thay involve if neat ion* .
of law arming under the constitution
and law* of congre**. The cane* are
brought by 'I lioma* Hailey, l*aac Holt,
the June* National bank of keward
tin Hank of Miaplehum, the Hank of
1,'tlaa and llenry < arter,
lln*V tVIMillie Heel*,
The Norfolk beet sugar factory ha*
now oaen in opciaaw/n o*rr on*' */*•• *
r-uy * a diapaWdi from pike*, work
in if up lli* imm*n*« crop dt augar beet* j
grown l»i llm territory tributary to tin*
factory, Kac'i y«ar *lne* lb* erection
of tli* factory ii«r* Mbatantlal linprot**
menfa liar* imr.n ma<l« on tb* plant, 1
ami till* y*ar waa no «*<!>'ption A
larg* warehomo*. for atoi Ing tli* augai
baa i<**n erected ami «on»i<l*rabl* n*w !
machinery put Into th* factory A
moat Important «bang* la tb* an balltm
tlon of ernd* p*irol«iini for lb* coal 1
formarly naed In b*ating tb* hollar*,
l.arg* iron tanka bar* b««n built out
«bl* th<- boiler lioua*. In which tli* oil I
la atored. a»4 from which tb* oil i»
pumped Into tb* boiler lion**, beating |
•1* iiiiinana* boiler*. 'I be atom* around
Norfolk among th* farmer* la on* of
great activity, men, women and child
red being engage'! In the Halilr, puli'
lug, topping ami lomilug augar beet*
Will ► *i»rtan. irrigation!*!*.
kidney dtapatcb A rnaa* meeting of
tb* i«p< oaeniailr* eiti/’wiia of Hldmy
wa* b*ld Imre today for tb* purpoa* of
inaklng preliminary arrangement* for
in* annual uni ting of in* Nebraska
Irrigation MauMdailnu, to b* n«ld her*
on bee ember I* and lb, Kdwaril M«*
l.crmdi wa* «iei uot pv«auinut and
< barlra • ailaban a*er«tary- An naetiu
live coiomltt** of aeren waa appointed
wbo will bar* full power to act In con
junction wlib Uie atat* iiiymiiMlIoa,
uoiupo**d aa follow*: ,lim«pb liber
fabler, l.dwaril It llrelaeh -l«me* ,1
Mi Intoeb. Holler A- .ion**, l.inenlu 1
Hit* kton, I bai l** * ailaban ami I hoinu*
li Imwaoa In vital on* w.u »i«. i*
••lit io Wyoming and • olnraiio ami ll
la **|i*i'.ied that I bey will cn i.|>*iat* in
ill* work lb* pmponad III! ding i*
eonaul*r*d of gieat lm|Hirlanc* and ll
will bring b*r* ib* i<*m pracileal iru
gailonlat* IM lb* I lilted *Maie*
||# I)m< I 4*1 if*
A uumlai of laiiI**, of l*i*n • wer*
aold by a •inonlli faced young fakir i»
•*Htiy II* waa aiuuml aalllng at,up
and with *>*>y dollar* worth pur
eliaaed lIn lady wa* lo be pi**tni*<|
witii a a*I of lUnlaml eblba or a piece
nf linn ini* 'lb* china or Urnllwi*
would be 11*111*1*4 to Ibem m a ween
II* aaid ibai bl* bun -n*l*ad of *d**r<
tlalNg in lb* n*wa|di|M>ra, llmught In
mloiiio It among (be ladle* In IM*
inann*« a* It WomIiI l» a M*n pt'illta
Id* inreatmeni A good wbit* l.a* now
|ta>*cd ami in* akin* or fnrnilar* ibai
lb* ladle* ba«* In Mi m anabmtly < *
iwallng baa md m*d* ll* t pto-aram*
f U» Hm**k ml 4*thm +h+rmm». Im Hfcofc
Wm*f r#l# Af» R#vp»|#4
4»rm*t. hmrtt+H Arffewr, ff*r
9*—m mm4 tPthmr l#*4#n
I rt(M4 — A R**4 f#*»f «f Otri#l4 *
014 «•##•!«
i mu Kbo, Deft il, Tb« iut nwnmm
the jealou*ie» and tbe traitorou* knife
throat* of tba laat half-center/ of
' An*than atet*< raft are revealed In
{ the ferae Ilfbt of at*ro eritklam in
. "Jobu HUruiaii't lleeoliectiona of
Port/ Year* In the ffouae, fteoste ami
Cabinet," ju»l publlahed in tbi* city,
The fear that the venerable aenator
would reveal aer-ret*, lorif kept In,in
the pnblb', in bla forthcoming work
ha* l/reo loan estent realized t/ran*.
i/arfletd, Main*. Arthur, llsrrlaon and
ottier Kepubilean leader* nr# npoAett
of with nnatfnted praiaa for tbelr Inf it.
peraonni, worthy ate teaman'hip but
earth I* In f uarde/l and eovart Jang na/i
allown In tb* lea* commendable light
of aebeming politician* 'J be < riti
> i*m la slro'int invariably Implied
rather than direct, but it atanda out
clearly in the work a* a whole,
• rwfng Ur tire eloa* a*a>relation of Mr.
kherrnan and .lame* A, traffic-Id Die
critieiam <rf tb* nomination of Ike
latter for preahlent of tbe flailed
Mate* i* perbap* one of tin- mo*l
atriking feature* of tbe book, 'j Iw au
thor. while carefully avoiding a direct
charge of treachery on the part of the
r*-prr*idcal. very »lgnit1cnntiy make*
it plain that Mr irarfield wa* noinb
nated at a convention to which be bad
gone a* tb* lru*t*d leader of tbe bher
man force* After *lrowing by tb*
pubiicatiim of private letter*, covering
• jy* ^a «/» • maw mu<*
f» -r*onai a**oclatlo». that Mr, Oarfleld
wm, In reality, hi* political protege,
Mr, Mherman give* in detail the hi*
lory of the national convent ion of
l**o, Following the nccoaut of hi*
own *truggle for the nomination, h<
"In time, I became thoroughly ad
vi*ed of what occurred at the Chicago
convention, and had become entirely
reconciled to the result, though fre- i
quently afterward* I heard incident#
and detail* which occasioned me great
pain, and which *eetried to **tablf*b i
the want of aiucerfty ot> the fiart, of
koine of the delegate*, and tended to ,
*|»ow that for M/me tin," before the
mec'lng ofj<iie convention the nomi
nation of tlenernJ '.ariirid had been
ag*eed upon
The *ting fell by tlarfleld1* defection
In J**U I* inadvertently *hown bv a
•entiment e*pre*»«d during thedU.u*
»ion of the national convention of
Ik'/?, where the kenator remark*:
"From later development* i became
*ati*fled that ilarriM/n could not i/e
elect* I, that f'iatt and a |*/werful
New Vork in linen ci woukl defeat liim
if nominated, I therefore preferred
the nomination of a new man, *tich a*
William McKinley, hut be bail com
wotted hurt**!/ to IlarriM/n and. ac
cording to my code of honor, conid not
accept a n</tn nation even if tendered
Again tli* author reverie to the
Chicago convention in di*cu*«ing the
character of l're»ldent t/arflehb Of
hi* jierM/oalitv and eloquence he
•peak* in the h)ghe*t term* 111* will
power, lie *ay», wat not up to hi* per
Minal magnet mm lie arid* tnat hi*
opinion enanged easily. In tbi*
connection he »aid: "When 1 proponed
to him to b* a delegate at large to the
Chicago convention, he no doubt
meant In good faith to »uppo-t my
Koine of the political ucheming that
again reunited In the defeat of the
Ohio *tatc*m*n in the national con
vention of |*»* and brought about the
nomination of #*-f'reel* lent llarri*on
can easily be read between the line*
in that part of the work devoted to
tbi* *troggle In dl*en**»ing the re
atilt. Mr Hherman *ay* he la-came *at
lulled one delegate from New Vork
controlled the entire del* gabion from
that *tnte end between Haturday
night, when the nomination teemed
certain to go to kherman, and Monday
morning when tin- tide turned in
favor of Karrlaon. a corrupt bargain
waa made in tbe internal* of tbe
latter, which aecnrad him the anpport
of New York and gave him tbe nom
ination, < ontinuing the author atatna
in falrnnx* to the •x-Praaident; ‘ Hut
It la to the / redit of Heneral llarrlaon
t</ aay that If the reputed bargain
wa* made it waa without hla cooxent
at the time
I tit the eve i/f another national cam
i/aign In which e»-l're*ldent llarrlaon
ia expected to figure prominently, Mr,
Hhertnan die* not lo-aHat*- to atate
that in Iat*? he did not con*ider Karri*
aon a atr</flg candidate. To hla cold
and abrupt manner, he attribute* hla
tint ofnilarlty at that time.
it the age of Ti year*, heoator
hherman rccalla the amtir //ver the at*
temp' to remove f'hc*ter A. Arthur
from the c./Me/ ioi *h»r* of tlie |»ort of
New York with much feeling, Tbe
rorrexpondeuc. hearing on the eontro
veray never before puldinhcd la given
in full, end Mr Hbermari a part aa rare
r< la-y </f the trea»ury la xtated In de
tail, Arthur ia ahowu up iu an un
enviable light and the attitude of
Ip/aroe i on iling toward the preaident
ia canattcally commented upon, The
fo< mer a ui/tuinatlou a* viee preaident
Mr Wherman »*ya, waa the whim of
t oiikltnjf to annoy I'rexirtent Kayea
In writing about bimaclf Mr. Mier •
man ia candid to the point of aelf ertt
hdalu For in-lame he atatea that at
th« age of |d year* he got Into had
company and wax on aeveral occa»lona
cm,-cion* nf taring Intoxlented lii re |
fating the Incident with h |
hla whole life in tlila reaped, he *ey*i ;
tin one m catdnn in the fall nf |atu, I
went home noy aleb from drinking
a ,ihc< reeel veil lie with miich
anrnriae end aoriow hut neither eom i
plained nor aeolded, and with th« ul I
moat kmdm ** pm im> to bed and
wait had oval and caird for me I waa
Hot enough al ipielted to l/e uucnirxchiue
of my degradation amt her alfeilion
ami then and thna iex/iiv«d ngvt t to
la m atteh a aondlthm aga'n
Itoblno* win m«’I a >afa with dyne
mile al Kennewwy, likln I/Hi got little
I dr ami Mr* llearna were moved
from Marlon county fall to Hike conn
tv jail
A*« Hla > rwM«
v> t-H.»n,w. Oct I.—The report of
the f lU/nowiBt flrotun of lb« L’tkn
fV.ltr railroad tontpany ha* Utt ia ,
the band* of tbe oc'rctsrr of tb# to- :
ter tor tor tba pa t three day* Ita rec
ommendation* Kill act M a tod batb
to tb# plan of reorganization proposed
by tba reorganization
Tb# plan eat to bar# beea e-vnaam
meted practically without regard to
the government debt while the report
of government director* propose* a
plan whereby the government may be
reasonably wr« of t aymenl of a large
percentage. If not all. of tl.e debt doe
it by not //niy the Union Pacific. but
by the l entral PactBe also.
The ba*>e proposition on which the
report I* made i* tbe consolidation of
tl.e Union Pacific and < entral Pacific
inter a single trunk line extending
from Omaha to Hen Jose, Pel,, thus
connecting the Pacific eoast with one
of tlie railway center* of the 'frame
mi**i**ippi by the shortest line in e*
iatenre and with ample terminal
facilities at each and, i n'ler rsWtieg
condition* ti.e rarioit* feeder* of the
Union Pacific will lie lopped away j
from the parent *v*tern fry force lo*urr.
proceeding* on the part of their re
•pectivr br/nd holder*. and save for the j
protection which the interstate com
merce and varion* *ta*e railroad com
mission act* may afford iite new trunk
line won id t#e (cared at a disadvan
tage in semiring tbe advantage wbiel
would natiiraily come to it trout tins
lm«n in rjue*law Put a* a trunk line
it it. pr/inted out that It would li*ve
va*» 4/1 vantages over any of tbe other
I'aeifle road* on account of it* short,
nr-s* and natnrai *onrce». It 1* held
that the lease of the f entral Pacific by
tlie Mouthern Pacific <-an ire broken
ant *ct aside Th.s dove, '.he
way will Ire clear for tbit plan
of reorganization with the two road*
treated a* one. HI* shown that even
In the year of the panic the net earn
ing* were about f7,.v»o,<r/o, sufficient
Ur pay live per cent on tr'xr.oon, vsr
bond*, and leaving fSb.UAhOhb for dis
tribution am-dig shareholder*. If :
tin* showing can he made with the j
Central I'gcinc, worked solely for the ,
the profl*, of the Mrmthern I'aciflc, and i
the inion I'sc die consequently starved I
hy deprivation of it* rightful srrurce* !
of isargued that with the two ,
road* worker! in harmony, the '-nor- ;
moil* traffic that would immediately
pass over them would at once increase
their earning* to figures equal Ur, if
not in excess of, their most prosperous
it i* pointed out that under tire pro- |
I rosed consolidation the Interest of the
Kastern trunk J toe* centering at Omaha
will Ire at ori'-e gainer) and it is sup
gested that it an open proposition
were marie hy tire government Ur lease :
or sell ti»e combined system to that
trunk line or combination of capital
ist* which would jray Ur the govern
ment the largest amount on the
combined indebtedness of the two
road* above a minimum fixer! at. It is
suggested, •7.*r.hhn.n00 would he strong
competition to secure control, Tiw*
plan, aa milliner! hy the government
directors, has ireen pronounced
feasible hy high officials of tire Cuion
I'acific. In f alifornia. especlaly, hae
tbe project ireen strongly indorsed
within tne narrow circle of those Ur
whom It con hi ire submitted in rmnfi- j
deuce prior Ur tire publication of tire
report A l/iil ha* already Ireen drawn j
hy one of the government dire<-Urr* Ur
'■arry out the subject sought, and will ;
be submitter) Ur the Hecretery of the
Interior, tne (secretary of tbe Treas
ury and Attorney Oenerai for ap
proval. If favored hy them, it will Ire
Introduced in the coming session of
fli» Varr.ilr «f the (read President Will
ti««»r Hharmmn »tnl irihmrm fatter,
' ir.VKi.ani>, Ohio- <h-t, !i, Tire
eldest son of the late ('resident, llarry
A Oarfield. while averse to express
ing himself in regard Ur f-uaUir fiber
rrriins statement*, finally said! "It
has ireen the poifey of the family not
Ur reply Ur charge* that are made
against my father, and so we
have never given any attention
a*/ itd'.H w mr ' '/hhiimu
matter ami other thing* of that kind
'1 here la in the poaaaaaion of our fam
ily all tha latter*. mauiinciipMt diarie*
and *nch matter that wa* left try my
father, and It k* our inte ntion to an
*wer all charge* In the form of a bio
graphy rather than a* tbe charge* are
made. I do know one thing. I am
and have been a warm admirer and
friend of Hcnator Mb- rman’* and I
know that my father alwaya waa. Of
turn nut. Men a tor Mherman ha* a
per feet right to h * own opin
ion*. a* ha* every body ei*e.
Tbe nomination in 1**0 w,i*eou*id*n-d
by my father* friend* and nearly
everybody *o be the reault of a
peculiar condition of affair*. What
ever Hcnator Mhermitn may think
of it i* hi* own matter, and he ha* a
right to id* own opinion*. it may !/*
Dial wa will have komething to *ay re
garding till* matter, hut I wilt not *ay
that we will or will not, I could only
*ay that afler a conference with the
family ami looking ovar koine of the
pMfwr*, it doe* not *«rm to me right or
proper for anyone to make charge* by
in fere ins*, hut they khould tie *uTiklaii
tiaUnl by paper* and document*. | do
not care to enter info a controver»y
oyer it and prefer not to diacii** the
matter until I have keen the book,
which I have ordered. I think what
ever reply wa may decide to make will
likely be made in tbe form of a biog
raphy, but at the aame lime it ia po*
•iiilu we may decide utliar *i*e and
make a »tutem-ul regarding it,
IlMpurale. lie! t c*m-. mini, altampr u»
Injun i ill in Mepwldnaa I •••lei*
Paid 1**1 Ohio, ta t d .tu*t after
leaving V'anwait la*t night the *pacial
rn of the Ohiu t mitral line, in which
wara Onveruor McKinley, imuciai
Itiiktiueil, llailway t omml»»|oHcr Kirk
lay, 4 II lloleuinb, t rank M Mon
licit 1‘rlian II Mi *ter, < oiouel Wil
liam Oaltrn and oilier* lumped llic
track at the *ait- b or wa* llirowii off
by kotira acoitndral aiitfting Ilia *wltuh
a* tha car* jia**cd bu* no owe wa*
4 hyalairdef *ay»a man > hanged jitu
•wdcii tii*t a* tha *patii*l car raaeliad
it anil liran ran a war
It ia iMai*.'<4 I'wiiiKif teat iim ar*u
•fi Will aw u *>*#,»»</ U Meet — The
Meitnuf •/ »rfcnw **« ■ (law
OtilMlI f **< sir I ku(<*| the Maleh
■* a *o»l f lav* Imuii lltet a* Ink*
I- k*ui*w>.
I *rWli aad PilxaU*a*aa«.
1/im.i Kan, Ark , Oct IP.—Tb*
Corbett-Fitzaimmon* tight aituatioo ia
area more com pi 1 rated today than it
waa when 1’i/vernor Clark* Brat de
clared that ha would aaa the fall
power of Mi# la w to prevent th« eon
teat Ko »m her* now dare* to *ey
what will be the outcome, though tb*
fee dug »,t ii«/t ttprmga at preaeut *
that, if Pitzaimmon* will agree to the
Changed condition*, making the match
a aoft giove limited round glove tight,
the men will be able to meet at that
place October »1 without interference.
It ia aaid that the governor while at
Mot boring* aaaerted timt be would
to.erat* no violation of tire law, hut
waa willing to refer the whole que*
Mon to Judge Muffle an ‘, if be ahould
done) ude tb*' no violation wnr ran ting
interference waa intended, the govern
or would l/e aats»fjed ami in an/ event
no elate interfereue* would be inter
posed unleaa tlie constituted author!
tie* of that county should aek for aueh
Agsinal tbia, however, la the atate- :
ment made iaat night hy brigadier
(renersl 'Lavlor, after a long eonfer
tlK'r with the governor;
"The tight will not occur at Mot
bpring* nor in Arkanane 'There ia no
doubt on that aeore."
".Sot even in a modified way, aa now
"No air."
^W(tcL k*,.l I* litd» pffpt'L /if Itipr/itirL
proceeding*, if favorable to the fight,
on the propo*>tiou to m»**> the militia
at Hot #prio**7 ’
"1 don't feel at liberty to diacwia
that pb**.'of the uuektion. My doty
la to carry out orders, whether right
or wrong, but I believe the order* the
Cover nor may i**ue wilt be right.”
Me ii AhtUttM to Have tlw gtght tern
Off Will lie e Creel H.UJe.
New You*, ‘ret. IV. La-Champion
John /„ eeld of th* Corbett- .
Fit/airnmon* matter that the fight
might come off and that it might *
not, A eked whether be had any
choice between the two men lie re
plied tl at be had not, but thought It *
would be a great fight. “I wi»h in my
heart to *ee it come off,” *aid he,
"a* the future of boxing depend*
on it* final outcome. They are
knocking the game out all over the
country, hut it will ri*e again a* aure
** yon lire. I- it/.*immou» and Corbett ;
are good fellow* and they ahouid
be allowed to box, When 1 wa* in
the game, they never objected 1 *up
po*e that wa* lieeau** j wa* a g<rel
fellow. VVho do 1 think will win’/ j
Well, a* I *aid, I hare no choice in the
matter It will be a fight for keep*,
and both men will do their level be»l I
to win. Corbett 1* a clever mao, and
vi ia Fife They know how to uae
their hand* and they are no novice* at >
the game. Fit/wimuion* ia *ahl to he
a tiard hitter; u. i* Corbett. He can
hit aa good a* any one and I am *ur* I
ought to know. How long do 1 think
(t will laaty Well, to be plain, i have
not the alighteat idea I should go
about twenty round* If anything, 'f in
nu n will fight cautlouviy at fir*t, but
will no doubt take thing* v-rioualy a*
V/'/ii a* they have *ized e*<-h o'liar up
1 have no idea of returning to the ,
ring.” _
4 liargeil With I breatenlae to iHauli
tloli f'll/wtninioiM.
Hot Hrinxo*, Ark Oet. IV.—A war
*a»t again>.t Janie* J. Corbett wa
leaned from Ju*tiee Kirke'* court ye*- !
terday afternoon It el.arge* that he j
ha* threatened, ia conapirlng and I*
about lo ion,mil an unlawful a**ault .
ujion the peraon of one Hob l' it/,*im |
monk. It wa* placed In tl.e bandk of !
nrterin Mount, t»iw uroceeuea to tnc .
Arlington bote) and served It, The
warrxnt was issued at the instance of
Prosecuting Attorney C. V, T<-agu«.
CcrWtt was brought into court by the
sheriff and the prosecuting attorney
asked that lie be put under bonds to
beep the peace. Judge Kirke made
tlm order as asked, placing the bond
at f lo.UUb, < orbett refused to give the
bond, snd his attorneys. Martin end
<ireaves, will sue out a writ of habeas
corpus asking for Ids release. This
wdl bring the ouestion up for judicial
hearing as to whether a glove contest,
such as is now proposed will be a vio
lation of the state statute*.
Metier KiiiIimIaii la Carroll County, Me
Cahhom.toj*, Mo„ Oct. Ik—The
boiler of Julius I'eters' suwtnili, eight
utiles south' **! of here, exploded yes
terday afternoon The mill was en
tirely destroyed. Albert I'eters, the
II-year-old son of the proprietor, was
blown about fifty feast and sustained
injuries from which he will die.
Julius i'eters will lose one eye and hi*
face and nose were badly cut. Kb
Webb and Joe barker were Injured,
but not seriously.
Husltel* of Purgeil Paper.
Mimi-iiis, Teuu., (Jet. Ik.—A. K
Ward, secretary, treasurer and man
ager of (lie Memphis barrel ami Head
ing company, has disappeared, leaving
outstanding forget! papers to the ex
tent, it is said, of lino,non.
blifit 1*9 * r*| IfuilJblbit
lloi.roN, Kan , Out, !k. -—Charles
Hoover, stttt of es i'oslmaster Hoover
of l Ids plane, was last night shot and
killed by baut Newman at the lutler’s
home west of Hoiion. Newman hod
been away ami, raturniug, found
Hoover in the house with his wife. He
,Uirendered himself to the officers.
Mr, Marrlsoa ynsraoiloeir,
j»4e*ioo4, N, V , Out ik.- Master
ben Jam’,n Mr hu«, who ha* scarlet
fever, is doing a* well a* could be ex*
psi'ii d He I* still i|uatantiiied, as
aic Mrs. J b McKee and ex-I'resldent
Sift Imw CMMK A»lt«ntl« MO
MM BUIflM (MfnH **•'•»»
Oct, It Anzor,g nigh
terlr uui.’i lwr« it is le t that t».a
pope* letter to the Aarrieu arch
bishop* urging noo participation by
'at holies ia "proahrsos* re! igioos
rosfrrtMn" opens up a question of
more importance tbaa the see'ariaa
schn! question, tl.e Cahensley move
ment or the other issoes eh ch hare
been presented la recent years
It is said that tbe Pope'* opposition
to the religions congresses docs not
affect tbe Catholic church alone, bat
has a hearing on the entire movement
toward Christian unity, which began
in Kngiaod, and has spread through
this eountir. the purpose of which was
to harmonize all divergent sects on
non-essential*, bringing them’ogctfcer
on tbs one essential tenet of 1 iris
tianlty. 7 he broader sentiment found
repression ia the attendan - of Car
dinal Gibbons at Use e/zogres* of re
ligions at l hie ago At that time Mgr,
hatolli was in Chicago, but took no
part in the congress. The Cardinal's
paper and subsequent magsxine arti
cles, showing the common gro,nd </«
which all sects might stand, attracted
rnneh attention
The language zzf the pope's letter .s
said Gz leave no room fzzr do ibt a- Gz
the position of IGzme on th<- holding
of congresses, or the broader question
of ehurcb unity, as the following di
rect statement make* clear "Hut
although these promiscuous cmven
tious have ant z this day been Gzler
a to I with prudent silence. It wizuid
nevertnelcss sacm inzzre adnsahle that
Catholics should hold their inven
tion* separately.” It ia aaid that this
staG-ment is so direct a» not Gz he
open Gz misinterpretation, and doubt is
expressed as Gz the very liberal inter
{zretatiou placed by Archbiihop Ire
and on such a clear statement from
the poor. It is believer! also that if
there is any inisundr-rstand ng or
broad interpretation given Gz the
pope's language, be will spr-<-diiy i-.siisi
a second letter j
Tti< Xatn/lniM lows Res* low Wrmn<1 W»d'
mt Met »fw hf the freshlent.
Wssiiisorok, Oct. IV.—A pardon ha*
been granted by the president to
(leorgc M. Van Leuven, watoi'«d in
Iowa to imprisonment for two years
and fi.OOo tine for viola' ion of the
pension law*.
Suicide toiler a train.
KvrtkVO. N. V., Oct. IV Or Abb.e
I. Seymour, a distinguished woman
phykician and artist, threw herself
last night in front of a fast West Shore
train near the water works station,
she hml been compelled to use crutches
once last spring, when she suffered an
accident to the nerves of her hip while
attending the post graduate medical
college at Chicago. This affliction
preyed upon her mind until she suc
cumbed to melancholia. She leave* a
lister In Chicago, Mr*. Morris Oynne,
and a stepmother and another sister
in New York. She was born in Ba
tavia, ,V Y,, forty-two years ago
Insuring Consumptive*.
Cincinnati, Oct. 21.—Special, lie
port* say that a leading life insurance
company is accepting risk?, to the
amount of 1200,000 on lives of consump
tives taking the Amtck Chemical Treat
ment for lung disease. The Amici*
bemical Co. of Cincinnati is actually
[laying the premiums on this insurance
and presenting policies to their ps
ilents. This company claim* to have
the moat complete statist!' * oil con
sumption in the world, and that these
risk* are good providing the patient*
take a course of the Amick treatment
ryuofsfions from Hew York, CNIrags, *t
I-outs, Oman* and«wh»»*
Putter < rum,tty separator W t 21
hltlla t 1 u.e ■<. </<oa( ei.iiUlVV 14 1 if*
K*g» y to‘ 11 ...... is,® w 1 > allfomla per 14 4 14
kpring thicken* peril. ...... 5 « * A
Duck* i i r IP . ......... A <Jt >.%
Turkey* I'er II),,,, .......... 7 d> *
Ocean per Hi ....... A 'A <
l*ii,inia < hol< <■ Miwiiim. A "i - Id oo
Apple- p< r hlil .,... i 74 MAI
haaet I'm a i >e > Oood, par Mil I mi <* I >4
I'oiatoei per hu .........— 24 'It 30
bean* Navy, hand-picked liu I 74 it 2'0
• ran errfe* • ape < od pr bl)l 7 SO '6 A Mi
llay l-plaod, per ton ...... 8 W it A m»
tin ion*--1 ar Im 30 it *i
• hee»e Nat, Ala. fullrraam Id it it
lime* Miami packing .... 3 Hi it 4 k>
Hog*' Heavy weight*__.... * 74 it 4 Mi
Isaarea Moekar* and feeder* 2 2> 410
lieef eteer* . .... 4 Pd it 4 In
l-oll*. I M) it 2 40
rtag*.... 2 vi a i;.
1 air**.... Z 00 ® 4 '.4
l ow*. 12 ' ' 7
..2 SO ® 2 so
lialfer* .. .. 2 it) 9ll>
Wia'ern*.. 2 34 a. I 14
n.aap bainh*... 3 Mi <t 8 SO
• nt-ep I hole* native* ....... 2 7* it .» mi
' IIll AMU
Wheat—No,2 spring.. 40 ,® oi't
torn l'*r bn.... 2't t "ut
I .at* larliu.,,. ZO -t V7<
I'ork. ... A 50 (t 4 Mi
hard. ,. . »7! U ; 74
llog» I'acfcer* and wl**d .... 3*0 ... 4 H.
laiile Waatern rangn ateera.. 4 24 4 no
I’rlui* hteor# . 4 00 « 4 Mi
lneap I amo*. ..... ........ I <« 4,40
rheep- Native*,,.,., 3M> ® 2 Ml
NhW troith
W beat. No. 2, rad wlotar . V, 13 Ml
< orn So. 2. K7 '<* <i%* No. 2. 24 <4 ’4%
I on .I» '» - Id 25
hard...... 8 15 it* go
Wheats .No 2 rad. caab.,....... «l '* 534
(orn I'er hu .. ........ 24 | 24*
l.kl* I'er hu . 17 if I, *
|iog»— Mlgi <1 packing. 3 40 .* 4 Mi
I atlle Native *lcer» 5 hi it r. ,'g)
rheei. r.ipoit native* ....... 5 to '<* .4 to
ha mb* . .4 25 a I ,40
h ANWA4 tilt
Wheat No 2hard . m '4 50 «
i orn No 2 24 * t
Dale »No. 2. IS ® 141*
< aillt Mocker* knd feader* 7 50 ,« ;| up
llOO* Mined packer* I 70 g | <g,
► lieep Muttou* .... Ill if 2 IP.
I lire* Itlock* of Itnalnea* llauae* lia
•trwyed Two Newspaper* II,huh,I Out.
IlKMVI b, I'olo., Out, |U |('lri1 IU
lenle, l oin,, |»*t night burilMil (*»„>
Hid tin on block* hit ween Klral anil
Fourth aireuta. Thirty-four hualnena
lioiuna worn ilolroyail, luiiluillng lh«
pofcti.fliiin, thn Tortoni liolnl, and two
ii»w»|.*|M # ode . a, i,l th«
llnnl ami I he < auilln. Thu lo«a la uatl
otlwd at $:,<*> inn, Till* waa the third
idg gra In H al fanion* nulling aim.