THE WORTH WESTERN 0M>. ■ hrukiiotm, tmtu* a r»m LOUP CTTr, t- WEBHAffKA, OVEH THE STATE. Tnr. potato crop ef \Anno\n county ia considerably below tba ueerage. tut death rate at tba atale peuitea Mary baa largely Inereaead the paet year Tun aoap fakir . ontmoee hie eoca tires ia Hmbrmmkm and ia doing a good Intel ae •• Tar. flret day » dallrery of beet* ta tba Norfolk sugar factory emoun led to eialy-eeean imm A i.eirr arrired ia W liber the rrtber day with her three children, all ai*b with typoid Inter, Tug large dry good* b*r»/*e of SI H Falconer, Omaha, aSaead laet week f/iabllltl«e are «l ln.u**i ’Fuggg are now saecaty-flre atudect* enrolled at the State Institute for the Hilad at Hnbrmnkm > Ity, TM« beet barren*, I* now la propreas In Oodfe roomy, and I* iurnhMug plenty of ttork to men and team* Who r cleaning a rarolrer, f'homae Mefeun of Johnson county ttmn meet dentally *bot. it I* thought fatally Tnr pmopim of Spencer think tbatr are In the artesian water belt, and are going to teat the matter by kinking a deep wall. la the district court af Jefferson county James White was sentenced to the penitentiary f'rr eighteen months for larceny af a tricycle. Jolla Ooot/gg, who plearled guilty to breaking into a bouse at Fremont on Septemiier t Jaal, wassenlenred to two years in tire penitentiary. tern,tin yiniHi.t, the man who killed hlmaelf at Swede burg was a member of the Ancient Order of I nited Work men and had fff,Mki Insurance on his life. (tirn.k. ih M a Kuril.. section tormina of the Klkborn at swedel/urg, < orn milted anlt-ide by shooting bimaelf in the head It wa* caused by domestic Aron ble T»ir, city authorities «f Kearney bar# decided to treat charivari panic*** diaturber* of lb* peace, and aucb of fender* will hereafter be arre*led and duly punlabed, Tur, 2-year-old daughter of Mr and Mr*. Kd Hell of Veat*. .1 obnaon county, met a very tragic death Hb# got bold of aoine m*t«lie*, setting her dreaa on Hr* and burning to death. Wu.niao'a livery burn at West Point burned, together with three horse*, a hotel 'bu* and a bearae. Alderman* barn, juat across tb# alley from Hie liv ery barn, alao burned down. Ho* Itonrnt W, Ki it* a a awl wife of Nemaha county will have been married fifty year* on the 2tftb of the prcaenl month and they have decided to cele brate the event by a reception to their friend* A* Indian, while returning from on* of the trailing store* on the reserva tion near Iterator, in an into*tested condition fell from the wagon with her babe, and the chlld'aakull wiacrushed. The lltti# one died after several hour* suffering A nmitfiarrio* was issued from the I over nor'* office upon the governor of antlalana for the return to thla state of Jerome (Walter, who 1* charged in liougla* county with embe/./.lenient of the city fund* while deputy city treas urer of (imaha. (ist ah Hkowk, a man ahtrut fit year# old, who ba* lte*n In jail at I re moot since July awaiting trial on a charge of criminal aaauult on a little girl »*s permitted to enter a pica of a**aultand oattery. and was sentenced to thirty day* In tb* county jail. Thkhk are two bunehe* of antelope hut tar from ( hadron and some of the local aportamen have been after them They went out laat week with a pack of hound* and aueeeetled in running down and capturing on# antelope, two and nlue iackrabbita AM old lady named tor non, whore •idea In the northern pari of Johneon county. has been keepingWOP In money tied up In a stocking and bid In the oren of an old nnuaed etore. Mhelsn t keeping It there any more Home one unlawfully removed the wad. Tile hardware a tore of A. IVe**, Hid nay, wa# broken men and Imir revolv er* stolen Hherlff Daugherty appre hended tha thief, who proved to be -lame* llobert*. aged IP, employed at the Pacific hotel In that city. The atolen property wa* recovered. Wun.r. out hunting ipiall with a party of friend* In the timber and thick itruah that line* the nuraerou* stream* around < hadron, iieorge Wllllarna wa* accidentally ahot In the face and arm* by on* of tha j»*rty, Fortunately Vt ill lama wa* at long range, and the ahot I* llel* did not pierce the lleoh very deep and no vary aer.ou* result* are a nth-1 pa ted. Thu Nebraek* Association of Princi pal* and Kuperlntendeui* of Public Mchools, In neaalou In Idttcolu, elected oNtuer*a* follow* President, Hupenn undent J, F. Maylor of Ulrcltl drat vice preaideftt, Ale* Hleplien* of Hut* ton; aecond vie# president A II. Water* iioua* of iliand lelauk; recordiug sec retary. Mia* (lark of Freiuoatl cor re fiMinding secretary and lr«u»ur*r, Mia* lien* Hamilton of (ui.aha FI. A Jnusao* and wife of llrady Isl and passed through North Plalle ami halted for a rest at the railroad bridge eaat of town They strolled out on the bridge a dlkiancu and upon limning around discovered a train miming in such close prnaliulty a* to Oink* It lot posalbl* to retrace their *icji* Mr* .lohnaoii liecaine very touch frightened at the imelimii they were IM ami )uui|iad from the inidg* sustaining se vere tajurtea Jiiarcu Uni* of (111*111* iielievea ia irrigation, 1 nun a potato patch si treated he eslracted a single tuber that weighed twenty si* mime* In oilier words he dug a potato (bat weighed leu ounce* more (hen a pound Fliumi F. II*(two a lie* been com mi* slimed puntmlstr*** *i Miwiretleld tmvvusuM Momoun ha* gieuied u. Albert Allendurf of iiuiahs a free full and uneuuditluiisi i-mib.i, lllendurf wa* cowvhite«l in (lie district court of |h,ogle* eouutr of an essauit with In tent to commit great bieldy harm com* Mtitled by airth-ng lliliimu • ulleu a fellow ew|d"t * in (he I a lull Pacific eblips, with a bar of Ktm •rllM • Wawadnar IHap-i1* f hm joint "* »(ipm»t«4 l» ha hail *t Nnbraau* and Horn tb liabout to A* iUrn tiiln to *o«m land in diaputn i#1bon Umi at a la* baa wad* lU raporl I ba awn wm« ia » bota t bn #ff»"* Tbn r a port in- udn* a wnomwnmla tlr/n plrinp to Anbraaba lion Ifowrn* ia'and, eon tarn in? 2 vro a^rra, ami (fIr ina to Aonlb I tab ota at tbn month of biona tirnr ton aroali otrip of land that baa hnnn prnriowaly ««**id*r#d a part of Itakola • ouniy o*a»d i,i.ii|« i n. *r r. Tbn prand lodpn r/f tb# Odd fallow* in Jfnbraaba mat in It* thirty-airlilh annual ana*Ion In Ornaba ia»t wanb. witn nrnry prand "fll' - r -« bia atailon, and about ipm dnUpatn* pri-annt, rnpra umtinp nrnry »u'-ordinal# loop* in tna atatn '/rand mar* tary n Theae cane* were ffr*t i/rought in the diatriet court to recover from the director* lo**e* alleged to have been auatained by plaimlffa becaue# of fal*e •tatement* of the* condition mad* by officer* and directora At the iiinianc* of defendant# they were ri moved to the federal court. Attorney* 1 for plaintiff* had moved to hav# them remanded on the tneory that thev pre muted no federal if Mention* Judge Miira* hold* that thay involve if neat ion* . of law arming under the constitution and law* of congre**. The cane* are brought by 'I lioma* Hailey, l*aac Holt, the June* National bank of keward tin Hank of Miaplehum, the Hank of 1,'tlaa and llenry < arter, lln*V tVIMillie Heel*, The Norfolk beet sugar factory ha* now oaen in opciaaw/n o*rr on*' */*•• * r-uy * a diapaWdi from pike*, work in if up lli* imm*n*« crop dt augar beet* j grown l»i llm territory tributary to tin* factory, Kac'i y«ar *lne* lb* erection of tli* factory ii«r* Mbatantlal linprot** menfa liar* imr.n ma'ption A larg* warehomo*. for atoi Ing tli* augai baa i<**n erected ami «on»i*iat* in ill* work lb* pmponad III! ding i* eonaul*r*d of gieat lm|Hirlanc* and ll will bring b*r* ib* i<*m pracileal iru gailonlat* IM lb* I lilted *Maie* ||# I)m< I 4*1 if* A uumlai of laiiI**, of l*i*n • wer* aold by a •inonlli faced young fakir i» •*Htiy II* waa aiuuml aalllng at,up and with *>*>y dollar* worth pur eliaaed lIn lady wa* lo be pi**tni*<| witii a a*I of lUnlaml eblba or a piece nf linn ini* 'lb* china or Urnllwi* would be 11*111*1*4 to Ibem m a ween II* aaid ibai bl* bun -n*l*ad of *d**r< tlalNg in lb* n*wa|di|M>ra, llmught In mloiiio It among (be ladle* In IM* inann*« a* It WomIiI l» a M*n pt'illta Id* inreatmeni A good wbit* l.a* now |ta>*cd ami in* akin* or fnrnilar* ibai lb* ladle* ba«* In Mi m anabmtly < * iwallng baa md m*d* ll* t pto-aram* POLITIC# IX HISTORY. FOPITV YFARft IN THI HOUSE, •CNATI AND CABINET* f U» Hm**k ml 4*thm +h+rmm». Im Hfcofc Wm*f r#l# Af» R#vp»|#4 4»rm*t. hmrtt+H Arffewr, ff*r 9*—m mm4 tPthmr l#*4#n I rt(M4 — A R**4 f#*»f «f Otri#l4 * 014 «•##•!« i mu Kbo, Deft il, Tb« iut nwnmm the jealou*ie» and tbe traitorou* knife throat* of tba laat half-center/ of ' An*than atet*< raft are revealed In { the ferae Ilfbt of at*ro eritklam in . "Jobu HUruiaii't lleeoliectiona of Port/ Year* In the ffouae, fteoste ami Cabinet," ju»l publlahed in tbi* city, The fear that the venerable aenator would reveal aer-ret*, lorif kept In,in the pnblb', in bla forthcoming work ha* l/reo loan estent realized t/ran*. i/arfletd, Main*. Arthur, llsrrlaon and ottier Kepubilean leader* nr# npoAett of with nnatfnted praiaa for tbelr Inf it. peraonni, worthy ate teaman'hip but earth I* In f uarde/l and eovart Jang na/i allown In tb* lea* commendable light of aebeming politician* 'J be < riti > i*m la slro'int invariably Implied rather than direct, but it atanda out clearly in the work a* a whole, • rwfng Ur tire eloa* a*a>relation of Mr. kherrnan and .lame* A, traffic-Id Die critieiam the fiart, of koine of the delegate*, and tended to , *|»ow that for M/me tin," before the mec'lng ofj to bed and wait had oval and caird for me I waa Hot enough al ipielted to l/e uucnirxchiue of my degradation amt her alfeilion ami then and thna iex/iiv«d ngvt t to la m atteh a aondlthm aga'n Itoblno* win m«’I a >afa with dyne mile al Kennewwy, likln I/Hi got little money I dr ami Mr* llearna were moved from Marlon county fall to Hike conn tv jail UMCLt fiAM'fi PLAN. A*« Hla > rwM« Mtan v> t-H.»n,w. Oct I.—The report of the f lU/nowiBt flrotun of lb« L’tkn fV.ltr railroad tontpany ha* Utt ia , the band* of tbe oc'rctsrr of tb# to- : ter tor tor tba pa t three day* Ita rec ommendation* Kill act M a tod batb to tb# plan of reorganization proposed by tba reorganization Tb# plan eat to bar# beea e-vnaam meted practically without regard to the government debt while the report of government director* propose* a plan whereby the government may be reasonably wr« of t aymenl of a large percentage. If not all. of tl.e debt doe it by not //niy the Union Pacific. but by the l entral PactBe also. The ba*>e proposition on which the report I* made i* tbe consolidation of tl.e Union Pacific and < entral Pacific inter a single trunk line extending from Omaha to Hen Jose, Pel,, thus connecting the Pacific eoast with one of tlie railway center* of the 'frame mi**i**ippi by the shortest line in e* iatenre and with ample terminal facilities at each and, i n'ler rsWtieg condition* ti.e rarioit* feeder* of the Union Pacific will lie lopped away j from the parent *v*tern fry force lo*urr. proceeding* on the part of their re •pectivr br/nd holder*. and save for the j protection which the interstate com merce and varion* *ta*e railroad com mission act* may afford iite new trunk line won id t#e (cared at a disadvan tage in semiring tbe advantage wbiel would natiiraily come to it trout tins lm«n in rjue*law Put a* a trunk line it it. pr/inted out that It would li*ve va*» 4/1 vantages over any of tbe other I'aeifle road* on account of it* short, nr-s* and natnrai *onrce». It 1* held that the lease of the f entral Pacific by tlie Mouthern Pacific <-an ire broken ant *ct aside Th.s dove, '.he way will Ire clear for tbit plan of reorganization with the two road* treated a* one. HI* shown that even In the year of the panic the net earn ing* were about f7,.v»o,, Ohio- hanged jitu •wdcii tii*t a* tha *patii*l car raaeliad it anil liran ran a war FKOILWM IS BALKED. TSt CORtLT' - FITZalMMONb AFFAIR COM PL SC AT CO It ia iMai*.'<4 I'wiiiKif teat iim ar*u •fi Will aw u *>*#,»». I *rWli aad PilxaU*a*aa«. 1/im.i Kan, Ark , Oct IP.—Tb* Corbett-Fitzaimmon* tight aituatioo ia area more com pi 1 rated today than it waa when 1’i/vernor Clark* Brat de clared that ha would aaa the fall power of Mi# la w to prevent th« eon teat Ko »m her* now dare* to *ey what will be the outcome, though tb* fee dug »,t ii«/t ttprmga at preaeut * that, if Pitzaimmon* will agree to the Changed condition*, making the match a aoft giove limited round glove tight, the men will be able to meet at that place October »1 without interference. It ia aaid that the governor while at Mot boring* aaaerted timt be would to.erat* no violation of tire law, hut waa willing to refer the whole que* Mon to Judge Muffle an ‘, if be ahould done) ude tb*' no violation wnr ran ting interference waa intended, the govern or would l/e aats»fjed ami in an/ event no elate interfereue* would be inter posed unleaa tlie constituted author! tie* of that county should aek for aueh aaaiataoire, Agsinal tbia, however, la the atate- : ment made iaat night hy brigadier (renersl 'Lavlor, after a long eonfer tlK'r with the governor; "The tight will not occur at Mot bpring* nor in Arkanane 'There ia no doubt on that aeore." ".Sot even in a modified way, aa now proposed'/" "No air." ^W(tcL k*,.l I* litd» pffpt'L /if Itipr/itirL proceeding*, if favorable to the fight, on the propo*>tiou to m»**> the militia at Hot #prio**7 ’ "1 don't feel at liberty to diacwia that pb**.'of the uuektion. My doty la to carry out orders, whether right or wrong, but I believe the order* the Cover nor may i**ue wilt be right.” JOHL L. TALKS. Me ii AhtUttM to Have tlw gtght tern Off Will lie e Creel H.UJe. New You*, ‘ret. IV. La-Champion John /„ eeld of th* Corbett- . Fit/airnmon* matter that the fight might come off and that it might * not, A eked whether be had any choice between the two men lie re plied tl at be had not, but thought It * would be a great fight. “I wi»h in my heart to *ee it come off,” *aid he, "a* the future of boxing depend* on it* final outcome. They are knocking the game out all over the country, hut it will ri*e again a* aure ** yon lire. I- it/.*immou» and Corbett ; are good fellow* and they ahouid be allowed to box, When 1 wa* in the game, they never objected 1 *up po*e that wa* lieeau** j wa* a g the game. Fit/wimuion* ia *ahl to he a tiard hitter; u. i* Corbett. He can hit aa good a* any one and I am *ur* I ought to know. How long do 1 think (t will laaty Well, to be plain, i have not the alighteat idea I should go about twenty round* If anything, 'f in nu n will fight cautlouviy at fir*t, but will no doubt take thing* v-rioualy a* V/'/ii a* they have *ized e*<-h o'liar up 1 have no idea of returning to the , ring.” _ CORBETT ARRESTED, 4 liargeil With I breatenlae to iHauli tloli f'll/wtninioiM. Hot Hrinxo*, Ark Oet. IV.—A war *a»t again>.t Janie* J. Corbett wa leaned from Ju*tiee Kirke'* court ye*- ! terday afternoon It el.arge* that he j ha* threatened, ia conapirlng and I* about lo ion,mil an unlawful a**ault . ujion the peraon of one Hob l' it/,*im | monk. It wa* placed In tl.e bandk of ! nrterin Mount, t»iw uroceeuea to tnc . Arlington bote) and served It, The warrxnt was issued at the instance of Prosecuting Attorney C. V, T<-agu«. CcrWtt was brought into court by the sheriff and the prosecuting attorney asked that lie be put under bonds to beep the peace. Judge Kirke made tlm order as asked, placing the bond at f lo.UUb, < orbett refused to give the bond, snd his attorneys. Martin end allfomla per 14 4 14 kpring thicken* peril. ...... 5 « * A Duck* i i r IP . ......... A .% Turkey* I'er II),,,, .......... 7 d> * Ocean per Hi ....... A 'A < l*ii,inia < hol< <■ Miwiiim. A "i - Id oo Apple- p< r hlil .,... i 74 MAI haaet I'm a i >e > Oood, par Mil I mi <* I >4 I'oiatoei per hu .........— 24 'It 30 bean* Navy, hand-picked liu I 74 it 2'0 • ran errfe* • ape < od pr bl)l 7 SO '6 A Mi llay l-plaod, per ton ...... 8 W it A m» tin ion*--1 ar Im 30 it *i • hee»e Nat, Ala. fullrraam Id it it lime* Miami packing .... 3 Hi it 4 k> Hog*' Heavy weight*__.... * 74 it 4 Mi Isaarea Moekar* and feeder* 2 2> 410 lieef eteer* . .... 4 Pd it 4 In l-oll*. I M) it 2 40 rtag*.... 2 vi a i;. 1 air**.... Z 00 ® 4 '.4 l ow*. 12 ' ' 7 ..2 SO ® 2 so lialfer* .. .. 2 it) 9ll> Wia'ern*.. 2 34 a. I 14 n.aap bainh*... 3 Mi ® 2 Ml NhW troith W beat. No. 2, rad wlotar . V, 13 Ml < orn So. 2. K7 '<* Hid tin on block* hit ween Klral anil Fourth aireuta. Thirty-four hualnena lioiuna worn ilolroyail, luiiluillng lh« pofcti.fliiin, thn Tortoni liolnl, and two ii»w»|.*|M # ode . a, i,l th« llnnl ami I he < auilln. Thu lo«a la uatl otlwd at $:,<*> inn, Till* waa the third idg gra In H al fanion* nulling aim.