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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1904)
-'a ii m . . . f . ", - y m ' . - Press-Journal tk ri iv rr . I THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Wnli Papr Dri i'ixt'i Sundries. I uh. Oils. Varnishes, MonliS and STATIONARY. Tlc? finest I ine of jipeRand l iiiv i.rrt- it, itlwrr i ft hip or uu rtt Jioiilrtcr. lnriMt. !-. It. H4 C. C Hurke. T'r.j t f )-u.U I THf i-TU . A I II a. '"ii -.rtr f t l i': I. p f A fl hi I V- ' I I " 1 'V4 . . . r(1, "v'TV- LUUA 1 X. Orm Dollar Per Yar. Desperate Battle Willi ttanisc In A Church PlyeOtaan Wx His Cittiel end 11 a Wtui vni Gi:'.cu Be Crvjtcd (To the Ascciated Tress.) G i aud Rapids, Mich., Dee. 12. Clad only in UU under clothing, a raving maniac from an attack of typhoid fe- . .. w.l!. ver, janes ueiaxio, an jiaiiau 33 years of age, with an axlour fannera to iM-nns ac- held seven policeman it bay for over two hours in the fifth reformed Dutch c hurch sbort- . , A. . ly before the morning service yerterday. Before being captured he jumped on top of the big pipe i organ and policemen were compelled to climb into it from over head to capture him. Iu the capture three police men were cut with the ax and Delatto was Bhot through the bead, but may recover. The organ was damaged to tha extent of 1, 500 and other damages was caused in thr church by the are. The officers were first sent to the church when the police were notified that Delatto was there. They could do nothing with the man an 1 more were ent for. With reinforcements Delatto, armed with the axe. crawled up on t p of the pipe organ. The officers then pro cured ladders to dim') up after him. but as fast as the ladders were placed against thb organ the maniac cut them down. Tiring of thU he jump ed down into vj organ a niong the pipes, in a narrow pace not more than four feet equare. Officer Spring seized one of the pipes which lad been knocked loose and jump ed in after him. There the two men fought, one with the axe, the other with the pipe. Spring was hit a gland lg blow in the face with the axe being cut through the ca n and losing several teeth Oflcer Steel also planged' intt the pit, the axe was fi-' nally wrenched from him, but be fought with tooth and nail. Oflcer Spring finally secured a bold on the maniac from in front and he was overpowered a id handcuff e 1 . At the jail 1 4 J - m 4 4 1 A sSM-v It t rl a . (T urajuueu mo wiin;.uC., " - orti of seven of the strongest ... ..... sen in tne department to hold the man until h3 cojl l b) (hackled and chloroformed so that his injuries could b j at tended to. Officers Steed, Epriax and Slatter are in; ip aeiUted by injuries rejeivai la tie fight Lincoln Da ily Ctxr. . r ' "f'l"" I nif nuk Irumi tl i h B 14 ' C..UI. 4 Sa Kowl M.ll In" tofwction U, Iokii b p Si, it ,UC" ft" . i'i- ' j w-L.t u:i l rt ,4'H I M . u nil r 14 i- ii f 1 b-'-- ' .( 4 .nU t.ito rm.ii u;: K.-t lo mT. ri.l l -pi ii ii N'i. t N J U.g il l V't .1 !. ui t i - j- ! i.n-1 i Aal obj t'uu tlir 'O ti Lilies lr ii.-i.'-- Miu-t km fii-4 i Itie ttthx it I ii- tft.v t UTk of ill Cirtiuty u i jr iHrla-'i- n u n SiimrOuv ritriiKry II. or iu.-u ro d ill U uiluirtxl liluul fuller rHt-reuw lit r lo. (UUOl) titrlM. Reeiifiiil-r that (mt.Ii h inlo' IMll-. m il if iVir u li u voir work ni ke it known tollK oiw Ilia' ii. hkm out your fnwr. Agiirn!tural clu ation a work vitally related to tht nrosneritv of Nt-braska. I-"' A, iyth5ll,r wiii(.h (;iUse quaiided with the In-et lneth !o ls of selecting se-d for the various crop.s with those prac iticeH in p anting an't cuiiiva- tion which have been found best adapted to the ccn'iit ions inour etate i. certainly to b Uoulit after by our yuri farmers. If all persons .m)i, '1 feeding cattle wes e to b mm:. fair-iliar with the p:ii. ip of freding. the appli . -ation o whi. h mad' the production Ch-illeng -r .indOli iH":r,'-T i" po sibl "M ' iiv' 'v i i diistry w ui! I fi:i 1 Its we, It doubled in a few y-.-Mc Sh r.ilda Ii ; ka ).vi .-dg -of soil com io-ct:o i, s-il slin tare an 1 hoil treaf.nejit b co'.netlic u;:ive!.N,.l jowHsioi. of Xcbras i uir.n 'h p- du -tiveness of our farms would increase fio;n year to year. The only way to brint; these things to pass is for o n farmers to iuK:etu'i a sear fui training fo tl'dvHms as is insisted o 1 for thos who are to be do tors, minitrM. t i I lawyers. The Urilveis-ity of Nebraska is offering instruction which, if taken advantage of, wiii cause Nebraska to take a place of the first order in the prod 11 t on of grain ai d live jftojk. Weave glad to see this work being done. Jt only remains for our farmers to avail themselves of the ad vai.t iges offered. The Valley ef Mexico. Tlie Valley of Mexico 1 sert.' milea In length and rorty-even mil l In width. I ake Teieoco, a larfis b d of water lying immediately to the em of the City of Mexico, 1 only alx fw lower than the level of the strec 1 pavement. In 1S29 thl lake rot and iuundated the city, drownlni! thmiatid of the Inhabitant. Thr ' cater of tie lk eovred the !te l tv o a dopth of three feet. n . remained ao for over tour year rm; naiifer ia now uvrww 117 a :a!naxe eanal Many Iihvhi re-l at at-c-u rinil.ition of wealth a a 'limr ulel of hl anil Im.v ii'irt-edd in tins, only t find At llw lif-' Mml tliey Iimvh iloni iiii'liiif tnril. Miny oilwr h iv wu-rilice.1 On liiX'irf mi niitiiv of Itie 'iiir..r IiIh tt.nt thv niiirht (r un n f mlv i f crn llrn to (IH.l,l - ,a.,. - f1, l.vuu. .d l iiu-ne 10 ei ff,fi !;,. (.ii.k heart. Imnd. Hnd iikihI in iu'xiiiiIi.'i ilu- t W()rkof 1heir mt grrmt, wnrK ol "wrvini; lrwir ten. ran.H wkI. TI hiiV ttUnvn clief career with a m aw of iiiviii (..e a jr. nil work, of ImviiiK ai-hi- d tru uu. cm. Thia IH i true of I i -M trm . fiwer 1 h l lrr. rnt f Ohm- i, ,-.,r t,.r tlKir on One in n tl in 'he mii.-r and on ii.ucn nmtmi, Hunv mhc i n n--are wnnleil b- tiw Child Stvi ik Inst it u for thoHs who have brrn -..miiiited ti ' Itachanre. for inf..r.ii..,,n thetnat l osouoHt .Oinuh..eiiclnfiK tamp fur rvply. i . '. a Hest cigars FI.OVll J' 'M J. H. WILHERMSOORFER. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Kings made to order. All woik guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Ilarneps made to order. Saddles re-i overed. Y "' ti I r- "lr "f "' I" I r' 1,1 Iv . . r n Ii -ii riln- lif rk -Ii 11 ., ;i !! if I'lmiiiir 11 1 11- 1 r .111111 ' ii..i, i,,r Hirt, 1 (Hi Oo... S'., Omni a 1 1 -.! r ! o-liP; on l 1 1 I Ii ' In I' S il- (in- i.l. ONLY allr.a4 b..w.en Ml..rl Rjv.r .r,d Chlcao. C tract line la Si. Paul Mlnnaapolla Dlract Line to Black Hill. Annty ta neareit avfant for rate, ma avnd time ea.r4. time t vrtr V, M .'nnr-. ;!'lrlt,. v.. i:?. tin 1 v.. n. 7 w . 3 t 1:T. 4 l tn A' O "K--: 'I o' '1 I ! l-'-li; 1! r. w .1 h l.w r i 1 i" -mi . (4 f r. lll.-ni, r' S fi't! iikI i-iiUi'rt'. mi' ' I ' I 'II i M I'l III It V.'l i , I lit 1'I1I hi wlii-l f tiller hud nmthr unit in irnin tin' c! ililn-n for Mh p' f nt" 'ulliiKJ in! mil f i I. .mi rr.m M.fii hr- ti iflin. 1 ioi iH.t ui r (Kin d r. 'ui' l rri. h, i.i ". 'i lIi 1 m .ier .U i h- ii. l if., . n tn.ii:h in thr In tl. f.i mil. Icir i'r l: tt.f'T .'. Ol r lii 1.01 h vii i i !' r i aiiciia A ?n A Ii-kii In i n if limw uri'l i-t nyt , 8 . nr.-wnri .il 'i.r m i'i . h li.-. . ir (ui, l ;,vii k liisteute. 109 1) .. fji . Qui .Ii i Wril fur e.f .rui-.i il'llf a li. Feeu'ltr Tert little Elmer 'ad accoTpa-ilatt i fe'fcer to enure?) c: e tnornl;'. and 'be ruln.'ater disc i- M froTi the it.. "Why halt Vt eer to opinion V t Tfinn aWtiPftln V maa Kla nkVM . , j ... ... ean't remamber thr exact word? irm aa r; i. sum ma mil i re piled Elaor, "hut It - aomef-t kliont a hawk b'Ueen two pleoj ' OseaOrsa caevtrv !. ie. 1 1.1- 11 .il-" 1 i , f 1 1 'i ? ' 1 ' " . ' ti . ,,r. .... S I f .1 I If.- ' , flip. in the city. S S cc.!'f. J E Fhrmy C cK -CC C -0: 0 -0 Cclphlr, ai Ta-i'.i. FU torpoao lioaic 0 .fPii'l (I to df-rcy the f!o:pM!:s wl'. h . lay'og tvoc wita the sa t c cuarcer.ex lay, France r a.t Is to be iised, and the best ma .. :i?D tbe vese!f are to be proWd' ;th rifle to hcot the dolphiua 1 in .c'Siera. . .'errnb.'rr in ; r incii ill 'f '..otai-tin r.y-r-n-rd. r-li .' trr.ia. flotn. c ! f marhlnrr "'1 nih"r toyn I'"'t; or boya m: 1 i'oonebrre te at ".ORt evclu-iv-'ly oor), rw: r ! .In. irlsHS and va-or In the piodu'..,iB ot 'oy best m'"J to pirls. ls:n'nT i iorf II a llr t. Anions lbs prer who have Inherited nrren titles l the young Ear of Sa .eld, wr.o at the Egs of II tucceedeii o ftii earldom, two viarouaiip ano Ivo baronies. l:hout to much as a dnicle acre ol IsnJ to malutaia bl ltsctUea. JaiJft lB!P pn 'iir.ojqjq 'lanja Jip joo tg -tiic .Siisioq 8uHJOp JO 4J) .jd 3 iUg epvanja U p3Jo l 'hjoa aifc.s: jo "ja.aJO aap3o bj 8f.injo XmJOAA V r.A u pji iod;il sDnp aaAajii j8i0!t;j C3am-)d pjo)sap ;aJis; iwIbjs uu ra;:t il pjnoj y Jsjjsj PJe33 jo t-OA w-lunt?er ft kslcnir'e. T-!- r Ai ijri!A stated at a "! I In Prooi lyn tl a: 9.000 of the j'iiir a c.p; In tl.e col'e;?3 have vclun te.jied for foreign mlsiioa work, of I m hom 3-( ,, "e r.OW lu the Held, i O'lO re preparing tor tre work ana in othr were ready if the church would tend tbejn out Deq Exerciser. There are people In ! ondon who farL qu'e re'ieciable iiving fsolel) ly erercllri(! don. and some of tboc w! i fo live are ladlrs. Ii, every pub urn and In evry I r.ndon park t!ies ci c'.vttr. of dog may be reea each d?v, and ono nentltman alone pay I ft, n wfk for the walking rut of his vulii blp buIldoK, the yo-ma; f 'llow ho undertakes the Job living quite a itoxen other employers talCii. EniFror Confer Crtfer, The Irte.eit that bag been taken by Emperor W.llJam In the dev?loprnel of the Harvard Germanic Muneum baa Just beer ahown anew by the con farrlait upon Trof. Kuno FrancV e, cur tor of the rr.u eu-n, of the Imperial Order of tb"e Red EaRle. TMi boaoi recalla the visit of Prince Henry to tola country, when a !mliar honor wa conferred uron several mer. amone; them being Prof. Kun-terberf of Harvard. I wo Brother Giant. A i ace Is goinir oa between ii irothrs tiimed Beaupre, French-Can .'-r out In the far Weet. a to wbxj hr'l be tb Uller. The eider on wi i now twenty-two yearn of age, ba chod a belgtt of 7 feet Inches ( 11 boots), while the other f '. who la everal year younn t i J T feet. Both are tlll crow on last year's arowtb the L-u-jr-r brother aoama to have had 1 tlv the advirtag The eldei riar.t a eights 171 pounds. The par : v 'aid to be ordinary a.'sed peo May eie ate Slrhep Potter. Ovep Interest la maniiested by t !.rity of ti;e Episcopal Jioi tae of Ke., i'bi( In the auggee.tM made by Ruv. Jr. C r. Caneo of Trinity church, Veer Rochelle, that New York state, 'vTip llt flve daveeee, be create; In a province and that Biabop Poltei be mail u wckMakof Md elaced lb c Large, 5 W013$&$- i Bifora Ym Pureh Any Other WrH the lav na: i!vr ry.v.m camay ; ORANGE, .. Mtny Swrsj Mohir. mJlot'l refi kite! qua .. bJt t l-n;ie" It mail t wear. Cur ffuara. f ncvf tuxil cX i Wt maka Sw -4 1'ichinM 13 .:t a: condition ' ot t ul zia Tha " -N r w Home t a.isttl fcaad of a I lUsta-sriMlfamry aewinj matr-oaw Hold UJ aalbarlaPU urirr am;, row sack mi JO DON Hf.F(CAPE CO.. GO UN. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. O ITOS IT K DEI OT. 'jayr.? AND II. TUKvTID WHH O.IKTKV, li'iard li.v Ifhj- or tTwl. W, Ii WKIGi.T I'm. AH''" KIM isim; uaths. I', r ini'li, iiil'I (.;iiMiii. in mli ' P. r .iliiinn, r ni'.nl h On IV .li 'inil i iii.I. r s ir, in n 5 (Mi IK..U hn f irii t--n ti- "ill (iff .-fn! - f !' , r vnry run' (;! I STOCK BRANDS. ' ilk. J UNAI. 111 r"Htllt y-ttf IllHilfl.lik if (uiluwtnic, for $1 Kr Wht. iuH '! hti mI brnni 7ft trriifn. r.vrv mrmrr i . micltiitn hi rtioiix huiI ul loit.tutf (Mttttit 4JOUll HiWtlf I M- iJlHIiil 111 rill, il K L hm it ctnuiHtr ml uvi-r t!i- t.a, n fHV ) tllr llllHUt Itf fAViJX ittoiti - (tir on Jtiltii J.'lit.-M.n. OmIIU. brunrtcil ii atiutvn In cut on Irtt ulllf, Uui(r nl r III. Nclir.o.k.. AilUrts.i li.'w.ii. ..L'.i'..a SSOO REWARD. i or thiHiT't nii'l ciHivirimii at any p . i f r pui to t'ulin or flM itftiriiittr ny lr:ttl' I HtlM k lillL,lUg tU tlH Utlfrr.)ll("1 p n i tti- l.rm 1m! hi lft 1(I' ll i Ifft nthou tr. rm.jt on "aaiHti ( ml Any i ik It brntKl'-il huaImiv' 141 ti at; tr.ty nl from my rii'tn', illwovfwl ty .j- JkvIv i Kivf'K ) Inf nrmntiMii h ill 1h rvw tMtM A1(lim, H. KohitiiMHi, Nhruhki RWK NCTTO. Cuttle liru!it hr l horn) A Uo no in of lh" ItorH 4lHHlllr mHI HN lwrl) itMIVf llHHllil. A'l'ln-!! llnrrl'MHi Vlir.tkj, DADLTMTC wilt find by inquiry that in tlw achoota B tbir children Ettcnd, cbstcr'a ijl the Dictionary ly vhich thy era trained, and thit their schoclbooks conform to thia eame tuthority. Ii it not best to have the camo Diction ary in the home? The conitantly increaainrr edo c f Webeter's International Dictionary prove that pircr.ta ero vIscly fil lowinrj t!io above eujcrcctjcn. av. Lyaae Abbtt,D.D,n.!lt"r rf rtw OuiImK, a.a: ba Jwnra hm-u b favorite lo our bmieahoM. and I liave anen no raaaon to I ra nafer m aiieyiaum tn ny of bli oompaUlura. The New and Enlarged Edition li-a 1C80 quarto pacj v.-ith CX) illuatra tiona. It haa 23.CZ r.ew words and phraaes, nLo a new Cascttctr cf the World uid a, new EiagrapLicd Dic tionary, i'.l prepared under tho bu perviaicn cf V. T. Ilarris, Th-D., LL.D., U. S. Commiaaiooer of Edu cation. Ita appendix with departmeaU of Bbcraphy, Ceography, Fiction, etc, ia a packed atornaouao cf valuable information. Our name la o-i the tlfto-Tauiw ef afl (tie aut bentiD uleikwari t ue Weoaterwrka. iCTUiren3 you prh r aimin rmaawMaB- wbicb auora a f . 1 1 1 ereotiMra eater. j ' 4 "-trrl o wrM.lerua lr. i..n.iud pamphlet al&o flee. it C. MtaaiAM CO.. Fake.. Sriaflel4t Ma. I "3? " fjl 01 tit I' M 111 (t -hoin- kjKiT3 iit)-1 t(i tjSMnj f) for ttir i..r hntixlmt villi of alwva lirsu4. Ad'lrra. J. t. AurKu, llMrrfann, Sbrajk. ru.l KKKT &o!L t lll brand -1 Main. Ha that 1 rut uu sitli 'i at'li o' aiil- H'l lollu in OH t llr of CHI-. AVI on '.eft aula Of aba aaeah. uu left alda aad blp. IfHiiacnit Kiitinlnir Writer. I'oai (iftliN. Ail lre, llurrlaon, wabraak. J. Ii. 1ICSTKB. ho. n In -, rrTvZT H. on rll! ', li;p. or i ml It Ic. Ultrlit r. rllpJ . J) !r.W AKV HI pil'l fnrrid-nr ' 1 i k 1 V ' r 1 in 1 Ii a 1 fl i.r la . 1 . 1 1 1 r. r I e w .Hi i-lix-n bavli g any 1 lltfl iilmv l.rmi't or br.nida. Uhui'Ii ul Anitii'W, K. hr, iilrit. Itnrrtai.n lal.r. Jll. I EVSIjOW, (a UN braaaae on .-If a 1 tie a a aat A'.d a la D hi hi. l.irc, br,i.1.-d M o right Uo:4ef 1 j iw. It.intrc on .in.' Klvcr, Iba eta 1V8 rulvillx rnicb. V. o. Adilraaa; Ulaa, baUr. JOHN A. HANSON n 'a n !h" fn1i tiKUrand nrirfib r: X Im HQ on rat. ir ami ln.r.'. iiili-un I. ri.l'lr mr.. . fin (.iff iin .ilil-r. iliilljl.. mi Cll vr -pruiKH ita. I cuat pt alakt tuf ''i.Hliirrir H iirri.un ll, IIKWAKI). ill tiv LOO ivuwrd fur Jrh ha i( lnvp ol villr'k bur- brand- l 1 ! I li. r ju r Ihnrh lurni . lrz 't ,1'lin HtHr mi Kunnuit vjfr, ulwi 1100.00 fur pro.f 11 1 onvi'. t any p-roti unlaw fully hamciung .nv nf mud huriM-a, W. J A. Ram. liKKf CIIKK" I.IVKKTIH'K To gWayrej on luf i hip of 1 ll j M J ami on left ntiacV ot Horaa iia-fjBSBaW K.ii.K'' mi liip Craaa. I m-. Iiwp I r.'a 1,1 e I-leak Co,. J. II. Ili. tT, rorrnian, l.l-ii, Syraait. K' ! A V K IIAKItK, rattle bramlae aa a),oa .aa IhI td wie nvt-r bit an laft a . lHnft on Ina. utng Wala, I'. O. Aillra, Mar'land, Nabr. MK.II. JUKIIAK. llnrai-a a.. Kfi lie branded cltber atdf, PUP ; axon rat. lull Cill'j. I.!,,:,.!...! f T ..'I Itf.lH', III. t.' .1-1 Jrin.. ixrlari-, Niiiraka Ili-.NHY W AltNKKE. P.O. 1'lr''a IUi r iuii, .Wlrt.-ba. t. K.KRN!IKIV. all la Bruno " i!!!? i"" r. i. A4 Iraaa. Nwwlont. Mv iuu f I DL W-l I ! 11 1 (111 win f liu t tit mi I a u I iinnln? M'br I H A S .A '&i,- i.,' t .