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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1904)
Harrison Press -Journal. O-B'i'XCX-AJLi PAPER OP SIOUX COTJ"NJ TY. Wtth Uf VOL. XVII. HARRISON, 3STEBR ASIC A.. . THURSDAY, DEO. 22, 1904. N O. LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. Boon time for Santa Claua. Publication of contest notices 87.50. "Little Eifel" cigars for kale at Lowrva. Don't forget that we handle stationary. Did you gel Tour picture taken Bunds x T Apple ml bed rock prices at Bourret Davis. Henry Rose was up from Hewitt lakt Monday. J. A. PtiipfM tea up from Five Point Tuesday. John Coffee Tuesday. was up from the 010 bar Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist Fred Betsoheo was in town the first of the week. Read the Incorparatioo Notice on the Other aid. J. B. Bradley (own Monday, was doing business in Alei Lowrj ret u rood from Iowa Wed- y nwrniug. Iff. L Tipton marie a pleasant call while in town Tuesday. Oecor W. 8 uwy wa at Story Tu.sday. in from his ranch Here Kttnmernun waa visiting in town Ike Oral of lite week. Mrs. W. B. Wnght waa on lb aick liat the flral of me week. Aagvst Kmc wan up north of here Tueailay . from hie ranch Z. F. Antrim deli ve red a load of fence posts m town yealfrday. . John Mark and Tom from BteWc thia week. HUM were u Mrs. Mcfntonh and Mrs Proctor were up from Hunter yesterday. Albert Erdmau and wife were bmwswi k town Hits week. doing ("has. Lewi wa up from his ranch m the sowthpswt of the county. Wairrtm To or thrfe tons of good aire at tins olttc. County maps for sale at this office. Both on paper and card board. The highest cash price paid for hidetatJ. vV. Ricedorffs. Tliera an aoma cattle buyers from ear Luak Isnyirg cattle io this vicinity. H, J. Oaybart waa up from Tuesday ad mada a pleasant bere. Montrose sail while Mrs. L C. Wright arrival hera from Gordon yesterday moraing to spend the bolidavt. The finest line of freehand cured nunts at J. W. Rice- dorfTs. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krune and hahy arsivad frooi Inwa Wedaesday to spend thaholtdaya here. Mrs. Kruse it the kiest daughter of Mr, (km versa. When iu need of a Range or Heater come in and see what we have. Lacy Bros. Wairjft A girl or woman to do saner al bona work, steady amplarniaat the year round, and will pay frxvl wage. Wrtta la C. T. Ooffea Jhadreo Nebr. Wa raeaivsd aoall fro n our friend ad school nsate Clara Kirkpatrick. last Jfaursday. Itrwoalls days of happinasa wfcsii a meat an old school-ma ta whom a hara not asen fur several ysara. Thara aot karng enough members pre ant Twaaiay eeening to elect nffloaes for tha ttMiiag year, th Kp worth Lesgue wasiotaa maaUng adjourned until tooight. IVil all memkanaM all wh ara later- I Rotiert Woodv and Milloo Hoi ling w wrih were in from Indi m creek y ester- day. Dr. Spindlo, dentist. Crown and Bridge work specialty. a Mrs. Kuie Hutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wickersham, arrived here from Wagner, 8. 1. with her family yesterdav morning aod will spend the holidays here. NEW YEAR'S MASQUE BALL. Harrison, - Nebraska Friday Night. Drc, SO Grand Man h promr tly st 8:45. Prizes swarded for Hio li st nnikeups. Good mu-ie mid best order guaranteed Tickets $1 00. On sale at Jotie's Drug St. .re. Spectator tkets 25 cts. Ladies free. Everybody invited. There will be a lady cornet player from Chadron to play with the orchestra. Come Out to the best Masque dance of the season. Ora nd pa nd O ro nd n ta L cry celehrat j ed ll eir Golden Welding hist Tuesday ! Several of the old friends and neighbors i gathered at their hon e and hiul ti n ier. ' The writer was not invited, but the Record eJiior was and must h'tve hud a prett good dinner for we lieard Inni say ing over the phone the next duy, that he was sick Manson Journal. Eaeurslen Rates fcr rhe oltde.ys. Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickfts will he sold at reduced rates Dec ember 24, 25, 28, 81, ai.d January 1 and 2, good returning until and including Jan uary 4,1905, to points on the North- Western Line, including O. 8l P. M & O. Ry., In points Union Pacific R R. rat nf nnd including I heyenne and Denver, points on Denver A Rio Grande R. K. and Colo A Southern By., Orin J.:t. to Cheyenne and Denver to Trinidad, inclus ve, also to points on D. 8 8. eV A. Ry. ami Mineral Range R. R. Aplv to sgeots Chicago eV North-Western Ry, GLEN ROUNDUPS. Too late for publication last week. Mr Jena Jensen returned to his rail road dunes Siturday. Those who visiiel tawford Saturd ay were Oeorgn Lnkin, Waller Johnson and Exra Tucker. Master Willi Peterson, who has been laying with his father, ( M. Psterwin, and going to school here, left for Hheri- a t i- uan, , jo, wj live wuu nis granumoiner. l Pn.i ...iim K-... r .,! f , Christmas tree as rapidly as possible and J ' I hope they will be completed in proper time. Invitations are extended to- one and all. Snow, snow, snow Show us the mnn that wrote "Beautiful Soow." On account of the storm very few at tended Sin day School, also we hud do preaching but we understood. In case of a storm our minister will be with us the following Sabbath. A coy ota was trapped oy Harry Hugh son Fridav. These quadrupeds are be coming quite numerous tnrough this locality. . Mr. James Jensen returned from Irvine Monday night where he bad been rtimiii.g the section for his fa. her J H. Dsnnlow butchered two' (xrkes Monday. j Mr Walter Smoke was in E st Olen the fore part af tlie week, oa business we presume. Young as B 4 j BTO K REPORT. South Omaha N b Dec. 21. 19 4. 7,000 cattle is the receipts for the first two Oays of this week. There was very few fat cattle among There is a little more life lo the market than at the close uf last week and we look for better prices after the Holidays. - We quote: V Choice steers Fair to good " Cow and hfra. Cheioe feeders Good feeder Good yearlings Heavy atockera tanaert Built VaaJ 00 tw 25 4 00 m 4 75 SAO to 9 00 8 25 to 3 7.1 8 00 to X 25 to 950 to 8 40 8 75 800 310 150 to gOO lo 310 8 00 to 550 Hog market steady. , Prajer to dav from 4 48 to 4 58. Receipts moderate. Sheep receipts are light with the mar ket M tn 40 cents lower on fat ones thai, the higb time 10 day s ago. .NTS A BDtatAMjjr. Haapy Gelden Wedding. On ru-sday Nov. 6.i, Mi. ami Mm J. W Lowiy ofOreenuvId tun itship cele brated lkir golden wedding years previous to that date they were happily wedded and during all of those years they have heew companions. Children came to theiu and grew up. some of them etrt laid in au early grave. Together they rejoiced at the birth and when death came they sorrowed together. Oilie' s grew to man and womanhood, honorable and upright men and women. During all these yea s, through poverty and pleoty they have beea all and all to ech other. It has bead a long and happy married life and the little company that was present to help them celebrate it wish and hope that both may be spared to eel- ' Borate many more anniversaries. A few nice and appropriate presents were left aa a remainder of the company's good will and w ishes, A lax Low ry of Harrison I N"b., tlw eldest son, came to help the old I folks celebrate, and George, the youngest son, was sIho present ' .he daughters, Mrs. Sadie Sniilh jf Minnesota and Mrs. Mary Button of Wyoming, found it j impossib'e to be present. The Journal joins neighbors ami old friends wisiung tliem many happy ret urns The Manson Journal. Hunter Happtilings. Mr. Rule, of South Andrew, wim a Hitrriwon visitor Hat unlay. Ezra Tucker was m luiidini; to aoiee e huineNiu HurriNnu r'ndav. Mr. Strwarl Jr pnwed thru here m e iUv lat we. k witli a ..iui ut furniture for lloone liardman. Mrs. Bissvtt was a llarrmoo visitor Tuesday, J. II. Cook and John Roller came over from Agate Monday. Mr. Joi.k went down Hie road ou business. Mr. Nelson, of Kort Rolonson. came to Andrews Friday morning to gel a hoise which Lieutenant Price purchased of Mr. ( Vok. Mr. Nelson is of ikimpuny A. Mr. R ce and Delbert were at home ISunday. They ure enjoyuig life amid the pines line. Mins Ella I uli. n had a sore throat hut is well now, we are glad t-t fcuy. Mikk Eva Proctor hud the throat troulile last wk aid lost two dais ot school. J. R. Hunter wax at Harrison Monday. Mr. Engehretand Mr. Bum,e, of High land were EihI Ant'iews visitors Sunday. Mr. Thos Oranenor of Albnny Wis. surprised very much Monday evening. Some one nipped at the door, and he tried ti change ion voice asking if he could stay nil niisht, but Mr, Jom .: knew Ins voice eforv he seen dim. He "as on Ins way home fr m Nevada wherx he had heeti sett ling up his wife's hrother's affairs who died very suddenh. Wi1 were very glad to see him even for so short a time. He wtnt on for lv nie the next evening. iiw soiirews popie in inirrison iasi t I : n t S-t'" "' Mra Hughes, aa1 mar a w m J suss wsrner, sirs. Jones, jnr. i nnsten- sen. Mr. Proctor, Ed Schwartz, Delbert Rice and Mr. Wikert. Drlbert Rice was the lucky one to pot the saddle and Jim Bourret of Harrison held the winning tn-ket for the horse of Clara Christensen's. Tliere were several of our folks went over to Proctorville Monday evening to practice the I hrist mas songs. Oh my! Wish we could sing tOO. U No. ( RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. Adopted by So Cam 2933. M. W. A Whereas, lliengel of Death having , ngain entered our midst, on Dec. 18 1904, and tsken from us our beloved friend and Neighbor Albert Johnson Therefore, le it, , RESOLVED that the members of that camp extend to the bereaved mother, brothers and sisters, in this dark hour of sorrow, -eir lender, heart Ml sympathy, ' and while they nieurn th loss of a dear ' one m the home, we mourn with them the I,. ss of a deai friend nnd Neighbor; whose bright face and cliPerfulil-ss were nn inspiration to us for b tter think!'., ai d the removal of such a life from our midst l"iivs a vacancy and a shadow that is deeply felt by the members of this camp, and he it. furilier RESOLVE' ', tha- our charter he draf iei in mourning for a period of thirty days and that a copy of these resolutions lie sent to the sorrowing family local press and a copy spread to the On (lie pages of our camp record as a loving tri bute to his memory. , W. H. DAVIS, J. H. WlUIERHSriOluTKR, H.C. BCRIB. aayaere Week aa "Tllarlss's rrawres Bunratt took !vo otberwlM unetn ployed htran of three ear to ttnlsk "Pilgrim's ProgTaaa," which wu writ tea almoat entirely p Bedford lall nif war raowlrai ken ma Professional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY, ' Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: Andrews Block. CHAS. H. SMITH INSURANCE AGENT. Old Line, Assessment and Accident Policies written ' Correspondence solicited Address; Harrison, Neb. TO CfUB A COI.I) IS ONE DAY. Take Utiutive liroiuo Quinine Tsl lets. AH druggists refund the money if tt to mi p. K.V . Urove' tlguuture U on eveiy box, jj5e. ALBERT JOHNSOi DEAD List sunk we informed our readers of Ulw sad M. ciUenl wlih h occurred to Albert Jonnson. itiise.rk we have (lit sadoe-t Informal ion. I Ho was brought :o town Inst Katuiduj ev. mug ami rtis taken cue id ut Mr and ilia Anion ilorav.V ivs.'b-i.oi-, on Hie e.isl side ol Hie Iovmi. until li's dentil wlncii occurred about UM u'i lis k P M. CiumlHy. lie 1 1 Vm I a lllllv less tll.lll din d.islroiu ilitiinuo( i lie accideul until the time ol Ins death 1. Pluuney of Harrison and Dr Rich ard ol ' 'r.i wford did uli iu I heir power to have linn, but! it nasu hopeless task. J. II Bieser was with him when he was shot and was coutinually st his bedside untildealh. Seeing that Albert could not live with his leg they decided, and it washis desiie. that if hu could not live wilb his leg, that It should be taken off. Downs so wexk Irnm the. loss of Mood Uial he cnuui nut stand the njssraiion ai.u ui-.d dunngil. U is leg waa taken off about half way between bis knee and hip. His mother arrived hero from Iowa Monday morning, and his sister, Mrs. Rachel Fisher of ijusper, arrived here iu tlie evening. They, w uh John the broth er of the deceased, started with the remains for Iowa Monday evening. Albert was born in 8tc 'o. Iowa June 6, 180 and died Dei , 18, 1904, beii.g 24 eais0 months and Vi d-k.vs old. lie lived continually iu Sue i. Lowa until a yearago last Spring hen he came to Sioux i o and live. I here until death, lie. leav. s 4 brothers, & sisters and a mot her lo iiiouni las d-alh All live, iu Hv: county exvl n.s tirolher Jolin, w ho has a ranch here and his sister Rachel, who lives at Casper. Albert was a aiemberof the M. W. A. lodge bere and carried u policy fur $2000 which was made out to his mother, lie joined the lodge February 13, 1901. The Woodman held their services over the body and delivered it to the depot. While in Sioux county hu won many friends; all who knew him know t. oa is a frund who could Iw relied upon, and Ins goinl actions will always contain a spot in our memories. The FRESH-Journal ex lends sympathies to the bereaved mother, brothers, and sisters. PATRICK LACY, JR.. I IXD On Sunday, Decenilr 18. 1904, at Lusk, Wyo , Patrick Lacy, Jr., from accidental shooting, aged 17 years, one month and 26 days. Almost simultaneously with the death of Albert Johnson came the shocking news that Patrick Licy, Jr., had accident ia' shot himself with a 22 calibre rifle while getting rendy to go out hunting at Lusk. The gun whh resting on a chnir, '" Mr ' ' "''I-'"' nl,,v'- '" f"dj hhj ashes lion, his pip.., the gun sopped lo th floor nnd whs dio-harned, the bullet "tricking the un for' unaii. Ik nenr Hie et car ard penetrating to the brain. The acid, nt Hal itened a: lv ocKK'k am' Je.itu l an.e i two hours l.ioir, though he n.-ver regain m1 consciousness. Ills failii r lv re whs notified iinimdiatf -ly and was fortunate id being able lo go thereat once on an extra train but did not arrive until after the death of the 8,"' I lie r mains were Drought. ov. r lul,ll urrivina oeie fniiius itvciiiiix, Aim the funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. Geo. W. Egner of Craw ford delivering the sermon. The deceased leave a father, five brothers and a sister, to mourn his un timely (l.ntli who have the deep sym pathy of the entire community in tbsir sad bereavement. "Wateh therefore, for you know neitnrr ifao day nor tbe boar wherein toe fon of bum eoweva-'VileK. : u. BOURRET & DAVIS Don't Agree In Politic. BUT They Do Agree To Sell More Goods In The Next 80 Dajt For The Same Money Thau Any Other House la The North West. - REMEMBER That we carry a full Dry Goods Boota Everything Carried In A General Store. : r BOURRET & DAVIS. GERLACH & SONS Will sell you the best "HOT BLAST HEATER" on earth. There you can buy a firet class euit of clothfs. Iu Gents furnishing goodd they keep the beat Cry Gocds. Boots and Shoes And such other goodd as are kept in a geueral toreT They sell at bottom prices. THE PA ''fSALOON VIN ANDREWS BLOCK-" The finest line of icines, liquors and best brand of cigar t. T1IEO. SAGERT, Proprietor. 4.4-H..t.j..j..M..I.,.4 i'YouL Are Reading f- WtS -sf That's what it's here for: To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Yours for Business, A. L0WRY. C. H. UNI'I rr l successor to C. H.NEWMAN -DEALER IN- Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I also carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A stock of feed, both grouni and angrouud al ways on hand. mail orizrs given, attention,, Give me a Call. There was a big surprise party at the ball last night in houor of the Co. Clerk, E. F Pontius' birthday. A large.nutnht r of friends were present und enjoyed the ev, ning playing games After the crowd had gathered then Mr, Pontius was brought in nnd placed in the big arm chair hich was presented to him. After refreshments were served he gave a short sieech and expressed himself too over come with the surprise to sneak much. All departed wishing him many more ucb birthday surprises. line of and Notions, and Shoes, Groceriea Flour and Fed . LACE This,! THAT'S RIUHT; LACY BROS. DEALERS IN' Lumber, Lath,QSasth, I)oorf Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed and Grain; Buggies, Farm Implements, Wagons; Hardware, Wind mills, Pumps & etc. JOB WORK A Specialty At this office. Don with neatness. aiU dlrpatoh. Call and get our price oa Letter Heads, BUI Be ad, tKataawo stay, l araU, I ultra si