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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1904)
IN A HASHEESH DfLIRIUM. -! ol t br I'norrful lra l(cM.riW4 by a Irroi U luveti;.iiur. Every j.jrt of it-e uorij hj iia far- I ;. -!.. unt: l.aiv'i e iu alcohol. U ul4L.irf. Ii Cm.i,..e 11 Ll.J ii -il.r, lis upiuui, l'i I u iUi cuc4 and i'oi) -, Ha kava; Alrt u dcviiuaUsl !' It wa by tbe use of this plant, only tiiuttu aii - h,iucci-lj" in the ejst, that Lr o;j Mau of tlie Mountain, a is veil kuon n. maintained Lid J over fee kniliU of the jKjuiHfJ, Shout the CrusuUers cuiied aaauia arvui the Arab tiaah.tueu,' wrutia beuip eatera." One method of ualug the drug la by faryiug aud smoking the tipa of tbe rave. An infusion of Uie grwu aeeJa ft imbibed by wuit ; others mix a sort Sf realu. wblcb tbry obtain from the lower, wiib tobacco aud smoke It. Sthcra. Onaily, bru!ae the petala and have and boil theui. aud then con w.t aort of Jam with the product y mingling It with bouey, butter, nut g and aromatic oil. U Charles Uii bet, of Paris, who Bbjevtcd himself to hasheesh lutoxl Mtion, published hia experience a lew yeara ago In on article entitled 1a- Polsona lie Intelligence." When mull doca are tnU'ii I he subject la (ayer, more liiti-lllneut und of a wore active Imagination. At a more ad vanced ntai;e the motor and sensitive notability of the k;i1iuI marrow i In reaaeil; ahSvera puss over the body. Bie aulilect feels inil'elli'il to active aiotlon, to walk rupidly or to dance. He fee's lighter Mid more contented with nlnmelf. ami has mid desire to laujib. Hi nntioii of time and ipnce become enormously aniillfied; Wen a crowd Into hi mlud; hia nature and brain seems to assume a duplicate txlstcnce; bla Illusions are nunuroua nd bla aeiiHiitloim, whether Interior n exterior, are prodigiously magnified. 4 musical note, one touch of the piano, becomes to hia hearing something ar tlc, ei'iulsite, heavenly. Hia being vibrate nt the tiniest loiich, which seems multiplied a bun Iredfold. In thla way a alight ahake 1ven to the bed neema to him an Wirthqniike. the fall of tiny drops of rater resounds like a cataract. And fa the aame way the prick of a needle' joint becomes the thrust of a d.igger. With atronger dose the subject baea conaclousness of himself nnd of la body. The earth suffices bim no Singer, and he files Into tbe radiant ttner; he feels that he has wing und would launch himself Into the ulr from Vie window, were he not held back. He rarely recovers from this delirium - t he hits absorbed a considerable uantlty of the drug. ,HOW.R IN THE AFTtRNOON. Vfcr It la That the hit in Crimea la Let ter 1 art of lb Dajr. Did you ever atop to think about lie fact that we have more showers In the afternoon than we have In the saoruiug aud the cause which bring shout this resultr asked a writer iu fee New Orleaua Tim s IiemocraL "Of fourae, we have all observtd this pecu liarity on the part of the wi ather. and So doubt many persona have been curl sua euough to ank why It was. Yet, Uie explanation la not ditllciilt, and Iveu tbe layman can llgure It out If he , fcould take the trouble to think over he matter for a few moments. The jhlef factor Is the upward movement f tbe sir which ia brought about by beat. You see In clear weather the beat la not at Its height until after iiiddjy. If you have ver worked on Ihr farm vou know somethlnir of the tearful Intensity of tbe beat after tbe soon hour. The changes which set In is a result of the air movement In the Iftemoon and the gradual withdrawal r the sun's force a the orb rolls down toward the westrn horizon will brlna Shout Just thoe conditions favoruble to the production of showers, and the set result Is the showers we so often uperlence in tbe afternoon. "There seems to be In this, as In all, tt nature's plans, a nne wisdom. It would he Impossible to measure th advantage of these abowers to plant fife. Often plants need resuscitation Ifter the at-vi re brat of the day. They are In a wilted condition and need the Sprinkling we Rive the plants In the iower garden. Nature does the sprink ling by sending a good, refreshing Shower. The afternoon shower l a great Institution, too, from the stand joint of human beings, and oher ant aula, for animals, you know, frequent V begin to droop under tbe depressing Influence of severe heat And. as a rule, the shower Is n eJed more in tha tf ernon than at any other penoa oi fjnia." Ti.e I'd r. U stole my watch; he got my And carried them awnjr; Be took my riim: my iwketbook. But I bad uauzht to say. fj, held me np In proper styla. And when ths deed s l..o He nh ivveil no signs of nervousness He didn't try to run. lie simply fathered up my things. And at down sn the floir, And did I yell for help? Ah, no Yon see, he's only 4. -Kanss Hrv Tl-w. is I'.iiik A w iy. The Indian rhinoceros Is nearly ex (net. There are two specimens in the Undon Zoological Hardens nnd two on 3ie Kuropean continent Very few are ft In a wild stntf In India and As lam. and unless K)eclal measures be akeii for their prwervntlon the will loon disappear. Mnr li tr imo In Vienna- More than Ure-elnbtha of the area rf Yleuna Is covered by woods, vlue mrda, parks and gardens. A mule tlutl urawa well la ao artist IUSED SIHAW MAP CONKriR TOK 1ST land rsicU ALL FACTS COMING 0U1 KSKSATIUHAL TBoTIMuHT SlTaUt At i'UUILAMU. tM a. McKI.Uy rtmmrmt hf WIS aai a CrlaM Mr ia Qua at UMrn-rmvcsUaa)- Slt4 IM IMM FOQTLAND, Oie.-Tbat Gaorgt A. Uuwe la a mytti, luaoipuhted bj the alleged conspirator Horace O. McK ul.y, to britiu alout the dls p itba of tbe seven quaiter i t Hon of land lu townships 11 sou .h, range east, by appll. -atlon for ths rlitnt, thus pliciog thrm to the Lands of alleged conspirators, add that Horace G. McK.nley male th r q itst fur an attract, of title .tt the George A. Hoel,n l8 was thi trend of evidence offered by the gov trmn 'i.t ia Hie and frau I trial herd. The guverCiUH-nt lotneluci d an al)- strict title to the Howe lands on wblcb tue naiuoif Mckinley appea t have beo eraced aod thai ol Hoe written la Its pla :e, Kaily lu the teAl'in the pr secu lloo c titluue J lis Uiiht tu ahuw b th ; tesiliuouy of llio gi veiuii.enl odicials that G orge A. Hoa ooa not tepreseut a corporal ledlltf auC precipitated a legal O.ittle tt at coo auuied iO tuuch lime to settle for I ceruioty llul tbe govemnji tit wil nol rest Us case bforo If til n. Tin defruae aasjiued tbe posltl'in thai i flerej by tbe govcinueut to prove Hie nou-tiUtence id llot la Lot competeut, aud that II md nm be proen bf trie nijra testuri hij iifwlims-ei that su h a man Is nd kooaio and cannot I fouud. Thi pr aecut Ion contended that It Culc be proven, aud this Is tbe only waj io prove It, aud nake ItupiSHlbli the whol.sile perpetrotlin f fiauc md crime, aud mat such rvldeuci Is cmpeteot lutllc ntlf to eatablisk the fact for all legal purposes thai such a person doaa oot exist In flesu and btoud. Doomed To Defeat. ST. PfcTBllSBURG.-r'rluce Mai tcbeiitky, editor of the Orasbdanleo, and the (oreoioat apokeiuao ot tbi ant racy, holds that the Inaugu ration of aurb reforms aa are at pica est possible In Russia, b ia been ho tuslly prejudiced by "liresponslbh sgitatloo for a cinstitullno ahlct Is bow to pn gresa," Autocrae? bt ciDsldera vital io the life and futun great oeaa of Russia at a Dstln.l Liberal reforms, he mulntalus, an tiec ssary, tui ther c nnot be iotro- j duced eicept by autcracy. Moreover, declares tbe prloce, I hioad plai of rernrm ra sireadi mirjpel out for grid ml litroduct lot when the while work was thro a Into eo.fjslnn br tbe lltieral re bound, accompanied by a dljidi-sl n Of a constitution which fulluwec Minister fori 1'lehte'a death. Sp aklug to the Ass elated press, Prince Mestcberskf said: i "Tue qu-S'l'io It often asked," Why oot Introduce constitution! Kusala mtubt as well aak an Ameri can or a Hilton, ' Why n t ln;n duce autocurcy A const Itutl m H Just as necesstrf to Great hrltali or tbe I'nlied States a autocracy Ii for Russia. Constitutional govern went. Is Impossible In Russia, I f thi simple Mas n that the vast maiorltj of the people bat not tbe slightest concept loo of I's meanlig. Then air pei ha pa 100 Out) Russians who want a cons' Huiloo aud aa they dt ail the talaiog, while tne rerunning, ISO.OUU.OOO are fsluel- ss the Impress. Ion goes sbmad that tbe sentiment of tbs majority dealret a cbaugi Io tbe form of government. If I Constitution were Introduced It would be short lived for toe slmpli re-soo tbat It would not be bases upon tbe wishes or Ideas of tbe peo ple, sod therefore It would on y iro rede real and Uatlng refnrru. Ooo- iltullonal govs anient would prove an actual danger, because tbs na tion Includes races like the P Ii tnd thse of ths Haltlc tenltory, who sre nrnre adano-d and devei. oped tban tbe rtst. They woul Mnsequeoilv soon obtain pre hum nance Id the parliament, wtilct would rail f' rth the opposition ol the great oiasi of the p pulatloo ind lead to tbe dlsintegratioo o' Hie nation. Fir s in Indiana Msrahes LA POKTK. loo. Marsh 0 ret an Ieep04 oter tbe Kankakee coun ry ind r . II roads traversing tbe burned district are milntslolg pit r- Is tt live the building from dest'u lion. Thousands of acres hive no beer. Ire awept, and houaes In the rmit If tbe flames have been de-trotsd I Ires have a' so hr ken nut In thi I'al noet mar h coonti jr. The tires ire tbs Mult of tbe piotougtc BluUbB. GREAT JOY AT I0KI0 sort or ssklt fall or roar is 1411 K K1V1I LU mit Ua f Mi l M'oalU H i-lou kuv, but lwut lutifKn Iff tfe KoMlf. ToKIO. Gen ral "ogl o's trlrprm auD lacing tbe storming and capture for 2J3-Meter bill was received tsiiu cliteis by tbe Japaoeae people. It revives tbe hope of an early capture of Fort Arthur on .Der. The oeoDie bate neier d,-&QMlrd of the ancreaa I of tbe besiegers, but tbe foitltude f the defenders and tbe prolonga tion of tbe airge, which eiceeds by oootbs tbe m t liberal preilmioarr stioiaie of lbs time required to ac oiu'pllsh the leduotioo of tnis trooghold, has ;been a souica of i-ep regret, combined with the l(s f life aod disappointments over tbe f ct that tbe siege bas occupied ucb a large fence of men, decreasing Km Id Marshal Oyauia's strength at a time wben be oeededevery avail 'li man. The claie was set under the con ocrlptlun act when recruits ooulo joo tbe army. Clu-md by tle r es fn ni Geueial N gl, tbnusard-. of recruits toriiutiouc the tiieoirt- marcbeil to banaek and dunned unl lorius fur the fir-,1 time. Following an hniiored custotu, the relatives f the recruits, carrying ftgs and ban ners, escorted the new fcoldlers t Heir barracks. Io Toklo there 1 8R been scores of little processions es curling detachment of popular con- tctlptt. The Dumber of men whr have Jollied the colors under tbe en- kcrlption act baa not been made pub lic. Reports from the Japanese srm hesbglng F rr Arthur say that Lieu- tei.iinti.ei er.ilTiiucliiya Is amnogtbe wounded and that General ak snnira, the leader ot the speclalh i trained borly of swordsmen wblc chaiged the Russian forts Noveubif 2U, was Injured In both legs. fti. I'tifcUMiuitii.- The wai orhce here Is not yet prepired to a cept the report that the Japanese ! before I'ort Arthur have taken 201 ! Mi ter hi:l, but If It Is nftklHliv con nnuea tne war nrhi'e admlis that it will be a riesperale blow to the gal laut defender! of tbe fortress The p'iMtlon commands the hai nor, and u tne Japanese can mount si'ge guns on Its summit tbey ca' lorce out tne Kussian squadron o aestroy it at Its inchnrage Tnos familiar with the supporting plans of the forts think It Is by oi inenn- certaln tbat even thougn the Rus sians are forced to retire from 2n;i Meter hl l the Japanese can plac In P"8'tl in heavy wuns agah st the rlre wnicn tne otuer r rts on bring to hear on 1L Still tbe war oftici nffliils reluctantly agree that sui I a breach In tne chain rend -ra th position ei'ieni'iy critical, and tnoiigh the ivaiilsnn m ght tie stil. t tmii out, In tbe Uol len bl I Jlgers Tall snd L'aotle (oris for some tui)j It may mark tbe begin ning of the ei.d Forged By the Wholesale rORTLAN'H, Ore.- In the land fraud trlas today expert penman pointed nut to the Judge and Jurv d tnlls and peculiarities io the band writing contained In various pipers connected with the allegal fraudu lent land de iN which the prosecutors of Mckinley, Wire, Puter and other go to anow th it they had con ipne I together to defraud the gov eiDiui'Ut. Arrested For D sertlon CHIJAGO. t)n otiarges that be deserted his wile and little son In Cbic.igo three years au, Havid Mac keiitloe of Kolse, Idaho, a wealth) ui I ue operator, has tie n arrested In LhicHgii by order of Judge Dunne Mick-nsle deciarid to the deput, SbeiitT tbat be la in Ct 1 -ago attend lug comt pri ceedlnwa, aud tnr ugi previous operation of the Courts na ben placed lieyund tbe reaoti of lb writ of eieal Issued by tbe deputy to keep Maikensle In sight until Here car. bean adjustment of his slaiui to eieiopilon from the new ar- lest. Movement of the Batteries SAN HIANC1S O.-The Fifth battery of Be id ani lery now sta tioned al the frcftdio in Mils cit , which was ac lied u led to -al for the Philippines on the transport leaving February I, ha had Its or ter changed snd will kail on the riiium n .lann aryl. I be rwemy-HiiMi Held bativr from Vancouver Karracka, Wavh.. and tha Twenty-e gh'h, from Kurt Leavenworth, Kan., will sail with the Jp iflb on tbe Ihoioas. Common for Grand Jwy DEN V hU.-OUtrlct ju ge I. Mul llns, In the crlinlnil coiut iisued ..n Ordir summoning a grand jury to In vest Igaie alleged election f ranins In thi county. Thla step I l iken at the tx-heat of democratic lea lers h i t arge that money was wrongfully u-ed bv corporation t eleci ct rtiln )ardld it al tlie recent election and thu vote were oimrced br their win plover. Tne Henff aa intfoC'd to return tbs tsnire Belt Hsluidav. HOOT THE PREMIER A HOS11LB Kit 1HIUK. ENEMY THROW STONES SAISTBK SATIOJU WILL DECIDE , luat.MTUk.Jt. Sappanar anaallj Rally mm4 abuS Slaa alia rin-y rwl- r-p Uuabla a Vartkar lalarala Taakulcal Okai raettaaa. BCD A PEST. Premier Tlsu met with a hostile reception no the part of the large nuxber of supporters of the opposition while attending a meeting of hb' ral eh dors at Gner, Hungary. The sympathizers with the minister's opponents throng' d about his Carriage, Jeered, hooted ai.d threw some stones at him. Tiny were eventually dispersed by this po lice and several were arreted. 'ount Tibia's juppnrters theo railed und hlro and the pr-'uieir received in oval loo. in the c u'sh of a snech he oechrt-d he was uiiibl-; to oner tolerate tbe tccbti cil ohairuo ion which for yeais had chved the wl.eeW nf parliament. Coucilta iion had fa'lud and it was neeisiary, hertfore, to ad;ipt other measures. 'The nation, " C'licladed the pra- uiler, "will d clde between U? and nil crush any cne attempting to de prive it of conditions iiidispenstbln toll progress and d vclopruent." Hope fjr lmpiovemcnt. MANILA. Mijor General II. C. iJnrbln, military comminder of the 1'tiillpplne has appointed a biard if tiiree oilicers to take Into con sideration d tall for the adminis tration of the staT department and heir several dlrulons, and also tu ommend'the number of offlcrs nec- ceiary to effl 'lently perform the ad ministrative d.itle. This board will inside: plan fir tha bitter mint ol 'be service, seeking a means when bv Increased erflelet cy may be attained with a possible reduction of expenses. The board will give sp clal con sideration to the rediicMori jf the number of depots snd g.nrlsons as well as to the amount of water and hod transportation required. Major General Jrb)u is In favor of giving tbe transportation business only to s'eitnshlp and railroad companies capable of handling a large volume. It la his purpose to confer with iteamsblp companies In tbe United States with s view to Ind clng thera to establish s line or up to date Inter-lfland steamers, to wblcb tbe army business would be given. The Closed i hop Illegal. NEW YORK That tbe "closed hnp" is illfgal was d 'dded by tlie Justice to the appellate d' vision nf thesuoreme court sitting In Hrook !rn. A contract eat"r-d In 1 1 be een the flrm of Morris Cohn k Son", and the piotectlre c at tutor's and presS'-r s local No. 65 of the united irarment workers of Ameilca, where by fe drra was pr hlb t"d from em pkiylng labor not belmglng to the local and a No from employing even a me nher of the union unl sa such a member held a card segued by the mislntsfc agent of the local, was de clared ny Hie court to be c ntrary to public policy. Pre-ldlng Justice lllrscbburg wrote tbe court's oplulon Justice Haitiett dissented. Says Wife Talk Too Much. CHICAGO. An iDjunctioo t prevent his wife froti laUmg wai asked In the circuit court by Thomas I'. Wood, carpenter. In defending hi own name trora alleged scandal Wooddeclircs he Is alio acting for the good of a Mrs Maran t Watson He tea s, h-i iavs, that, bis wife ill tell things abouo him to tbe members or secret societies to which they be- I mg. He also seeks to atop m rat utterances of hi wife in Newton villi, o., snd M'inole, lad. laber "over-heated luiaalnatlon." Wood declares his wife has oo Jured certain vlsiooary and absurd caudal. Not Gui ty of the Crime PEOItl A, 111. Id tok tne Jury In the casn of Hmlunn and Cirter lacubs, cbsied with setting lire to their el tiding storti in this cltv De cern tier 5, ten ml'iute to arrive at s verdict of noi. g iliy. The men have ti eoon tilai inrei times twice for urion an I ouca together with their fither Jo i i Jacob of St Louis, for conspiracy to defraud the lusursoce coin pan les Telia ol flot PORTLAND, lire. J W Iteldeck of Detroit, Of., was tne first wit ni In the hod fraud trlil. In his i P' Hlcg htateiuent he t ild nf having b'iei, throuab townsntp II-7 many ll tie with a surveying paity, tan the lines of the township In lHStt or 18W, ha conla not say which. Accord ing to hi a'ory there was nc sign of tbltailun oo soy of tut claims. many m m. r. nucCt KJBI1 IHK soi'Mirn, TEM kLitlOLk CO IIO.M'. 1ST A llrukM R- It a a Vrtgt tmnum f Acrl-diil-H Cars in A I Thraaa Orr aa -Mtlafcmeil. IIOLDES.MO. Missouri Taetfic pa-aeuger train N. 1, wfstbnuLd Imii St. L iuis to Kansas City, du!hia week. i here at 4 o'clock, was wricked at tbe waterworks bridge two mi lea east ol bere, resulting in the lnjjry of forty five parser geu, ten of wb in wereaei iously hurt The accinent was caused by a broken tail wbich po Jicted from tbe track, catching the Cr-t roach behind the mail car, tbrjwltig it from tbe track oowo a twenty foot eajbankment and caus ing two ot In r coaches, a Pullman and the diner, to follow, it. The broken rail was on ILe trldgr and the rear Pullman rolled off the brid ge into the cretk below and the pas sengers inside were seriougsly In Juitd,. Two ( Id ladiis luipriomd in this car were taken out at tbe top after iocs had been made with axes. The ei gine,two baggage cars ai d the mail car p isms i the bibles in s if.-ty ou the tiat k. but all the remainder jf the train as dnail-d. Town Under Aims DL'QUOIN I I.- Alter several tumuli of labnr tn ui 1-! at the Litter uiincs In tbe towo of Zeigier, during whb h many reports of a tlve skirm ishing have emanated from rival s.iuins, thesliuali mat Zeigier Is one :f .he ui -st peculiar lu tbe histoty )f recnt labor disagreements. It is stated by dlsinteiebted persoi s living ear Zil.lar that tiring has been liea'd marly eiery night f r beveral weeks In the vie nity of tbe stockade mrroundlcg Zeigier and from the pump, located at sme dlstauco Froiu the house. After a thorough Investigation, however, staff correspondents or Sc. L' uis newspaiers declare that they U.ivc been unable to tind any marks )( r u I iet either on the sluckade or at the pump house. Reports te'it out from surrounding towns that miners and strikers have tieen wounded have proved upon In-ve-tlgati n to have been unfounded. From the latent authentic reports there are about twentv-Bve miners incamped about four mile from ZeU '.er. Iu the town there ate about tgbty mineis, elghiy-fje miliila Uen aod forty deputy mars mis, ln :ludlog both state aod fedeial oolcers. Admit the FUht Is Lost CRIPPLE CREEK, Col. It Is an nounced on authority of union men tbat the strike in this district, wblcb was begun eighteen mm tlis igo will be declared off oy the west t-rn federation of miners within one week liter Govei uor-elect Ala Adams Is inaugurated. Should Gov ruor Pea bo iy be given another term, it is aid the stiike will not be called off, al h ugti leading 'eder ationlsts her j admit the tight has been lost. OLE. R FIELD, Pa.-The United mir.e workers execui ivo board met t' day to tke action oo the strike at Momss Hun, Pa. It was unani mously aned to stiod by the sttik- ers and to order out all the miner at tbe operations com tolled by tbe ew York Ceotiai ruilioad unless a settlement via. toon readied wlih the coal o nice. Enraged Han Shoots Many. DETROIT, Mich. Enraged be ;ause bis wife, who Issuing for di vorce, refused to all iw hiin to nc company I er bO"e ir m wotk, Lt-uis llnir, aged about tblily-Hve years, drew a rev lver and began shooting at every one in tne bakery at Scott ai d Dubois streets, where bis wife was employed. Mrs. Adolpn ?c nMder, wife of Mrs. Haxer's em ploye!, was shot three times througb tne chin, wrist and shoulder, one bnll-it entering the back of the shouller and posing nutlbiough the breast,. Miss Tina Weber, a sistet of Mrs. Schneider, was shot through tbe cbio. Ca"ght Between Box Cars. TlAURlibURG, Pa. -Two ui Iden tified men wre killed and anothei lilmed la a wre k nf a westbound feg l train on the Pennsylvania rnll K'iid near Mldnh town. The men wi re stealing a tide and whin the train was wricked, two of them were caught cits and tqueezed to death. The wreck was caused by cai lutnpirg I he Hack. Hun GuntUt of Flames. ST. LOUIS -Oie man wa burned to nealh and four young ; women nurses weie everi ly Injured by Juinpii g from windows and tn I tu clog lliioug'l the fluueS wbll; is capng r r in the nodes' home of the Miss url it pt st s nltanutn, which ' was parll illv de-tmyed br brj. Tn-r man w is Frank Roberts, a fire man iinpl V'd In I e sanitarium, i who 1 1 t ins life io bit atltuipt tc save ibe uuiat.. j NEBRASKA NQTESJ Mrs. Anna Morris, who lives mar ")miire,ha bu adju 1ged insane by lie Hoard vt Insanity coaiio ssioofci frepcration are beiog naie foi lenicillrg. tbe Carnegie library al lasiiugs oeit Tut&dar. Tie new uptown Northwesters .assengei depot at West Holut will formally opened on Thursday ol Will Iogram at Hastings was see enced to thirty days io Jail for tea ng bides from tbe Blake elaugbtew louae. Tbe Jasen Telephone Co. has 1114 irticles of inc irpurstion with th aaeietarr of state at Lincoln. Tbs .ompatiy I capitalized at 110,000. David Awtry, a reddeot of Besl ice wag billy injured by falling lownstairs at his home aod It will ki me time before he will be able u be out oo account of the accident, Charles Swan, aged 24, son of tbs lev. and Mrs. J. tt. bwan of Piatt iiotuii, died at It ka on Sunday fro plioid fever, buriel will be mad it .Sracuse. () e hundred laboring men met at viarshall ball last Saturdty night d tranlzed a laboring iubu's club. Trie club will take ao active part ia jne city politics next spring. Disirlct court convened at Srs on, with Judge Guy f. Graves oa he bench. Tbue are three case m the docket to be tried to a Jury md the session promises to be aa iniertstiog one. The Alliance Mining company ha Ven organized at Alliance with (00 000 capital. Tbe company owns ibout thirty claims in S' uth D kots md active operations wl l btgln si uce. Grading for the new Burllogtoa depot has lirgnn at Beatrice Fit tein farmers in Gage county, In to 'tcinity of Pickerell, patrons of th llonie Telephone company, have op 4 hi i zed a farmer' ei' baoge. Harry Kemper, memoer of "Tbs two Orobans'' crop .ny lost a 20l llamon I stud at tbe Paddock open oouse in Beatrice. Oo Suuday tbe ewel was found tiy a poll em tu ajd eut to tbe actor at Hanover Kas, Slaotoo has a case Of diphtheria, vi rs. Beard wife of Dr. E. A. Heard, Is tbe victim. Tbe patlcnl nas been kept Uuder strict quaran 'Ine and there is little fear of Un ipread of tbe disease. While out delivering bread to bit :iitomera, Mr. Manning's borae was .mgtit In sn electric wire tbat eg ended Into ibe street and Jumpe throwing Mr. Manning out brulaliaj ilm up and Injuring bl back. Miss Georgia Sanders was badlv ls mred In s runaway accideot at Bear dee by being thrown nut of tbs ttigay In which she was riding onta che hard road. No bone wort aroken but her escape from serious jp.d pr b bly f itil injury was mlrso iiinus. Two oiber occupants of tbs veh cie escaped uuburt. A horse thief entered the bouse J imes Sohnck, southwest of Heat rice and stole clothes and otbes articles to the amount of I10d. It ll believed tbe thief is a fellow living near Wathena, Kas., wbo Is als wanted at Ilarbloe, Neb., for steak log a bog. Dm Dempsey wbo was releax4 ifter having served a sentence ot hlrty days in the county Jail, s Lincoln waa again placed behind th bars for attempting to unuggU iplum to other p lsooers, wbo b4 jiveo bim money Just befor. bis r 'ease. An enthusiastic and largely .ended meeting of farmer was bell it Plckiell to lonslder tbe propo lit loo of organizing a farmer' e ator company and erecting a bull I ig. About 11,500 were pledged 84 lue mestini aod It 1 ov as tbo tgl t ie organization would be a eer lilnty. Tbe Intention Is to ralst t5 000 for tbe erection of an elevatob The first eise to cnma up for trial bef re a Jury at thi terra of district curt was that of Mrs Anna Seirli gainst the city of Piattsmouth Is which she sought to recovei the susv nf 1,00 1 d ira 'ges for lujurle allege io hav teen received by falling oo t ieleHlve aldewalk. After listeniof to tbe evidence ot the plaintiff Judg Piul Jessen Instructed tbe Jury fay Hod for the defendant which waft lone without leaving the Jurv bog Jurii'6 A. N Sullivan appeared faj he plainlff and City Attorney II. I Travia for tbe detendaut. Frits VIoi, t wealthy farmer r 4'ding near Lot ton fell out lis HgDii Satuiday night whlli irivlng home and was klded. Ht lad spent tbe evening In town ao4 hen ne left for home was under the nfliience of liquor, lis war funni" y ng In the middle of the road aot uarks on hi body Indicated thsj uhe wheel of the wago0 had pasaei ver his body, crushing oui hi lift In leave a widow sod a large auss ler of cbildiea.