Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 14, 1904, Image 7

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    -ri f. ":jt
Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer
of tbe Young Woman's Trapcr
nee Association of DufiaVj. N.Y.,
strongly advises ail kMeriug
omen to rely, as 6be did, up
on Lydia E. Pinkham's Vce.
table Compound,
. "Dkib Mm. I'iskhsu: YoiirrrrV
rln is indeed id ideal itomiii'i nn-di-f.ae,
and by far the bct,t 1 know to
af.tore Inst benlth and atrcngth. I
uOred nilwry for several year, U-irir
troubled with monorrhagia. My ba L
rhrd, I had beariti7-di)wn paina and
frequent headaches. I would often
wake from retful sleep, and in ai:h
jain that I suffered for houri 1 f.re I
could po to alrcp 3ln. I dreaded the
long n!f'htaruuch as the weary darn.
consulted two diCt-rcnt j !ivmi inns,
fcopinp; to p-et relief hut finding that
tlirlr medicine did not -i-m to aure rre.
1 tried your VT'ablo Oinipomul
en the rrjuinieidatknn .f a friend
from the F.at who v.is Tisitinjj me.
"I am glad that I fallowed her ad
vice, for every arhn and pain is ponr-.
Jnd not or.ly thin, but ley y n nil
faith 1 much improTrd. I hare a
fine appetite and have f.iitird in flc-h.
ly earnest advice to aufTrrinp; women
la to put ikiile nil olher medieinea and
to take I.i!I: I'.. INnLiiiiiu'R Voj;
tahli' Compound." Mm Nmui
Jloi.MK. M .d I ) vision St., liuffalo,
Is - Y. SWW) fttrf pit lfrtilalrfatomitUffirQ-
, A Stilish Wedding-"!!:' sy hrr
ending be'garcd (.? I pt low."
"Oh, more than that !"
"Iiido d?"
"Ys. It beggared her fithcr."
-Chicago Eveoing rrei.
Nothing Setlnus The J f-J res
''And I're been introlcuoit to quite
I numlrr of the European nobility."
Her Kilend- "Thinking of uiairy
Ing any (if them''"
"Oh, no I, don't Intend to buy
I till I'm ii'i-rely shopping."
, Rheumatism Is u'lmst unknown
In Jap.in. The Japanese. escape the
malady, to a ureal digne, by avoi'i
I r jf the excessive use of alcohol and
Free to Twenty-Five Ladies.
The I ii-flanee Starch Co. will give
t hi dies a round trip ticket to the
St. Loul Kzp'Sltlr n, to live, ladles
in each of the f'llnwlng stales:
Jlllnnis, Iiwa, Nebraska, Kansas and
(illss.uri ho will ornd io tnc largest
jfiuiuU-r of trade mat ks rut from
IB ten rent, 10 ounce puck'gs Df I'e
flanre rild water laundry starch.
This rnrans from our own home,
ojrwlicie In the above named state.
These trade marks must be mailed
to and receive:! by the IU fiance
Sjarch Co., Oautia, Ne'r., before
Hrptember 1st, l'"f. Octoler and
'evember will be the hist, months
to visit the Kjp'sillon. Keiiiemher
that I'ctlance Is the only starch put
up hi o.. (a tjll D xind) to the pack
age. You wet one-third mote starch
fcr the same money than of any
Other kind, aud lcUanco never sticks
to the Iron. The tickets to the
Exposition will he gent by registered
fliail September 5tl). .Starch ur sale
T all dealers.
Wlmmln makes the very best kind
c fust lutcmints, but the poorest
Jtind ov kapllns.
Tbo Humorist' Kebuke-Mark
Twin and W. II. Dowells were one
day lunchlnir In a cafe In New York.
Two over-dressed younit men to
tered, and tbe tlrst one saH In a
loud voire:
"Waller, bring nie some blsbua of
lobster, a bottle of wine and a chop.
Just mention my name to the rook
too. ao that eyerylhlng will be done
fa my liking."
The second young rnao said:
"Hilng ue some side with peas, and
tell the cook who It's for."
Mr. Twalo ae his order
moment liter. He said In a loud
voice: "ftrlurf me a half dozen
ysters, and mention my name to
ach of thru)." ItrotikUn E.mlo.
Io Worcester there are 701 women
who make needles and 11,04' nail
makers. Sale 10,000,000
THC rAKiLr a MVOIUTI koioini
IU'WIT mvii:s
u far,, am t UM Wie t(j
l"r bit nose.
When a man U unable to make a
l ele he l,ellK.ble
'Of a jtourtinjent j ,b.
If jou would tn tp with the
"' IU ted Withlut or,e.
A w.lU,au U ucyir bxj yood ot be
A gwailow of brandy often turns
out t,o U- a bird (,f i:i )rll)e0.
It's a case of quick consumption
Hh the man who b !t his food.
I'urlnu courtship a Kjrl mioks
ruarriaye i a haven of rest In which
s!e will be fi,s? f,on au w-irrw anfi
care. Afu-r nianlage she has an-
"oer tliibH CoojIm;. -Chicago News.
The dtnl'g traps are allwuss
baited with p.'ezzures oy sum Hod.
The ermines of a first class batlle
blp ci st atxjut 7ii0,uij.
Only Hi io lto vlctlQ S 0f Hrliiht's
disease ate under 15 years of atje.
In I'.'Ulou there are one and a
Ulf eli rule. Ilm,ig for each person.
in Finlandn and Kast Turk Stan
thunder stoims are wholly unknown.
oiiie of the beauties of Persia
dii orate their faces by painting
di-'urts of animals and iuseclg upon
I 'ry stocking are provided In the
scouisof lihernsh I'russla, for the
pupils who arrive there with wet
The deepest artesian well In Kng
land Is at (Jalnsborough. It ts 1.515
feet Io depth, and the boring occu
pied six years.
A Sudden Cure "Jones' cu-e was
ry quick, wasn't It?''
"Yes; his Doctor received private
Information lhat his allalrs were In
a nad shape." New Orleans Tluies
Uemociat. Hrldes In Kngland now carry
prajer books Instead of bojuets.
Ibis fashion has caused a bjom In
the prayer h jok trade. The bind
Ingi have to he white Morocco,
calf, Ivory, silver or mother-of-pearl.
A tldatlng theater Is bring con
structed ty a manager In Amsterdr-m
It will accommodate 2,300 persons,
and will have a restaurant and bar.
It Is to b3 towed up the Rhine,
and will give performances of
Italian opera at eighty-live river
When a deakon falls, thare Iz Joy
In hell and gilef In heaven for one
Ak Ton' Penlf r fnr Allcn'a Foot
A p.HiW to thak Into ronr ,hoea. It rt-sti
fli. f-el I'tjrei rnrn, Hinitmii. 8yo1Iii,
"t, llt.t. lloim. Ac'tiliig. (Sweating Kfrt
ti.'l IirrKlir Null,. Ailen'a Koni-EBf
k i.ew or t!j:l.t ho-i esy. 8ld by all
dr.ijuNii til iliop Biuret. 25c. Simpia
Dinlliil (IIK.K. Addrru Allro 8. Olmnlfd,
1U.J. N. y.
It Iz allwuss sufo to follow the
religious brleaf that our mothers
tjtUNt us. Thare never waz a
mother Vet who taught her child to
he an liilklel.
Mm. W ln,li,w' SDirilllSO RYKI P for ihll
dr-u 0'rthllK.Dttt'''', Oi? eumR, relie-ei t n rl m -uiiliuii,
aHbh 'Biu evireh colic. i le.e iSc bottle
The man who robs th'i wldcr and
t ho orphan ov the'r patrimony lz
simply a ll!lan: but he wh'i under
takisto disturb the religious faith
ov others It a Bend.
Wi- ore IIIiik the hltheit iirmle iton lar
hlmlrr tlne mud". hlM'liiK It te r ad
ilr In ii n r fiiinlll.T anil at a much lower
rrlee t Ini ri Vlfnler ran bur In carload lota
l or our kpiM-lal Inalile prlee, our auarantea
and Biotn f refund off it, for our luauranra
iir.inlllo!i ai-'nlust ball or atorra, for th
Ifiweal i.rlre. the uioKt liberal binder twine
offer tliut will bp made tills epon, cut tola
ii,,ll c oi, t and in nil to ua today and yon
will lo-ar from ua bj return mall. Addreae
SKAUii, KotBLCK CO., CLleago, III.
Thare are lots ov people In this
world who are like a guide-board at
the forks ov the road they kan
point out the rlgut way for others
to persew, but t he don't follow It
Two bottlee of Dao'i Core far Cam
anmptlon cured me of a terrible eoufh.
Fred Hermann, 09 Box avenue, Buffalo,
N. Y, Sept. 24, 1W0L
Thoie who have real merit art
alwuss the last ones to see It In
themselves, and the lirst ones to see
It In others
Caushun iz a good thing for a
man to hav. but when he haz not
so mutch ov It that be Iz afraid to
tutch a cast-Iran lion for fear it
will bite, Ignoranse Iz what's tht
matter ov him.
In connection with the masculine
boast that men aie more consistent
than won en I always recall Kmer-
son's remark that "Consistency n
the Jewel of fools."
Boxes a Year.
u i'im 7 i'iii'i.' - i-T ."' ' ' -I.teaai' 'i ' : - ' ' " ' -'"'" '" -' ; ''" "'
it-"""- - ""- ... 1 T.' -'ia;:z.'rycr;e
The Ilutii. of a Wife.
There wan a eiever magazine story
some ytrs afi. of H prospec
ts e bride who devoted her year le
fnre marriage to qualifying herself fur
tlie duties of a wife and the iiiislresn
of a house. 11' r friends RiipiHerd her
to lie iilisent upon a foreign tour, but
hi reality she spent the twelve month
!m domestic serviie. an cook, house
maid siml ours.', thus nttaining practi
cal knowledge how to aerve her hus
band and herself satisfactorily later
mi. "'Tl true "lis pity and pity 'tis
'tit true" that many American giris
marry in Ignorance, more or less total,
of the things which every mistress of
a family ought to understand. Kven
thoso u lio fake a course in conking, as
a rule. Imbibe hut little practical
knowledge for future Application.
All tins is wrong. No one who does
not know how to do a thing Is com
petent to direct others lis to how It
should be done. In oilier countries,
where women are frankly trained as
wives and mothers, housewifery, in all
its branches, forms an important part
o every girl's education, and the high
er her rank the more stringent tlii
I '.lie. In French convent schools rn
pupil Is given n diploma unless she
halii-s a loaf of bread unit makes a
man's dress shirt by hand so well as
to be worthy of exhibition upon coiii
.nii I'l i'-nt day. The Knipress of C.er
ninny excels In the making of fruit
Jains n li.l jellies, find every (ienttan
wottum Is expected to he a good rook.
The Ilnglish princesses, one and all.
an tlnnoiig!) housewives, and Iuils-1
ot Afgyie is said to have paid for
a li"sli cup of tea mice in a Canadian
far.iilionse hy ironing a shirt for the
ina-ier of the house, (ueen Alexandra
Is an accomplished htittc rmaker. In
old Norway every bride, from princess
to peasant, was obliged to conk her
uiiMing dinner, and upon that dinner
depended her future reputation as a
It Is a mortifying oonfmsiou to make
that marital happiness may depend
upon the culinary skill of the wife,
yet none the less Is It a fact which
annot he gainsaid. That the straight
st way to a man's heart lies down
is throat Is an old mid oft-quoted
overh, while we are told even by
iets that It Is easier for civilized
ian to live without love than without
cooks. A man may have the patience
of Job, yet it Is not wise to try him
too often with Indigestive food. It
Is the hoiiiuli n duly of every wife to
care for her husband's comfort, and
hi these days of Im-lllc lent and uncer
tain domestic service to do this re
quires a fair degree of culinary skill.
The Scripture doctrine that "faith
without works Is dead" applies, and
with e(iinl force, to other things as
well as religion. True love is forever
glad to spend and he spent In the
service of the beloved. Equally, no
matter what other mlnilniMo qualities
a husband may possess, If he fails to
provide for his own household he fails
miserably, and makes Inur.e life u hol
low mockery.
When two people marry, let each
promise little and perform ull which Is
possible, each making the happiness of
the other the first object of life. Thus
shall love, like bid's loving kindness.
' new every morning and peace and
Miiitentment dwell within their home.
. i
Only a saucer renin ins of the porce
i i n set presented in 1H".'J to Martha
'. ashington. This Is carefully pre
crved lu the Smithsonian Institution
t Washington.
bady Hiiehel Dudley, of the Vice
legal bodge of Dublin, Ireland, has
founded the I.ndy Dudley fund for
district nurses for service In the poor
est parts of Ireland.
Mrs. Itaehe! Jackson Lawrence, who
lias charge of the Tennessee building
at the St. Louis Exposition, Is a daugh
ter of Andrew Jackson's adopted son
and was a baby In the white house,
though horn at the Hermitage, in
Amanda Foley, a colored woman,
nged .17, residing In Indianapolis, has
Just begun going to school and avows
Inr determination to obtain an edu
cation so that she may appear to bet
ter advantage In society than she lins
Klghty-slx women, of Arnguary. Itra
ill, petitioned for the franchise, hut
the otllclal addressed replied that the
constitution did not provide for con
ferring political rights on women, and
that the family was the place for wo
men. A fashion adopted In Paris and Lon
don n nd now finding favor here with
women Is having portraits lalvn'of the
hack of the figure as wed as the face.
The two photogrnphs are then placed
In a revolving frame so that a more
complete picture may lie obtained.
What Oirle Can Io.
"I nin only a girl. What can I do?"
Is Die exclamation one frequently
hears when some fair young creature
Is urged to bestir herself and accomp
lish some good for those about her.
It Is such girls as these who fall to
realize that It Is the girl who does
tilings In this world who is attractive,
t Inch to nicij and so her ow n sex, which
last counts a little, too. in the long
run. Yu may not he able to do great
I things, to paint great pictures or to
sing in gran t icn-a. hut you ran learn
to make bright little tilings for your
self and your friends, and perhaps to
play the li-lit. catchy" airs of the
day so that your friends will enjoy
them, and if you can't do anything else
cultivate the an of talking brightly
and of being sympathetic.
Every girl cmii do one thing well
If she will only take the trouble to
find out what that thing Is. The diffi
culty Is that she often looks In the
opposite direction; she wants to do
something great and showy or nothing
at all. Hut there are other taienti
within reach If she will only look, and
these talmts may be sudi a comfort
to her In her dark hours that they w ill
make life better and happier both for
her and those alsuit her.
How the world likes a cheerful,
plucky girl who makes a brave tight
and hides her skeleton in a closet In
stead of folding her hands and whining
because things don't come her way;
the girl who puts her own grief as
much as possible aside -who takes a
W boh some Interest in life. Selected.
Don't sluir the baby until nature
rebels by all einesls.
Don't forget that it wants cool water
to drink occasionally.
Don't be afraid to use common
sense In the care of your baby.
Don't expii t tlm baby to be perfect
ly well unless you feed It on nature's
food mother's milk.
Don't forget that regularity In meal
time Is just as necessary for your
little one ns for yourself.
At night, be sure the room Is well
ventilated. It's susceptibility to sick
ness Is In Inverse ratio to tlio amount
of good, pure air you provide for its
Don't keep the baby in the house
one minute that It is possible to have
It out of doors. A baby kept, out in
the air and sunshine will not he cross
and Irritable.
Don't put too many clothes on the
baby, and, above nil. don't Indict It
with long clothes. Least of nil should
this he done during its first few months
of life, when it is weaker than at any
' other time.
Itiulits of Women.
Chief Justice Mason, of the Superior
Court of .Massachusetts, lately handed
down a division of more than usual
Interest, because of Its being on the
rights of women. The case was a suit
for divorce, brought by a Russian, who
asked separation from his wife on the
giound of desertion. It came out dur
ing the trial that the couple were mar
ried in Itussla some years ago. Lati r
the husband came to America. Ha
tried to persuade his wife to come;
with him. and afterward sent her
money and tickets, but she refused.
"The husband's right to determine, the
place of abode of the family," said
the judge, "Is not an absolute right,
hut one which must he exerclsil rea
sonably. The wife's refusal to leave
her kindred and the protection of the
laws under which she has lived, and
emigrate to a foreign country, the
language of which was an unknown
tongue to her, was not unreasonable,
and did not constitute desertion."
Going Cp Stnira.
Many women use up a largo portion
of the vitality by going up and down
stairs from ten to thirty times a day
Few people appreciate the strength
expended In going up and down stairs.
Supposing you weigh 150 pounds. Now
If you will attach 150 pounds to a
rope and attempt to pull It up from
one story to the next nlwve you will
get some Idea of the strength expend
ed In going up stairs, for every time
you nsceinl to the sicond floor you
must lift your body from one story to
the other. Ladies' dresses Interfere
with their graceful and easy ascent of
the stairs while the lsiys leap up two
stairs at a time. Most women have
not learned to economize their
strength. I know of many housewives
who go up and down stairs on the least
pretext whereas by thoughtful
planning they might save at least hnlf
the number of excursions up and down
stairs, doing down stairs Is not so
hard and yet It Is much harder work
than walking on a level floor.
Reliable Way of Testing Poultry,
When buying (i turkey, chicken or
any other poultry prick the leg with
an ordinary pin. If tough It will drag
the skin, if tender and young, It will
come out aulto easily. This Is reallv
reliable ami worth know ing.
A Help tn 8 prlii jf Cleaning.
Knit or crochet loosely, In coarse,
unbleached knitting cotton, a bag
large enough to cover the head of a
long handled sweeping brush. Use
this In sweeplug down the walls of
M ili tTI IV
I'.i so, etive Trouble "Village
I'ruggist 1 understand the church
t m:i.Uee his decided to raise y .ur
Ylli.-ge I'ars.n "Well 1 hope it
Isn't true."
Village Druggist "Why man, are
fou cra7y."
Vill'ge Parson "No but 1 will
e if I have to collect a larger salary.
r ave tro.jble enough collecting the
;! all Sulary they pjy cue now.
Jhlcjgo Ne s.
It i'aya to fteail cwmpaperft.
Cox. Wis.. July 4. Frank M. I'us
leil. of this place, had Kidney Iiisease
lu bad that he could not walk. He
a-led Doctors' treatment and many dif
ferent remedies, hut was getting
sorse. He was very low.
He read In a newspaper how Dodd's
kidney Pills were curing cases of Kid
ley Trouble, Bright's Iiisease, and
Xheiitnatisni. and thought he would
try them. He took two boxes, and
low he is quite well. He says:
"T ran now work all day, and not
eel tired. Before using Dodd's Kid
ley Pills, I couldu't walk across the
Mr. Itusscll's is the most wonderful
;ase ever known in Chippewa Coun
ty. This new remedy Dodd's Kidney
Pills Is making some miraculous
rures In Wisconsin.
If thare lz ever a perfectly happy
nan f uud in tnls wotld it will be
'lie one who haz but little, and don't
vaot ennythlng mme.
Man Iz a diss itistied kntter, and
'hat Iz Just what he waz put here
in earth fcr. The man who Iz satis-le-1
with everything just as he finds
t, z no better off than a number 2
Ifyu undertake to hire a man to
e honest yu will have to raize biz
i:g'.'S every morning, and watch hiru
Iredpuh cluss besides.
Thare iz lots "v pholks who are
lever satisfied with the best tbare
z, but allwuzz want sutiHhlng a
little better.
Hunting for happiness Iz like bunt
ng for bens' (ggs under the barn;
naff the time they are addled after
rou have found them.
It lz the surprizes ov life that
ldd most to our our plezzure. One
man is butpized with a legacy from
i rich uncle, another that the old
ipi-kled hen haz Just cum off from
tier nest with 22 chickens.
Here Iz the gtate difference be
;wein a fool and a wlze man tbe
,'ool Iz known most bl others, the
wize man hi himself.
Men are never so happy, and sel
dom so innosent spending their
mutiny, az they are in making it.
The value that mrst people put
jp in things In this world lz the
Drice they are held at.
Thare iz a luxury in poverty, but
iie poverty must be Imaginary, not
Fanning oneself on a warm day iz
iko chewing gum, the more yu do
t. the moie yu want to.
The wotld all praze the philoso
phers, but toss tneir pennys into
he caps ov tbe monkeys.
A healthy Infidel lz a very trave
nan. forsioth; but giv him a sharp
:urn ov the stomach ake, and he lz
.he meekest koward 1 kno ov.
Employment iz tbe grate boon ov
life; a man with nothing to do iz
not half s i interesting a sight az a
ipenlng turnip
The Last One Helps the First.
A sick coffee drinker must take two
iteps to be rid of his troubles and get
strong and well again.
The tlrst is to cut off coffee abso
lutely. That removes the destroying ele
ment. The next step Is to take liquid
food (and that Is Postuin Food Coffee)
that has in It the elements nature re
quires to change the blood corpuscles
from pale pink or white to rich red,
ind good red blood builds good strong
mil healthy cells lu place of the broken
Sown cells destroyed by coffee. With
(veil boiled Postuin Food Coffee to shift
to, both these steps are easy and pleas
ant. The experience of a Georgian
proves how Important both are.
"From 1872 to the year 1900 my wife
and I had both been afflicted with sick
r nervous headache and at times we
liiffered untold agony. We were coffee
drinkers and did not know how to get
I way from it, for the habit Is hard to
"Hut In 1900 I rend of a case similar
to ours where Postuin Coffee was used
In place of the old coffee and a com
plete cure resulted, so I concluded to
get some and try It.
"The result was, after three days'
use of Postum In place of the coffee I
never had a symptom of the old trouble
nid In five months I had gained from
115 pounds to 1(13 pounds.
"My friends a;-ked me almost dally
what wrought the change. My answer
always Is, leaving off coffee and diiiik
Ing Postum in Its place.
"We have many friends who have
been bcnelited by Postum.
"As to whether or not I have stated
the facts truthfully I refer you to the
Bank of Carrollton or any business
firm In that city where 1 have lived for
many years and am well known."
Name given by Tostutn Co., Battle
Creek, Mich,
"There's a reason."
Look In each pkg. for tbe famous lit
tle book. "The Road to Wcllvllle."
A Large Trial Box and book of in
structioos absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToiiet Antiseptic
Pax tine la la powder
form U tfiMolve la
kiter Bn-poiooous
nd tar superior to liqu 4
antiseptic containing
alcohol which Irritate
ini lamed surfaces, a4
have no cleansing prop
er tie. Tbe contents
of every bos ana' e
more Antiseptic Solu
tion ia-ts loafer
foes further has nrora
uses In the family and
doemorr good than ar f
antiseptic preparation
you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with jreat success as a Va jinai
Wash, for Leucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of femal ills Paxtineis
Invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash wa
rhalli'Oge the world to produce its equal for
thorough nesa. Jtisarevelaiionin cleansing
and htalinj; power; it kills all germs whica
cause inflammation and di.v:barjres.
Ail lea.lingdrucuUts keep paxtine; price, COo.
a box; if yonrsduesnot, send to utfor it. Dnu't
tail e a substitute there is nothing like Pax tine
Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day
B. PAXT0N CO., 6 Pope Bldg., 2osto Vaaa.
L,ady "drummers" In Berlin, seek
ing trade for the department stores,
make tours around tbe city on
bicycles, which are arranged to carry
samples of goods
Kipmi Tabo'ei arc tbe ben
dsppgA int-dirine ever rand.
A Lnn'tn-d mllltonanr tli'-m bar
bet-D uld io ihe Uiini-'l Mjitrt im
a bj rifle ymu. Oiusupailua,
B-arU,urn, nek hekdi-h-, dizzi
ness, bad breath, sore throat and
evrry other Ulnes arising rrcm a ui.nlere4
Itomactj lire relieved orrureil by Ktpans Tabuiea.
One wiU generally pive relief wltblu tweoti
minutes. Tbe five-cent package Is enouga
lor ordinary occ&sluns. All druiffftst seU tliem. '
A directory of Metz, Germany, bas
a star attached to the name of every
married man. This Is to impart in
formation to unmarried females.
Thare iz only one kind ov Dersoq
who lz fit to liv in solitude, and
it lz the one who iz capable ov
adorning enny ptsishun in scsiety.
The street railroads of Notting
ham, England, a city of 250,000 popu
lation, are owned and run by the
commonwealth. Last year the rail
roads made a profit of eleven per
cent, on tbe capital Invested. The
fare charged is about two cents a
Tbe bamboo sometimes grows two
feet in twenty-four hours. There
are thirty varieties of this tree;
tbe smallest is only six Inches in
height, and the largest one hun
dred an fifty feet.
RemoTPS Tan, PmipIes.Frecklea,
AttiK. .""tn caicui'S, imiili, and Klt.l
jn utiauir, ani
lefles detection, il
ma stood the b'sl
of ti yi-urs, and a
so harmless wi
task' It to lie purl
Accept no ( ouiiter
felt of s initial
name. lir. L. Ai
Savre said to s
la.ly ot ihe hr.us
ion (a patient)
'As you ladiel
will u.e them, I
'Gouraud's Creim'
as the least barmrul of all the rtln preparations
For sale !y all limitf-lsts and Fancy Goods Oealen
In the II. 8., Canft.laa. and Enrope.
FEP.Q. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St, N. 1
Japan, excluding Formosa, has a
populaion of 40,000,000.
Soiled photographs may be cleansed
oy sponging with char cold water.
The cardboard rxounls should be
cleans' d by rubbing with dry bread.
Luv IV one of thuze disseazes that
yu kau't git, nor git rid ov, with
enny certainty, enny more than yu
kan the rum itlz.
I fully bcleave in the divinity ov
the pible. I bcleave it bekause n
man has ever been able to disprov
Mi friend, let us thank Gud foi
one thing, it lz this: The books
are to be balanced in heaven nol
When washing dishes which hav
held milk, rinse tbem out with cold
water before placing them In hoi
Envy is not only the meanest
pashun ov the human harte, but it
the most common one. too.
Sarkasm lz a powerful weapon,
but In handling it menny peopli
take holt ov the blade instead ot
the handle.
Happiness doesn't seem to konsisl
so mutch in what a man haz az il
duz in what sum noddy else haz.
I have a theory that In the mlracli
of tbe loaves and fishes, there waj
a woman around who did the ser
ving. I have seen three women dine
on one egg, tbe beel of a louf ol
bread anU a pot of tea and there
were scraps afterward taken up.
There are forty-eight different dis
eases of the eye. No other organ ol
tbe human body has so many.
The banyan tree of East India is
remarkable for the fact that its
branches droop down to ttie ground
and take root as separate stems.
CURES catarrh of tha stomach.
Mll SUA Ail Ull tlila.
Oaoals Sjnui. Taste oooa. DM
atlas. o a Brdruntst.
N. N. U. 831 28 YOBK NEB