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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
( it Vress-Journnl Tm-wtDAT. Miv i, 19;4 C. C. Burke, I'rop. t-M IS Tilt rM otKlrh AT li t rUlXrS LBK. AKiWl l Li 4141 It. OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. 1D VEK-TISI X G RAT KS- Per inch, single coiumu, per ni uth -V Fer column, per month ifti (M. Professional ctrii per Tear, one incu 5.W Local per line each i'ie .03 ' 50 per centiotr on yearly contract. Democratic t'oit veil' ion. A delegate convention of the demo- trade paaty oPSioiiX county, Nebia-ska, Cabled lo meet at Mm Court house in HarrtsOn tu May 2. 1904, at 2 o'clock I p. tii. for the-purpose of selecting dele- gates to attend rtu Slate Convention whicir meets lo Oitcdia June 1, 1904. Tfw precincts are entitled lo the lol- i lowing representation: j Antelope liAndrews J Ho tell 3 1 AJUoiiood j doiitrose 1 1 Sheep ("reek Hut t'reek ' R.mninc. water 1 Snake w'reek V':irbniiet Whistle Creek II Sugar Loaf A tute liiver ) John E. MaRSTIuXER, Chairman. J. H. LACY"Secrelarv. (OUR CORRESPONDENTS J 'GL'EN ROUNDUPS. (- Bert Kodgers commenced Hulk lor the I Monday morning. Mrs. Weber and family spent Sunday : at the home of Mr. Elmer lieouessy, A. J. Hodge of Crawford visited at i1 the home of Mr. Geo. Lakm Sunday. Rov'Mortenwen has quit work on Mr. Henneasy's section as ouly one hand is Allowed. ' .The closing exercises of Hillside school, - .list. No. 2 will he held at the school I nouse Thursday afternoon, May, 20. Mr. and Mrs.. Emery ' Giliuore, who 1 have been enjoying a visit witn Mrs. Jenseii, returned to their home Thursday , 'Mrs.-Jlaston who has been visiting her t ' daughter, Mrs. John Blomburg, departed t for her hoiueat Lusk, VVye,, Thursday t,-.Horning. Mr. Wrlliamt isdnlling a well lor J. . H. Denslow oo the south divide where Mr. Dens low will range his cattle this ;' Slimmer. Mr. E. Stache, of York, Neb., arrived at Glen Saturday. He will nuy with if .his daughter at Mr. JJcnslow's until her school is out. 1 - Mr nJ Mrs. Comptoo stayed at Mr. I Corier's Saturday evening while Mr. and I Mrs. Corder enjoyed themselves at the Lhome of Mr. . Geo. La km. "A.T. Hughson and i family spent a ( pleasant Sunday at Wrn. Huntley's. -.They epjoyta very much tha free ride jin Mr. liunt ley's merry-go-round. Mii Denslow and children. Mrs. Tuck i er.and sonr4(r. E. Stache and daughter 3 and Miss Garner enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and. MrsMiltoa Green Sundav. A sociable-will be held in the church 1 Fjv evening, May 27 to which all are . cordially invited. . Supper percouple 25c Bring your, supper and also your best f girl to enjoy ui evening to be long re . me in i red. Mrs. J. .S. Tucker and her granddaugh- te, Francis Garner, arrived from the j latter' home iitGlenrock, Wyo.. Satur r day. MixsOarner intends to-visit until about Tuesday when h will go home to take up her school work which begins . June llrst. '-Our merchant. Mr. Madsen, has . re- :ilaoed that worried and anxious look for ' - a contented smile. The cause is easily v received as the doors and windows for v bjch he has waited so patiently for over t . month arrived, Saturday. He moved . j ;n:.o Ills new Wuilding Tuesday. attendance at Sunday school last ' uody was 40. Collection 70c We are t to reportia flourishing condition of Ami institution which ha. in its care the i . Holding of the diameter of the youth of , j'- community. It is the duly of every t i.o to lay aside all malice and envy and i alir according to Ins ability to bring up ? iys and girls of whom we, our country t i.nd they themselves will b proud in ft ; Jure years. CaTHAKJ!(I. : Buy Ltam nRher Vl Jlea.y Jia.e Safer and better. Endorsed by Govern , ment. .Used by largest ranchmen of this , ooiiotry. , Doesn't burn the eyes. Saves : boiling vals. , Boiliog of lime eats them . ouCquickly. 48 OaL,.W,l 13 Ott Also , hiive 3 horse atearo boiler $C5. 00 , 8 bone , horsa f0J for lieajtitX Water. WriU to ilex. Stock Food Company, Dept. A., , O naba, Jfeb. . -81 WAvTTD 4genU, Huetlera, Raleemu , Clerk and everybody who wanU to en, joy a good hearty laugh to seed Mb for ' 'Tips toUagMti." Worth 90 to any , iroa who lelh goodli for a living, If i, not aatiafactor joar mm; bach. C4r , eular fetr ieMM The Ur. Whit Beo- VMOXHOE TOPICS New l itarce tins week, Rob Keel is busy planting j-otJtoes. Jack Finlfv put in 20 acre of bailey l:.l cck. Mr. Liu mi ai-d daughter vwtd Mm. S-'ott Mooday. Sunday sc-iool next Sunday as Usual. All are invited. AH gate on the Uerlach place are closed froui travel. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap aid family visit- at Keel's Sunday Our Sunday fccbnol was well attended Sundar. Tnere was 31 present. Mr. and Mrs. Zerbst spent Sunday evening at Um tiome of Mr. Hollz, Ben Fiuley who lias been working for Albert 11.11 is at home at present. k Mrs. Scott has a new incubator, so s.he tsfoingiulo the cbickeo busmen. K li b ex. COTTONV00D ITEMS. A surprise partv is reported at Onu Tally's Urn 24tb. llain every day. If it keeps this up we will have fine crop and grass. Mr. Kratz went to Adelia the 21 after pump thul lie had shipped there. Antone Meckem sold a team lo some horse cover und received tr'0 for them. A air of twins were born to Mr and Mrs. William Jame, of Soldier creek, all parties doing well. j Mrs. (J roves is receiving a visit from her aunt and cjusin of Alliance but we' failed to learn the name. The committee is going to meet at Mrs. H. C. Groves' the 2tih to arrange u program for Children's fJuy. AlvaStxton received a letter from ReV. Jas. to meet him at Craw. ford the 23rd bi we presume we will liave preaching next Sunday. h Antone Krala and son Ri'oli are gathering np ,he,r cattle so as ,o U wuip .-ujnuay morning, fxi fel lows and Ernest Carlson are assisting him with the work. Dr. T. O. Reynolns was in the valley representing the AUarnaii Medicine tim pital of Atchinwm, Kansns, We under stand some of his pat ients are O. in Tal ly, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tally and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kratz. Hat Seed. Hunter Happenings. Loran Lewis was at Agate Monday. Mr. Rice was over to Saw Dust Fnilax , C. Christensen and wife took in the exercises at Harrison Friday night. Ezra Tucker and Frei Webster were in these parts lokim? for i:.u i ' Tnei .v jTi.ese Hoe rams are a floe thing for tie, tr and crops add stock i, liking Dick Hover came over from Si Dn.t rS-iday to look after the cattle here. He returned Sucdav. J. R. Hunter cam. home Mond.v Wniog. Heitad un down the mad a couple of day.. Ed Schwartz and Delberl Rice attend ed the exercises and viwted friends in Harrison until Saturday afternoon. We are glad to say Tom Jones, Wair Smoke and Loran Lewis lire all belter. Thr-y all had a sore throat und bad colds. Thank you "Caiherine" for your cheering words. It is pleasant to know we are missed. We enjoy vour work very much as we have many friends there we would not hear from so often only for you. Pearla and Thomas Jones. Clara ard Mabel Christense went to Harrison last Friday to be on hand for theTenth Grade exercises. They report a go, urogram and enjoyed the lecture very much. They visited friends until Saturday even ing and came heme feeling well paid for their trip. We are sorry we coulJ not all attend. v lorn jones and wire went over to J.C. l . n j . . . n rariey s lasiounaay naving neara Grand ma Baldwin was not very well. We are glad lo say she said she felt better Mon day morning. They with Mr. Varley's folks and Grandma all went o er to call on Thos. Doyle and family and had a very pleasant visit and partook of a most de licious supper which Mrs. Doyle insisted on preparing. UNo. 382,000 teres OF GoTernment Land Open for Settlement In the ltoeebud Indian Reiierration, Soutb-eaatern South Dakota. The Chicago eV North-Western B'y is the direct line to Bones teel, on the reser vation border. Copy of pamphlet "New Home in the Weet", containing mape and fall information as to the allotment of Uteea fertile land and how to reach furnished by any agent of the North Western Iiae or will be mailed to any jddreee on receipt of (3) cent la postage, byJ.A. Kntw, Ass't Oem. Frt-eMW AgV,a.N. Wf,Caha,Keb. i j I j 1 j ' ! ' j j THE PIONEER PHARMACY. I Wnll Paper DrucHjixt' rfums, Oils. Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. Tlie finest Line of pipefind best cigars in the city. 2 ."PTfTTANTi X, 1()VV Siirrpr;r!'; .! F Priinriu g uiviiiuuij va. u'.'iijkj, ' ; J. H. WILHEBMSDORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of (told and Silver work done llins mad? to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESSADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. I The Commercial Bank. HARRISON, DIBECTORS. C. h. Cokfkk, President. j CuAs. C JAMK,()X II. S. Stockmen having ue for a us to handle their -ft We are prepared to take Will make tie - "BIT -N it . on Monroe Cre6k WISDOM, Jr., J q HamSOn. i PfcfIGRhK. ; WJSD0M J., Sired by imported CLYDE, Dam SCVCn-eights ; SHIRK, Weigllll.OHU DOUIKiS. 1 t'"0 U&xlTe Vvin " The money for service i of stallion will be due and payable at once in case mares i are or removed from the ENGLISH SIITRE STAT.T.Tnv The above stallion will stand ocafcuji. reeswiuDe aue ana payable at once in case mares are disposed ot or removed from the county. Call ami see us n you desire tne service of a horse this season. TBBM.SiS.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Lacy & Son. THE TWO T03is SCOTT Will stand for the season at namson, o miles wedt of Andrews four days in the week Mondays and Tuesdays at my place in the valley. TERM8-H0U SCOTT $12 to insure living colt, SOLIDE 110. Fees wilr be payable at once if mares are taken away oi disposed of. Hares cn be left a few day in pasture Sundries, NEBRASKA. F. W.Clarke, Caphier Clarke, A. McGinlej- bank at this point may rely oe entire Hanking b urines. care of our trade at all tiniest SThLLION. season at my plaoe m 7 miles north-west county, KOHERTKEKL at our barn in Harrison this STATTTflMQ nd SOIjIIDB , my place 6 miles east of J. E. PHMNEY. Physician Surgeon. i (JUICE: ANT4-.EWS H.1TK. L C. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in Bartell Building. Residence 1st door north of Commercial Hotel. HARRISON, NEPRASKA C E- i ESTLER. Fine Work a FjxHaiiy. Jobs Taken Either by Contract or Day. HARRISON, . NEBRASKA. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. A5D ALL TREATED WITH CWHTESY. Board Uy Day or Wwk. Z-12 V,r. B- WRIGHT, p'p. OKLV R-sltread between Vllssourl Hlver and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Line to Black Hills. Apply to nearest Agent for rates, maps exne tlme'cevrda. TIME TABLE. West Bound. Eiil Bmnd. Murninir. Evening. No. 13, Due 9:11 No. S3, lo. frt No. 14, Due 7:23 No. H Inc. frt. 6:4 Both trains carrv wssenifer. ....... n nut- . ni i w J wissen K ers. stock brands. Th JorBSAi. will unbliiih the following, for K MO, per vtrnr. Kach nd 4itic ol brsnd 75 cents. Kvi-rv tarini'r or ranclunen In Woux nml sxIJolnhiK rountl-s Hiould ad verliw their brands ni TbkJoCK- rals It ctrcnlstea all over the tt-,. It mHy be the means of saving monev for you S500 REWARD. For the arreat and conviction of any party or parriea stealing or rtlif Igitrlngftny brnndii n stock belonglnH U the undersigned par Ins: (iEOKGK W ANSMIS ( stlln brstulcd Hi left side on left ahou lorses brandc-it der, rniigc on Pal'ller t.rcek. Any Um:Ic branded lovc l-lng estrsv- id from my, discovered hr anv body on giving iuu liiforiimtleii win be rewarded. AddieM, ft. Itohinsnn, Nibrk f ItANK UTTO. Csttle branded aide and annis on dor r horses. r vm as Alsi some of thn lfnrM. la IV i tie lire nrHiided on I. e m mn ,,, siiiiuKu-r some sa (! rll- bM1 ed lor the auove Oiumd. a Addreas, llsrrlaon, Nebrsaka. iiKki- i;bkkk i.ivk ' htociTiS; Ttranded en left hip of (.'attic and on left nhoek oi florae lUngeon UeepCreeg. Ac'dieaa, Iieep Creek Live Htock Co,. J. If. IUlbkrt, Coremar., . (ilen. Knbraast,, Samuel k nohi. Cattle brasded any wnere on left aide or the animal Itange on J'rai- rle Dog and Mon roe Creeks. Address, Harrison, Nebraska IIRWAUU. will 7y 5.00 reward for eAch head Of DaveColville'ahorses branded on either iaw or thurh tnrnad over John Bieeer on Runntngi water, also $100.00 for proof tV- convict any p-rson unlawfullyTlaIimg any of said horses. W. j. a. Rami. ROBRUT r. NICKCB. Cattle Branded Raage os on left side Also eattle hran.l on lert hip no Jiner or tide. annnlng Water. P.O. Addreas 1 I I V t HHKWsTKK A tia Cattle lirsnd s &auie -a that as rut, eitlier .e(t htp or on left lionl(lir. llorte brssde4 arllh ur of abor Addreu, J. . AKOBUS", HurrlsMi, Kebn! IMil'KKET SOMti. Cattle brsnd ed same u tbet on cu. on eith er side of siil- uial. And following on leftside of caltlr. tud this on left side of she U And tlil on left side and kip Kangpou lliiiuiliiK Wstrr. Tout fiffli-e Adilresa, Ilnrrison, sebrsJ J. K. IILNTEU. cstt le brand s stiown cut, on right i aide, ulp, or tiboiilder. AIo s on left side. Hlg-lit e. ell 5100 REWARD will be psld forevioJ eonvlrtln hut one (or ruiinlnf off ol iiT wuy tumperli ft w 1th stork having of the above brand or brunds. Ksuk st Andrews, Nebr, A'lilrrst, Harrison ! J.H. IiENSLOW. DL fsttl bran on ignl st A'.d alae D tight hip. rn llorae brim 1 ed 1 J on right slionii oryw. Kanifeoii W.iltu Klver, on' the Dave Colvillo run ell. P. O. Adrlreas; tileu, 5ab4 same s aro the pr.perty of Andrew tlirlatian ail range tributary lo Van Tamel Sprlngi. Aildreaa, Klrller. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON Uwn th fnllow Inbrand onelth- r: Also H3 on cst lln hiiu linrsHK rntlleoo lefulde horses on left shoulder. Kanga on PUrer Kprlngs and east ofalaJ line, ?ostofflc-Hsrrlon WTAVE IIAHI1I" Cattle brsndeJ sa shown oi left side will over bit;en ler ear. Esses on ""s1 nlng Water t P. O. Addreas. Msrsland, Jlebr NEIL JOROAit. Horses snd est! tie branded either sldf, am at on ant. And Cattle branded aide, and Iluraet on lei Address, Bodarc, Nebraska. 1IENUT WARNKKK. Cattle brand ed on left side. Kimgn on Hunnl-ig Water Creeek. r P. o. Addrese Harrison, Nebraska. A. K. KKNNKUV Cattle Hrandad a on Bight Hie boulder P. 0. Address. Crawford, Nebraska. mm r.. - fc-l; IT f k sc. ANDEF.W CllttSTUX Spa- C,l"k"' flfer 'l on lfti dip J r - on the !-rt I 1 left shoiil- I j il I 3oA I ssaaaari tj Jaw. Agate, seltraaka. .V!.1' "t'1'- K'r'' 4 . V 4 "i