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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
CSS Miss M. Cartlcdge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter is but one of thou sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who re just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia L Pink Lara's Vegetable Compound. "DrAR Mm. Pinkh4m : I cannot raUe I.ydia P.. I'inkliani'H Vege table Compound too highly, for it U the only medicine I ever triod which eured tie. I fcu.ferr.l tnnrh from my llrrt menstrual period, 1 fc'.t so weak ad d;r.7V at times 1 couM not pursue my studies with the usunl interna. My thoughts became slu,""i;,b, 1 h::X headaehes, bar lichen and sinking pclla, also pains in the baric nnd lower limb. In fart, I was hiefc all over. " Finally, after nir.ny other remedies had been tried, we were ndvta'd to (""t I.ydia. i:. INnkbam'M Vegetable Compound, and I am pleased to say that after taliin! it only two weeks, a wonderful change, for the better took plaee, and in a r.!iort time I was in perfert health. I felt buoyant, full of life, and found all work a pastime. I m indeed pl.vl to ,- mv erperienee with Lvdiu I-:, rinkliam's Vopo tahlo Compound, f,lr it made a dif ferent girl of me. Your very truly. Mica M. Cahti.fjkie, 133 Whitehall St., Atlnnta. Ol." f.WW fxrfrli If ordinal o atom letter proving fnnmenett cannot be product. ; nr. iheodore Wesley Koch, ot the stall of the Library of Congress It Washington, has lust been aro pointed assistant librarian of tin University of Michigan. The Texas Woman's Tress Assccla- Hon will meet at the world's fair luring the world! press parliament wck, beginning May 11. The aso- llatlon has arranged for a reception In trie Teia.4 building on Thursday Ifternonn to all visiting newspaper nen and women. Every child born into the rorld with an inherited or early developed tendency to torturing, disfiguring humors lof the Skin and Scalp, becomes n object of the most tender aoMcitude, not only because of its suffering, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfigu Tation is to be lifelong and mar Its future happiness and pros perity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of 6uch afflict ed children to acquaint them aelves with the best, the purest, and most effective treatment available, viz.; the CUT1CURA Treatment, con aisting of warm baths with 1 CUTICURA Soap, and Rentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Sltin Cure. Cures made in childhood are apeedy, permanent and eco nomical. ' a IHrmlMiot M otI. Cnlron 1 ".'"l MM, V., K.ilil. UK. (IB lrm C1"""'!1;.' " ftlla, ttiv p., .1.1 r aai. txp- l.1 li"l. f t-h'i-W. , r.H.. I Hu.l ! fill I L?. hil H.ia tej Hi"" . . DEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh ol Um atomach. HI lortniaj. Mm torn h am , N. U. t4 - tl TORN . T1IK OLD ili.N'a Daugmer "Hue is a paragraph io the paper about 'tducif-me' atons Vbat are pluck-me stores?" father "L'bj I don't know iry goods stores I, guess" n!n It I'LTNAii uaed. a ea y as wanning when FADELESS DYJCS ar I be Lnlversity of Michigan has received frouj Mrs. John IS. New oeiry, cf Detroit, three hundred iullars foi a fellowship In the classics Juriog the coming college year. Mra.Wnlow'i SOOTHING SYRUP (or thll rru utuiu,i,aofu in. the auuia. rmlut-ta lima uauou. ll(iu clirekcouc. fiiueoc bolil LIKELY TO U EM EM B E R Friend "I notice you have strlrg around our flng r and a knot in ur handkerchief, toj" Oid Lady-" Yes, t he si rlrg around my linger Is tj remind me that I have a knot in my handkerchief, and he knot In the handkerchief Is to rtmirid me that the things I want to tcriii'ujber are written on a piece of paper Id my purse" Pino'i Cura for Cnnatimptlnn prompt! reliev my llttla 5-.vetr-u!l i.t-r of eroup. .M!n I,. A. l'aree. Zi Tiliine treet, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1101. HOW SHE REM EM I; hit ED lilrks "1 (don't see hew you car. renumber the birthdays of all the hikiren" Mrs Itinks-"It's very easy The ti 'St was born rn August 17th I riiember It because on that day V"U cave me a pearl necklace with ny name and the date on the clasp I he second was born July 'lOtfi On 'bat day you nave me a fifty-cent 'io' k with my name ai d date on Hie iy ie f Trie third vy:n born on May lit!; On that day yen got m i J at a millinery bill whleh had just beer: sent In, and It Isn't paid yet" carrn I aniiut lis Cunul Hi I.'H Al. Afri.ICATlONS. iw they eannnl ' ; i tl (i srtit of ttin dle. ( niarrli l a ilM i.r .-.,! li'nluillHl lllOllkC. ud 111 OflllT 10 I MP it ui ii.ii-l UitiTUAl reniedlft. Hall's ( alarm t lire Is lakrn lnlrually. anil aot dlrtl on Ihe I.I0.1.I aiul mticouit urtae. llaU'n Cnliurli I ure ,. . miiu k luadlelna. It wan praterllwit 1 one ilin bnut physfciana In thin oountr) liir wiiri in a FMFiiuir nrfweripuon. lb in i-imii- ii-l o( tliehtot Urtiioa known, eomhmeil wlih he rw.t blood purtllera. aUaf dltwrlly on tlif ii.iirnua ur(w. Tlia porterl comblnallon m the 10 InaTMlktnU to what produeM mu ll won fterfiil rnvulla In curiBf latarro. Soiiil tor t liu.oiiliiU. freA Y. J. ( HK.NKY k CO., H.,1.1 l.v I inanrfjtta. nrVwHC rrcpa., Tolwlo, O. liaU's KauTlj rtlk art the bt. A man weuhl n sU hunnren ann thirty p' uiids, Hie beavb st human being in England, was nurled the it her diy at Iiover. His body lay In 4 colli i that wis seven fct t long, tbne feet wide and two feet and dirte Inches deep Teve men Ifted It. aud It was psssd through i wlnd iw Into a hea-SJ ticked up hi the sblewiilk. This Corcoian Cadet Corps, of Washington, I. (',. wilt camp at the world's fair next fall. At the solicit ion of the publisher of 1 lie Ani' iliaii Hoy, Deroit, Mich., the managers of the World's Ex position at St. Louis have set apart July orh us Ameib:an Boy Day. Kine iircgrains tor hi ys will b3 given in Fistival Hall on that day the pro grams brleg urid-r the supervis'on of the erilt ir of the American II jj The banqueting hall of the British building at the world's fair is fur nished in line reproductions ol historical cxiiinplt's of the Queen peilod The furniture consists ol chiirs i-.fier il.e originals in tb p'sscfslon r.f the Ear of Westm"re latri, old cons le tablis that wer put of the coll ctbn of Vlseoun) Hilton at Morstam Ilousa and a nu'iihcr of cabinets and tables ol historic Interest. Peacock hatpins are becoming thi rage. BAD DREAMS Indicate Improper Diet, Uanallj Pn to Coffee. One of tbe common symptoma cf coBee jiolsonlng Is the bad dreamt that spoil what should be restful sleep. A mau who found tbe reasorl n.ys: "Formerly I was a slave to coffee. J was like a morphine fiend, could not sleep at night, would roll and toss In tey bed, and when I did get to sleep was disturbed by dreams and hobgob lins, would wake up with beadachea and feel bud all day, so nervous I could not attend to business. My writ ing looked like bird tracks, I bad sour bclchings from the stomach, Indiges tion, heartburn and palpitation of tha heart, constipation, (regularity of the kidneys, etc. "Indeed, I began to feel that I had nil the troubles that human flesh could suffer, but when a friend ad Tlscd me to leave off coffee I felt ill if he bad Insulted me. I could not bear the idea, it had such a bold on nie. and I refused to believe It tba cause. "I!ut ft turned out that no advlca was ever nlven at a more needed time, for I finally consented to try Postura, and wllh the going of coffee and tha ccinlngof Pctum all my troubles have gone and health has returned. I eat and sleep well now, nervea steadied down and I write a fair band (at you can see), can attend to business again and rejoice that I am free from tbe monster Coffee.- Name given by PoHtum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Ten days trial of Tostum In placa of coffee will bring sound, rwtful, re freshing altep. There's a reason. IxMk In each pkg. for tbe famous HtUs book. "Tho ttoad to WellTluV Toaated Cxl Keenre the fattest, be)t cured of dry ?driKh; utrip arid frenben in warm water. I.t It souk a day and a night. :lmiiging the water onee or twice, ae-;-ord!n to the degree of salt it inn tnlriH. When frewh enough to be pleas Int to the tante H-t It on the stove and let the water eoiue gradually to the lenliiirig point. (Never Iil cml that has been ireviously wilted and dried. That makes It bard Hnd will not have 'he soft white tint as when trend-d 'bus. I 1'lnee in bread toaster when Jraiuol. and heist a deUeioux brown aver the live .oais. Wluie rtlll hot tutvy ready a gravy of sweet cream md butter, seasoned with pepper and I pllieh of salt, unless the tisl) is de idediy salt sriil. I'laee In covered Jleli for tuble and pour over it the rravy. If cream lie not obtainable a iravy almost equal to it is made l,y ubhliig two tablespoonfuU flour imooth in a half cup cold water, ng it in a saucepan over fire, and add ing lut I f cup lmillng water. Cook lowly, stirring constantly, then add butter size of an egg aud cup of hot nil Ik or cream. Season. What to Hut. Wushliiulon I'le. Heat tliree egga witli one cup of nugar. Hilii two cutis of flour, sifted. with one toBHpoonful of cream of tar tar and one-half teaspoonful of hoI a . Bake tlie cake In laver tin or ln Washington pie" tin. Make the till ig of one pint of milk, half a cr.p of upir, a scant half ii of flour, one Ptrg mid a little snlt. Flavor it with emon fxtrnet or the grateil rind of a enion. Cook it like a boilel custard until it is thick and. spread it on one if the cakes, putting the other lajcr over it. Sprinkle the top with pow jered ciiirar. Artlihokea a in Ilonleliiise. rut one fourth cup of butter and half a cup of sifted breadcrumbs Into tlie blazer and light the lamp: when the crumbs are well moistened with the butter, add a tennpoonful of tine ail need parsley, one pint of cooked niti nliokes cut into small cubes, half a tea poonful of salt, a dash of cayenne arid half a pint of rich, sweet cream. Let boll Ui once and nut out the flame: idd a teaspoonful of lemon Juice and balf n tenspoonful of the grated rind of a lenmn (or omit the crated ri nl i - stir well and serve at once. (Some Tenia for Oven Heat. To Judge of an oven's heat, try the )ven every ten minutes with a piece of R'hlte paper. If too hot the paper will ftlaze up or blacken; when the paper becomes dark brown rather linker ban ordinary mcat-ple crust - the oven ,s fit for small pastry. When light I brown, the color of nice pastry, It is ready for tarts. When the naner turns Jiirk yellow you can bake bread, largo meat pies or pound cakes; while, If it Is Just tinged, the oven Is fit for sponge fake a rid meringues. Gold Cuke. Crenm a half pound of butter with a )oiind of sugar, whip in the well-boat' in yolks of ten eggs nnd beat bard for Ive minutes, Now add the' grated rind of one orange and the juice of a large lemon. Stir thoroughly: add a tcn tpoonful of baking soda dissolved !n a little but water and a pound of :lotir Mint bus been sifted. Add this grad ually, not putting In the whole quan tity If less thickens the batter auifb rlcnlly. Hake in loaf tins. Coconnut Macaroon. Sift n scant cupful of (lour, and nd l to it one cupful of granulated sugar mil two ctipfuls of the best shredded toconnut. Mix these Ingredients thor oughly, and fold Into the mixture tho Whites of three large eggs whipped to s very stiff froth. Roll the bsttcr Into small, flat cakes, and bake for twenty Inlnutes In a moderate oven, or until they are crisp and a golden brown. Macaroon Cnaturd. Crush n dozen macaroons. Make a custard of six yolks of eggs nnd a pint and one-half of light cream, with n ta blcspoonful of powdered sugar. Cook this custard slowly till it thickens; sllr In the macaroon crumbs, and serve, when cool, heaped on a dish garnished) witli strips of angelica. Fliort Hiiuiieationa. Always keep your celery roots nnd dry (hern. They are good for season ing soups nnd snuees. Table oilcloths or the linoleum on the kitchen floor can be kept fresh and flenner wilh oil than with soap nnd water. A good general rule always to re member In the use of gelatins Is to soften tbe gelatin in cold water, then o dissolve In boiling water. Neglect bf either part of the process will cause trouble in making Jellies. Wlien weighing molasses sprinkle (ho scale well with flour and then It vyill slip off again quite easily without! slicking. . ; A plain brown or green wall paper makes an Ideal background for pic-' tores, nnd the absence of pattern on j walls adds Immensely to the apparent . size of the room, j To save the kneea of boys' ribbed , utocklngs one mother re-enforce them i by sewing a piece of strong black cloth ' behind them before they are worn at nil. It Is remarkable bow much longer ' lockings wear when treated In thll VHJ. DISPARAGING PEUPLF. Thi-re are people who disparage ivetyiblng and everybody. They ire constantly looking for faults and lemiabes. There are homes where lha children hear continual criticism hum their parents, where the con rersation Is mide up largely of idverse Judgments of everybody and ivtrytbing, where every characUr s dissected and the fliws rather ihan thj tood traits held up ti vie. W hether ttiese judmeats be just or iot, tun effect upon the children is Ihe same they learn suspicion, con empiU"usness a-d dcnuncitalon, tliree things quite unnatural to the lliild mlud. As a result we have fesslmists, made such not by harsh xperiences of life, but by the habit if looking on the wrong side. Par ids should remember that their kw-puints are those of the little dps, an i will be tneirs until each uung me nas Ks on experiences CONUNL'KUMS What eolui dots it.iuake a boy to be H:ipp,d? ( It makes him yellow (yell "Oh!") Wnat kind o' a wind should a Ijngry sailor wish for V One mat blos foul (fowl) and Ihops about. When may a chair be said to dis- Ike you? When It can't bear you. Why is a nrou i ciil like a music look? P.ecause It is full if airs. Why Is a pig in a parlor like a fire? lieeau-e the snoner it Is put out lie belter. Herald and Presbyter. 'The latest unhtiie trip to the hirld's fair Is on', contemplated by tenry H.JTrn in or Li Crosse, Wis. SolTuian who h a deep water sea liver, inteiics to walk from La !rosse to St. Louis, a distance ol bo miles on the bed of the Mississippi Sver. lie will start as suon as the liter warms up a little aud he ei lit s to make tl.e trip In four Lontbs time. lie will be accom lauied by a boat carrying air pumts Ind provisions and claims will tave the water only for meals and 10 sleep. Ilolfan has ordered spe !lai 3'ving suit in which to inane (be novel trip. The m-irried conrleshun has sum !ust-kl;iS'trials, tbe single state haz lu u seckond-rate pkzz.ircs. Yung nan, take yure pick. God remits sins, not consequences. Those who get their knowledge In the school of experience learn their cswns well. Street car conductors in New i'ork City ate required to serve their Irmsfer tickets dry. That is, they must not moisten with their mouths the lingers which tear off a ticket Irom a packet, just before giving t to a passenger. It is asserted that transfer tickets thus moistened inread disease. Acgc(able Prcparalion Tor As similating the Food and Beg tila -ling the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerful npss and Rpst Contains npillrr Opium, Morplune norHincraL otNarcotic. JImfeafOldltSiNVELmam IJtm Sal' jttx.Sm Apcrfecl Remedy forConstipa non.Sour Stonuich, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. The hardest working and the poorest paid people In this world are those who have nothing f do I bav s d to 2 thirds ov all the rltcn men In the world, make the most ov yure miiooy, for It makes the most ov yu The Columbus Guards, Columbus, Gu., (mfcraciiig fifty otllccrs and men will camp at the world's fair July 17 to 2,1 Inclusive. KiJTIiompson'sEyeWatfir i jj ii "I Have Every Reason to Praise Pe-ru-fia," -... WRITES MRS. KAE, Cf CHICAGO. 1 J--. U.nW rVTtx r.--E Htrj VK.)n h 1Z jcborjt, Chicago, la. Mrs. K. Kane, 172 Sebor Strett, Chicago, 111., writes: 'I'eruna has been used so long in our family that I do not know how to get along without it. I have , given It io all i,f my children at different times when they suffered with croup, colds nnd ihe many ail ments that children are subject to, and am pleased to say that it has kept them in splendid health. I have also used It for a catarrhal difficulty of lonz standing and it cured me in a short time, so I have every reason to praise Pcruna." Mrs. K. Kane. Pe-run Protects the fntlre Mouse hold AJiist Ca.arrbal Diseases. One of the greatest foes with which every family has to contend is our clunvreahl" climate. To protect the family from colds and enugliK is always a serious problem, ami of leu impossible. Soulier or later it is the inevitable fate of every one to cati-li cold. ('are in avoiding exposure and the use of proper clothing will protect from the frequency mid perhaps the severity of colds, but with the greatest of precautions they will come. This is a settled fact of experience. Everybody must expect to be caught somewhere or some how. Perhaps it will he wet feet, or a draught, or damp clothes, or it muy be one of a thousand other little mishaps, hut no one is tditcwd enough to always avoid the inevitable catching cold. There is no fact of medical science better known than that Periina cures rntnrrh wherever located. Thousands of families in all pnrts of tlie United States are protected from colds nnd rntairh by Pcruna. Once in the family Pcruna always stays. No home can spare Pcruna after the first trial of it. We have on tile many thousand testi- I he more a man studdys hitusel', i lie less fault he will Cud with his nabor Three students will this year re ceive the dfgiee ol Master of Science in Forestry at the University of Michigan. Of these one has been appointed forester by the state of Michigan, and two will take the Unlied Statfs civil service examina tion leading, if passed, to positions either in the Hureau of Forestry of tlie 1) paitnvrit of Agriculture, m in the forestry service In the Philip pines. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years Thi eiNTAU iowmhv. New veaa cm, n il ;jjHKy,yajtwTO;W Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. n We 25c SOc CANnV CATHARTin BEST FOR THE BOWELS Mrs. A. Hobson, 225 Washington St, Lansing, Mich., writes: "Peruna has been such a blessing to my only child, as well as myself, that I feci Induced to give my testi monial. He has alwaya suffered from catarrh of the head and throat, and I had to use extra precautions so as not to have him exposed to damp or cold weather. Last year he was taken with la grippe, and as It was a severe case, caused me much anxiety. No medicine helped him ii.'l he Uick Peruna. I noticed an Improvement at once and In three weeks he was a different child; the grippe had been com pletely cured and I noticed that the catarrh was made better, tie kept taking It two weeks longer, when he was entirely well. I now use It off and on for colds, cramps, Indi gestion or general indisposition, and find It superior to any doctors or medicine I ever tried, ft keeps me, as well as my child. In perfect health, and I gladly recommend It to mothers. 'Mrs. A. hobson. monials like the ones given above. Wo can only give our readers a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited endorsements we are receiving every mouth. No other physician in the world has received such a volume of enthu Kinstie nnd grateful letters of thanks as I r. Hartman for Peruna. A man lives in cur street whos( egotism is several sizes too large foi him. As a general rule, the folks win oimht to cuckceed are those v- ho do. Yung sinner, reckolletkt ont thing, nhatever yu git dlsbonestlj yu hav got to divide with tbe devil, and he aliwuss takes the llon'i ' share. I Dear Sally don't marry a man simply bckatise yu rtspekt him, I 'I hare may cum along a phelloq afterwards that yu will fall in lut with, and then the devil will be U Looking for a Homo ? Then why not keep In view the fit that the fkrmlns lamte ot Western Canada re mifllcient to Bopport a population of 60,0l)0,H or over t Tim imnfu ration for tlie axt 8ii years bae leeu pUeuouieual, FREE Homestead Land easily accessible, while other lands may 1ms purnhfttted from hallway ami Lana fJomeanies. The Kraln and prrazina lamia of Weitrra ('anaila aie th bi-nt on the continent, producing th liAst grain, and cattle (fed on f.-em alone) ready for market. Mnrketa. Srhenli. RaHwj( nml nil other fondltlun i,mk( Ve4if.rn (anada n euvlabla. apot for tlie aeltler. Writ to the BlTBRIKTKKDiNT IMKI bration, OtlJiwa, Canmlii, riradecri tiveAUaa and other iiifurniiilfiini ora the aulhorlaad CanadiHU Oov'nwnt Afli . V. Uennatt, bul liaw Voikljl. Bldg., Omaha, KA Free to Twenty- Five Ladies. Ihe Defiance Starch Co. will give 25 ladies a round trip ticket to tb Sc. Louis Exposition, to five ladies In each of the following states: IlliDlos, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri who will send lu the largest number of trade marks cut fiora a ten cent, 18 ounce package Df De fiance cold water laundry starcii. This means from jour own houif, anywhere in the above named state. These trade marks must be ruailtxS to and received by the Dctianca Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., befo-e September 1st, 1904. October and November will be the best month to visit the Exposition. Remember that Defiance Is tbe only starch p';l up 16 oz. (a lull pound) to the pack age. You yet one-third nioto starch for the same money than of an other kind, and.Deflance never 3t)ck to the iron. The tickets to tho Exposition will he sent by registered mall September 5th. Starch or tale by all dealers. V1") y