Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 25, 1904, Image 3

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doings orwoncN
Wonfn Cltixena.
Tbe idea of woman,, t a citieen U
iirectly derived fruiu Uie English dis
sovery of citizenship Imttjd on rights,
ratter tliau ou for-e, aud the coueep
Uon of law a the total of tbe aeparate
right of all tbi Individual iu a com
rnunity; tbi-ir iwlhiiluul right aud
duti" collectively stated.
If we fully admit the id'-a of woman
l a citizen, by right, aud not merely
through tnleratiou. we couio at once
lo tt most luten:-tliiK of all question:
the inlwrt'iit likeness or uulikenesii of
Uie intellectual life of the two wies.
Are women, at Trnnynnu wild, ouly
"weaker men," wlnme paloti. and.
prexuiualily, whoe Intellect, ore to
our "a innnntiglit unto minliglit. and
aa water unto wineV Or are thev, a
U aometlmea maintained, really tin"
stronger ex. especially in the mora! '
qualities? i )r, to hike a third p'fsMbl!
Ity, are they eNsetitially different - Iif
fereut, for iiiKlmnv. as pnetiy is ilif
ferent from m 1 k I i-m : so Hint It liecnmca
abmird to say either tli.it poetry is
better than s !t--lrj or that n!i;ilirn is
better than poetry.
We hare here, ierliiip. a genuine
rlue. To iut this in a concrete way:
man' mind lntelleetually i-on. i ives the
Idea of a house, and makes an altraet
plan of it. as nreliite-i ; this is th,. in
tellect, the lirst of our lure- niojipK of
power. Again, men do the aetuat
building, the inatt.r of brick and
mortar, tin- grappling w)u sheer
nature forces 'I'bu the 111:1 n builds
the bouse. Hut woman makes the
The difference between a house and
a home i the added psychic element.
It Is a matter of finding: yet here feel
ing, we will all admit. Is tbe vital
Thl 1 merely a simile. We have
not used It to arrive at the platitude
that "woman' sphere Is tbe home,"
and that, consequently, she should
keep out of politics. On the contrary,
we hold, and by this Instance sought
to illustrate, that Irilo every completed
work of humanity all ti.ree elements
abould enter the Intellectual or spirit
ual; the element of concrete feeling or
psychic; and tbe materia! and physical;
and that, in general, men will supply
the first and the third, while women
will mipply tbe second. Harper's
Spinsters an 1 Matrimony.
That she abould he censured fur lay
ing claim to what Is truly hers seems
unkind and irrational a tyranny of
opinion. Marriage Is a delightful
thing; but it Is not, and never can be,
a duty; nor Is It as a duty that men
and women have hitherto zealously
practiced it Tbe outcry against celi
bacy as a "great social disease" Is
louder than the situation warrants. It
la the echo of an older protest against
the deferring of the Inevitable wedding
day; against the perverse "boggling at
every object," which liurtou found so
exasperating a trait In youth, and
which La Hruyere calmly and conclu
sively condemns. "There Is," says the
French moralist, 'a time when even
the richest women ought to marry.
They cannot, allow their youthful
charms (o escape them, without tin
risk of a long repentance. The Import
ance of their reputed wealth seems to
diminish with their bi-auty. A young
woman, on the contrary, lias every
thing In her favor; and If, added to
youth, she possesses other advantages,
he la ao much the more desirable."
This ia the simplest possible exos!
tlon of the masculine point of view. It
to plain that nothing is farther from La
Bruyere'a mind than the jKisslbillty of
a lifelong splnsterhood for even the
moat procrastinating heiress. He mere
ly points out -that It would be more
seasonable In her to permit a husband
1 enjoy her youth and her wealth
multaneously. Agnes lteppller, in
Harper' Bazar.
For the Little Folk.
The little glrl'a dress Is of white
China allk. The yoke is covered with
nflover lace. The nifties are hemmed
pp and feather stltclied. The child's
dree I of white nainsook with hem
jgtrbiDg and Insertion.
Pa1a and Krltla.
It la the fad and frill of fashion
that give tbe smart girl her charming
personality. She accept, It la true,
g eartalii style of dress for each season,
tax It la wltb that fascinating toss of
boy atf4 wWoa eaye, "I will bar my
own wsy. after alL" She accepts, but
not abjWtly, not mechanically; oh, no,
lndetrd. The ruling style will do very
well for a foundation, but upon this
she build and adds and alters with
light, sure touch until tbe conventional
costume becomes peculiarly her own.
Now, the smart girl has lots of little
ways of her own hosts of them, in
fact. They are her fads. When to
the way she does things we add the
way he wears thing, we then have
the fads and fashions which make her
at once so Inimitable and bewitching.
She has an odd little way of carrying
her new, big shopping bag she tucks
it under her arm like a book. Instead
of carrying it In the usual way by tbe
handle. She holds It, too, Just so the
brass or enamel seal which bears her
monogram slum to advantage. The
conspicuous sliver or brass Initials are
no longer the smart thing to dH-orate
1 lie fashionable shopping liag. The
round seal, whether of bras, sliver or
enamel, is the correct thing, with the
iioiiogram, rather than one's single
nitial letter, engraved or applied upon
It. Woman's Home Companion.
Kerning lluabmil at Hoots.
The art of keeping a husband home
!! nights seems almost wholly eoiu-pii-ei
In a wife's continuance after
marriage of the chnruis that made ber
at tractive In courtship. "Whin the
knot is lied don't throw your courting
aidile." This is the prescription of "A
Happy Wife," who drops into verse
w ith the ease of a Kilns Wegg and eon
ilenne Into a brief couplet the whole
sum and sulwrtance of post-uiatrlnjonUil
This happy matron speaks as the re
sult of thirteen year of married life.
It Is fair to presume that in achieving
the admirable record of keeping her
husband at home evenings for tliat long
period Rhe did not Indulge In dowdy
dn swing sncijues for breakfast, or an
swit with a cross word the growls
that sometimes will ecne masculine
lips U'fore the soup coiihu.
When tlve children arrived she prob
ably continued to recall that the hus
band was still a member of the fam
ily. She retained some of the glrllsli
livMt, cfMtiettishnes, which had won
him, remembered the optical effect of
a new tie or a fresh shirt waist, kept
up the old comradeship, "did" her hair
as carefully as of old and tn general
preserved her former attractlveiuwH,
while Incidentally contributing a little
thought to his slippers and his crea
ture comforts.
The remedy for remlssniss In the
husband 1 entirely simple. The trou
ble lli-s in the application of It, which
Involve sme sacrifices of a wife's
own comfort and sometimes of her
pride. New York World.
An luicnlnua Housekeeper.
A towel-rack made of bamboo rods
Is suspended from tny kltflnn celling
by ropes and pulleys, so tlmt It may be
raised and lowered at wili It econo
mizes space, besides providing a place
where towels, etc., may dry quickly,
as tine air Is hotter near the ceiling.
Another convenience la a small shelf,
wnlst-high, near the dining room door,
on which I place dishes when I want to
open the door.
Resides tny kitchen table, but conaldr
era bly higher, la a slanting shelf, about
twtlve by eighteen Inches, with a nar
row strip nail d across the bottom edge,
to bold my recipe book, which la held
oien by a robber baud.
Oil-cloth which Is too badly worn to
be used on the table will cover the
pantry shelve nicely, and la easily
Having no dark closet In which to
store my canned fruit, I hava covered
my cellar shelves) with the cheapest
black cotton cloth, which keeps out the
An old toaster can be converted Into
a handy paper rack.
Cover the hand wltb a paper bag
when cleaning the stove. Woman's
Home Companion.
Health and Heanty Hiata.
Pimples are caused by an Improper
diet and can be cured by correcting
the habits.
Glycerin will allay the thirst of
fever patienta and soothe an Irritable
cough by moistening tbe dryness of tbe
If tbe throat Is very sore, wring a
cloth out of cold salt water and bind
It on the throat when going to bed;
cover It with a dry towel.
An ounce of clove pink petals In
fused in three-quarters of a pint of
pure alcohol, with a few verbena
leaves, Is a refreshing odor for tbe
bath. '
Any one can add strength and
weight to the body by nibbing well
with olive oil after a warm bath. ' Oil
baths are particularly beneficial to del
icate children.
The following Instruction baa been
given for the benefit of the girl who
wishes to expand her cheat: "Bach
morning after her batb she must stand
erect, feet together, shoulders back,
arms straight down and take twenty
live full deep breaths. It la better to
start with fifteen for the drat week
and gradually increase to twenty-live
or more If ahe desires to fo ea to fuller
La u S I ng at Japaaaaa Traopa ea
Naacharla'a So Mara tltorear
Oealeri at t Pat-rakara;.
.lwH Lihm rarer.
ST. PET ES RUIiG. Lieu teosnt
General Ivauoff, governor general andi
commander of tbe troops In Turkes
tan, baa gone to Tasbkeod with Gen
eral SakbarofT, chief of tbe military
district or Turkestan.
It is said Id high military circles
tint General Ivauoff lias been In
structed to prepare for the contin
gency of military antion in the direc
tion of India in Uie event of Great
I'rit iin adopted Id an att itude openly
hostile to KuKisa or attempting to
ptejudice Rusisin Interests io Per
'a or Thibet.
Pubic opinion in Uufrsia, even
among military men is strongly op-!
posd lo Viceroy AlexietT, who Is
aro.sed of incapacity. A movement
Is on lo it in favor of the itntn irtiate
appointment of General Kurnpatkln,
the war iininter, lo command the
KU'Sian l.ind forces and to give Ad
miral SkrydlotT command on the sea.
A dispatch receii'd I ere from Port
Arthur, dated rebruary 15, denies
that tbe Japanese ate landing at
Chln-Vinj:-Tao, a port on the south-)
crn border of Manchuria, d eto the,
Chinese northern railroad. The seat
t lu re Is covered with Ice for a dls-,
tauce rif fourteen miles from tbe
shore and tills would make landing
extremely dldicult No Japanesei
have been seen on the Yalu river. j
The Japanese ate landing provision!
and munitions of war at Woman, oni
the east coast of Korea and north of
A dispatch has been received here
(mm the Russian minister at Pak-1
log, Paul Lessir, saying that upon
his otllci;.l inquiry the Chinese gov
ernment informed him that Wei-Ilal-Wcl
remains leased to Great Hritlan.j
Captain Steppnof, who was blown
up with the torpedo gunboat Yenisei'
and who hlniselt mveuted the system,
for laying submarine mines which Is'
considered responsible for the catas
trophe had caused tbe Yenisei to'
bt fitted with his device for the rapid'
laying or rnlais, whereby the troliyJ
line extended heyoud th vessel's
stern al'ing which the mines slide'
out and dropped into their appolotedj
places. This, plan did away with
tbe cumbersome work of laying thei
mines form small boats. Tbe acci
dent was due to tbe excessive strain
on tbe Yenisei's anchor cabels while
the mines were suspended, pending
the immersion. Tbe two cables
snapped and one mine collided wltb;
The Russian second class cruiser,
Uoyarln was blown up by a ruloe
February 13 In the same manner
as was the Russian tor pi do tran
sport Yenisei. She had ou boa id 197
Ofllcers and men. all of hlen, It is
said, were !ot. No details of tbe
disaster have been given out.
The Hoyatin was 348 feet long,
foriy-one beam and sixteen feet
draught. She was of 3,2oO tons dls-'
placement and her trail speed was
twenty-live knots.
A seml-nlllclal telegram dated from
the headquarters of the viceroy at
Ptrt Aitbur says the German cruiser
Harsa, which had been sent to re
move tbe German subjects from Port
Arthur and which bad on hoard also
a cumber 0' Russian women and
cblldien had been tired upon by tbe
Japanese warships.
TOKIO. Tbe government Is re
ceiving additional circumstantial re
ports of the alleged cruelty of tbe
Russians toward Japanese refuges
from Manchuria. Tbe Japanese
consul general at Tien Tsln has Just
telegraphed tbe authorities bore,
giving a recital of tbe story told by
thirteen women who have Just arriv
ed at Shan Hal Kwain. Tbe thir
teen were residing at Harbin and
started south on February 9 with
300 companions. One-half of those,
with the women, reached Mukden
on tbe 10th and were ordered to
le ve the train by Russian soldiers
who cruelly abused and detained the
party, wblcb they finally divided,
the men being ordered to procede
to Fort Arthur. The women were
sent to New Chwang wbeie United
States consul Miller provided food
and transportation for them to Sban
Hal Kwain. Tbe women say tbey
saw several Japanese refuges cruelly
.beaten and wounded. Tbey say tbat
the Russian soldeirs robbed them of
money and Jewelry. Some of tbe
Japanese escaped punishment br
bribing tbe soldiers.
Blanch Bole Sent to Jail.
TOPEKA, Kis.-RlaDche Boise
was today seotcnc.ed to serve thirty
days In Jail and pay a fine of 1100
for ber second offense Id smashing
the windows or buildings In which
J0I0U were operating, a year ago.
Mist Bnlsa smashed the windows of
Ave buildings. Sbe has been serving
ft thirty dsys sentence tor smashing
the Orst windows of tbe series of 0? a.
That sentence expired Saturday.
wiood Urfraf, According Lo Kuaaiaa Ad
lca at W.I fort Arthur Jan
e Naval Vlrlory Pravea
LONDON The Daily Mall'fc
Poit Arthur correspondent under
date of February 12, sjys:
"Ofliciais advices slate that the
Japanese i.uiued ti 0 soldiers near
Talieu Wan with disa-.tr1ius results,
410 beiros satiied by Cossacks. The
remainder escaped to their ships.
It's further stated that the Japautse
landed at Dove Hav where thirty of
tieui were killed and the remainder
The Daily Mail's New Chwang
conesponoeiit, otider date of Febru
ary II, cables:
"According to nrlieial Port Arthur
telegrams the Jjpanese landed a
force jesierday at Pigeon liiy, west
Port Arinur. They were then at
tacked viy troops and by the batteries
and were defeated with heavy loss."
ST. jVETF.RSUURG.-A communi
cation from Viceioy Alexieu" just re
ceived coufirms the report of the
landing ot 1M,ooO Japanese tronps at
Chemulpo. The viceroy adds that
reports have been received of at
tempts to cut the telergapd wires
along the Chinese eastern railway and
also to destroy one of the abuttmeots
of the Sungarl bridge. These at
tempts, he adds were Immediately de
tected and decisive measures taken
wete Immediately detected and de
cisive measures taken to guard the
The moblli.ation of troops is being
successfully carried out. General
iiazllewskl, chief engineer, reports
tUat tbe Port Arthur forts were not
damaged during the bombardment.
Ameilcan and English women
here, have started ou the preparation
of materials for the Red Cross society
wtih just as great heat tiness as the
Russian women engaged in tbe same
The women realize that both
armies engaged io tba conflict will
make largo demands on bumanlta
rlanism, Irrespective of race, and
tbey naturally have decided to assist
tbe sufferers they can most easilly
reach, namely, the Russian wouDded
There are 400 Japinise still in
Port Arthur, it said, and there is
some uneasioness concerning their
safety. Refugees who have arrived
here assert tbat they were thrown
into prison and that their money
and clothing was taken.
It Is reported tbat 12,000 Japanese
troops were landed at Dove Day last
Wednesday morning, and tbat they
were met by the Russians, who en
gaged them In a hand-to-band tight.
The reports say the Japanese were
driven back. It is also reported
tbat Japanese troops bave been land
ed forty miles further west.
According ;o advices relieved here
the engagement at Ptrt Arthur
commenced af 4 o'clock on the morn
ing or the 9b. Altogether twelve
vessels were destroyed and eight
The captured vessels are expected
at Sasebo today. The emperor has
congtatulated Admiral Togo com
manding the fleet, for his splendid
victory. It is considered sign i ca ri lit
that tbe rigid censorship regarding
the movements of the Japanese fleet
has been withdrawn.
The position of the wrecks appear
to be such tbat It will be easy to re
cover the guns. The Russian 1'isses
were one officer and forty men killed
and four hundred and sixty-four
Tbe vessels that comprised the
Japanese fleet which attacked and
destroyed the Varlag and Korietz
were thecrulseis Nanlva, Takachlho,
Akasht, Soma and the Asama. Tim
Japanese did not lose a man.
All Hope (liven Up.
WASHINGTON, All hope of
Senator Hanna's recovery has gone.
Mr. Dover has Just stated that there
is no chance for life. "It Is Just a
matter of temporary Improvement,"
he said. Tbe doctors, bowevcr, are
not preparing for immediate diss
Leaning on United Atatee.
PANAMA.-'l he draft of the con
stitution of the republic of Panama
has been approved by the constitu
tional convention and It wu delivered
this afternoon to the provisional Junta
for ratification. It will probably be
Tall Bed on Monday. Tne article which
authorized the United States to re
store order In the rcpublio ot Panama
should order be disturbed, baa beer
retained in thaoonalituttoau
na Sunk 67 Japaaaa tla WTklla
) hrr ! Kiowa ap Fartkar
Iiall or Fart Arthur
CIIEE FOO.A reliable authority
says that three torpedc boats bave
oeen sunk from tbe forts. Tbey
were mistaken for Japanese boats.
TOKIO. The Russlao VladlTO
Itock squadron Is still in sight,
:ruisiug in the sea of Japan. A re
port to the effect tbat Matsulma, on
the Island sea bad been bombarded
Ly the Rus;san squadion Is untrue.
The government has addressed a
circular to the foreign ministers ben,
recapitulating the neutrality edict.
l'be documents points out tbat tbe
lovcrnment c innot assume responsi
bility for maintaining tbe 1 eulrality
Df territory still under control of
foreign powers. 1
POUT ARTHUR, Via YlDgkow.-;
In ai.sver lo tbe demand of the
Pritith government for an ezplana-'
lion of '. liy the lirltisb ships which
were liehl up by tbe Russians at
Port Arthur, Viceroy, Aleileff re
plied that t ' vessels wera detained
because thev i;:td Japanese on board.
The slots ti red at the British'
steamer I u Ping Dy tbe Russian
puardsbip at Tort Arthur as tbe Fa
Ting was leaving tbat port last Tues
day weie, the viceroy said, due torn
misunderstanding on the part of the
Officers of the gtiardsbip.
CIIEE FOO. The steamer Wan
chow, arriving from Pott Arthur,
reports that eleven Russian battle
ships were struck tn Wednesday'!
engagement. It is stated tbat tba
cruiser Aftkold, with a big boa at'
the water line, has been towed into
the Inner basin aud beached. The
battleship Sevastopol has a shell bole
just above tbe water line and Is use-,
Ii'ss In rough weather Tbe cruiser
Novik Ikis a hole in her after port
side. The batthship Retvlxan Is on
the beach and ber b iltom has fallen
out. The ctuiser Pallada was tor
pedoed abaft the enlgne room. The
battleship Carevcith, which also
was torpedoed, has been docked.
The others are chiefly damaged in
their uppcrwoiks.
The whole fleet has been taken into
the barbor and Port Arthur is de
pending for protection 01 her forts
wblcb have been reinforced. There
is frequent tiring, which Is presum
ably drawn by tbe Japanese torpedo
boats. Firing was heard at midnight
February II at intervals, also on tbe
night of the twelfth and thirteenth.
On February 14 tbe firing continued
until 5 o'clock Id the afternoon.
SEOUL The Russlao consul at
Chemulpo is now guarded by Japan
ese troops. Today all the othor Rus
sians in the city have been ordered
Into one large house, where thejr
will b ; detained awaiting the action
of the autforities as to their disposal.
The Russian minister at Seoul has
been ieo,uested by the Japanese min
ister through a neutral legation, to
withdraw and he has consented to
do so. lie will probably leave Seoul
SEOUL. l'be account cf tbe bat
tle of Chemulpo which resulted in
the loss of the Russian cruiser Varlag
and the gunboat Korietz, has reached
"During tbe night of February 8
the Japanese landed 1,300 men at
Chemulpo and on the morning of tbe
9th three Japanese cruisers, four gun
boats and eight torpedo boat destroy
ers, under command of Admiral
Uriu approached the barbor but did
not enter. The Korietz and Varlag
were lying In the harbor. Tbe Jap
anese Admiral gave them until noon
to come out. Rotb Russian vessels
cleared for action. All tbe shipping
In tbe birbor was notified by Ad
miral Utlu to get out of tbe firing
Passes Away.
WASHINGTON Feb. 16-Senator
Marcus Alonzo Haona died at 6:40
o'clock this evening at the family
apartments In tbe Arlington hotel,
after an Illness extending over near
ly two months, filled witb apparent re
coveries, followed b relapses and fi
nally drifting into typhoid fever,
which in his weakened condition na
was unable to withstand.
Abandon Fair Preparations.
HT. PETERSBURG. -The director!
of the art section of tbe Russian ex
hibit fr the St. Louis exposition
bave abandoned preparations.
Gives Up His Seat.
WASHINQTON.-In rellngulsblnB
voluntarily bis scat as a member of
the house of representatives Mr.
Sbafroth, of the First district of
Colorado, furnished a profound sen
sallon. Tbe manly and earnest
words of tbe Colorado member fairly
took tbe breath of tbe house as he
proceeded to put the case on record
lo mat body where a member gave
up bis seat. lie acknowlege tbat his
election bad been tainted by fraud.
J. m. Green, a pioneer at
county, waa stricken wttto panTysna,
but la improving.
Tbe funeral of Frank KaacX
Wakefield, who died Of
was held Monday aftavi
A son of William Hacker yeaa
old, living near Beatrla. Aaa last
bis right hand la a eera abieddar.
St Patrick's Cathode onaroa at
Fremont bas canceled a anrtgaga df
long standing, amounting tw CM-.
Anna L. McDoaoaM aied cf
consumption at Weeplac fa
Kbe leaves a husband aad
Charles Kerrigan died at Ms)
at Beatrice last ttanday aad
boiled Tuesday. Balaam acfaasa)
etcept a wife.
A quantity of military egnlyaiial
aud clothing condemned faf tba 1
was told at auction by Utt 1
ers at Lincoln.
Tbe officers are: GL X. IHnaatora,
pieaident; M. W. Burgees, vice ami
dent; TJ. O. Powell, secretary 1 . l
Hedges, treasurer.
Tbe 2xpert who baa. coM over tea
h iok of tba ooanty treaaurar aad
iik of Dakota county, baa rsportad
tbat they are all right.
The funeral of WllUaaa SNfaa
who was .killed by a awltcb aagUa
at Albuquerque, N. U., January O,
was held at Dakota City.
A record breaking sale of Oron
Jersey sows made by Manlay A Ca.
near Lyons Tuesday. Fifty band aoid
for 14,327.60.
Dr. J. H. Thompson of Albion bat
secured verdict in bla favor la aa
action brought against bint by Jl
Rrown, who asked K, 000 for 1
tice. 1
Miss Esplla one of the teacbats la
the public schools at Wakefield, baa
resigned her poslton and will teach
In one of tbe publlo acboola at
TheMilkr & KlmbaU Oaoal aoaa.
paoy ot Deuel county baa died arti
cles of incorporation wltb tba More
tary or state. The capital atoat la
S18,000. '
A truant association baa been
formed by the school offlcere of Laa
caster county and Sheriff aiabobuf
Bees has been appointed Uaaat
0 Ulcer.
The Denver Bond and IareataBl
company bus been refused admlaatoa
to tbe state by tbe banking board,
because It operates on tbe Install-
Mrs. J. P. Maple wife of County
Clerk Maple, died at ber borne la
Scuyler from tbe effects of consump
tion. Sbe leaves a husband aad three
Fire was discovered In tba ascend
story of tbe Gonger block la Lous
City Monday afternoon baft was ex
tioguisheri nefore any material dam
age was done..
The rue i) its of the oil inaaoeMaa
departuHi t. of tbe state tor tba
month of January were 1,S3I.M,
and tbe expenditures MM.48, leaving
a balance of 1440.42.
County Judge Elmer of Bakota
City discharged Henry Priest, woe
was being beld as a fugitive from
Justice from the state of Iowa, for
want of prosecution.
Tbe people of Falrbury want a
public park. The Jefferson ooooty
fir grounds are to be sold tc aatlafy
a Judgment soon and they may be
bought for a park.
Farmers in Midland township,
Gage county, are getting up a wolf
hunt to kill off some of tbe animals
tbat have been causing conalderable
nuisance In tbat vicinity recently.
A. S. Chrissler, a prominent farm
er living near Table Bock, died last
week from the effects of apoplexy.
Mrs. 0. 1. Groom of Table Bock died
about tbe same time wltb dropsy .
A well attended meeting of tba
Sarpy County Teachers' association
was held at Papllllon at wblcb De
puty State Superintendent McBrlaa
delivered an Interesting address.
Theodore March of Peru died sud
denly at bis home. He waa In ap
parent good health when bare
tired, but waa taken ill and died la
tbe night. He waa a vote ran of tbe
civil war.
.. Eighty-three ran of graia aad
twenty-three cars of livestock vaJead
at 126,000 were shipped from Paters
burg in the month of Jan. Manager
Powers of tbe Argo Starch oompany
at Nebraska 01 ty baa bean ordered
to resume operation as soon aa tba
machinery can be got ready.
A fair given at Kearney tot tbe
benefit of tbe new hospital at tbat
plaee netted mora than 12,000 Tbe
hospital will be one of tbe best
equipped In tbe state.
Articlea of Incorporation of tba
Nebraskla City Brick company were
filed witb the county clerk Tuesday
morning. It !s a reorgoliatloa Of
the Nebraska, City Vltriflod FafiN
brick company. Tbe capital atJl
It 00,009 aad tba tttsf cTCa
C?C?Va,t IrtoC get j, j, , . ,'