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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1903)
.-laisW!WH,ee lfcftMiTAt'a',lJWTlil Press - J ournal. VOL. XVI. KRIRrSOISr, IsTEBRASKA, THURSDAY, ODrDB53E?22. 1903. NO. XT Harrison LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN District Coart the 26 of OcloW. Dt. T. H. Spindto, the Crawford dentist, C. F. Coffee and son John were in town yesterday. Thomas Bros, shipped cttle to Omaha Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson were in town yesterday. J. H. Bartell and ton Will returned from Iowa Monday. George Weber becomes a reader of Hie Pnrss-JoutNAt. this k, Mont. Burke is at home again and will Htarl to school November 2d. H. E. Miiler has old his place in An drews precinct to M. A. Biumori. Under the nevr law the whole count y votes for commissioner this year. Mr. J. A. Phipps and family moved to Mrs. L Coffee's ranch at Licket this week. II. Kreman was a Harrison visitor hist Monday. Mr. Kremau is an old timer in this county. For Sale. One Z inch Bain wniion for mile, In- quite a', this ofiice. Potatoes are bringing 40 rts in Harri son now. Tins beats 23 els, and the size and quality car't lw surpassed. For a pleasant physio take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Kasy to take. Pleasant in affect. Fir sale by All Drujrrrist.s. W learn that Dr. Ames IK WKIII. He IS settling lip will leave his .'ilfuirt a ud will probably leave for his former home when this is accomplished. The .Jury for October Term of District Court is dispensed wi'h hv order of his Hnor. J. J. Harrington Judge. Bv Wm. J. A. Paum, Clerk District. ,VII parties knowing themselvesindebt d'to m on book account, will please call anil settle, as ny creditors want money, Respectfully, J. H. Baktkiju. G UAH D BALL. There will lie a dunce at the hall in Harrison. Oct. i9. The sum music will be furnislwsl s lias been heretofore, Also ccoiuniodaii.'n, come all, and enj.iy VmirvlVBH. R.C.I4M. Curd of Thank. To the kind people of Harrison, ivhn so litvrallv rendered their us-nnlance to my vt'ifeilurm; my iWnrf, I have this way ci I presing my sincere thanks. JO El'H STATsNKY. The father and mother of ( harb-s Unit came in on the west IsDurnl train Wtsinoi, Oay morning.'' Mr Unitt has large in ttrest here, re are k to say, which make hie vints more often and which are appreciated hy the citizens of this place. The littto Cottonwood shows abundant proierity this year if creat stacks ol gram fields of corn, and bushels upon bluhels f potatoes count for anything C. M. Luxournext county treasurer gave us a sample of his potatoes which Ixsats anything we have ever seen. SherilT Iiwrv sold 23 head of cattle belonging to P rry White for taxes. There were 10 hind -f old cattle and 0 calves which br.. light 90 00 Haiti fitock wan to M. linniioii s are anu whs hold on his premises. Such is the lot of the uiao that won't pay his taxes. The fumiiy of William Coffee arrived last Friday, and was driven out to Mrs Lizzie Coffee's ranch on Running water where they will make their home in the future. The PRCfif. JtRNAI, extends u v Icome to them and hope they may like the northwest, though it may be di Iter ant from Louisiana. Mi en Lama Ettsu came in on the west bound train Inst Saturday. Miss Egan will wield the rod in school Dislru t ti' 9 this winter. Mm F.gan Is a i ompositor as well un ss hool teacher, and w e fear that our sxirting editor will lie oUVrinit special inducements for her to come to town on Saturdays. Charles 11 ihlieln, our accommodating blacksmith, is li,nng down his old shop, and expects to build anew, and ln on a I.TVer plan, Mr. Hints-la is the best bl we have ever had hi Harrison and Ins attending strictly to businessj liriiijfd (ihout such mi amount of work , I'm- hs pre ot fh.-p Hutot aJuiitn fur! ins wort, I !!. I HERE AND THERE! The Crawford dentist, Dr. T. H.-Spindlo Let every voter turn out on Nnvemls-r 3 and cast your vote for whatever catitti date may be your choice. Don't stav ut liome and then curse and fume because some one was elected that was mcompet ent to fill the office e lee tod for. We art free citizens living in a great free country and let every man that has a vote use it for what he may think is the best, and we will notthenfejr the destiny of our country. It is the stay at home voter that causes the trouble in all elections. R-n a. Ten Penny Nail Through His Hund. While opening a box. J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N Y,, ran a ten penny nail through the ft shy part of his hand "I 'bought at once of all the pain awl soreness this would cause me," he says, "and imniedia'ely applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occtsonally afterwards To mv surprise it removed all pain ami sorrti-ss and the injuried pari weiv soon healed." Forsaleby All Druggists We understand that some of our people who bought groceries from the Omaha men, are not very well satisfied wllh their deal. Well, the only difference is that if it was our homy merchants they could rectify it, but as it. is they will have to grin and boar it. We will say right here, that, no town in this north west has a more .iceomatndating lot ol merchants than Ins Harrison, and you can buy goods as c'le u) as in anv town within 100 miles, and of as good a quality as you will net in any of these ton us therefore we k;iv. stand bv your home town and merchants so long as they treat, you right. Ho Learned m Creat Truth, It is said of John Wesley that tie once said to Mistress Wesley: "Why do you tell ?hnt ihiid the Mime 'hmg over and over again?" "John Wesley, tiecause once itifol enough." It ix for this same reicnn that yoi are if.hl ag.-iin that 1 'hnmlierla-in's Cough Hemedy cures olds and grip; it, counteracts any ten dency of thesf to result in pnetimonot, and it is pleasant and safe to lake. For salo by All !ruggits. Mr. J. B. Burke. Harrison, Nebr. Dear Friend Burke: It was with much pleasure that I learned of your noinin otion for county superintendent, again. I knew from the reports of your teachers and educational men who have visited Sioux county lhat great progres has b -rn made in the schools during the past four years. Asa neighboring county sup erintendent I have appreciated tlm deep inteiest yni I ao nlwriMt tnken in a.ssoc alion hoik and everything that would benefit our school and leti hrs. I feel that t he good eople of Sioux county will elect on by a h ands. one majority with best wishes for success, I am Yours Kra'ei nnllv, 11. L. Fnh'r, Jo. 'S'ip' iJ.nve.s county Hunter Happenings. Mr. Jo's-) Crawford visited at our burg last Sudav . Dick Hovey came over from Sheep creek Sal nrday. Mrs. Tom Joiiom is petting a rofnsctorv too'li at present. Mrs. Bassett went dawn the road Mond iv U ilsit friends a few days. George fialdwm came down from Harrison Suuilay and returned Monday. Bert Archard, Dick Hovey and Tom Jones were Harrison visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Hunter had a nail run in her foot one dHv last. week. She is able to be around again. Mr. L-wis r!i: up from Crawford and took cattle to Omaha. Lots of shipping has len done. We mist -d our news last, week; me was Mi k. So much has happened since last news day. Mr. Cook shipped three cars of cattle last Saturday. Mr. Jack Cook went with them to Omaha. Miss Anna Hansen went down toCraw ford A week ago rriday ana cinne nacK . ... . .i Monday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Rice and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Williams anil family, at, Harrison, Sunday. Mr Tom Jones, Pearla Jones and Birdie Jones have all had a chance at rheumatism this week. Mm. Tom Jones yisiUd in Harrison one Klav Inst week; Edna IKiVis came home, , i J I Several of ourp.iople were diggiag , potatoes last week. Their p .tatoes were j Hue and a very satisfactory yield. IWt Archerd roid Dick Hovey have 1 tukfcO Tom Jones' cattle, on shares. A three yt-ar contract wua niadn. We "l-b Uuuu slice. Vwyatx: H-4--H-4- OVER IN WYOMING, $ v-H--H"l--M' Mrs. Bovle's and Petty's children have the w hooping cough. Hill Hhatto sol. I 8 head of horses to Mr. Hinkle of Lusk, lat week. t Mr. D. M. Sutton was a Ridge vi-or the latter part of last week. ' Frank Chun-he's family are making preparations to move to California to live. Sir A it. letiel anil son .lames ere visiting with their daughter and sister in Arkansas, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leeling were on the Ridge last week. They purchased til" "Grandma Sutton" homestead and tree claim. We hope, that by the tiiwe these items are published, threshing will lie a tlunir "f the past, on Pleasant Ridge for ttiis year. ' Mrs. Phillips, mother of Mrs. Freeze. Ii'is been vrv poorlv for some time. We hope that she will soon regain her usual . ....i.i. TAUH, Mrs Brown has received the nppcinl merit as P. M. for the K r I ley ollice. A soon as her Isind is (lied she will be a full fledged P. M. SlHPLETON. War Bonnet Topics. Sorry to sav Robt. Keels baby has t he whooping cough. Rm-mhar S. S as usual at 2 P. II ' 'onie one and all. Andrew Gurrelson is staying at George Tools going to school. Mr. Guy Kendall s sister is visiting at Mr. Johnsons this week. Mont Bui ke was at the rt-:E Sunday He gave in a short call. George Plunlcett is working at the threshing- machine on the divide. John Anderson and Ins liounns were out looking over his possessions Monday Mrs. Walker, from the 83, was visiting with Nels Anderson and family last week Little Sammy Knori is som better but tin little baby is pretty sick at pres .nt. Ali-s Lilian was visiting at Knot, heels one day last week. She also visited the school. A lr. fencer. From Ij'ficoln, who was stopping at R dit. Keels, also visiled the school, last week. Potato digging is about ened, except Mr. Keel, and he has a large amount in eight acres I believe. George Garret son was down from Old Woman after grub." He said they are sawing rirht along, Mr. Ihmlap sold Ins potatoes at -10 cts. f suppose he thought ' bird in the hand is worth two in the bush BoitS To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zerhst, n girl luiby, last Friday Oct. lttih, mother :.ud il e am gelling along nicely I arl Z-rbst has Is-en qune sick with eihoOiim; cough and a slight touch of malaria fever. He is getting all right now. I have located Flitl Harvey again. He is woking 'over on Indian creek for Billy Shepherd, ho is taking out a new ditch on his place. Dick Z-rbst. is bai-lf to this country again. He and (jeorgie Shepherd an kenping hatch while Mr. and Mrs. Shep herd are gone. I heard quite a complin ent for the Harrison IihiuI the oilier day, A lady was entering town when she hard what sh supposed to lie, the bund pi act icing ; but on closer investigation, found it tmih only a couple of cows bawling. Sam Thomas and sons held their cnitle ne th.s plac- '.-c night Sunday night; they were unable to (hid a corral I hirge enough for them so thev held them in the lanes. There were over a hundred of their., goin to Harrison to be shipped. I learned that Sam fueling sold his place to Mr. Billy Shepherd. Mr. Leling has heen here for a number of years nod has many friends who are sorry to hear of his leaving, hut I iind.Tst tml hn I, us 1. U . . I. O .. i i ..I . I I I I nniu'.'i ! H nil (in I t nil nip o vi if,. si. ' , lie wcnii entirely leave loux couu' v. Miss ,illie Harris went to town Satur day to take the examination and when she Muished. to hr surprise, every body from nut, this way had gone homo and she was left. She stayed ovt r night wit h Mrs, Valdez and visited nt Mr. J. M. i Burke's Sunday and Howard, accompan- its! he MlkHt.iyriA P:tl-uinu. lironl.l I, or . ., . . ., u ., out just in time to attend to the S. S. Miss Utr.m taught the large class, and j jUHt ,tl()U!llt how proud parents should ((. of tt who r,in K (o (l Mrit,IKI (tu.e Bnd u mich n dllt )rr(1),ir and not he one bit abashed. It. is some thing to lie proud of, Howard taught the boys class which ed. was also appreciate The editors have their troubles as well as everybody. Last week our ready prints were two days late, and now this ive-li they are the same. We hat h to disappoint our readers hy being late, but as we are mt running the rail roads we can't help matters much. School Notes. The Primary pupils are rejoicing be cause they have the binner this week. The new hooks have arrived and all the pupils seem inspired to better work, as i each has his own hooks. The bluU tsiards, in all the rooms, have received new coats ol slat mg which adds greatly to general appearances. Mrs. John Bieser and.' brother, Mr. Parsons of Douglas, were visitors in school Tuesday afternoon. The Intermediate room had a special lesson on the cotton plant on Tuesday ni. rning, Dan Davis havir.g lurnishi-d a natural specimen 'if the cotton boll which he had received from Southern fields. Marcus Valdez has left the Primary room, having been promoted to the Foi'rt h. Grade. Ile'en (.'lark returned to. school Tuesday morning altera week's absence on ac counts of slcl,lit-Ss. The Sixth Grade had a quarter holiday last Friday afternoon; granted because of best lessons and deportment. The Ninth Grade begun the study of Literal in e t his week. In studying Geometry, the TOlh exclaims in the deeesL orotund sound, "A charge to kei-p 1 have!" Tl.u Seventh Gride has established a laboratory in the little hollow north east of the school house, where they expect to inform the Hi-h School how matches are made, in the near future. JIUKKXEH FROM C EXTRA L CITY. Our little city is a pretty lively place thesadayg. There are delegates heie from ( lolorado, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Nebraska to at tend the missionary couvontinn of the Topeka brunch of the W. F. M. S. of t lie M. K. church. Them are missionaries here from India, Burniah. China, and Japan. Dr. Robinson, Presiding Eider of the Oudh district of India, spoke of his work in the M. E. church Sunday morn ing and evening. Mr. South, of Burundi spoke in the Friends church Sunday evening. This is a fine opportunity to team something of what is Iwing done hy these earnest christian woikers. The childtvns' meeting Sunday afternoon was as interesting for the parents as for the children. It begins to look as if T. J. Mason, the Greril Immigration ngent for the Wheatland excursions will depopulate this ci untry and over populate Wheat Ian. I pretty soon if he continues his excursions much longer The next one is billed for November !$d. We h;ive had no snow hut a gread deal of wind, which has at Inst (tried the. top of the ground, and caves are at last fit for use. Our new professors in the college are not, used to so much wind and when V. W. remarked that this was only Nebraska zephyr, no wonder they will expect to ee blizzards ere long, for w have had some pretty IimitI weals One night last week the.wind blew so hard 1 could not slsy in bed. Now I rlo not mean to say the wind blew me out of lied, hut it did blow so hard I could not stay in Is-d, mid then 1 thought of the heavenly calm Mrs Rice enjoys, and wished Mich a blessing was ours just then. j We extend our heart felt sympathy to, ll e U-n cvtd r Ki-ei ts of Nil lie H ami I while lour hearts are sorrowful remem ber t he hlessed Master said "Sulier the lilll children to come unto me", she is sale in his arms, roil can one day go to her but she can never cotub to you. I found verses which wuh some changing are appropriate just here. Dear hne hands we miss them so All through the day where ever we go; All through the night how lorely it seems For no little hands wake us out of our dreams. We miss all through the weary hours. We miss iheru as others husk sunshine and H iwsrs. Day time or night lime here ever we go Ilear III I le hands we. miss them so. I lVar hi lie hands when the Muster shall ' call Shall we welceme the summons that cronies to Us all I When our feet touch the waters so dark and so cold Ami we. catch the first glimpse of the City of Gold; If we keep our eyes lixed on Ihs Heaven ly gate Over the tide whoro the white-rolled nnes wait , Shall we know our loved one among the bright, bands Will you heckon us over, oh dear little hands? Guo. ALL Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible and the place to do this is at GERLACTIS GENERAL STORE, In clothing, Gents fumisihing, Goods, - - - Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- Report Of Harrison Schools. Month eiMliiiir October 2, 1993. Hkjh School. No. of pupils enrolled.. ...31 Average dally attend No. tardy marks No. visitors No. days lost, hy rAbsetvLeeH iNTKIiMEDIATE ROOM. No. pupils enrol it . I No. tardy marks Average daily attendance ....12 ....10 ...33 ....34 ....12 SO No. visitors 12 j Those neither absent nor tardy during the mouth are: Fourth grade: Dec Dai is. Mattie Parsons, Johnny Statsney and Ruby Plnnney Fifth grade: Ed ward U'dnver, Johnny Lowry, Jnhnuw Lacy. Sixth grade: Jesse Garlach and Alex Larson. Puisiary Room. No. enrolled 23 Average daily attendance 20 Those neither aiwent nor tardy: Carl Williams, Willie Jinoy, ( 'larence Davis, Willet Wright, Roy Larson and Verona Vuldez. To The Pathons: We kindly invite your attention to alsive report. While it makes a good .showing, yet, itcan be improved. We urge upon parents to sue that their children are kept, in school, as much as possible. It is very difticult for teachers to do good work when pupils are con tinually absent. A day or even a half day absent tells Ipon the chdu'ii progress hi school work. We also ask the co-operation of the people, generally, in making a school of Harrison. R'-member teachers can't do it all. It requires a united effort. If ihe patrons are not in sympathy with tl e teachers, the school woik will fall far short of what it should be. lkui't expect too much of your teach ers they may make mistakes, fact is, Ihey are not angels and wh.letliey may labor as best they can and may exhaust all their energies, trying to make the school a success, yet without the sym pathy and hieridly interest of the people their efforts will umount to but very little. While we recognize and fully appreci ate t!;e rights of parents, yet we believe thesysame rights should be exercised along reasonable and judicious lines. A patron's right, improperly used, may act as'au injury, and this injury is to th" child, Wb do not (ind fault with any father or mother for loving the child 'his should be but we certainly think Ihoretsa possibility if not n probability of allowing litis love prove detrimental to thu child's school work. While the parents have l ights, tea' heis have the same. State Supi. Fowler, in nu ollicial decision, siys: "The teacher stands in te same place of the parent at school and has the same jurisdiction over the conduct of Ihe pupil there that the parent has at home." The simple deduct ion from this principle is; the teacher has control of the pupil while at school and is livij to exercise such discipline and to appll such modes of punishment as she or he may think best, and no one has a right to question this authority. It is very Irue lhat this prerogative may be abused, but it is not very Irefpieatly done to any great extent. When the authority of the leader is disputed, the school work is crippled. Tell lour boy or girl, he or she need not obey certain rules or regulations of the teacher, and you have created in that boy or girl's mind a principle, which if not corrected, ill result in failure to your child through life, and for all the good thai may be done, you may as well keep your boy or girl out of school. For patrons to consult With the leach ers is right and we most assuredly invite such. It is far Irct.ter to gain information regarding the school work from the teachers and bv visiting the school room than to i ant from second hand sources Second hand goods are not always ;ood and your inb.rniitnt may Im mislukim or, perhaps, pn jiMicest. P rs.nwlli e are here to ben lit. the ll imsou schools and to aitl the hoys and giris in obtaining nu education. Our duly is pl tiu and we shall iwrform this PEOPLE A. J. AMES, M. D. Physician and Surjeoa. All calls g-iveu prompt attenttoa Oflice at Commercial Hotel or Drug Store. HARRISON -- NK11IIASK A J. H. LACY. We have our building completed oo and have a new supply of goods, and will, sell them right. DEALER IN- Lumber, lath, sash, doors, lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery: Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour. Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am gent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of pump fittings on hand. Come in and get my prices whether you, buy, or not. ONLY K nil road botween Missouri RJver tni Chlcafo. Direct line to St. Peul. Minneapolis. Direct Lino to Black Hills. Apply to nearest argent for rates, mass B-nd. time cesrda. TIME TABLE. West Bound. East Bound. Morning. ' Evening. No. 13, Due tj:!i0 No. 83, loc. frt. 10 No. It, Due 8:10. No. 84 loc. frt. 5:8.V J. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE! Andkkws Bixxk-' duly as best we can. Should we make mistakes, pie tse remember that perfect t 1' Ion is seldom reached in this life. t??.. In conclusion will say; support your- fjA schools, financial ly and morally,, as far jjJ as possible. Lsnd encouragement,, visit. ' the school rooms, talk with the teachers, - if you do not find thum opun and- friendly report same to principal. jP Kemt.'iiiher your children's education : ti at issue and if you neglect, to do your " dull , w ho will do ii? It is not necesmtrv f j to call atlention to the reed of an edu ilJ ' cation. Note the great army of young s, ' men and women at our Universities nuuV H" Colleges, at Lincoln alone it is estimat- SJtin .'. ed lhat four thousand will attend the (',' ' University and Colleges there fey ' "; l act is, your boy and girl must tie eslu- (.A - en ted, if not their futures will be blasted. fTt-1 v We look forward to a prosjierous school year and hope nothing may come up to. destroy the realization of our expecta tions. Hinceri-lv submitted, J.T. MottRts; Principal, Queer Insurance Policy. A queer old fire Iti.urauco policy tirm cine to ilgiit In Kansas, which waj it HoM In London nearly one hundrol yparn ago. It In for $1,000 nd prfiralum wan fl.BO a year. It rpaJv. "To encourage tho removal' of good" In the cnao of Ore, this ofQc will bII: the roaHonable fhsrgee attendlof, f -. . ramo, ajd make good the raffwv to?-, whettor flpstroyed, lost oi. "a..t ' ftgol by tueh jmoval." rn5 f , V 1 Z - 7f? 4V ? fr ' , . ,K -' tt V it t -J M - V. .-'''it ;-is.J