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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1903)
Press-Journal The Commercial Bank. B0URRET& DAVIS. General Merchants, . (Succensorato MARSTELLER BROS.) A Thcuioat. July 14 , 1908. C. C. Burke, Prp- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. i la Boars- aavt adjoining; eoanlaea I I wart In their frraiwt m Tik Jot'lt- ENTKKED IS THE Unit IlKKICt AT HAR RISON E11K. ASSK(JNi CLASS MATTER uin It elmlntn Ml over the atate. tt itajy be the of earing Inoncv tor you srcrn crjs. ftjorssrac. will traMM year btwsaj.llke al ernxt 71 casta, iwit nrmor or V S500 REU1RD. free ttteameet and eonvfctfOn ot any party Or purtiee rtemUugTorttiaflgarhigaiiy brand a Meek XMtntgtnn to Ike uderngrcel av fr. fc. JANlf. Oil left "hir 60. 117, - 13 " uft j,iwfi St hip of Cattle. Yoal trfflcc. Hewitt, 1M CouiitY, Nebraska. GKOKUK SW ANSON. tattle branded Avrwt branded on left Hide on left hIiou 'Her, range on Swldler Creek. Any -lock branded it abtivfl being estray "stifrum my range, din-overcd by my body living- iae information will be rewarded. .Addreaa, r'l. Kobinaon, Nebraska KAAK Nl'TTO. .Cattle brand.-.) Ntftv ami mime on f'te 'rf horse. , yler aome of the Horxfi -,".: aw bradHl on aide .dWMfldcr wouie aa deaerlb . 'qfve baaud. on the left left ahoul- and Cut. itnil the ed lor tha Addrew., HttrriHn, Nebraska. SAMUEL KNOUI. 'Cattle branded Kny where on left aide of the animal. Range on Prai rie. Dog nd Mou roe Creeks. AddreMa, HarrlHOn. JiebraHka REWARD. .... "til w 5,01 reward for each hend 4tv 'oiville's horses brandi"JJ , either jaw or Hugh turnedl raaf ,V3r ' 7ohn Biese'r on RimninuvO ' water; also $100.00 for proof tos- I convict any person unlawfully handling, MV of said horses, W. J. A. Racm. JA. TLCKKR. ded on left utioulder ot horses n left aide of cattle. ' Br" And this r iLiU 11 Tilt on on right side right -dde of cattle too. , Stance on White River, near Glen. Poet Ulltce xttlremi, l.ten, Kebraaka. ROBERT r. NEECE. I , Cattle Branded a f I . J on left aide Range oa on left hip Also cattle branded I attou liter or aide, ttange en Runu lug Water. P. o. Addrem Agate, vebraeka. J. I.EVIR. .battle branded ,PotHf"e iMareaa. Chaitroa Kebraaka. H ES KT WAItNKKE. Cattle brand rvlnajjaft aide. Range on Xnaavtnc Water 3 '4erk Artdreax Harrlaon.Hetiraitka. A. R. KKHVICOV. .CattleBraadeil fJJrl " KITlit Jlln n' ' , " nouldcr P. a Aiddreaa, Crawford, Nebraafea. OOtMVt HARUIS, ( Cuttle branded v i i a 'ahoarn on left aide ritu oror bit n laft ear. Raima 01 Run- J alng watr. P. O. MMm, ItanlaM, )lttLMUDJi. Jtorara IN eit- U kraa4ad on r- HlMr ald, aamc MM Ut. . rOa fB4l 1 ow ni BaM halt I Mw. OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. SNOW. Homes bri.ed rmrM A "" left nil oil I 1 del or kranded on left ahoulder r-iw ana Cattle H I on left aide Tout Ofllce Addrem, Patrick. iAramle Co. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON . W-l I S Owns the follow iatflirniid on eith er: Also HG on ent ile and !mreM cuttle on U-f tilde ho reew on luft ihouluer. Uunge on Silver tiprlmca and e&tt of state line. Postofnce llarrliton Neb. ANDREW CnillKM.VS Cuttle krand ed on lrtldu aame hm cut and horaea branded on left khoulde KHine aa cut lira the property of Andrew Christian ant range tributary to Van Titne! S)rlng. AddreBS, Kirtley. Wyo. 4 I1REWSTER A Co. Cattle brand ed same an Hint an cm, either .eft hip or on left Hliouldcr. ftoraea branded with any of above brands. Aililreiw, J. A. AKDEKaON, llarriwjn, Mebraaka. J. R: Hl'NTER. CHttle branded aa Hliowti In cut, on right aide, hip, or houlder. Also a on left aide. Right eai clipped $100 RCWAR.O be pM for evidence convicting any one for running off or In any way tampering with atK-k having any of the above bnuid or brand. Hun cm at Andrew, Nebr, Addreas, llnrrlaon Nebr. y. r J.H. IJENSLOW. "atfl-j branded on rlgnt aide Ka.n n cnt. A'.d also Ij o right hip. llornoa bran Jed 1 KB on right aliomder orjiiw. Range on w ait,) River, on tlie old Uave Colville .rejveh. P. 0. Addrem; 1 Glen, Hebr. BOURRKT t, SONS. Cattle brand ed ayni aa that on cut on eith er aide oT ani mal. . And following on left aid of cattle. iud tbla And thla on left aide of ah atoek. on left 'aid and blp. Range on Unnalng Water. Poat OfBoe Addreae, Ilarri4oir, aebraaka. SHERIFFS SALE. Py virtue of an order of aale laanwl by the clerk ot the dlatrlet eonrt of Manx Co., Vebraaka, upon a decree rendered In aald court, In tavorof John Weoer plaintiff and agalnat Illdor Klcliatein defendant, I will on the ITth day ol July, A. D. IBM, at one o'clock In the afternoon of aald day, at the tut frontdoor of the Caort Hoaae of aald coouty, at Karrlaon, Hebraaka, nil at public auction to tlw h if heat bidder for, caah in hand, the following deaerlbcd real atate (Una ted In aald comity to wit: The Sonth-Weat qaarter of the Hoatb-Weat qaar tr of Aaotion three (I), HooUi Kaat qnarter of the Foath Eaat qoarter of Section four (I; and lit oT1ll half of the Horth Weat quar ter of aecMoa too (10) In Toanxblp thirty two () Manga tfrty all (M) weat of the ilith prltielpal merldan, to aatlafy aald order of Ml hi the Mm of three hundred and aftjr aaven dollar and ffty two cent (MHJt) Interaat eoot and accruing coat, rtrot Wblleatton ! tyikt 1M. , . ALEX LOW IT, MaaolCof aaktnooaty, Invite, your inspection of our Gocxia for quality and Prices for fairnens. Our stock is aa complete an any and we expect to keep it bo. Here in the line of DRY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SHOES, etc., you will find everything in the latest up-to-date styles and patterns. GROCERIES, fresh and of the best quality. FLOUR, GRAIN, CURED MEATS. HARDWARE, TINWARE. Give us a trial. We will try to treat you right at all times. BOURRET & DAVIS. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, . SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER. -dealer inn Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. H. WILHEUDOnFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold-and Silver work done. Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. harness! .saddles, and! RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered! WSDN Jr. STALLION Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek, 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE Wisdom Jr., Sired by imported Clyde, Dam seyen-eighta Shirk, weight 1,500 pounds. Prick: IG. 00, to insure living colt. The money for ser vice of Stallion will be due and payable at once in case mares are sold or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Druijs, Druggist's Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes. Books and STATIONARY. J. E, PHINNEY, Proprietor. C. F. Cokfkk, President Pi W.Clarkk, Cashier Cm as. C. Jamkson. H. S. Clarkk, A. McG inlet Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking busines. !ttWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all timee JOB WORK YES! The Press-Journal does Job Work. Neat, First Class and Up-To-Date. Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. A PIANO AT A NOMINAL PRICE. Chicago's largeat music houae, Lyon A Ileuly, announce a Clearing bale of I'lunoi. Tbla U owing to the fact that their ware room are being entirely remodeled. Sever al hundred aplendld tiiHlrainnntu are offered without reserve until all are aold. In thin atock are a number o( ntelnway mid Kniibe piano, and new and aecond-hand piano in cluding liiBlniinnnU of the follow ing well known maker'. Miller, Miuton A lliunllii. HaznlUm, Mci'liiul, Sterling, liuntliiglon, toan, t'lacher. Weber, Clili'kering, etc., et!. In MUara pIhiioh Ui -rr are flue-toned Intlru Mient at , 40, tiO, und upward. In t'p rlght Plai on, niHt IimtrummiU at tl(, (120, II4U, II.'jO, 111.'), tl'.iO, KH) and upwurd. In llabv Liraad me nice Hliiienii at fi't' and upward Nearly all theoe p alio Here Intended to aell lor much more than ttieae clearing aale prlc;. I.yon A IIuly will aerid a iiat and full pnrtlriiliira upon nppli cation. Any piano not proving entirely aalixfactory may be returned at their en penae. Addrew. I.yon A Heuly, 1 Ailitmt St., Chicago, Illtanc I no obstacle tn taking advantage of thla remarkable chance to obtain a piano, for In proportion to the anvt.ig to be made the freight charge are Innlgntflciiiil. If you d not already know I.yon A Heuly by reputation any bnnk'-r will aaaure you ef tbelr entire responsibility and record of forty year for honorable dealing. Write at your early oonvciilence ao aa to avoid dl tppolntrnent. Made HU Fortune. A man has built tip a big business at Puget Sound, near Vancouver, aa the result of a holiday exruralon. In stead of loafing aimlessly, he used his eyes, and, noticing a little fish, which be took to be a sardine, had some tinned, with the ultimate result that his establishment has thla year sent out 175,000 cases. SPLITTING UP THI NICKEL. Practice of New Orleans Stores and Market With Small Purchasers. 'You would be surprised to know the Tast number of children among the poorer classes In New Orleans who do not clfarly understand the value and function of the nickel," said a storekeeper downtown, "and it all re sults from the popularity of the quar Ue system which has always been so much a part of life In this city. They are the small buyers, who run all kinds of errands for the little family to which they belong. "Purchases, amounting In Individual rases to less- than 5 cents, dally amount In the aggregate to thousands of dollars. It Is no snail part of the retail traffic of the city. The children split a nickel up Into very small pieces, buying penny's worth of this and a penny's worth of that, until they leave the store or the market with an armful of little package which will represent the day's sup plies. "Sometimes they will spend only a part of the nickel, and will get a ticket, or tickets, or maybe pennies. In change. Frequently the purchase will amount to 2 cents, and then tbey get a pasteboard check for the other i cents, which Is legal tender at the place Issuing It for Its face ralne. Checks or tickets of this kind I are extensively used In this city, and ' they have added greatly to the clrcu- i I lation of a sort of crude subsidiary ' money. j - .... uo oi mote cnvcKi is as good as Sold at the grocery or market stall I where It Is Issued. It Is predicated on j and cets Its vain from a redemption! fund, Jutil like Uncle Sam's money, ex-1 cept that Instead of being redeemable In gold on demand, It Is exchangeable at tha grocery at It face value for any of the things In stock, or good at the vegetable stall at the market place wT 2Vi cent' worth of anything AB hand whan I. la hM...! I. I. ' ininviiim, v IB i , . . .... I iways gooa tor wnat it rails for on lu face." New Orleans Times-Demo' craL i DEEP L'KEKK LIVE STOCK Co Branded an left hip of Cattle ' and on left cheek of Horse ra Rangoon Deep Creek. Addrea. Iep Creek Live Stock (),. J. II. Hai.iikbt, Foreman, ' (ilen, Neuraaku, Blda fcr Bridge. Bids a ill be received for the COO' rof t- ion of a briilye acroaa 8 liool creek oa county ro.'id No, 22, Cottonwood pre-' cinctof aaid Sioux county Nebraska. Plana and t-pvclfiirationa are on Hie at trie ' county clerk' ofliee. fiida will rat re--ceived until uoon, Auiiiiat 1st, WW.' Wm. J. A. Raum Clerk.'- n. a n. w. ttv. Special Reduced' Excursion Rates i r -.i. t ...... f . .... . . H'""ri" iiigue, i-eiroii. anctl., July 16th to 19ih. B. P. O. E , Huliitno, Mil., July ,1 28. O. A. It. meeting, S,ni Franciaco, Aug. 17th lo 22nd. For information as to r,,is. dates of aale. etc. of tlieae or mliir nrra4. j call upon the ,ti:ket iigetit of tlie North" western Lin, One Way to Make Trouble. Job E. Hedges says he has come to the conclusion that no man can be a patriot to-day "unless ho Is strenuous, gets married and raises children." Tha man who gets married and raises chil dren these days need not trouble him self as to bis strenuous quallflcatlona. Tbey will be taken for granted. What Killed Him. Wife (with ncw.paper, to husband) Here Is another forcible temperance lecture: (Reads) "Young Splllers got Into a boat and shoved out Into the' river, and as he was Intoxicated ha as set the boat, fell into the river aasT was drowned." Now, sir (addroaalag: her husband). If he had not drunk whisky he would not have lost his Ufa. Husband Let me see. Ho fall Into the river, didn't heT Wife Of course he did. Husband Didn't die until ho fair In? f Wife James, you are posltivelf silly. Of course he didn't die until ha was drowned. Husband Then It was the water that killed him. Stray Stories. . To Cnro o CcW in Oao Day i" TwDoys, C3CVCTV The Two, Tnnder la h who taught m ft rat Tha atepa that lead l0 th pit of name. Merry, the Jeat! lie hi aoul accurst! no in nonor and l In hamT And yonder, dreaming his on saa dream, ' I he whom, In tils robt of wo, BikD he the word, over dtaih's dark ati em Willingly, glttfily would I go. Lover I count on my flnrar-tlp; .ir. nan uics, tor my tmll uniwn; llll, forever npon my lips Burns tha kit I have never known' -WWla Veu,. are r