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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1903)
J,1 J i j UFFEMG WOMEN. MERfCA is land of nervoun women. The er.'iit nisirtritr nf iervoiia women lire u hwiinaii tin. Ire Buffering from tumv form of female mesne. : Mrs, Brums Mitchell. 520 Ixiuifiana trcet. Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "IVrmia liaa certainly been n nlcsainjf In diaicuiae to urn, for when i first beEsu caking it fur troubles peculiar to the ,-x nd a fti-m-rally woru out njitcm, 1 had little faith, "For the past five years I have rarely been without pain, but Pe run a has changed all this, and in 'a very short time. I think I had only taken two bottles before J 'began to recuperate very quickly, 'and seven bottles made me well, i do not have headache or back- ache any more, and have some in- Jterest in life. I give all credit where It Is due, and that is to Pe .runa. "Emma Mitchell. I Br far the jrretet number of female troubles an- chuh'i! directly by catarrh. They aiv eutnrrit of the org-mi which is affected. Tiicxo women Ufrpuir of re Yoursjbra The darker a plaw.a Is the easier It 1 to (Jud a Ctrl silting there. When a m:in talks very much about bis hart it it Is a iU-n liis account Is overdrawn, --Si womun tiftcsu't nrressitlly keep inardcrs Just Mie sorue litDcs bfiards a train. In the crisis of a divorce suit a wuiian is apt to be unmanned. Germany's navy costs annually. )2,0(K).OO Sale 10,000,000 10c 25c 50c M f mint1. w of I CAN DV CATHARTIC T BEST FOR THE BOWELS NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UNION, 780-29. YORK, NEB. Is now used throughout the United States In the treatment 6f hog cholera, nwlne plague, en"t diseases, corn stalk disease, pink ey, foot and mouth disease, M'tirvy, mange, Texas itch, scabs and all germ dis eases of domestic unimals lfpottet In City National Rank or Vnrlc. N. h , and 9 f unvui'e 111 cling any of ihn fl lowing Irillmonitli lint j - gennn. 11 :i it H n n II si Pt. I'nl, Neb. AprllJ, '03. Hatlonml Medlenl Co. Uantlemeii: '1 l In certify Unit 1 have Used Liquid Koal for erot Iiu- In faulo nl believe it lo ft rure for itiU di' a.e from th' etpeilmenl 1 bnve tnade, bi' b'; lleva ii ooKht to uwd wm n t'ie animal la Anil lateii Uh II. e dlwaxi. Ale) for , Ilea mi-r It ran t Ui le-ai by anythliiij i o ul. Your rmpei ifu I)', W. .. I.ITTI.R. Bi-ward, Neb., C 5, VAJi. Lfniil l Koal. rxanufsetnrtd an I wild by . National Mwlira! Co., York, brh , U n(- naltf loan? fnrniera ra tlnit iloclc heveral I' roatMUMa of ItaarMelauey hsve rome nmler 7 peraoual noil. . J"M HAI.VhY. Ki Mavfr, Seward. Wans. Nel.. l)ee, 1 1'.W. Toonatdtr Liquid Koal ona f the le.t rilelea for all around pnrKwa on trio market. For ml let and lire In the chicken koaaae and loi Ilea on calvra and home. It It lb baet and cheapest I bine I have ever fuBnO. Liquid Koal oiihi lo be on every itm. t II Art. BKHUAM1 A(jtK. Colarldge, Neb., ffn. , 1002. lean aar that T"iir I,. K. the hont ln aaet deairovar ibat I ever rtwd. It will not Injure thaaaga when ued on aelilna hen. I tn4 It tbe beat all around o k meill liia tkat I aver had on the piaca. I alrla vary farmar to keep a upi lr on band. a, b uKorr, rmcBi Am Qairt Cm tU.M II Tn OallM pr nUmn Ode AallM R o tS n.llan, hmV bbl . ar mml .... ! OwJIatM, rr tralisHi , ,7 A0 Uallaae, 1 bal psr seal , a.OO A t M Beok aa Osrm Dtaaaars of Aalauls Sal rra mm AM4taaMM. MANDfAC'TUMRD at National Medical Tired, Nervous, Aching, Trembling, Sleepless, Blood less Pe ru na Renovates, J Regulates, Restores Many Prominent Women Fndorsa I Pe-ru-na. covery, teinnle trounle is so common, ho prevalent, that they accent it as ai moat inevitable. The greatest obstacle in the way of recovery in that they do I not understand thHt it m catarrh which ia the source of their iiiiiena. In female I complaint, ninety-nine canes of out hundred are nothing but catarrh. P runs cure catarrh wherever located. I hronic invalids who have langui'Jieii I for yeur on sick bed with lorne form "of female disease betfin to improve at once after betpiiniiiK lr. Hartinan's treatment. Among the many prominent women who recommend Pcruna are: Beiva l,wlcwnl, of V aaliingtnii, I). C; Mrs ( ol. Hamilton, of Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. I'. K. Warren, wife of U. S. Senator v arren, of Vi yommx. If yon do nut derive prompt and satis- factory re;ilts from the use of I'ernna, write at once to nr. Hartmuu, sen-fox full statement of your case, and he will be plra--d to give you bis valuable ad vice prut is. Address fr. Il.irtmjin, President of Tlie Uartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Clear Head Marriage Is a f"; and the soup is often mvts palatable than . the dessert. inir? are tour millionaires n Hrllian lo (me !n France. Tiicrefiie nenr'v 270 rUrToreit ip. litrlon in the I", i cd Kin fom, "An oppoitunly hir service is i n OccaM.ui fir 1hanksk'lvlng." 1 don't bcleaf In good or bad luk: but yet I would not jioo an unlucky man In enny kind of an enterprise. Boxes a Year. The Great. Germ and Insect Destroyer Ilartlnrton. Neb., !ec. 10, 1902. National Sledleal Co., York, Neb. Oear -Ir r 1 am a nscrof Liquid Koal and am well pleased wlih 11. J would not try lo do without It as I Hnd It useful In a itreat manv nt I bave had no slrk, li"m slnn 1 cominencert nslnij u a year airo In my opinion It la the best and cheapest hog cholera preventative on the market todav. You rnn use Ibis as you wish. Anyone wishing to know more about this pleaee write me, KNOCU ELY, rVwsrd, Neb., Kov. 2, 1S01. To Whom It May Concern: '1 his Is Pi oertily thai I have bon-rht the third lot of Liquid Koal from the Nnllona Medical Co , and think It Ihe betirerm ds siroyar, appetizer and dlslnfectaul that bave ever used, I have bad occasion tons It on two rillterent horses thla su turner fo very severe wounds, and found It the bee and cheapest remedy! ever trie; would not be without It on my place. W. B. 'RANCH. Delmont. 8. I). I hare used vour L. K , and think It is a good preventive and disinfectant. I used lias a rtedlclue for all kinds of slock and chickens. I had two rows that were sick and would not eat and I used L. K and It helped them. I el o uaed It as a hog cholera, preventive, end think It le ell riant U. H. PATRICK. Co. ShcltloH, Iowa, York, Nk. -SELTZER, I Tiff MINISTER'S DIVIDENDS. fts44Ve It vran a queer cotiple.says a preachei in a Massachusetts town, that drove up to the parsonage door. She was tall and angular, a typical "old maid"; he wag short, fat and Jolly, with a sort or David llaruin look ahojit his eyes, He had a Htiug farm, well kept and paid for; and nhe wa known an a neat, ImlUHtriftis woman, who had brought up a family of children left orphan? hy the death of her sister. iarl cooper ansTstel toe woman from the wagon as handily ag he could with his stiff arm and aliffer knee Kho waited while lie hitched his horse, and together they entered the parson age. tiecKon you can goes what were here for. parson," he t-aid. "My sister June, who has kept house for me nigh on to thirty years, died last winter. find it's been lune.-ioiiie for me and the cowg and pigs since. M'sw Jones, here, has hoverl (hem clii'diens of her sis ter's until they've get from under her wings and gone to town. Now 'taiu'l far across-hit from my farm to hern, cntl we coin-lutled flint she can run my house, anil I can run her farm, and It would he Letter for both farm and houue. So we thought we'd Just drive over ami get you to hitch us up for i span. I'm going to be good to her am provide everything: nec'sary, and fihe'i going to ne giMKi to nie anil taKo car o mo. w neiipver you re ready, go ahead, only make it short." The ceremony passed without special Incident. After Sard had administered a sounding smack on Nancy's cheek he turned to me and sald,"Va!,par8cj), what do I owe ye'" vi en, t sum, yon can give mo whatever you choose," and 1 added with a smile, "(Jive me what you think fhe Is worth to you." in an instant las Yankee love for a trade came to the front, and fishing an old-fashioned copper cent out of his pocket, lie said, "Parson, I reckon I won't be stuck very bad If I give you inai t iiegm mn. it l lind she f) worth mure, why, you'll hear from ma again," He had the Lest of me; there was nothing more to lie said. I made the entry of ihc wedding in my private rec ord, ami wrote against It, "Fe, one cent." A year from that day Cooper drove into the yard with a cord of lino hickorv wood. "Yon remember what I told ye when I gave ye that cent? Tlie woman's do ing well, so I ihnught I'd give ye a dividend." The following anniversary he drove Into the barn with a ton of hay, and said, "'Xoliier dividend, parson. The wife is ail right," Every anniversary of the wedding during my pastorate another dividend found Its way to tlie parsonage. So In the cud my one cent became my big. gest fee. CHAMBERLAIN'S AMERICAN WIEE. A woman who la r now vert much in the public eye Is the wife of Joseph Chamberlain, England's Secre tary of State for the colonies, the "best loved and the best hated man In Great Britain." Mrs. Chamberlain, who U the statesman's third wife, was Mlsi Mary Crownlushleld Endleott, dangh ter of W. O. Endleott of Massaehu setts, Secretary of War during Presl dent Cleveland's first administration While In South Africa with her bus band recently alio rnad many friends and there are those who think thai Mr. Chamberlain's success on his mis alon of conciliation was to a great extent aserlbable to the tact of thlt erstwhile American etrl. Mrs. Cham berlaiu lg not a beautiful woman, anc it was her charm of manner and he: qualities of mind which won the lovi of the man who la generally regarded as England's coming premier. Tbcli marriage occurred in J88S. Rualnea Notice. Kx-bnnker, bovlnir been in retire ment, ia anxious i9r opportunity U art baJc Into business world; woulq take advantage of ftny openlnf, how ter small. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ultra of Ietp afOHrniag. "Mrs. Jones seems to be beartbroka. ver her hnsband'a death." "Yes, even her hair baa tamed black again." Brooklyn Life. SCIENCE IN THE KITCHEN. Thermometers and Mlcroacopea Found Ueeful bjr Housekeepers, A handy kitchen thermometer is bow among the supplies for the use of cooks of scientific mlud and for novices as well. With the thermometer's aid the ex act time for slipping a. cake into the oven tan be told. The precise moment can be determined when the tva should be Intrusted to the water, and one can asc;rlain whether or not tb" heat is too great for tlie not roast or the delicate stew. Woim u who are cooks. JUKI JDlsLL-e,KseM eomtiiiietl Tir-yse the kitchen thermometer as saving them from mistakes and nient. A kitchen microscope is the new devices. In the emb.irra.'S- nlso among washing of salads, of splimeli and other vegtii hies, of grapi'S and various other fruita, and in deciding as to the state of meats and what process of eookinu they had best be Kubji;-d to. the microscope does good servi -e. Eapeclai ly doc-s the housekeeper who is a pun food advocate prize Its aid. The household Indicator Is ano'.h -, convenience. It is u tally board tha. acts as a messenger between the cool; and fhe grocer's i,v. On the ind:a;o! is listed the entire category of suppler needed , In kitchen ma iters. from matches, salt, Soap, to eggs, butter, bacon and flour. There are smooth little pegs to be fit ted to the Mini'l holes opposite each item on the list, says the Xew Yoil. Times. If the cook when preparing a meal lindH Hint the salt is low she' rims to the indicator and sticks a prg to indicate the quantity Of salt to 1 ordered. She also sets a peg opposite each item as the various needs crop tin in the day's work. Work over, she Just puts the indicator on the tnbl ' where tlie boy can see it when lie eomesatidis free from any more bother in the matter. Flat dwellers put the handy Indicator ont.side the dt.or, and then are free to go to walk or shop, knowing that the supplies wiil be forthcoming. We Should Drink During Our Meals Dr. J. W. Carhart. in the Te:;; s Courier-Keeord of Medicine, savs that from time immemorial, so far as lie iiiows, the dogmatic teaching has ln-t-n that fluids taken with meals are in jurious. The less taken at, such time.--, therefore, tlie letter. This diet, lie dogma. In his opinion, has its basis in theory only. The sole appeal to fact tor its Knpport mat no nas ever Known has been to the habils of wild and domestic animals. I'.ut wild animals drink while feeding, where they have opportunity which Is not frequent and they generally drink as soon there after ns they can conveniently reach a watering place. Domestic animals are too generally excluded from the water trough or cooling stream while feeding. If left to themselves and amply provided for, they will frequent ly drink while eating. To fatten well they must be allowed their liberty in 1hls respect. If nnture Is to serve as guide, most thundering declarations' against dry meals. Who, says I'arhart, when eating heartily, not. experienced an overmastering her are Dr. Ima un- controllable thirst? It was not a still, small voice In the depths of the die tetic regions, to be easily hushed, but 'a tremendous outcry of nature for a refreshing beverage, which nothing but wafer-pure, sparkling, fresh and cool can silence. If a properly constructed therinome- Lter is passed into an empty stomach and again after the liberal Ingestion tf food the reading will show a con siderable rtse of temperature Imme diately after partaking of a hearty dry meal. An empty stomach is qui escent. On the Ingestion of food ac tivity begins and activity increases temperature. This develops thirst, which may become so intolerable as to he positively painful, actually inter fering with dlgeeUu.'i anil rendering progress In Ihe meal fairly Impossible. Every horseman knows that a thirsty horse will frequently refuse his feed until he has slaked his thirst. In His Ow Home, Too. , "How much do you think that story Is worth?" he asked when his wife had finished reading It. "Oh, I should think you ought to hare got 13 or ?3() for it," she re plied. "I frot $100," ho asserted proudly, ' "Dear me!" she commented, "how reckless some people nre wlih their money." Avoided Profanity. . "Your blank verse," began the ed itor. "lilank verse?" the poet Interrupted. "Why do you call it blank verso when It "Hecnuse It's against my principles to nse a stronger term." Philadelphia Press. Giving Proof In Abnndaricc. "1 hear there was some romance con nected with your marriage." "Nothing romantic about it. Our re ligions views differed, my wife main taining that the only hell there Is is upon earth nud she married me to prove It." Indianapolis News, A Huntlar Occupation. 'He's an agnostic." "Yes, but what does he do the other all dnys?"-letrolt Free Tress. All men some will tnio. are noxious for fame, but accept money ns a substl- Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wash ingtoa, D. C, Ladies Auxiliary to Burnside Post, No. 4, Q. A. R., recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "In diecases thatocme to women oaty, ae a rule, the doctor ia called in, some times several doctors, but atili matters go from bad to worse; but 1 have nevnr known of a case of female weak ness which ws.8 not helped when f.ytlia 15. I'in'sliiiin's Vegetable Compound was used faithfully. For young women who are subject to headaches, backache, irregular or pain ful periods, and nervous attacks dne to tha severe strain on the system by some orjfanic trouble, and for women ill advanced years in the most trying1 time of life, it serves to correct every trouble and restore a healthy action of all organs of the body1. " Lydia K.PiaWiam's Vegetable Compound is a household reliance in my home, and I would not be with out it. In all my experience with this medieinn, which covers years, I have found nothing to eqnal it and al ways recommend it." Mrs. Lai'kji h. Babxm. 607 Second St., N. E., Wash ington, I). C. $1000 forf-lt If drliinil of abw letter protilnq frlnuttientm cannot bt produced. Such testimony should b ac cepted by ail women as convine fusr evidence tlmt Lydla E. lIiikhm'.i Vegetable Compound stands without a p-er as a rem edy for all the distressing Ills of women. A man ii never is alone. a hypocrite wl en h k Vour Dealer fur Allen's Foot Unn, .V powder to siiake into your slioes. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore. Hot. Cnllona A,.l,in,r .Sweating feet anil Iik'rowln Allen's Koot-E.-ise miike ntw nr ti.i.f times easy. Pold liy nil drnggisfa and dum stores. 25c. Sample mniM FIJEE, .Mioreas Alien K. Olmsted. Ee I toy. N. X. Mrs. WltHow's soothing s' 1 ii teething, softens ihe tune i'KUP lor ' hi!. . reduees in a I'.lee Zju buttle tit ii on, ailuyw pa vi en res col le. IN iTH AOVA.NCED and chronic rm a cold in tlie head ia known a Kill Catarrh and "m the recognized ource of other diseases. Havinir to,,d te test of coMiiuueil successful line, i.v' Cream Iialm is recognized aa a ecifie for memhrantil diseases in the Mhal iiHfs.saL-es. It is not drvine. iloo ii- t prod ace sneezing. Price !"() cents at dni;,'im or by maii. Ely Warren street. .New York. lirothers, 50 Give np prejudice ond try it. Messrs. ELY BROS.: I hare been sffiieted with catarrh for twenty years. It made me so weak I thought 1 had con- umption. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream Halm aud in three ,days the discharge stopped. It is the best medicine I hav used lor catarrh. FRANK B. KINDLES 1'IRH. Probsrt CL OD YOU WANT YOUR MONEY TO EARN 7 PER CENT INTEREST PER ANNUM Writ m for part!?"!. of .f. Poir fnpt mpnt pay hi tr arvmi pe rr-nt on .ir. of owe hun'tred c'yllmrnurjuora. BANK KKKEUKNi''f.f. W. M. HOKK, York, Penn. i Let us labor to make the heart tfrnw liirger as we become older. " as" t e spreadinK oak Ives moie shelter. -Richnrd Jeffries. If I w,;re you, I would not worry. Just makeup your minri to do bcttur when yon get another chance, and be e n ent witn tnat. Beatrice ilarraJen. Many a new joke at winch the aud ience laughs tiproatously lias dore service for a hundred ears. Mires Rootbcer The VKilet drink for hot wealher A pensaro nakM lire KHlkins. Bold PTerywhere.orbymsn forlKj. CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Mahern, Pa. In case ov doubt, allways.lead a tiutup. This Is a good rule, in life az well az in whist. I cannot praise Piso's Cure enough for thf woriTrs It has worked in curing me. Jt. H. Seiilt-;, i:20tl Olive street, St. Louis, Mo., April 15, 1901. The Querist What do you think of the doctrine of the survival of tho fittest? The President has ordorsd depart ment chiefs to make tbe government reports shorter. He must want aomcbody to read them. NERVEsWORIN KIDNEYS. I nan's Kldnev TM1U mnka treeaom frsaa kid nor trouble noeslbla They carry a kind of molleatlan ta tha kid nays that brings a bright ray of hapa to 4aaparata oases. Ashing backs an (I 11 eamves .aaf raitt ta aava. k tawmc taa. Hip, back, and loin palaa overcame. Swatting of tha llraba and dropsy aigas vanish. LntS Ravnt, Tk. Mra. Ia W. AmmuaMn writes : " A fow waaka ago t sent for a trial box of laan'a EMary Fllla for myasir, aad tha did all tbey are aald to da. My kushaad waa kiokad la (all H AH !. f . O. TATB for free trial hn, mall this eon roe Fees -Mil barm () . Iluttalo TV. Ifalai aaalsiataatatani, HAIR GROWTH Promoted by Shampoos of Cuticura Soap j And Dressings of Cuticura the Great Skin Cure , Purest, SwNtist, Mttt Eflwttw Rniiis for Skii, telf tad Hair. This treatment at once stops falling hsir, removes crusts, scales and dan druff,deHtroya hair parasites, soothes irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies' the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon u sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when ail else falls. Millions of women now rely on Cuti cura Soap assisted by Cnticora Oint ment, the great ukin core, for preserring, purifying and beautifying the skin, foi cleansing the scalp of crnsts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for ba!y rashes, itchlngs and chaflugs, for annoying irritations, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, anti septic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all tbe pur-po-e-i of the toilet and nursery. . Cuticura remedies are the standard skin cures and humour remedies of the world. Bathe the affected parts with hot; walerand Cuticura Soap, to cleaaee the surface of crusts and Bcales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, wlthont hard rubbini;, and apply Cuticora Oint ment freely, to allay itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, in the severer forms, take Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often soffl cient to cure the most torturing, dis flijiirins; skin, pcalp and blood humours, from pimples to scrofula, from infancy to age, when all else fails. , Sold Cimnihirat Iht wnrM. Cnttcori Itsralmt. Ms fin ,?Z?, -ho'st co.m miiv.iw aravkoist. ir,eut, .V ., Sop. 2w rvpoui Ixmda.. 2? Chwtnboms ES: J piri"' '.p" ' B'"". CoIvbImm Aye. ST Ssnd tor How to Curs JCtwj H.raocx." A Ek'n of Ceauty is a joy Fore-veri T)u.7.rr,AX . ""sio"' eitiENTAr - CKEAM, K HAUIL'AL Kt.kVtir ItM. fVs, Urr,ov.'Tan,eimplfts, FrecklfS stood the tRBt of 5 T8r8. SMl If - 9H lmrnilpM we fcucte il to t eure H ie prop. erj made. A'wpl limllKr hm, Dr. I A. Sayre said to ladr of tbe OA'tt-to (s pstient): "As you ladies will use tbem, 1 reoommewd 'Dour aud's Cram' u tfcs least harmful of all IN. . Uons." Foraalebr W Al arw tha Rlrla wmmm. Paacr-Ooods Dt'alerB In the V. S., Canada aad wopev FERD. T HOPKIXS, PropT, 37 Great Jones St, N.I. cvrts wntiiE all else fails, Iuors syrup, tuim uooa. in ilmtt. Aoil by druiwViu. If afflicted with) Tt, r.TIT-i. A binning desire to fill a high place, to do somethirg unusual to attract public atfcenti n, to do that which must he accomplished with tremendous st'ain and stress of the faculties a straining after effect this morbid ambition is one of the curses of the age. Success. How would It do to alse call upon the arniy to fix the pii-e of coal. The Eitist-It is alright so far. I am still alive Kauris City . Star. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove th healim and cleansing power of Pax tinc Toilet Antiaaatlc we will mail a large trial package with bonk of in- , structions nbaolotely free. This Is not a tin samp'e but alarge package, .enough to convince anyone 'of its value. Women all ovrr Ihe coun'rv are orais- ng Paxtme lor what it bus done in local trcntment of femnlo ill", curinr; all Inflam maiion and discharg-s, wonderlul as a cleans mi; vaginal duurhe, tor sore throat, nasal ca tarrh, as a mouth wash, and to remove tartar and whiien the tceih, bend to-day; a postal . card will do. ftold toj AmtfUU er s-Mt aaetyali hy as, eeata. larae baa. SatUfHeilo HrIHa R. f-AXTuN CO., 21S Clur-u Ava .Bestoi. Mtlt. WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS I ft mum taMriaaw I la waatanOaaaaa : tke last I years. Taw saa 'raVnwB t tw eilllKal Anrl tharail tHHlt'TtU Wnndarftii rlit1 ii rwae s waaat aaa otUr rmlB en th Oo II mala, pieatr tt water aaa faal 0aa eaaa asHeat ehareaee aed epiaaiiS iailaa fealllltea, Free Homestead of 160 Acres, Free ejks on If ehsro bfilng tU for mTtry. fUa4 t tttf i nilowiHi lor ..n rstiu ttid omr iiifrKarR, am wn am. t iwr Mrtiflcfti. fiinf you rir4 mtiwn rtm, tio.i i lMrliiut)alia of frBitiii ullo. OM !. Owe., flr M WJV, MmmtK 1 Nm TnrH Life ff, MS. tha IMI&orUMi (VftMavdla www hy a home and badly hurt hia hip wan fractured and after he rauovarad ha waa la such mlaery that ha aould , hardly walk, aad to Mooa oauatd hire aueh dtatraaj that ha thotiaht be would have to qalt work alen-ft affaetad hla blaaldar, aad ha waa aa. ahla lo make hla watar with out to anorh dlatraaa. I In sisted on hit fatllag boa of your pllla aad trying tbaat, o I weat to HMoaa Drag Htora aad got s boa, Tha tint txrx hataaa Mai a i .that i got taa a wrtta aaaraa aa eaaa. the third, aad aaw ha at aa tbajlr waLn-Mfa, k m aa. Leak 1 -A - 1. f 45-