Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 14, 1903, Image 4

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4..t.3-t.H..l. 1 I I I'
on ES. Nettie, it has come to this.
W bread and butter is a scarce cuiu
modify in our house. Here we
are. three of us, and with reasonably
good appetites. Herbie Is too small to
earn anything, and you are at present
too frail to do much, my plaques and
ban l-paiufed pin-cushions don't sell,
no one wan's my worsted work. I'm
not educated up to any of the profes
sions, and can make no practical use
of my piano playing. I am loathe to
tell It. d-ar. but we are sadly In need
of da.iy lr.ad. What can we do?"
And EliMn.tr Wray went to Cie low
Couch where her invalid sister lay. and
tenderly smoothed the brown hair,
then bent to kiss the quivering lips.
; "Is it so bad as that, Eleanor? I
knew papa did not leave us much mon
ey, but had no idea "
"That we wen1 so poor. We have
this little house and the grounds, and
have no debts, and have many com
forts In the house. I have thought
carefully over it all and mean to lay
aside fancy work, plaque painting, and
the so-eailed genteel ways of earning a
livelihood and try real work."
"Oh. Eleanor, you are not lined for
St Don't you think that Charlie
jLelgh had serious Intentions of "
Ventured Nettie, looking timidly to
ward her stronger and somewhat will
ful sister, not at all certain of the re
ception of her suggestion.
, "Asking me to be his wife? No, llt
tle slater. Charlie was a pleasant es
cort and I think liked me, but as to
serious intentions, my dear, they did
inot exist, save In your lively imagina
tion. I'm not sure that I am ready for
the Prince's coming, if I am all of 20
and not married and minus a lover,
and now for my plans.
, "I am going to open a bakery, real
feomespuu everything shall be, and for
you I'll have a mending department.
jNow do not discourage me, Nettie, I
'know the Idea Is neither new nor a
.brilliant one, that this is a country
town, and all good housewives do their
own baking and mending. We are
going to give them a chance to get It
done. My bread and cake shall be so
light and sweet, that they will patron
lee the Ileal Homespun bakery in spite
of old customs."
"What will you mend?"
. "Lace curtains, collars, handker
chiefs, fine table linen, every valuablehelp. "Why not send for Eleanor
article that needs a few stitches, that
none hut a real lady and skilled lingers
can give."
, "I hope you will succeed, Eleanor,
but "
"Didn't I tell you that I wanted
your help and counsel? I am going to
begin my show window now."
Blithely, Eleanor sang at her work
bf resurrecting from the wood house an
old flower-stand, with brnad shelves.
"Just the thing," and very nicely they
looked after being cleaned and stained
a dark brown.
Eleanor was not used to rough work.
Dr. Wray had brought up his two
motherless girls tenderly, "spoiled
them," so the gossips said, and when
he died poor, there was a general
headshaklng, and "I told you so, those
extravagant girls have mined him," :
among the good people of Troy.
The shelves were fitted to the front 1
window, the panes were polished crys-
tal clear, and channingly decorated
With wheat ears, vines, feathery grass
es and evergreens.
"To-morrow I'll make my sign, and
then I'll bake up things. What a mer
cy It is that I have always liked to
bake, and was not old Kathleen a dear j
to teach me how to concoct so many
Old-fashioned things. Let me reckon
tip my capital, not much money. Net
tle, and It remains to be seen whether
I have energy or brains."
J"hree hours Eleanor spent upon her
sign, a background of dark-green moss,
"Jleal Homespun" lettered in German
text, materials delicate grasses crys
tallized In alum, the effect pretty and
graceful, the sign broad crescent
shaped and wreathed In holly leaves
and berries, made a novel and attract -?e
"shingle," as Eleanor called it
. At any rate it will contrive to tell
the public "that bread and buns are
sold within, and now for my baking."
Nearly all her scanty means was in
rested In flour, molasses, sugar and
materials needed. An afternoon's hard
work, and her "stock" was ready.
"This very night I'll put up my shingle
and arrange my wares. Won't there
be some dazzled eyes in the morning?
Just think what the stately Misses
Wray have come to," mimicked Elea
nor as she laughed a little hysterically,
or so It sounded to Nettle.
A large wooden bread tray wreathed
In ground pine, filled with crisp ginger-snaps
reposing upon snowy nap
kins, bail the center and most honored
place, upon each side pretty china fnilt
dishes of lady's fingers sst. A great
blue china pis i ter that had held for
generations past the Wray's Thanks
giving turkey held the "twisters," as
Eleanor railed them, while squares of
ginger-bread In china platf were
placed promiscuously. "The 4a ns and
cream biscuit must be frasb and go
in to-morrow morning. Now for ma
ahlngte." and she fastened It securely.
"It looks little and mean, and oar
young friends will laugh, and likely rut
v aoquain!artce, hot. really, Nettle,
li was the only thing I coald think of."
Tha Irst customer was Lawyer Curt,
bacbrter. and said to be a Nttta
to Va ImsImm. "Lot aaa ha to
f eat gingerbread. gfasMa, Msg
f"-!tx If CachtoCy
1 Hi I ! 'H-H1 ! -I- -I- -h -1- ! !' 't-
lve than those my landlady serves
No one came all the aftPiuoon. Elea
nor was forced to hpar jests at licr
expense liy some gay young friends,
and her old escort, Charlie Leigh,
passed with Bessie Carr, a pretty
blonde, not noted for her Intellect, hut
she was rich or her parents were, and
Charlie was one of her admirers. It
was hard for the refined, high-spirited
girl to nir there, a bread and cake
vender, lo be laughed at and scorned
by those who had in palmier days
con.-tcd her society.
"Jamie" Brown's sharp eyes were
taking in the town, and the uew "bake
shop" caught his fancy. He had not
had a good dinner, "mother" hail an
acute attack of neuralgia, and he
wasn't at all sure of a good supper.
When he looked In the kitchen there
sat Mrs. Brown swathed In shawls,
and full of twinges of pain.
"Jamie, you an' yer pap'll hev to do
the best yuii can for supper, 'I've took
bad again, with the pain."
'Can't I o to the new bakeshop of
Mi.s Wray and get somethin'."
"The bake shop. Miss Eleanor Wray
do you mean?" asked Mrs. Brown, so
much surprised as to almost forget the
"Yes, Miss Wray. Gim'me pome
money an' let me get bread an' cake."
Jamie was a libera! buyer, his fath
er like most blacksmiths possessed a
good, healthy appetite, and whoever
knew the small boy to not be hungry?
"Proper goixl bread this, but it beats
my time; Miss .Eleanor Wray got a
bake shop," said the still dazed Mrs.
Slowly the sales Increased. Real
Homespun bread, cake and tans were
lecoming popular, and orders were
coming to the mending department.
aim .eiuo mm more man sne count
do, also took pupils in Kensington
work. Together, the sisters earned
bread and nutter for themselves and
Herbie, and ofreti had jam with I), but
expenses were a great deal, and the
baking days were wearing Eleanor's
strength away.
She procured a strong girl to assist
her, which lightened the toil very
much, yet 'twas bard for her.
Charlie Leigh's mother was to give
a dinner party, and sighed for trained
Wray and order the dinner, at least
part of it, from her. She gives excel
lent satisfaction in her line, and Ileal
Homespun edibles are very popular
now," said a friend.
'If it was not that old affair with
Charles, I should not hesitate to ask
her to do It, but a girl like Eleanor
Wray "
"Nonsense:" She advertises her
wares and of course does not think of
Charles now. Is he engaged to Bes
sie?" "Yes, and we are delighted; It's on
her account we are having this dinner
party. I want It especially nice.
believe I will write to Eleanor," and
the note was written and dispatched,
"Will I go, Nettie? Of course I
shall, and mean to decorate the table
in my best style, and get up the dinner
in Keal Homespun style, with a little
modern dash about It."
"But they say it is given in honor
of Charlie's engagement to Bessie
Carr. It is an insult to ask It of you,"
said Nettie Indignantly.
"Never mind, dear, let's not think
any more about It," replied Eleanor,
feigning a coolness and Indifference
she did not feel.
Carte blanche was given her, no ex
pense was to be spared, and for days
Eleanor with her assistants were busy
preparing for the Leigh dinner.
The eventful day came, and Eleanor
went on with her work mechanically.
In the parlor was Bessie Carr, the pet
ted and honored- guest, the silvery
laugh rang out merrily. Eleanor shiv
ered when she thought of her own po
sition, a common servant, when only a
sliort time since Charlie Leigh had al
most made her believe (not by words)
that the Leigh home was not complete
without her. How soon he had forgot
ten her, and for Bessie Carr.
Bravely she performed her task, lis
tened to Mrs. Iflgh's praises of her
skill and thanks for the "great favor,"
received the money due her. and went
home. Bessie's laughter and the tink
ling of the piano, all was painful to
Iter and she was glad to leave it behind
"Here It Is. my wages," said Eleanor
as she tossed the crisp hills Into Net
tle's lay. a curious, burning sensation
In hef oytlids, and a feverish glow
non e.ien Mieek.
"It. has been too much for you, dear."
said Nettle with tender solicitude.
'No, it baa not and let me tell you
atsiut It. The dinner was a success,
everybody smiling and charming.
Charlie was his usual delxmalr self,
papa and mamma Ielgh were beam
ing, while I. the caterer, and "
"Eleanor, you are not well, you must
"Yes. I will. Nettle. I ran afford to
shut up shop a few hours now," and
she left Nettle alone.
"Poor Eleanor. It was hard for her.
I do believe that she ""red for Char
lie Leigh, In spite of tier light-beam
If Eleanor bad suffered through the
night no traces were left neat morn
lag. he was as tender toward the frail
later and little brother, and aaag al
most gleefully at her work.
The "Real Homaspun" bakery
boasts of a more splendid appearam
now, Eleanor, a stately looking worn,
an, yet sends out her buns and tarts.
The mending department does not
flourish, as Eleanor will not allow
Nettie to exert ber feeble strength In
such work. "Herbie." a pale, intellec
tual, studious lad. Is the pride of both1
The poor little eres-eut "sign" gave
place to a masterpiece of a needy but
talented artist, while the plate glass
windows display choice wedgewood
ware, and willow patterned plates bold
"twisters" much like those of old, and
still retain the nutty flavor that made
them so popular with the small boy
and lxys of larger growth "who thought
they "tasted Just like those grandmoth
er used to make." Prosperous days
have come to Eleanor, and happy ones,
too. A busy life and well sjent one
thus far has bvn Eleanor Wray's.
The Housewife.
They Take to Their Father's Line oi
liualness nith Kate,
The two' sons of J. J. Hill. "Jim"
and "Lou," have knuckled down to
work since their difys In Yale, and
their father Is proud of their records
as railroad men in the teu years since
he set their respective noses to the
grindstone. Both have risen to respon
sible positions in the Great Northern
system, and have shown themselves
worthy of their resjxmsibiliiics with
out what they used to call the "old
man's pull."
Youg "Jim" Ifil! made 'his lirst hit
as a possible railroad magnate hen he
was in college. In those salad days
he was not a hard student, ami had
several painful Interviews with an un
sympathetic faculty at times. It does
no barm In the light of his success .to
record that a warning or Uvo were sent
to the president of the Great Northern
system, to the effect that more studi
ous application was necessary on. the
part of the undergraduate In question
or his college career might be 'frosted.
Summer vacation was near nt hand,
and young "Jim" Ilill did not view
with enthusiasm his probable reception
at home. His father had taken the
question too seriously for comfort, and
had threatened a disastrous embargo
on the vacation budget of expenses.
A master stroke averted the crisis.
A thesis was due in the Shellicld Sci
entific school course, and one of the
list of topics offered was "The Effect
of Transportation Systems on the
Growth of Cities." Young "Jim" Hill
auiiouiicd, "Here is' where 1 save my
life." He fors-iok his cheerful haunts
for the university library. He dug out
statistics by the ear load, and sought
chiefly Information about the great
Northwest He compiled and condens
ed, and clipped and copied, and sweat
ed, until the result was a thesis that
showed in at least a dozen different
conclusive ways that the safety of the
solar system depended on railway de
velopment, and that the Northwest,
of all other parts of the Inhabited
globe, had been developed by railroads,
and the Great Northern system In par
ticular. The thesis passed the faculty with
flying colors, and was then carefully
forwarded by registered mall, well
ahead of the home-coming of the au
thor. J. J. Hill was delighted. 'He
slew the fatted calf and when "Young
Jim" returned to New Haven in the
fall he announced that he had had the
summer of his life, and a chartered
yacht as a token of parental esteem.
"It was the hit of my life," said he.
"Dad has me figured out as the wisest
material for a railroad man that ever
came down the track. 'Transportation
and the Growth of Cities,' well, I
guess. Couldn't have landed harder if
I had studied every day since I was a
Not long ago a classmate of the Hill
tKiys asked their father while In New
York how they were getting along.
"You ought to see them," said Presi
dent Hill, with a chuckle. "Why, Jim
and Ixju are regular little old men
these days." New York Mall and Ex
press. ,
Him Style of Haircut.
An elderly and rather Irritable gen
tletnan entered a barlicr's parlor to
have bis balr trimmed. All the seats
were occupied. He was about to leave
when a voluble operator persuasively
remarked: "Ready in a minute, sir."
Reassured, the customer at down,
picked up a paper, and absently began
to peruse It Meanwhile the bar!er ex
hibited an extraordinary Ioqaelousness,
discussing the merits of race horses,
the possibilities at Saratoga, and vari
ous other subjects. Finally he Invit
ingly offered the vacated chair to the
old gentleman.
"How would you like your hair cut?"
the barber Inquired.
"In perfect silence, please," was the
curt and Ironical reply.-Philadelphia
Public Idger.
Ethel -You say Algy has been heart
lessly deceived by a young woman.
Did she lead bin) on to think that sbs
loved llllll?
May-Oli, no. She led him on to be
lieve that she didn't care a rap for
him, and then when he carelessly pro
posed accepted libit on the spot
1 tea Mr looklng lor Work.
Gritty George Lady, I hear dat yet
enekoo clock is out of order,
The Lady-What of that?
Gritty George-Well, I Just want to
say dat I'll sit around an' do de cuckoo
In' every hour fcr me board and lodg
Id'. I'm always wlllln' to work. Phil,
adelpbla Press.
Conscientious reformer Anally coma
to the conclusion that reform If impos
sible. Help Is often only another aama for
Bussell Sage, the aged tiuaiiclor, in
a very able article printed In New
York, defines the secret of his success
and tells yoiini men how to succeed.
He Bifys:
"A young man to succeed must
necessarily have a definite- Idea of
wbt he wants to do, and i..ust con
tinually keep it In-fore h's mind. He
must work as hard as he can to ac
complish it. and must not be dismayed
or turu from h s course by discourage
ments. What measure of success may
have 1 en-- reached Us -jiiy long-life
has been due almost entirely to these
four things.
"1 have been a very busy man for
almost .seventy years, and 1 am ab
solutely convinced that a young man
who makes up his mind to succeed
almost Invariably will do so. if he
Is made of the right material and
concentrates all his efforts with the
one purpose In view.
"I have one sincere word of advice
for any young man who desires to
succeed and it is this: That under no
clrcumslances should he yield to the
temptation of gambling' In stocks.
Now. I do not mean by this that he
should never seek success through
the medium of speculation, but. rather,
that he should always observe some
business method In all his dealings.
When sound, good-paying stocks are
low tie might do well to buy them
as an investment only, but not other
wise. The fever of speculation has
been the ruin of thousands of young
men and the wreck of many fortunes,
and It will continue to cast wrecks
by the wayside as long as most of
us are mad to get rich quickly.
"A young man who really and earn
estly desires to succeed should never
waste any time In dissipation. He
should, of course, allow himself the
necessary amount of recreation and
rest and he should try to live a
healthy, regular life., He should try
to acquire regular habits that Is, sleep
and eat at the same hours each day
and night so as to keep in perfect
physical health. Then he should make
a rule each week to put by a certain
amount of his earnings and acquire
the habit of saving. There are very
few men who are not able to make a
dollar, but the making of a dollar Is
not the most Imiortant thing. It la
far more Important to know bow to
save it
"All a young man has to do is to
work hard and save money. That
'may sound very easy, but it Is the
main point. It is not saving alone
that counts; It Is knowing how to
save. No one should stint himself
of anything really needful. The fault
of most of our young men of to-day
Is that they do not stick close enough
to business. The man who always
tries to get off as easy as pofslble,
and when working for others does as
little as possible for the wages be
receives, will never get ahead and
never amount to anything in life.
. "Every young man should through
all bis business career constantly keep
In mind the parable of the faithful
servant In the nineteenth chapter of
St. Luke and the reward given to him:
'Because thou hast been faithful in a
very little have thou authority over
ten cities.'"
Mr. Sage Is In good health, goes
regularly to his office each day and
looks after bis many Interests as close
ly as be did ten years ago.
An Kar Thins to Hrenb the Law and
(Hill Mean No Krll.
Even in a free country such as this
there are things that one may not own
or have in his or her possession, how
ever Innocent may be the Inb-nt Pos
session frequently may nit an 'bgnl
entanglement slid State or National
Government must be reckoned with.
For Instance, a garden full of Cana
da thistles Is calculated to make a
deal of trouble for the owner of the
ground, even though he may not know
a Canada thistle from a currant bush.
These thistles are persona non grata
n the United States generally and a
substantial flue awaits the " person
who allows the weed to grow upon
ground under his control.
It Is not a good thing for the citizen
to make a collection of burglars' tools,
however scientific may lie his study
of the criminal classes, for In the mere
possession of them the law concedes
that the bolder has ulterior motives
regarding tnetn. At any rate It T
anlres a good round sum to make sucb
' a collection, as frequently a single
tool ont of a kit may cost $25. If
some burglar should bo scared out of
your bouse, leaving his kit or any
portion of It, aafe place In which
to put It la the nearest police station.
; The United States Uovernmrnt will
make trouble for you If jou bar nay
portions of a brewing or distilling
plant. Beer rata and dlsttlllag kettle
may not be used for sny other pur
pose than brew and distilling, and if
a pertsoa should go only ao far as to
make a biithtnh out of one or the
other of them he would be Incurrins
the displeasure of his government
Possession of counterfeit money Is
a felony. It is presumed that a man,
woman or child should be able to de
termine whether a coin or bill Is gen
uine, and the attempt to pass it may
be followed by extreme consequences.
if you should be at a country rail
road station and see a mail pouch
lying on a rail, where the incoming
train would cut It In two, you would
better let il i'e Touching a pouch of
United States me !1 with even a "foot
is a technical crime, and It Is alto-1
getlier owing to the disposition of the1
postmaster and the United States mar
shal of the district how much trouble
may be made for you. t
Altogether the postal department
has some stringent regulations. If
you receive a Fetter from a friend on
which the stamp is not canceled It I
agnlnst a specific statute for you to
pluck off the stamp and use It again.
There are several kinds of vigorous
language which you cannot transmit!
by leitir.
While one may not touch a mail
pouch, it is different with a letter
which a carrier has delivered at the
address on the envelope. Dropping
the Utter at the place marked, the car
rier absolves his government from any
oilier responsibility, ami if aft-r the
letter has been delivered another per
son takPS It and opens It there Is no
recourse through the I'ostotfice lie
pari incut.
Carrying cone nk-d (badly weapons
almost universally is against the pro
visions of both State statutes and city
ordinances. In this connect ion them
Is a queer fact concerning the carry
ing of a revolver In some places. If
a man has one In his pocktt and U
arrtsted Incidentally on suspicion baj
was locked up and assessed the usual
fine: If he chances to be carrying ona
and Is attacked by thugs he may usa
the weapon, killing one or two of hi
assailants, and not even be arrested.
Some Facte About the Position Which
Reed and Hen lemon Qut
Among the earliest duties which
wilt d.-volve upon the recently elect
ed members of the Fifty-eighth Con
gress will be the choice of a speaker,
and present Indications make It prob
able that the speaker will be chosen
from the West.
The speaker of the Klfty-sevenin
Congress, David B. Hend.win, was
the lirst to be chosen from the terri
tory west of the Mississippi.
The first speaker was V. A. Mub-
leubuig of Pennsylvania. The post oj
speaker was held In the Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-Ufth Congresses by Jamei
K. Polk, afterwards President.
Speakers of the House of Represen
tatives who have been candidates fol
President are unmirous and lncludi
Henry Clay, John Bell and James G,
Blaine. Schuyler Colfax, after having
been speaker, waa Vice President ol
the United States.
The old st surviving speaker Is Ga
lusha A. Grow, born in 1S21, ant
speaker from isi;i to ls'i.1.
The lust Democratic speaker, Charlei
F. Crisp, was u native of Englaml,
One surviving spmker, John G. Cap
lisle, though elected Represelitathl
In Kentucky, is now a resident of thi
City of New York.
There has never be n a speaker from
the Puclflc coast, and it is a somewhat
curious circumstance that Ohio
though pre-eminent In marly all othe
political olllces. h.is had in lhe coun,
try's history but one speaker, John W,
Kelfer, who served only a single term.
The State of New York has had ni
speaker since the close of the Nlne
teenth Congress in 1SU7, though New
Y'ork has been during the whole ol
that p-rlod the most populous SUti
and the one having the largest Con.
gressloual representation.
The speaker of the Fifty-eighth
Congress when chosen will preside
over a larger number of members ol
Congress tftan any of bis predeces
sors, the total membership of the next
House being 31.
Tbey Are Knowing IllrtU.
"The sparrow Is certainly a know
ing bird," said a man who Is employed
at the Clrurd Point grain elevators.
"He can figure out a 4hlng for him
self In a way that is astonishing.
Down around the elevators there ara
thousands of them who feed on tho
grains of wheat that fall U the ground
but recently we haven't been getting
any wheat. In fact, for some tlmij
past we haven't been handling any
thing but corn.
"Now. a kernel of com Is rather to
Jther toi
low, Uoi
of t heni
large for a sparrow to swallow
Just the same I watched a lot
picking up tho kernels the other da 4
and what do jou suppose they did wltl
them? You will hardly believe mo
when I tell you. but It's gospel truth.
Each sparrow flew over to the railroad
and carefully deposited his kernel of
corn on the rail. Then they mi hopped
around and chattered until a shifting
engine came along. After It had pass-
ed the corn was ground into meal and
the sparrows ate It. Don't tell me a
sparrow hasn't any bra Ins." Phila
delphia Record.
Null In If.
"So Graphter Is out of politics now.')
"Nonsense! Who told von thaiv
"He did. lie told me to-day that be1
doesn't take any stock In politics nowsj
"Kiactly. Moat of the stock be took)
proved worthless. lie bolds out for that
long green now." Philadelphia I'resi
-,a vi wwi, win-
Ma ayar K.
Dr. Lyman Ablwtt is now at wort
in a biography of Henry Ward Beech-
Thin paper editions of standard
sorks, bound in limp leather, are
rowing in favor with English pub
dsbers. ,
The Lothrop-JMiblisbkig Company la
mes Irving Bacheller's third novel,
"Darrel of the Blessed Isles." It deals
s-ith life In the north before the war.
8. It. Crockett's latest story. "Strong
JLic," is a tale of lire on the moors of
kotland. with a later shifting of
icene to Spain during the peninsula
E. P. Dutton & Co. have just pub
lished the new lunik on "Italy and the
Italians," by Edward Hutton. whose
"studies in the Lives of the Saints"
...... iili-riii.l,- ..,.,.1.. r.ii.i.l.1,1 esoiimnnt
J. II .IM-.OI.I lll.OI- lu i i.i- ......... .... ,
The Seriluiers announce"a novel by
Frances Powell entitled "The House
on the Hudson." This maiden work of
new writer is described as "blending
the characteristics of a detective story
with those of a passionate and force
ful (Ira ma of love." '
.Mary f'alhi-iine Crowley, the' au
thor of "The Heroine of the Strait," a '
romance of Detroit in the time of Fun
liac, has writ fen another novel with
its scenes laid in that Interesting sec
t.ou. but with tin- war of lsi'JI for tho
historical background.
Richard Badger, will issue the
only adequate rendering obtainable of
Tainihauser," the romance upon which
Wagner's most famous opera Is based,
!t being translated in a bold and spirit
ed manner from the original German
by Charles ft. Kendall.
Miss Ottilie Liljencranlz, the author
of "The Thrall of I.eif the Lucky,"
... . , ... ..i i
lias w l inen niioiiiei- 11110111-41 110 ci.
Till- time she has chosen the period
of the Danish conquest of Britain forV
her theme and has decided to call the
tale "The Ward of King Canute."; -It
will be published at an early date by
A. C. McClurg & Co.
MeCiure, Phillips Jt Co. announce
"The Blue Goose," by Frank I. Na
son, author of "To the End of the
'Trail." It is a story of mines and min
ers In the gold regions of the Itockies.
Since Bret Hnrte wrote of the "Forty
NIners" in California and along t!
transcontinental trail the mining world
lias completely changed. ,
It will probably be a surprise to
many to be told that Joseph Conrad,
tho author of "Youth," Is not writing
In his native tongue when he writes
In English. Mr. Conrad Is. It seems,
a Pole, and was born In a southern
province or Poland. His father was a
,,.,tA1 vfttl, ftt.tl rirutt tt-lirt 1 1 111
JUL, l V.IL.V "l" I"" M " -J- r
patriotic review at Warsaw. Q
"Konald Carnaquay, a Commercial
Clergyman," a novel on the press for
early Issue hy the Macmlllan Com-
nan v. will tl ml munv readers. 1 ue .
never-failing humor and pathos of a
pastor's relations with his congrega
tion. 'his trustees and some of the
women of his "flock have been skillfully
kindled by the author. Bradley GII
tiuin. '
For the last twenty years hardly a
spring has gone by that has not wel
comed a new volume of short stories
from the pen of Bret Ilarte. His death
last May brought many expressions of
regret that this annual contribution to
good Oct Ion could no longer go on. Mr.
Jlarte's literary executors have found,
however, that he left material ready
for one more book, which will he pub
lished under the title of "Trent's
Trust." It contains seven stories. In
which some of the favorite characters
lave one more word to say.
iilrds and Commerce.
The fact that the government of Inv
dla has Just decided that no more bird
kkins and pluraage shall be exported
gives satisfaction to bird lovers every
where. The reason given for the gov
ernment's decision Is that, ow lug to tha
jwbolcKnle destruction of birds, destruc
tive Insects haf'e It nil lhelr own way,
and crops In India have suffered alarm
ingly from this cause.
The feather trade Is an Important
part of the commerce of London, as any
one who has seen the London and India
Docks warehouse during a fealher sale
can realize. The supply from India
alone is enormous.
Picture veritable mountains of the
feathers of the green parrot, which Is
a favorite with the plumfisser on ac
count of Its adaptability. Green, shim
jncring hills of millions of feathers that
Inot long ago were the proud possession
hf the gleaming denlr.ens of the Indian
woodlands, and through the glorious
green a shimmer of scarlet, that Ix-nu-tiful
red vhlch. for a brilliance, Is not
surpassed anywhere In nature.
The effect of slopping (his trade
meaus greater prosperlly for lhe ostrich
fanners In South Africa, nud possible
legislative action n lo the destruction
of bird In (he south of Europe.
The Ileal ( aiaeiroph.
"My dear!" said a frightened hua
band in the middle of lhe night, shak
ing bis wife, "where did you put that
bottle of strychnine V ..- ,
"On the shelf next (a the pepper
mint." .
"Ob. Iird!" be groaned, "I've swal
lowed let" 1
"Well, far goodness sake," whlsparad
bis wife, "keen nulls or t-oa'll wmhm
(he boy. -Philadelphia Ledger,
If a woman makes really good braad,
be sbonld keep tb fact a svcraVar tha
other woman wU feata bar.
' i'" I
5.-V ,